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Showing 54,601 through 54,625 of 54,653 results

Weight-of-Evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles (Statistics in Practice #34)

by David J. Balding Christopher D. Steele

DNA evidence is widely used in the modern justice system. Statistical methodology plays a key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented correctly. This book is a guide to assessing DNA evidence and presenting that evidence in a courtroom setting. It offers practical guidance to forensic scientists with little dependence on mathematical ability, and provides the scientist with the understanding they require to apply the methods in their work. Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2005 there have been many incremental changes, and one dramatic change which is the emergence of low template DNA (LTDNA) profiles. This second edition is edited and expanded to cover the basics of LTDNA technology. The author's own open-source R code likeLTD is described and used for worked examples in the book. Commercial and free software are also covered.

Weight-of-Evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles (Statistics in Practice)

by David J. Balding Christopher D. Steele

DNA evidence is widely used in the modern justice system. Statistical methodology plays a key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented correctly. This book is a guide to assessing DNA evidence and presenting that evidence in a courtroom setting. It offers practical guidance to forensic scientists with little dependence on mathematical ability, and provides the scientist with the understanding they require to apply the methods in their work. Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2005 there have been many incremental changes, and one dramatic change which is the emergence of low template DNA (LTDNA) profiles. This second edition is edited and expanded to cover the basics of LTDNA technology. The author's own open-source R code likeLTD is described and used for worked examples in the book. Commercial and free software are also covered.

The Wellbeing of Nations: Meaning, Motive and Measurement

by Paul Allin David J. Hand

What is national wellbeing and what is progress? Why measure these definitions? Why are measures beyond economic performance needed and how will they be used? How do we measure national wellbeing & turn the definitions into observable quantities? Where are we now and where to next? These questions are asked and answered in this much needed, timely book. The Wellbeing of Nations provides an accessible and comprehensive overview of the measurement of national well-being, examining whether national wellbeing is more than the sum of the wellbeing of everyone in the country, and identifying and reviewing requirements for new measures. It begins with definitions, describes how to operationalize those definitions, and takes a critical look at the uses to which such measures are to be put. The authors examine initiatives from around the world, using the UK ‘measuring national wellbeing programme’ as a case study throughout the book, along with case studies drawn from other countries, as well as discussion of the position in some countries not yet drawn into the national wellbeing scene.

The Wellbeing of Nations: Meaning, Motive and Measurement

by Paul Allin David J. Hand

What is national wellbeing and what is progress? Why measure these definitions? Why are measures beyond economic performance needed and how will they be used? How do we measure national wellbeing & turn the definitions into observable quantities? Where are we now and where to next? These questions are asked and answered in this much needed, timely book. The Wellbeing of Nations provides an accessible and comprehensive overview of the measurement of national well-being, examining whether national wellbeing is more than the sum of the wellbeing of everyone in the country, and identifying and reviewing requirements for new measures. It begins with definitions, describes how to operationalize those definitions, and takes a critical look at the uses to which such measures are to be put. The authors examine initiatives from around the world, using the UK ‘measuring national wellbeing programme’ as a case study throughout the book, along with case studies drawn from other countries, as well as discussion of the position in some countries not yet drawn into the national wellbeing scene.

Why Demography Matters

by Danny Dorling Stuart Gietel-Basten

Demography is not destiny. As Giacomo Casanova explained over two centuries ago: 'There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our own lives.' Today we are shaping them and our societies more than ever before. Globally, we have never had fewer children per adult: our population is about to stabilize, though we do not know when or at what number, or what will happen after that. It will be the result of billions of very private decisions influenced in turn by multiple events and policies, some more unpredictable than others. More people are moving further around the world than ever before: we too often see that as frightening, rather than as indicating greater freedom. Similarly, we too often lament greater ageing, rather than recognizing it as a tremendous human achievement with numerous benefits to which we must adapt. Demography comes to the fore most positively when we see that we have choices, when we understand variation and when we are not deterministic in our prescriptions. The study of demography has for too long been dominated by pessimism and inhuman, simplistic accounting. As this fascinating and persuasive overview demonstrates, how we understand our demography needs to change again.

Why Race Still Matters

by Alana Lentin

'Why are you making this about race?' This question is repeated daily in public and in the media. Calling someone racist in these times of mounting white supremacy seems to be a worse insult than racism itself. In our supposedly post-racial society, surely it’s time to stop talking about race? This powerful refutation is a call to notice not just when and how race still matters but when, how and why it is said not to matter. Race critical scholar Alana Lentin argues that society is in urgent need of developing the skills of racial literacy, by jettisoning the idea that race is something and unveiling what race does as a key technology of modern rule, hidden in plain sight. Weaving together international examples, she eviscerates misconceptions such as reverse racism and the newfound acceptability of 'race realism', bursts the 'I’m not racist, but' justification, complicates the common criticisms of identity politics and warns against using concerns about antisemitism as a proxy for antiracism. Dominant voices in society suggest we are talking too much about race. Lentin shows why we actually need to talk about it more and how in doing so we can act to make it matter less.

Why Science Matters: Understanding the Methods of Psychological Research

by Robert W. Proctor E. J. Capaldi

Why Science Matters: Understanding the Methods of Psychological Research rises above standard research methods texts by presenting an up-to-date view of contemporary psychological science as it is currently understood and practiced. Explores not only the procedural aspects of psychological research, but also delves into the issue of how to accomplish effective science. Explicates how hypotheses and theories are to be evaluated. Suggests that the proper approach to devising and evaluating theories is by abduction, not by induction or deduction alone. Incorporates new investigatory procedures, current methodologists, conflicts and issues, implications of the philosophy of science, and a lively prose style. Provides a picture of science that will engage students and expand their abilities as both scientists and psychologists.

Wiley Pathways Business Math

by Steve Slavin Tere Stouffer

You can get there Where do you want to go? You might already be working in a business setting. You may be looking to expand your skills. Or, you might be setting out on a new career path. Wherever you want to go, Business Math will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental mathematical concepts needed for business, it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The book's brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies. With this book, you will be able to: * Understand the business uses of percent calculations. * Solve business problems using algebraic equations. * Learn why stores markup and markdown their inventory. * Calculate different types of discounts. * Examine different banking options. * Compare personal, sales, and property taxes and the implications of taxing income, property, and retail sales. * Calculate simple and compound interest and learn how each affects the future value of money. * Explore the uses of promissory notes, mortgages, and credit cards and how to calculate the cost of each. * Learn different ways to determine the loss of value of business property and equipment, and the effect of depreciation on taxes. * Examine financial statements and learn how to read the income statement and the balance sheet. * Learn how to calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of data. Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals When it comes to learning about business, not everyone is on the same path. But everyone wants to succeed. The new Wiley Pathways series in Business helps you achieve your goals with its brief, inviting format, clear language, and focus on core competencies and skills. The books in this series--Finance, Business Communication, Marketing, Business Math, and Real Estate--offer a coordinated curriculum for learning business. Learn more at

Wiley-Schnellkurs Analysis (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Christoph Maas

Ob in Wirtschafts-, Natur-, oder Ingenieurswissenschaften, sobald Sie sich mit Mathematik beschäftigen müssen, kommen Sie an der Analysis nicht vorbei. Leider wird die ab einem gewissen Niveau recht abstrakt und ist auf Anhieb nicht immer leicht zu verstehen. Christoph Maas erklärt Ihnen in diesem Buch zügig, was Sie über Analysis wissen sollten: von Funktionen mit einer oder mehreren Variablen, über Ableitungen bis zu Integralen. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen testen und festigen. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch besonders, wenn es etwas mehr als die übliche Schulmathematik sein soll.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Bioinformatik für Anwender (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Röbbe Wünschiers

Die digitale Datenverarbeitung wird auch für Lebenswissenschaftler immer wichtiger. Hier setzt dieser Schnellkurs an. Röbbe Wünschiers erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Sequenz-, Struktur- und anderen Daten umgehen sollten. Er erläutert, wie Sie Linux als virtuelle Maschine installieren und wie Ihnen Linuxtools wie Sed oder die einfache Programmiersprache AWK bei der Datenanalyse helfen können. Außerdem führt er Sie knapp in weitere Bereiche ein, die Ihnen das digitale Leben erleichtern können: das Datenbanksystem MariaDB/MySQL, die Programmierumgebung R für statistisches Rechnen und Datenvisualisierung, die Textsatzsprache LaTeX und einiges mehr. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele aus den Lebenswissenschaften und Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen helfen Ihnen Ihr Wissen zu festigen und zu überprüfen. Auf der Webseite finden sich alle Daten und Abbildungen zum Download.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Ingenieursmathematik (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Marco Schreck Karsten Kirchgessner

Mathematik ist ein zentraler Bestandteil in der Ausbildung von Ingenieuren und Technikern. Leider sind von der Schulzeit her oft nur rudimentäre Ansätze vorhanden. Genau für diese Leser haben Marco Schreck und Karsten Kirchgessner dieses Buch geschrieben. Sie geben Ihnen eine kurze Einführung in Differenzial- und Integralrechnung, komplexe Zahlen, Vektoren und Matrizen, analytische Geometrie und vieles mehr. Viele Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen helfen Ihnen, Ihr Wissen zu festigen und zu prüfen. So hilft Ihnen das Buch bei Ihrem Start in die Ingenieursmathematik, oder wenn Sie Ihr Wissen mehr in der Breite als in der Tiefe wieder auffrischen müssen. Schnell lernen: Der Einstiegstest: So überprüfen Sie Ihr Wissen und verbessern es gezielt. Die Lerntipps: So profitieren Sie von der Lehrerfahrung der Autoren. Die Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen: So überprüfen und festigen Sie Ihr Wissen.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Lineare Algebra (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Thoralf Räsch

Sie ist nicht beliebt und manchmal schwer zu verstehen: die Lineare Algebra. Aber keine Sorge: Thoralf Räsch hat ein kompaktes und verständliches Buch geschrieben, das Ihnen hilft, die Grundlagen der Linearen Algebra zu verstehen. Er erklärt Ihnen, was Sie über die algebraischen Grundlagen, Vektorräume, Lineare Gleichungssysteme und Matrizen wissen sollten. Auch die komplexen Zahlen kommen nicht zu kurz. Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen helfen Ihnen, Ihr Wissen zu festigen und zu überprüfen. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch beim Grundverständnis der Linearen Algebra, wenn es einmal schnell gehen soll.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Lineare Algebra II (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Thoralf Räsch

Bei etwas komplizierteren Fragestellungen kommen Sie oft mit den Grundlagen der Linearen Algebra nicht weiter. Hier hilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Thoralf Räsch erklärt Ihnen zu Beginn ganz knapp die Grundlagen, geht dann aber schnell weiter zu Koordinatentransformation, Eigenwerten und Eigenvektoren. Er erläutert zudem Determinanten von Matrizen, euklidische Vektorräume, Definiertheit von Matrizen und vieles mehr. Mit Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen testen und festigen.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Statistik (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Reiner Kurzhals

Es gibt nur wenige Studiengänge, in denen Sie an der Statistik vorbeikommen. Statistik gilt zudem als anspruchsvoll und sehr lernintensiv, aber Sie können auch zu sehr spannenden Ergebnissen kommen. Reiner Kurzhals erklärt Ihnen so knapp und verständlich wie möglich, was Sie über Statistik wissen müssen. Er erläutert neben den Grundbegriffen die wichtigsten Punkte der beschreibenden und der schließenden Statistik. Viele Beispiele helfen Ihnen dabei, sich die abstrakten Formeln und Begriffe besser vorstellen zu können. Mit den zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können sie Ihr Wissen festigen und prüfen.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Jürgen Faik

Wirtschaftsmathematik: Das hört sich erst einmal nicht spannend an, aber Mathematik hilft Ihnen, viele wichtige Themen zu verstehen und Zusammenhänge zu ermitteln. Außerdem muss man hier meist eine Klausur schreiben. Jürgen Faik gibt Ihnen eine schnelle Einführung und einen verständlichen Überblick über die Wirtschaftsmathematik. Er beginnt bei den Grundlagen wie Rechenregeln, Gleichungen, Folgen, Reihen und Funktionen. Dann erklärt er Ihnen, was Sie zu Differential- und Integralrechnung wissen müssen. Er erläutert das Wichtigste zur Linearen Algebra und zuletzt hilft er Ihnen bei Ihren ersten Schritten in der Finanzmathematik. Mit vielen Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie sich selbst testen und Ihr Wissen festigen.

Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty

by Dr. Herbert I. Weisberg

An original account of willful ignorance and how this principle relates to modern probability and statistical methods Through a series of colorful stories about great thinkers and the problems they chose to solve, the author traces the historical evolution of probability and explains how statistical methods have helped to propel scientific research. However, the past success of statistics has depended on vast, deliberate simplifications amounting to willful ignorance, and this very success now threatens future advances in medicine, the social sciences, and other fields. Limitations of existing methods result in frequent reversals of scientific findings and recommendations, to the consternation of both scientists and the lay public. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty exposes the fallacy of regarding probability as the full measure of our uncertainty. The book explains how statistical methodology, though enormously productive and influential over the past century, is approaching a crisis. The deep and troubling divide between qualitative and quantitative modes of research, and between research and practice, are reflections of this underlying problem. The author outlines a path toward the re-engineering of data analysis to help close these gaps and accelerate scientific discovery. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty presents essential information and novel ideas that should be of interest to anyone concerned about the future of scientific research. The book is especially pertinent for professionals in statistics and related fields, including practicing and research clinicians, biomedical and social science researchers, business leaders, and policy-makers.

Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty

by Dr. Herbert I. Weisberg

An original account of willful ignorance and how this principle relates to modern probability and statistical methods Through a series of colorful stories about great thinkers and the problems they chose to solve, the author traces the historical evolution of probability and explains how statistical methods have helped to propel scientific research. However, the past success of statistics has depended on vast, deliberate simplifications amounting to willful ignorance, and this very success now threatens future advances in medicine, the social sciences, and other fields. Limitations of existing methods result in frequent reversals of scientific findings and recommendations, to the consternation of both scientists and the lay public. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty exposes the fallacy of regarding probability as the full measure of our uncertainty. The book explains how statistical methodology, though enormously productive and influential over the past century, is approaching a crisis. The deep and troubling divide between qualitative and quantitative modes of research, and between research and practice, are reflections of this underlying problem. The author outlines a path toward the re-engineering of data analysis to help close these gaps and accelerate scientific discovery. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty presents essential information and novel ideas that should be of interest to anyone concerned about the future of scientific research. The book is especially pertinent for professionals in statistics and related fields, including practicing and research clinicians, biomedical and social science researchers, business leaders, and policy-makers.

Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Suleika Bort

Mathematik ist für viele angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ein notwendiges Übel, dabei ist es gar nicht so schwer, wie Sie vielleicht denken. In "Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies" vermitteln Ihnen die Autoren genau die Mathematikkenntnisse, die für Sie als Wirtschaftswissenschaftler relevant sind. Ob Gleichungen, Differentiation und Integration, Matrizen oder Zins- und Rentenrechnung - werden Sie zum Experten! Dank Beispielen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Erklärungen lernen Sie außerdem, wie Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden. So kann die nächste Prüfung kommen!

Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Suleika Bort

Mathematik ist für viele angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ein notwendiges Übel, dabei ist es gar nicht so schwer, wie Sie vielleicht denken. In "Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies" vermitteln Ihnen die Autoren genau die Mathematikkenntnisse, die für Sie als Wirtschaftswissenschaftler relevant sind. Ob Gleichungen, Differentiation und Integration, Matrizen oder Zins- und Rentenrechnung - werden Sie zum Experten! Dank Beispielen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Erklärungen lernen Sie außerdem, wie Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden. So kann die nächste Prüfung kommen!

Wirtschaftsmathematik kompakt für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Marina Friedrich Olivia Gwinner

Müssen Sie sich schnell in die Wirtschaftsmathematik einarbeiten? Dieses handliche Buch bietet Ihnen einen Kompaktkurs in die wichtigsten mathematischen Grundlagen, die Sie kennen müssen, wenn Sie im wirtschaftlichen Umfeld unterwegs sind: Algebra und Analysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Finanzmathematik. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Wirtschaftspraxis werden mathematische Zusammenhänge erklärt und veranschaulicht, sodass Sie sich schnell schlau machen können.

Workbook to Accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel

by Robert P. Hirsch

Workbook to accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel—practical and methodological approach to the statistical logic of biostatistics in the field of health research.

Workbook to Accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel

by Robert P. Hirsch

Workbook to accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel—practical and methodological approach to the statistical logic of biostatistics in the field of health research.

Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007 (RGS-IBG Book Series)

by Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007 (RGS-IBG Book Series)

by Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data

by Allan J. Rossman Beth L. Chance

Allan Rossman's 4th Edition of Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data is enhanced from previous issues with more focus and emphasis on collaborative learning. It further requires student observation, and integrates technology for gathering, recording, and synthesizing data. The text offers more flexibility in selecting technology tools for classrooms primarily using technologies other than graphing calculators or Fathom Dynamic Data software. Furthermore, it presents more standards for teaching statistics in an innovative, investigative, and accessible as well as provides in-depth guidance and resources to support active learning of statistics and includes updated real data sets with everyday applications in order to promote statistical literacy.

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Showing 54,601 through 54,625 of 54,653 results