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RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife: Second Edition (RSPB)

by Peter Holden Geoffrey Abbott

This friendly handbook is full of practical advice on attracting wildlife to your garden, and encouraging creatures to stick around, as well as expert tips on green gardening, seasonal planting and garden predators.Colour photographs illustrate hundreds of mammals, birds, insects, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, flowers, trees, shrubs and fungi, while the comprehensive text explains everything you need to cultivate a haven for nature.The new edition includes additional species as well as fully updated text describing the diverse wildlife that can be found in British gardens. Finally, a DIY chapter is packed with projects for your garden, from building bat boxes to digging your own pond.

Mushrooms: The natural and human world of British fungi (British Wildlife Collection)

by Peter Marren

Mushrooms, the first of a major new series of books on British natural history, provides a remarkable insight into the natural and human world of fungi. Peter Marren, in his inimitable, relaxed style, guides the reader through the extraordinary riches of this often overlooked group, from the amazing diversity of forms and lifestyles that populate the fungal landscape, to the pursuit of edible fungi for the pot, and the complexities of identification thrown up by our modern understanding of DNA. Throughout the book, the author tells a story rich in detail about how we have come to appreciate and, in some cases, fear the mushrooms and toadstools that are such an integral part of the changing seasons. Marren also provides a refreshingly candid view of our attempts to name species, the role of fungi in ecosystems, and our recent efforts to record and conserve them.

Birds of Japan (Helm Field Guides)

by Mark Brazil

Japan is home to a spectacular and diverse range of birds, and this up-to-date text covers the identification, voice, habitat, behaviour and range of all the species and subspecies found across the beautiful and fascinating Japanese archipelago. The authoritative text is accompanied by superb full-colour plates painted by an expert artist and covers all major plumage variations. Birds of Japan will ensure that this top birding destination is made accessible to all.- The essential field guide to the region, covering 738 species and subspecies- 187 superb colour plates with detailed identification text and accurate colour distribution maps- Detailed illustrations of distinct subspecies, sexes, ages and morphs

Die Wasser der Gesellschaft: Zur Einführung in eine Soziologie des Trinkwassers

by Herbert Willems

Der Band versteht sich als ein soziologisch orientiertes Einführungs- und Lehrbuch zum Thema Trinkwasser, das bei zunehmender und facettenreicher werdender Relevanz sozial und sozialwissenschaftlich zunehmend fokussiert wird. Auf der Basis einer ausführlichen programmatischen Einführung von Herbert Willems versammelt der Band Beiträge, die in einem auch globalisierungstheoretisch umfassenden und zugleich differenzierenden Sinne sozio-kulturelle Realitäten von Trinkwasser behandeln. Die Beiträge sind im Rahmen eines Master-Seminars am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Gießen entstanden. Ergänzend enthält der Band eine systematische Literaturrecherche zum Thema Trinkwasser.

Environmental Law in Scotland: An Introduction and Guide

by Francis McManus

This pathfinding guide concentrates the regulation of pollution in Scotland, including the common law controls. It includes sections on nuisance (including statutory nuisance), noise, air pollution (including climate change), waste, contaminated land and water pollution, planning and control of pollution, and nature conservation. The author also assesses the contribution of European environmental law on the law within Scotland.

Die humanoide Herausforderung: Leben und Existenz in einer anthropozänen Zukunft

by E.W. Udo Küppers

Cui bono? – Wem nutzt die Entwicklung humanoider Maschinen oder Automaten? Dieses Buch erörtert die Details dieses Spannungsfelds und die Herausforderung gesellschaftlicher Weiterentwicklung. Als technisch-elektronische Handhabungsgeräte können sie den Menschen zuträglich sein, sie von körperlich belastenden Arbeiten oder sogenannten Routinearbeiten befreien. Der Autor versucht die Fragen zu beleuchten: Was erwartet die Menschheit durch die Entwicklung einer künstlichen Intelligenz in einer menschähnlichen Maschine? Was aber, wenn der selbstbestimmende Mensch an der Schwelle steht, sich selbst durch intelligente selbstorganisierte Produkte und Prozesse eine humanoide Konkurrenz zu schaffen, die er möglicherweise nicht mehr kontrollieren kann?

Deconstructing Energy Law and Policy: The Case of Nuclear Energy

by Raphael J. Heffron

Nuclear power has been a consideration and part of energy policies of many countries across the world since its emergence as an electricity provider after the Second World War. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy source and therefore can contribute to reducing the effects of climate change. However, it is also faced with issues of high cost, risk and waste disposal. Drawing on over 90 interviews completed across Belgium (Brussels), Romania, the United States, and the United Kingdom, this book focusses on the development and formulation of energy law and policy in civil nuclear energy in the EU, the US and beyond. Heffron deconstructs the constituent parts of effective energy law and policy within the complex and often controversial energy industry. Pulling out what has and what has not worked, he suggests ways to improve the delivery of the central aims of law and policy.

Kontroverse Praktiken einer öffentlichen Kontroverse: Schließungen von Aushandlungsräumen in der Agro-Gentechnik-Debatte in Polen

by Jędrzej Sulmowski

Jędrzej Sulmowski betrachtet in seiner Arbeit die Kontroverse um die Agro-Gentechnik in Polen als einen Streit um den epistemischen Status der Beteiligten. Insbesondere zeigt er, wie mit diesem Streit Einschränkungen von Aushandlungsmöglichkeiten einhergehen. Dabei macht die Analyse der in den untersuchten Partizipationsveranstaltungen hervorgebrachten Verknüpfungsordnungen sichtbar, dass die Bewertungen der epistemischen Qualität des vorgetragenen Wissens zugleich Positionierungen für konkrete Praxen der Gestaltung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens beinhalten.

The Remembered Land: Surviving Sea-level Rise after the Last Ice Age (Debates in Archaeology)

by Jim Leary

How did small-scale societies in the past experience and respond to sea-level rise? What happened when their dwellings, hunting grounds and ancestral lands were lost under an advancing tide? This book asks these questions in relation to the hunter-gatherer inhabitants of a lost prehistoric land; a land that became entirely inundated and now lies beneath the North Sea. It seeks to understand how these people viewed and responded to their changing environment, suggesting that people were not struggling against nature, but simply getting on with life – with all its trials and hardships, satisfactions and pleasures, and with a multitude of choices available. At the same time, this loss of land – the loss of places and familiar locales where myths were created and identities formed – would have profoundly affected people's sense of being. This book moves beyond the static approach normally applied to environmental change in the past to capture its nuances. Through this, a richer and more complex story of past sea-level rise develops; a story that may just have resonance for us today.

Effekte deliberativer Ereignisse in der Endlagerpolitik: Deutschland und die Schweiz im Vergleich von 2001 bis 2010 (Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Energy Policy and Climate Protection)

by Sophie Kuppler

Sophie Kuppler vergleicht die Endlagerpolitiken Deutschlands und der Schweiz mit Fokus auf Effekte mikro-deliberativer Ereignisse. Anhand der Ereignisse im Zeitraum von 2001 bis 2010 zeigt die Autorin, inwiefern die Versuche der Bürgerbeteiligung zu einem grundlegenden Wandel in der Endlagerpolitik und im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs über die Entsorgung geführt haben oder ob sie angesichts der Komplexität des Problems folgenlos blieben. Darüber hinaus werden Faktoren identifiziert, die diesen Wandel fördern oder hemmen.

TIGER – Kommunikationskonzept Tiefe Geothermie (essentials)

by Anna Borg Mathias Jürgen Bauer

Das vorliegende Kommunikationskonzept unterstützt Investoren, Betreiber und Institutionen bei der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikation für den Bereich Tiefe Geothermie und zeigt Wege auf, die Akzeptanz für das lokale Projekt zu fördern. Es geht auf den Auftrag des durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) geförderten Forschungsprojektes „TIGER – Tiefe Geothermie: Akzeptanz und Kommunikation einer innovativen Technologie" zurück.

Contemporary Issues in Soil Mechanics: Proceedings of the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE) (Sustainable Civil Infrastructures)

by Sayed Hemeda Mounir Bouassida

This volume is of interest to practical engineers. It discusses some contemporary issues related to soil mechanics in earthwork projects which are critical components in civil construction and often require detailed management techniques and unique solution methods to address failures. Being earth bound, earthwork is influenced by geomaterial properties at the onset of a project. Hence, an understanding of the in-situ soil properties is essential. Slope stability is a common problem facing earthwork construction, such as excavations and shored structures. Analytical methods for slope stability remain critical for researchers due to the mechanical complexity of the system. Striving for better earthwork project managements, the geotechnical engineering community continues to find improved testing techniques for determining sensitive properties of soil and rock, including stress-wave based, non-destructive testing methods. To minimize failure during earthwork construction, past case studies and data may reveal useful lessons and information to improve project management and minimize economic losses. This volume discusses these aspects using appropriate methods in a simple way. The volume is based on the best contributions to the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The official international congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE).

Klimafolgenadaption durch Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht: Die Erhaltung von Natura 2000-Gebieten unter den Bedingungen des Klimawandels

by Moritz Gies

Moritz Gies untersucht die durch das Natura 2000-Recht geforderte Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels und zeigt, dass sich diese nicht nur durch Managementmaßnahmen, sondern auch durch intensivierten Schutz zur Bewahrung der Erhaltungsziele umsetzen lassen. Dabei plädiert der Autor dafür, die Mittel des allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts zur vor- und nachsorgenden Anpassung von Dauerentscheidungen zielorientiert einzusetzen. Indem die Grundsätze der Klimafolgenanpassung mit den rechtlichen Anforderungen des europäischen Naturschutzrechts und dem flexiblen Instrumentarium des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts in Beziehung gesetzt werden, lässt sich die nötige Anpassungsfähigkeit herstellen.

Die Zuckerrübe im Klimawandel: Agrarökologische Auswirkungen in Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen

by Pascal Kremer

Pascal Kremer analysiert die Einflüsse der durch den Klimawandel veränderten Jahreswitterungsverläufe auf die Produktionsbedingungen für die Landwirtschaft im Allgemeinen und den Zuckerrübenanbau im Speziellen. Er untersucht die klimatisch beeinflussten Einzelaspekte des Zuckerrübenwachstums zunächst retrospektiv, um aus den in der Vergangenheit feststellbaren Wirkzusammenhängen mithilfe von Klimamodellen mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungspfade zu simulieren. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die klimatischen und agronomischen Veränderungsprozesse in einem regionalen Maßstab im Untersuchungsgebiet grundlegend zu verstehen und aus diesen Erkenntnissen Handlungsempfehlungen für die Zukunft abzuleiten.

Handbuch Betriebliches Umweltmanagement

by Gabi Förtsch Heinz Meinholz

In kompakter Form stellt dieses Handbuch das notwendige Wissen für das betriebliche, nachhaltige Umweltmanagement zur Verfügung. Es ist als Nachschlagewerk zur Einführung und Fortschreibung eines Umweltmanagementsystems konzipiert. Darüber hinaus kann es als Lehrbuch bzgl. der Grundaspekte des betrieblichen Umweltmanagements verwendet werden.

Cohesion and Fragmentation in Social Movements: How Frames and Identities Shape the Belo Monte Conflict (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Ina Peters

Ina Peters analyzes how collective identities and collective action frames have contributed to the persistence and eventual fragmentation of the collective action against the Belo Monte Dam. Reconstructing the rationale of the conflict, Ina Peters addresses theoretical research gaps regarding the dynamics – particularly cohesion and fragmentation – in social movements. The study considers the influence of the regional context and the applicability of Western theories in non-Western case studies. It is based on primary data that was collected through semistructured interviews and analyzed in detail by means of a combined top-down and bottom-up procedure based on the grounded theory methodology.

Luftbildeinsatz in der ländlichen Bodenordnung: Ein Praxisbeispiel aus Rheinland-Pfalz (essentials)

by Martin Schumann Thomas Mitschang

In diesem essential beschreiben Martin Schumann und Thomas Mitschang die Verwendung von Luftbildern in der Flurbereinigungsverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz. Anhand eines Beispiels stellen die Autoren die Bedeutung der Luftbilder für die Planung von Landentwicklungsmaßnahmen dar. Seit den fünfziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts werden Luftbilder für die unterschiedlichen Zwecke eingesetzt. Dabei haben sich die Qualität der Aufnahmen sowie die Auswertungsmöglichkeiten im Laufe der Jahrzehnte verändert.

Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene

by Louis Kotzé

The era of eco-crises signified by the Anthropocene trope is marked by rapidly intensifying levels of complexity and unevenness, which collectively present unique regulatory challenges to environmental law and governance. This volume sets out to address the currently under-theorised legal and consequent governance challenges presented by the emergence of the Anthropocene as a possible new geological epoch. While the epoch has yet to be formally confirmed, the trope and discourse of the Anthropocene undoubtedly already confront law and governance scholars with a unique challenge concerning the need to question, and ultimately re-imagine, environmental law and governance interventions in the light of a new socio-ecological situation, the signs of which are increasingly apparent and urgent. This volume does not aspire to offer a univocal response to Anthropocene exigencies and phenomena. Any such attempt is, in any case, unlikely to do justice to the multiple implications and characteristics of Anthropocene forebodings. What it does is to invite an unrivalled group of leading law and governance scholars to reflect upon the Anthropocene and the implications of its discursive formation in an attempt to trace some initial, often radical, future-facing and imaginative implications for environmental law and governance.

Global Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene

by Louis J Kotzé

There is persuasive evidence suggesting we are on the brink of human-induced ecological disaster that could change life on Earth as we know it. There is also a general consensus among scientists about the pace and extent of global ecological decay, including a realisation that humans are central to causing the global socio-ecological crisis. This new epoch has been called the Anthropocene. Considering the many benefits that constitutional environmental protection holds out in domestic legal orders, it is likely that a constitutionalised form of global environmental law and governance would be better able to counter the myriad exigencies of the Anthropocene. This book seeks to answer this central question: from the perspective of the Anthropocene, what is environmental constitutionalism and how could it be extrapolated to formulate a global framework? In answering this question, this book offers the first systematic conceptual framework for global environmental constitutionalism in the epoch of the Anthropocene.

Carbon Capture and Storage: Emerging Legal and Regulatory Issues

by Ian Havercroft Richard Macrory Richard Stewart

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is increasingly viewed as one of the most significant ways of dealing with greenhouse gas emissions. Critical to realising its potential will be the design of effective legal regimes at national and international level that can handle the challenges raised but without stifling a new technology of potential great public benefit. These include: long-term liability for storage; regulation of transport; the treatment of stored carbon under emissions trading regimes; issues of property ownership; and, increasingly, the sensitivities of handling the public engagement and perception. Following its publication in 2011, Carbon Capture and Storage quickly became required reading for all those interested in, or engaged by, the need to implement regulatory approaches to CCS. The intervening years have seen significant developments globally. Earlier legislative models are now in force, providing important lessons for future legal design. Despite these developments, the growth of the technology has been slower in some jurisdictions than others. This timely new edition will update and critically assess these updates and provide context for the development of CCS in 2018 and beyond.

Environmental Crime in Europe (Modern Studies in European Law)

by Andrew Farmer Michael Faure Grazia Maria Vagliasindi

"Environmental crime is a growing challenge for policy makers and law enforcers. This is an important and timely study which examines in depth how environmental crime is treated at national level within the European Union and the impact of the 2008 EU Directive on environmental crime on national systems. It will be required reading by anyone concerned with making environmental law more effective."Richard Macrory, Emeritus Professor, University College LondonThe aim of this important new collection is to explore how environmental crime is controlled and environmental criminal law is shaped and implemented within the European Union and its Member States. It examines the legal framework, looking in particular at Directive 2008/99/EC, and the specific competences of the EU in this domain. In addition, it provides a detailed analysis of environmental criminal law in seven Member States, focusing inter alia on the basic legislation, the way in which environmental pollution is criminalised and the main actors in place to enforce environmental criminal law. In so doing, it provides a much needed explanation of the evolution of environmental criminal law in Europe at Union level and how this is implemented in selected Member States.

Kiebitzinseln in der Agrarlandschaft: Von der Störstelle zum Habitat (essentials)

by Jan-Uwe Schmidt

In diesem essential beschreibt Jan-Uwe Schmidt, wie durch Kiebitzinseln nicht nur dem Kiebitz geholfen wird, sondern auch andere Tier- und Pflanzenarten profitieren können. Durch jährliche Anlage einer Schwarzbrache mit mindestens 2 Hektar Größe lassen sich Nassstellen leicht als Kiebitzbrutplatz einrichten. Landwirte erhöhen so die Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung und schaffen außerdem einen sicheren Erlös aus der Vergütung der Agrarumweltmaßnahme. Dieses essential gibt praktische Hinweise zur Planung und Anlage von Kiebitzinseln mithilfe von Luftbildern.

The Constitution of the Environmental Emergency

by Jocelyn Stacey

This book argues for a reframing of environmental law. It starts from the premise that all environmental issues confront lawmakers as emergencies. Environmental issues pose a fundamental challenge to law because it is impossible to reliably predict which issues contain the possibility of an emergency and what to do in response to such an unforeseen event. These features undermine the conventional understanding of the rule of law. This book argues that approaching environmental issues from the emergency perspective leads us to an understanding of the rule of law that requires public justification. This requirement recentres the debates in environmental law around the question of why governance under the rule of law is something worth having in the environmental context. It elaborates what the rule of law requires of decision-makers in light of our ever-present vulnerability to catastrophic environmental harm. Controversial, compelling and above all timely, this book presents an important new perspective on environmental law.

Ökonomische Inwertsetzung zur Erhaltung des Naturkapitals: Wie eine ökonomische Perspektive helfen kann (essentials)

by Bernd Hansjürgens Urs Moesenfechtel

In diesem essential beschreiben Bernd Hansjürgens und Urs Moesenfechtel die Dringlichkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels bei unserem Umgang mit der Natur. Sie schlagen dazu eine ökonomische Inwertsetzung von Ökosystemleistungen vor und zeigen auf, welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten dieser Ansatz dem Naturschutz eröffnet.

Situating Social Practices in Community Energy Projects: Three Case Studies about the Contextuality of Renewable Energy Production (Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Energy Policy and Climate Protection)

by Angela Pohlmann

Angela Pohlmann analyses the social embeddedness of renewable energy production. The author challenges tendencies in the existing literature to homogenize community energy projects. Energy production instead is analyzed as an outcome of complex situations within which dynamic negotiation processes unfold. By combining Theodore Schatzki’s practice-theoretical approach with Adele Clarke’s situational analysis the focus is shifted from practices as stabilized and routinized forms of human behavior onto their dynamic and negotiated character.

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