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Showing 4,801 through 4,825 of 62,459 results

Political Equality: An Essay in Democratic Theory

by Charles R. Beitz

The description for this book, Political Equality: An Essay in Democratic Theory, will be forthcoming.

Politics and Personalities

by Dennis Kavanagh

A study of power in British political parties. It asks what happened to consensus politics and looks at the ideology and sociology of Labour's strategy. It also questions the need for a centre party and discusses political figures such as Churchill, Enoch Powell and Tony Benn.

Politics and Policy Making in Education

by Stephen J. Ball

Based on interviews with key actors in the policy-making process, this book maps the changes in education policy and policy making in the Thatcherite decade. The focus of the book is the 1988 Education Reform Act, its origins, purposes and effects, and it looks behind the scenes at the priorities of the politicians, civil servants and government advisers who were influential in making changes. Using direct quotations from senior civil servants and former secretaries of state it provides a fascinating insight into the way in which policy is made. The book focuses on real-life political conflicts, examining the way in which education policy was related to the ideal of society projected by Thatcherism. It looks in detail at the New Right government advisers and think tanks; the industrial lobby, addressing issues such as the National Curriculum, national testing and City Technical Colleges. The author sets these important issues within a clear theoretical framework which illuminates the whole process of policy making. 9780415675345 9780203808726 9780415615174 9780415009317 9780415035071

Politics and Policy Making in Education (PDF)

by Stephen J. Ball

Based on interviews with key actors in the policy-making process, this book maps the changes in education policy and policy making in the Thatcherite decade. The focus of the book is the 1988 Education Reform Act, its origins, purposes and effects, and it looks behind the scenes at the priorities of the politicians, civil servants and government advisers who were influential in making changes. Using direct quotations from senior civil servants and former secretaries of state it provides a fascinating insight into the way in which policy is made. The book focuses on real-life political conflicts, examining the way in which education policy was related to the ideal of society projected by Thatcherism. It looks in detail at the New Right government advisers and think tanks; the industrial lobby, addressing issues such as the National Curriculum, national testing and City Technical Colleges. The author sets these important issues within a clear theoretical framework which illuminates the whole process of policy making. 9780415675345 9780203808726 9780415615174 9780415009317 9780415035071

The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise

by R. D. Laing

In ‘The Politics of Experience’ and the visionary ‘Bird of Paradise’, R.D. Laing shows how the straitjacket of conformity imposed on us all leads to intense feelings of alienation and a tragic waste of human potential. He throws into question the notion of normality, examines schizophrenia and psychotherapy, transcendence and ‘us and them’ thinking, and illustrates his ideas with a remarkable case history of a ten-day psychosis. ‘We are bemused and crazed creatures,’ Laing suggests. This outline of ‘a thoroughly self-conscious and self-critical human account of man’ represents a major attempt to understand our deepest dilemmas and sketch in solutions.‘Everyone in contemporary psychiatry owes something to R.D. Laing’ Anthony Clare, the Guardian.

Post-Marxist Alternatives: The Construction of Social Orders

by Nicos P. Mouzelis

Mouzelis puts forward a post-Marxist conceptual framework which overcomes economic reductionism while retaining some distinctive features of the Marxist paradigm which are seen to be indispensable for an examination of how whole social orders are constituted, maintained and transformed.

Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics (Monographs in Computer Science)

by Edsger W. Dijkstra Carel S. Scholten

This booklet presents a reasonably self-contained theory of predicate trans­ former semantics. Predicate transformers were introduced by one of us (EWD) as a means for defining programming language semantics in a way that would directly support the systematic development of programs from their formal specifications. They met their original goal, but as time went on and program derivation became a more and more formal activity, their informal introduction and the fact that many of their properties had never been proved became more and more unsatisfactory. And so did the original exclusion of unbounded nondeterminacy. In 1982 we started to remedy these shortcomings. This little monograph is a result of that work. A possible -and even likely- criticism is that anyone sufficiently versed in lattice theory can easily derive all of our results himself. That criticism would be correct but somewhat beside the point. The first remark is that the average book on lattice theory is several times fatter (and probably less self­ contained) than this booklet. The second remark is that the predicate transformer semantics provided only one of the reasons for going through the pains of publication.

Predictive Simplicity: Induction Exhum'd (IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering #Volume 5)

by George J. Klir

The book attempts to develop an account of simplicity in terms of testability, and to use this account to provide an adequate characterization of induction, one immune to the class of problems suggested by Nelson Goodman. It is then shown that the past success of induction, thus characterized, constitutes evidence for its future success. A qualitative measure of confirmation is developed, and this measure - along with the considerations of simplicity - is used to provide an account of the consilience of inductions, and also an inductivist account of the structure and progress of scientific theory. An appendix extends the treatment of simplicity to statistical distributions and provides a reasonable interpretation of the maximum entropy principle. Thus, this book is an attempt to characterize induction in terms of a well-defined notion of simplicity and to use that characterization as a basis of an account of empirical, and in particular, scientific reasoning.

Problems of Political Philosophy

by D. D. Raphael

This book introduces the student to active philosophical thinking about political ideas, offering a more stimulating approach to the subject than traditional chronological surveys. The first edition was hailed by The Times Literary Supplement as 'the best introduction to political philosophy for a long time'. This thoroughly revised second edition brings its coverage up-to-date for the 1990s, with material reorganised to be fully accessible for the beginner.

Procedural Justice: Allocating to Individuals (Law and Philosophy Library #10)

by M.E. Bayles

During the last half of the twentieth century, legal philosophy (or legal theory or jurisprudence) has grown significantly. It is no longer the domain of a few isolated scholars in law and philosophy. Hundreds of scholars from diverse fields attend international meetings on the subject. In some universities, large lecture courses of five hundred students or more study it. The primary aim of the Law and Philosophy Library is to present some of the best original work on legal philosophy from both the Anglo-American and European traditions. Not only does it help make some of the best work available to an international audience, but it also encourages increased awareness of, and interaction between, the two major traditions. The primary focus is on fu- length scholary monographs, although some edited volumes of original papers are also included. The Library editors are assisted by an Editorial Advisory Board of internationally renowned scholars. Legal philosophy should not be considered a narrowly circumscribed field. Insights into law and legal institutions can come from diverse disciplines on a wide range of topics. Among the relevant disciplines or perspectives contribut­ ing to legal philosophy, besides law and philosophy, are anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology. Among the topics included in legal philosophy are theories of law; the concepts of law and legal institutions; legal reasoning and adjudication; epistemological issues of evidence and pro­ cedure; law and justice, economics, politics, or morality; legal ethics; and theories oflegal fields such as criminal law, contracts, and property.

Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Theory and Decision Library D: #5)

by W. Janko M. R. Roubens Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann

This volume contains the proceedings of the Second Joint IFSA-EC and EURO-WGFS Workshop on Progress in Fuzzy Sets in Europe held on April 6 -8, 1989 in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was organized by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Janko from the University of Economics in Vienna under the auspices of IFSA-EC, the European chapter of the International Fuzzy Systems Association, and EURO-WGFS, the working group on Fuzzy Sets of the Association of Eu­ ropean Operational Research Societies. The workshop gathered more than 30 participants coming from Western European countries (Austria, Bel­ gium, England, Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Scotland and Spain) Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, the German Federal Repu­ blic, Hungary and Poland) and non-European countries such as China and Japan. The 15 selected and refereed papers included in the volume are in prin­ ciple the author's own versions, with limited editorial changes and small corrections. They are arranged in alphabetical order. I wish to thank all the contributors for their valuable papers and an outstan­ ding cooperation in the editorial project. I also would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor Dr. H. J. Zimmermann for the cooperation in the refereeing procedure.

The Question of Reality

by Milton K. Munitz

When we read that scientists have come close to pinpointing the "origin of the universe" by means of a Big Bang cosmology, or are engaged in formulating a "theory of everything," as in current ten-dimensional superstring theories of particle physics, can we doubt that such inquiries or their results inevitably raise important philosophical questions? In the present book, as well as in his previous work Cosmic Understanding, the renowned philosopher Milton Munitz attempts to answer some of these questions by examining recent scientific theories of cosmology in a philosophical context.

Race, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools (Key Issues in Education)

by David Gillborn

This book is a major new investigation into the issues of 'race', ethnicity and education, following the educational reforms during the late 1980s. It provides an up-to-date and critical introduction to current issues and major research findings in the field, exploring the teacher-pupil relationship through a detailed account of life in an inner-city comprehensive. It reveals the influence of different racist stereotypes and highlights the especially disadvantaged position of Afro- Caribbean pupils within a school. Features: * Draws on a wide variety of research projects in ethnic schools to examine: achievement; curriculum content; language use; assessment and testing under the National Curriculum * Uses material collected during two years of research to consider young people's school experiences and issues relating to classroom discipline.

Race, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools (Key Issues in Education)

by David Gillborn

This book is a major new investigation into the issues of 'race', ethnicity and education, following the educational reforms during the late 1980s. It provides an up-to-date and critical introduction to current issues and major research findings in the field, exploring the teacher-pupil relationship through a detailed account of life in an inner-city comprehensive. It reveals the influence of different racist stereotypes and highlights the especially disadvantaged position of Afro- Caribbean pupils within a school. Features: * Draws on a wide variety of research projects in ethnic schools to examine: achievement; curriculum content; language use; assessment and testing under the National Curriculum * Uses material collected during two years of research to consider young people's school experiences and issues relating to classroom discipline.

Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology: Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology April 17–21, 1989 (Recent Research in Psychology)

by Wm J. Baker Michael E. Hyland René Van Hezewijk Sybe Terwee

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the third biennial conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, held in Arnhem, the Netherlands, April 17-21, 1989. Fifty-six papers were presented during the four days of the conference, including an invited address by Professor A. D. de Groot, and seven papers composing two plenary sessions, four on the con­ tribution of history to theory, and three on theoretical alternatives for contem­ porary psychology. Of these, 46 papers are presented in the proceedings; all of which suffered editorial changes and, with the exception of the invited ad­ dress, were required to meet a 15 page restriction on length. The editors gratefully acknowledge John Mills, Leendert Mos, and Hank Starn for their invaluable editorial assistance. The papers included here are presented without discussants' commen­ taries. (Over 125 psychologists participated at the conference.) While the papers are representative of the scope of topics covered at the conference, the hours of formal and informal discussions must, unfortunately, be left to the reader's imagination. We encourage the reader to attend one of our next conferences, planned biennially, and alternately, in North America (1991) and Europe (1993).

Recursion Theory Week: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, March 19-25, 1989 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1432)

by Klaus Ambos-Spies Gert H. Müller Gerald E. Sacks

These proceedings contain research and survey papers from many subfields of recursion theory, with emphasis on degree theory, in particular the development of frameworks for current techniques in this field. Other topics covered include computational complexity theory, generalized recursion theory, proof theoretic questions in recursion theory, and recursive mathematics.

Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States: The Attack on "Leviathan"

by Donald Davidson

A quarter of a century before Lyndon B. Johnson popularized the slogan ""The Great Society,"" Donald Davidson wrote his critique of Leviathan, the omnipotent nation-state, in terms that only recently have come to be appreciated. ""Leviathan is the idea of the Great Society, organized under a single, complex, but strong and highly centralized national government, motivated ultimately by men's desire for economic welfare of a specific kind rather than their desire for personal liberty. "" Originally published as The Attack on Leviathan, this eloquent volume is an attack on state centralism and an affirmation of regional identity.Davidson's work is a special sort of intellectual as well as social history. It reveals an extraordinary mastery of the literature on regionalism in the United States, with special emphasis on the work on Rupert Vance and Howard Odum in the social sciences. Davidson looks at regionalism in arts, literature, and education. He favors agriculture over industrialization, and ""the hinterland"" over cities, examining along the way varying historical memories, the dilemma of Southern liberals, and the choice of expedience or principles. His book is a forceful and commanding challenge to those who would push for central authority at the sacrifice of individual and regional identity. Davidson concludes with a devastating critique of nationalism leading to a supra-nationalism. Ultimately, the heterogeneity of human desires comes up against the uniformity of world systems and world states. Davidson offers instead a broad world of intellectual history and commentary in which individualism allies itself with communities as a means for stemming the tide of collectivism and its base in a world state. For Davidson, Leviathan, the monstrous state, is a devourer, not a savior. As several peoples rise to strike down their own Leviathans, this courageous book may be better understood now than it was in 1938.Donald Davidson</

Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States: The Attack on "Leviathan"

by Donald Davidson

A quarter of a century before Lyndon B. Johnson popularized the slogan ""The Great Society,"" Donald Davidson wrote his critique of Leviathan, the omnipotent nation-state, in terms that only recently have come to be appreciated. ""Leviathan is the idea of the Great Society, organized under a single, complex, but strong and highly centralized national government, motivated ultimately by men's desire for economic welfare of a specific kind rather than their desire for personal liberty. "" Originally published as The Attack on Leviathan, this eloquent volume is an attack on state centralism and an affirmation of regional identity.Davidson's work is a special sort of intellectual as well as social history. It reveals an extraordinary mastery of the literature on regionalism in the United States, with special emphasis on the work on Rupert Vance and Howard Odum in the social sciences. Davidson looks at regionalism in arts, literature, and education. He favors agriculture over industrialization, and ""the hinterland"" over cities, examining along the way varying historical memories, the dilemma of Southern liberals, and the choice of expedience or principles. His book is a forceful and commanding challenge to those who would push for central authority at the sacrifice of individual and regional identity. Davidson concludes with a devastating critique of nationalism leading to a supra-nationalism. Ultimately, the heterogeneity of human desires comes up against the uniformity of world systems and world states. Davidson offers instead a broad world of intellectual history and commentary in which individualism allies itself with communities as a means for stemming the tide of collectivism and its base in a world state. For Davidson, Leviathan, the monstrous state, is a devourer, not a savior. As several peoples rise to strike down their own Leviathans, this courageous book may be better understood now than it was in 1938.Donald Davidson</

The Reliability of the Cognitive Mechanism: A Mechanist Account of Empirical Justification (Routledge Library Editions: Epistemology)

by William J. Talbott

Originally published in 1990. Examining epistemic justification, truth and logic, this book works towards a holistic theory of knowledge. It discusses evidence, belief, reliability and many philosophical theories surrounding the nature of true knowledge. A thorough Preface updates the main work from when it was written in 1976 to include theories ascendant in the ‘80s.

The Reliability of the Cognitive Mechanism: A Mechanist Account of Empirical Justification (Routledge Library Editions: Epistemology)

by William J. Talbott

Originally published in 1990. Examining epistemic justification, truth and logic, this book works towards a holistic theory of knowledge. It discusses evidence, belief, reliability and many philosophical theories surrounding the nature of true knowledge. A thorough Preface updates the main work from when it was written in 1976 to include theories ascendant in the ‘80s.

Religious Aesthetics: A Theological Study of Making and Meaning (Studies in Literature and Religion)

by Frank Burch Brown

This study provides one indication that as aesthetics begins to be reconcieved, which is starting to happen on many fronts, it can play a more significant role both in philosophy and in religious reflection.

Restructuring the Labour Market: The Implications for Youth (Cambridge Studies in Sociology)

by D. Ashton M. Maguire M. Spilsbury

This book represents an advance in our knowledge of the labour market. For the first time it combines the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data to produce an explanation of the main changes which have transformed the labour market during the recession. For the first time it demonstrates the segmented character of the youth labour market and the significance of the local labour markets. The result is a substantial contribution to labour market segmentation theory and to the analysis of social policy in this field.

The Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry

by Herbert W. Simons

We have only recently started to challenge the notion that "serious" inquiry can be free of rhetoric, that it can rely exclusively on "hard" fact and "cold" logic in support of its claims. Increasingly, scholars are shifting their attention from methods of proof to the heuristic methods of debate and discussion—the art of rhetoric—to examine how scholarly discourse is shaped by tropes and figures, by the naming and framing of issues, and by the need to adapt arguments to ends, audiences, and circumstances. Herbert W. Simons and the contributors to this important collection of essays provide impressive evidence that the new movement referred to as the rhetorical turn offers a rigorous way to look within and across the disciplines. The Rhetorical Turn moves from biology to politics via excursions into the rhetorics of psychoanalysis, decision science, and conversational analysis. Topics explored include how rhetorical invention guides scientific invention, how rhetoric assists political judgment, and how it integrates varying approaches to meta-theory. Concluding with four philosophical essays, this volume of case studies demonstrates how the inventive and persuasive dimensions of scholarly discourse point the way to forms of argument appropriate to our postmodern age.

The Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry

by Herbert W. Simons

We have only recently started to challenge the notion that "serious" inquiry can be free of rhetoric, that it can rely exclusively on "hard" fact and "cold" logic in support of its claims. Increasingly, scholars are shifting their attention from methods of proof to the heuristic methods of debate and discussion—the art of rhetoric—to examine how scholarly discourse is shaped by tropes and figures, by the naming and framing of issues, and by the need to adapt arguments to ends, audiences, and circumstances. Herbert W. Simons and the contributors to this important collection of essays provide impressive evidence that the new movement referred to as the rhetorical turn offers a rigorous way to look within and across the disciplines. The Rhetorical Turn moves from biology to politics via excursions into the rhetorics of psychoanalysis, decision science, and conversational analysis. Topics explored include how rhetorical invention guides scientific invention, how rhetoric assists political judgment, and how it integrates varying approaches to meta-theory. Concluding with four philosophical essays, this volume of case studies demonstrates how the inventive and persuasive dimensions of scholarly discourse point the way to forms of argument appropriate to our postmodern age.

The Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry

by Herbert W. Simons

We have only recently started to challenge the notion that "serious" inquiry can be free of rhetoric, that it can rely exclusively on "hard" fact and "cold" logic in support of its claims. Increasingly, scholars are shifting their attention from methods of proof to the heuristic methods of debate and discussion—the art of rhetoric—to examine how scholarly discourse is shaped by tropes and figures, by the naming and framing of issues, and by the need to adapt arguments to ends, audiences, and circumstances. Herbert W. Simons and the contributors to this important collection of essays provide impressive evidence that the new movement referred to as the rhetorical turn offers a rigorous way to look within and across the disciplines. The Rhetorical Turn moves from biology to politics via excursions into the rhetorics of psychoanalysis, decision science, and conversational analysis. Topics explored include how rhetorical invention guides scientific invention, how rhetoric assists political judgment, and how it integrates varying approaches to meta-theory. Concluding with four philosophical essays, this volume of case studies demonstrates how the inventive and persuasive dimensions of scholarly discourse point the way to forms of argument appropriate to our postmodern age.

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