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Showing 54,576 through 54,600 of 54,641 results

The Theory of Distributions: Introduction

by El Mustapha Hassi

Many physical, chemical, biological and even economic phenomena can be modeled by differential or partial differential equations, and the framework of distribution theory is the most efficient way to study these equations. A solid familiarity with the language of distributions has become almost indispensable in order to treat these questions efficiently. This book presents the theory of distributions in as clear a sense as possible while providing the reader with a background containing the essential and most important results on distributions. Together with a thorough grounding, it also provides a series of exercises and detailed solutions. The Theory of Distributions is intended for master’s students in mathematics and for students preparing for the agrégation certification in mathematics or those studying the physical sciences or engineering.

The Theory of Statistical Implicative Analysis: Or the Implausibility of Falsehood ... When the Exception Confirms the Rule

by Régis Gras Antoine Bodin Raphaël Couturier Pablo Gregori

This book summarizes the methods and concepts of Statistical Implicative Analysis (SIA), created by Régis Gras in the 1980s to study, in a new way, the behavioural responses of French pupils to mathematics tests. Using a multidimensional, non-symmetrical data analysis method, SIA crosses a set of subjects or objects with a set of variables. It effectively complements traditional correlational and psychometric methods. SIA, through its various extensions, is today presented as a broad Artificial Intelligence method aimed at extracting trends and possible causalities in the form of rules, from a set of variables. It is based on the unlikeliness of the existence of these relationships, i.e. on the relative weakness of their counter-examples compared to what chance alone would produce. It establishes a dual topological relationship between the set of subjects and the set of variables. Many applications of this approach, driving forces or crucibles for the development of SIA, have concerned and still concern various fields such as didactics, evaluation and assessment, psychology, sociology, medicine, biology, economics, art history, and others. Key Features: Presents the foundations and representations of SIA. Provides extensions of variable sets and subjects. Includes a bonus exercise.

The Theory of Statistical Implicative Analysis: Or the Implausibility of Falsehood ... When the Exception Confirms the Rule

by Régis Gras Antoine Bodin Raphaël Couturier Pablo Gregori

This book summarizes the methods and concepts of Statistical Implicative Analysis (SIA), created by Régis Gras in the 1980s to study, in a new way, the behavioural responses of French pupils to mathematics tests. Using a multidimensional, non-symmetrical data analysis method, SIA crosses a set of subjects or objects with a set of variables. It effectively complements traditional correlational and psychometric methods. SIA, through its various extensions, is today presented as a broad Artificial Intelligence method aimed at extracting trends and possible causalities in the form of rules, from a set of variables. It is based on the unlikeliness of the existence of these relationships, i.e. on the relative weakness of their counter-examples compared to what chance alone would produce. It establishes a dual topological relationship between the set of subjects and the set of variables. Many applications of this approach, driving forces or crucibles for the development of SIA, have concerned and still concern various fields such as didactics, evaluation and assessment, psychology, sociology, medicine, biology, economics, art history, and others. Key Features: Presents the foundations and representations of SIA. Provides extensions of variable sets and subjects. Includes a bonus exercise.

Tipler Physik: für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik

by Paul A. Tipler Gene Mosca

Tipler Physik dient bereits Generationen von Studierenden der Natur- und Ingenieurwissen­schaften als Lern-, Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk. Angehende oder sich bereits im Studium befind­liche Bachelorstudierende mit Physik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder verwandter Gebiete, egal ob im Haupt- oder Nebenfach profitieren von ausführlichen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Erklä­rungen. Schritt für Schritt werden Beispiele vorgerechnet, zusätzlich oft auch mithilfe der Soft­ware MATLAB®. Zudem werden die physikalischen Inhalte mit wertvollen Tipps und Tricks ver­vollständigt. Alle Gebiete der Physik werden behandelt und zwar genau richtig – nicht zu viel um einen guten Einstieg zu ermöglichen und nicht zu wenig, um einen soliden Überblick zu erhalten. Damit ist Tipler Physik ein treuer Begleiter durch das Studium und auch danach. Gleichzeitig trägt das Buch neuen Entwicklungen Rechnung. Digitale Karteikarten, die in dieser Auflage neu hin­zugekommen sind, ermöglichen das flexible Lernen und Vertiefen überall. Am Ende jedes Kapi­tels findet ein Ein- und Ausblick in die aktuelle Forschung statt.Wer im Studium, Schule oder Beruf sich mit physikalischen Fragestellungen befasst, dem sollte Tipler Physik in Bücherregal nicht fehlen: · didaktisch wertvoll aufbereitet und dargestellt· zahlreiche Beispiel- und Übungsaufgaben mit Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen bzw. Lösungen· digitale Karteikarten in Form der SN Flashcards· Einführung in MATLAB® anhand konkreter Aufgabenstellungen· bewährte Tipps und Tricks, um nicht in die Fehlerfalle zu geraten· wichtigste Gesetze und Formeln kurz zusammengefasst· übersichtliche und anschauliche Abbildungen· aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge, die in den Kontext zu ihrem Fachgebiet gestellt werden.

Toward Connected, Cooperative and Intelligent IoV: Frontier Technologies and Applications

by Kai Liu Penglin Dai Victor C.S. Lee Joseph Kee-Yin Ng Sang Hyuk Son

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to technological advances in Internet of Vehicles (IoV), including vehicular communications, vehicular system architectures, data dissemination algorithms, resource allocation schemes, and AI-enabled applications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art IoV with regard to three major directions, namely networking, cooperation, and intelligence, including advanced wireless communication technologies, algorithm theory, optimization mechanisms, and AI technologies. In addition, the book includes a number of case studies with system prototype implementation and hands-on experiments in IoV, making it suitable both as a technical reference work for professionals and as a textbook for graduate students.

Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace: De-Escalation of State-Led Cyber Conflicts and Arms Control of Cyber Weapons (Technology, Peace and Security I Technologie, Frieden und Sicherheit)

by Thomas Reinhold

The cyberspace and its global infrastructures are essential for our civilizations, the economy and administration. However, cyberspace is also increasingly developing into an intelligence and military operational area, visible in the creation of military cyber departments and the integration of cyberspace into states' security and defense strategies. Unfortunately, many of the established toolset of transparency, de-escalation and arms control measures do not work for cyberspace due to its specific technical characteristics. But how de-escalation of state-led conflicts in cyberspace can be achieved and how arms control of cyber weapons can be developed? Based on a technical perspective with regard to the underlying political challenges, the book follows an approach of adopting already existing technical measures from other fields of the computer science. It presents a classification system for cyberweapons, an approach for the mutual reduction of vulnerability stockpiles and provides an approach to prove the non-involvement in a cyber conflict. Beyond this, it aims to provide some impulses regarding the responsibility and creative options of the computer science with a view to the peaceful development and use of cyberspace.

Towards Resilient Social IoT Sensors and Networks: A Trust Management Approach (Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation #48)

by Quan Z. Sheng Adnan Mahmood Subhash Sagar

This book, at first, explores the evolution of the IoT to SIoT and offers a comprehensive understanding of SIoT and trust management vis-à-vis SIoT. It subsequently envisages trust quantification models by employing key SIoT-specific trust features, including SIoT relationships (e.g., friendships, working relationships, and community-of-interest), direct observations, and indirect observations, to augment the idea of trust quantification of a SIoT object. Furthermore, diverse trust aggregation techniques, i.e., conventional weighted sum, machine learning, and artificial neural networks, are proposed so as to address the challenges of the trust aggregation. Finally, the book outlines the future research directions for emphasizing the importance of trustworthiness management in the evolving notion of the SIoT.

Towards Ulam Type Multi Stability Analysis: A Novel Approach for Fuzzy Dynamical Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #523)

by Reza Saadati Tofigh Allahviranloo Safoura Rezaei Aderyani Chenkuan Li

The main target of this book is to present a new concept of Ulam-type stability, i.e., multi-stability, through the classical, well-known special functions and to obtain the best approximation error estimates by a different concept of perturbation stability including fuzzy approaches for uncertainty considerations. This stability allows us to obtain diverse approximations depending on various special functions that are initially chosen and to evaluate maximal stability and minimal error which enable us to obtain a unique optimal solution of functional equations, inequalities, and fractional equations. Stability analysis in the sense of the Ulam and its different kinds has received considerable attention from the researchers. However, how to effectively generalize the Ulam stability problems and to evaluate optimized controllability and stability are new issues. The multi-stability not only covers the previous concepts but also considers the optimization of the problem and provides a comprehensive discussion of optimizing the different types of the Ulam stabilities of mathematical models used in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines with fuzzy attitudes. Besides, this book also deals with nonlinear differential equations with various boundary conditions or initial value problems, based on the matrix Mittag-Leffler function, fixed point theory, as well as Babenko's approach to study uniqueness and existence of solutions. In general, the benefits for the readers can be concluded as follows: 1. Evaluates maximal stability with minimal error to get a unique optimal solution. 2. Discusses an optimal method of the alternative to study existence, uniqueness, and different types of Ulam stabilities under special consideration of the fuzzy approaches. 3. Delves into the new study of boundary value problems of fractional integro-differential equations with integral boundary conditions and variable coefficients.

Traditional Functional-Discrete Methods for the Problems of Mathematical Physics: New Aspects

by Volodymyr Makarov Nataliya Mayko

This book is devoted to the construction and study of approximate methods for solving mathematical physics problems in canonical domains. It focuses on obtaining weighted a priori estimates of the accuracy of these methods while also considering the influence of boundary and initial conditions. This influence is quantified by means of suitable weight functions that characterize the distance of an inner point to the boundary of the domain. New results are presented on boundary and initial effects for the finite difference method for elliptic and parabolic equations, mesh schemes for equations with fractional derivatives, and the Cayley transform method for abstract differential equations in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Due to their universality and convenient implementation, the algorithms discussed throughout can be used to solve a wide range of actual problems in science and technology. The book is intended for scientists, university teachers, and graduate and postgraduate students who specialize in the field of numerical analysis.

Traditional Functional-Discrete Methods for the Problems of Mathematical Physics: New Aspects

by Volodymyr Makarov Nataliya Mayko

This book is devoted to the construction and study of approximate methods for solving mathematical physics problems in canonical domains. It focuses on obtaining weighted a priori estimates of the accuracy of these methods while also considering the influence of boundary and initial conditions. This influence is quantified by means of suitable weight functions that characterize the distance of an inner point to the boundary of the domain. New results are presented on boundary and initial effects for the finite difference method for elliptic and parabolic equations, mesh schemes for equations with fractional derivatives, and the Cayley transform method for abstract differential equations in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Due to their universality and convenient implementation, the algorithms discussed throughout can be used to solve a wide range of actual problems in science and technology. The book is intended for scientists, university teachers, and graduate and postgraduate students who specialize in the field of numerical analysis.

Traffic and Granular Flow '22 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #443)

This book gathers contributions on a variety of flowing collective systems. While primarily focusing on pedestrian dynamics, it also reflects the latest developments in areas such as vehicular traffic and granular flows and addresses related emerging topics such as self-propelled particles, data transport, swarm behaviour, intercellular transport, and individual interactions to complex systems. Combining fundamental research and practical applications in the various fields discussed, the book offers a valuable asset for researchers and professionals in areas such as civil and transportation engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, computer science, and mathematics.

Transforming Public Services—Combining Data and Algorithms to Fulfil Citizen’s Expectations (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #252)

by Christophe Gaie Mayuri Mehta

This book provides a precise portrayal of the current trends and future perspectives of e-Government. It outlines new approaches that optimize public services across diverse sectors. Going beyond traditional boundaries, it offers mathematical models for public services supported by convincing case studies. This book significantly enhances various government services, such as education, healthcare, safety, security, and culture. It also strongly emphasizes safeguarding citizens' personal data, ensuring privacy, and obtaining explicit consent. Tailored for students and academics, the book is an invaluable reference for teaching graduate courses in e-Government, Process Modelling, or Artificial Intelligence. Its impact extends beyond the classroom; civil servants from all domains can find practical insights to navigate the ongoing modernization of public services. Even citizens curious about the transformation in their public services can find this book enlightening. Researchers working in the area of e-Governance can use this book to discover the recent developments in e-Government.

The Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimization with the Attractor-Based Search System (Synthesis Lectures on Operations Research and Applications)

by Weiqi Li

This book presents a new search paradigm for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The intrinsic difficulty of the TSP is associated with the combinatorial explosion of potential solutions in the solution space. The author introduces the idea of using the attractor concept in dynamical systems theory to reduce the search space for exhaustive search for the TSP. Numerous examples are used to describe how to use this new search algorithm to solve the TSP and its variants including: multi-objective TSP, dynamic TSP, and probabilistic TSP. This book is intended for readers in the field of optimization research and application.

Treks into Intuitive Geometry: The World of Polygons and Polyhedra

by Jin Akiyama Kiyoko Matsunaga

This book is written in a style that uncovers the mathematical theories hidden in our daily lives, using examples of patterns that appear in nature, arts, traditional crafts, as well as mathematical mechanics in architectural techniques. The authors believe that through conversations between students and mathematicians, readers may learn about the methods used by the originators of these theories―their trials, errors, and triumphs―in reaching their various conclusions. The goal is to help readers refine their mathematical sense in terms of formulating valuable questions and pursuing them. In addition, the book aims to provide enjoyment in the application of mathematical principles to beautiful art and design by using examples that highlight the wonders and mysteries of these works found in our daily lives. To achieve these goals, the book tackles the latest exquisite results on polygons and polyhedra and the dynamic history of geometric research found around us. The term "intuitive geometry" was coined by Lászlo Fejes Tóth and refers to the kind of geometry which, in Hilbert's words, can be explained to and appeal to the "man on the street." This book enables readers to enjoy intuitive geometry informally and instinctively. It does not require more than a high school level of knowledge but calls for a sense of wonder, intuition, and mathematical maturity. In this second edition, many new results, and elegant proofs on a variety of topics have been added, enhancing the book’s rich content even further.

Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2024 Workshops, RAFDA and IWTA, Taipei, Taiwan, May 7–10, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14658)

by Zhaoxia Wang Chang Wei Tan

This book constitutes the workshops that have been held in conjunction with the 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2023, which took place in Osaka, Japan, during May 25–28, 2023. For RAFDA 2024, Workshop on Research and Applications of Foundation Models for Data Mining and Affective Computing, 15 submissions have been received and 9 full papers have been accepted for publication. For IWTA 2024, International Workshop on Temporal Analytics, 4 full papers have been accepted from a total of 6 submissions.

Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications #296)

by Valentin A. Zagrebnov Hagen Neidhardt Takashi Ichinose

The book captures a fascinating snapshot of the current state of results about the operator-norm convergent Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ on Hilbert and Banach spaces. It also includes results on the operator-norm convergent product formulæ for solution operators of the non-autonomous Cauchy problems as well as similar results on the unitary and Zeno product formulæ.After the Sophus Lie product formula for matrices was established in 1875, it was generalised to Hilbert and Banach spaces for convergence in the strong operator topology by H. Trotter (1959) and then in an extended form by T. Kato (1978). In 1993 Dzh. L. Rogava discovered that convergence of the Trotter product formula takes place in the operator-norm topology. The latter is the main subject of this book, which is dedicated essentially to the operator-norm convergent Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ on Hilbert and Banach spaces, but also to related results on the time-dependent, unitary and Zeno product formulæ. The book yields a detailed up-to-date introduction into the subject that will appeal to any reader with a basic knowledge of functional analysis and operator theory. It also provides references to the rich literature and historical remarks.

Try It! Even More Math Problems for All

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book.Try It! Even More Math Problems for All is the third of three collections of offbeat, open-ended problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems.The Hints and Solutions section guides you to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to solving these 25 new, illustrated problems of varying difficulty. As a result, you will be able to motivate your students to think creatively on their own and to engage in teamwork. And when students solve a problem, you will see and hear their accomplishments.Perfect for any math classroom, club, after school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to think differently, and, above all, have fun!Can’t get enough? Volume 1 in the series, Try It! Math Problems for All, and Volume 2, Try It! More Math Problems for All, are also available at Student Workbook PacksIn addition to this teachers' guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easy, provide students with a quick reference to use during discussions, and they save time — there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Try It! Even More Math Problems for All

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book.Try It! Even More Math Problems for All is the third of three collections of offbeat, open-ended problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems.The Hints and Solutions section guides you to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to solving these 25 new, illustrated problems of varying difficulty. As a result, you will be able to motivate your students to think creatively on their own and to engage in teamwork. And when students solve a problem, you will see and hear their accomplishments.Perfect for any math classroom, club, after school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to think differently, and, above all, have fun!Can’t get enough? Volume 1 in the series, Try It! Math Problems for All, and Volume 2, Try It! More Math Problems for All, are also available at Student Workbook PacksIn addition to this teachers' guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easy, provide students with a quick reference to use during discussions, and they save time — there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Try It! Math Problems for All

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book. Breaking away from the standard drill and practice routine, Try It! Math Problems for All is a collection of offbeat, open-ended math problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems. The 25 illustrated problems vary in difficulty, motivating students to think creatively on their own, or to engage in teamwork and cooperation within a group, while the Hints and Solutions section guides teachers to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to a solution. Perfect for any math classroom, club, after-school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to relax, think differently, and, above all, have fun! Optional Student Workbook Packs In addition to this teacher's guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easier than ever, provide students with an easy-to-use reference to use during discussions, and save time, as there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Try It! Math Problems for All: Student Workbook

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book. Breaking away from the standard drill and practice routine, Try It! Math Problems for All is a collection of offbeat, open-ended math problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems. The 25 illustrated problems vary in difficulty, motivating students to think creatively on their own, or to engage in teamwork and cooperation within a group, while the Hints and Solutions section guides teachers to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to a solution. Perfect for any math classroom, club, after-school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to relax, think differently, and, above all, have fun! Optional Student Workbook Packs In addition to this teacher's guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easier than ever, provide students with an easy-to-use reference to use during discussions, and save time, as there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Try It! More Math Problems for All: Student Workbook

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book. Try It! More Math Problems for All is the second of three collections of offbeat, open-ended problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems. These are 25 new, illustrated problems varying in difficulty. They will motivate your students to think creatively on their own and to engage in teamwork. The Hints and Solutions section guides you to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to a solution. And when students solve a problem, you will see and hear their accomplishments. Perfect for any math classroom, club, after school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to think differently, and, above all, have fun! Can’t get enough? Volumes 1 and 3 in the series are also available at Optional Student Workbook Packs In addition to this teachers' guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easy, provide students with a quick reference to use during discussions, and they save time — there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Try It! More Math Problems for All

by Jerry Kaplan

This is not your typical math book. Try It! More Math Problems for All is the second of three collections of offbeat, open-ended problems designed to make even the most math-averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems. These are 25 new, illustrated problems varying in difficulty. They will motivate your students to think creatively on their own and to engage in teamwork. The Hints and Solutions section guides you to probe, suggest, and encourage students to explore even their most unusual insights on the way to a solution. And when students solve a problem, you will see and hear their accomplishments. Perfect for any math classroom, club, after school activity, or coaching session, Try It! celebrates not only the destination, but the journey, giving students a chance to think differently, and, above all, have fun! Can’t get enough? Volumes 1 and 3 in the series are also available at Optional Student Workbook Packs In addition to this teachers' guide, companion student workbooks are available in packs of ten. The student workbooks feature ample room for student responses and notes, make reviewing and providing feedback on student work easy, provide students with a quick reference to use during discussions, and they save time — there is no need to reproduce student handouts.

Tuning the Snowflake Data Cloud: Optimizing Your Data Platform to Minimize Cost and Maximize Performance

by Andrew Carruthers

This project-oriented book presents a hands-on approach to identifying migration and performance issues with experience drawn from real-world examples. As you work through the book, you will develop skills, knowledge, and deep understanding of Snowflake tuning options and capabilities while preparing for later incorporation of additional Snowflake features as they become available. Your Snowflake platform will cost less to run and will improve your customer experience. Written by a seasoned Snowflake practitioner, this book is full of practical, hands-on guidance and advice specifically designed to further accelerate your Snowflake journey. Tuning the Snowflake Data Cloud provides you a pathway to success by equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to elevate your Snowflake experience. The book shows you how to leverage what you already know, adds what you don’t, and helps you apply it toward delivering for your Snowflake accounts. Read this book to embark on a voyage of advancement and equip your organization to deliver consistent Snowflake performance. What You Will Learn Recognize and understand the root cause of performance bottlenecks Know how to resolve performance issues Develop a deep understanding of Snowflake performance tuning options Reduce expensive mistakes, remediate poorly performing code Manage Snowflake costs

Type-3 Fuzzy Logic in Time Series Prediction (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Oscar Castillo Patricia Melin

This book focuses on the field of type-3 fuzzy logic for applications in time series prediction. The main idea is that a higher type and order of fuzzy logic can help in solving various prediction problems and find better results. In addition, neural networks and fractal theory are employed in enhancing prediction results. In this regard, several hybrid intelligent methods are offered. In this book we test the proposed methods using several prediction problems, like predicting COVID-19 and the stock market. We can notice that when Type-3 fuzzy systems are implemented to model the behavior of systems, the results in prediction are enhanced, because the management of uncertainty is better. For this reason, we consider in this book the proposed methods using type-3 fuzzy systems, neural networks and fractal theory to improve the prediction behavior of the complex nonlinear systems. This book is intended to be a reference for scientists and engineers interested in applying type-3 fuzzy logic techniques for solving complex prediction problems. This book can also be used as a reference for graduate courses like the following: soft computing, fuzzy logic, neural networks, bio-inspired algorithms, intelligent prediction, and similar ones. We consider that this book can also be used to get novel ideas for new lines of research, or to continue the lines of research proposed by the authors of the book.

Uncertainty Quantification with R: Bayesian Methods (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #352)

by Eduardo Souza de Cursi

This book is a rigorous but practical presentation of the Bayesian techniques of uncertainty quantification, with applications in R. This volume includes mathematical arguments at the level necessary to make the presentation rigorous and the assumptions clearly established, while maintaining a focus on practical applications of Bayesian uncertainty quantification methods. Practical aspects of applied probability are also discussed, making the content accessible to students. The introduction of R allows the reader to solve more complex problems involving a more significant number of variables. Users will be able to use examples laid out in the text to solve medium-sized problems.The list of topics covered in this volume includes basic Bayesian probabilities, entropy, Bayesian estimation and decision, sequential Bayesian estimation, and numerical methods. Blending theoretical rigor and practical applications, this volume will be of interest to professionals, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students interested in the use of Bayesian uncertainty quantification techniques within the framework of operations research and mathematical programming, for applications in management and planning.

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