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Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices (Lecture Notes in Chemistry #112)

by Chérif F. Matta Ronald Cook Paul W. Ayers

This book builds bridges between two yet separated branches of theoretical and mathematical chemistry: Chemical Graph Theory and Electronic Structure Calculations. Although either of the fields have developed their own techniques, problems, methods, and favorite benchmark cases independent from each other, the authors have managed to bring them together by using the localization-delocalization matrix (LDM). The LDM is a novel molecular descriptor that fingerprints a molecule by condensing the complicated electronic information in one, mathematically manageable, object. In this book, the authors introduce the readers to modeling techniques based on LDMs. Their technique offers a high accuracy as well as robust predictive power, often dramatically surpassing the potential of either of the constituting methods on their own. In addition to the comprehensive and accessible introduction to this new field of theoretical chemistry, the authors offer their self-developed software free to download, so that readers can try running their own simulations. The described methods are very general and can easily be implemented for calculating various properties and parameters such as mosquito repelling activity, ionic liquid properties, local aromaticity of ring molecules, log P's, pKa's, LD50, corrosion inhibition activities, and Lewis acidities and basicities – to only name a few. The free downloadable software helps readers automate the analysis of the matrices described in this book and hence facilitates application of the described methodology.

Asymptotische Stochastik: Eine Einführung mit Blick auf die Statistik

by Norbert Henze

Dieses Lehrbuch liefert einen verständnisorientierten Einstieg in die asymptotische Stochastik. Es ist vom Niveau her zu Beginn eines Mathematik-Masterstudiums angesiedelt und deckt den Stoff ab, der in einer vierstündigen Vorlesung mit zweistündigen Übungen vermittelt werden kann. Einzelne Kapitel eignen sich zudem für Seminare am Ende eines Bachelorstudiums.Neben eher grundständigen Themen wie der Momentenmethode zum Nachweis von Verteilungskonvergenz oder dem multivariaten zentralen Grenzwertsatz und der Delta-Methode werden unter anderem Grenzwertsätze für U-Statistiken und der Satz von Donsker sowie die Brown'sche Brücke mit Anwendungen auf die Statistik behandelt. Das Buch schließt mit einem zentralen Grenzwertsatz für hilbertraumwertige Zufallselemente mit Anwendungen auf gewichtete L²-Statistiken. Ein besonderes Merkmal des Buches sind mehr als 130 Selbstfragen, die am Ende des jeweiligen Kapitels beantwortet werden, sowie mehr als 180 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen. Hierdurch eignet sich dieses Werk sehr gut zum Selbststudium.Die 2. Auflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und thematisch unter anderem um die starke Konsistenz der Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzung sowie zentrale Grenzwertsätze für Dreiecksschemata von Zufallsvektoren und hilbertraumwertigen Zufallsvariablen erweitert. Hinzugekommen sind auch weitere Beispiele sowie 11 neue Aufgaben mit Lösungen.

Principles of Locally Conformally Kähler Geometry (Progress in Mathematics #354)

by Liviu Ornea Misha Verbitsky

This monograph introduces readers to locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry and provides an extensive overview of the most current results. A rapidly developing area in complex geometry dealing with non-Kähler manifolds, LCK geometry has strong links to many other areas of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, topology, and complex analysis. The authors emphasize these connections to create a unified and rigorous treatment of the subject suitable for both students and researchers. Part I builds the necessary foundations for those approaching LCK geometry for the first time with full, mostly self-contained proofs and also covers material often omitted from textbooks, such as contact and Sasakian geometry, orbifolds, Ehresmann connections, and foliation theory. More advanced topics are then treated in Part II, including non-Kähler elliptic surfaces, cohomology of holomorphic vector bundles on Hopf manifolds, Kuranishi and Teichmüller spaces for LCK manifolds with potential, and harmonic forms on Sasakian and Vaisman manifolds. Each chapter in Parts I and II begins with motivation and historic context for the topics explored and includes numerous exercises for further exploration of important topics. Part III surveys the current research on LCK geometry, describing advances on topics such as automorphism groups on LCK manifolds, twisted Hamiltonian actions and LCK reduction, Einstein-Weyl manifolds and the Futaki invariant, and LCK geometry on nilmanifolds and on solvmanifolds. New proofs of many results are given using the methods developed earlier in the text. The text then concludes with a chapter that gathers over 100 open problems, with context and remarks provided where possible, to inspire future research.

Advances in Antiviral Research (Livestock Diseases and Management)

by Naveen Kumar Yashpal Singh Malik Shailly Tomar Sayeh Ezzikouri

This book illustrates advancements in the sophisticated tools and techniques for discovering and designing new antiviral drugs, identifying approved drugs against new and emerging viruses through large-scale computational virtual screening or drug repurposing approaches, and their evaluation in various in vitro and in vivo models. The chapters also cover the challenges associated with the emergence of antiviral drug resistance and possible ways to counter them. It discusses bioinformatics tools and software and computational approaches for the discovery of antivirals. The books also outline approaches for designing broad-spectrum antivirals effective against viruses by epigenetic- and epitranscriptomic-targeted reprogramming. Further, it provides vital details on the procedures for drug applications, clinical trials, and their regulations. Finally, the book provides a comprehensive yet representative description of advances in antiviral research protocols and methodologies suitablefor antiviral researchers at all career stages, including graduate and postgraduate students and policy-makers. ​

Estimator’s Pocket Book (Routledge Pocket Books)

by Duncan Cartlidge

The Estimator’s Pocket Book, Third Edition is a concise and practical reference cover­ing the main approaches to pricing, as well as useful information such as how to process sub-contractor quotations, tender settlement and adjudication. It is fully up to date with the New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) (2nd Edition) throughout and based on up-to-date wage rates, legislative changes and guidance notes.The book includes instructions on how to carry out:· an NRM order of cost estimate,· unit-rate pricing for a range different trades,· pro rata pricing for variations, and· the preparation and pricing of builders’ quantities and approximate quantities.This book is an essential source of reference for quantity surveyors, cost managers, project managers and anybody else with estimating respon­sibilities.

Estimator’s Pocket Book (Routledge Pocket Books)

by Duncan Cartlidge

The Estimator’s Pocket Book, Third Edition is a concise and practical reference cover­ing the main approaches to pricing, as well as useful information such as how to process sub-contractor quotations, tender settlement and adjudication. It is fully up to date with the New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) (2nd Edition) throughout and based on up-to-date wage rates, legislative changes and guidance notes.The book includes instructions on how to carry out:· an NRM order of cost estimate,· unit-rate pricing for a range different trades,· pro rata pricing for variations, and· the preparation and pricing of builders’ quantities and approximate quantities.This book is an essential source of reference for quantity surveyors, cost managers, project managers and anybody else with estimating respon­sibilities.

Fair Share: 111 Problems from Ahmes to Aumann

by Isaac Elishakoff

Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations, argued that “We need to create a world that is equitable, that is stable and a world where we bear in mind the needs of others, and not only what we need immediately. We are all in the same boat.”American businessman, John Landgraf stated: “I hope that most of us believe that we actually would all benefit from living in a more equitable society. If that's not happening, we're squandering human potential.” For the world to be fair, one needs to know how to divide. Without the mathematics of division, humankind cannot function…Marie Antoinette, Queen of France (infamously) said “If people have no bread, let them eat cake,” and while Ahmes ― the scribe of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus ― dealt with loaves of bread, prosperous people in the twentieth century dealt with cake division, although bread is also uniformly available. You’ll be surprised, but there are at least four books and over 200 scientific (not gastronomical!) papers on cake division. Those authors were not overly concerned with obesity, one can guess, but whether distributing loaves, cakes, chores, or dividends, one needs to master division.This book deals with a wide spectrum of division problems, and provides the historical background, giving a sense of how pervasive division is in our lives. In particular, the second part focuses on a problem that remained open until 1985, when Professor Robert John Aumann (Nobel laureate in Economics, 2005) and Professor Michael Maschler solved it using game-theoretic techniques. Simple alternative solutions are given, which are suitable for high schools and other educational institutions.

Resilient Smart Farming: Crisis-Capable Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture (Technology, Peace and Security I Technologie, Frieden und Sicherheit)

by Franz Kuntke

​Like many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures, a typical farm is comparatively small and often runs as a family business. Accordingly, the demands on farming technology, its implementation, and regulations are different in many terms. Currently, a promising technological trend of agriculture is smart farming, that incorporates more precise cultivation with less manual effort. But such new developments usually lack an assessment about its impact on the sector's resilience and dependencies on other infrastructures. It remains unclear, how digitalization impacts the resilience of food production and food safety. Therefore, it is not well researched which technological developments may lead to undesired effects in the future. How modern systems should be designed to allow for both, positive impacts on efficiency, and prevention of negative effects interms of reduced resilience capacities, is also not answered by current literature. The aim of the work is to close this research gap in the interplay between agriculture, digitalization, and resilience.

Fractional Calculus: High-Precision Algorithms and Numerical Implementations

by Dingyü Xue Lu Bai

Fractional calculus and its applications are fascinating research areas in many engineering disciplines. This book is a comprehensive collection of research from the author's group, which is one of the most active in the fractional calculus community worldwide and is the birthplace of one of the four MATLAB toolboxes in fractional calculus, the FOTF Toolbox. The book presents high-precision solution algorithms for a variety of fractional-order differential equations, including nonlinear, delay, and boundary value equations. Currently, there are no other universal solvers available for the latter two types of equations. Through this book, readers can systematically study the mathematics and solution methods in the field of fractional calculus and apply these concepts to different engineering fields, particularly control systems engineering.This book is a translation of an original German edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.

Ordinal Data Analysis: Statistical Perspective with Applications

by Nairanjana Dasgupta Jillian Morrison

This book is a step-by-step data story for analyzing ordinal data from start to finish. The book is for researchers, statisticians and scientists who are working with datasets where the response is ordinal. This type of data is common in many disciplines, not just in surveys (as is often thought). For example, in the biological sciences, there is an interest in understanding and predicting the (growth) stage (of a plant or animal) based on a multitude of factors. Likewise, ordinal data is common in environmental sciences (for example, stage of a storm), chemical sciences (for example, type of reaction), physical sciences (for example, stage of damage when force is applied), medical sciences (for example, degree of pain) and social sciences (for example, demographic factors like social status categorized in brackets). There has been no complete text about how to model an ordinal response as a function of multiple numerical and categorical predictors. There has always been a reluctance and reticence towards ordinal data as it lies in a no-man’s land between numerical and categorical data. Examples from health sciences are used to illustrate in detail the process of how to analyze ordinal data, from exploratory analysis to modeling, to inference and diagnostics. This book also shows how Likert-type analysis is often used incorrectly and discusses the reason behind it. Similarly, it discusses the methods related to Structural Equations and talks about appropriate uses of this class of methods.The text is meant to serve as a reference book and to be a “how-to” resource along with the “why” and “when” for modeling ordinal data.Key Features: Includes applications of the statistical theory Includes illustrated examples with the associated R and SAS code Discusses the key differences between the different methods that are used for ordinal data analysis Bridges the gap between methods for ordinal data analysis used in different disciplines

Ordinal Data Analysis: Statistical Perspective with Applications

by Nairanjana Dasgupta Jillian Morrison

This book is a step-by-step data story for analyzing ordinal data from start to finish. The book is for researchers, statisticians and scientists who are working with datasets where the response is ordinal. This type of data is common in many disciplines, not just in surveys (as is often thought). For example, in the biological sciences, there is an interest in understanding and predicting the (growth) stage (of a plant or animal) based on a multitude of factors. Likewise, ordinal data is common in environmental sciences (for example, stage of a storm), chemical sciences (for example, type of reaction), physical sciences (for example, stage of damage when force is applied), medical sciences (for example, degree of pain) and social sciences (for example, demographic factors like social status categorized in brackets). There has been no complete text about how to model an ordinal response as a function of multiple numerical and categorical predictors. There has always been a reluctance and reticence towards ordinal data as it lies in a no-man’s land between numerical and categorical data. Examples from health sciences are used to illustrate in detail the process of how to analyze ordinal data, from exploratory analysis to modeling, to inference and diagnostics. This book also shows how Likert-type analysis is often used incorrectly and discusses the reason behind it. Similarly, it discusses the methods related to Structural Equations and talks about appropriate uses of this class of methods.The text is meant to serve as a reference book and to be a “how-to” resource along with the “why” and “when” for modeling ordinal data.Key Features: Includes applications of the statistical theory Includes illustrated examples with the associated R and SAS code Discusses the key differences between the different methods that are used for ordinal data analysis Bridges the gap between methods for ordinal data analysis used in different disciplines

Morphology, Neurogeometry, Semiotics: A Festschrift in Honor of Jean Petitot 's 80th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)

by Alessandro Sarti

Jean Petitot is a polyhedric thinker whose contributions has been fundamental in a number of disciplines, such as epistemology, morphodynamics, differential geometry, structural semiotics, neurogeometry, phenomenology, linguistics, cognitive grammars, the theory of catastrophes, social sciences, literary studies, and aesthetics. This book is a homage to his huge contribution about the main concepts of morphogenesis and meaning that constitute the center of gravity around which Petitotian reflection revolves and returns.The scientific path of Jean Petitot develops between these two poles, topology and meaning. At stake it was to challenge the hiatus separating the exact sciences from the humanities that was the main point of the Petitot seminar of EHESS Epistemology of Models. By designing the appropriate qualitative dynamics between the two poles, form and meaning, it is possible to understand the Saussurian sign in structural semiotics, or the Greimasian semiotic square fordeep narrative structures or even the canonical formula of the myth of Lévi Strauss in structural anthropology. These are just few results in applying the theory of catastrophes to the emergence of meaning. The book is a collection of testimonies by distinguished authors who worked extensively with Jean Petitot in the different fields of Mathematics, Neurogeometry, Semiotics, Aesthetics, and Epistemology. An extensive bibliography of Petitot’s work is also presented.

Marketing and Smart Technologies: Proceedings of ICMarkTech 2023, Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #386)

by José Luís Reis José Paulo Marques dos Santos Jiří Zelený Beáta Gavurová

This book includes selected papers presented at the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (ICMarkTech 2023), held at Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), in partnership with University College Prague (UCP), in Prague, Czech Republic, between 30 November and 2 December 2023. It covers up-to-date cutting-edge research on artificial intelligence applied in marketing, virtual and augmented reality in marketing, business intelligence databases and marketing, data mining and big data, marketing data science, web marketing, e-commerce and v-commerce, social media and networking, geomarketing and IoT, marketing automation and inbound marketing, machine learning applied to marketing, customer data management and CRM, and neuromarketing technologies.

Communication and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICCIS 2023, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #969)

by Lipo Wang Harish Sharma Vivek Shrivastava Ashish Kumar Tripathi

This book gathers selected research papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICCIS 2023), organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India, during December 16–17, 2023. This book presents a collection of state-of-the-art research work involving cutting-edge technologies for communication and intelligent systems. Over the past few years, advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have sparked new research efforts around the globe, which explore novel ways of developing intelligent systems and smart communication technologies. The book presents single- and multi-disciplinary research on these themes to make the latest results available in a single, readily accessible source. The work is presented in three volumes.

Researching Mathematical Modelling Education in Disruptive Times (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

by Gabriele Kaiser Hans-Stefan Siller Vince Geiger

This edited volume documents research on mathematical modelling education, before, during, and after the Covid 19 pandemic. Mathematical modelling is essential for understanding natural and human generated phenomena, and informs decision-making about events such as the pandemic, climate change, and other disruptive events. Communication to the public, often by the media, makes use of mathematical modelling to justify changes to public policy, as seen during the COVID-19 crisis. Consequently, mathematical modelling has assumed an increasingly prominent role in curricula internationally, providing opportunities to understand how it is used in current circumstances and to plan for the needs of future societies. This book focuses on research on mathematical modelling education and its implementation at school and tertiary level. Contributions to the book and point to directions for further innovation in mathematical modelling education. Authors of this volume are members of the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling, the peak research body for the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling.

Facility Location Under Uncertainty: Models, Algorithms and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #356)

by Shuming Wang Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama

This textbook provides researchers, post-graduate students, and practitioners with a systematic framework for coping with uncertainty when making facility location decisions. In addition to in-depth coverage of models and solution techniques, application areas are discussed. The book guides readers through the field, showing how to successfully analyze new problems and handle new applications. Initially, the focus is on base models and concepts. Then, gradually, more comprehensive models and more involved solution algorithms are discussed. Throughout the book, two perspectives are intertwined: the paradigm for capturing uncertainty, and the facility location problem at hand. The former includes stochastic programming, robust optimization, chance-constrained programming, and distributional robust optimization; the latter includes classical facility location problems and those arising in many real-world applications such as hub location, location routing, andlocation inventory.

Advances in Ring Theory and Applications: WARA22, Messina, Italy, July 18–20, 2022 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #443)

by Mohammad Ashraf Vincenzo De Filippis Shakir Ali Nadeem Ur Rehman

The book intends to be a collection of research papers on algebra and related topics, most of which were presented at the international "Workshop on Associative Rings and Algebras with additional structures (WARA22)". The purpose of the workshop WARA22 was to present the current state of the art both in the Theory of Lie structures of associative rings and algebras and in the Theory of functional identities in rings. The conference has emerged as a powerful forum offering researchers the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and discuss advances in ring theory, inspiring further research directions. The main topics covered refer to rings with involution, Lie and Jordan structures, rings and algebras arising under various constructions, modules, bimodules and ideals in associative algebras, behavior of derivations, automorphisms and other kinds of additive maps in rings and algebras. All the contributing authors are leading international academicians and researchers in their respective fields. The papers cover a wide range of topics in ring theory, group theory, matrix algebra and graph theory. The book will serve both the specialist looking for the latest results and the novice looking for the appropriate references to access the study and understanding of the results presented here.

Digital Health and Wireless Solutions: First Nordic Conference​, NCDHWS 2024, Oulu, Finland, May 7–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2084)

by Daljeet Singh Miia Jansson Mariella Särestöniemi Pantea Keikhosrokiani Erkki Harjula Aleksei Tiulpin Minna Isomursu Mark Van Gils Simo Saarakkala Jarmo Reponen

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on , Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, NCDHWS 2024, held in Oulu, Finland, during May 7–8, 2024. The 51 full papers included in this book together with 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Remote Care and Health Connectivity Architectures in 6G Era.- User Experience and Citizen Data.- Digitalization in Health Education.- Digital Health Innovations.- Digital Care Pathways. Part II: Clinical Decision Support and Medical AI.- Digital Care Pathways.- Novel Sensors and Bioinformatics.- Health Technology Assessment and Impact Evaluation.- Wireless Technologies and Medical Devices. This book is open access.

Digital Health and Wireless Solutions: First Nordic Conference​, NCDHWS 2024, Oulu, Finland, May 7–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2083)

by Daljeet Singh Miia Jansson Mariella Särestöniemi Pantea Keikhosrokiani Erkki Harjula Aleksei Tiulpin Minna Isomursu Mark Van Gils Simo Saarakkala Jarmo Reponen

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on , Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, NCDHWS 2024, held in Oulu, Finland, during May 7–8, 2024. The 51 full papers included in this book together with 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Remote Care and Health Connectivity Architectures in 6G Era.- User Experience and Citizen Data.- Digitalization in Health Education.- Digital Health Innovations.- Digital Care Pathways. Part II: Clinical Decision Support and Medical AI.- Digital Care Pathways.- Novel Sensors and Bioinformatics.- Health Technology Assessment and Impact Evaluation.- Wireless Technologies and Medical Devices. This book is open access.

Understanding Generative AI Business Applications: A Guide to Technical Principles and Real-World Applications

by Irena Cronin

This guide covers the fundamental technical principles and various business applications of Generative AI for planning, developing, and evaluating AI-driven products. It equips you with the knowledge you need to harness the potential of Generative AI for enhancing business creativity and productivity.The book is organized into three sections: text-based, senses-based, and rationale-based. Each section provides an in-depth exploration of the specific methods and applications of Generative AI. In the text-based section, you will find detailed discussions on designing algorithms to automate and enhance written communication, including insights into the technical aspects of transformer-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) and chatbot architecture, such as GPT-4, Claude 2, Google Bard, and others. The senses-based section offers a glimpse into the algorithms and data structures that underpin visual, auditory, and multisensory experiences, including NeRF, 3D Gaussian Splatting,Stable Diffusion, AR and VR technologies, and more. The rationale-based section illuminates the decision-making capabilities of AI, with a focus on machine learning and data analytics techniques that empower applications such as simulation models, agents, and autonomous systems.In summary, this book serves as a guide for those seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of Generative AI. Whether you’re a seasoned AI professional or a business leader looking to harness the power of creative automation, these pages offer a roadmap to leverage Generative AI for your organization’s success.What You Will LearnWhat are the technical elements that constitute the makeup of Generative AI products?What are the practical applications of Generative AI?How can algorithms be designed to automate and improve written communication?What are the latest Generative AI architectures and algorithms?Who This Book Is ForData scientists, data analysts, decision makers, and business executives interested in gaining an understanding of Generative AI products

Capitalism, Degrowth and the Steady State Economy: Debating Future Economic Models (Palgrave Insights into Apocalypse Economics)

by Theodore P. Lianos

This book examines the contemporary state of the capitalist economyand its future trajectory in a world characterized by multiple crises from population growth to ecological damage. Setting an understanding of modern capitalism in global historical context, chapters consider the uncertainty of capitalism’s future and argues that capitalism must adapt dramatically to survive.. The book examines the major problems that a capitalist system faces, including inequality, organized crime, uncontrolled technological development, polarizing geopolitics, food security and climate change. To address these multifaceted challenges andminimize the impact of capitalism in exacerbating them, the book discusses the potential viability of a ‘steady state’ economic model and a de-growth approach to the global economy. It also considers various alternative models for the future, including eco-socialism and participatory socialism. This book deftly weaves together perspectives on a wide variety of issues and will be a useful resource for scholars interested in Marxist economics and heterodox economics, political economy, economic development and economic thought.

Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for Smart Environments (Internet of Things)

by Hoe Tung Yew Mazlina Mamat Jamal Ahmad Dargham Chung Seng Kheau Ervin Gubin Moung

This book highlights the application of smart technologies that utilize the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance efficiency and productivity across various industries. It provides a comprehensive review of the latest IoT and AI developments, including their applications, opportunities, and challenges in smart environments. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, academics, and students working on implementing smart technologies.

Selected Problems of Solid Mechanics and Solving Methods (Advanced Structured Materials #204)

by Alexander Ya. Grigorenko Holm Altenbach Victor A. Eremeyev Vladimir M. Nazarenko Viacheslav Bogdanov Roman M. Kushnir

This book examines new approaches for the estimation of errors in approximate theories. Numerical and analytical methods in mechanics often require the establishment of a set of basic equations, and various approaches exist to create approximate theories from them. The problem is that nobody knows the boundaries of the estimation of errors in approximate theories. This book presents new approaches to overcome this problem and to provide the reader with suitable methods for the relevant field, including a representation of different scientific schools and different countries. These new methods are helping to solve many problems not only in analytical Mechanics but also in Physics, Mathematics, and Civil Engineering.

The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality

by Heaven Crawley Joseph Kofi Teye

This open access handbook examines the phenomenon of South-South migration and its relationship to inequality in the Global South, where at least a third of all international migration takes place. Drawing on contributions from nearly 70 leading migration scholars, mainly from the Global South, the handbook challenges dominant conceptualisations of migration, offering new perspectives and insights that can inform theoretical and policy understandings and unlock migration’s development potential. The handbook is divided into four parts, each highlighting often overlooked mobility patterns within and between regions of the Global South, as well as the inequalities faced by those who move. Key cross-cutting themes include gender, race, poverty and income inequality, migration decision making, intermediaries, remittances, technology, climate change, food security and migration governance. The handbook is an indispensable resource on South-South migration and inequality for academics, researchers, postgraduates and development practitioners.

System Theory -- A Modern Approach, Volume 1: Linear Ordinary and Functional Differential Equations

by Henri Bourlès

The theory of dynamic systems is addressed in this book in accordance with the "modern" approach, heir to algebraic analysis, which has been implemented since the last decade of the 20th century. After a reminder of the evolution of the representation of systems based on transfer functions or matrices, the duality of controllability and observability is revisited, and new results are produced concerning time-varying discrete-time systems. To complete and improve the existing analyses, the poles and zeros of linear systems and their interconnections are presented in a new way, as well as the problem of systems governed by functional differential equations (of retarded or neutral type) and their stabilization. This book also proposes known and original mathematical complements.

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