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Curbing the spread of nuclear weapons (PDF)

by Ian Bellany

With the 2005 Review Conference of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in the background, this book provides a fully detailed but accessible and accurate introduction to the technical aspects of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons for the specialist and non-specialist alike. It considers nuclear weapons from varying perspectives, including the technology perspective, which views them as spillovers from nuclear energy programmes; and the theoretical perspective, which looks at the collision between national and international security – the security dilemma – involved in nuclear proliferation. It aims to demonstrate that international security is unlikely to benefit from encouraging the spread of nuclear weapons except in situations where the security complex is already largely nuclearised. The political constraints on nuclear spread as solutions to the security dilemma are also examined in three linked categories, including an unusually full discussion of the phenomenon of nuclear-free zones, with particular emphasis on the zone covering Latin America. The remarkably consistent anti-proliferation policies of the USA from Baruch to Bush are debated and the nuclear non-proliferation treaty itself, with special attention paid to the international atomic energy’s safeguards system is frankly appraised.

The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

by Ian Bellany Coit D. Blacker Joseph Gallacher

This study looks at the interpretations and effects of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and offers readings of its possible future effects.

The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

by Ian Bellany Coit D. Blacker Joseph Gallacher

This study looks at the interpretations and effects of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and offers readings of its possible future effects.

New Conventional Weapons and Western Defence

by Ian Bellany Tim Huxley

Giving an overview of research and development in weaponry in the maritime and aviation sphere as well as land-based technology, this study looks forward to the effects of emerging innovations on defence policy-making.

New Conventional Weapons and Western Defence

by Ian Bellany Tim Huxley

Giving an overview of research and development in weaponry in the maritime and aviation sphere as well as land-based technology, this study looks forward to the effects of emerging innovations on defence policy-making.

Low-Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems

by Abdellatif Bellaouar Mohamed Elmasry

Low-Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems addresses both process technologies and device modeling. Power dissipation in CMOS circuits, several practical circuit examples, and low-power techniques are discussed. Low-voltage issues for digital CMOS and BiCMOS circuits are emphasized. The book also provides an extensive study of advanced CMOS subsystem design. A low-power design methodology is presented with various power minimization techniques at the circuit, logic, architecture and algorithm levels. Features: Low-voltage CMOS device modeling, technology files, design rules Switching activity concept, low-power guidelines to engineering practice Pass-transistor logic families Power dissipation of I/O circuits Multi- and low-VT CMOS logic, static power reduction circuit techniques State of the art design of low-voltage BiCMOS and CMOS circuits Low-power techniques in CMOS SRAMS and DRAMS Low-power on-chip voltage down converter design Numerous advanced CMOS subsystems (e.g. adders, multipliers, data path, memories, regular structures, phase-locked loops) with several design options trading power, delay and area Low-power design methodology, power estimation techniques Power reduction techniques at the logic, architecture and algorithm levels More than 190 circuits explained at the transistor level.

Il tumore alla prostata: Paziente, familiari e medici: esperienze narrate

by Lara Bellardita Tiziana Magnani Riccardo Valdagni

In che modo la diagnosi di tumore alla prostata impatta sull’equilibrio familiare, sulla vita di coppia e sui progetti di vita? Come viene gestita da parte dei clinici, medici e psicologi, la complessità della malattia nel caso del tumore alla prostata? Sono queste alcune tra le domande a cui gli Autori hanno cercato di rispondere attraverso un testo strutturato come una serie di “riflessioni”, nel duplice significato di “pensiero su” e di immagine riflessa. Uno spaccato sulle emozioni del paziente e sulle relazioni con partner, figli, medico curante, psicologi, che chiude con il punto di vista del paziente che ci racconta la ”sua” verità.Una narrazione che vuole portare alla luce gli aspetti psicosociali e le dinamiche interpersonali, talvolta complicate, tra i vari attori che ruotano intorno al paziente con tumore alla prostata.

Fairy Tales on the Teen Screen: Rituals of Girlhood

by Athena Bellas

This book examines how the fairy tale is currently being redeployed and revised on the contemporary teen screen. The author redeploys Victor Turner’s work on liminality for a feminist agenda, providing a new and productive method for thinking about girlhood onscreen. While many studies of teenagehood and teen film briefly invoke Turner’s concept, it remains an underdeveloped framework for thinking about youth onscreen. The book’s broad scope across teen media—including film, television, and online media—contributes to the need for contemporary analysis and theorisation of our multimedia cultural climate.

Fairy Tales on the Teen Screen: Rituals of Girlhood

by Athena Bellas

This book examines how the fairy tale is currently being redeployed and revised on the contemporary teen screen. The author redeploys Victor Turner’s work on liminality for a feminist agenda, providing a new and productive method for thinking about girlhood onscreen. While many studies of teenagehood and teen film briefly invoke Turner’s concept, it remains an underdeveloped framework for thinking about youth onscreen. The book’s broad scope across teen media—including film, television, and online media—contributes to the need for contemporary analysis and theorisation of our multimedia cultural climate.

Sustainability of European Food Quality Schemes: Multi-Performance, Structure, and Governance of PDO, PGI, and Organic Agri-Food Systems

by Valentin Bellassen Filippo Arfini

This edited volume evaluates recent EU quality policy, focusing on the structure, governance, technical specifications and performances – economic, environmental and social – of Food Quality Schemes (FQS) in the European Union and South East Asia. The intended benefits of FQS include generating a fair return for farmers and producers, and enabling consumers to make better‐informed purchasing choices through effective labeling. In addition, policy makers now consider FQS as a means of guaranteeing not only quality in food production, but also sustainability. Despite these potential benefits, the economic performance of the FQS (e.g. PDO, PGI, organic) has been variable. While some support significant value‐added production, with substantial benefits to producers, consumers and wider economies, many others have failed to become economically sustainable. In addition, the environmental and social performance of FQS remains largely unexamined, with the exception of the environmental performance of organic products. The editors examine these discrepancies and offer a nuanced evaluation of the effectiveness of such policies. Several unique features make this volume a key resource for those interested in FQS and in the sustainability of food products. The editors provide a concise description of the value chain, the governance and the technical specifications of 27 FQS in Europe and South East Asia. The editors also provide a sustainability assessment of each of these FQS, and support or question the view that FQS are moving from “quality” to “sustainability.” Finally, the volume serves as a repository of key data on these FQS. Readers have access to the raw data necessary to compute the indicators used in the sustainability assessment (eg. value added, number of jobs, quantity of fertilizers, etc), allowing them to conduct novel re-analysis. The book is designed for an interdisciplinary audience of academics, policy makers, and stakeholders. The compilation of FQS case studies makes it a useful reference for researchers and students of food policy, geography, food anthropology, local and rural development, local agri-food systems and agri-food chains. Stakeholders such as national and European regulators, entities responsible for FQS technical specifications, and embassy staff will also find the information relevant. Additionally, individuals helping to implement food quality schemes, including auditors, producers, and consumer associates, as well as stakeholders in the sustainability of food products, including farmers, farmer's associations, and environmental NGOs, will also find the information relevant and important for their work.

Carleman Estimates and Applications to Inverse Problems for Hyperbolic Systems (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Mourad Bellassoued Masahiro Yamamoto

This book is a self-contained account of the method based on Carleman estimates for inverse problems of determining spatially varying functions of differential equations of the hyperbolic type by non-overdetermining data of solutions. The formulation is different from that of Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and can often prove the global uniqueness and Lipschitz stability even with a single measurement. These types of inverse problems include coefficient inverse problems of determining physical parameters in inhomogeneous media that appear in many applications related to electromagnetism, elasticity, and related phenomena. Although the methodology was created in 1981 by Bukhgeim and Klibanov, its comprehensive development has been accomplished only recently. In spite of the wide applicability of the method, there are few monographs focusing on combined accounts of Carleman estimates and applications to inverse problems. The aim in this book is to fill that gap. The basic tool is Carleman estimates, the theory of which has been established within a very general framework, so that the method using Carleman estimates for inverse problems is misunderstood as being very difficult. The main purpose of the book is to provide an accessible approach to the methodology. To accomplish that goal, the authors include a direct derivation of Carleman estimates, the derivation being based essentially on elementary calculus working flexibly for various equations. Because the inverse problem depends heavily on respective equations, too general and abstract an approach may not be balanced. Thus a direct and concrete means was chosen not only because it is friendly to readers but also is much more relevant. By practical necessity, there is surely a wide range of inverse problems and the method delineated here can solve them. The intention is for readers to learn that method and then apply it to solving new inverse problems.

ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Common Workshops and Doctoral Consortium: International Workshops: DOING, MADEISD, SKG, BBIGAP, SIMPDA, AIMinScience 2020 and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France, August 25–27, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1260)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Mária Bieliková Omar Boussaïd Barbara Catania Jérôme Darmont Elena Demidova Fabien Duchateau Mark Hall Tanja Merčun Boris Novikov Christos Papatheodorou Thomas Risse Oscar Romero Lucile Sautot Guilaine Talens Robert Wrembel Maja Žumer

This book constitutes thoroughly reviewed and selected papers presented at Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 24th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2020, the 24th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2020, and the 16th Workshop on Business Intelligence and Big Data, EDA 2020, held in August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 the joint conference and satellite events were held online. The 26 full papers and 5 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the following satellite events: Workshop on Intelligent Data - From Data to Knowledge, DOING 2020; Workshop on Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design, MADEISD 2020; Workshop on Scientic Knowledge Graphs, SKG 2020; Workshop of BI & Big Data Applications, BBIGAP 2020; International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis, SIMPDA 2020; International Workshop on Assessing Impact and Merit in Science, AIMinScience 2020; Doctoral Consortium.

Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era: MEDI 2021 International Workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1481)

by Ladjel Bellatreche George Chernishev Antonio Corral Samir Ouchani Jüri Vain

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed papers of the workshops held at the 10th International Conference on New Trends in Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2021, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2021: Workshop on moDeling, vErification and Testing of dEpendable CriTical systems, DETECT 2021; Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, SIAS 2021; Worjshop on Control Software: Methods, Models, and Languages, CSMML 2021; Blockchain for Inter-Organizational Collaboration, BIOC 2021; The International Health Data Workshop, HEDA 2021.The 20 full and the 4 short workshop papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions. The papers are organized according to the workshops: Workshop on moDeling, vErification and Testing of dEpendable CriTical systems, DETECT 2021; Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, SIAS 2021; Worjshop on Control Software: Methods, Models, and Languages, CSMML 2021; Blockchain for Inter-Organizational Collaboration, BIOC 2021; The International Health Data Workshop, HEDA 2021.

Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 25th European Conference, ADBIS 2021, Tartu, Estonia, August 24–26, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12843)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Marlon Dumas Panagiotis Karras Raimundas Matulevičius

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2021, held in Tartu, Estonia, in August 2021. The 18 full papers presented together with 3 keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The selected papers span a wide spectrum of topics in databases and related technologies, tackling challenging problems and presenting inventive and efficient solutions. They are organized in 5 sessions: patterns and events, social media and text mining, indexes, queries and constraints, high-dimensional data and data streams, and data integration.

New Trends in Database and Information Systems: ADBIS 2021 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops: DOING, SIMPDA, MADEISD, MegaData, CAoNS, Tartu, Estonia, August 24-26, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1450)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Marlon Dumas Panagiotis Karras Raimundas Matulevičius Ahmed Awad Matthias Weidlich Mirjana Ivanović Olaf Hartig

This book constitutes thoroughly reviewed and selected short papers presented at the 25th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2021, as well as papers presented at doctoral consortium and ADBIS 2021 workshops. Due to the COVID-19 the conference and satellite events were held in hybrid mode. The 11 full papers and 18 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 97 total submissions. This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the following satellite events: Workshop on Intelligent Data - From Data to Knowledge, DOING 2021; International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis, SIMPDA 2021; Workshop on Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design, MADEISD 2021; Workshop on Advances in Data Systems Management, Engineering, and Analytics, MegaData 2021; Workshop on Computational Aspects of Network Science, CAoNS 2021; Doctoral Consortium.

Big Data Analytics: 8th International Conference, BDA 2020, Sonepat, India, December 15–18, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12581)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Vikram Goyal Hamido Fujita Anirban Mondal P. Krishna Reddy

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, BDA 2020, which took place during December 15-18, 2020, in Sonepat, India. The 11 full and 3 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions; the book also contains 4 invited and 3 tutorial papers. The contributions were organized in topical sections named as follows: data science systems; data science architectures; big data analytics in healthcare; information interchange of Web data resources; and business analytics.

Model and Data Engineering: 5th International Conference, MEDI 2015, Rhodes, Greece, September 26-28, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9344)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Yannis Manolopoulos

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2015, held in Rhodes, Greece, in September 2015. The 18 full papers and 9 short papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as modeling and meta modeling; ontology-based modeling, reasoning and reuse; event-B and modeling languages; context modeling and model transformation; data mining; query processing; modeling activities and inference; prediction and recommendation; requirement and systems engineering.

Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 16th International Conference, DaWaK 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2-4, 2014. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8646)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Mukesh K. Mohania

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2014 held in Munich, Germany, September 2014, in conjunction with DEXA 2014. The 34 revised full papers and 8 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 109 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on modeling and ETL; ontology-based data warehouses; advanced data warehouses and OLAP; uncertainty; preferences and recommendation; query performance and HPC; cube & OLAP; optimization; classification; social networks and recommendation systems; knowledge data discovery; industrial applications; mining and processing data stream; mining and similarity.

Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 15th International Conference, DaWaK 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, 2013, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8057)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Mukesh K. Mohania

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2013 held in Prague, Czech Republic, in August 2013. The 24 revised full papers and 8 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on modeling and ETL, query optimization and parallelism, spatial data warehouses and applications, text mining and OLAP, recommendation and prediction, data mining optimization and machine learning techniques, mining and processing data streams, clustering and data mining applications, social network and graph mining, and event sequence and Web mining.

Model and Data Engineering: 6th International Conference, MEDI 2016, Almería, Spain, September 21-23, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9893)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Óscar Pastor Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez Yamine Aït-Ameur

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2016, held in Almería, Spain, in September 2016. The 17 full papers and 10 short papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 62 submissions. The papers range on a wide spectrum covering fundamental contributions, applications and tool developments and improvements in model and data engineering activities.

Model and Data Engineering: First International Conference, MEDI 2011, Obidos, Portugal, September 28-30, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6918)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Filipe Mota Pinto

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2011, held in Óbidos, Portugal, in September 2011. The 18 revised full papers presented together with 8 short papers and three keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on ontology engineering; Web services and security; advanced systems; knowledge management; model specification and verification; and models engineering.

Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2010 Workshops: WISE 2010 International Symposium WISS, and International Workshops CISE, MBC, Hong Kong, China, December 12-14, 2010. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6724)

by Ladjel Bellatreche Hideyasu Sasaki Ho-Fung Leung Shing-Chi Cheung Haiyang Hu Jie Shao Dickson K. W. Chiu

This book contains the carefully selected and reviewed papers presented at three satellite events that were held in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2010, in Hong Kong, China, in December 2010. The collection comprises a total of 40 contributions that originate from the First International Symposium on Web Intelligent Systems and Services (WISS 2010), from the First International Workshop on Cloud Information Systems Engineering (CISE 2010) and from the Second International Workshop on Mobile Business Collaboration (MBC 2010). The papers address a wide range of hot topics and are organized in topical sections on: decision and e-markets; rules and XML; web service intelligence; semantics and services; analyzing web resources; engineering web systems; intelligent web applications; web communities and personalization; cloud information system engineering; mobile business collaboration.

Música Típica: Cumbia and the Rise of Musical Nationalism in Panama (Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music)

by Sean Bellaviti

The Panama Canal is a world-famous site central to the global economy, but the social, cultural, and political history of the country along this waterway is little known outside its borders. In Música Típica, author Sean Bellaviti sheds light on a key element of Panamanian culture, namely the story of cumbia or, as Panamanians frequently call it, "música típica," a form of music that enjoys unparalleled popularity throughout Panama. Through extensive archival and ethnographic research, Bellaviti reconstructs a twentieth-century social history that illuminates the crucial role music has played in the formation of national identities in Latin America. Focusing, in particular, on the relationship between cumbia and the rise of populist Panamanian nationalism in the context of U.S. imperialism, Bellaviti argues that this hybrid musical form, which forges links between the urban and rural as well as the modern and traditional, has been essential to the development of a sense of nationhood among Panamanians. With their approaches to musical fusion and their carefully curated performance identities, cumbia musicians have straddled some of the most pronounced schisms in Panamanian society.

MUSICA TIPICA CILAM C: Cumbia and the Rise of Musical Nationalism in Panama (Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music)

by Sean Bellaviti

The Panama Canal is a world-famous site central to the global economy, but the social, cultural, and political history of the country along this waterway is little known outside its borders. In Música Típica, author Sean Bellaviti sheds light on a key element of Panamanian culture, namely the story of cumbia or, as Panamanians frequently call it, "música típica," a form of music that enjoys unparalleled popularity throughout Panama. Through extensive archival and ethnographic research, Bellaviti reconstructs a twentieth-century social history that illuminates the crucial role music has played in the formation of national identities in Latin America. Focusing, in particular, on the relationship between cumbia and the rise of populist Panamanian nationalism in the context of U.S. imperialism, Bellaviti argues that this hybrid musical form, which forges links between the urban and rural as well as the modern and traditional, has been essential to the development of a sense of nationhood among Panamanians. With their approaches to musical fusion and their carefully curated performance identities, cumbia musicians have straddled some of the most pronounced schisms in Panamanian society.

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