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Showing 1,076 through 1,100 of 21,484 results

Cairo in the War: 1939-45

by Artemis Cooper

For troops in the desert, Cairo meant fleshpots or brass hats. For well-connected officers, it meant polo at the Gezira Club and drinks at Shepheard's. For the irregular warriors, Cairo was a city to throw legendary parties before the next mission behind enemy lines. For countless refugees, it was a stopping place in the long struggle home. The political scene was dominated by the British Ambassador Sir Miles Lampson. In February 1942 he surrounded the Abdin Palace with tanks and attempted to depose King Farouk. Five months later it looked as if the British would be thrown out of Egypt for good. Rommel's forces were only sixty miles from Alexandria - but the Germans were pushed back and Cairo life went on. Meanwhile, in the Egyptian Army, a handful of young officers were thinking dangerous thoughts.

Captain Kidd and the War against the Pirates

by Robert C. Ritchie

The legends that die hardest are those of the romantic outlaw, and those of swashbuckling pirates are surely among the most durable. Swift ships, snug inns, treasures buried by torchlight, palm-fringed beaches, fabulous riches, and, most of all, freedom from the mean life of the laboring man are the stuff of this tradition reinforced by many a novel and film. It is disconcerting to think of such dashing scoundrels as slaves to economic forces, but so they were—as Robert Ritchie demonstrates in this lively history of piracy. He focuses on the shadowy figure of William Kidd, whose career in the late seventeenth century swept him from the Caribbean to New York, to London, to the Indian Ocean before he ended in Newgate prison and on the gallows. Piracy in those days was encouraged by governments that could not afford to maintain a navy in peacetime. Kidd’s most famous voyage was sponsored by some of the most powerful men in England, and even though such patronage granted him extraordinary privileges, it tied him to the political fortunes of the mighty Whig leaders. When their influence waned, the opposition seized upon Kidd as a weapon. Previously sympathetic merchants and shipowners did an about-face too and joined the navy in hunting down Kidd and other pirates. By the early eighteenth century, pirates were on their way to becoming anachronisms. Ritchie’s wide-ranging research has probed this shift in the context of actual voyages, sea fights, and adventures ashore. What sort of men became pirates in the first place, and why did they choose such an occupation? What was life like aboard a pirate ship? How many pirates actually became wealthy? How were they governed? What large forces really caused their downfall? As the saga of the buccaneers unfolds, we see the impact of early modern life: social changes and Anglo-American politics, the English judicial system, colonial empires, rising capitalism, and the maturing bureaucratic state are all interwoven in the story. Best of all, Captain Kidd and the War against the Pirates is an epic of adventure on the high seas and a tale of back-room politics on land that captures the mind and the imagination.

The Combined Action Platoons: The U.S. Marines' Other War in Vietnam (Praeger Security International Ser.)

by Michael Peterson

This is the first comprehensive history for the academic reader of the Combined Action Program (CAP) in Vietnam. Created as a response by the U.S. Marines to what was known as the other war in Vietnam, the CAP Program was comprised of platoons each combining a fourteen man marine rifle squad, a navy corpsman, and a platoon of South Vietnamese militia. These CAP units were unique to the war. Their function was to capture and hold rather than to search and destroy. While the main forces of the Army and Marines all too often waged war on the Vietnamese hamlets, the CAP marines waged war from the hamlets. Their intent was to keep the hamlet intact. The uniqueness of the CAP Program justifies this study not only from an historical and political perspective but also sociologically. The CAP Marines were among the few Americans who lived with the Vietnamese in their own setting for long periods of time, developing community projects and civic action programs. The 1980s has brought about a resurgence of valuable research, the declassification of official documentation, and most important, an emotional distance from the trauma of defeat. The author takes full advantage of these conditions to present a thorough and comprehensive history and civic program analysis.Many critics of the Vietnam War now agree that the tactics of the Combined Action Program were among the most promising of the war. The CAP Marines fought a deadly and personal war with the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. In this volume, the author achieves his twofold objective. He not only provides a valuable historical account of the Program, but also analyzes the civic action and community development projects undertaken by the CAP Marines. His study is done with an eye to the future as U.S. counterinsurgency has again found expression in other Third World conflicts.

Defending An Economic Superpower: Reassessing The U.s.-japan Security Alliance

by Tetsuya Kataoka

This book describes the reassessment of the U.S.-Japan security relationship to determine how Japan can do more for its defense, reduce America's spending for Japan's and Asia's security, yet preserve the peace in that region. It raises six questions about the relationship and tries to answer them.

Defending An Economic Superpower: Reassessing The U.s.-japan Security Alliance

by Tetsuya Kataoka

This book describes the reassessment of the U.S.-Japan security relationship to determine how Japan can do more for its defense, reduce America's spending for Japan's and Asia's security, yet preserve the peace in that region. It raises six questions about the relationship and tries to answer them.

Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945: Katalog der Bücher und Broschüren.

by Werner Berthold Brita Eckart

Einzigartige Sammlung deutschsprachiger Exil-Publikationen. Der Katalog des Exilarchivs der Deutschen Bibliothek verzeichnet insgesamt 6.900 Veröffentlichungen deutschsprachiger Emigranten, deren Bücher zwischen 1933 und 1950 im Ausland erschienen sind. Ausführlich beschrieben werden vor allem von Exilierten verfasste Werke in Erstausgaben, Nachauflagen und Übersetzungen sowie von Exilierten herausgegebene, übersetzte, illustrierte und gestaltete Bücher. Einbezogen sind auch Veröffentlichungen jüdischer Verlage und Organisationen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Tschechoslovakei nach 1933 sowie die gesamte Produktion von Exilverlagen. Die Publikationen stammen überwiegend aus Belletristik, Geistwissenschaft, Politik und Publizistik.

Development Studies Revisited: Twenty-five Years of the "Journal of Development Studies"

by Charles Cooper E. V. FitzGerald

First published in 1989. The Journal of Development Studies was founded 25 years ago as a professional journal for what had by then become an established sub-discipline within British social science. The Journal has consistently published a broad spectrum of British research on development studies - a catholicity that has been reflected in the composition of the Editorial Board over the years - and has always welcomed authors from the USA, the European Continent, and above all from the Third World. Collated form the last twenty-five years of the journal presented here are a collection of 20-odd papers that represent less than three per cent of articles published since 1964.

Development Studies Revisited: Twenty-five Years of the "Journal of Development Studies"

by Charles Cooper E. V. FitzGerald

First published in 1989. The Journal of Development Studies was founded 25 years ago as a professional journal for what had by then become an established sub-discipline within British social science. The Journal has consistently published a broad spectrum of British research on development studies - a catholicity that has been reflected in the composition of the Editorial Board over the years - and has always welcomed authors from the USA, the European Continent, and above all from the Third World. Collated form the last twenty-five years of the journal presented here are a collection of 20-odd papers that represent less than three per cent of articles published since 1964.

Don't You Know There's a War On?: The People's Voice 1939-45 (Routledge Revivals)

by Jonathan Croall

Was the country really united in the face of the common enemy? Did people actually put the community’s needs before their own? Or were such ideas simply a series of myths created at the time and nurtured ever since. The recollections of this book, first published in 1989, attempt to answer such questions by evoking the reality of life on the home front during the war years. Here is a uniquely personal portrait of a nation at war, extensively illustrated with photographs, diaries, letters, poems, and other memorabilia belonging to the men and women whose wartime lives fill this absorbing book. This title will be of interest to students of history.

Don't You Know There's a War On?: The People's Voice 1939-45 (Routledge Revivals)

by Jonathan Croall

Was the country really united in the face of the common enemy? Did people actually put the community’s needs before their own? Or were such ideas simply a series of myths created at the time and nurtured ever since. The recollections of this book, first published in 1989, attempt to answer such questions by evoking the reality of life on the home front during the war years. Here is a uniquely personal portrait of a nation at war, extensively illustrated with photographs, diaries, letters, poems, and other memorabilia belonging to the men and women whose wartime lives fill this absorbing book. This title will be of interest to students of history.

The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (Studies in International Security)

by Lawrence Freedman

'...Lawrence Freedman has provided a masterly account of the evolution of nuclear strategic thought which is steeped in scholarship, elegantly written, and comprehensive in scope.' Edward M.Spiers, Times Higher Education Supplement

Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander (Civil War America)

by Gary W. Gallagher

Originally published by UNC Press in 1989, Fighting for the Confederacy is one of the richest personal accounts in all of the vast literature on the Civil War. Alexander was involved in nearly all of the great battles of the East, from First Manassas through Appomattox, and his duties brought him into frequent contact with most of the high command of the Army of Northern Virginia, including Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and James Longstreet. No other Civil War veteran of his stature matched Alexander's ability to discuss operations in penetrating detail-- this is especially true of his description of Gettysburg. His narrative is also remarkable for its utterly candid appraisals of leaders on both sides.

Harvest of Thorns

by Shimmer Chinodya

Harvest of Thorns tells the powerful story of Benjamin, a young soldier returned from the frontlines of the Zimbabwe Civil War, forced to ask himself what it means to be free in the new Zimbabwe. Isolated and troubled at boarding school, Benjamin is fascinated by the idea of fighting for the liberation of Rhodesia and transforming it into an independent nation. But upon returning home from the war, he quickly discovers that independence has come at a great cost and that little has changed in his small town. While facing the realities of post-revolution life, Benjamin tries to find happiness in a desperate situation. Shimmer Chinodya unravels the extraordinary story of Zimbabwe's liberation through masterful storytelling, exploring the profound effects liberation had on society as well as at the level of the individual. 'Remarkable.' Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie'A brutal, honest account of the freedom fighter's struggle for independence in Zimbabwe.' Guardian 'A humane and penetrating look at a brutal government and a bloody revolution.' Publishers Weekly

Kingdom of Shadows (Isis Cassettes Ser.)

by Barbara Erskine

Barbara Erskine's classic bestseller, the successor to Lady of Hay, at last available as a HarperCollins paperback.

A Local Habitation: Life and Times, Volume One 1918-40 (Letters And Memoirs Ser.)

by Richard Hoggart

Richard Hoggart's book, The Uses of Literary, established his reputation as a uniquely sensitive and observant chronicler of English working-class life. In this vivid first volume of autobiography he describes his origins in that milieu. Orphaned at an early age, Hoggart grew up in a working-class district of Leeds, in an intimate world of terraced back-to-backs, visits from the local Board of Guardians, clothing checks and potted-meat sandwiches. With affectionate insight he recreates the family circle - a loving grandmother, one domineering and on gentle aunt, and a bibulous, melancholy uncle - and recalls his early schooling, the friends he made and the mentors he admired. Hard-working and articulate, Hoggart did well enough at grammar school to go on to Leeds University. This volume ends as, having earned a higher degree and travelled in Nazi Germany, he prepares to leave Yorkshire, via the Army, for the world beyond. Wry, compassionate, exact, A Local Habitation is a classic recreation of working-class England between the wars.

London to Ladysmith & Ian Hamilton's March

by Winston Churchill

In addition to his enduring fame as a statesman, Winston Churchill was a Nobel Prize-winning author whose military histories offer the unique perspective of a participant in world affairs. London to Ladysmith and Ian Hamilton's March reflect his early career as a Boer War correspondent for London's Morning Post in 1899 and 1900. London to Ladysmith chronicles the Boer War's first five months, from the author's arrival in South Africa to his capture during a Boer ambush of an armored train. Churchill's gripping narrative of his escape from a prisoner-of-war camp traces a grueling journey across enemy territory and back to British lines. Ian Hamilton's March picks up the action immediately afterward, documenting the eponymous general's 400-mile advance from Bloemfontein to Pretoria. The march saw ten major battles and numerous skirmishes, culminating in the release of prisoners from the camp where Churchill himself was held. Written mostly in the field, this book offers a vivid, personal account of the conditions under which the Boer War was fought, as well as a fascinating look at the formative years of one of the twentieth century's preeminent leaders.

Men at Arms (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Evelyn Waugh

Guy Crouchback, determined to get into the war, takes a commission in the Royal Corps of Halberdiers. His spirits high, he sees all the trimmings but none of the action. And his first campaign, an abortive affair on the West African coastline, ends with an escapade which seriously blots his Halberdier copybook. Men at Arms is the first book in Waugh’s brilliant trilogy, Sword of Honour, which chronicles the fortunes of Guy Crouchback. The second and third volumes, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender, are also published in Penguin. Sword of Honour has recently been made into a television drama series, with screenplay by William Boyd.

Military Mayhem

by Raymond Horricks

'Military Mayhem' is an anthology of writings on the British Military by Kipling, Wyndham Lewis, Robert Graves, T.E. Lawrence, Evelyn Waugh, John Betjeman and Ernest Hemingway to name a few.

Military Mayhem

by Raymond Horricks

'Military Mayhem' is an anthology of writings on the British Military by Kipling, Wyndham Lewis, Robert Graves, T.E. Lawrence, Evelyn Waugh, John Betjeman and Ernest Hemingway to name a few.

Number the Stars (Collins Modern Classics Ser.)

by Lois Lowry

A powerful story set in Nazi occupied Denmark in 1943. Ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen is called upon for a selfless act of bravery to help save her best-friend, Ellen – a Jew.

Of Arms and Men: A History of War, Weapons, and Aggression

by Robert L. O'Connell

The appearance of the crossbow on the European battle field in A.D. 1100 as the weapon of choice for shooting down knights threatened the status quo of medieval chivalric fighting techniques. By 1139 the Church had intervened, outlawing the use of the crossbow among Christians. With this edict, arms control was born. As Robert L. O'Connell reveals in this vividly written history of weapons in Western culture, that first attempt at an arms control measure characterizes the complex and often paradoxical relationship between men and arms throughout the centuries. In a sweeping narrative that ranges from prehistoric times to the nuclear age, O'Connell demonstrates how social and economic conditions determine the types of weapons and the tactics used in warfare and how, in turn, innovations in weapons technology often undercut social values. He describes, for instance, how the invention of the gun required a redefinition of courage from aggressive ferocity to calmness under fire; and how the machine gun in World War I so overthrew traditional notions of combat that Lord Kitchener exclaimed, "This isn't war!" The technology unleashed during the Great War radically altered our perceptions of ourselves, as these new weapons made human qualities almost irrelevant in combat. With the invention of the atomic bomb, humanity itself became subservient to the weapons it had produced. Of Arms and Men brilliantly integrates the evolution of politics, weapons, strategy, and tactics into a coherent narrative, one spiced with striking portraits of men in combat and penetrating insights into why men go to war.

On War

by Carl Von Clausewitz Michael Eliot Howard Peter Paret

On War is the most significant attempt in Western history to understand war, both in its internal dynamics and as an instrument of policy. Since the work's first appearance in 1832, it has been read throughout the world, and has stimulated generations of soldiers, statesmen, and intellectuals.

On War

by Carl Von Clausewitz Michael Eliot Howard Peter Paret

On War is the most significant attempt in Western history to understand war, both in its internal dynamics and as an instrument of policy. Since the work's first appearance in 1832, it has been read throughout the world, and has stimulated generations of soldiers, statesmen, and intellectuals.

The Power Of One: Young Readers' Edition (Popular Penguins Ser.)

by Bryce Courtenay

In 1939, as Hitler casts his enormous, cruel shadow across the world, the seeds of apartheid take root in South Africa. There, a boy called Peekay is born. His childhood is marked by humiliation and abandonment, yet he vows to survive and conceives heroic dreams, which are nothing compared to what life actually has in store for him. He embarks on an epic journey through a land of tribal superstition and modern prejudice where he will learn the power of words, the power to transform lives and the power of one.

Resistance and Revolution in Mediterranean Europe 1939–1948 (Routledge Library Editions: WW2 #27)

by Tony Judt

This book, first published in 1989, is the first general study of Communism in Mediterranean Europe during and immediately after the war. It sheds light on the origins of Europe’s Cold War East-West divide and probes the common and conflicting interests of the Soviet Union with the separate national and Communist resistance movements. It explores controversial issues including Stalin’s intentions in post-war diplomacy, Communist attitudes to Nazi collaboration in France, and the origins of the Cold War. The decade following the outbreak of the war saw the transformation of society through armed conflict, national resistance and political revolution. The relationship between resistance to Fascism and occupation, on the one hand, and profound social and political changes on the other, was especially marked in southern Europe. In France and Italy, Communist parties emerged as prominent participants in post-war governments; in Yugoslavia the Communist partisans seized full power and effected a social revolution; while a similar attempt in Greece led to a long and bitter civil war.

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