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Showing 67,176 through 67,200 of 100,000 results

Exchange Rate Theory and Practice (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by John F. O. Bilson Richard C. Marston

This volume grew out of a National Bureau of Economic Research conference on exchange rates held in Bellagio, Italy, in 1982. In it, the world's most respected international monetary economists discuss three significant new views on the economics of exchange rates - Rudiger Dornbusch's overshooting model, Jacob Frenkel's and Michael Mussa's asset market variants, and Pentti Kouri's current account/portfolio approach. Their papers test these views with evidence from empirical studies and analyze a number of exchange rate policies in use today, including those of the European Monetary System.

The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Latin American Perspective

by Francisco Orrego Vicuna Francisco Orrego-Vicuna

Developed and implemented over a period of three decades through legislation and practice in the countries of Latin America, the concept of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is the most recent of those incorporated into the body of international law resulting from the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. A distinguished group of Latin Am

The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Latin American Perspective

by Francisco Orrego Vicuna Francisco Orrego-Vicuna

Developed and implemented over a period of three decades through legislation and practice in the countries of Latin America, the concept of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is the most recent of those incorporated into the body of international law resulting from the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. A distinguished group of Latin Am

Exegesis at Qumran: 4q Florilegium, Its Jewish Context

by George J. Brooke

A comprehensive analysis of the text 4Q Florilegium must begin with the acknowledgement that the text is fragmented in nature and alludes to others through quotations. With this acknowledgement, Brooke moves on to address the relevant contextual aspects of the text. What becomes clear is this: without appreciation of exegetical devices and techniques at use in early Judaism, any analysis of 4QFlor is as fragmentary as the text itself.Brooke's thorough and precise methodology for working through the text via context makes this book the go-to work on 4Q Florilegium.

Exercises in Number Theory (Problem Books in Mathematics)

by D.P. Parent

After an eclipse of some 50 years, Number Theory, that is to say the study of the properties of the integers, has regained in France a vitality worthy of its distinguished past. More 'and more researchers have been attracted by problems which, though it is possible to express in simple statements, whose solutions require all their ingenuity and talent. In so doing, their work enriches the whole of mathematics with new and fertile methods. To be in a position to tackle these problems, it is neces­ sary to be familiar with many specific aspects of number theory. These are very different from those encountered in analysis or geometry. The necessary know-how can only be acquired by study­ ing and solving numerous problems. Now it is very easy to form­ ulate problems whose solutions, while sometimes obvious, more often go beyond current methods. Moreover, there is no doubt that, even more than in other disciplines, in mathematics one must have exercises available whose solutions are accessible. This is the objective realised by this work. It is the collab­ orative work of several successful young number theorists. They have drawn these exercises from their own work, from the work of their associated research groups as well as from published work.

Exercises in Number Theory (Problem Books in Mathematics)

by D.P. Parent

After an eclipse of some 50 years, Number Theory, that is to say the study of the properties of the integers, has regained in France a vitality worthy of its distinguished past. More 'and more researchers have been attracted by problems which, though it is possible to express in simple statements, whose solutions require all their ingenuity and talent. In so doing, their work enriches the whole of mathematics with new and fertile methods. To be in a position to tackle these problems, it is neces­ sary to be familiar with many specific aspects of number theory. These are very different from those encountered in analysis or geometry. The necessary know-how can only be acquired by study­ ing and solving numerous problems. Now it is very easy to form­ ulate problems whose solutions, while sometimes obvious, more often go beyond current methods. Moreover, there is no doubt that, even more than in other disciplines, in mathematics one must have exercises available whose solutions are accessible. This is the objective realised by this work. It is the collab­ orative work of several successful young number theorists. They have drawn these exercises from their own work, from the work of their associated research groups as well as from published work.

The Experience of Illness (Routledge Library Editions: Health, Disease and Society #13)

by Ray Fitzpatrick John Hinton Stanton Newman Graham Scambler James Thompson

Originally published in 1984, this book focuses, firstly, on how patients interpret and act in response to symptoms of illness; secondly on how social and psychological factors influence the treatment process; and thirdly, on certain kinds of illness where the psychosocial perspective is of particular importance to the providers of health care – for example, chronic or particularly disabling illnesses. It demonstrates how essential it is to bring an interdisciplinary perspective from the social and behavioural sciences to an understanding and interpretation of behaviour in relation to illness. It will be of central concern to all health professionals in training and in practice and to social scientists interested in health care.

The Experience of Illness (Routledge Library Editions: Health, Disease and Society #13)

by Ray Fitzpatrick John Hinton Stanton Newman Graham Scambler James Thompson

Originally published in 1984, this book focuses, firstly, on how patients interpret and act in response to symptoms of illness; secondly on how social and psychological factors influence the treatment process; and thirdly, on certain kinds of illness where the psychosocial perspective is of particular importance to the providers of health care – for example, chronic or particularly disabling illnesses. It demonstrates how essential it is to bring an interdisciplinary perspective from the social and behavioural sciences to an understanding and interpretation of behaviour in relation to illness. It will be of central concern to all health professionals in training and in practice and to social scientists interested in health care.

The Experience of Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach

by I.F. Goldstein M. Goldstein

Our earlier book, How We Know: An Exploration of the Scientific Process, was written to give some conception of what the scientific approach is like, how to recognize it, how to distinguish it from other approaches to understanding the world, and to give some feeling for the intellectual excitement and aesthetic satisfactions of science. These goals represented our concept of the term "scientific literacy." Though the book was written for the general reader, to our surprise and gratification it was also used as a text in about forty colleges, and some high schools, for courses in science for the non-scientist, in methodology of science for social and behavioral sciences, and in the philosophy of science. As a result we were encouraged to write a textbook with essentially the same purpose and basic approach, but at a level appropriate to college students. We have drawn up problems for those chapters that would benefit from them, described laboratory experiments that illustrate important points discussed in the text, and made suggestions for additional readings, term papers, and other projects. Throughout the book we have introduced a number of chapters and appendices that provide examples of the uses of quantitative thinking in the sciences: logic, math­ ematics, probability, statistics, and graphical representation.

Experimental Design and Statistics

by Steve Miller

The distinguishing feature of experimental psychology is not so much the nature of its theories as the methods used to test their validity. The first edition of Experimental Design and Statistics provided a clear and lucid introduction to these methods and the statistical techniques which support them. For this new edition the text has been revised, the coverage of two-sample tests has been extended, and new sections have been added introducing one-sample tests, linear regression and the product-moment correlation coefficient.Problems associated with the applications of experimental design and how to use observations of behaviour in research are key questions for all introductory students of psychology. This new and expanded edition provides them with an invaluable text and source.

Experimental Design and Statistics

by Steve Miller

The distinguishing feature of experimental psychology is not so much the nature of its theories as the methods used to test their validity. The first edition of Experimental Design and Statistics provided a clear and lucid introduction to these methods and the statistical techniques which support them. For this new edition the text has been revised, the coverage of two-sample tests has been extended, and new sections have been added introducing one-sample tests, linear regression and the product-moment correlation coefficient.Problems associated with the applications of experimental design and how to use observations of behaviour in research are key questions for all introductory students of psychology. This new and expanded edition provides them with an invaluable text and source.

Experimental Social Programs and Analytic Methods: An Evaluation of the U.S. Income Maintenance Projects

by Alexander Basilevsky Derek Hum

Experimental Social Programs and Analytic Methods: An Evaluation of the U.S. Income Maintenance Projects examines the statistical and econometric research on work disincentive effects reported by a series of social experiments that explore the economic and social consequences of a guaranteed income program. This book provides a comparative description of the several experimental designs and labor supply results, including a general discussion of methodological issues common to the social experiments. The Conlisk-Watts model for sample assignment and labor supply findings from both an econometric and statistical perspective are also elaborated. This text likewise presents an updated survey of the work response findings from the American negative income tax experiments. This publication is intended for professionals and students in econometrics, labor economics, statistics, and quantitative research, but is also valuable to policy analysts and others concerned with social welfare reform and public administration.

Exploitation of Marine Communities: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exploitation of Marine Communities Berlin 1984, April 1–6 (Dahlem Workshop Report #32)

by J. R. Beddington R. J. Beverton P. A. Larkin G. Sugihara

free from any of the overtones that often constrain professional fisheries meetings. The present volume is the result. This volume aims to be useful as an appraisal of the state of the art by a mixed collection of insiders and outsiders. Most interestingly, I think, it aims (especially in the four group reports) to identify some of the major areas of unresolved controversy and some of the major questions yet unanswered. I see the book as essentially a tentative statement - often by several dissonant voices - about directions in which we may be heading; the book is emphatically not a canonical utterance on how to do things. It is intended to stimulate, not to codify. Following the usual Dahlem Workshop format, the discussions were organized under four themes. Although crisp demarcation is not possible, the first two themes broadly deal with biological aspects of the dynamics of single populations and the dynamics of systems with many species. The later two themes take up questions of management under uncertainty and multispecies management. In all this, the word "fish" is interpreted broadly to include such taxonomically varied beasts as whales, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, and squid, along with fish in a strictly zoological sense.

Explosive Spiele für Ihren VC20 (Spiel Club)


Exports, Politics, And Economic Development: Pakistan, 1970-1982

by John Q Adams

During the 1970s, Pakistan's export policies went through two major transformations as a result of realignments among its internal interest groups, bringing about significant changes in export composition and performance. As leader of a coalition of labor, small business, and other mass interests, President Z. A. Bhutto supported a more equitable d

Exports, Politics, And Economic Development: Pakistan, 1970-1982

by John Q Adams

During the 1970s, Pakistan's export policies went through two major transformations as a result of realignments among its internal interest groups, bringing about significant changes in export composition and performance. As leader of a coalition of labor, small business, and other mass interests, President Z. A. Bhutto supported a more equitable d

Expressive Therapy With Elders and the Disabled: Touching the Heart of Life

by Jules C Weiss

A classic book on the use of expressive therapies with uncommunicative elders and the disabled. This poignant guide explores group and individual therapeutic activities that promote creativity, self-expression, communication, and understanding of one’s life. An experienced art therapist relates his insights into the psychosocial dynamics of elders and the disabled and shares his awareness of the sensitivity and understanding required to reach the “unreachable.” Health care workers will find this illustrated volume rich in therapeutic techniques and processes applicable to the care and growth of psychologically and physically disabled or minimally handicapped adults and elders.

Expressive Therapy With Elders and the Disabled: Touching the Heart of Life

by Jules C Weiss

A classic book on the use of expressive therapies with uncommunicative elders and the disabled. This poignant guide explores group and individual therapeutic activities that promote creativity, self-expression, communication, and understanding of one’s life. An experienced art therapist relates his insights into the psychosocial dynamics of elders and the disabled and shares his awareness of the sensitivity and understanding required to reach the “unreachable.” Health care workers will find this illustrated volume rich in therapeutic techniques and processes applicable to the care and growth of psychologically and physically disabled or minimally handicapped adults and elders.

Extraterrestrische Astronomie: Vorgetragen in der Sitzung vom 26. November 1983 (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften #1984 / 1)

by R. Lüst

Die Astronomie ist eine der ältesten Wissenschaften. Sie ist die Wissenschaft von den Himmelskörpern und Himmelserscheinungen. Schon seit Jahrtausenden versuchen die Menschen, durch Beobachtung des Himmels die Geheimnisse der Objekte und Vorgänge im Kosmos zu enträtseln. Solange die Geräte und Beob­ achtungsmethoden im wesentlichen die gleichen waren, wie sie schon Griechen und Araber benutzt hatten, blieb das Arbeitsgebiet der Astronomie auf die Bewe­ gungslehre der Himmelskörper beschränkt. Im astronomischen Observatorium in Yucatan aus dem 10. Jahrhundert (Abb. 1) und in der mittelalterlichen Stern­ warte von Jaipur in Indien (Abb. 2) z. B. kann man noch heute die Bauwerke be­ wundern, mit deren Hilfe der Lauf der Gestirne ohne Fernrohre durch einfache trigonometrische Beobachtung verfolgt wurde. Um die Wende des 17. Jahrhun­ derts begann mit der Erfindung des Fernrohrs eine neue Ära für die Astronomie. Die Frage, wer das erste Fernrohr konstruierte, ist lange diskutiert worden und wird vielleicht nie endgültig gelöst werden. Als geschichtliche Tatsache steht fest, daß das Fernrohr zuerst in Holland wirklich ausgeführt wurde, aber der Wunsch der Erfinder und Behörden, ein Instrument von so außerordentlichen Eigen­ schaften möglichst allein auszunutzen, verhinderte die Verbreitung der Kenntnis seiner Konstruktion. Die Ehre, als erster ein Instrument erfunden zu haben, mit dem man in die Ferne sehen könne, wird mit fast gleichem Recht den Holländern Jan LIPPERHEY, Jakob METIUS und Zacharias JANSEN zugesprochen.

Face Value: The Politics of Beauty (Routledge Revivals)

by Robin Lakoff Raquel Scherr

First published in 1984, Face Value confronts the pervasive power of beauty through art and literature, as well as interviews with men and women with varying perspectives on the subject. The topics covered range widely: the history of beauty from the Greeks to the present; the pathology of beauty: how women have been willing to harm themselves, mentally and physically, to achieve ‘beauty’; the language we use to speak of beauty, and its implications; our attitudes towards beauty, as examined by psychologists; beauty and ethnic identity; men and beauty. The authors present in fact a redefinition of beauty, enabling both women and men to enjoy it in themselves and in others, while discarding the sex-role stereotypes that have governed the definition of beauty in the past. With a new preface that explores the gaps created by time in the book’s discourse, this book will be of interest to students of linguistics, gender studies, women’s studies, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology.

Face Value: The Politics of Beauty (Routledge Revivals)

by Robin Lakoff Raquel Scherr

First published in 1984, Face Value confronts the pervasive power of beauty through art and literature, as well as interviews with men and women with varying perspectives on the subject. The topics covered range widely: the history of beauty from the Greeks to the present; the pathology of beauty: how women have been willing to harm themselves, mentally and physically, to achieve ‘beauty’; the language we use to speak of beauty, and its implications; our attitudes towards beauty, as examined by psychologists; beauty and ethnic identity; men and beauty. The authors present in fact a redefinition of beauty, enabling both women and men to enjoy it in themselves and in others, while discarding the sex-role stereotypes that have governed the definition of beauty in the past. With a new preface that explores the gaps created by time in the book’s discourse, this book will be of interest to students of linguistics, gender studies, women’s studies, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology.

Facial Disfigurement: Successful Rehabilitation (pdf)

by Helen Collyer

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