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The Treatment Of Cattle By Homoeopathy

by George Macleod

Many farmers today are concerned, not only with the increasing cost of conventional drugs, but also with their side-effects and the build-up of resistant strains of bacteria due to the continued and often indiscriminate use of antibiotics.While this book will appeal to the already converted it is hoped that the unprejudiced newcomer will be sufficiently encouraged to investigate this system of medicine and enjoy its undoubted benefits.The aim of the homeopathic approach is to build up the health of the herd and increase the resistance of its individual members to disease, and, in consequence to increase the milk output and quality.Homeopathic remedies are all derived from natural sources and George Macleod outlines the homeopathic approach to the commoner diseases of cattle, omitting only serious injuries and others which are not economic to treat.

A Home Course In Nutrition

by Eric F Powell

This book provides lessons in nutrition which are intended as a helpful and practical guide to proper feeding, and cover the whole of the necessary matters connected with the subject. Food on the mind has not been neglected.Readers who carry out the suggestions made to the best of their ability will add greatly to life and happiness. Read and apply, and results are assured.

Emotional Healing For Horses & Ponies

by Heather Simpson Judy Howard Stefan Ball

Over the last few years there has been a revolution in the way we think about horses. At last we have clear ideas about how horses see the world, and about how they feel about themselves and the things we ask them to do.This book helps us to put these insights to work.Emotional Healing for Horses and Ponies brings together the skills of expert horsewoman and animal behaviourist Heather Simpson and those of leading Bach flower remedy experts Stefan Ball and Judy Howard. Together they describe how complementary medicine and simple changes in handling and housing routines can immeasurably improve the lives of our horses. Anybody who has been inspired by the tales of horse whisperers will find in this book practical steps that we can all take to give our horses happier and more joyful lives.

Frankincense & Myrrh: Through the Ages, and a complete guide to their use in herbalism and aromatherapy today

by Martin Watt Wanda Sellar

The story of frankincense and myrrh runs in tandem with man's evolution. Their use in so many varied ways has accompanied man and woman through the uncertain and often stormy path of life.Once prized as highly as gold, frankincense and myrrh's use in perfumery suggested an exclusivity as do the celebrated perfumes of today. But they offered much more than mere aesthetic delight. At times they were a life-line to spiritual and physical health and well-being.Over many centuries the use of frankincense and myrrh pervaded a wide range of societies and religions. The caravan trails for this valuable cargo have disappeared but these aromatics continue to be valuable commodities both in the East as well as in the West.Frankincense and Myrrh continue to excite the imagination and are probably the most famous aromatics of all time. Their appeal and magic will never die and this book explains why.

Smashed: Growing Up A Drunk Girl

by Koren Zailckas

The day Koren turned fourteen she tasted alcohol for the first time. At fifteen she was piecing together forgotten fragments of drink, men and misplaced clothes. At sixteen she was being carried through hospital doors unconscious. And so it began...Brought up by loving parents in a stable middle-class home, Koren was a sweet and altogether normal child. Yet from her mid-teens until her early twenties, she thought nothing of regularly drinking herself into a state of amnesia. Alcohol became her safeguard and prop, providing her with a self-confidence she couldn't otherwise feel. And whilst drinking to excess was perfectly acceptable, even actively encouraged, amongst her friends, it quickly reached a destructive monotony that bordered on dependency. It took a number of terrifying incidents - from stumbling home alone covered in vomit to waking up naked in bed unsure of whether she had lost her virginity - before Koren could finally say to herself enough was enough and seek help for her problem.Smashed is the shocking but all-too-recognisable story of a young woman coming of age within a society that finds it easier to turn a blind eye to binge-drinking than address the problem head on. Beautifully written and brutally honest, compelling without preaching, this is a book that demands to be read.

A Nurse in Action: My Life As A Nurse During The Second World War

by Evelyn Prentis

'We were quickly learning to live with war. We became very proficient at moving the patients who could walk quickly to the shelters when the sirens went. We were equally proficient at talking those who couldn't walk into believing that they would be safe where they were. Some believed us, others didn't.'Surprising Matron as well as herself, Evelyn Prentis managed to pass her Finals and become a staff-nurse. Encouraged, she took the brave leap of moving from Nottingham to London - brave not least because war was about to break. Not only did the nurses have to cope with stray bombs and influxes of patients from as far away Dunkirk, but there were also RAF men stationed nearby - which caused considerable entertainment and disappointment, and a good number of marriages ...But despite all the disruption to the hospital routine, Evelyn's warm and compelling account of a nurse in action, shows a nurse's life would always revolve around the comforting discomfort of porridge and rissoles, bandages and bedpans.

The Treatment Of Horses By Homoeopathy

by George Macleod

This book is for anyone who is interested in the welfare of horses, and who wishes to know more about treating them with homoeopathic remedies. Increasing numbers of horse owners and handlers today confirm that homoeopathy is a speedy and effective treatment, which can often deal with so-called 'incurable' ailments. As this fascinating guide explains, homoeopathic remedies are absolutely safe, easy to administer and have no side effects. This authoritative book includes advice on treating horses homoeopathically for both specific diseases and common ailments.

Silent Witnesses: The Often Gruesome But Always Fascinating History Of Forensic Science (Isis Series)

by Nigel McCrery

A crime scene. A murder. A mystery.The most important person on the scene? The forensic scientist. And yet the intricate details of their work remains a mystery to most of us. Silent Witnesses looks at the history of forensic science over the last two centuries, during which time a combination of remarkable intuition, painstaking observation and leaps in scientific knowledge have developed this fascinating branch of detection. Throwing open the casebook, it introduces us to such luminaries as 'The Wizard of Berkeley' Edward Heinrich, who is credited with having solved over 2000 crimes, and Alphonse Bertillon, the French scientist whose guiding principle 'no two individuals share the same characteristics' became the core of identification. Along the way, it takes us to India and Australia, Columbia and China, Russia, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. And it proves that, in order to solve ever more complicated cases, science must always stay one step ahead of the killer.

Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life

by Peter Raby

In 1858, aged thirty-five, weak with malaria, isolated in the remote Spice Islands, Alfred Russel Wallace wrote to Charles Darwin: he had, he said excitedly, worked out a theory of natural selection. Darwin was aghast - his work of decades was about to be scooped. Within a fortnight, his outline and Wallace's paper were presented jointly in London. A year later, with Wallace still at the opposite side of the world, On the Origin of Species was published. Wallace had none of Darwin's advantages or connections. Born in Usk, Gwent, in 1823, he left school at fourteen and in his mid-twenties spent four years in the Amazon collecting for museums and wealthy patrons, only to lose all his finds in a shipboard fire in mid-Atlantic. He vowed never to travel again. Yet two years later he was off to the East Indies, beginning an eight-year trek over thousands of miles; here he discovered countless unknown species and identified for the first time the point of divide between Asian and Australian fauna, 'Wallace's Line'. With vigour and sensitivity, Peter Raby reveals Wallace as a courageous and unconventional explorer. After his return, he plunged into a variety of controversies, staying vital and alert until his death at the age of 90, in 1913. Gentle, self-effacing, and remarkably free from the racism that blighted so many of his contemporaries, Wallace is one of the neglected giants of the history of science and ideas. This stirring biography - the first for many years - puts him at centre stage, where he belongs.

Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Shadow of a Secret Nuclear Facility

by Kristen Iversen

It is the early 1950s. Kristen Iversen is enjoying a carefree childhood surrounded by desert and mountains. But just a few miles down the road, the US government decides to build a secret nuclear weapons facility at Rocky Flats. Kirsten and her siblings jump streams, ride horses, live a happy outdoors life. But beneath this veneer her family is quietly falling apart. Her father drinks, her mother copes. And in a series of fires, accidents and other catastrophic leaks, Rocky Flats nuclear plant is spewing an invisible cocktail of the most dangerous substances on earth into this pristine landscape. The ground, the air and the water are all alive with radiation.The years that follow will bring protests, investigations, denials, cover-ups, threats and lies. And then, one after another, people start to fall ill.

Go Ask Alice: A shocking true story for fans of 13 Reasons Why

by Anonymous

The shocking true story of a teenager's descent into darkness - perfect for fans of the smash-hit Netflix series, Thirteen Reasons Why.Alice could be anyone - she could be someone you know, or someone you love - and Alice is in trouble ...Being fifteen is hard, but Alice seems fine. She babysits the neighbour's kids. She is doing well at school. Someday she'd even like to get married and raise a family of her own. Then she is invited to a party, a special party where the drinks are spiked with LSD and Alice is never the same again. This tragic and extraordinary true-life story shows the devastating effect that drug-abuse can have. But the big difference between Alice and a lot of other kids on drugs is that Alice kept a diary . . .

Jolly Green Giant

by David Bellamy

David Bellamy is a natural story teller whose memoir will be packed full of funny anecdotes and observations. It is the story of how a city boy, brought up in the middle of London, went for a trip into the countryside one day, an event which was to transform his life by setting in motion the amazing love of nature which would make famous this larger-than-life character. In his infectious style he illumines on, amongst other things, the fact that his father, the manager of a branch of Boots, had to grease his hair straight - because in those days managers of Boots weren't allowed to have curly hair! Then there was the time he and his brother discovered an exploded bomb, kept in the garden shed - and then accidentally blew off the front of the house with it. He reveals his secret passion is ballet dancing - and how his mother only found out about it when she saw him on stage at the Fairfield Hall in Croydon. His career as an academic, then author, broadcaster, consultant and television personality, spans 35 years and his main passion - campaigning for the environment - have led to many adventures including his being twice imprisoned in the Third World.

The Bellamy Herbal: A Whole World Herbal Handbook For 21st Century Families

by David Bellamy

At a time when health scares abound, new drugs and medical treatments are continually emerging and we are forced to be ever-more cautious as to the foods we eat, people are increasingly looking for alternative ways of treating and restoring their health. The healing properties of plants has long been recognised, but knowing exactly what we should be giving our families and how this 'alternative' medicine can work safely alongside modern treatments can seem rather less straightforward. David Bellamy - Britain's favourite botanist - here draws on his many years of research and teaching to give us a practical, accessible and comprehensive guide to herbalism, showing how we can all use herbs to strengthen our immune system, boost energy levels and treat conditions ranging from the common cold to digestive disorders, arthritis and heart disease. Bellamy's Herbal is an easy to follow, detailed guide to everything you need to know about herbal remedies and supplements and how they can be used to treat you and your family safely and effectively.

Cat Detective

by Vicky Halls

Does your cat scratch your carpets? Or soil in the house? Or perhaps your cat's behaviour has changed recently - becoming withdrawn or aggressive towards you or another member of your family? Or perhaps you would just like to understand the way your cat thinks?In this comprehensive guide cat counsellor Vicky Hall helps cat owners identify what is causing their cat's behaviour and provides a clear step-by-step solution to tackling behavioural problems. Fascinating case studies drawn from Vicky's personal and professional experiences are included. Each study is both informative and entertaining and will undoutedly help cat owners understand their cat's behaviour much better. This is essential reading for all cat lovers.

Health and Health Care Concerns among Women and Racial and Ethnic Minorities (Research in the Sociology of Health Care #35)

by Professor Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld

This volume covers macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving health and health care concerns for women, and racial and ethnic minorities. Topics covered include examination of health and health care issues of patients or of providers of care especially those related to concerns for women and for racial and ethnic minorities in different countries. This volume is divided into four sections. The first section introduces the volume. The second section covers women and reproductive related health and health care concerns, using data sources from the United States and the UK. The third section examines health care practitioners, health and health care, relating to issues of women or racial and ethnic minorities, using data sources from the US and Canada. The last section relates specifically to racial and ethnic minorities and health and health care. Chapters focus on Black men, on Asian Americans, on Mexican Americans, and across racial and/or ethnic differences.

Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students (Transforming Nursing Practice Series)

by Bob Price Dr Anne Harrington

This book is a clear and practical guide to help students develop critical thinking, writing and reflection skills. It explains what critical thinking is and how students should use it throughout their nursing programme. This new edition also provides an innovative new framework that helps students appreciate different levels of critical thinking and reflection to help nursing students appreciate the requirements of degree level study. The book demonstrates the transferable nature of critical thinking and reflection from academic contexts to the real practice of nursing. Key features Clear and straightforward introduction to critical thinking directly written for nursing students, with chapters relating the subject to specific study and practice contexts Student examples and scenarios throughout, including running case studies from four nursing students and further annotated examples of student’s work on the website Each chapter is linked to the new NMC Standards and Essential Skills Clusters

Veterinary Aromatherapy

by Dr Nelly Grosjean

In this simple, clear and precise book, written with Nelly's inimitable passion for her subject, everyone can discover the benefits of veterinary aromatherapy as well as invaluable advice on nutrition.The abundant good advice and sensible aromatherapy remedies provided in this book will allow you, from now on, to practice natural medicine, in accordance with the laws of nature, on all domestic animals, farm-reared animals, and animals in training or racing environments.

Veterinary Notes For Horse Owners: New Revised Edition Of The Standard Work For More Than 100 Years

by M. Horace Hayes

For nearly 125 years, Captain Hayes' Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners has been the standard work on equine health care, constantly amended and updated. Leading veterinary specialists from Britain and around the world have been recruited to write this edition, the 18th, so it will continue to provide a totally comprehensive guide to horse medicine and surgery, explaining the symptoms and treatment of every disease or injury that the horse owner is likely to encounter. Written in plain language that both experts and novices will appreciate, the book contains detailed sections on the Organ, Musculoskeletal and Reproductive Systems, Infectious Diseases, Medical and Surgical matters, Management and Husbandry, and a variety of other important issues. New for this edition are section on Performance Analysis and Artificial Insemination. Clear, concise and authoritative, Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners saves horses lives.

A Nurse and Mother: My Life As A Post-war Nurse

by Evelyn Prentis

'Matron smiled. It was the smile that one woman gives to another and not the chilly facial movement from Matrons of old. "Do you think you would be able to work 9 to 3.30?" For a moment I couldn't think at all. There seemed something not quite right in being paid for so little labour.'At the end of the Second World War, as husbands came back to Civvy Street their wives had the luxury of staying at home with the children. For a short while at least. Soon Evelyn realised she had to find part-time work to make ends meet, and to her astonishment she was offered part-time hours at her old hospital.The day-to-day job hadn't changed much, but she was now a nurse and mother. Whooping cough and measles could still kill a small child, and the early '50s polio epidemic left the whole country in shock.But the nurses worked hard, moaned incessantly about their aching feet and yet found things to laugh at, just as they did from the start of their training. If old soldiers never die, then neither do nurses.

Leaving Dirty Jersey: A Crystal Meth Memoir

by James Salant

Leaving Dirty Jersey is the compellingly crafted tale of James Salant's descent into crystal meth addiction. Written at the age of only twenty-two, this memoir chronicles his year-long addiction with complete honesty and heartbreaking candour. Brought up in a stable, middle-class family, the second son of two therapists, he was introduced to heroin at seventeen by his brother Joe. This resulted in a spell in rehab where he met a bunch of ex-convicts, and he soon fell into the thuggish, drifting lifestyle of meth addiction. It was to take a near-psychotic event to finally get him to clean up.With graphic descriptions of life on crystal meth - the insatiable sex drive, the paranoia, the desperate need for more drugs to sustain the high - James' writing mimics the emotional detachment of the drug and the wired yet aimless life it induces. His voice is so open and authentic, it is hard to believe he is still so young. Given the nickname Dirty Jersey, while living as a tough guy-junkie in California, James had it tattooed on the inside of his left arm. There it remains as a graphic and permanent reminder of his past life as a junkie.

Protein Purification (THE BASICS (Garland Science))

by Philip Bonner

This second edition of Protein Purification provides a guide to the major chromatographic techniques, including non-affinity absorption techniques, affinity procedures, non-absorption techniques and methods for monitoring protein purity. The new edition of the book has been organized to encourage incremental learning about the topic, starting with the properties of water, progressing through the characteristics of amino acids and proteins which relate to the purification process. There is an overview of protein strategy and equipment, followed by discussions and examples of each technique and their applications. The basic theory and simple explanations given in Protein Purification make it an ideal handbook for final year undergraduates, and postgraduates, who are conducting research projects. It will also be a useful guide to more experienced researchers who need a good overview of the techniques and products used in protein purification. Key Features * Guide to the major techniques used in protein purification * Includes flowcharts to help the reader slect the best purification strategy * Contains step-by-step protocols that guide the reader through each technique and its use * Includes exercises and solutions

A Lucid Dreamer: The Life of Peter Redgrove

by Dr Neil Roberts Peter Redgrove

The work of the poet Peter Redgrove is one of the great unexplored treasures of late twentieth century literature. His prolific output presents an intriguing variety of personae: magician, scientist, lover, psychologist, joker, madman. It is only now, with the publication of his Collected Poems and this biography, that we can see how and why these personae developed - and discover the full depth and range of this visionary writer.Born into an apparently conventional middle-class family that was in reality deeply disturbed, the poet finally emerged: transforming himself from the neurotic, Oedipal young scientist, through a process of mental breakdown, insulin coma therapy, erotic revelation and the discovery of poetic companionship at Cambridge - and particularly his friendship and rivalry with Ted Hughes.Neil Roberts explores the inner story of this emergence, and Redgrove's later development through marriage, family life, the fellowship of the 'Group', alcoholic excess, infidelity and marital breakdown to his triumphant later partnership with Penelope Shuttle. We also discover, for the first time, some darker secrets: his fascination with Aleister Crowley, his damaged and damaging relationship with his father, and the lifelong sexual fetish which he called the 'Game'. Drawing on the poet's intimate journals and correspondence, and interviews with family, friends and colleagues, A Lucid Dreamer tells the exceptionally inward and revealing story of an astonishing creative life.

Current Issues In Stuttering Research And Practice (PDF)

by Nan Bernstein Ratner John A. Tetnowski

This state-of-the art volume is a follow-up to the 1999 publication, Stuttering Research and Practice: Bridging the Gap, edited by Nan Ratner and E. Charles Healey. Like its predecessor, the current book is an edited collection of the presentations from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Annual Leadership Conference in Fluency and Fluency Disorders. Among the topics covered are evidence-based practice, impact of the self-help and support groups, meta-analyses of selected assessment and intervention programs, current theories of stuttering, and the predicted path of stuttering intervention in the future. The authoritative representation of contributors offers the reader the most up to date presentation of fluency issues, with a special emphasis placed on the practical clinical implications of fluency assessment, treatment, and evolving theories of the disorder. The book is written for fluency specialists and graduate students in programs of fluency disorders. It will also be valuable for the clinicians who wish to upgrade their skills in treating fluency disorders.

Sarah's Diary: An unflinchingly honest account of one family's struggle with depression

by Sarah Griffin

'I was fourteen when I found my Dad trying to commit suicide in the garage. Sounds shocking doesn't it? But that was part of me, part of living with my Dad'Sarah's Diary is the very personal diary of Sarah Griffin - an ordinary teenage girl learning to deal with the ups and downs of family life. On the outside hers was like any other family, but behind closed doors lay a sad and lonely secret. Sarah's Dad had depression -- a condition we've all heard of but seldom discuss. Beautifully written, brutally honest, Sarah's story is compelling reading.

Loss Of Innocence: A daughter's addiction. A father's fight to save her.

by Carren Clem Ron Clem

The Clems were a family living the American dream until their fifteen-year-old daughter Carren became addicted to Meth. Within two months of first taking the highly addictive drug, Carren had moved out of the family home, spent her entire savings on Meth and resorted to stealing, dealing and prostitution to pay for her habit. Told from both Carren's perspective and from the perspective of her father Ron, Loss of Innocence shares the shocking story of how a middle-class girl growing up in a stable home could get so lost. A former LA police officer, Ron describes how he went back to being a cop to try to rescue his daughter and how he suffered a heart attack in the street when he witnessed Carren selling herself to a drug dealer; Carren shares the events leading up to her first taste of drugs, and her descent into addiction with moving candour and dignity.Carren is now clean and sober, and in this frank, compelling book she and her family prove that there can be life after drug addiction.

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