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Showing 55,901 through 55,925 of 55,952 results

Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungskurs Strafrecht: Besonderer Teil - Vermögensdelikte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock

Im Band zu den Vermögensdelikten sind 13 „große Fälle“ abgedruckt, die sich an aktuellen und klassischen Entscheidungen der höchsten Gerichte orientieren. Entsprechend den Anforderungen im Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen werden so zum einen das examensrelevante Wissen im strafrechtlichen Pflichtfachbereich als auch die Technik der Falllösung wiederholt und vertieft. Klausurtypische Querverbindungen von Allgemeinem Teil und Besonderem Teil kommen dabei nicht zu kurz. Neben vollständig ausformulierten Lösungsvorschlägen enthält das Werk wertvolle Tipps zur Klausurtaktik und zur Vertiefung des materiellen Strafrechts, insbesondere anhand der Rechtsprechung. Der Band zu den Vermögensdelikten wird ergänzt durch einen zum „Allgemeinen Teil“ und einen zum „Besonderen Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte“. Die Gesamtreihe befähigt zu einer vollständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Examensvorbereitung im materiellen Strafrecht. Sie erscheint nunmehr in vollständig durchgesehener und überarbeiteter Neuauflage inklusive examensorientierter Verarbeitung jüngster höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung sowie Studienliteratur.

Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungskurs Strafrecht: Besonderer Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock

Der Band zu den Nichtvermögensdelikten enthält sieben „große Fälle“, die aktuellen und klassischen Entscheidungen der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung nachgebildet sind und den Anforderungen im Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen entsprechen. Auf diese Weise wird sowohl das prüfungsrelevante Wissen im strafrechtlichen Pflichtfachbereich als auch die Falllösung wiederholt und vertieft. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf klausurtypische Querverbindungen von Allgemeinem und Besonderem Teil gelegt. Die Lösungsvorschläge sind vollständig ausformuliert und werden abgerundet durch Hinweise zur Klausurtaktik und zur Vertiefung des Stoffs etwa anhand grundlegender Gerichtsentscheidungen. Der Band zum Besonderen Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte wird ergänzt durch einen zum „Allgemeinen Teil“ und einen zum „Besonderen Teil - Vermögensdelikte“. Die Gesamtreihe befähigt zu einer vollständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Examensvorbereitung im materiellen Strafrecht. Sie erscheint nunmehr in vollständig durchgesehener und überarbeiteter Neuauflage inklusive examensorientierter Verarbeitung jüngster höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung sowie Studienliteratur.

Wild-Tier-Fotografie: Ökologische, postkoloniale und ästhetische Perspektiven (Cultural Animal Studies #15)

by Martin Bartelmus Maurice Saß

Technische Innovationen der Fotografie erlaubten Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, Wildtiere nicht mehr nur als Kadaver und Beute oder in Studio und Gehege abzulichten, sondern ihnen in ihrem natürlichen Habitat nachzuspüren. Die frühe Wildtierfotografie bediente damit ein populäres Interesse an der als lokal, national oder kolonial geschätzten Fauna, lieferte wichtige Beiträge zur zoologischen Forschung und verstand sich häufig als Vorkämpfer des Naturschutzes. Ganz neu stellte sich damit aber auch die Frage, wie man Tiere richtig fotografiert: technisch, ästhetisch, ethisch. ​Der Band beantwortet diese Fragen in historischer Perspektive und erschließt damit das Forschungsfeld der Wildtierfotografie.

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion)

by Frederick C. Bauerschmidt James J. Buckley Jennifer Newsome Martin Trent Pomplun

Provides a broad and deep survey of Roman Catholic life and thought, updated and expanded throughout The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism provides an authoritative overview of the history, doctrine, practices, and expansion of Catholicism. Written by a group of distinguished scholars, this comprehensive reference work offers an illuminating account of the global, historical, and cultural phenomena of Catholicism. Accessible chapters address central topics in the practice of Catholic theology and the development of doctrine, including God and Jesus Christ, creation and Church, the Virgin Mary, the sacraments, moral theology, eschatology, and more. Throughout the text, the authors illustrate the unity and diversity of Catholic life and thought while highlighting the ways Catholicism overlaps with, and transforms, other ways of living and thinking. Now in its second edition, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism is fully updated to include recent developments in the study of Catholicism. Extensively revised and expanded chapters, many of which written by new authors, address contemporary issues such as theology and politics, environmentalism, and the clerical sexual abuse crisis. Entirely new chapters cover the early modern Church, the Bible in Catholic theology, the Eastern Catholic churches, liturgy, care for creation, the consecrated life, challenges for the Catholic Church, and more. An informed and engaging intellectual journey through the past and present of Roman Catholicism, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism: Illustrates the diversity of modern Catholic life and thought Describes Catholics in different lands, including the Holy Land, India, Africa, Europe, the British Isles, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas Surveys spirituality and ecumenism, inter-religious dialog, Catholic schools and hospitals, art and the sciences, the Holy See, and other central Catholic institutions and practices Covers major eras in Catholic history, from the Scriptures and the early Church to Post-Modernity Features new material on diverse practices of Catholicism across cultures, the global dimensions of the Catholic Church, race and ethnicity, and Eastern Catholic ChurchesThe Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, Second Edition, is the ideal textbook for surveys classes on Catholicism and Catholic theology in Catholic, Protestant, and non-confessional colleges and universities. It is also an invaluable resource for scholars and general readers interested in broadening their knowledge of Catholicism.

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion)

by Frederick C. Bauerschmidt James J. Buckley Jennifer Newsome Martin Trent Pomplun

Provides a broad and deep survey of Roman Catholic life and thought, updated and expanded throughout The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism provides an authoritative overview of the history, doctrine, practices, and expansion of Catholicism. Written by a group of distinguished scholars, this comprehensive reference work offers an illuminating account of the global, historical, and cultural phenomena of Catholicism. Accessible chapters address central topics in the practice of Catholic theology and the development of doctrine, including God and Jesus Christ, creation and Church, the Virgin Mary, the sacraments, moral theology, eschatology, and more. Throughout the text, the authors illustrate the unity and diversity of Catholic life and thought while highlighting the ways Catholicism overlaps with, and transforms, other ways of living and thinking. Now in its second edition, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism is fully updated to include recent developments in the study of Catholicism. Extensively revised and expanded chapters, many of which written by new authors, address contemporary issues such as theology and politics, environmentalism, and the clerical sexual abuse crisis. Entirely new chapters cover the early modern Church, the Bible in Catholic theology, the Eastern Catholic churches, liturgy, care for creation, the consecrated life, challenges for the Catholic Church, and more. An informed and engaging intellectual journey through the past and present of Roman Catholicism, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism: Illustrates the diversity of modern Catholic life and thought Describes Catholics in different lands, including the Holy Land, India, Africa, Europe, the British Isles, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas Surveys spirituality and ecumenism, inter-religious dialog, Catholic schools and hospitals, art and the sciences, the Holy See, and other central Catholic institutions and practices Covers major eras in Catholic history, from the Scriptures and the early Church to Post-Modernity Features new material on diverse practices of Catholicism across cultures, the global dimensions of the Catholic Church, race and ethnicity, and Eastern Catholic ChurchesThe Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, Second Edition, is the ideal textbook for surveys classes on Catholicism and Catholic theology in Catholic, Protestant, and non-confessional colleges and universities. It is also an invaluable resource for scholars and general readers interested in broadening their knowledge of Catholicism.

Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies

by JoAnn Kurtz

Practical advice as you prepare to leave your legacy You’ve worked your entire life to give your loved ones the best life they can have. Don’t let death be the end of your caring and thoughtfulness. You can make sure your family is taken care of after your death and your wealth and assets go where you intend with the help of Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies. This down-to-earth guide takes some of the stress and uncertainty out of this unpleasant topic by offering straightforward advice about preparing end-of-life documents and planning your estate. Discover the best way to transfer your assets to your heirs and the charitable organizations of your choice. Find out how to prepare a living will, donate organs, and give instructions for your burial. You also get expanded information about family law in Canada, details on why you need a power of attorney, and guidance on will preparation, funeral planning, green burials, tax implications, and more. Understand the laws surrounding estates, wills, trusts, and taxes in Canada Get details on buying life insurance, naming your heirs and beneficiaries, and designating an executor Find advice for discussing inheritance matters with a legal professional when you have a tricky situation Put your mind at ease with a solid plan for your assets and your end-of-life careThanks to practical advice from an expert author, you can ensure that your affairs are in order and your loved ones will honor your final wishes. Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies will help you leave behind a meaningful legacy for all who know and love you.

Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies

by JoAnn Kurtz

Practical advice as you prepare to leave your legacy You’ve worked your entire life to give your loved ones the best life they can have. Don’t let death be the end of your caring and thoughtfulness. You can make sure your family is taken care of after your death and your wealth and assets go where you intend with the help of Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies. This down-to-earth guide takes some of the stress and uncertainty out of this unpleasant topic by offering straightforward advice about preparing end-of-life documents and planning your estate. Discover the best way to transfer your assets to your heirs and the charitable organizations of your choice. Find out how to prepare a living will, donate organs, and give instructions for your burial. You also get expanded information about family law in Canada, details on why you need a power of attorney, and guidance on will preparation, funeral planning, green burials, tax implications, and more. Understand the laws surrounding estates, wills, trusts, and taxes in Canada Get details on buying life insurance, naming your heirs and beneficiaries, and designating an executor Find advice for discussing inheritance matters with a legal professional when you have a tricky situation Put your mind at ease with a solid plan for your assets and your end-of-life careThanks to practical advice from an expert author, you can ensure that your affairs are in order and your loved ones will honor your final wishes. Wills & Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies will help you leave behind a meaningful legacy for all who know and love you.

Wirtschaftsrecht für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by André Niedostadek

Das Wirtschaftsrecht ist ein weites Feld. André Niedostadek behandelt in seinem Buch die wirtschaftsrelevanten Kerngebiete des Bürgerlichen Rechts und des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts ebenso wie beispielsweise auch das Arbeitsrecht, den Gewerblichen Rechtschutz oder das Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrecht. Viele Beispiele aus dem Alltag machen die gesamte Rechtsmaterie anschaulich. So sind Sie in der Jura-Klausur und in der Unternehmenspraxis immer rechtsicher unterwegs!

Wisecracks: Humor and Morality in Everyday Life

by David Shoemaker

A philosopher’s case for the importance of good—if ethically questionable—humor. A good sense of humor is key to the good life, but a joke taken too far can get anyone into trouble. Where to draw the line is not as simple as it may seem. After all, even the most innocent quips between friends rely on deception, sarcasm, and stereotypes and often run the risk of disrespect, meanness, and harm. How do we face this dilemma without taking ourselves too seriously? In Wisecracks, philosopher David Shoemaker examines this interplay between humor and morality and ultimately argues that even morally suspect humor is an essential part of ethical life. Shoemaker shows how improvised “wisecracks” between family and friends—unlike scripted stand-up, sketches, or serials—help us develop a critical human skill: the ability to carry on and find the funny in tragedy. In developing a new ethics of humor in defense of questionable gibes, Wisecracks offers a powerful case for humor as a healing presence in human life.

With the Passage of Time

by Peter Murphy

1985, Cambridgeshire. An MPs wife is involved in a fatal car crash, and may be over the alcohol limit. Ben Schroeder QC returns to defend her but nothing is straightforward as he gets tangled in a web of political ambition and intrigue. A compulsive mix of crime fiction and legal thriller, exploring highly topical themes.

The Witness: The most authentic, twisty legal thriller, from the barrister author of In Black and White

by Alexandra Wilson

'An intelligent and immersive courtroom drama, a compelling new voice in legal crime fiction' ANDREA MARASHE SAW IT ALLBUT SHE CAN NEVER TELLA young black man is arrested for murder. The case against him is strong - a mum and a teacher saw him standing over a body in a park, a knife still in hand.But his up-and-coming barrister Rosa knows how people prejudge, but most of all, she suspects something is amiss. This boy comes from her neighbourhood. From a good family. So she begins to dig...As Rosa discovers secret upon terrible secret, she moves closer to finding a testimony that could win the case - or bring the whole establishment down on her.The Witness isthe start of a groundbreaking new series by young barrister and bestselling author of In Black and White, Alexandra Wilson.'This is exactly what it's like to be a criminal barrister at the sharp end of Legal Aid work, and an important corrective to the cliché that all barristers are posh, white and loaded. An authentic, tense legal thriller from an author who knows what she's talking about'Harriet Tyce'Her striking debut shows she is expert at using the form to highlight aspects of everyday ethnic minority experience: the drip-drip of countless micro-aggressions, and Rosa's daunting disadvantages when facing white middle-class opponents in court'Sunday Times'A gripping insight into the intricacies of the British legal system and the assumptions that are made. The Witness is a compelling story, told by an original new voice, with a breathtaking conclusion'Robert Gold'A powerful and authentic legal thriller . . . a tense, twisty read that highlights just how frightening the legal and penal system can be when your future depends upon who the jury believes'Jo Callaghan'Fresh, eye-opening, rage-inducing, humane. A coruscating indictment of a legal system held together by Gaffer tape and bias'Tamar Cohen'Alexandra Wilson's tense and very twisty crime thriller is a powerful page-turner about the importance of family, the burden of guilt, and the racism that pervades our legal systems. A superb and timely debut!'Ashley Tate'A twisty courtoom thriller that is destined to become a TV drama'i Paper

Women, Gender, and Constitutionalism in Latin America

by Francisca Pou Giménez, Ruth Rubio Marín, and Verónica Undurraga Valdés

This book discusses to what extent and how constitutional design and practice in Latin America have helped in combatting the subordination of women and LGBTQIA+ people. Covering 11 jurisdictions, the chapters identify the main elements of the constitutional gender order and survey jurisprudential and legislative developments in different areas, incorporating contextual analysis and references to history, political dynamics, social movements, feminist struggles, normative efficacy, and policy.In the context of a constitutionalism that has been celebrated as particularly innovative and socially engaged, the book assesses constitutional performance in the quest to supersede the separate gendered spheres tradition and the subordination of women and sexual minorities to heteronormative hegemony. It fills an important gap in the field of gender and constitutionalism, which has paid very little attention to Latin America compared to the Anglo-American legal world and continental Europe. It identifies regional trends, but also variables which account for the diversity of approaches in various jurisdictions.The book provides much-needed insight into matters that are relevant for legal and socio-legal scholars, an ever-growing number of social actors and movements, and all those interested in comparative constitutionalism and in the intersections between law and gender.

Women, Gender, and Constitutionalism in Latin America

This book discusses to what extent and how constitutional design and practice in Latin America have helped in combatting the subordination of women and LGBTQIA+ people. Covering 11 jurisdictions, the chapters identify the main elements of the constitutional gender order and survey jurisprudential and legislative developments in different areas, incorporating contextual analysis and references to history, political dynamics, social movements, feminist struggles, normative efficacy, and policy.In the context of a constitutionalism that has been celebrated as particularly innovative and socially engaged, the book assesses constitutional performance in the quest to supersede the separate gendered spheres tradition and the subordination of women and sexual minorities to heteronormative hegemony. It fills an important gap in the field of gender and constitutionalism, which has paid very little attention to Latin America compared to the Anglo-American legal world and continental Europe. It identifies regional trends, but also variables which account for the diversity of approaches in various jurisdictions.The book provides much-needed insight into matters that are relevant for legal and socio-legal scholars, an ever-growing number of social actors and movements, and all those interested in comparative constitutionalism and in the intersections between law and gender.

Women Who Kill, Criminal Law and Domestic Abuse

by Rachel M. McPherson

This book presents an informed, coherent and stimulating analysis of UK legal defences of homicide by victims of domestic abuse. Women killing following domestic abuse from a male partner is a significant category of homicide. In some areas of the UK it represents the most common context in which women kill. Yet, despite its significance, it is an aspect of homicide that remains under-researched within a UK context. Much of what is known about cases of this type comes from other jurisdictions. This book brings together a coherent understanding of the UK landscape in this area. It builds upon existing literature, particularly from the US, which has examined this issue from a practical perspective, using the lived experiences of practitioners involved in cases of this type. The collection combines the experiences of those in practice with academic expertise, pointing to potential sites of injustice that exist in this context and offering suggestions for reform. The volume will be a valuable guide for those involved in cases of this nature whilst also offering insight to those academics with an interest in homicide and legal responses to domestic abuse. The book will also be of interest to those working in the area of comparative criminal justice.

Women Who Kill, Criminal Law and Domestic Abuse

This book presents an informed, coherent and stimulating analysis of UK legal defences of homicide by victims of domestic abuse. Women killing following domestic abuse from a male partner is a significant category of homicide. In some areas of the UK it represents the most common context in which women kill. Yet, despite its significance, it is an aspect of homicide that remains under-researched within a UK context. Much of what is known about cases of this type comes from other jurisdictions. This book brings together a coherent understanding of the UK landscape in this area. It builds upon existing literature, particularly from the US, which has examined this issue from a practical perspective, using the lived experiences of practitioners involved in cases of this type. The collection combines the experiences of those in practice with academic expertise, pointing to potential sites of injustice that exist in this context and offering suggestions for reform. The volume will be a valuable guide for those involved in cases of this nature whilst also offering insight to those academics with an interest in homicide and legal responses to domestic abuse. The book will also be of interest to those working in the area of comparative criminal justice.

The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht

by Susan Dalgety Lucy Hunter Blackburn

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEROn the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, this book captures an important moment in contemporary history: how a grassroots women's movement, harking back to the suffragettes and second wave feminists of the 1970s and 1980s, took on the political establishment - and changed the course of history.Through a collection of over thirty essays and photographs, some of the women involved tell the story of the five-year campaign to protect women's sex-based rights. Author J.K. Rowling explains why she used her global reach to stand up for women. Leading SNP MP Joanna Cherry writes of how she risked her political career for her beliefs. Survivors of male violence who MSPs refused to meet are given the voice they were denied at Holyrood. Ash Regan MSP recounts what it was like to become the first government minister to resign on a question of principle since the SNP came to power in 2007. Former prison governor Rhona Hotchkiss charts how changes in prison policy in Scotland led to the controversy over Isla Bryson.It is the story of women who risked their job, reputation, even the bonds of family and friendship, to make their voices heard, and ended up - unexpectedly - contributing to the downfall of Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's first woman first minister.Above all, it is the story of the women who wouldn't wheesht.

Women's Empowerment and Public Policy in the Arab Gulf States: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities (Gulf Studies #11)

by Rabia Naguib

This open access book explores the various dimensions of women’s empowerment in public policy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, with a particular focus on Qatar, comparing the country to the other Gulf states. Through its rich compilation of empirical qualitative research, the text unpacks the various ways in which women’s empowerment materializes in the GCC context, providing insights into public policy perspectives in high-income rentier states more broadly. The Arab world has long been part of the global dialogue on women’s economic and political empowerment and the GCC has, over the past decade, situated women’s empowerment amongst their respective national priorities and long-term strategies. In turn, the Gulf has seen gradual implementation of policies aimed at women, specifically, in looking to attract and retain them in the labour market, and in the public sector more broadly. The collection surveys and evaluates the progress made in recent decades, paying close attention to the cultural and policy constraints still limiting women’s empowerment in the Gulf. With a key linkage to SDG5, this book is a timely text addressing the context and drivers behind policies centering on women in the Arab region, in its analysis of the interplay of international women’s empowerment discourse and regional public policy decisions. It is relevant to researchers and policy makers focused on women and gender issues in relation to social, cultural, economic, and political empowerment in the Gulf specifically, but also in the Arab world and beyond.

Women's Equality in America: Examining the Facts (Contemporary Debates)

by Nancy Hendricks

Written in vivid prose and with a keen eye for detail, Women's Equality in America is a valuable resource for understanding the issues and trends that dominate public discourse in discussions of women's rights and gender equality in America.Since its inception, the women's equality movement in America has been criticized for moving too slowly, moving too quickly, being too demanding, or not being demanding enough. Some of its goals have aroused passionate opposition in those who believed women's equality contradicted not only basic human biology, but also the word of God. Meanwhile, Americans voice starkly different opinions about where women stand in their quest for equality in American workplaces, classrooms, boardrooms, and homes.Women's Equality in America: Examining the Facts presents sensibly organized and accurate summaries of the relevant facts concerning all of these claims and counterclaims. But while the volume is primarily concerned with providing an accurate picture of the state of women's equality in the 21st century, it also provides vital contextual coverage of major historical turning points and important historical figures, from leaders of the Seneca Falls women's rights convention in 1848 to the organizers of the #MeToo movement.

Women's Property Rights Under CEDAW

by Jos? E. Alvarez Judith Bauder

The gender gap with respect to wealth and property is a chasm. For over 40 years, the leading international treaty body on women's rights, the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (the CEDAW Committee), has been generating jurisprudence interpreting CEDAW's obligations that states protect the equal rights of women in relationships; family rights, including inheritance; rights to land, adequate housing, financial credit, social benefits, intellectual property, and other economic rights dependent on equal access to justice. This book uses the CEDAW Committee's own texts: its General Recommendations, Views in response to communications, Concluding Observations in response to State reports, and Reports on Inquiries. The book finds that CEDAW's vision of what it means for women to have equal rights to property is dramatically different from what many scholars consider to be the leading source of "the international law of property," namely the case law generated on behalf of foreign investors' property under the international investment regime. CEDAW's vision is also more far-reaching and nuanced than the gender equality approaches followed by international financial institutions like the World Bank, whose gender equality rhetoric exceeds its actual on-the-ground development efforts. While CEDAW's property rights converge with those protected under other international human rights regimes, they remain unique in addressing the underlying patriarchal structures, stereotypes, and forms of intersectional discrimination that have undermined the fundamental rights of women and girls and led to their continued impoverishment all around the world. This book concludes that CEDAW's re-engendering of property--although a flawed and evolving work in progress--has the potential to be transformative for the half of the planet who is more likely to be treated as property than to have any.

The Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations

by Jack Beard Dale Stephens

Military uses in space are rapidly changing and expanding, challenging both states and non-governmental agencies in identifying and applying the governing rules. In the midst of these challenges, states, policymakers, and practitioners must engage with new, real circumstances in space, not merely hypothetical threats or problems. As a contribution to the understudied but crucial field, The Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Activities and Operations is interdisciplinary in nature— drawing on space law, national security law, technology, international law, and diplomacy. Thus, The Woomera Manual serves as the first comprehensive examination of the field. In it, all three phases of military space interactions are analyzed (during times of peace, tension or crisis, and armed conflict), with relevance to both the public and private space sectors. Utilizing meticulous research and focusing particularly on state practice, it explores the interaction of different legal regimes, including space law, the UN Charter, other treaty-based regimes, as well as international humanitarian law. Through an extensive consultation process with state and NGO representatives from across the globe, The Woomera Manual serves as a practical and reliable resource in the emerging field of space law. This book is a critical resource for any entity navigating the increasingly consequential subject of space operations by providing an outline for more predictable and peaceful cooperation.

Work Beyond the Pandemic: Towards a Human-Centred Recovery

by Tindara Addabbo Edoardo Ales Ylenia Curzi Tommaso Fabbri Olga Rymkevich Iacopo Senatori

This book addresses the impact of Covid-19 on employment relations and provides a reconstruction and a critical assessment of the measures enacted worldwide to tackle the economic and social crisis triggered by the global health emergency. The pandemic has been a booster of critical issues that for years have been silently shaping society and the labor market and so it can represent an opportunity to relaunch a critical analysis on the future of work.Beginning from this assumption, this book collects contributions from different disciplines, including law, economics and organization theory. It covers topics such as the measures enacted to protect workers’ health and cushion the labour, the new inequalities that emerged during the pandemic and the strategies to construct a sustainable and human-centred development in the post pandemic scenario. It is highly relevant to scholars and students of organisation studies, resilience, the labour market and labour law.

World Review: Environmental and Sustainability Education in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals

The global landscape of education has been reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing the various challenges faced by countries worldwide. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) across different countries, offering unique insights into their histories, challenges, achievements, and future ESE needs. From Africa to Oceania, the book delves into the vital role of ESE in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights the diverse national discourses and the flexibility required to deliver effective global education programs. ESE practitioners, researchers, and policymakers worldwide will find inspiration and invaluable perspectives in this book.

World Review: Environmental and Sustainability Education in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals

by Marco Rieckmann Rosalba Thomas Muñoz

The global landscape of education has been reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing the various challenges faced by countries worldwide. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) across different countries, offering unique insights into their histories, challenges, achievements, and future ESE needs. From Africa to Oceania, the book delves into the vital role of ESE in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights the diverse national discourses and the flexibility required to deliver effective global education programs. ESE practitioners, researchers, and policymakers worldwide will find inspiration and invaluable perspectives in this book.

The Wretched of the Global South: Critical Approaches to International Human Rights Law (International Law and the Global South)

by Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan Amritha Viswanath Shenoy

The books aims to discuss and present an alternative epistemology of human rights, against the background of the globalization from below. The interdependent network of transnational networks, ranging from social movements, NGOs, and other groupings, questions the neoliberal paradigm and a particular set of human rights. This book wishes to transform this discourse on human rights and amplify the subaltern voices. The book also aims to highlight alternative practices of freedom that decenter human rights as a liberation discourse. Following Julia Suarez-Krabbe in “Race, Rights and Rebels”, the authors aim to amend to practices of freedom that center different orders of knowledge on subjectivity and agency. The proposed book, first, situates the problem of representation of the marginalized voices in contemporary legal and political discourse. Second, it offers critiques in theory, and, third, followed by alternative practices that emanate from marginalized localities. In particular, this book wishes to reflect upon alternatives rooted in legal and non-legal responses to address human rights grievances. In the end, this book envisages, along the lines of Frantz Fanon, to vision the possibility of the human by a new concept, addressing the concerns in various ways: As Fanon argued for “a new start”, “a new way of thinking”, and for the creation of a “new man”, it is pertinent to trigger a human rights project from the below.^

Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 25: International Humanitarian Law and Neighbouring Frameworks (Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law #25)

by Heike Krieger Pablo Kalmanovitz Eliav Lieblich Stavros Evdokimos Pantazopoulos

Volume 25 of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) sheds light on the interplay between IHL and other adjacent branches of international law. This Volume moves beyond the traditional preoccupation of examining IHL’s relations with international human rights law, the law on the use of force and international criminal law. Authors were invited to discuss, both in general and specific terms, doctrinally and theoretically, interactions between IHL and other neighbouring frameworks. Accordingly, this Volume is dedicated to exploring the interrelationship between IHL and other adjacent frameworks, such as international environmental law, international investment law, the law on defences to state responsibility, and counter-terrorism law.The Volume contains four articles dedicated to the subject of IHL and neighbouring frameworks. The Volume further features a Focus section on IHL controversies arising from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and ends, as usual, with a Year in Review section.The Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law is a leading annual publication devoted to the study of international humanitarian law. The Yearbook has always strived to be at the forefront of the debate of pressing doctrinal questions of IHL, and will continue to do so in the future. As this Volume demonstrates, it offers a space where IHL-related issues can be explored both from a doctrinal and a theoretical perspective. It provides an international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic articles focusing on this crucial branch of international law.Distinguished by contemporary relevance, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers, and students.

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