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Educational Life-Forms: Deleuzian Teaching And Learning Practice

by David R. Cole

This book takes the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and applies it to educational practice. To understand how and why to do this, David R Cole puts forward the notion of educational life-forms in this writing, which are moving concepts based on Deleuzian principles. This book turns on and through the construction of the philosophy of life in education. The life-forms that will come about due to the philosophy of life in education rest on epiphanies, the virtual and affect. The author looks to infuse educational practice with the philosophy of life, though not through simple affirmation or a construction of counter metaphysics to representation in education. This book uses Deleuze for practical purposes and sets out to help teachers and students to think otherwise about the current praxis of education. "With this book Educational Life-Forms which is an examination of the significance of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze for education, David R Cole proves himself to be one of the very small number of philosophers of education who has provided intelligent commentary of Deleuze's difficult corpus. Cole keenly appreciates the conceptual creativity of Deleuze especially in relation to the concepts of 'life forms' and 'body without organs' and effectively demonstrates its practical implications for education." - Michael A. Peters Professor, Educational Policy Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “David R Cole's, Educational Life-Forms: Deleuzian Teaching and Learning Practice is a profound, speculative work that offers both new ways of thinking about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (as a practical thinker with ideas that can be applied at the 'coal face', as it were) and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning. It engages with actual policy debates as they are played out in the complex reality of the classroom situation and brings to them a fresh perspective developed through a close reading of Deleuze. This is an exciting new work which will be rewarding reading for both Deleuzians and non-Deleuzians and is sure to win converts amongst the latter.” - Ian Buchanan, Editor Deleuze Studies Professor of Critical Studies, Dean of research in the Arts and Social Sciences University of Woolongong. In this thoughtful and engaging book, David R Cole has given us an answer to the important question of how Deleuze's philosophy enters into the practice of education. Cole situates this philosophy within existing debates around teaching and learning not only through a very lucid account of Deleuze's work and current theory, but also through highly effective and often moving examples of practice. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Deleuze and education - James Williams Professor of European Philosophy, University of Dundee.

Asphalt Children and City Streets: A Life, A City, And A Case Study Of History, Culture, And Ethnomathematics In São Paulo

by Mônica Mesquita Sal Restivo Ubiratan D’Ambrosio

This work explores the urban experiences of street children in sao paulo, brazil through the mathematical epistemic regimes at the core of their survival strategies. We also draw attention to the situation of street children across time, space, culture, and history. Our goal is to recognize, understand, and validate forms of mathematics constructed and used outside of the established institutions of mathematical production. We base our analysis on "the mathematical imagination", which draws together social constructionism and ethnomathematics. Theoretically, we draw heavily on the durkheimian tradition in sociology and anthropology. We focus on a form of practice that links the formal and the informal in order to realize the full power of mathematical knowledge as a social thing (in durkheim's sense), a product of the collective consciousness that expresses collective realities and a category of knowledge present in every culture. This is as true for mathematics at the margins as it is for professional mathematics. Our work contributes to an emerging political manifesto of the marginal that demonstrates the social realities and social power of their mathematics. This book should be of interest to social scientists, students of mathematics and ethnomathematics, and everyone interested in the situation of marginalized children.

Education, Social Justice and the Legacy of Deakin University: Reflections Of The Deakin Diaspora (Transgressions #76)

by Richard Tinning Karen Sirna

The late Joe Kincheloe once wrote that ‘... the amazing Deakin Mafia provided innovative and unprecedented critical scholarship on education for a few short years’. Informed by various theoretical perspectives (eg., critical theory, neo-Marxist, poststructuralist, postcolonial, feminist, critical literacy, Bourdieuian, Foucauldian) key Deakin University scholars pursued their commitments to social justice though education. A certain criticality characterised their work. Individually and collectively they created a national and international reputation for critical scholarship in education. Since that time (the 1980s and 90s), however, most of the Deakin ‘mafia’ have moved to senior academic posts elsewhere in Australian and internationally and their influence in educational research and discourse now continues as members of the ‘Deakin diaspora’. This collection is an account of the stories of many of these scholars. It will provide valuable reading for any scholar of education who is particularly interested in critical pedagogy and the critical project in education more generally. It also provides insights into what makes a faculty of education successful at a particular point in time.

The Need for Revision: Curriculum, Literature, And The 21st Century (Transgressions #77)

by David P. Owen, Jr.

Can we have more teacher/intellectuals in our classrooms? This book demonstrates that we can. But many things have to change before intellectual standards appear again in public schools. David Owen attempts to show, but not in outline form, how we can revise our schools. Can we escape the rut in which public education finds itself, dominated by the inane (tests), the stifling (reduction of school to job training), and the insane (transformation of a life-affirming odyssey of the mind to clichés, information gathering, and slogans)? We can reclaim the beauty of an education if we join David and re-vise our classrooms. Education is uncertain, risky, wonderously adventurous—yet schooling has become stale. No—tediously dreadful. There is a need to revise. Reject standardized tests! Repeal pay for performance! Eject No Child Left Behind before no child has a thoughtful mind left. It is time to revise, and David’s book explains why. Are we still interested in the mind, soul, and substance of the individual? Does it matter who we are and become, or just what we do? If these questions still matter, dwell carefully with David’s ideas and transform yourself, your students, school, community, state, nation, and world. It is time to revise them all. John A. Weaver, Georgia Southern University

Decolonizing Philosophies of Education

by Ali A. Abdi

Philosophy of education basically deals with learning issues that attempt to explain or answer what we describe as the major questions of its domains, i.e., what education is needed, why such education, and how would societies undertake and achieve such learning possibilities. In different temporal and spatial intersections of people’s lives, the design as well as the outcome of such learning program were almost entirely indigenously produced, but later, they became perforce responsive to externally imposed demands where, as far as the history and the actualities of colonized populations were concerned, a cluster of de-philosophizing and de-epistemologizing educational systems were imposed upon them. Such realities of colonial education were not conducive to inclusive social well-being, hence the need to ascertain and analyze new possibilities of decolonizing philosophies of education, which this edited volume selectively aims to achieve. The book should serve as a necessary entry point for a possible re-routing of contemporary learning systems that are mostly of de-culturing and de-historicizing genre. With that in mind, the recommendations contained in the 12 chapters should herald the potential of decolonizing philosophies of education as liberating learning and livelihood praxes. “This collection of critical and scholarly analyses provides an insightful and timely resource for decolonizing philosophies of education that continue to shape discourses, policies, curricula and practices in all levels of educational and social institutions. It also usefully challenges versions of postcolonial studies that fail to recognize and demystify the continuity of colonial hegemony in contemporary societal formations in both the global north and south.” Toh Swee-Hin, Distinguished Professor, University for Peace, Costa Rica & Laureate, UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2000) “Decolonizing philosophies of education edited by Ali A. Abdi is a collection of twelve essays by noted scholars in the field who provide strong readings of postcolonialism in education with an emphasis on decolonizing epistemologies. It provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the critical history of colonization, postcolonial studies and the significance of education to the colonial project. This is an important book that provides a global perspective on the existential and epistemological escape from the colonial condition.” Michael A. Peters, Professor, Educational Policy Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

But Don’t Call Me White: Mixed Race Women Exposing Nuances Of Privilege And Oppression Politics (Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices #2)

by Silvia Cristina Bettez

Highlighting the words and experiences of 16 mixed race women (who have one white parent and one parent who is a person of color), Silvia Bettez exposes hidden nuances of privilege and oppression related to multiple positionalites associated with race, class, gender and sexuality. These women are “secret agent insiders” to cultural Whiteness who provide unique insights and perspectives that emerge through their mixed race lenses. Much of what the participants share is never revealed in mixed – White/of color – company. Although critical of racial power politics and hierarchies, these women were invested in cross-cultural connections and revealed key insights that can aid all in understanding how to better communicate across lines of cultural difference. This book is an invaluable resource for a wide range of activists, scholars and general readers, including sociologists, sociologists of education, feminists, anti-oppression/social justice scholars, critical multicultural educators, and qualitative researchers who are interested in mixed race issues, cross cultural communication, social justice work, or who simply wish to minimize racial conflict and other forms of oppression. “Theoretically grounded and with vivid detail, this book amplifies the voices of mixed race women to trouble and expand our understandings of race, gender, hybridity and education. Silvia Bettez fills a stark gap in the research literature, and sets the bar high for what comes next.” - Kevin Kumashiro, editor of Troubling Intersections of Race and Sexuality: Queer Students of Color and Anti-Oppressive Education “In But Don’t Call Me White, Silvia Bettez accomplishes the difficult task of presenting complex theories in accessible ways while introducing the reader to the intersectional nature of identities in the 21st century. Through the voices of her participants, Bettez illuminates aspects of gender, race, sexuality and social class that cannot be discerned when examined in isolation, and she does so in an engaging manner. In addition to presenting a model of excellent qualitative research, the book makes a valuable contribution to mixed race studies, gender studies, and education.” - Kristen A. Renn, Associate Professor at Michigan State University “Silvia Bettez has given us a window into lives that are marked by borders of our own racist creations. Yet these women soar and inspire. They are insightful and beautiful. They teach us the limits of racism and the power of a future where race is mezcla not marker. ” - George W. Noblit, Joseph R. Neikirk, Distinguished Professor of Sociology of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Silvia Cristina Bettez teaches about issues of social justice and is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Foundations in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Moral Education and Development: A Lifetime Commitment

by Doret J. De Ruyter Siebren Miedema

Worries about the moral standard of younger generations are of all ages. The older generation tends to believe that the moral education of young people deserves special attention, because their moral development does not reach the level adults hope for. This observation does not mean that the older generation is necessarily wrong, but what it indisputably does show is that they attach high importance to morality and moral education. But, what characterises a moral person? What influences people to behave morally? What should moral education involve? Which (inter)disciplinary contributions are relevant to improving moral education? These questions continuously deserve the attention of academics, students and (professional) educators. This book is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on interdisciplinary empirical research about the reasons why people act morally and the consequences for moral education. The primarily philosophical chapters of the second part address the question what it means to be a moral person and the implication of this elucidation for moral education. The third part contains five chapters that deal with moral aspects of sex education and civic education. The fourth part consists of one chapter that looks at the moral education of students who will work in a pedagogical or educational environment, arguing that one’s moral development requires a lifetime commitment. This book is written for a wide academic audience. The collection of chapters will be of interest to pedagogues, educational scientists, moral philosophers and moral psychologists, and to both newcomers and experts in the field.

College and the Working Class: What It Takes To Make It (Mobility Studies and Education #3)

by Allison L. Hurst

What are the meanings, experiences, and impact of college for working-class people? The author of this book addresses the two questions, what is college like for working-class students, and what is college for the working class? In The Other Three Percent, the author draws on a wealth of previous research to tell the stories of five very different working-class college students as they apply to, enter, successfully navigate, and complete college. Through these stories readers will learn about the obstacles working-class students face and overcome, the costs and effectiveness of higher education as a mechanism of social mobility, and the problems caused on our college campuses by our reticence to meaningfully confront the class divide. Readers will be invited to compare their own experiences of higher education with those of the students here described, and to evaluate their own institutions’ openness towards working-class students through a series of checklists provided in the book’s conclusion. Allison L. Hurst is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. She is a member of the Association of Working-Class Academics.

Measuring Multiple Intelligences and Moral Sensitivities in Education (Moral Development and Citizenship Education #5)

by Kirsi Tirri Petri Nokelainen

In this book, we introduce several sensitivity measures in educational contexts that can be used in research, education and self-evaluations. In Chapter 1 we discuss the framework of Howard Gardner‘s Multiple Intelligences theory and introduce our Multiple Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire. We present the psychometrical qualities of the instrument with empirical data sets of children, youth and adults. In Chapter 2 the Spiritual Sensitivity Scale is introduced with the theoretical framework it is connected to. The existence of spiritual intelligence has been a widely debated issue and not everybody is ready to call advanced thinking in religious or spiritual domains as intelligence. This has guided us to use the term sensitivity, which is easier to justify than intelligence in these areas of human behavior. In Chapter 3 we introduce the Environmental Sensitivity Scale, which is quite close to the possible intelligence of naturalist suggested by Gardner. In Chapter 4, Ethical Sensitivity Scale is introduced followed by Emotional Leadership Questionnaire in Chapter 5. All these scales have a solid theoretical framework and earlier empirical work to support the instrument building. Chapter 6 introduces Intercultural and Interreligious Sensitivity Scales with their theoretical frameworks and earlier empirical work. Following each chapter, we have included a ready-to-use version of the questionnaire and SPSS syntax to compute factors. A commentary by Dr. Seana Moran compliments the book and challenges the readers to further reflect the meaning of education in supporting holistic development of learners in their life-long journey. We have authored this book to contribute to this goal and hope it will be used in the hands of researchers, teachers and students in their mutual effort to grow and to learn new things in life.

Recent Progress in General Topology III

by K. P. Hart J. Van Mill P. Simon

The book presents surveys describing recent developments in most of the primary subfields of General Topology, and its applications to Algebra and Analysis during the last decade, following the previous editions (North Holland, 1992 and 2002). The book was prepared in connection with the Prague Topological Symposium, held in 2011. During the last 10 years the focus in General Topology changed and therefore the selection of topics differs from that chosen in 2002. The following areas experienced significant developments: Fractals, Coarse Geometry/Topology, Dimension Theory, Set Theoretic Topology and Dynamical Systems.

Constraints Meet Concurrency (Atlantis Studies in Computing #5)

by Jacopo Mauro

This book describes the benefits that emerge when the fields of constraint programming and concurrency meet. On the one hand, constraints can be used in concurrency theory to increase the conciseness and the expressive power of concurrent languages from a pragmatic point of view. On the other hand, problems modeled by using constraints can be solved faster and more efficiently using a concurrent system. Both directions are explored providing two separate lines of development. Firstly the expressive power of a concurrent language is studied, namely Constraint Handling Rules, that supports constraints as a primitive construct. The features of this language which make it Turing powerful are shown. Then a framework is proposed to solve constraint problems that is intended to be deployed on a concurrent system. For the development of this framework the concurrent language Jolie following the Service Oriented paradigm is used. Based on this experience, an extension to Service Oriented Languages is also proposed in order to overcome some of their limitations and to improve the development of concurrent applications.

Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines (Atlantis Thinking Machines #7)

by Tarek R. Besold Marco Schorlemmer Alan Smaill

Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence in their own right all are flourishing research disciplines producing surprising and captivating results that continuously influence and change our view on where the limits of intelligent machines lie, each day pushing the boundaries a bit further. By 2014, all three fields also have left their marks on everyday life – machine-composed music has been performed in concert halls, automated theorem provers are accepted tools in enterprises’ R&D departments, and cognitive architectures are being integrated in pilot assistance systems for next generation airplanes. Still, although the corresponding aims and goals are clearly similar (as are the common methods and approaches), the developments in each of these areas have happened mostly individually within the respective community and without closer relationships to the goings-on in the other two disciplines. In order to overcome this gap and to provide a common platform for interaction and exchange between the different directions, the International Workshops on “Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence” (C3GI) have been started. At ECAI-2012 and IJCAI-2013, the first and second edition of C3GI each gathered researchers from all three fields, presenting recent developments and results from their research and in dialogue and joint debates bridging the disciplinary boundaries. The chapters contained in this book are based on expanded versions of accepted contributions to the workshops and additional selected contributions by renowned researchers in the relevant fields. Individually, they give an account of the state-of-the-art in their respective area, discussing both, theoretical approaches as well as implemented systems. When taken together and looked at from an integrative perspective, the book in its totality offers a starting point for a (re)integration of Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, making visible common lines of work and theoretical underpinnings, and pointing at chances and opportunities arising from the interplay of the three fields.

The Shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things: Historico-epistemic, Socio-cultural, Politico-institutional and Eco-environmental Dimensions (Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence #10)

by Simon Elias Bibri

Recent advances in ICT have given rise to new socially disruptive technologies: AmI and the IoT, marking a major technological change which may lead to a drastic transformation of the technological ecosystem in all its complexity, as well as to a major alteration in technology use and thus daily living. Yet no work has systematically explored AmI and the IoT as advances in science and technology (S&T) and sociotechnical visions in light of their nature, underpinning, and practices along with their implications for individual and social wellbeing and for environmental health. AmI and the IoT raise new sets of questions: In what way can we conceptualize such technologies? How can we evaluate their benefits and risks? How should science–based technology and society’s politics relate? Are science-based technology and society converging in new ways? It is with such questions that this book is concerned. Positioned within the research field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), which encourages analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, this book amalgamates an investigation of AmI and the IoT technologies based on a unique approach to cross–disciplinary integration; their ethical, social, cultural, political, and environmental effects; and a philosophical analysis and evaluation of the implications of such effects. An interdisciplinary approach is indeed necessary to understand the complex issue of scientific and technological innovations that S&T are not the only driving forces of the modern, high–tech society, as well as to respond holistically, knowledgeably, reflectively, and critically to the most pressing issues and significant challenges of the modern world. This book is the first systematic study on how AmI and the IoT applications of scientific discovery link up with other developments in the spheres of the European society, including culture, politics, policy, ethics and ecological philosophy. It situates AmI and the IoT developments and innovations as modernist science–based technology enterprises in a volatile and tense relationship with an inherently contingent, heterogeneous, fractured, conflictual, plural, and reflexive postmodern social world.The issue’s topicality results in a book of interest to a wide readership in science, industry, politics, and policymaking, as well as of recommendation to anyone interested in learning the sociology, philosophy, and history of AmI and the IoT technologies, or to those who would like to better understand some of the ethical, environmental, social, cultural, and political dilemmas to what has been labeled the technologies of the 21st century.

Type Systems for Distributed Programs: Components and Sessions (Atlantis Studies in Computing #7)

by Ornela Dardha

In this book we develop powerful techniques based on formal methods for the verification of correctness, consistency and safety properties related to dynamic reconfiguration and communication in complex distributed systems. In particular, static analysis techniques based on types and type systems are an adequate methodology considering their success in guaranteeing not only basic safety properties, but also more sophisticated ones like deadlock or lock freedom in concurrent settings.The main contributions of this book are twofold.i) We design a type system for a concurrent object-oriented calculus to statically ensure consistency of dynamic reconfigurations.ii) We define an encoding of the session pi-calculus, which models communication in distributed systems, into the standard typed pi-calculus. We use this encoding to derive properties like type safety and progress in the session pi-calculus by exploiting the corresponding properties in the standard typed pi-calculus.

The Atomic World Spooky? It Ain't Necessarily So!: Emergent Quantum Mechanics, How the Classical Laws of Nature Can Conspire to Cause Quantum-Like Behaviour

by Theo van Holten

The present book takes the discovery that quantum-like behaviour is not solely reserved to atomic particles one step further. If electrons are modelled as vibrating droplets instead of the usually assumed point objects, and if the classical laws of nature are applied, then exactly the same behaviour as in quantum theory is found, quantitatively correct! The world of atoms is strange and quantum mechanics, the theory of this world, is almost magic. Or is it? Tiny droplets of oil bouncing round on a fluid surface can also mimic the world of quantum mechanics. For the layman - for whom the main part of this book is written - this is good news. If the everyday laws of nature can conspire to show up quantum-like phenomena, there is hope to form mental pictures how the atomic world works. The book is almost formula-free, and explains everything by using many sketches and diagrams. The mathematical derivations underlying the main text are kept separate in a -peer reviewed - appendix. The author, a retired professor of Flight Mechanics and Propulsion at the Delft University of Technology, chose to publish his findings in this mixed popular and scientific form, because he found that interested laymen more often than professional physicists feel the need to form visualisations of quantum phenomena.

Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case

by Nobuo Hayashi Carola Lingaas

This book marks the 75th anniversary of the 1948 Hostage Case in which a US military tribunal in Nuremberg acquitted General Lothar Rendulic of devastating Northern Norway on account of his honest factual error. The volume critically reappraises the law and facts underlying his trial, the no second-guessing rule in customary international humanitarian law (IHL) that is named after the general himself, and the assessment of modern battlefield decisions.Using recently discovered documents, this volume casts major doubts on Rendulic’s claim that he considered the region’s total devastation and the forcible evacuation of all of its inhabitants imperatively demanded by military necessity at the time. This book’s analysis of court records reveals how the tribunal failed to examine relevant facts or explain the Rendulic Rule’s legal origin. This anthology shows that, despite the Hostage Case’s ambiguity and occasional suggestions to the contrary, objective reasonableness forms part of the reasonable commander test under IHL and the mistake of fact defence under international criminal law (ICL) to which the rule has given rise. This collection also identifies modern warfare’s characteristics—human judgment, de-empathetic battlespace, and institutional bias—that may make it problematic to deem some errors both honest and reasonable. The Rendulic Rule embodies an otherwise firmly established admonition against judging contentious battlefield decisions with hindsight. Nevertheless, it was born of a factually ill-suited case and continues to raise significant legal as well as ethical challenges today.The most comprehensive study of the Rendulic Rule ever to appear in English, this multi-disciplinary anthology will appeal to researchers and practitioners of IHL and ICL, as well as military historians and military ethicists and offers ground-breaking new research.Nobuo Hayashi is affiliated to the Centre for International and Operational Law at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm, Sweden.Carola Lingaas is affiliated to the Faculty of Social Studies at VID Specialized University in Oslo, Norway.

Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences #9)

This is an open access book.The 2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education(ICAIE 2022) will be held in Chengdu, China during June 24-26, 2022. The meeting focused on the new trends in the development of "artificial intelligence" and "education" under the new situation, and jointly discussed how to empower and promote the high-quality development of "artificial intelligence" and "education". An ideal platform to share views and experiences with industry experts.The conference invites experts and scholars in the field to conduct wonderful exchanges based on their own research results based on the development of the times. The themes are around artificial intelligence technology and applications; intelligent and knowledge-based systems; information-based education; intelligent learning; advanced information theory and neural network technology ; software computing and algorithms; intelligent algorithms and computing and many other topics.

Integration of World Knowledge for Natural Language Understanding (Atlantis Thinking Machines #3)

by Ekaterina Ovchinnikova

This book concerns non-linguistic knowledge required to perform computational natural language understanding (NLU). The main objective of the book is to show that inference-based NLU has the potential for practical large scale applications. First, an introduction to research areas relevant for NLU is given. We review approaches to linguistic meaning, explore knowledge resources, describe semantic parsers, and compare two main forms of inference: deduction and abduction. In the main part of the book, we propose an integrative knowledge base combining lexical-semantic, ontological, and distributional knowledge. A particular attention is payed to ensuring its consistency. We then design a reasoning procedure able to make use of the large scale knowledge base. We experiment both with a deduction-based NLU system and with an abductive reasoner. For evaluation, we use three different NLU tasks: recognizing textual entailment, semantic role labeling, and interpretation of noun dependencies.

Answer Set Programming for Continuous Domains: A Fuzzy Logic Approach (Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems #5)

by Jeroen Janssen Steven Schockaert Dirk Vermeir Martine De Cock

Answer set programming (ASP) is a declarative language tailored towards solving combinatorial optimization problems. It has been successfully applied to e.g. planning problems, configuration and verification of software, diagnosis and database repairs. However, ASP is not directly suitable for modeling problems with continuous domains. Such problems occur naturally in diverse fields such as the design of gas and electricity networks, computer vision and investment portfolios. To overcome this problem we study FASP, a combination of ASP with fuzzy logic -- a class of manyvalued logics that can handle continuity. We specifically focus on the following issues: 1. An important question when modeling continuous optimization problems is how we should handle overconstrained problems, i.e. problems that have no solutions. In many cases we can opt to accept an imperfect solution, i.e. a solution that does not satisfy all the stated rules (constraints). However, this leads to the question: what imperfect solutions should we choose? We investigate this question and improve upon the state-of-the-art by proposing an approach based on aggregation functions. 2. Users of a programming language often want a rich language that is easy to model in. However, implementers and theoreticians prefer a small language that is easy to implement and reason about. We create a bridge between these two desires by proposing a small core language for FASP and by showing that this language is capable of expressing many of its common extensions such as constraints, monotonically decreasing functions, aggregators, S-implicators and classical negation. 3. A well-known technique for solving ASP consists of translating a program P to a propositional theory whose models exactly correspond to the answer sets of P. We show how this technique can be generalized to FASP, paving the way to implement efficient fuzzy answer set solvers that can take advantage of existing fuzzy reasoners.

Instruction Sequences for Computer Science (Atlantis Studies in Computing #2)

by Jan A Bergstra Cornelis A. Middelburg

This book demonstrates that the concept of an instruction sequence offers a novel and useful viewpoint on issues relating to diverse subjects in computer science. Selected issues relating to well-known subjects from the theory of computation and the area of computer architecture are rigorously investigated in this book thinking in terms of instruction sequences. The subjects from the theory of computation, to wit the halting problem and non-uniform computational complexity, are usually investigated thinking in terms of a common model of computation such as Turing machines and Boolean circuits. The subjects from the area of computer architecture, to wit instruction sequence performance, instruction set architectures and remote instruction processing, are usually not investigated in a rigorous way at all.

Logics in Computer Science: A Study on Extensions of Temporal and Strategic Logics (Atlantis Studies in Computing #3)

by Fabio Mogavero

In this monograph we introduce and examine four new temporal logic formalisms that can be used as specification languages for the automated verification of the reliability of hardware and software designs with respect to a desired behavior. The work is organized in two parts. In the first part two logics for computations, the graded computation tree logic and the computation tree logic with minimal model quantifiers are discussed. These have proved to be useful in describing correct executions of monolithic closed systems. The second part focuses on logics for strategies, strategy logic and memoryful alternating-time temporal logic, which have been successfully applied to formalize several properties of interactive plays in multi-entities systems modeled as multi-agent games.

On Chinese Culture

by Deshun Li

This book is divided into three main parts: an introduction to theories of culture, a section on Chinese culture, and one on cultural construction. The first part can be interpreted as an attempt to explore the meta-theoretical system of culture at the philosophical level. Based on the concept of “culture as ways of living,” the book further defines “culture” as “the preparation of people,” including the processes by which people adapt to local cultural and social customs. It stresses the subjectivity of culture, and the cultural rights and responsibilities of humankind. The second part takes on the subjective perspective of contemporary Chinese culture, interpreting it within the context of the historical situation of the Chinese people and nation, before engaging in a systematic reflection on several fundamental issues of Chinese culture. It closes by evaluating Chinese cultural practices and formulating a type of contemporary cultural self-identity. The book’s third part focuses on the interconnection between the revival of the Chinese nation and the modernization of Chinese society, analyzing the conditions and challenges for the three primary types of contemporary Chinese culture: material culture, political culture and spiritual culture. Lastly, the book puts forward suggestions concerning several of the critical problems facing a society in transition.

Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education (Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education #5)

by David R. Cole Christine Woodrow

This volume is the first major production of the globalisation research strand of the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University. This book makes a significant contribution to the theory of and research in globalisation and education, and tackles the topics of superdiversity and supercomplexity. The book’s thesis is that the effects of globalisation on education can only be understood if the specific yet complex conditions of globalisation in education are investigated. The book takes an international approach to understanding globalisation and does not restrict itself to just one methodological or theoretical plane of investigation.Education is one of these frontline domains in which the effects of superdiversity cannot be dismissed, minimized or denied. The continuously increasing complexity of learning environments is raising critical issues at every level, from description over analysis to theoretical generalization, and this book is a first and fruitful attempt at charting these waters. This pioneering book will remain a key text for many years to come.Jan BloomaertProfessor of Language, Culture and Globalization and Director of the Babylon CenterTilburg University, the Netherlands. This provocative collection works from two premises: that today there is superdiversity in our globalised world and related is a supercomplexity of theoretical and methodological approaches. The collection proffers multifarious challenges for educational theory, research and practice in working with, through and across these two premises. As such, Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education is essential reading for all educational researchers, whatever their interests or location.Professor Bob LingardThe University of Queensland, Australia. This is a highly imaginative book that stops ‘flat earth’ and convergence arguments dead in their tracks. Its genius is to bring super-complexity and super-diversity into a conversation with each other and with education, and in doing so shed light on the numerous and unexpected ways in which global processes are shaping education in revealing and compelling ways. Any scholar concerned with globalisation and education will find Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education a’ must have’ on their reading list. Professor Susan RobertsonDirector of the Centre for Globalisation, Education and Social FuturesUniversity of Bristol, UK. This is an absorbing and compelling collection. It takes readers on a kaleidoscopic journey through various intricate expressions of the nexus between globalisation and education. And it offers multiple ways that such expressions can be thought and rethought. In transcending conventional categorisations it invites educators to do so too. Professor Jane Kenway, Australian Professorial Fellow – Australian Research Council, Education Faculty, Monash University, Australia.

A Buddhist Theory of Privacy (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)

by Soraj Hongladarom

This book offers a new way to justify privacy based on a theory derived from Buddhist insights. It uses insights obtained from the Buddhist teachings on Non-Self to create an alternative theory of privacy. In doing so, the author first spells out the inherent differences between the Buddhist insights and the beliefs underlying conventional theories of privacy. While Buddhism views the self as existing conventionally through interactions with others, as well as through interrelations with other basic components, non-Buddhist ideas of self are understood as being grounded upon autonomous subjects, commonly understood to be entitled to rights and dignity. In light of this, the book offers ways in which these seemingly disparate concepts can be reconciled, while keeping in mind the need for protecting citizens’ privacy in a modern information society. It also argues that the new way of conceptualizing privacy, as presented in this book, would go a long way in helping unravel the difficult concept of group privacy.

‘Out of School’ Ethnic Minority Young People in Hong Kong (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #32)

by Miron Kumar Bhowmik Kerry John Kennedy

This book offers a comprehensive overview of ‘out of school’ ethnic minority young people in Hong Kong. The focus is on the extent of the phenomena, reasons behind it and a description of ‘out of school’ life. Employing qualitative research methods and adopting a case study approach that involved fieldwork comprising 15 in-depth interviews and 2 observations with 11 ‘out of school’ ethnic minority young people, this book provides detailed insights into the phenomena. Information gained from an additional 22 in-depth interviews with 20 other stakeholders related to ethnic minority education, from time spent at three schools and key document analysis are also incorporated. Drawing on critical race theory, this book presents a critical discussion of the ‘out of school’ issue for ethnic minority young people in a privileged Chinese context.

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