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Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy (Current Cardiovascular Therapy)

by Albert Ferro and David A. Garcia

This title will be presented as highly practical information pn pharmaceutical antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy, written in a quick-access, no-nonsense format. The emphasis will be on a just-the-facts clinical approach, heavy on tabular material, light on dense prose. The involvement of the ISCP will ensure that the best quality contributors will be involved and establish a consistent approach to each topic in the series. Each volume is designed to be between 120 and 250 pages containing practical illustrations and designed to improve understand and practical usage of cardiovascular drugs in specific clinical areas.

Vom neurologischen Symptom zur Diagnose: Differentialdiagnostische Leitprogramme

by Hans-Hennig v. Albert

Dieses Buch stellt neurologische Symptome mit Anamnese, Befund und technischen Untersuchungen dar, so daß auch der Ungeübte Hilfestellung bei der Diagnosestellung erhält. Darüber hinaus kann der Leser sich über Indikationen und die Notwendigkeit apparativer Untersuchungen informieren. Die 4. Auflage wurde gründlich durchgesehen und den diagnostischen Fortschritten angepaßt. Vor allem die jetzt mehrjährigen Erfahrungen mit der Kernspintomographie und die Verfeinerung der Diagnostik mit evozierten Potentialen haben im Bereich mancher Symptome die diagnostische Skala verändert. Das Buch ist als Ergänzung zu den Standardwerken der Neurologie eine wesentliche Hilfe für den jungen Klinikarzt und Studenten.

Vom neurologischen Symptom zur Diagnose: Differentialdiagnostische Leitprogramme (Kliniktaschenbücher)

by Hans-Henning von Albert

Dieses Taschenbuch will dem angehenden Facharzt, dem All­ gemeinarzt und dem Klinikassistenten eine Hilfe geben, mit möglichst wenigen Untersuchungen von Anamnese und erho­ benem Befund rasch zur sicheren Diagnose zu kommen. Diese Zielsetzung erforderte eine komprimierte Darstellung und eine Begrenzung auf die am häufigsten auftretenden Krank­ heiten und Syndrome. Die Gliederung in Anamnese, notwendige technische Verfah­ ren, Indikationen für gezielte weitere Untersuchungen sowie die Liste der Krankheiten und Syndrome entspricht dem übli­ chen ärztlichen Vorgehen. Die Liste der Krankheiten und Syndrome wurde nach Häufigkeiten oder lokal bezogenen Symptomen untergliedert. Diejenigen akuten Krankheitsbil­ der, bei denen erfahrungsgemäß die an sich notwendige Kran­ kenhauseinweisung oft nicht vorgenommen wird, wurden durch einen entsprechenden Hinweis gekennzeichnet. Pfeile weisen auf eine besondere Akuität des Krankheitsbildes hin. Bei den Untersuchungen (z. B. Laborstatus) sind besonders wichtige Untersuchungen gelegentlich extra aufgeführt, auch wenn sie üblicherweise zu den Routineuntersuchungen gehö­ ren. Der tabellarische Anhang bringt ergänzende Angaben, die für die tägliche Arbeit der (neurologischen) Klinik griffbe­ reit sein sollten. Ich danke vor allem meinen neurologischen Lehrern, Profes­ sor Dr. Dr. G. BODECIITEL und Professor Dr. F. MARGUTH, ohne deren intensive Ausbildung dieses Buch nicht hätte ent­ stehen können. Günzburg im Juli 1978 H.-H. v. ALBERT VII Inhaltsverzeichnis Agnosien ......... . 1 Akkommodationsstörungen 3 Amnesie ...... . 6 Anfall, hirnorganischer 8 Anisokorie 14 18 Anosmie Aphasie. 21 Aphonie 24 Apraxie . 27 29 Areflexie Annparese 32 Annschrnerzen 39 Ataxie 43 Atemstörungen 48 Auge, rotes . .

Vom neurologischen Symptom zur Diagnose: Differentialdiagnostische Leitprogramme

by H.-H. Albert

Dieses Buch soll dem Arzt die Behandlung eines Patienten erleichtern, der an - manchmal scheinbar - neurologischen Symptomen leidet. Zu jedem der 87 Symptome sind nacheinander die notwendigen Fragen zur Anamnese, dann der zu erhebende Befund, die notwendigen technischen Verfahren und die Indikationen für weitere gezielte Untersuchungen aufgeführt. Die dann folgende Liste der Krankheiten und Syndrome ist nach Häufigkeiten aufgelistet und die Gründe für eine eventuelle Krankenhauseinweisung werden genannt. Das Buch ist als Ergänzung zu den Standardwerken der Neurologie eine wesentliche Hilfe für den jungen Klinikarzt und Studenten.


by Albert Hijdra, Peter J. Koudstaal and Raymund A.C. Roos

Neurologie is twintig jaar na het verschijnen van de eerste druk nog altijd het meest gebruikte studieboek voor het vak neurologie in de opleiding tot arts. Deze geheel herziene zesde druk is niet alleen up-to-date gebracht, maar ook aangepast aan het probleemgeoriënteerde onderwijs in de huidige curricula. Bovendien wordt in deze nieuwe druk het neurologisch onderzoek niet alleen beschreven, maar ook gedemonstreerd in video's. Het boek bestaat uit drie delen. Deel 1 begint met een bespreking van de klachten en verschijnselen waarmee patiënten met neurologische aandoeningen zich presenteren, zoals plotseling uitvalsverschijnselen, hoofdpijn of pijn in de rug met uitstraling in een been. Daarna wordt in deel 2 de functionele neuroanatomie behandeld die nodig is voor een goed begrip van de symptomen en verschijnselen en voor de interpretatie van het neurologisch onderzoek. In het derde deel ten slotte worden de belangrijkste neurologische ziektebeelden besproken.Belangrijke kenmerken van het boek zijn: uitgangspunt is de klinische presentatie van patiënten met neurologische aandoeningen; de nadruk ligt daarbij op patroonherkenning en op de differentiële diagnose; de functionele neuroanatomie wordt besproken in samenhang met het neurologisch onderzoek; de hoofdstukken over de ziektebeelden zijn geschreven door een nieuwe generatie neurologen en neurochirurgen, met de nadruk op efficiënte diagnostiek en behandeling; in het boek wordt elk hoofdstuk samengevat in kernpunten. Naast de video's is het volledige boek met samenvattingen en toetsvragen per hoofdstuk digitaal beschikbaar.Neurologie is bestemd voor studenten geneeskunde, maar is zeker ook geschikt voor paramedische disciplines zoals fysiotherapeuten, ergotherapeuten en logopedisten. 

Eating, Sleeping, and Sex: Perspectives in Behavioral Medicine (Perspectives on Behavioral Medicine Series)

by Albert J. Stunkard; Andrew Baum

The lack of balance and the failure of regulation in life has traditionally been recognized in such extreme symbolic acts as overconscientiousness or a criminal lack of conscience. This volume shows how the neurotic process affects biologic functions, distorting natural functioning. Three distinct functions and their respective extremes are discussed: eating (obesity, bulimia nervosa), sleeping (insomnia, excessive somnolence), and sex (hypersexuality including child molestation, hyposexuality including inhibited sexual desires).

Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia

by Jeffrey S. Albert

New and emerging directions in pharmaceutical research to better treat schizophrenia Although the dopamine hypothesis has been the cornerstone of schizophrenia therapeutics, it is clear that dopamine-based approaches do not treat all aspects of the disease. Moreover, many schizophrenia patients fail to respond to current antipsychotics. Integrating chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, this book explores emerging directions in pharmaceutical research for drug targeting and discovery in order to find more effective treatments for schizophrenia, one of the most serious and widespread psychiatric diseases. Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia presents the basics of schizophrenia, drug targets for the disease, and potential new drugs and therapeutics. It begins with a discussion of prevalence and etiology. Then, it describes therapies such as dopamine agonists and phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors as well as growing research aimed at addressing untreated symptoms. Next, the authors discuss receptor modulators, inhibitors, and targeting strategies for drug discovery. Both the neurobiological and chemical aspects of all major pharmacological targets are examined. With contributions from an international team of pioneering pharmaceutical researchers, this book compiles the current knowledge in the field, setting the stage for new breakthroughs in the treatment of schizophrenia. Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia: Provides a comprehensive resource for neuro-drug discovery and the development of molecular targets for schizophrenia treatment Draws from chemistry, biology, and pharmacology for more effective drug targeting and discovery Explores a wide range of receptors and molecular targets, including dopamine, PDEs, and neuropeptides With Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia as their guide, drug discovery and development scientists have the information they need to advance their own research so that new, more effective treatments for schizophrenia will soon be a reality.

Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia

by Jeffrey S. Albert

New and emerging directions in pharmaceutical research to better treat schizophrenia Although the dopamine hypothesis has been the cornerstone of schizophrenia therapeutics, it is clear that dopamine-based approaches do not treat all aspects of the disease. Moreover, many schizophrenia patients fail to respond to current antipsychotics. Integrating chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, this book explores emerging directions in pharmaceutical research for drug targeting and discovery in order to find more effective treatments for schizophrenia, one of the most serious and widespread psychiatric diseases. Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia presents the basics of schizophrenia, drug targets for the disease, and potential new drugs and therapeutics. It begins with a discussion of prevalence and etiology. Then, it describes therapies such as dopamine agonists and phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors as well as growing research aimed at addressing untreated symptoms. Next, the authors discuss receptor modulators, inhibitors, and targeting strategies for drug discovery. Both the neurobiological and chemical aspects of all major pharmacological targets are examined. With contributions from an international team of pioneering pharmaceutical researchers, this book compiles the current knowledge in the field, setting the stage for new breakthroughs in the treatment of schizophrenia. Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia: Provides a comprehensive resource for neuro-drug discovery and the development of molecular targets for schizophrenia treatment Draws from chemistry, biology, and pharmacology for more effective drug targeting and discovery Explores a wide range of receptors and molecular targets, including dopamine, PDEs, and neuropeptides With Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia as their guide, drug discovery and development scientists have the information they need to advance their own research so that new, more effective treatments for schizophrenia will soon be a reality.

"Jein" – Entscheidungsfindung in Gesundheitsberufen (Top im Gesundheitsjob)

by Jochen Albert

Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen erleben im Berufsalltag einen hohen Abstimmungsbedarf und viele Entscheidungssituationen: Übernehme ich den Wochenenddienst? Braucht der Patient wirklich eine Magensonde? Welche Fortbildung ist die richtige? Oft müssen Entscheidungen unter Zeitdruck getroffen werden. Das Buch zeigt, wie Entscheidungsprozesse mit Kopf und Bauch gelenkt werden können. Methoden und Fallbeispiele regen dazu an, Situationen zu analysieren, Probleme zu filtern und Lösungswege zu entwickeln, die vielfältigste Perspektiven berücksichtigen.

Praktische radiologie (Quintessens)

by Albert Lemmens and Marcel Ariës

Beeldvorming speelt een centrale rol in het diagnostische proces. De radioloog adviseert over de juiste techniek, interpreteert de beelden en voorziet deze van betrouwbaar commentaar. Praktische radiologie geeft aan de hand van casus treffende voorbeelden van de praktijk van de beeldvormende diagnostiek.De rijk geïllustreerde casuïstiek in dit boek geeft een overzicht van alledaagse ziektebeelden. Elke casus is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd en behandelt achtereenvolgens de aanvraag, de techniek, het resultaat, de beelden en de beschrijving van de beelden. Praktische radiologie is bedoeld voor alle artsen (aanvragers) die dankzij nieuwe digitale technieken hoe langer hoe meer met beelden van hun patiënten in aanraking zullen komen. Daarnaast is het boek een praktische leidraad voor studenten en co–assistenten. In de opleiding komt het interpreteren van radiologische beelden immers slechts summier aan de orde, terwijl deze vaardigheid in de dagelijkse praktijk toch zo vaak van pas komt.

Clinical Aspects of Dysphasia (Disorders of Human Communication #2)

by M.L. Albert H. Goodglass N.A. Helm A.B. Rubens M.P. Alexander

This volume is one in a series of monographs being issued under the general title of "Disorders of Human Communication". Each monograph deals in detail with a particular aspect of vocal communication and its disorders, and is written by internationally distinguished experts. Therefore, the series will provide an authoritative source of up-to-date scientific and clinical informa­ tion relating to the whole field of normal and abnormal speech communication, and as such will succeed the earlier monumental work "Handbuch der Stimm­ und Sprachheilkunde" by R. Luchsinger and G. E. Arnold (last issued in 1970). This series will prove invaluable for clinicians, teachers and research workers in phoniatrics and logopaedics, phonetics and linguistics, speech pathology, otolaryngology, neurology and neurosurgery, psychology and psychiatry, paediatrics and audiology. Several of the monographs will also be useful to voice and singing teachers, and to their pupils. G. E. Arnold, Jackson, Miss. F. Winckel, Berlin B. D. Wyke, London Preface Neurologists, neuropsychologists, speech pathologists and other clinicians who care for dysphasic patients have often complained that available books on dysphasia tend to be parochially theoretical, and insufficiently directed towards clinical reality. These books provide the categories, labels, and theoretical speculations of one school or another; but dysphasic patients as often as not do not fit neatly into a specific theoretical category. Clinical patterns of dysphasic syndromes of most patients with dysphasia rarely conform fully to the pictures painted in the textbooks.

Essential Infectious Disease Topics for Primary Care (Current Clinical Practice)

by Ross H. Albert

This book provides an easy to use, practical, yet comprehensive resource for family practitioners to use in the daily struggle against infectious diseases. It discusses vaccines and preventive measures as well as information on how to reduce the incidence of antimicrobial-resistant organisms by judiciously prescribing antibiotics and informing patients about the appropriate use of these agents. This up-to-date overview is a one stop source for evidence-based guidelines.

Medical Journalism: The Writer's Guide

by Tim Albert

This unique and controversial book puts professional practice in the spotlight. It provides excellent comparative teaching material for professionals to help them develop reflective and ethically responsive practice and initiates a long overdue debate. 'One of the main contributions that this book makes is to provide readers from many different backgrounds professional personal and organisational with a vocabulary with which to begin to articulate the importance ambivalence and discomforts that can surround the enactment of values in the turbulent environment surrounding professions of all kinds today. The editors of this book assert that 'values are everybody's business'. It is my belief that readers will become convinced of the veracity of this assertion once they have read the fascinating and very varied discussions of the ways in which values and professions have interacted and continue to interact' John Wyn Owen in the Foreword

Medical Journalism: The Writer's Guide

by Tim Albert

This unique and controversial book puts professional practice in the spotlight. It provides excellent comparative teaching material for professionals to help them develop reflective and ethically responsive practice and initiates a long overdue debate. 'One of the main contributions that this book makes is to provide readers from many different backgrounds professional personal and organisational with a vocabulary with which to begin to articulate the importance ambivalence and discomforts that can surround the enactment of values in the turbulent environment surrounding professions of all kinds today. The editors of this book assert that 'values are everybody's business'. It is my belief that readers will become convinced of the veracity of this assertion once they have read the fascinating and very varied discussions of the ways in which values and professions have interacted and continue to interact' John Wyn Owen in the Foreword

Winning the Publications Game: The smart way to write your paper and get it published, Fourth Edition

by Tim Albert

The publications game can seem tricky: knowing where to start, how to plan and draft a paper, who to pitch it to and how to present it can appear difficult enough. With the advent of e-publishing and ever-tougher regulatory frameworks surrounding research, the picture can seem even more intimidating. In this classic guide, Tim Albert demystifies the process of getting research published in his characteristically clear and engaging style. From the initial brief to final manuscript and beyond, all is explained in jargon-free, no-nonsense and encouraging terms, providing indispensable guidance to clinicians, scientists and academics in giving their research the platform it deserves.

Winning the Publications Game: The smart way to write your paper and get it published, Fourth Edition (Radcliffe Ser.)

by Tim Albert

The publications game can seem tricky: knowing where to start, how to plan and draft a paper, who to pitch it to and how to present it can appear difficult enough. With the advent of e-publishing and ever-tougher regulatory frameworks surrounding research, the picture can seem even more intimidating. In this classic guide, Tim Albert demystifies the process of getting research published in his characteristically clear and engaging style. From the initial brief to final manuscript and beyond, all is explained in jargon-free, no-nonsense and encouraging terms, providing indispensable guidance to clinicians, scientists and academics in giving their research the platform it deserves.

Write Effectively: A Quick Course for Busy Health Workers

by Tim Albert

Many people are surprised by the range of what they have to write: reports, letters, applications, minutes, essays, protocols, policy statements, articles...the list goes on. They also have to face a constant procession of emails, which people tend not to count as 'real writing', but which are every bit as important - and which even the decisive can take two hours or more a day to deal with.At the same time we seem particularly ill-prepared for all this writing. The task is badly defined, time-consuming and difficult.Courses on how to do it are rare. Agreement on 'good writing' seems to be rarer still and the whole process often appears to be more about internal power squabbles than external communication. Not surprisingly, many writers in the health services dislike it and avoid it whenever possible. Others proceed reluctantly, without confidence - and without any satisfaction at the end of each writing task. This book sets out to help you by showing you what writing is all about. It will give you some tools that will enable you to do it with confidence. I would be lying if I said that you will come to enjoy writing (some suffering is inevitable, even desirable), but as you go through this book you should be able to approach each writing task in a more confident manner, and therefore your output should be more effective. More important, you should be able to take control of your writing, and once you have grasped the essentials you will have a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

Write Effectively: A Quick Course for Busy Health Workers

by Tim Albert

Many people are surprised by the range of what they have to write: reports, letters, applications, minutes, essays, protocols, policy statements, articles...the list goes on. They also have to face a constant procession of emails, which people tend not to count as 'real writing', but which are every bit as important - and which even the decisive can take two hours or more a day to deal with.At the same time we seem particularly ill-prepared for all this writing. The task is badly defined, time-consuming and difficult.Courses on how to do it are rare. Agreement on 'good writing' seems to be rarer still and the whole process often appears to be more about internal power squabbles than external communication. Not surprisingly, many writers in the health services dislike it and avoid it whenever possible. Others proceed reluctantly, without confidence - and without any satisfaction at the end of each writing task. This book sets out to help you by showing you what writing is all about. It will give you some tools that will enable you to do it with confidence. I would be lying if I said that you will come to enjoy writing (some suffering is inevitable, even desirable), but as you go through this book you should be able to approach each writing task in a more confident manner, and therefore your output should be more effective. More important, you should be able to take control of your writing, and once you have grasped the essentials you will have a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

The Successful Health Care Professional’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know But Weren’t Taught in Training

by Todd J. Albert Philip K. Louie Michael H. McCarthy

The goal of this concise guide is to provide a resource of “non-medical” skills and practices that have been shown to help healthcare trainees reach their peak performance. There are many aspects of the healthcare education and training process that are necessary for excelling, preparing for the next stage, and thriving at the level of the trainee’s end goal. However, certain additional skills and principles are essential in reaching peak performance during training, career, and life. Often overlooked in formal training, these skills and principles can be found in a range of areas, including leadership, goal-setting, mentorship, relationships, skills-training, stoicism, and financial planning, to name just several. All are critical in medical-career development, but learning these skills and principles often requires searching through numerous resources to aquire the needed information. Having completed the rigorous training involved in these professions, the accomplished chapter authors of this easy-to-read title offer insightful key points and tangible action items in each section, geared specifically to the trainee and their training education. In addition, authors from various non-medical sectors and professional backgrounds have contributed their expertise to this compendium, giving the book important interdisciplinary coverage. An invaluable and timely contribution to the health career development literature, The Successful Health Care Professional’s Guide will be of great interest to medical students, residents, fellows and all allied health professionals looking to develop the most successful and fulfilling career possible.

Nipple Sparing Mastectomy: Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Technique

by Alberta Ferrari, Adele Sgarella and Sandro Zonta

This book describes in detail three different techniques for minimally invasive video-assisted breast surgery: nipple-sparing mastectomy with a hand-held external retractor, with a single-port device, and with robotic assistance. All three techniques can be employed for radical treatment of breast cancer or for risk reduction surgery, and the last two are brand new. The techniques are clearly explained with the aid of numerous high-quality illustrations. All surgical stages are covered in detail, and helpful information is provided on key aspects of surgical anatomy, diagnostic workup, instrumentation, and postoperative management. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy is the first manual to cover these techniques, which are likely to become standard in the field of oncological breast surgery. It will be invaluable for breast surgeons who are skilled in nipple-sparing mastectomy and oncoplastic techniques or are working in breast units that offer genetic counseling to high-risk patients.

Super-Resolution Microscopy for Material Science

by Lorenzo Albertazzi Peter Zijlstra

Optical microscopy is one of the most frequently used tools in chemistry and the life sciences. However, its limited resolution hampers the use of optical imaging to many other relevant problems in different disciplines. Super-Resolution Microscopy (SRM) is a new technique that allows the resolution of objects down to a few billionth of meters (nanometers), ten times better than classical microscopes, opening up opportunities to use this tool in new fields.This book describes the theory, principles, and practice of super-resolution microscopy in the field of materials science and nanotechnology. There is a growing interest in the applications of SRM beyond biology as new synthetic materials, such as nanoscale sensors and catalysts, nanostructured materials, functional polymers, and nanoparticles, have nanoscopic features that are challenging to visualize with traditional imaging methods.SRM has the potential to be used to image and understand these cutting-edge man-made objects and guide the design of materials for novel applications.This book is an ideal guide for researchers in the fields of microscopy and materials science and chemistry as well as graduate students studying physics, materials science, biomedical engineering, and chemistry.Key Features: Contains practical guidance on Super-Resolution Microscopy (SRM), an exciting and growing tool that was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2014 Provides a new perspective targeting materials science, unlike existing books which target readers in chemistry, life science, and biology Targets students in its core chapters, while offering more advanced material for professionals and researchers in later chapters

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