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Showing 54,701 through 54,725 of 54,741 results

Wiley-Schnellkurs Lineare Algebra II (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Thoralf Räsch

Bei etwas komplizierteren Fragestellungen kommen Sie oft mit den Grundlagen der Linearen Algebra nicht weiter. Hier hilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Thoralf Räsch erklärt Ihnen zu Beginn ganz knapp die Grundlagen, geht dann aber schnell weiter zu Koordinatentransformation, Eigenwerten und Eigenvektoren. Er erläutert zudem Determinanten von Matrizen, euklidische Vektorräume, Definiertheit von Matrizen und vieles mehr. Mit Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen testen und festigen.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Statistik (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Reiner Kurzhals

Es gibt nur wenige Studiengänge, in denen Sie an der Statistik vorbeikommen. Statistik gilt zudem als anspruchsvoll und sehr lernintensiv, aber Sie können auch zu sehr spannenden Ergebnissen kommen. Reiner Kurzhals erklärt Ihnen so knapp und verständlich wie möglich, was Sie über Statistik wissen müssen. Er erläutert neben den Grundbegriffen die wichtigsten Punkte der beschreibenden und der schließenden Statistik. Viele Beispiele helfen Ihnen dabei, sich die abstrakten Formeln und Begriffe besser vorstellen zu können. Mit den zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können sie Ihr Wissen festigen und prüfen.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Jürgen Faik

Wirtschaftsmathematik: Das hört sich erst einmal nicht spannend an, aber Mathematik hilft Ihnen, viele wichtige Themen zu verstehen und Zusammenhänge zu ermitteln. Außerdem muss man hier meist eine Klausur schreiben. Jürgen Faik gibt Ihnen eine schnelle Einführung und einen verständlichen Überblick über die Wirtschaftsmathematik. Er beginnt bei den Grundlagen wie Rechenregeln, Gleichungen, Folgen, Reihen und Funktionen. Dann erklärt er Ihnen, was Sie zu Differential- und Integralrechnung wissen müssen. Er erläutert das Wichtigste zur Linearen Algebra und zuletzt hilft er Ihnen bei Ihren ersten Schritten in der Finanzmathematik. Mit vielen Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie sich selbst testen und Ihr Wissen festigen.

Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty

by Dr. Herbert I. Weisberg

An original account of willful ignorance and how this principle relates to modern probability and statistical methods Through a series of colorful stories about great thinkers and the problems they chose to solve, the author traces the historical evolution of probability and explains how statistical methods have helped to propel scientific research. However, the past success of statistics has depended on vast, deliberate simplifications amounting to willful ignorance, and this very success now threatens future advances in medicine, the social sciences, and other fields. Limitations of existing methods result in frequent reversals of scientific findings and recommendations, to the consternation of both scientists and the lay public. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty exposes the fallacy of regarding probability as the full measure of our uncertainty. The book explains how statistical methodology, though enormously productive and influential over the past century, is approaching a crisis. The deep and troubling divide between qualitative and quantitative modes of research, and between research and practice, are reflections of this underlying problem. The author outlines a path toward the re-engineering of data analysis to help close these gaps and accelerate scientific discovery. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty presents essential information and novel ideas that should be of interest to anyone concerned about the future of scientific research. The book is especially pertinent for professionals in statistics and related fields, including practicing and research clinicians, biomedical and social science researchers, business leaders, and policy-makers.

Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty

by Dr. Herbert I. Weisberg

An original account of willful ignorance and how this principle relates to modern probability and statistical methods Through a series of colorful stories about great thinkers and the problems they chose to solve, the author traces the historical evolution of probability and explains how statistical methods have helped to propel scientific research. However, the past success of statistics has depended on vast, deliberate simplifications amounting to willful ignorance, and this very success now threatens future advances in medicine, the social sciences, and other fields. Limitations of existing methods result in frequent reversals of scientific findings and recommendations, to the consternation of both scientists and the lay public. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty exposes the fallacy of regarding probability as the full measure of our uncertainty. The book explains how statistical methodology, though enormously productive and influential over the past century, is approaching a crisis. The deep and troubling divide between qualitative and quantitative modes of research, and between research and practice, are reflections of this underlying problem. The author outlines a path toward the re-engineering of data analysis to help close these gaps and accelerate scientific discovery. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty presents essential information and novel ideas that should be of interest to anyone concerned about the future of scientific research. The book is especially pertinent for professionals in statistics and related fields, including practicing and research clinicians, biomedical and social science researchers, business leaders, and policy-makers.

Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Suleika Bort

Mathematik ist für viele angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ein notwendiges Übel, dabei ist es gar nicht so schwer, wie Sie vielleicht denken. In "Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies" vermitteln Ihnen die Autoren genau die Mathematikkenntnisse, die für Sie als Wirtschaftswissenschaftler relevant sind. Ob Gleichungen, Differentiation und Integration, Matrizen oder Zins- und Rentenrechnung - werden Sie zum Experten! Dank Beispielen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Erklärungen lernen Sie außerdem, wie Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden. So kann die nächste Prüfung kommen!

Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Suleika Bort

Mathematik ist für viele angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ein notwendiges Übel, dabei ist es gar nicht so schwer, wie Sie vielleicht denken. In "Wirtschaftsmathematik für Dummies" vermitteln Ihnen die Autoren genau die Mathematikkenntnisse, die für Sie als Wirtschaftswissenschaftler relevant sind. Ob Gleichungen, Differentiation und Integration, Matrizen oder Zins- und Rentenrechnung - werden Sie zum Experten! Dank Beispielen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Erklärungen lernen Sie außerdem, wie Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden. So kann die nächste Prüfung kommen!

Wirtschaftsmathematik kompakt für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christoph Mayer Sören Jensen Marina Friedrich Olivia Gwinner

Müssen Sie sich schnell in die Wirtschaftsmathematik einarbeiten? Dieses handliche Buch bietet Ihnen einen Kompaktkurs in die wichtigsten mathematischen Grundlagen, die Sie kennen müssen, wenn Sie im wirtschaftlichen Umfeld unterwegs sind: Algebra und Analysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Finanzmathematik. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Wirtschaftspraxis werden mathematische Zusammenhänge erklärt und veranschaulicht, sodass Sie sich schnell schlau machen können.

Workbook to Accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel

by Robert P. Hirsch

Workbook to accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel—practical and methodological approach to the statistical logic of biostatistics in the field of health research.

Workbook to Accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel

by Robert P. Hirsch

Workbook to accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel—practical and methodological approach to the statistical logic of biostatistics in the field of health research.

Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007 (RGS-IBG Book Series)

by Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007 (RGS-IBG Book Series)

by Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data

by Allan J. Rossman Beth L. Chance

Allan Rossman's 4th Edition of Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data is enhanced from previous issues with more focus and emphasis on collaborative learning. It further requires student observation, and integrates technology for gathering, recording, and synthesizing data. The text offers more flexibility in selecting technology tools for classrooms primarily using technologies other than graphing calculators or Fathom Dynamic Data software. Furthermore, it presents more standards for teaching statistics in an innovative, investigative, and accessible as well as provides in-depth guidance and resources to support active learning of statistics and includes updated real data sets with everyday applications in order to promote statistical literacy.

Years 6 - 8 Maths For Students

by Consumer Dummies

Your tutor in a book! Master the essential mathematical skills for success! 'I don't know how to do this' is a refrain heard whilst many a student is doing homework. Parents are increasingly called on for assistance, but are themselves struggling to help their children. Years 6-8 Maths For Students is a reference guide for both students and parents, aiming to fill the gaps in a student's knowledge base, build confidence and reduce stress. Written with the same friendly, how-to approach of the successful For Dummies books, this new educational reference will empower students and develop their mathematical skills for exams, NAPLAN testing and, most importantly, life beyond secondary school. With worries that students are being taught to pass tests at the expense of understanding — this guide will help students cement their mathematical foundations. Grasp the nuts and bolts of numbers, algebra, geometry and measurement Helps students with maths as they transition from primary to secondary school Complete homework and prepare for tests with confidence Save money on expensive tutors. Years 6-8 Maths For Students empowers students to improve their educational outcomes.

Years 6 - 8 Maths For Students

by Consumer Dummies

Your tutor in a book! Master the essential mathematical skills for success! 'I don't know how to do this' is a refrain heard whilst many a student is doing homework. Parents are increasingly called on for assistance, but are themselves struggling to help their children. Years 6-8 Maths For Students is a reference guide for both students and parents, aiming to fill the gaps in a student's knowledge base, build confidence and reduce stress. Written with the same friendly, how-to approach of the successful For Dummies books, this new educational reference will empower students and develop their mathematical skills for exams, NAPLAN testing and, most importantly, life beyond secondary school. With worries that students are being taught to pass tests at the expense of understanding — this guide will help students cement their mathematical foundations. Grasp the nuts and bolts of numbers, algebra, geometry and measurement Helps students with maths as they transition from primary to secondary school Complete homework and prepare for tests with confidence Save money on expensive tutors. Years 6-8 Maths For Students empowers students to improve their educational outcomes.

Years 9 - 10 Maths For Students

by Consumer Dummies

Your tutor in a book! Master the essential mathematical skills for success! 'I don't know how to do this' is a refrain heard whilst many a student is doing homework. Parents are increasingly called on for assistance, but are themselves struggling to help their children. Years 9-10 Maths For Students is a reference guide for both students and parents, aiming to fill the gaps in a student's knowledge base, build confidence and reduce stress. Written with the same friendly, how-to approach of the successful For Dummies books, this new educational reference will empower students and develop their mathematical skills for exams, NAPLAN testing and, most importantly, life beyond secondary school. With worries that students are being taught to pass tests at the expense of understanding — this guide will help students cement their mathematical foundations. Grasp the nuts and bolts of numbers, algebra, geometry and measurement. Master simple to complex maths questions, including worded problems Complete homework and prepare for tests with confidence Save money on expensive tutors. Years 9-10 Maths For Students empowers students to improve their educational outcomes.

Years 9 - 10 Maths For Students

by Consumer Dummies

Your tutor in a book! Master the essential mathematical skills for success! 'I don't know how to do this' is a refrain heard whilst many a student is doing homework. Parents are increasingly called on for assistance, but are themselves struggling to help their children. Years 9-10 Maths For Students is a reference guide for both students and parents, aiming to fill the gaps in a student's knowledge base, build confidence and reduce stress. Written with the same friendly, how-to approach of the successful For Dummies books, this new educational reference will empower students and develop their mathematical skills for exams, NAPLAN testing and, most importantly, life beyond secondary school. With worries that students are being taught to pass tests at the expense of understanding — this guide will help students cement their mathematical foundations. Grasp the nuts and bolts of numbers, algebra, geometry and measurement. Master simple to complex maths questions, including worded problems Complete homework and prepare for tests with confidence Save money on expensive tutors. Years 9-10 Maths For Students empowers students to improve their educational outcomes.

Your Undergraduate Psychology Project: A Student Guide

by Mark Forshaw

Your Undergraduate Psychology Project: A Student Guide has been designed with the needs of the student in mind. Packed with hints and tips, and written in a simple, informal style, this ‘second supervisor’ is designed to ease students further into the world of research. The second edition has been completely revised and updated with new material on focus groups and ethics and a new section entitled How to Lose Marks Instantly Structured chronologically around planning a project, carrying it out, and then writing it up. Gives practical advice on how to deal with day-to-day problems such as software failures or uncommunicative interviewees. Written in consultation with a number of experienced academics and students of psychology.

The American Census: A Social History, Second Edition

by Margo J. Anderson

This book is the first social history of the census from its origins to the present and has become the standard history of the population census in the United States. The second edition has been updated to trace census developments since 1980, including the undercount controversies, the arrival of the American Community Survey, and innovations of the digital age. Margo J. Anderson’s scholarly text effectively bridges the fields of history and public policy, demonstrating how the census both reflects the country’s extraordinary demographic character and constitutes an influential tool for policy making. Her book is essential reading for all those who use census data, historical or current, in their studies or work.

Beautiful, Simple, Exact, Crazy: Mathematics in the Real World

by Apoorva Khare Anna Lachowska

In this vibrant work, which is ideal for both teaching and learning, Apoorva Khare and Anna Lachowska explain the mathematics essential for understanding and appreciating our quantitative world. They show with examples that mathematics is a key tool in the creation and appreciation of art, music, and literature, not just science and technology. The book covers basic mathematical topics from logarithms to statistics, but the authors eschew mundane finance and probability problems. Instead, they explain how modular arithmetic helps keep our online transactions safe, how logarithms justify the twelve-tone scale commonly used in music, and how transmissions by deep space probes are similar to knights serving as messengers for their traveling prince. Ideal for coursework in introductory mathematics and requiring no knowledge of calculus, Khare and Lachowska’s enlightening mathematics tour will appeal to a wide audience.

Causal Inference: The Mixtape

by Scott Cunningham

An accessible and contemporary introduction to the methods for determining cause and effect in the social sciences Causal inference encompasses the tools that allow social scientists to determine what causes what. Economists—who generally can’t run controlled experiments to test and validate their hypotheses—apply these tools to observational data to make connections. In a messy world, causal inference is what helps establish the causes and effects of the actions being studied, whether the impact (or lack thereof) of increases in the minimum wage on employment, the effects of early childhood education on incarceration later in life, or the introduction of malaria nets in developing regions on economic growth. Scott Cunningham introduces students and practitioners to the methods necessary to arrive at meaningful answers to the questions of causation, using a range of modeling techniques and coding instructions for both the R and Stata programming languages.

Field Experiments and Their Critics: Essays on the Uses and Abuses of Experimentation in the Social Sciences (The Institution for Social and Policy Studies)

by Dawn Langan Teele

In recent years, social scientists have engaged in a deep debate over the methods appropriate to their research. Their long reliance on passive observational collection of information has been challenged by proponents of experimental methods designed to precisely infer causal effects through active intervention in the social world. Some scholars claim that field experiments represent a new gold standard and the best way forward, while others insist that these methods carry inherent inconsistencies, limitations, or ethical dilemmas that observational approaches do not. This unique collection of essays by the most influential figures on every side of this debate reveals its most important stakes and will provide useful guidance to students and scholars in many disciplines.

Fractal Worlds: Grown, Built, and Imagined

by Michael Frame Amelia Urry

Fractal geometry is a uniquely fascinating area of mathematics, exhibited in a range of shapes that exist in the natural world, from a simple broccoli floret to a majestic mountain range. In this essential primer, mathematician Michael Frame—a close collaborator with Benoit Mandelbrot, the founder of fractal geometry—and poet Amelia Urry explore the amazing world of fractals as they appear in nature, art, medicine, and technology. Frame and Urry offer new insights into such familiar topics as measuring fractal complexity by dimension and the life and work of Mandelbrot. In addition, they delve into less-known areas: fractals with memory, the Mandelbrot set in four dimensions, fractals in literature, and more. An inviting introduction to an enthralling subject, this comprehensive volume is ideal for learning and teaching.

The Logic of Miracles: Making Sense of Rare, Really Rare, and Impossibly Rare Events

by Laszlo Mero

We live in a much more turbulent world than we like to think, but the science we use to analyze economic, financial, and statistical events mostly disregards the world’s essentially chaotic nature. We need to get used to the idea that wildly improbable events are actually part of the natural order. The renowned Hungarian mathematician and psychologist László MérŠ‘ explains how the wild and mild worlds (which he names Wildovia and Mildovia) coexist, and that different laws apply to each. Even if we live in an ultimately wild universe, he argues, we’re better off pretending that it obeys Mildovian laws. Doing so may amount to a self†‘fulfilling prophecy and create an island of predictability in a very rough sea. Perched on the ragged border between economics and complexity theory, MérŠ‘ proposes to extend the reach of science to subjects previously considered outside its grasp: the unpredictable, unrepeatable, highly improbable events we commonly call “miracles.”

Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity

by David Bessis

A fascinating look into how the transformative joys of mathematical experience are available to everyone, not just specialists Math has a reputation for being inaccessible. People think that it requires a special gift or that comprehension is a matter of genes. Yet the greatest mathematicians throughout history, from René Descartes to Alexander Grothendieck, have insisted that this is not the case. Like Albert Einstein, who famously claimed to have “no special talent,” they said that they had accomplished what they did using ordinary human doubts, weaknesses, curiosity, and imagination. David Bessis guides us on an illuminating path toward deeper mathematical comprehension, reconnecting us with the mental plasticity we experienced as children. With simple, concrete examples, Bessis shows how mathematical comprehension is integral to the great learning milestones of life, such as learning to see, to speak, to walk, and to eat with a spoon. Focusing on the deeply human roots of mathematics, Bessis dispels the myths of mathematical genius. He offers an engaging initiation into the experience of math not as a series of discouragingly incomprehensible logic problems but as a physical activity akin to yoga, meditation, or a martial art. This perspective will change the way you think not only about math but also about intelligence, intuition, and everything that goes on inside your head.

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