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Multilingualism, Identity and Interculturality in Education

by Ruth Fielding

This book brings together research on multilingualism, identity and intercultural understanding from a range of locations across the globe to explore the intersection of these key ideas in education. It addresses the need to better understand how multilingual, identity, and intercultural approaches intersect for multilingual learners in complex and varied settings. Through global examples, it explores how identities and multilingualism are situated within, and surrounding intercultural experiences. This book examines the different theoretical interpretations as encountered and used in different contexts. By doing so, it helps readers better understand how teachers approach multilingualism and diversity in a range of contexts.

Cultural Dance in Australia: Essays on performance contexts beyond the Pale

by Jeanette Mollenhauer

This book draws on theories of aesthetics, post-colonialism, multiculturalism and transnationalism to explore salient aspects of perpetuating traditional dance customs in diaspora. It is the first book to present a broad-ranging analysis of cultural dance in Australia. Topics include adaptation of dance customs within a post-migration context, multicultural festivals, prominent performers, historiographies and archives, and the relative positionings of cultural and Western theatrical dance genres. The book offers a decolonized appraisal of dance in Australia, critiquing past and present praxes and offering suggestions for the future. Overall, it underscores the highly variegated nature of the Australian dance landscape and advocates for greater recognition of amateur community dance practices. Cultural Dance in Australia makes a substantial contribution to the catalogue of work about immigrants and cultural dance styles that continue to be preserved in Australia. This book will be of interest to scholars of dance, performance studies, migration studies and transnationalism.

Lesson Study as Pedagogic Transfer: A Sociological Analysis (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #69)

by Kanako N. Kusanagi

This book examines education transfer, specifically focusing on pedagogic transfer, and analyzes what happens when lesson study is introduced into foreign contextual settings. Lesson study, a professional development approach that originated in Japan 150 years ago, has been widely considered one of the best practices for collaborative professional development. There is an underlying assumption behind education transfer that when “best practice” is transferred to another country, it will generate a similar effect and improve schooling quality. Since pedagogic practice is socially constructed, the best practice in one setting may not be meaningful in another contextual setting. This book makes a unique contribution to the field of comparative education by offering a sociological examination of why pedagogic transfer often fails to bring expected benefits. It is comprised of three parts. Part I, ”Pedagogic Transfer and Lesson study,” provides contextualized analysis of lesson study in Japan and abroad and presents how the meaning of practice is always reinterpreted against the local educational context. Part II presents a sociological analysis of Indonesian teachers’ practice based on ethnographic fieldwork. It conceptually analyses the nature of the teacher community and their practice and is presented as “teacher strategies.” The concept showed that teacher culture and practice are not fixed but constantly negotiated within the institutional setting.Part III, “Sociological Understanding of Pedagogic Transfer,” builds on the analyses in Part I and II and provides a theoretical understanding of the issue of pedagogic transfer. Professional responsibilities of teachers, collegiality, and teaching expertise in Japan and Indonesia are compared to understand how the meaning of lesson study was reconstructed in the Indonesian setting. In conclusion, recommendations for an alternative approach to professional development are offered.

Konsultativdemokratie oder Konsultativautoritarismus?: Die chinesische Konsultativpolitik verstehen

by Rongxin Li

In diesem Buch wird die chinesische Politik theoretisiert, insbesondere Chinas "deliberative Demokratie (xieshang minzhu 协商民主)". In einem vergleichenden Rahmen zwischen China und dem Westen hinterfragt der Autor den Anspruch der chinesischen Regierung, die Bürger zu repräsentieren, und zeigt dem Leser, wie all diese Konzepte innerhalb der chinesischen Ideologie, des demokratischen Diskurses und der Regierungsführung zusammenwirken und in welchem Verhältnis sie zum chinesischen Autoritarismus stehen. Vor allem stellt dieses Buch eine nachhaltige Hybridisierung der politischen Theorie dar, die weder eine einfache demokratisch-autoritäre Dichotomie noch eine Neuinterpretation der offiziellen Propaganda ist. Diese Studie wird für Wissenschaftler der chinesischen Politik und Staatskunst von Interesse sein, da sie Licht auf einen neu entstehenden Staatsdiskurs wirft - das chinesische xieshang minzhu. Noch wichtiger ist, dass dieses Buch über eine einfache rhetorische und sprachliche Verwendung der "deliberativen Demokratie" im westlichen Sinne hinausgeht und vielmehr den beratenden Charakter der chinesischen Politik hervorhebt, der den chinesischen Autoritarismus begünstigt und festigt.

Neuorientierung des Widerstands in Hongkong: Linkssein, Dekolonialität und Internationalismus

by Wen Liu Jn Chien Christina Chung Ellie Tse

Dieses Buch versammelt Beiträge von Aktivisten und Wissenschaftlern, die sich mit linken und dekolonialen Formen des Widerstands befassen, die in der aktuellen Ära der Proteste in Hongkong entstanden sind. Praktiken wie gewerkschaftliches Engagement, die Abschaffung der Polizei, der Kampf um Landrechte und andere radikale Ausdrucksformen der Selbstverwaltung werden vielleicht nicht explizit unter den Bannern der Linken und der Dekolonialität geführt. Wenn man sie jedoch in diesem Rahmen untersucht, lassen sich historische, transnationale und präfigurative Perspektiven aufzeigen, die helfen können, ihre Auswirkungen auf die politische Zukunft Hongkongs zu kontextualisieren und zu interpretieren. Diese Sammlung bietet nicht nur Einblicke in die lokalen Kämpfe in Hongkong, sondern auch in ihre Verflechtung mit globalen Bewegungen, da die Stadt weiterhin an der vordersten Front der internationalen Politik steht.

Post-trauma and the Recovery Governance of Cultural Heritage

by Toshiyuki Kono Junko Okahashi

This book successfully represents the indispensable interdisciplinarity of viewpoints by its authors combining legal perspectives with architectural and anthropological approaches. With the observation and analysis presented here, this book is the first to demonstrate research-based governance solutions for cultural heritage within the process of recovering from traumatic events. Its opening statement is that universal international standards are not effective enough for the specific situations of disaster-struck places.A major objective of this monograph is to allow its readers to go through a learning experience, from plural cases where reconstruction of cultural heritage became central to rebuilding a post-disaster society. This book introduces Japan as the most disaster-prone country, with a long history of confronting and overcoming the power of nature, resulting in its unique solutions for cultural heritage resilience and sustainability. But how do leadership and decision making become efficient in times of recovery? Bearing in mind what may be lacking in Japanese practices, this work also presents comparable governance models from other countries which indicate alternative solutions.While a traumatic event may occur within one night, the process of recovery could last for decades. Such disasters also tend to recur. In order that directly affected communities can sustain resilience throughout the long recovery period, and that equally severe social trauma will not be repeated, a continuous, well-maintained governance response is required, whether grounded in local knowledge or national policy frameworks. At the heart of this book is the matter of the reconstruction process involving networks of small and large communities. Each of those has a role that becomes operational through linkages of contacts, the interchange of knowledge and skills, and above all through the sharing of common goals.

Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in “The Art of War”, Using Mind Maps (Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library)

by Peter van Emde Boas Ghica van Emde Boas Kaibo Xie Bonan Zhao

The book you have just opened is probably unlike anything you have ever read so far. It offers you a path to direct contact with “The Art of War”, the masterpiece of Sun Tzu, a classical theorist of warfare in Ancient China. This book examines an ancient Chinese work on strategy and warfare: Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”, from the perspectives of logic, mathematics, and computer science. Sun Tzu’s book has been studied and translated many times before, with viewpoints from historians, military- and business strategists, philosophers, and in the context of modern computer strategy games. This book takes a new approach to study this 2500-year-old text. It uses modern mind mapping techniques to show a new dimension that uncovers meaning and structure not easily seen before. Mind maps are semantic diagrams of related concepts: they are used in this book in a restricted form, defined as Text Tree Mind Maps. A chapter covering the theoretical side of diagramming ancient text, explains the making of the mind maps used in this book and why showing old text in this way is so useful.

Portuguese Colonial Military in India: Apparition of Control, 1750--1850

by Teddy Y.H. Sim

This book explores and analyzes developments in the military institution, military engagements as well as the larger security environment of (including non-war violence and maritime regions linking to) the Portuguese Empire in India. These developments occurred under the onslaught of the early modern globalization. The research shows that far from being dilapidated or archaic, the Portuguese colonial military there kept up with some developments in technology and organization in a competitive environment. Although the colonial military was not the most important reason in accounting for the survival of the Portuguese Estado da Índia, nor was the military profession the most lucrative occupation, the Portuguese experience gave indication of how a colonial state and society was able to survive against coalescing threats from the position of weakness. Located in the period and geographical region of the wax and waning of the Mughal and Maratha empires, Portuguese India was not necessarily a more violent place than the surrounding territories although resistance to and uprising against the Portuguese was usually underestimated. Beginning from the attempt at political and military centralization (and standardization) in the eighteenth century, the abolition of the army of the Estado da Índia in the nineteenth marked nominally the end of an era that may have a reverberation on the pacifist perception of Goa today.

Human and Machines: Philosophical Thinking of Artificial Intelligence (Human Intelligence)

by Jun Gu Yike Guo

This book shares Chinese scholars’ philosophical views on artificial intelligence. The discussions range from the foundations of AI—the Turing test and creation of machine intelligence—to recent applications of AI, including decisions in games, natural languages, pattern recognition, prediction in economic contexts, autonomous behaviors, and collaborative intelligence, with the examples of AlphaGo, Microsoft’s Xiao Bing, medical robots, etc. The book’s closing chapter focuses on Chinese machines and explores questions on the cultural background of artificial intelligence. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for all members of the general public who are interested in the future development of artificial intelligence, especially from the perspective of respected Chinese scholars.

Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times

by Rubina Khan Ahmed Bashir Bijoy Lal Basu Md. Elias Uddin

This book provides an overview of recent trends and developments in the field of English language education. It showcases research endeavors from a heterogenous group of scholars from different parts of the world and brings together perspectives from both experienced and emerging scholars. This book provides a platform for established as well as emerging practitioners and scholars in the field of English Language Teaching to share their research. It synthesizes local expertise and culture with innovative ideas from other contexts and brings theory and practice together in one volume.

Adam Smith and Yan Fu: Western Economics in Chinese Perspective

by Cheng-chung Lai

This book examines at a static level how Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776) was introduced into China at the turn of the twentieth century. In a dynamic socio-economic context, Yan Fu (1854-1921) had The Wealth of Nations in mind as a prescription for China's "Wealth and Power". This book aims answer the question of whether The Wealth of Nations, a book which advocates laissez-faire, free trade, and minimum governance helpful for China with very different economic conditions and modes of thought to the West and goes on to reexamine Yan Fu's economic ideas through a modern economics perspective.

Children’s Lifeworlds in a Global City: Singapore (Global Childhoods in the Asia-Pacific #2)

by Li Mei Soo Nanthini Karthikeyan Kam Ming Lim Clare Bartholomaeus Nicola Yelland

This book examines connections between policy contexts, school experiences and everyday activities of children growing up in the global city of Singapore. In particular, it explores how Singapore children’s everyday experiences inside and outside of school shape their orientations towards educational success. Alongside an analysis of school life and educational policies, it also considers children’s out-of-school activities, including leisure, homework, and enrichment activities, and connections between these and their school-based activities. The book draws on empirical data from Primary 4 classes in two Singapore schools in the form of student-completed surveys, classroom ethnographies, student responses to a learning dialogues activity, and a re-enactment of one child's out-of-school life, as well as curriculum and policy analysis. It provides readers with an in-depth understanding of Singapore Primary 4 children’s experiences inside and outside of school, including the structure of timetables and pedagogical approaches encountered in school lessons, children’s enjoyment of activities inside and outside of school, children’s engagement and wellbeing at school, and the impact of Singapore’s educational policies on children’s learning experiences. Moving beyond a simplistic focus on Singapore children’s academic performance in international high-stakes testing, the book offers a comprehensive exploration of their lives inside and outside of school. This holistic approach is unique in the Singapore context and contributes to a greater understanding of children’s everyday lives in the city.

Through the Looking-glass of Interculturality: Autocritiques (Encounters between East and West)

by Fred Dervin Hamza R'boul

This book starts from the premise that honest and constructive dialogue between scholars and educators of interculturality, especially from different geopolitical spheres, is needed more than ever. The book is about the important and yet contested notion of interculturality—a notion used in different fields of research. It was co-written by two scholars who have never met before and who got to know each other intellectually and personally in the process of writing this book, using interculturality as a looking-glass. (Re-)negotiating meanings, ideologies and their own identities in writing the chapters together, the authors enter into multifaceted dialogues and intercommunicate, sharing while accepting disagreements. The co-authors’ different profiles in terms of geography, generation, status, preferred paradigms and multilingual identity (amongst others) are put forward, confronted, and mirrored in the different chapters, leading to the joint negotiation of aspirations concerning interculturality in communication and education. While describing their current takes on interculturality they also conduct autocritiques of their past and present engagement with the notion. The following questions are also addressed: Who is talking the most about interculturality in the world today? Whose voices are not heard? How to disrupt current hegemonies around the notion for real? And how to promote epistemological plurality in the discourses and narratives shaping our understandings of the notion? Autocritiquing is proposed as a way of unthinking and rethinking interculturality ad infinitum. This book argues that engaging with the notion requires constant self-reflection, examining one’s positionality and intersectionality, listening to the voices that one projects onto the world of, e.g., research and education, and operating transformations in one’s thinking, trying out new paradigms, ideologies and methods.

Identity, Reasonableness and Being One Among Others: Dialogue, Community, Education

by Laurance Joseph Splitter

This book brings the tools and ideas of Anglo-American analytic philosophy to bear on how we think about issues of contemporary significance, in a way that is accessible to a broad audience. While acknowledging empirical findings within the social sciences, it takes on the prescriptive task of imagining a better world, in which being citizens in a democracy means actively engaging with others. We cling to tribal affiliations which incline us to look inward and spurn those whom we deem to be “other.” And we observe the mind-numbing, herd-like impact of social (and other) media on our capacity – and that of our children – to distinguish truth and good sense from falsehood and nonsense. Such problems demand our attention as reasonable persons who both think for themselves, and deliberate in good faith with others with whom they may well disagree. The good news is that while reasonableness cannot be taken for granted, it can – indeed, it must – be nurtured and it must be taught. This book both articulates a conception of reasonableness and exemplifies a clear standard of reasonableness, with respect to the questions it raises and the author's responses to them.

Goethe in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Enlightened Solutions for a Modern Hubris

by Malte Ebach

Inside you lies a precise scientific instrument – the ability to observe Nature and recall past experiences. You were born with it and you use it every day. You can be trained to use it more effectively to, for example, compare and discover new species of organisms or new minerals. Our senses do have limitations, and we often use microscopes, telescopes and other tools to aid our observation. However, we benefit from knowing their limitations and the impact they have on our ability to combine our observations and our experience to make decisions. Once these tools replace our direct observation and our experience we ourselves become disconnected from Nature. Scientific practice turns into well-meant opinions out-weighing empirical evidence. This is happening now in the current age of big data and artificial intelligence. The author calls this the Modern Hubris and it is slowly corroding science. To combat the Modern Hubris and to reconnect with Nature, scientists need to change the way they practise observation. To do so may require the scientist to transform themself. One person who successfully did this was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. His journey demonstrates how one man attempted to take on the Modern Hubris by transforming his life and how he saw Nature. Following Goethe’s transformation teaches us how we can also reconnect ourselves with Nature and Natural science.

The Medico-Legal Development of Neurological Death in the UK

by Kartina A. Choong

Diagnosis of death by neurological criteria (DNC) is a construct which has been part of the British medico-legal landscape for nearly half a century. This book examines the factors behind its emergence, and discusses the various changes that took place in the last few decades that culminated in the current definition and clinical criteria for determining brain-based death. It highlights the continuities and discontinuities in practice, and the impact they have on the issue of withdrawal of mechanical ventilation in intensive care units and on the field of organ transplantation. The book also explores the law’s response to the introduction and development of DNC in clinical practice. It demonstrates how the legitimacy of the definition and criteria used by the medical profession were forged in the courtroom rather than in Parliament. It documents why case law were introduced in court, and assesses whether organ donation was a consideration in the deliberations. It will be emphasised that courts have given insufficient consideration to requests made in recent cases to consider a broader range of methods to determine death. Those pleas were made on the grounds that the definition and criteria used in the UK are dissimilar to those used in other jurisdictions that also adopt DNC; and that faith communities have a different understanding of death. By taking a close look at those other approaches before highlighting the inherent limitations of the courtroom as the forum that confers DNC its legitimacy, the book puts forward the argument that the democratic process should be engaged.

Women Farmers: Unheard Being Heard (Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa)

by Sugandha Munshi Madhulika Singh

This edited volume celebrates the positive stories and small changes happening with respect to gender equality in the field of agriculture. This book identify crisis which a woman faces in the field of agriculture as a farmer. The book shares unsung stories of women farmers who are bringing change at the grassroots. It puts together the positive developments experienced by the experts, researchers, professional while working for and with women farmers, to highlight the challenges to bring equity in agriculture. Women in agriculture often lack identity where either they are recognized as farmer’s wife or a farm labourer. Women farmers who contribute 60 percent in to farm practices like sowing, transplanting, fertilizer application, weeding, harvesting, winnowing are merely recognised and provided an equal level playing field. Women are also found participating in the various forms of processing and marketing of agriculture produce, along with the cultivation but system has failed to protect their rights and offer them a platform to voice their concerns. This book shares the process, challenges, experience, strategy from the narrative of progressive women farmers so as to highlight and understand what it takes to bring changes for achieving the goals of an equitable farming ecosystems. The book is a relevant reading material for students, researchers, professionals and policy advocates in agriculture and gender research.

From Stage to Screen: The Legacy of Traditional Chinese Theatre in Chinese Martial Arts Cinema Soundtracks

by Shuang Wang

Chinese martial arts cinema is held to be a synthesis drawing on artistic conventions of traditional Chinese theatre. Film sound and music perform as the legitimate heirs of some of the aesthetic ideas and norms of traditional Chinese theatre. This book critically examines the history of this under-explored field of inquiry from a theoretically comparative perspective, demonstrating that the musical codes drawn from traditional theatre are a constantly changing component integral to Chinese martial arts cinema. It explores the interaction between traditional Chinese theatre and Chinese martial arts cinema in how the musical codes of the former have shaped the aesthetics of the latter uniquely. This departs from conventional existing studies that focus on “adaptation.” The book’s historical and theoretical approach connects film, theatre and music, and re-defines the status of distinctive domains of filmic expression, grounding theatre as the pivot – or “hinge” – of film aesthetics. The book proffers this unique angle of research to rethink and re-imagine film sound and audiovisual synchronisation. Primarily intended for scholars in Chinese cinema, film music, Chinese theatre and visual culture, this monograph also presents introductory and comprehensive material for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in film and media studies, film music, Chinese cinema, and Chinese theatre.

Sexuality Reimagined: MSM in Modern India

by Shailja Tandon

The book examines how medical knowledge is produced around bodies that do not fit in the heteronormative framework of the state’s rationale and processes. The marginal bodies studied in this research are termed MSM, men who have sex with men, categorized as a high-risk group in the backdrop of HIV/AIDS. These Queer bodies entered the registers of epidemiology and governmentality. This classification is the point of departure for the book. The book interrogates and asks how does a sexual subject become a political question? To answer this political trajectory, the book analyses the category of risk in biomedicine. It investigates how the category of risk becomes critical to the Indian state’s rationale and policies wherein, through the ambit of health and population, sexuality is managed. Unearthing the sexual politics in South Asia, the book, based on rich empirical evidence derived from the lived experiences of MSM, narrates the construction of sexual subjectivity and masculinity. The process of construction occurs in negotiation with the Indian state, bringing forth the dimension of the Indian state as a medico-legal governmentality regime and how MSM takes on the identity of a medicalized subject.

A Sociotheological Approach to Catholic Social Teaching: The Role of Religion in Moral Responsibility During COVID-19

by Vivencio O. Ballano

This book introduces Catholic social teaching (CST) and its teaching on the common good to the reader and applies them in the realm of public health to critically analyze the major global issues of COVID-19 that undermine public interest. It uses the sociotheological approach that​ combines the moral principles of CST and the holistic analysis of modern sociology and also utilizes the secondary literature as the main source of textual data. Specifically, it investigates the corporate moral irresponsibility and some unethical business practices of Big Pharma in the sale and distribution of its anti-COVID vaccines and medicines, the injustice in the inequitable global vaccine distribution, the weakening of the United States Congress’s legislative regulation against the pharmaceutical industry’s overpricing and profiteering, the inadequacy of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) law enforcement system against corruption, and the lack of social monitoring in the current public health surveillance system to safeguard the public good from corporate fraud and white-collar crime. This book highlights the contribution of sociology in providing the empirical foundation of CST’s moral analysis and in crafting appropriate Catholic social action during the pandemic. It is hoped that through this book, secular scholars, social scientists, religious leaders, moral theologians, religious educators, and Catholic lay leaders would be more appreciative of the sociotheological approach to understanding religion and COVID-19. “This book brings into dialogue two bodies of literature: documents of Catholic social teaching, and modern sociology and its core thinkers and texts...The author does especially well to describe how taking ‘the sociotheological turn’...will benefit the credibility and dissemination of Catholic social thought.”- Rev. Fr. Thomas Massaro, S.J., Professor of Moral Theology, Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California.

Semantic Intelligence: Select Proceedings of ISIC 2022 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #964)

by Sarika Jain Sven Groppe Bharat K. Bhargava

This book constitutes refereed proceedings of the 2nd International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2022). This book covers a wide range of topics, including semantic web engineering, ontology-based data access, multimodal and multilingual access, machine-to-machine communications and interoperability, knowledge extraction and ontology learning from the web, computational paradigms and computational intelligence, distributed and mobile systems, and many others. This book includes novel contributions and the latest developments from researchers across industry and academia. This book serves as a valuable reference resource for academics and researchers across the globe.

A Brief History of the Relationship Between Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism

by Zhongjian Mou

Chinese traditions of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism have a profoundly philosophical dimension. The three traditions are frequently referred to as three paths of moral teachings. In this book, Mou provides a clear account of the textual corpus that emerges to define each of these traditions and how this canonical axis was augmented by a continuing commentarial tradition as each generation reauthorized the written core for their own time and place. In his careful exegesis, Mou lays out the differences between the more religious reading of these traditions with their defining practices that punctuate the human journey through life, and the more intellectual and philosophical treatment of the texts that has and continues to produce a first-order culture of annotation that become integral to the traditions themselves. At the center of the alternative religious experience reflected throughout the teachings of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism is the project of personal cultivation as it comes to be expressed as robust growth in family and communal relations. For Mou, these three highly distinctive and yet complementary ways of thinking and living constitute a kind of moral ecology, wherein each of them complements the others as they stand in service to a different dimension of the human need for an educated spirituality.

Living without God: A Multicultural Spectrum of Atheism (Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures #37)

This book deals with the intricate issue of approaching atheism—methodologically as well as conceptually—from the perspective of cultural pluralism. What does ‘atheism’ mean in different cultural contexts? Can this term be applied appropriately to different religious discourses which conceptualize God/gods/Goddess/goddesses (and also godlessness) in hugely divergent ways? Is my ‘God’ the same as yours? If not, then how can your atheism be the same as mine? In other words, this volume raises the question: Is it not high time that we proposed a comparative study of atheism(s) alongside that of religions, rather than believing that atheism is centered in the ‘Western’ experience? Apart from answering these questions, the book highlights the much-needed focus on the philosophical negotiations between atheism, theism and agnosticism. The fine chapters collected here present pluralist negotiations with the notion of atheism and its ethical, theological, literary and scientific corollaries.Previously published in Sophia Volume 60, issue 3, September 2021Chapters “Religious Conversion and Loss of Faith: Cases of Personal Paradigm Shift?” and “On Being an Infidel” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Being a Teacher: From Technicist to Existential Accounts, in conversation with Jean-Paul Sartre (Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education #19)

by Alison M. Brady

This book re-conceptualizes teaching through an engagement with Jean-Paul Sartre’s early existentialist thought. Against the grain of teacher accountability, it turns to the demanding account of being human in Sartre’s thought, on the basis of which an alternative account of teaching can be developed. It builds upon Sartre’s key concepts related to the self, freedom, bad faith, and the Other, such that they might open up original ways of thinking about the practices of teaching. Indeed, given the everyday complexities that characterize teaching, as well as the vulnerabilities and uncertainty that it so often involves, this book ultimately aims to create a space in which to reimagine forms of accounting that move from technicist ways of thinking to existential sensitivity in relation to one’s practice as a teacher.

Scholarship Students in Elite South African Schools: The Gift of a Scholarship (Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education #16)

by Jennifer Wallace Jennifer Feldman

This book provides a narrative account of the experiences of twenty former scholarship students from historically disadvantaged communities who attended elite public and private secondary schools. It draws on in-depth, one-on-one semi-structured interviews conducted with former scholarship recipients who were between the ages of 19 and 24 years at the time of the interviews. Various themes are explored, specifically focusing on elite schooling in relation to the experiences and navigational practices of the scholarship recipients and the adjustments that they felt they needed to make in order to fit into the elite school space.The book analyses and discusses the reflective experiences of students who were awarded a scholarship to attend an elite secondary school. It reveals that accepting the gift of a scholarship is far more complex, multi-layered, and at times harsh and even painful for the individual recipients than is possibly realized by those involved in this practice. This book contributes to academic educational debates within the sociology of education, elite schools and schooling in the post-apartheid South African context.

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