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Showing 61,951 through 61,975 of 62,355 results

The New Antisemitism: The Resurgence of an Ancient Hatred in the Modern World

by Shalom Lappin

Generations raised after the Second World War took for granted a world of stability and prosperity, and with it the waning of ancient hatreds. Recent decades have been more sobering. Instability and extremism have returned in force. As Shalom Lappin explains in this worrying book, an upsurge of antisemitism across the political spectrum has accompanied them. Recent events in the Middle East have transformed it into a tidal wave. Lappin explores in particular the disturbing correlation between the expansion of economic globalization and the return of the anti-Jewish ideas that we thought had been consigned to the past. He examines this relationship within the context of the assault on democracy and social cohesion that anti-globalist reactions have launched in different parts of the world. To understand contemporary antisemitism, Lappin argues, it is essential to recognize the way in which its antecedents have become deeply embedded in Western and Middle Eastern cultures over millennia. This allows hostility to Jews to cross political boundaries easily, left and right, in a way that other forms of racism do not. Combatting antisemitism effectively requires a new progressive politics that addresses its root causes. The New Antisemitism is crucial reading for anyone concerned with the social pathologies unleashed by our current economic and political discontents.

Metacognition, Self-Regulation and Writing: Theoretical Perspectives and Leads for Sustaining Students' Writing

by Dyanne Escorcia

Students' difficulties in producing texts that meet the requirements of academic writing are a recurring concern for teaching staff and those responsible for university courses. Various initiatives are currently being taken, mainly at undergraduate level, to help students improve the quality of their writing. Research into metacognitive processes and the self-regulation of learning can be used to support the design of these writing support systems, particularly by providing a better understanding of the students' difficulties. This book reviews the concepts of metacognition and self-regulation in relation to writing processes. It analyses the metacognitive components involved in text production, their links with successful writing and their individual and contextual determinants. It completes this analysis by drawing on the teaching and assessment of writing in higher education. All of these elements are articulated around a multifactorial modeling of the learning and teaching of academic writing.

Multidimensional Aspects of Occupational Segregation: Time Series and Cross-National Comparisons (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior #18)

by Keiko Nakao

One of the strengths of this book is that it expresses occupational segregation from multidimensional viewpoints using correspondence analysis. Through a quantitative approach, the book examines occupational segregation by education and gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries. The transformation of industrial structure, such as post-industrialization, demands a reconsideration of traditional perspectives in sociology, especially in social stratification. In other words, it is a shift from the attribute to the achievement principle. Higher technological innovations will create higher levels of industries, and those industries will require jobs that need greater human capital. In short, the meritocracy will be promoted. Meritocracy is certainly considered persuasive. In fact, previous researchers have looked primarily at a person’s occupation as a measure of social status. In Japan, jobs are normally acquired after completing education; thus, one’s educational achievement plays an important role. Especially in recent years, however, education alone has not been enough to explain social status. This book, therefore, focuses on occupational segregation by gender in addition to education in post-industrial society. Can occupational segregation by gender be weakened in the highly educated group? Is this a universal story in modern society? Because post-industrialization is part of the larger story of modernization, international perspectives are needed to examine the linkage between education and gender occupational segregation. This book explores occupational segregation by gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries.

Kurt Gödel: Metamathematisches Genie

by William D. Brewer

Zu seinen Lebzeiten war Kurt Gödel außerhalb der Fachwelt der Mathematiker, Philosophen und theoretischen Physiker kaum bekannt. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere schuf er beeindruckende Arbeiten zur Vollständigkeit und Beweisbarkeit formaler logischer Systeme, die zu seiner Dissertation und seiner Habilitations-schrift wurden und ihn unter Fachleuten weltberühmt machten. Seine Unvoll-ständigkeitssätze läuteten das Ende der formal-logischen Programme der Logizisten (Russell et al.) und der Formalisten (Hilbert et al.) ein. Später erzielte er auch signifikante Ergebnisse in der Mengenlehre. Nach seiner Emigration in die USA (Princeton), widmete er sich mehr der Philosophie, dem Leitmotiv seines Lebens, und er fand auch eine einzigartige Lösung zu Einsteins Feld-gleichungen der Gravitation, sein “Gödel-Universum“. Dieses Buch beschreibt sowohl den Gödel, der ein genialer Wissenschaftler war, und der gewagte und neuartige Hypothesen zu den Fundamenten der Mathe-matik und Physik hervorbrachte, ‒ als auch den Gödel, der ein perfekter Rationalist war, aber sein Alltagsleben nur mit Mühe meistern konnte und zeitlebens unter Depressionen, Angstneurosen und Hypochondrie litt. Ein Leben voller Paradoxen, in dem er trotz all seiner psychischen Probleme Beachtliches leistete und zu einem Vorbild für viele jüngere Wissenschaftler wurde. Das Buch liefert den Kontext zu seinen Errungenschaften, die ein verblüffend breites Spektrum intellektueller Unternehmungen darstellen, und zu seiner zunehmenden Geisteskrankheit; und es zeigt, wie er eine lange und erfolgreiche Karriere mit Hilfe seiner loyalen Ehefrau Adele und einigen seiner Freunde durchlaufen konnte. Dies ist eine faszinierende Geschichte der wissen-schaftlichen Genialität und der menschlichen Natur.

Experimentation in the Sciences: Comparative and Long-Term Historical Research on Experimental Practice (Archimedes #72)

by Yves Gingras Catherine Allamel-Raffin Jean-Luc Gangloff

This book takes a novel approach by highlighting comparative and long-term historical perspectives on experimental practice. The juxtaposition of accounts of natural, social, and medical experimentation is very enlightening, especially because the authors put the emphasis on the different kinds of objects of experimentation (physical matter, chemical reagents, social groups, organizations, sick individuals, archeological remains) and demonstrate how much the kinds of objects matter for the practice of experimentation, its methods, tools, and methodologies. Taken together, the chapters raise several fascinating questions for further study: What do these different approaches have in common? Why do we call them “experimentation”? What are the intersections among the fields and their developments? The volume engages philosophical approaches that are not well known to Anglophone readers (Bachelard, Bergson, Bernard, Canguilhem, among others) and brings to attention a wealth of Francophone secondary literature on past and present scientific experimentation. The collection fills a yawning gap in science, science studies, and philosophy of science teaching, making it particularly valuable philosophers and historians of science in all subfields.

Resolving Disagreements: A Semantic and Epistemological Inquiry (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)

by Åke Wahlberg

This book examines how the semantics and metaphysics of disagreement affect the epistemology of disagreement. It thus broadens the philosophical discourse by relating the epistemological discussion of (peer) disagreement to inquiries into the nature of disagreement and disagreeing. By doing this, it paints a new picture of the epistemological situation evoked by disagreement: To the same extent that an interpersonal dispute undermines the justification of the disputing persons’ beliefs, it also presents an obstacle to interpersonal understanding. This follows from the nature of meaning, belief and communication, rightly understood. In demonstrating the relevance of this to philosophical reflections on peer disagreement and resolution of disagreement, the book addresses arguably the most contentious kind of disagreement, namely, religious disagreement. It shows that apparent disagreement in religion suggests that the dialog partners might not have reached sufficient mutual understanding. This has important ramifications for the rationally right conduct in the face of religious disagreement, and for the possibility of rational resolution of religious disputes.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at social and econocmic conditions, the rich and poor.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at social and econocmic conditions, the rich and poor.

The History of Museums Vol 2

by Edward Edwards

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by David Gladstone J. H. Muirhead Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume charts the life of Bernard Bosanquet.

The History of Museums Vol 2

by Edward Edwards

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume charts the life of Bernard Bosanquet.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at Social and Economic Conditions and the standard of life.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Bernard Bosanquet Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This volume focuses on the Poor Law.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Bernard Bosanquet Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This volume focuses on the Poor Law.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Bernard Bosanquet Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at social work and charity.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at Social and Economic Conditions and the standard of life.

The Philosophy of the State and the Practice of Welfare: The Writings of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet

by Bernard Bosanquet Helen Bosanquet

Unemployment, poverty and the role of the state were themes which structured the discourse of social theory and the developing social legislation in Britain at the end of the Victorian period and the early twentieth century. This collection examines the neglected contribution of Bernard and Helen Bosanquet to that contemporary maelstrom of ideas about the condition of the people, the process of social reform and the practice of social work. Like their contemporaries Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Bosanquets were a significant partnership integrating philosophy and practice, theory and action. Bernard Bosanquet, the Idealist philosopher, is best known for his study The Philosophical Theory of the State. His wife Helen, economist and social worker, was a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws (1905-9) and between 1909 and 1921, editor of the Charity Organisation Review. Themselves selective supporters of state welfare schemes, they helped to re-fashion the Charity Organisation Society away from its nineteenth century individualism by their advocacy of organic social collectivism. But character, self development and responsibility remained central tenets of their welfare programme. This collection re-publishes most of the Bosanquets' principal books and articles relating to the philosophy of the state and the practice of welfare. The development of their ideas in the context of their own time, and their relevance to current debates in the theory and practice of welfare, forms the basis of a substantial introduction by David Gladstone, the series editor. This Volume looks at social work and charity.

The History of Museums Vol 6

by Thomas Greenwood

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The History of Museums Vol 6

by Thomas Greenwood

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The History of Museums Vol 8: Complete Facsimile Of Original 1859 Volume

by John Ruskin Henry W. Acland

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The History of Museums Vol 7

by William Henry Flower

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The History of Museums Vol 7

by William Henry Flower

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The History of Museums Vol 8

by John Ruskin Henry W. Acland

Museums and collecting is now a major area of cultural studies. This selected group of key texts opens the investigation and appreciation of museum history. Edward Edwards, chief pioneer of municipal public libraries, chronicles the founders and early donors to the British Museum. Greenwood and Murray provide informative pictures of the early history of the museum movement. Sir William Flower, Director of the British Museum (Natural History), takes a pioneering philosophical approach to the sphere of natural history in relation to museums. Similarly, Acland and Ruskin discuss and explore the relationships of art and architecture to museums.

The Routledge Companion to Public Humanities Scholarship (Routledge Literature Companions)

Across humanities disciplines, public scholarship brings academics and community members and organizations together in mutually-beneficial partnership for research, teaching, and programming. While the field of publicly engaged humanities scholarship has been growing for some time, there are few volumes that have attempted to define and represent its scope. The Routledge Companion to Public Humanities Scholarship brings together wide-ranging case studies sharing perspectives on this work, grounded in its practice in the United States.The collection begins with chapters reflecting on theories and practices of public humanities scholarship. The case studies that follow are organized around six areas of particular impact in public humanities scholarship: Informing contemporary debates; amplifying community voices and histories; helping individuals and communities navigate difficult experiences; preserving culture in times of crisis and change; expanding educational access; and building and supporting public scholarship. The Companion concludes with a glossary, introducing select concepts. Taken together, these resources offer an overview for students and practitioners of public humanities scholarship, creating an accessible vocabulary rooted in the practices that have so advanced academic and community life.Although drawing on case studies from the US, these examples offer perspectives and insights relevant to public humanities around the world. This book will be of interest to anyone working within the public humanities or wanting to make their work public and engage with wider communities.

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