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Smoothings of Piecewise Linear Manifolds. (AM-80), Volume 80

by Morris W. Hirsch Barry Mazur

The intention of the authors is to examine the relationship between piecewise linear structure and differential structure: a relationship, they assert, that can be understood as a homotopy obstruction theory, and, hence, can be studied by using the traditional techniques of algebraic topology. Thus the book attacks the problem of existence and classification (up to isotopy) of differential structures compatible with a given combinatorial structure on a manifold. The problem is completely "solved" in the sense that it is reduced to standard problems of algebraic topology. The first part of the book is purely geometrical; it proves that every smoothing of the product of a manifold M and an interval is derived from an essentially unique smoothing of M. In the second part this result is used to translate the classification of smoothings into the problem of putting a linear structure on the tangent microbundle of M. This in turn is converted to the homotopy problem of classifying maps from M into a certain space PL/O. The set of equivalence classes of smoothings on M is given a natural abelian group structure.

Stability Theory and the Existence of Periodic Solutions and Almost Periodic Solutions (Applied Mathematical Sciences #14)

by T. Yoshizawa

Since there are several excellent books on stability theory, the author selected some recent topics in stability theory which are related to existence theorems for periodic solutions and for almost periodic solutions. The author hopes that these notes will also serve as an introduction to stability theory. These notes contain stability theory by Liapunov's second method and somewhat extended discussion of stability properties in almost periodic systems, and the existence of a periodic solution in a periodic system is discussed in connection with the boundedness of solutions, and the existence of an almost periodic solution in an almost periodic system is considered in con­ nection with some stability property of a bounded solution. In the theory of almost periodic systems, one has to consider almost periodic functions depending on parameters, but most of text books on almost periodic functions do not contain this case. Therefore, as mathemati­ cal preliminaries, the first chapter is intended to provide a guide for some properties of almost periodic functions with parameters as well as for properties of asymptotically almost periodic functions. These notes originate from a seminar on stability theory given by the author at the Mathematics Department of Michigan State Univer­ sity during the academic year 1972-1973. The author is very grateful to Professor Pui-Kei Wong and members of the Department for their warm hospitality and many helpful conversations. The author wishes to thank Mrs.

Statistical Inference

by S.D. Silvey

Statistics is a subject with a vast field of application, involving problems which vary widely in their character and complexity.However, in tackling these, we use a relatively small core of central ideas and methods. This book attempts to concentrateattention on these ideas: they are placed in a general settingand illustrated by relatively simple examples, avoidingwherever possible the extraneous difficulties of complicatedmathematical manipulation.In order to compress the central body of ideas into a smallvolume, it is necessary to assume a fair degree of mathematicalsophistication on the part of the reader, and the book is intendedfor students of mathematics who are already accustomed tothinking in rather general terms about spaces and functions

Statistical Inference

by S.D. Silvey

Statistics is a subject with a vast field of application, involving problems which vary widely in their character and complexity.However, in tackling these, we use a relatively small core of central ideas and methods. This book attempts to concentrateattention on these ideas: they are placed in a general settingand illustrated by relatively simple examples, avoidingwherever possible the extraneous difficulties of complicatedmathematical manipulation.In order to compress the central body of ideas into a smallvolume, it is necessary to assume a fair degree of mathematicalsophistication on the part of the reader, and the book is intendedfor students of mathematics who are already accustomed tothinking in rather general terms about spaces and functions

Statistische Theorie der Wärme (Hochschultext)

by W. Brenig

The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan

by J. T. Fraser N. Lawrence

The Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time was held at Hotel Mt. Fuji, near Lake Yamanaka, Japan, on July I to 7,1973. The present volume is the proceedings at that Con­ ference and constitutes the second volume in The Study of Time series. * At the closing session of our First Conference in Oberwolfach, Germany, in 1969, I was honored by being elected to the Presidency of the Society, following Dr. J. G. Whitrow, our fIrst President. My mandate was to organize a Second Conference, consistent with the aim of the Society, which is the holding of interdisciplinary conferences for the presentation and discussion of papers on various as­ pects of time. Several participants expressed to me their wish to have a second conference held in Japan so as to emphasize the international and intercultural dedication of this Society. Dr. Fraser carefully evaluated this and many other suggestions, weighed the possible conference sites and our chances of raising the necessary funds to convene a meeting at such sites, and concurred with my conclusions that we should go ahead with the plans for a Japanese meeting. For the difficult and complicated task of raising funds and organizing a conference in Japan, I had to select and rely heavily on somebody both capable and reliable and also living in Japan. Thus, I asked the Reverend Michael Mutsuo Yanase, S. J.

The Theory and Application of Differential Games: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Warwick, Coventry, England, 27 August–6 September, 1974 (Nato Science Series C: #13)

by NATO Advanced Study Institute Staff

The ~irst international con~erence on differential games was held at Amherst, Massachusetts, in September 1969. A second meeting, partially supported by N.A.T.O., was held in Varenna, Italy, in June 1970. At these conferences many new theoretical results and applications, especially in economic problems, were presented. The present volume consists o~ the lectures presented at a N.A.T.O. Advanced Study Institute on the "Theory and Applications of Differential Games" held at the University of Warwick, Coventry, England, from 27th August to 6th September, 1974. The main contributions during the first week consisted of a survey of two person zero sum differential games by L. D. Berkovitz and four integrated lectures by R. J. Elliott and N. J. Kalton, who have made important contributions to the concept of "value" of a differential game. Applications were featured during the second week and included tactical air games, pursuit and evasion problems, as well as computational aspects. A closing lecture with historical perspectives was given by Rufus Issacs, the recognised pioneer of differential games theory.

Übungsprogramm zur Statistischen Methodenlehre

by Ágnes Reichardt

Vorlesungen über Minimalflächen (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften #199)

by J.C.C. Nitsche

Seit den Anfängen der Theorie der Minimalflächen vor mehr als zwei Jahrhunderten sind viele große Geister aller Epochen von ihrem Reize fasziniert worden. Diese Anziehungskraft liegt nicht nur in dem geome­ trischen Gehalt der Theorie und in ihren inspirierenden Einwirkungen auf die Entwicklung mathematischen Gedankenguts begründet, sie er­ klärt sich auch durch die in der Mathematik wohl nur selten erreichte Vielschichtigkeit, mit welcher in ihr sowohl experimenteller Augenschein und die Verfolgung konkreter Einzelprobleme als auch die fortschrei­ tende Abstraktion ursprünglich anschaulicher Begriffe und die Durch­ schlagskraft allgemein anwendbarer Methoden erfolgreich zum Tragen kommen. Es bestehen innige Zusammenhänge mit der lokalen und glo­ balen Differentialgeometrie, mit der Funktionentheorie, der Variations­ rechnung und der Theorie partieller Differentialgleichungen und zugleich fruchtbare Beziehungen zu vielen mathematischen Gebieten, so etwa zur Topologie, zur Maßtheorie und zur algebraischen Geometrie. Auch der Forscher in anderen Disziplinen, beispielsweise in der Elastizitäts­ theorie, der Strömungslehre und in allen Gebieten, bei denen die Er­ scheinung der Kapillarität eine Rolle spielt, wird von seiner Vertrautheit mit Minimalflächen profitieren. Vor allem aber handelt es sich um eine ästhetisch vollkommene Materie. Mit Ausnahme einiger spärlich gehaltenen Andeutungen befaßt sich die vorliegende Monographie ausschließlich mit zweidimensionalen reellen Parameterflächen im dreidimensionalen Euklidischen Raum. Eine solche Begrenzung schien aus Platzgründen und im Hinblick auf den Wunsch nach Stoffeinheitlichkeit unerläßlich. Der Kritiker kann hier freilich jedes Wort als lästige Einschränkung empfinden, wird aber hoffentlich zugestehen, daß die schönsten Perlen der Theorie dennoch in Erscheinung treten.

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