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2nd International Adalat® Symposium: New Therapy of Ischemic Heart Disease

by Wilhelm Lochner, Wolfgang Braasch and Günther Kroneberg

The First Adalat Symposium held in Tokyo in 1973, presented important experimental and clinical results which had been collected in Europe and Japan with the new coronary therapeutic agent. The European scientists had an opportunity to discuss the problems and results personally with their Japanese colleagues. The Second Adalat Symposium was held in Amsterdam within a year with the purpose of bringing together mainly scientists within Europe. The results discussed in Tokyo have been extended and supplemented through additional experiences. Contributions in basic science are presented, but most important are those clinical studies, which support and extend proof of the drug's efficacy in humans. The editors wish to express their appreciation to all those responsible for contributing to this report and, in particular, to Dr. M. SPENGLER, Dr. F. EBNER and Dr. K. BRANDAU for their editorial help, and to Dr. W. BOTTGER for the preparation of the Subject Index. We hope that this publication will be a valuable contribution toward conveying information to physicians and scientists. DiisseldorfjWuppertal, Autumn 1975 W. LOCHNER' W BRAASCH' G. KRONEBERG Contents Introduction: W. LOCHNER Present Basis of Coronary Therapy: W. LOCHNER. With 11 Figures 2 Session I. Chemistry and Experimental Pharmacology (Chairmen: A. FLECKENSTEIN and K. LANDMARK) Pharmacology of Nifedipine: G. KRONEBERG. With 8 Figures 12 Discussion Remarks 19 The Chemistry of Nifedipine: F. BOSSERT. With 9 Figures 20 Pharmacokinetics of Adalat in Animal Experiments: K. PATZSCHKE, B.

2nd International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences: ICIBEL 2017 (in conjunction with APCMBE 2017),10 - 13 December 2017, Penang, Malaysia (IFMBE Proceedings #67)

by Fatimah Ibrahim Juliana Usman Mohd Yazed Ahmad Norhamizan Hamzah Swe Jyan Teh

This volume presents the proceedings of ICIBEL 2017, organized by the Centre for Innovation in Medical Engineering (CIME) under Innovative Technology Research Cluster, University of Malaya. It was held in George Town, Penang, Malaysia, from 10-13 December 2017.The ICIBEL 2017 conference promotes the latest research and developments related to the integration of the Engineering technology in medical fields and life sciences. This includes the latest innovations, research trends and concerns, challenges and adopted solution in the field of medical engineering and life sciences.

The 2x2 Matrix: Contingency, Confusion and the Metrics of Binary Classification

by A. J. Larner

This book describes, extends, and illustrates the metrics of binary classification through worked examples.Worked examples based on pragmatic test accuracy study data are used in chapters to illustrate relevance to day-to-day clinical practice. Readers will gain an understanding of sensitivity and specificity and predictive values along with many other parameters.The contents are highly structured, and the use of worked examples facilitates understanding and interpretation.This book is a resource for clinicians in any discipline who are involved in the performance or assessment of test accuracy studies and professionals in the disciplines of machine learning or informatics wishing to gain insight into clinical applications of 2x2 tables.

The 2x2 Matrix: Contingency, Confusion and the Metrics of Binary Classification

by A.J. Larner

This book presents and discusses the numerous measures of test performance that can be derived from 2x2 tables. Worked examples based on pragmatic test accuracy study data are used in chapters to illustrate relevance to day-to-day clinical practice. Readers will gain a good understanding of sensitivity and specificity and predictive values along with many other parameters.The contents are highly structured and the use of worked examples facilitates understanding and interpretation. This book is a resource for clinicians in any discipline who are involved in the performance or assessment of test accuracy studies, and professionals in the disciplines of machine learning or informatics wishing to gain insight into clinical applications of 2x2 tables.

The 3-Dimensional Atlas of the Marmoset Brain: Reconstructible In Stereotaxic Coordinates (Brain Science)

by Atsushi Iriki Hirotaka James Okano Erika Sasaki Hideyuki Okano

This book provides accurate, comprehensive, and convenient reference for usages of the “freely rotatable three dimensional combined Nissl-stained and MRI digital data of the marmoset brain”. The key features of the original 3D digital data and of this atlas are: 1. The original digital datasets are freely rotatable in three dimensions, thus expected to be useful for any disciplines and anatomical interest, using any coordinate system, 2. Combined Nissl stained and MRI images are obtained from the same marmoset, to allow cross-modality matched references for multiple usages, 3. 86 Horizontal Series of Images with Neurosurgical Plane (based on the actual data), with more accuracy and resolution (Chapter 2) than the web-based digital images, 4. 32 Coronal Series of Images with Neurosurgical Plane (reproduced from the brain model) (Chapter 3), 5. 10 Parasagittal Series of Images with Neurosurgical Plane (reproduced from the brain model) (Chapter 4), 6. 3 Omnidirectionally Sliceable Planes (reproduced from the brain model) (Chapter 5), 7. In order to provide higher resolution structures to match systematic accuracy for supplementation of the digital data on the website, additional information are included. They are: 1) Nomenclature, 2) List of Brain Structures in Hierarchical Order, 3) Index of Abbreviations, together with 143 useful Bibliographic References list as of 2016, 8. Horsley-Clarke’s stereotaxic coordinates were adopted in the present atlas.

3-Dimensional Modeling in Cardiovascular Disease E-Book

by Evan M. Zahn

Written by physicians and surgeons, imaging specialists, and medical technology engineers, and edited by Dr. Evan M. Zahn of the renowned Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, this concise, focused volume covers must-know information in this new and exciting field. Covering everything from the evolution of 3D modeling in cardiac disease to the various roles of 3D modeling in cardiology to cardiac holography and 3D bioprinting, 3-Dimensional Modeling in Cardiovascular Disease is a one-stop resource for physicians, cardiologists, radiologists, and engineers who work with patients, support care providers, and perform research.Provides history and context for the use of 3D printing in cardiology settings, discusses how to use it to plan and evaluate treatment, explains how it can be used as an education resource, and explores its effectiveness with medical interventions.Presents specific uses for 3D modeling of the heart, examines whether it improves outcomes, and explores 3D bioprinting.Consolidates today’s available information and guidance into a single, convenient resource.

30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breathrough Medical Plan To Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease

by Steven Masley

Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of Americans today, and while most doctors focus on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure they are overlooking the real culprit: glucose levels. With today's overweight population adn dramatic increase in Type II Diabetes, studies now show that sugar, not fat, does most of the heart damage. Plague reducing statins used to lower high cholesterol treat some symptoms but not the cause of most heart disease -- and they do not stop the growth of arterial plaque. The good news is that everyone-regardless of size, genetics, gender, or age-can treat arterial plaque and prevent heart attacks and strokes with THE 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP. The key to the program is about shrinking arterial plaque, improving circulation, and strengthening your heartbeat with fiber and fitness using these tools: Adding heart-healing foods to your diet Exercise that strengthens your heart and arteries Stress management A customized heart-friendly supplement plan THE 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP program is easy, fast, and could even be called sexy. Dr. Masley devotes a chapter to showing how improving heart health improves sex drive in both men and women.

30 Gedanken zum Tod: Die Methode der Framework Analysis (Palliative Care und Forschung)

by Martin W. Schnell Christian Schulz-Quach Christine Dunger

Die Autoren stellen das Projekt „30 Gedanken zum Tod“ vor, das die Todesvorstellungen von erwachsenen Menschen untersucht, die beruflich oder im Leben mit dem Tod und dem guten wie dem misslungenen Sterben zu tun haben. Es handelt sich um die Vorstellungen von Personen, die als Experten den Tod in unserer Gesellschaft definieren (Juristen, Politiker, Philosophen u.a.), die den Tod anderer Menschen hautnah miterleben (Ärzte, Feuerwehr, Polizei u.a.) und die mit dem eigenen Tod konfrontiert sind (Patienten, alte Menschen u.a.). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind mit der Methode der Framework Analysis ermittelt worden.

300 Essential SBAs in Surgery: With Explanatory Answers (MasterPass)

by Kaji Sritharan Samia Ijaz Neil Russel

Medical education and the tools used for assessment are continually evolving. Single Best Answer (SBA) questions are a relatively new method of assessment commonly encountered in final surgical exams. The key to success in any SBA-style examination is practice, practice and more practice. With nearly 300 structured questions, this book comprehensively covers the surgical curriculum. Each specialty-specific chapter contains a combination of clinical vignettes and knowledge-based questions of varying degrees of difficulty, both challenging the more able candidates as well as giving a realistic appreciation of the standard required to pass. Each question gives a detailed explanation of the correct answer to aid reflection and reinforce understanding. This book is the ideal revision aid for all undergraduate medical students preparing for their final examination in surgery. In addition, doctors studying for the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) and the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) examinations will also find this book extremely useful.

300 Essential SBAs in Surgery: With Explanatory Answers (MasterPass)

by Kaji Sritharan Samia Ijaz Neil Russel

Medical education and the tools used for assessment are continually evolving. Single Best Answer (SBA) questions are a relatively new method of assessment commonly encountered in final surgical exams. The key to success in any SBA-style examination is practice, practice and more practice. With nearly 300 structured questions, this book comprehensively covers the surgical curriculum. Each specialty-specific chapter contains a combination of clinical vignettes and knowledge-based questions of varying degrees of difficulty, both challenging the more able candidates as well as giving a realistic appreciation of the standard required to pass. Each question gives a detailed explanation of the correct answer to aid reflection and reinforce understanding. This book is the ideal revision aid for all undergraduate medical students preparing for their final examination in surgery. In addition, doctors studying for the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) and the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) examinations will also find this book extremely useful.

300 Jahre deutsch-japanische Beziehungen in der Medizin

by I. Umhauer

Aus dem Geleitwort von Dr. H. Götze: "Das 50jährige Jubiläum der Japanischen Medizinischen Gesellschaft 1984 in Tokyo gab Anlaß zu einem historischen Rückblick auf Beginn und Entwicklung der wissenschaftlich-kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen Japan und Deutschland....Die Kontinuität, aber auch den Wandel ausführlicher darzustellen, ist Anliegen des Buches." Die Geschichte der Zusammenarbeit in der Medizin zwischen Deutschland und Japan reicht bis ins 17. Jahrhundert zurück. Erstmals werden diese Beziehungen ausführlich in einem Buch dargestellt. Vertreter beider Länder lieferten Beiträge aus verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Medizin, die jeweils in deutsch und japanisch abgedruckt sind. Dieser außergewöhnliche Band mit seinen zahlreichen Fotografien wird nicht nur Ärzte, sondern auch Geschichtswissenschaftler faszinieren.

304 Verplegende elementen: Werkcahier Kwalificatieniveau 3 (Skillslab-serie)

by Marion Vroon Judith Alkema

Werkcahier inclusief de cd–rom's Medicijnen en WondverzorgingDit cahier vormt een onderdeel van de cahiers voor de deelkwalificatie 304: verplegende elementen.

30th Hemophilia Symposium Hamburg 1999: HIV Infection and Epidemiology in Hemophilia; Gene Therapy in Hemophilia A and B; Therapy of Hepatitis C; Inhibitors in Hemophilia; Long-term Results after Joint Replacement; Pediatric Hemostasiology; Case Reports

by Inge Scharrer Wolfgang Schramm

This book contains the contributions to the 30th Hemophilia Symposium, 1999. The main topics are HIV infection, inhibitors in hemophilia, modern treatment of hemophilia, drug-induced thrombophilia and pediatric hemostasiology. The volume is rounded off by numerous free papers and posters on hemophilia and associated topics.

30th Scientific-Experts Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry: Answers for Forthcoming Challenges in Modern Agriculture (IFMBE Proceedings #78)

by Enisa Omanović-Mikličanin Muhamed Brka Lutvija Karić Vedad Falan Almir Toroman

This book gathers the proceedings of the 30th Scientific-Experts Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, held on September 26-27, 2019, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It reports on the application of innovative technologies in food sciences and agriculture, and covers research in plant and animal production, agricultural economics and food production. Further, the book discusses key social and environmental issues, and proposes answers to current challenges. The conference was jointly organized by the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Faculty of Agriculture of Ege University, Turkey, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical and Biological Engineering Society, and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade, Serbia. The proceedings offer a timely snapshot of cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and developments in modern agriculture. As such, they address the needs of researchers and professionals, agricultural companies, food producers, and regulatory and food safety agencies.

31 Bond Street: A Novel

by Ellen Horan

Based on a true story, mystery and intrigue in pre-Civil War New York

31st Hemophilia Symposium: Hamburg 2000

by WolfgangSchramm IngeScharrer

Some 23. 5% of all members and patients of treatment centers completed the questionnaire. One striking fact is that participation was highest amongst elderly patients with severe hemophilia, whereas only 12. 2% of family members responded. Evaluation of the results revealed that the majority of participants prefer treat­ ment in a hemophilia treatment center with a high reputation, whereas only 2. 7% consider treatment in a specialized practice to be sufficient. The reasons for that are the necessity of the 24-h-availability of a physician, regular qualified examination of joints and muscles, documentation of product batches, laboratory tests and good cooperation with other faculties. As many as 68. 9% of the patients sometimes travel more than 200 km. What certainly plays a role here is trust in the treatment center and its physicians, for it is noticeable that irrespective of the fact that 74. 3% re­ quested standardized treatment regimens for all treatment centers, only about 20% would change to a nearer center. Treatment with factor concentrates is generally considered to be very safe. That is to say, 58. 1 % regard recombinant products to be very safe, whereas only 24. 3% assume this for plasma products. When compared, there were usually no major differences observed regarding outcome (factor consumption, duration of treat­ ment). Increase in maximum storage temperature (47. 2%) and half-life (73%) were the most frequent answers to the question of what features the products should have.

32nd Hemophilia Symposium Hamburg 2001

by Inge Scharrer Wolfgang Schramm

33 Meditations on Death: Notes from the Wrong End of Medicine

by David Jarrett

_________________“Brilliant - a grimly humorous yet humane account of the realities of growing old in the modern age. Everybody over the age of 60 should read it and ponder their probable future.” - Henry MarshWhat is a good death? How would you choose to live your last few months? How do we best care for the rising tide of very elderly? This unusual and important book is a series of reflections on death in all its forms: the science of it, the medicine, the tragedy and the comedy. Dr David Jarrett draws on family stories and case histories from his thirty years of treating the old, demented and frail to try to find his own understanding of the end. And he writes about all the conversations that we, our parents, our children, the medical community, our government and society as a whole should be having.Profound, provocative, strangely funny and astonishingly compelling, it is an impassioned plea that we start talking frankly and openly about death. And it is a call to arms for us to make radical changes to our perspective on ‘the seventh age of man’.

33rd Hemophilia Symposium: Hamburg 2002

by WolfgangSchramm IngeScharrer

34 Patients: The profound and uplifting memoir about the patients who changed one doctor’s life

by Tom Templeton

In the last year we've called our doctors heroes, but what is daily life really like? Discover the truth, hurt, heartbreak, life and death and everything in between through 34 Patients 'Wonderful - insightful and compassionate' Dr Richard Shepherd, author of UNNATURAL CAUSES ________ We ask so much of our doctors. To heal. To trust. To care. To listen.To cure someone's pain. To deliver a baby safely into the world. To give the good news that will change someone's life. Doctors know our deepest secrets, our private worries and our most vulnerable moments. But they listen to all of us, and under their gaze we are all equally worthy of help. 34 Patients is the breathtaking and uplifting memoir of a doctor who dares to look closer at a crowded waiting room, and value each soul and story he encounters. Through stories of the patients he has helped and lost, and those who have changed him forever, Dr Tom Templeton weaves a profound and moving portrait of humanity, asking us to treat all with compassion.

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