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Post-trauma and the Recovery Governance of Cultural Heritage

by Toshiyuki Kono Junko Okahashi

This book successfully represents the indispensable interdisciplinarity of viewpoints by its authors combining legal perspectives with architectural and anthropological approaches. With the observation and analysis presented here, this book is the first to demonstrate research-based governance solutions for cultural heritage within the process of recovering from traumatic events. Its opening statement is that universal international standards are not effective enough for the specific situations of disaster-struck places.A major objective of this monograph is to allow its readers to go through a learning experience, from plural cases where reconstruction of cultural heritage became central to rebuilding a post-disaster society. This book introduces Japan as the most disaster-prone country, with a long history of confronting and overcoming the power of nature, resulting in its unique solutions for cultural heritage resilience and sustainability. But how do leadership and decision making become efficient in times of recovery? Bearing in mind what may be lacking in Japanese practices, this work also presents comparable governance models from other countries which indicate alternative solutions.While a traumatic event may occur within one night, the process of recovery could last for decades. Such disasters also tend to recur. In order that directly affected communities can sustain resilience throughout the long recovery period, and that equally severe social trauma will not be repeated, a continuous, well-maintained governance response is required, whether grounded in local knowledge or national policy frameworks. At the heart of this book is the matter of the reconstruction process involving networks of small and large communities. Each of those has a role that becomes operational through linkages of contacts, the interchange of knowledge and skills, and above all through the sharing of common goals.

The First 100 Days of Covid-19: Law and Political Economy of the Global Policy Response

by Aleksandar Stojanović Luisa Scarcella Christina R. Mosalagae

This book provides a novel in-depth study of the early pandemic response policy at the intersection of political economy and law. It explores: (1) whether the responses to COVID-19 were democratically accountable; (2) the ways in which new surveillance and enforcement techniques were adopted; (3) the new monetary and fiscal policies which were implemented; (4) the ways in which employed and unemployed persons were differently impacted by the new policies; and (5) how companies were economically sustained through the pandemic. A compelling look at what happens to societies when disaster strikes, this book will be of interest to legal scholars, political scientists and economists.

The Defaulting State and the South China Sea Arbitration

by Alfredo C. Robles Jr.

This book focuses on the legal and procedural problems caused by China’s default in the South China Sea Arbitration. Many of these problems arose because in several respects, China departed from the conduct of other defaulting States in cases before the International Court of Justice. The book argues that the Tribunal, confronted with the difficulties of maintaining the balance between two parties in a situation of default, drew on the full range of its powers to ensure that neither China nor the Philippines would suffer from China’s default. Further, the book describes the shortcomings of the submissions of putative amicus curiae. It refutes China’s questioning of the independence and impartiality of the experts and of the judges. In so doing, it explains the expert opinions and the Tribunal ’s assessments of the latter in the areas of satellite imagery, coral reef ecology, and navigational safety, while rebutting the half- truths and counter-truths disseminated by Chinese scholars about the proceedings. The book compares China’s threats to the independence of the Tribunal to its behavior towards Chinese judges. It places China’s accusations of bias against the Tribunal in the context of China’s domestic situation, and concludes that the Tribunal, acting independently and impartially, was able to perform the judicial function, despite China’s default.

Design Evolution and The Law: Protecting Product Designs Today and Tomorrow

by Vladimir Samoylov

This book focuses on product design which is evolving conceptually and practically with advances in technology. Product design is no longer solely about product stylization and decoration, but rather about providing a holistic product experience for the consumer. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, product designs will increasingly communicate not only to our eyes, but to our other senses as well.This book examines the frameworks for the protection of product designs in New Zealand and Australia and evaluates the appropriateness of expanding legal mechanisms for the accommodation of product design evolution. The value of more holistic design protection is balanced against other important considerations such as the “right to repair".The book not only anticipates the extent to which product design will cater to senses other than visual, but also provides a novel framework (with reference to industry examples) for discerning originality in such work for the purposes of copyright. This book also makes suggestions for how designs can be protected from foreseeable infringement (analogous to copyright infringement of music and movies on file sharing networks) resulting from future advances in technologies such as 3D printing and virtual reality.

The Chinese Path Toward a Leaner Government

by Yining Li Zhiqiang Cheng

This book focuses on the administration streamlining aligned with the market-oriented reform process in China. The book is divided into two parts. The first part clarifies why administration is necessary and important, what it covers, and how to deal with the relation between the central and the local governments. The second part presents empirical analysis in specific areas, including agricultural reform, fiscal reform, government reform and education reform, and a series of decentralization reforms. This book is a collective wisdom from Peking University and is edited by Chinese economist Yining Li.

The Medico-Legal Development of Neurological Death in the UK

by Kartina A. Choong

Diagnosis of death by neurological criteria (DNC) is a construct which has been part of the British medico-legal landscape for nearly half a century. This book examines the factors behind its emergence, and discusses the various changes that took place in the last few decades that culminated in the current definition and clinical criteria for determining brain-based death. It highlights the continuities and discontinuities in practice, and the impact they have on the issue of withdrawal of mechanical ventilation in intensive care units and on the field of organ transplantation. The book also explores the law’s response to the introduction and development of DNC in clinical practice. It demonstrates how the legitimacy of the definition and criteria used by the medical profession were forged in the courtroom rather than in Parliament. It documents why case law were introduced in court, and assesses whether organ donation was a consideration in the deliberations. It will be emphasised that courts have given insufficient consideration to requests made in recent cases to consider a broader range of methods to determine death. Those pleas were made on the grounds that the definition and criteria used in the UK are dissimilar to those used in other jurisdictions that also adopt DNC; and that faith communities have a different understanding of death. By taking a close look at those other approaches before highlighting the inherent limitations of the courtroom as the forum that confers DNC its legitimacy, the book puts forward the argument that the democratic process should be engaged.

Balance and Limitation of Intellectual Property Protection in China: The Latest Law Amendments and Judicial Development Under Micro-comparative Perspectives

by Chenguo Zhang

The book focuses the openness of Chinese copyright law and patent law, namely the right limitation and exception rules (as the IP-internal balancing mechanism) and the right enforcement and protection (as the IP-external balancing mechanism). It examines the highlights of the 3rd and 4th amendments to the Chinese copyright law, patent law and the trademark law, addressing the most debated questions during these amendments. This book also takes a comparative approach to study the legislations and case laws in the USA, EU and China. The comparison covers the legislation, case decisions, which could offer useful clues for legislators to revise the current law, for judges to decide the cases about relevant topics and lay down their market plans. Moreover, this study also provides several recommendations for the right holders who are currently operating or planning to operate in China, regarding the de facto protection levels of their IP rights, the risks of right infringement and litigation costs as well as the trend of the goalsetting in their intellectual property strategy.

Women Farmers: Unheard Being Heard (Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa)

by Sugandha Munshi Madhulika Singh

This edited volume celebrates the positive stories and small changes happening with respect to gender equality in the field of agriculture. This book identify crisis which a woman faces in the field of agriculture as a farmer. The book shares unsung stories of women farmers who are bringing change at the grassroots. It puts together the positive developments experienced by the experts, researchers, professional while working for and with women farmers, to highlight the challenges to bring equity in agriculture. Women in agriculture often lack identity where either they are recognized as farmer’s wife or a farm labourer. Women farmers who contribute 60 percent in to farm practices like sowing, transplanting, fertilizer application, weeding, harvesting, winnowing are merely recognised and provided an equal level playing field. Women are also found participating in the various forms of processing and marketing of agriculture produce, along with the cultivation but system has failed to protect their rights and offer them a platform to voice their concerns. This book shares the process, challenges, experience, strategy from the narrative of progressive women farmers so as to highlight and understand what it takes to bring changes for achieving the goals of an equitable farming ecosystems. The book is a relevant reading material for students, researchers, professionals and policy advocates in agriculture and gender research.

Sports Management in an Uncertain Environment (Sports Economics, Management and Policy #21)

by Bhaskar Basu Michel Desbordes Soumya Sarkar

This edited book delves into several aspects of sports and sports management from a vantage of uncertainty and turbulence unleashed initially by COVID-19. The book, divided into three broad sections, deals in strategy and governance of sports organizations, use and evolution of technology in sports, and sports consumption and media. It starts from the backdrop of how sport assumed a new-found importance in people's lives while reeling under several phases of pandemic-induced lockdowns. Consumers felt how integral sports was in their lives when there were no live games to watch and bond on. Players, leagues, organizers, and media are still recovering, along with viewers, as sports makes a tentative comeback in our lives. COVID-19 was a precursor of the disruptions to come. Both the supply and demand sides have taken note of those disturbances to prepare themselves for any such potential derailments. The organizations, franchises, athletes, media, health care, logistics on sports have been reworking their strategies to keep coping with uncertainties. On the other hand, the consumers have transformed their sports consumption behavior over these two years, aided by the enormous technological changes. Such a backdrop paved the way for researchers to understand how the sports industry has dealt with this impact and has rediscovered itself to take its coveted spot. This book is a snapshot of several global sports changes and how they continue to evolve in an increasingly turbulent and uncertain world. It will be a rich resource not only for academics studying sports management, but also event management organizations, administrators, and policymakers.

A Sociotheological Approach to Catholic Social Teaching: The Role of Religion in Moral Responsibility During COVID-19

by Vivencio O. Ballano

This book introduces Catholic social teaching (CST) and its teaching on the common good to the reader and applies them in the realm of public health to critically analyze the major global issues of COVID-19 that undermine public interest. It uses the sociotheological approach that​ combines the moral principles of CST and the holistic analysis of modern sociology and also utilizes the secondary literature as the main source of textual data. Specifically, it investigates the corporate moral irresponsibility and some unethical business practices of Big Pharma in the sale and distribution of its anti-COVID vaccines and medicines, the injustice in the inequitable global vaccine distribution, the weakening of the United States Congress’s legislative regulation against the pharmaceutical industry’s overpricing and profiteering, the inadequacy of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) law enforcement system against corruption, and the lack of social monitoring in the current public health surveillance system to safeguard the public good from corporate fraud and white-collar crime. This book highlights the contribution of sociology in providing the empirical foundation of CST’s moral analysis and in crafting appropriate Catholic social action during the pandemic. It is hoped that through this book, secular scholars, social scientists, religious leaders, moral theologians, religious educators, and Catholic lay leaders would be more appreciative of the sociotheological approach to understanding religion and COVID-19. “This book brings into dialogue two bodies of literature: documents of Catholic social teaching, and modern sociology and its core thinkers and texts...The author does especially well to describe how taking ‘the sociotheological turn’...will benefit the credibility and dissemination of Catholic social thought.”- Rev. Fr. Thomas Massaro, S.J., Professor of Moral Theology, Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California.

Organizing-for-Innovation: Corporate Governance in a Digital Age (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation)

by Mark Fenwick Erik P.M. Vermeulen Toshiyuki Kono Tronel Joubert

This book argues that large corporations need to implement governance practices and processes that make them better innovators and that the challenge is to identify organizational principles and practices that provide the best chance of delivering innovative products to create a meaningful consumer experience. In this context, it is important to recognize that when we address organizational forms, we are not thinking of corporate governance in the sense of managing agency costs and ensuring regulatory compliance, but the more pressing business task of putting in place organizational systems and processes that facilitate value creation through continued and sustained innovation. The book examines how the contemporary concept and discourse of corporate governance may be obsolete or, at least, is increasingly disconnected from the needs and realities of the most innovative firms today. The concept of organizing for innovation—identifying process and practices that deliver the best opportunities for innovation—needs to take centre stage. This book aims to contribute to the nascent debate in this area by bringing together a series of chapters that examine various issues related to organizing for innovation.

The Doraleh Disputes: Infrastructure Politics in The Global South (Global Political Transitions)

by Benjamin Barton

This book focuses on underexploited data drawn from various legal disputes over the Doraleh Container Terminal in order to paint a portrait of SSC when it comes to infrastructure financing and construction in Africa as provided both by the UAE and China. By producing a detailed account of the drivers behind these disputes as well as the broader political outcomes they have generated, this study provides invaluable conceptual and empirical lessons on the contemporary meaning of SSC. In doing so, it helps readers garner a more acute understanding of the role played by Global South states and the private sector (SOEs) against the backdrop of SSC.

Europe and Asia as a Legal Area for Fundamental Rights

by Masahisa Deguchi Kimio Yakushiji

This book explores the possibility of an Asian legal sphere based on the model of Europe. It features articles written by leading experts from Europe and Asia. After centuries of violent conflicts, Europe began a process of integration which leads to 75 years of peace and a community with the common values of freedom, fundamental rights, and the rule of law. But the circumstances that lead to the unification of Europe differ from current-day Asia: Besides the huge economic gaps between neighboring countries and a wide variety of political forms of government, Asia also does not share the unifying narrative of post-WWII Europe.From an economic point of view, Asia is a highly developed region; despite the differences between the political systems, the region has grown together—economically and in recent times also politically. However, the legal systems of the respective countries have not created the necessary conditions for a peaceful coexistence. Can Europe be a model for Asia? Based on the history and development of the European unification process, this book asks the question to what extent Asia can look to Europe as a model and what lessons can be learned.

Protecting Societal Interests in Corporate Takeovers: A Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Framework in the U.K., Germany and China

by Huizi Ai

The book explores “what are the societal interests that may be affected by a takeover, are these protected under the current regulatory frameworks of the U.K., Germany, and China, (and if so) how are they protected and what recommendations can be made for future reforms in the three jurisdictions?” The book adopts three main methods: law and economics analysis, doctrinal legal research, and comparative analysis.The content of this book is intended not only for the academia; it may also benefit the policy makers by providing an evaluation on the strengths and weaknesses of different protection mechanisms and recommendations for future reforms. Besides, companies which are (potentially) interested in conducting takeovers in the three countries may also find this book useful with its overall analysis of the regulatory frameworks and representative takeover cases in the jurisdictions.

Modern China and International Rules: Reconstruction and Innovation (Modern China and International Economic Law)

by Longyue Zhao

This book is the final study report of the key project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, “China and the Reconstruction and Innovation of International Rules in the New Era of Global Value Chain”. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the complex situation of international rule reconstruction and innovation in the new era of the global value chain, this book makes an in-depth and systematic analysis on six types of international rules, namely official export credit rules, international competition rules, cross-border e-commerce and digital trade rules, ISDS, multilateral agreement on investment and international regulatory cooperation. It also introduces the theories and practices of China's engagement in the new round of reconstruction and innovation of international rules.

On the Administrative Law of China in Addressing Climate Change

by Shirong Fang Binglin Tan

This book puts forward new thinking on how the theory and system of China's administrative law can meet the requirements of the low-carbon era based on the 25-year (1990-2015) development of China’s administrative law in addressing climate change. With the basic content and structure of administrative law as the analytical framework and from the two dimensions of restraining the government's own activities to meet low-carbon requirements and prompting the government to effectively perform the new function of implementing low-carbon regulations, this book systematically studies the due changes and developments of theories and systems such as the basic principles of administrative law, administrative entities, administrative actions, administrative processes and administration liabilities.The purpose of writing this book is to explore and answer the vital role of China’s administrative law in coping with climate change as well as the development of theories and systems of China's administrative law to comply with the new requirements proposed by the government administration in the low-carbon era.This book is the world’s first legal monograph devoted to low-carbon administration in China in the field of administrative law, with novel, prospective and pertinent viewpoints, unique analysis, rich content and detailed information. The study involves cross-disciplinary research in the field of environmental protection, environmental law and administrative law. The book is also a window for the development of China’s administrative law, especially the overall development of low-carbon administration in China.The publication of this book can provide a necessary theoretical basis for follow-up in-depth research on this topic from both China’s and international legal circles as well as related multidisciplinary researchers and provide a substantive reference for worldwide practical circles to make relevant decisions.

A Better Metro Manila?: Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development

by Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem Maria Ela L. Atienza

This book contributes to efforts in furthering the democratization and development processes in the Philippines by examining the decentralization efforts in Metro Manila. It explores existing as well as proposed development models for governance with focus on the effective and efficient delivery of social services, bringing forth growth with equity through development efforts, and addressing national-local concerns to promote political and socio-economic stability in the country. In doing so, the book examines the strong and weak governance points in the National Capital Region of the Philippines, and identifies areas for reform.

Judicial Transparency in China: Theory and Realization Path

by Yiming Wang He Tian

Based on the Judicial Transparency Index Assessment (2019 and 2020) conducted in China by the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, this book summarizes and analyzes the current situation of judicial openness in China, using a sample of 218 courts across the country for the study. The book analyzes the ideological and institutional origins of judicial openness and examines the operation of judicial openness through the practical experience of role replacement. By analyzing evaluation data in the fields of audit information disclosure, trial information disclosure, judicial enforcement data disclosure, and judicial reform data disclosure, the book points out that the current judicial disclosure has made significant progress, but there are still problems such as unclear disclosure standards, insufficient rigidity in disclosure requirements, and the scope of disclosure still needs to be expanded. The book recommends accelerating the disclosure of judicial legislation, public standards, and strengthening assessment and accountability.

Revolutionary Approach to International Law: The Role of International Lawyer in Asia (International Law in Asia)

by Eric Yong Joong Lee

This book brings together critical legal analyses of ongoing global issues in the digital age by international lawyers in Asia. Digital revolution is the key to understanding the contemporary human society. In this book, the authors critically redefine the mainstream thinking and ideas of contemporary international legal issues that the global community is facing. Given the rapidly shifting global legal landscape and framework, they shed light on the theoretical and practical questions in international law and reexamine their global context. Such independent and forward-looking approach suggests the ideas to shaping the global common good in the future human society.IIn both theory and practice, this book is a useful guide to Asian law, politics, economy, and business providing a fair and balanced point of view.

Gender, Law and Social Transformation in India

by Ajailiu Niumai Abha Chauhan

This book provides deep insights into the wide-ranging issues linked to gender, law, and social transformation in India. It focuses on women-centered laws as well as the violence of unequal and discriminatory social order. It emphasizes violence and the neutrality of laws that sustain the status quo and perpetuate the stereotypical notions related to women’s condition. Based on the first-hand experience of laws and their nuanced understanding, the essays highlight the rules associated with the private and the public domains. The chapters in the volume analyze various statutes and their enactment related to domestic violence, dowry crimes, sexual abuse at home as well as sexual harassment at the workplace, child marriages, education, property rights, trafficking, prostitution, ‘honor’ killings, and armed conflict. The book is essential to the academics and researchers in the disciplines of social sciences, gender studies, law, and the government and policy-makers for making meaningful interventions.

Big Brother Naija and Popular Culture in Nigeria: A Critique of the Country's Cultural and Economic Diplomacy

by Christopher Isike Olusola Ogunnubi Ogochukwu Ukwueze

This book is about Big Brother Naija (BBN), which is a Nigerian version of the Big Brother franchise featured in more than 50 countries of the world with its major concept drawn from George Orwell ’s novel, Nineteen Eigther-Four . It is organised and starred by Nigerians but viewed in many parts of the world. The book critically engages this relatively new phenomenon in Nigeria which apparently lacks scholarly attention. It proffers insights into the show’s significance and implications for the nation with relation to mental health, morality, cultural di

A Chinese Perspective on WTO Reform

by Lei Zhang Xiaowen Tan

This book discusses the most recent developments in the WTO regime. Issues such as E-commerce, security exception clause, China's compliance with the WTO obligations, sustainability development, IP protection in FTZs, trade controls and etc., are at the forefront of WTO studies. These issues strongly influence people's understanding of the current role of WTO and provides possible way to revitalize the function of WTO. Meanwhile, as the world's second largest economy, the world's largest trading nation and the holder of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, China is apparently a powerful figure in leading these issues. Therefore, this book explores extensively these issues from a Chinese perspective to see what China could do to reboost the world trade.

Cyber Security: 19th China Annual Conference, CNCERT 2022, Beijing, China, August 16–17, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1699)

by Wei Lu Yuqing Zhang Weiping Wen Hanbing Yan Chao Li

This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th China Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2022, held in Beijing, China, in August 2022. The 17 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: ​​data security; anomaly detection; cryptocurrency; information security; vulnerabilities; mobile internet; threat intelligence; text recognition.

International Handbook of Disaster Research

by Amita Singh

International Handbook of Disaster Research

by Amita Singh

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