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Extracellular Matrix (Neuromethods #93)

by Jennie B. Leach and Elizabeth M. Powell

This volume provides comprehensive procedures for analyzing the extracellular matrix in native, injured, and engineered neural tissues. Divided into four parts, each focusing on different aspects of the extracellular matrix and the nervous system, Extracellular Matrix covers methods to analyze native tissue, in vitro models for investigating cell-extracellular matrix interactions in a variety of contexts, protocols to investigate the role of the extracellular matrix in nervous system injury, degeneration, and regeneration, as well as therapeutics and engineered systems. Each chapter is written by leading experts and presents established protocols in a concise format, encompassing current technologies as well as methods developed over years of research. Beginning with an introduction to the method, chapters continue with a listing of the materials and equipment, step-by-step protocols, and a Notes section with troubleshooting tips, supplemental details and alternative approaches, as well as a list of references for further information.As part of the practical and convenient Neuromethods series, Extracellular Matrix serves as an invaluable aid for researchers studying this vital area of neuroscience.

Extremitätenchirurgie im Wandel: 28 Fachärzte äußern sich

by Rainer Peter Meyer Fabrizio Moro Hans-Kaspar Schwyzer Beat René Simmen Matthias Flury

28 Autoren stellen in 80 Kurzbeiträgen ihre Gedanken zu den Veränderungen, denen die Extremitätenchirurgie unterworfen ist, in prägnanter, nachdenklicher und dennoch humorvoller Art vor. Was bringt der stetige Wandel an Positivem in das Fach ein? Und was an Negativem? Dabei ist die Palette der analysierten Themen breit: Arbeitszeitbeschränkung, Kostensteigerung, Anspuchshaltung, Ausbildungsfragen, Krankenhaushierarchien, Ärztemangel, Verbürokratisierung... Anregen möchten die Herausgeber und Autoren mit ihren Beiträgen und den von ihnen vorgeschlagenen Lösungsmöglichkeiten zum Nachdenken, zum Reflektieren und zum Diskutieren.

Extremity Replantation: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

by A. Neil Salyapongse Samuel O. Poore Ahmed M. Afifi Michael L. Bentz

Extremity Replantation is a comprehensive text covering all aspects of the upper and lower limb, with an emphasis on state-of-the-art techniques in the surgical and medical management of amputation and avulsion injuries as well as the current understanding of the recovery of function following replantation. It is organized following anatomical zones – thumb, digits, wrist, forearm and elbow; foot, ankle and lower leg – with special chapters dedicated to issues common to all replants, such as complications, medical management, nerve recovery and rehabilitation. Furthermore, the international team of authors demonstrates approaches from the entire spectrum of replantation care specialists, including plastic and reconstructive surgeons, orthopedists, and hand therapists. Generously illustrated with intra-operative photos, this book will serve as a standard reference for orthopedic, reconstructive, plastic, and hand surgeons as well as physicians or ancillary medical staff caring for the replant patient.

Extremophiles and Their Applications in Medical Processes (SpringerBriefs in Microbiology)

by Prasanti Babu Anuj K. Chandel Om V. Singh

Extremophiles are known to thrive under harsh environmental conditions. Many extremophilic bio-products are already used as life-saving drugs. Recent technological advancements of systems biology have opened the door to explore these organisms anew as sources of products that might prove useful in clinical, environmental and drug development.

Extremophilic Cyanobacteria For Novel Drug Development (SpringerBriefs in Pharmaceutical Science & Drug Development)

by Sikha Mandal Jnanendra Rath

This volume presents recent developments in the novel drug development and potential of extremophilic cyanobacteria. It discusses how these tiny organism originated, produce oxygen that leads to evolution of life on the earth, how their survival strategies in extreme climatic conditions lead to diverse metabolic pathways, and the opportunity to use them to develop novel drugs. The book is comprised of five chapters, starting with the origin of cyanobacteria, their survival strategies under extreme conditions, and their capabilities to change metabolic activities.The second chapter explores the different metabolic pathways found in cyanobacteria and examines advances in this field and recent techniques like MALDI-TOF imaging and metagenomics tools as well as in silico techniques for rapid screening of secondary metabolites. Further chapters cover the glycomics of cyanobacteria, anticancer drug development, and some issues and challenges of using cyanobacteria to develop drugs.Extremophilic Cyanobacteria For Novel Drug Development provides insight into future perspectives in drug development and is a key resource for students, researchers and professionals in pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy biotechnology, biology, and academics.

Eye Pathology: An Illustrated Guide

by Steffen Heegaard Hans Grossniklaus

This book is a comprehensive, in-depth, and up-to-date resource on eye pathology that will be of great practical value for ophthalmic and general pathologists and ophthalmologists. Congenital abnormalities, inflammatory conditions, infections, injuries, degenerative diseases, and tumors are all covered with the aid of more than 700 images. In the case of tumors, the wide variety of neoplasms that occur in the eyelid, conjunctiva, retina, uveal tract, lacrimal gland and sac, orbit, and optic nerve are comprehensively reviewed, and the most recent knowledge on the relation between genetics and prognosis is presented. Entries on specific diseases are organized in a standard way, with information on etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathological characteristics, differential diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis. The authors are all recognized experts and members of the European and American ophthalmic pathology societies.​

Face Transplantation: Principles, Techniques and Artistry

by Juan P. Barret Veronica Tomasello

This book brings together all the relevant available science behind face transplants. It is comprehensive in its coverage, encompassing patient and donor evaluation, ethics, legal issues, psychological issues, types of transplant, surgical technique, issues relating to immunosuppression, follow-up protocols, and current outcomes. Facial transplantation, which allows the replacement of missing anatomy with a perfect match based on transplant medicine principles, has become the most striking innovation in plastic surgery of the twenty-first century as surgeons and scientists progress from reconstructive surgery to restorative surgery. A robust team approach is, however, necessary to produce safe and efficient outcomes, and numerous questions are arising, from technical issues to ethical dilemmas. The reader will discover in this volume all the information required in order to understand this new discipline and to be able to set up a program of facial transplantation.

The Failing Right Heart

by Kyriakos Anastasiadis Stephen Westaby Polychronis Antonitsis

This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the structure and function of the right heart, comprising the right atrium, right ventricle, tricuspid valve and pulmonary circulation. Anatomy and physiology of the right heart, etiology and role of imaging of right heart failure, as well as treatment options, from pharmacological regimes to surgery are included in the text. Algorithms and flow diagrams are provided with illustrated snapshots of the decisions involved in the management of these patients. The Failing Right Heart is aimed to serve as an essential reference for cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists and cardiac intensivists on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with congenital or acquired right heart disease.

Fair Resource Allocation and Rationing at the Bedside

by Marion Danis, Samia A. Hurst, Leonard M. Fleck, Reidun Førde, and Anne Slowther

Health systems need to set priorities fairly. In one way or another, part of this important task will fall to physicians. How do they make judgments about resource stewardship, and how should they do so? How can they make such decisions in a manner that is compatible with their clinical duties to patients? In this book, philosophers, bioethicists, physicians, lawyers and health policy experts make the case that priority setting and rationing contribute significantly to the possibility of affordable and fair healthcare and that clinicians play an indispensable role in that process. The book depicts the results of a survey of European physicians about their experiences with rationing and other cost containment strategies, and their perception of scarcity and fairness in their health care systems. Responding to and complementing these findings, commentators discuss why resource allocation and bedside rationing is necessary and justifiable. The book explores how bedside rationing relates to clinical judgments about medical necessity and medical indications, marginal benefits, weak evidence based medicine, off-label use. The book highlights how comparative studies of health care systems can advance more effective and fair bedside rationing through learning from one another. From a practical standpoint, the book offers a number of strategies for health care systems and clinicians to work in tandem to allocate and ration resources as fairly as possible: how to foster more attention to fairness when rationing at the bedside, how to avoid exacerbating health disparities when allocating resources, how to teach about bedside rationing to students, how to discuss rationing more explicitly in the public arena and in the doctor's office.

Faith in the Time of AIDS: Religion, Biopolitics and Modernity in South Africa (Non-Governmental Public Action)

by Marian Burchardt

This book describes how Christian communities in South Africa have responded to HIV/AIDS and how these responses have affected the lives HIV-positive people, youth and broader communities. Drawing on Foucault and the sociology of knowledge, it explains how religion became influential in reshaping ideas about sexuality, medicine and modernity.

Fallbeispiele Notfallmedizin: Einprägsam - spannend - mit Lerneffekt

by Volker Wenzel

In diesem Werk schildern langjährig erfahrene Notärzte, spannend und lehrreich zugleich, oft dramatisch verlaufene und menschlich berührende Notfalleinsätze, mit denen sie im Laufe ihres Berufslebens konfrontiert wurden. Jeder Fall wird diskutiert und schließt mit einem Fazit für die Praxis, wodurch Notärzte und Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter wertvolle Tipps für eigene, zukünftige Notfalleinsätze erhalten.Der InhaltUnterarmbruch in Afghanistan - 24jähriger treibt im Fluss - Schwerer Verkehrsunfall im Nebel - 80jährige Patientin mit vernichtendem Brustschmerz - Bewusstlos im Industriegebiet - Die letzte Prüfung - Verletzungen durch schweres Gerät - Blutdruckkrise - Unter Betonplatten begraben - Notfall auf dem Rummelplatz - Inferno auf der Autobahn - Kollaps bei der Stallarbeit. Sturz in eisiges Wasser. Erstickungsanfall im Seniorenheim - Verkehrsunfall im Baustellenbereich - Bewusstlose Frau im Badezimmer - Zusammenbruch beim Tennisspiel - Busunglück in Südtirol - Atemnot im Pflegeheim - Ein schwarzer Tag für den Rettungsdienst - Die vier Entwicklungsphasen eines Mediziners - Sturz in den Gartenteich - Zwei Pathologien - Vollbrand in Hochhaus - Kind mit Kopfverletzun - Reanimation bei älterer Patientin - Notfall-koniotomie - 65jähriger Patient mit Atemnot - Status epilepticus - Eine blasse Patientin - Zusammenbruch bei Seniorenwanderung - Schwere Huftrittverletzung - Studentin mit Herzproblemen - Sturz beim Downhillfahren - Schweres Schädel-Hirn-Trauma - Ein fast tödlicher Tee - Ausgesetztes Neugeborenes - Unfall beim Häckseln - Lawinenverschüttung - ACS bei 75jähriger Patientin - Aus der Kurve getragen - Gefährlicher Rettungsdienst - Luftnot im Dampfbad - Schluck- und Bremsversagen - Verletzung durch Stromleitung - Eingeklemmte Person - Kardiologe mit Infarkt - Sturz aus dem Baumhaus.

Falling At The Surgeon's Feet: Hot Doc From Her Past (new York City Docs) / Surgeons, Rivals... Lovers / Falling At The Surgeon's Feet (New York City Docs #3)

by Lucy Ryder

It started in an elevator… After a traumatic accident, Dr. Holly Buchanan made a plan: become the world's best plastic and reconstruction surgeon. What wasn't in her plan? Tumbling into an elevator and sprawling at the feet of sinfully sexy new colleague Dr. Gabriel Alexander!

Fallübungen Care und Case Management

by Ingrid Kollak Stefan Schmidt

Interdisziplinäres Care und Case Management wird in vielen Krankenhäusern, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Rehabilitationseinrichtungen angewendet. Case Manager nehmen sich Patienten an, bei denen eine besonders komplexe Betreuungssituation mit umfassendem Hilfebedarf vorliegt. Das Handwerkszeug und die Kompetenz für diese Arbeit lernt man eher in der Praxis – daran knüpft das Buch mit seinen Fallbeispielen an. Anhand mehrerer Fälle wird das methodische Vorgehen im Care und Case Management mit seinen einzelnen Phasen Schritt für Schritt erläutert. Der Leser wird aktiv in die Lösungsentwicklung der Fälle eingebunden. Dabei werden Formen der Vernetzung erläutert, die richtige Auswahl an Leistungen und die Kombination der Hilfen diskutiert. Die Übungsfälle sind hilfreich zur Prüfungsvorbereitung, aber auch tätige Case Manager können ihre Arbeitspraxis überprüfen und bei Bedarf optimieren. Den Autoren, die selbst CCM-Ausbilder sind, gelingt es, bestehendes Wissens und zur Verfügung stehende Instrumente mit Methodik zu verknüpfen.Für Teilnehmer der Weiterbildung CCM, Mitarbeiter in Gesundheitseinrichtungen sowie für Lehrende und Studenten der Pflegestudiengänge.

Familial Mediterranean Fever (Rare Diseases of the Immune System #3)

by Marco Gattorno

This book, written by very well known opinion leaders in the field, covers all aspects of familial Mediterranean fever, the most common monogenic autoinflammatory disease. The opening chapters explain the genetic basis of the disease and provide insights into the pathogenesis derived from recent experimental studies. A large part of the book is then devoted to a detailed description of the typical and atypical clinical presentations, the disease course, and potential complications in both pediatric and adult patients. Guidance is provided on the measurement of disease severity and the management of patients in daily practice. The advice regarding treatment is based on the best currently available evidence and attention is also paid to important emerging treatments.The book is part of Springer’s series Rare Diseases of the Immune System, which presents recently acquired knowledge on pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy with the aim of promoting a more holistic approach to these conditions. Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases are hereditary disorders that are caused by single-gene defects in innate immune regulatory pathways and are characterized by a clinical and biological inflammatory syndrome in which there is limited, if any, evidence of autoimmunity. Familial Mediterranean fever itself is due to a mutation in the MEFV gene, which codes for the protein pyrin; it is characterized by periodic fever and episodes of painful inflammation in the abdomen, chest, and joints. Familial Mediterranean Fever will be an invaluable source of up-to-date information for all practitioners involved in the care of patients with the disease.

Family Caregiving in the New Normal

by Robert L. Kane Joseph E. Gaugler

Family Caregiving in the New Normal discusses how the drastic economic changes that have occurred over the past few years have precipitated a new conversation on how family care for older adults will evolve in the future. This text summarizes the challenges and potential solutions scientists, policy makers, and clinical providers must address as they grapple with these changes, with a primary focus given to the elements that may impact how family caregiving is organized and addressed in subsequent decades, including sociodemographic trends like divorce, increased participation of women in the workforce, geographic mobility, fewer children in post-baby boom families, chronic illness trends, economic stressors, and the current policy environment. A section on the support of caregivers includes technology-based solutions that examine existing models, personal health records, and mobile applications, big data issues, decision-making support, person-centered approaches, crowd-sourced caregiving such as blogs and personal websites that have galvanized caregivers, and new methods to combine paid and unpaid forms of care. Provides a concise "roadmap" of the demographic, economic, health trends, and policy challenges facing family caregiversPresents potential solutions to caregiving so that scientists, policymakers, and clinical providers can best meet the needs of families and communities in the upcoming decadesIncludes in-depth, diverse stories of caregivers of persons with different diseases who share perspectives Covers person-centered care approaches to family caregiving that summarize effective community-based services of psychosocial intervention models Examines how existing efficacious models can more effectively reach and serve individual families

Family-Oriented Informed Consent: East Asian and American Perspectives (Philosophy and Medicine #121)

by Ruiping Fan

This volume addresses the proper character of patient informed consent to medical treatment and clinical research. The goal is critically to explore the current individually oriented approach to informed consent which grew out of the dominant bioethics movement that arose in the United States in the 1970s. In contrast to that individually oriented approach, this volume explores the importance of family-oriented approaches to informed consent for medical treatment and clinical research. It draws on both East Asian moral resources as well as a critical response to the ways in which the practice of informed consent has developed in the United States

The Family She Needs (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Sue MacKay

And doctor makes three… Nurse Karina Brown only has room in her heart for one guy: four-year-old Mickey. Running a small-town surgery and looking after a little boy with Down syndrome isn't easy, but Katrina wouldn't have it any other way.

Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine E-Book: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant

by Richard J. Martin Avroy A. Fanaroff Michele C. Walsh

Tackle your toughest challenges and improve the quality of life and long-term outcomes of your patients with authoritative guidance from Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Drs. Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, and Michele C. Walsh and a contributing team of leading experts in the field deliver a multi-disciplinary approach to the management and evidence-based treatment of problems in the mother, fetus and neonate. New chapters, expanded and updated coverage, increased worldwide perspectives, and many new contributors keep you current on the late preterm infant, the fetal origins of adult disease, neonatal anemia, genetic disorders, and more. "...a valuable reference book and a pleasure to read." Reviewed by BACCH Newsletter, Mar 2015Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary text in the field! See nuance and detail in full-color illustrations that depict disorders in the clinical setting and explain complex information. Obtain more global perspectives and best practices with contributions from international leaders in the field of neonatal-perinatal medicine. Get comprehensive guidance on treating patients through a dual focus on neonatology and perinatology. Spot genetic problems early and advise parents of concerns, with a completely new section on this topic. Make informed clinical choices for each patient, from diagnosis and treatment selection through post-treatment strategies and management of complications, with new evidence-based criteria throughout. Stay at the forefront of your field thanks to new and completely revised chapters covering topics such as: Principles and Practice l Immune and Non-immune Hydrops Fetalis l Amniotic Fluid Volume l Enhancing Safe Prescribing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit l Role of Imaging in Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of High-Risk Neonates l Patent Ductus Arteriosus l Gastroesophageal Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases in the Neonate. Find and grasp the information you need easily and rapidly with indexing that provides quick access to specific guidance.

Farquharson's Textbook of Operative General Surgery

by Brendan Moran James Hollingshead Margaret Farquharson

Sixty years after its first publication, Farquharson's Textbook of Operative General Surgery remains firmly established as a classic textbook for general surgeons throughout the world, whether they are just embarking on training or are well established in their career. This tenth edition has been fully revised and updated, while retaining the core

Fartopedia: Everything You Didn't Need to Know – and More!

by Martin Fleming

If you thought there was only one type of fart, get ready to be blown away!There’s no questioning the unbridled joy brought about by a good fart. But like a beautiful snowflake, each fart is unique. From the ever-so-dainty Pipsqueak to the mighty window frame-rattling Thunderclap, there’s a whole world of bottom-burps to savour.This informative and revealing tome presents a wide variety of the multitudinous number of farts known to mankind, along with a plethora of butt trumpet facts. Ranging from how to fart and get away with it to the worst places to fart, you’ll realise you didn’t know the first thing about flatulence!

Fat Removal: Invasive and Non-invasive Body Contouring

by Mathew M. Avram

The perception of an inadequate body shape is a cause of concern to many people, and new techniques for altering body shape are increasingly being developed and offered to patients. Of these, the removal and transfer of fat is fast growing in importance and availability. This practical guide offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly-evolving field, and thorough coverage of the implementation of fat removal techniques, both invasive and non-invasive, in a cosmetic practice. It begins with an overview of basic fat anatomy and physiology as an important introduction to this topic. The distinction between the physiology and treatment of cellulite and fat is also discussed. The next section of the book covers invasive treatments of fat such as traditional liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, fat transfer procedures and mesotherapy. The latter half of the book largely focuses on non-invasive treatments for fat, including radiofrequency, ultrasound, cooling and laser technologies for fat removal. Throughout, potential complications and pitfalls of the various treatments are discussed. Edited by Matthew Avram, with contributions from a group of clinical stars, this book will appeal to cosmetic dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aesthetic medical practitioners, and obstetricians/gynaecologists

Fat Removal: Invasive and Non-invasive Body Contouring

by Mathew Avram

The perception of an inadequate body shape is a cause of concern to many people, and new techniques for altering body shape are increasingly being developed and offered to patients. Of these, the removal and transfer of fat is fast growing in importance and availability. This practical guide offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly-evolving field, and thorough coverage of the implementation of fat removal techniques, both invasive and non-invasive, in a cosmetic practice. It begins with an overview of basic fat anatomy and physiology as an important introduction to this topic. The distinction between the physiology and treatment of cellulite and fat is also discussed. The next section of the book covers invasive treatments of fat such as traditional liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, fat transfer procedures and mesotherapy. The latter half of the book largely focuses on non-invasive treatments for fat, including radiofrequency, ultrasound, cooling and laser technologies for fat removal. Throughout, potential complications and pitfalls of the various treatments are discussed. Edited by Matthew Avram, with contributions from a group of clinical stars, this book will appeal to cosmetic dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aesthetic medical practitioners, and obstetricians/gynaecologists

A Father For Poppy: Her Family For Keeps / A Father For Poppy / His Little Christmas Miracle (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Abigail Gordon

From no-strings fling to family man! It might have been a brief fling, but Tessa Gilroy fell hard for gorgeous surgeon Drake Melford and was devastated when he left to pursue his hot-shot career abroad.

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