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Showing 3,076 through 3,100 of 55,511 results

Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory (PDF)

by Michael Bacharach Natalie Gold Robert Sugden

Game theory is central to modern understandings of how people deal with problems of coordination and cooperation. Yet, ironically, it cannot give a straightforward explanation of some of the simplest forms of human coordination and cooperation--most famously, that people can use the apparently arbitrary features of "focal points" to solve coordination problems, and that people sometimes cooperate in "prisoner's dilemmas." Addressing a wide readership of economists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers, Michael Bacharach here proposes a revision of game theory that resolves these long-standing problems. In the classical tradition of game theory, Bacharach models human beings as rational actors, but he revises the standard definition of rationality to incorporate two major new ideas. He enlarges the model of a game so that it includes the ways agents describe to themselves (or "frame") their decision problems. And he allows the possibility that people reason as members of groups (or "teams"), each taking herself to have reason to perform her component of the combination of actions that best achieves the group's common goal. Bacharach shows that certain tendencies for individuals to engage in team reasoning are consistent with recent findings in social psychology and evolutionary biology. As the culmination of Bacharach's long-standing program of pathbreaking work on the foundations of game theory, this book has been eagerly awaited. Following Bacharach's premature death, Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden edited the unfinished work and added two substantial chapters that allow the book to be read as a coherent whole.

Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory (PDF)

by Michael Bacharach Natalie Gold Robert Sugden

Game theory is central to modern understandings of how people deal with problems of coordination and cooperation. Yet, ironically, it cannot give a straightforward explanation of some of the simplest forms of human coordination and cooperation--most famously, that people can use the apparently arbitrary features of "focal points" to solve coordination problems, and that people sometimes cooperate in "prisoner's dilemmas." Addressing a wide readership of economists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers, Michael Bacharach here proposes a revision of game theory that resolves these long-standing problems. In the classical tradition of game theory, Bacharach models human beings as rational actors, but he revises the standard definition of rationality to incorporate two major new ideas. He enlarges the model of a game so that it includes the ways agents describe to themselves (or "frame") their decision problems. And he allows the possibility that people reason as members of groups (or "teams"), each taking herself to have reason to perform her component of the combination of actions that best achieves the group's common goal. Bacharach shows that certain tendencies for individuals to engage in team reasoning are consistent with recent findings in social psychology and evolutionary biology. As the culmination of Bacharach's long-standing program of pathbreaking work on the foundations of game theory, this book has been eagerly awaited. Following Bacharach's premature death, Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden edited the unfinished work and added two substantial chapters that allow the book to be read as a coherent whole.

Psychometrics: An Introduction (2nd Edition) (PDF)

by Verne Bacharach R. Furr

In Psychometrics, R Michael Furr and Verne R Bacharach centre their presentation of material around a conceptual understanding of psychometric issues, such as validity and reliability, and on purpose rather than procedure, the 'why' rather than the 'how to'. By emphasizing concepts over mathematical proofs and by focusing on practical significance, this book will assist students in appreciating not just how measurement problems can be addressed but why it is important to address them. The Second Edition has been thoroughly revised to improve the clarity and accessibility of key concepts and to increase the depth of discussions. Many new tables and figures have been added and the references have been significanly updated and expanded. An entirely new chapter on confirmatory factor analysis has also been added to this edition. This new chapter focuses on the use of CFA to evaluate measurement models, including in-depth discussion of the logic and interpretation of the process. Key features of this volume: - presents information in a clear, easy-to-read, conversational style: the authors introduce concepts in a way that is accessible to non-professionals without sacrificing the academic integrity of the material - highlights practical applications: intended to enhance readers' appreciation of the importance of psychometrics, the book provides examples that will resonate with students - offers an up-to-date treatment of topics in psychometrics: the book offers readers the most contemporary views of topics in psychometrics available in the non-technical psychometric literature - introduces statistical procedures in the context of their use rather than in a separate chapter: the authors integrate statistics with a discussion of their use as tools to solve particular psychometric problems, encouraging a more complete understanding of both.

Unity from Duality: Les Houches Session LXXVI, July 30 - August 31, 2001 (Les Houches - Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theorique #76)

by Constantin P. Bachas Adel Bilal Michael R. Douglas Nikita A. Nekrasov Francois David

The contributions to this volume of the famous summer school in Les Houches cover the recent developments in supersymmetric string theory, the gauge theory/string theory correspondence and string duality. The book is a comprehensive introduction to the recent developments in string/M-theory and quantum gravity.

The H Boson (Progress in Mathematical Physics #72)

by Costas Bachas Bertrand Duplantier Vincent Rivasseau

This volume provides a detailed description of the seminal theoretical construction in 1964, independently by Robert Brout and Francois Englert, and by Peter W. Higgs, of a mechanism for short-range fundamental interactions, now called the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism. It accounts for the non-zero mass of elementary particles and predicts the existence of a new particle - an elementary massive scalar boson. In addition to this the book describes the experimental discovery of this fundamental missing element in the Standard Model of particle physics. The H Boson, also called the Higgs Boson, was produced and detected in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of CERN near Geneva by two large experimental collaborations, ATLAS and CMS, which announced its discovery on the 4th of July 2012.This new volume of the Poincaré Seminar Series, The H Boson, corresponds to the nineteenth seminar, held on November 29, 2014, at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris.

Louis Bachelier's Theory of Speculation: The Origins of Modern Finance

by Louis Bachelier Mark Davis Alison Etheridge Paul A. Samuelson

March 29, 1900, is considered by many to be the day mathematical finance was born. On that day a French doctoral student, Louis Bachelier, successfully defended his thesis Théorie de la Spéculation at the Sorbonne. The jury, while noting that the topic was "far away from those usually considered by our candidates," appreciated its high degree of originality. This book provides a new translation, with commentary and background, of Bachelier's seminal work. Bachelier's thesis is a remarkable document on two counts. In mathematical terms Bachelier's achievement was to introduce many of the concepts of what is now known as stochastic analysis. His purpose, however, was to give a theory for the valuation of financial options. He came up with a formula that is both correct on its own terms and surprisingly close to the Nobel Prize-winning solution to the option pricing problem by Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, and Robert Merton in 1973, the first decisive advance since 1900. Aside from providing an accurate and accessible translation, this book traces the twin-track intellectual history of stochastic analysis and financial economics, starting with Bachelier in 1900 and ending in the 1980s when the theory of option pricing was substantially complete. The story is a curious one. The economic side of Bachelier's work was ignored until its rediscovery by financial economists more than fifty years later. The results were spectacular: within twenty-five years the whole theory was worked out, and a multibillion-dollar global industry of option trading had emerged.

Louis Bachelier's Theory of Speculation: The Origins of Modern Finance

by Louis Bachelier Mark Davis Alison Etheridge Paul A. Samuelson

March 29, 1900, is considered by many to be the day mathematical finance was born. On that day a French doctoral student, Louis Bachelier, successfully defended his thesis Théorie de la Spéculation at the Sorbonne. The jury, while noting that the topic was "far away from those usually considered by our candidates," appreciated its high degree of originality. This book provides a new translation, with commentary and background, of Bachelier's seminal work. Bachelier's thesis is a remarkable document on two counts. In mathematical terms Bachelier's achievement was to introduce many of the concepts of what is now known as stochastic analysis. His purpose, however, was to give a theory for the valuation of financial options. He came up with a formula that is both correct on its own terms and surprisingly close to the Nobel Prize-winning solution to the option pricing problem by Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, and Robert Merton in 1973, the first decisive advance since 1900. Aside from providing an accurate and accessible translation, this book traces the twin-track intellectual history of stochastic analysis and financial economics, starting with Bachelier in 1900 and ending in the 1980s when the theory of option pricing was substantially complete. The story is a curious one. The economic side of Bachelier's work was ignored until its rediscovery by financial economists more than fifty years later. The results were spectacular: within twenty-five years the whole theory was worked out, and a multibillion-dollar global industry of option trading had emerged.

Mathematik in der Praxis: Fallstudien aus Industrie, Wirtschaft, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin

by Achim Bachem Michael Jünger Rainer Schrader

Wie aufregend Mathematik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis sein kann, zeigt dieses Buch. Es beschreibt interessant und allgemeinverständlich die konkreten Anwendungen mathematischer Forschung in unserem Alltag.

New Methods of Geostatistical Analysis and Graphical Presentation: Distributions of Populations over Territories

by Roberto Bachi

New Methods of Geostatistical Analysis and Graphical Presentation

Canonical Equational Proofs (Progress in Theoretical Computer Science)

by Bachmair

Equations occur in many computer applications, such as symbolic compu­ tation, functional programming, abstract data type specifications, program verification, program synthesis, and automated theorem proving. Rewrite systems are directed equations used to compute by replacing subterms in a given formula by equal terms until a simplest form possible, called a normal form, is obtained. The theory of rewriting is concerned with the compu­ tation of normal forms. We shall study the use of rewrite techniques for reasoning about equations. Reasoning about equations may, for instance, involve deciding whether an equation is a logical consequence of a given set of equational axioms. Convergent rewrite systems are those for which the rewriting process de­ fines unique normal forms. They can be thought of as non-deterministic functional programs and provide reasonably efficient decision procedures for the underlying equational theories. The Knuth-Bendix completion method provides a means of testing for convergence and can often be used to con­ struct convergent rewrite systems from non-convergent ones. We develop a proof-theoretic framework for studying completion and related rewrite­ based proof procedures. We shall view theorem provers as proof transformation procedures, so as to express their essential properties as proof normalization theorems.

A Geometric Approach to Differential Forms

by David Bachman

This text presents differential forms from a geometric perspective accessible at the undergraduate level. It begins with basic concepts such as partial differentiation and multiple integration and gently develops the entire machinery of differential forms. The subject is approached with the idea that complex concepts can be built up by analogy from simpler cases, which, being inherently geometric, often can be best understood visually. Each new concept is presented with a natural picture that students can easily grasp. Algebraic properties then follow. The book contains excellent motivation, numerous illustrations and solutions to selected problems.

A Geometric Approach to Differential Forms

by David Bachman

This text presents differential forms from a geometric perspective accessible at the undergraduate level. It begins with basic concepts such as partial differentiation and multiple integration and gently develops the entire machinery of differential forms. The subject is approached with the idea that complex concepts can be built up by analogy from simpler cases, which, being inherently geometric, often can be best understood visually. Each new concept is presented with a natural picture that students can easily grasp. Algebraic properties then follow. The book contains excellent motivation, numerous illustrations and solutions to selected problems.

Statistical Analyses For Language Assessment (PDF)

by Lyle F Bachman

This book enables practitioners to apply statistics effectively to the development and use of language assessments. The Workbook and CD contain datasets from actual language assessments and data analysis exercises.

Optimierung der Goniometrie zur Texturbestimmung aus Röntgenbeugungsbildern

by Florian Bachmann

Florian Bachmann entwickelt Verfahren zur nutzergestützten und (teil-)automatisierten Polfigurmessung mit Allzweckdiffraktometern. Für beliebige Flächendetektoren, Wellenlängen und ein- oder mehrphasige Probenkörper formuliert er die Erzeugung von Messschemata als ein Mengenzerlegungsproblem, das die Anzahl von Messungen minimiert, aber die Abdeckung abzutastender Polsphären maximiert. Hierzu erläutert er die Beugungsgeometrie und schlägt eine Konstruktionsvorschrift für entsprechende Messraster vor. Die Verarbeitung aufgenommener Röntgenbeugungsbilder zu Polfiguren wird aus dem kinematischen Beugungsmodell abgeleitet und ein angepasstes Verfahren zur Schätzung der Orientierungsdichte besprochen. Zur Automatisierung des Messablaufes erläutert der Autor schließlich Verfahren zur Schätzung benötigter Parameter aus einer initialen Messung und diskutiert anhand von Beispielen die resultierende Optimierung der Goniometrie.

Fourier and Wavelet Analysis (Universitext)

by George Bachmann Lawrence Narici EDWARD BECKENSTEIN

This comprehensive volume develops all of the standard features of Fourier analysis - Fourier series, Fourier transform, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, and wavelets. The books approach emphasizes the role of the "selector" functions, and is not embedded in the usual engineering context, which makes the material more accessible to a wider audience. While there are several publications on the various individual topics, none combine or even include all of the above.

Transfinite Zahlen (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #1)

by Heinz Bachmann

Der vorliegende Bericht soll dem Leser die Ergebnisse und Probleme der Theorie der transfiniten Zahlen (Ordnungszahlen und Mächtigkeiten) nach ihrem heutigen Stande vermitteln, wobei die arithmetischen Fragen ziemlich erschöpfend erörtert werden, während auf axiomatische Fra­ gen weniger stark eingegangen wird. Die Grundlage bildet dabei das ZERMELO-FRAENKELsche Axiomensystem der Mengenlehre; die Anwen­ dung des Auswahlaxioms wird stets hervorgehoben. Um die Beschränkung auf einen bestimmten Formalismus zu vermeiden und zwecks besserer Lesbarkeit ist alles in der Sprache der naiven Mengenlehre formuliert. Nach einer allgemeinen Einleitung findet der Leser eine Darstellung der Theorie der Ordnungszahlen, wobei das Auswahlaxiom nur in Aus­ nahmefällen verwendet wird. Die neuen Ergebnisse über Normalfunktionen (§§7, 16) und über regressive Funktionen (§ 9) sowie die einfache Dar­ stellung der Theorie der Hauptzahlen (§§ 15,16) dürften dabei besonders von Interesse sein. Sodann folgt die Theorie der Mächtigkeiten; zuerst wird gezeigt, welche ersten Schritte in dieser Theorie ohne Auswahlaxiom ausgeführt werden können; dann wird die Theorie unter Verwendung des Auswahlaxioms (und ausführlicher) weiter entwickelt. Den Äquivalenzen zum Auswahlaxiom (§ 31) und zur Alephhypothese (§ 35) sowie den un­ erreichbaren Zahlen (§§ 40-42) wird besondere Beachtung geschenkt. Auf das Problem der formalen Darstellung von Ordnungszahlen, auf Anwen­ dungen der transfiniten Zahlen in der Theorie der Punktmengen und andere Anwendungen konnte wegen des beschränkten zur Verfügung stehenden Raumes nicht stark eingegangen werden. Am Scllluß findet sich ein Literaturverzeichnis, in dem die modernen Arbeiten fast voll­ ständig, die älteren nur teilweise aufgeführt sind, sowie ein Sachver­ zeichnis.

Das Fermatproblem in seiner bisherigen Entwicklung

by P. Bachmann

Mathematical Adventures in Performance Analysis: From Storage Systems, Through Airplane Boarding, to Express Line Queues (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)

by Eitan Bachmat

​ This book describes problems in the field of performance analysis, primarily the study of storage systems and the diverse mathematical techniques that are required for solving them. Topics covered include best practices for scheduling I/O requests to a disk drive, how this problem is related to airplane boarding, and how both problems can be modeled using space-time geometry. Also provided is an explanation of how Riemann's proof of the analytic continuation and functional equation of the Riemann zeta function can be used to analyze express line queues in a minimarket. Overall, the book displays the surprising relevance of abstract mathematics that is not usually associated with applied mathematics topics. Advanced undergraduate students or graduate students with an interest in the applications of mathematics will find this book to be a useful resource. It will also be of interest to professional mathematicians who want exposure to the surprising ways that theoretical mathematics may be applied to engineering problems. To encourage further study, each chapter ends with notes pointing to various related topics that the reader may want pursue. This mathematically rigorous work was noted in the news section of the journal Nature, and in popular media such as New Scientist, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and USA Today.

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