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Showing 62,151 through 62,175 of 62,428 results

Rural Education Reform in China: A Policy Mapping Perspective (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Eryong Xue Jian Li

This book contextually explores the rural education reform in China from a policy mapping perspective. It discusses a wide range of topics in the context of China's rural areas, including rural school layout adjustment, rural teacher development, rural students' all-round education development, vocational education in rural areas, and rural education informatization development. With the challenges outlined and recommendations provided, the chapters offer a holistic view on China’s rural education reform. This book serves as a guide for scholars and researchers who are interested and work in research on China’s rural education reform, administrators, and stakeholders in China's education system and graduate students who major or minor in the field of rural educational policy.

Fifteen Lectures on Chinese Philosophy

by Lihua Yang

This book introduces fifteen representative philosophers in ancient China, including Confucius, Laozi, Mencius, Zhuangzi, influential Neo-Taoist scholars, and prominent Neo-Confucian thinkers. It reveals the fundamental problems of each philosopher, clarifies the connotation of the concept as well as the specific reference of the problem, and presents the inherent context and structure of each philosopher’s thoughts. Further, the author analyzes a selection of these ancient philosophers’ main propositions and demonstrates the argumentation and proof processes behind the basic philosophical insights. As such, this book is a valuable academic resource for scholars and the interested readers wanting to gain an in-depth understanding of ancient Chinese philosophy today.

R-Calculus, IV: Propositional Logic (Perspectives in Formal Induction, Revision and Evolution)

by Wei Li Yuefei Sui

This fourth volume of the book series combines propositional logic and R-calculus for a new point of view to consider belief revision. It gives the R-calculi for propositional logic, description logics, propositional modal logic, logic programming, ⇝-propositional logic, semantic networks, and three-valued logic, etc.. Applications of R-calculus in logic of supersequents are also given. This book offers a rich blend of theory and practice. It is suitable for students, researchers and practitioners in the field of logic.

The Spirit of Individualism: Shanghai Avant-Garde Art in the 1980s (Contemporary East Asian Visual Cultures, Societies and Politics)

by Lansheng Zhang

This book is about avant-garde art in Shanghai in the 1980s which challenges the narrative in the current discourse on the appearance of contemporary art in China. Offering fresh perspectives and new insights into the art and the artists of this period, the book includes critical events in Shanghai, that will attract the serious attention of art professionals and collectors. The emergence of the Shanghai art scene in the 1980s mirrors the revitalisation of Shanghai that was tasked to lead China’s economic development trajectory onto the world stage. Shanghai, with its semi-colonial, political, economic and cultural history, including the strong legacy of the early twentieth century modernist art movement, has played a vital role in China’s modernisation and presents itself as a unique case in the evolution of contemporary art in China.

Educating Indigenous Children in Australian Juvenile Justice Systems: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Mathematics

by Bronwyn Ewing Grace Sarra

This book addresses key issues in the context of the national policy of educating children accused of crimes in Juvenile Courts in Australia. For several decades, National and State Governments in Australia have struggled to define education, constantly seeking to improve the way society applies the concept. This book presents an accurate portrayal of consequences of the education policy of trying to educate troubled children and young people in trouble with the law. It describes the work of juvenile detention centre mathematics teachers and their teaching contexts. It portrays teachers as learners, who ventured with researchers with a theoretical perspective. This book focuses on culturally responsive pedagogies that seek to understand the ways Indigenous children and young people in juvenile detention make sense of their mathematical learning, which, until the time of detention, has been plagued by failure. It examines how the underperformance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are strong determinants of their overrepresentation in the juvenile justice system in Australia. This book presents the argument that if the students’ literacy and numeracy levels can be improved, there is opportunity to build better futures away from involvement in the juvenile justice system and towards productive employment to improve life chances.

The Long East Asia: The Premodern State and Its Contemporary Impacts (Governing China in the 21st Century)

by Zhengxu Wang

This book brings together a range of studies that aim at illustrating the ideas, institutions, historical patterns, and contemporary relevance of the social-political system that existed in the main part of East Asia during the premodern era. This is most often known as the Confucian literati-bureaucratic state, the imperial Chinese bureaucratic state, or the Confucian-Legalist state, that was established and endured most notably in China, but also in several East Asian societies such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan. That state and sociopolitical system also greatly shaped state making in several kingdoms in the region – such as Ryukyu and Dali – which were later merged into larger polities. Illuminating the significance of these historical patterns for today, this book will interest political scientists, historians, philosophers, and the general public.

Streiten gegen die Erosion der Demokratie: Politikwissenschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert

by Rainer Eisfeld

Europaweit und darüber hinaus unterliegen Demokratien alarmierender Aushöhlung. Rapider wirtschaftlicher, kultureller, politischer Wandel weckt Unsicherheiten und Aggressionen; Politiker, Parteien, selbst Regierungen versuchen Bürger durch systematische Lügen zu täuschen; neoliberale Deregulierungen schwächen die Bereitschaft zum zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement; schroffe Einkommens- und Vermögensunterschiede treiben die Demokratie in Richtung Plutokratie; fremdenfeindliche Vorurteile polarisieren Gesellschaften; Antiterrorismus-Strategien untergraben bürgerliche Freiheiten; Vetospieler hemmen klimapolitischen Wandel. Zugleich wird seit Jahren gestritten über die Fragmentierung der Politikwissenschaft, ihre zweifelhafte Relevanz und ihre Abkopplung von der breiten Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Buch ist die erste umfassende Studie, die beide Fragenkomplexe miteinander verknüpft und präzise zu ergründen sucht: Wie kann, wie sollte die Politikwissenschaft dem Niedergang der Demokratie in jedem der erwähnten Bereiche entgegenwirken?Rainer Eisfelds Antworten lauten: Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftskultur öffentlichen Engagements; Auseinandersetzung mit Ursprüngen, Mustern und partizipativer Bewältigung durchgängigen Wandels als Hauptgegenstand der Disziplin; kategorisches Auftreten gegen Tendenzen zu einer Herrschaft notorischer Lügner; Konzentrierung der Forschungsprioritäten auf die Schlüsselbereiche, in denen Demokratie sich zurückbildet; für Laien zugängliche Darstellung gewonnener Resultate; Erweiterung der Analyse zur Präsentation konkreter Gestaltungsvorschläge.Dazu, so Eisfelds Fazit, bedarf es einer Disziplin, die als normativ orientierte, empirisch gestützte Demokratiewissenschaft brisanten Problemen den Vorrang einräumt vor ausgefeilten Methoden und bürgernaher Relevanz vor immer weiterer Spezialisierung.

International School Policy Development: Insights from China (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Jian Li

This book investigates the international school policy reform in China from various perspectives. In recent years, international schools, international classes, international departments, and various international education projects have emerged in the field of education in China. This book explores and analyzes the idea of international schools, and discusses different aspects of the conceptual model of international education policy development in China, including international school policy, student cultivation, teacher cultivation, school management, curriculum, and quality assessment of international schools. In addition, this book offers a comprehensive, systematic, and practical perspective on shaping China’s international school policy development and management. This book serves as a guide for scholars and researchers who are interested, and work in, research on internationalization development in China, administrators, and stakeholders in China's education system, and graduate students who major or minor in the field of internationalization development in China.

Principles of Subjective Anthropology: Concepts and the Knowledge System

by Binggong Chen

This book puts forward the concept of “subjective anthropology” and outlines a theoretical system that will allow subjective anthropology to qualify as a new academic discipline in its own right. In an effort to respond to the field’s proper role as the science of humanity, subjective analysis has been introduced into the study of anthropology. The book fills two distinct gaps in our knowledge and understanding of modern man, offering detailed descriptions of personality and of groups, while also advancing the theory of “structure and choice.” The book formulates seven basic principles of subjective anthropology and divides anthropology into three major branches: subjective anthropology, cultural anthropology, and biological (or physical) anthropology, which can be further divided into sub-branches. The book pursues three key goals: advancing and developing the theoretical system of subjective anthropology, reconstructing the discipline of anthropology, and establishing a Chinese anthropology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese visions, and Chinese styles.

Cultural Capital and Parental Involvement: A Comparison of Students’ Music Participation between Beijing and Hong Kong

by Siu-hang Kong

This book uses Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural capital model as a theoretical framework for exploring how students in Beijing and Hong Kong perceive parental influences—their parents’ cultural capital and support—on their participation in musical activities. By studying students’ perceptions of their parents’ cultural capital and support for their musical activities, this book revisits the applicability of Bourdieu’s cultural capital model in the contemporary Chinese context and reveals how inequality in terms of parental cultural capital governs parents’ support and influences the intergenerational transmission of cultural capital, which in turn contributes to inequality in terms of students’ cultural capital.

Re-imagining Senior Secondary Religious Education: Evaluating the Religion, Meaning, and Life Curriculum (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by William Sultmann Janeen Lamb Peter Ivers Mark Craig

This book examines and reports the findings regarding the level of satisfaction by students, teachers and parents with an innovative senior secondary Religious Education curriculum ‘Religion, Meaning and Life’ (RML). The stimulus for RML is found in the changing profile of students within faith-based schools and the motivation of school authorities to be inclusive and responsive to changing needs and priorities of students and families. Curriculum practices typically mirror this continuing renewal as community expectations give rise to innovation in curriculum practice. This concept of continuity and discontinuity is evidenced in the field of Religious Education,, which recognizes religious plurality while giving preference to an imagination centred on inclusion, hospitality and respectful dialogue. In this context, new pathways are being explored as the reality and significance of Religious Education in faith-based school remain a priority for Christian organizations in Australia.Mindful of the diversity of expectations within the Catholic school, the curriculum initiative of RML was developed, supported and implemented. The La Salle Academy of the Australian Catholic University reviewed this senior secondary curriculum across three years and presents in this book an independent, evaluative report of the findings, together with insights for implementation at scale and associated applications across Christian faith-based institutions.

Transformation of Knowledge and Educational Reform

by Zhongying Shi

This book defines the concept of knowledge transformation, describes the historical process of knowledge transformation, and analyses its deep influence on education theory and practice by virtue of multiple discipline resources. The general scope of this book encompasses the philosophy of education, curriculum studies, and education reform research. It enables readers to understand how 'hidden' epistemological factors have changed or reshaped the education system throughout history and at present.

AI Ethics: A Textbook (Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Theory, and Algorithms)

by Paula Boddington

This book introduces readers to critical ethical concerns in the development and use of artificial intelligence. Offering clear and accessible information on central concepts and debates in AI ethics, it explores how related problems are now forcing us to address fundamental, age-old questions about human life, value, and meaning. In addition, the book shows how foundational and theoretical issues relate to concrete controversies, with an emphasis on understanding how ethical questions play out in practice. All topics are explored in depth, with clear explanations of relevant debates in ethics and philosophy, drawing on both historical and current sources. Questions in AI ethics are explored in the context of related issues in technology, regulation, society, religion, and culture, to help readers gain a nuanced understanding of the scope of AI ethics within broader debates and concerns. Written with both students and educators in mind, the book is easy to use, with key terms clearly explained, and numerous exercises designed to stretch and challenge. It offers readers essential insights into the evolving field of AI ethics. Moreover, it presents a range of methods and strategies that can be used to analyse and understand ethical questions, which are illustrated throughout with case studies.

Case Studies of Information Technology Application in Education: Utilising the Internet, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud in Challenging Times (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Yang Shen Xin Yin Yu Jiang Lingkai Kong Sheng Li Haijun Zeng

This book includes 43 case studies showcasing the application of basic education informatization. It shares the experiences of 43 schools in the construction and application of educational informatization in various regions in China. It aims to promote the balanced development of education and expand the coverage of quality education resources. This book also highlights the achievements of these schools in constructing school-based resources, and changing teaching modes and optimizing classroom teaching. This collection of case studies not only reflects the current trend of informatization application moving from 'universal application' to 'integrated innovation' but also uncovers the potential of applying information technology to transform education processes, innovate education environment, and optimize education governance.

Social Fairness in a Post-Pandemic World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Hikari Ishido Jiro Mizushima Masaya Kobayashi Xiaofang Zhang

This book brings a much-needed re-examination of the concepts of social fairness and justice in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Through careful analysis of issues as diverse as the allocation of vaccines through the global system COVAX, women and gender, migrants and refugees, the environment, and social justice, the authors bring novel perspectives on openness, freedom, and well-being. This ambitious collection combines political, economic, historical, philosophical, and cultural analyses to examine whether it is possible to envision a “fair society” after the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Cultural Perspectives on Indigenous Students’ Reading Performance: A Participatory and Exploratory Case Study at a Regional School in Australia

by Gui Ying Yang-Heim

This book explores the contextual, particularly cultural-related, factors that may impact reading outcomes of young Indigenous learners in their early years, underpinned by the conceptual framework of cultural capital originated by Bourdieu. By drawing upon a participatory and exploratory case study, conducted at a regional school in Australia over a period of six months, it highlights the challenges that Indigenous students face in reading, and how the contextual factors contribute to Indigenous students’ development in reading skills and their reading performance. This book helps readers to gain a better and deeper understanding of Indigenous culture, the importance of the role that culture plays in Indigenous children’s literacy education, and how it shapes the way they learn and think.

Fission and Fusion of Allies: The ROK Nuclear Quest and U.S.–France Competition and Cooperation

by Lyong Choi Jooyoung Lee

This book traces the development of U.S-led global nuclear non-proliferation diplomacy during the three decades since the Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” in 1953. The U.S. non-proliferation efforts had diverse obstacles. It had to prevent nuclear states’ export of nuclear technology while dissuading non-nuclear states from developing nuclear weapons. In addition, building non-proliferation regime was not always its top foreign policy priority. To understand the complex process of non-proliferation, the book examines the relations among three different actors in the nuclear field: a global non-proliferation regime builder (U.S.), a potential nuclear proliferator (France) and a would-be nuclear state (Republic of Korea). In tracing how they developed nuclear strategies, conflicting and compromising with one another, the book pays special attention to how the transforming Cold War structure in the 1970s not only affected foreign policies of the involved countries but also complicated their relationship. The exploration ultimately highlights the multidimensional nature of international discussion on nuclear non-proliferation as the ROK’s nuclear development attempts, U.S. non-proliferation efforts, and the U.S.-France nuclear technology cooperation in the 1970s were all deeply connected.

Masterpieces on Japan by Foreign Authors: From Goncharov to Pinguet

by Shōichi Saeki Tōru Haga

This open access book includes forty-one chapters about foreign observers’ discourses on Japan. These include a wide range of perspectives from the travelogues of curious visitors to academic theses by scholars, which offer us a broad spectrum of contents, reflecting a variety of attitudes toward Japan. The works were written during the period from the 1850s to the 1980s, a timespan during which Japan became, in stages, more open to the outside world after a long isolation under the Tokugawa shogunate. From the perspective of “Japanology,” one can discern three distinct periods of rising interest in the country from abroad. The first tide of such interest came shortly after the opening of Japan, when various foreign travelers, including those who could not be included in this book, came over and wrote down their impressions of the country—which was, for them, a land of mystery and mystique, which had just opened its doors to them. The second wave arose at the beginning of the twentieth century, just after the Russo-Japanese War, when Japan again generated a remarkable surge of interest as a “miracle” in Asia that had pulled off the wondrous feat of defeating a white superpower. The third wave was more recent, which took place from the late 1960s to the 1980s, a period of high economic growth when the “miracle” of Japan’s remarkable economic recovery from the defeat of World War II attracted enthusiastic and curious attention from the outside world once again. It is not the intention of this book to directly highlight such historical transitions, but these forty-two brilliant mirrors (forty-one chapters, including forty-two discourses), even when looked in casually, provide us with unexpected insights and various perspectives. Shōichi Saeki (1922–2016) was Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo. Tōru Haga (1931–2020) was Professor Emeritus, International Research Center for Japanese Studies.

Pluralism and World Order: Theoretical Perspectives and Policy Challenges (IPP Studies in the Frontiers of China’s Public Policy)

by Feng Zhang

This volume explores the implications of pluralism for international order. Distinguished contributors from around the world offer insights into the character of a pluralistic world order. They focus especially on the manifestations of international pluralism in great power relations, multilateralism, and regionalism. Contributors examine the myriad challenges a pluralistic world order will face in the years ahead, yet they eschew alarmist conclusions. There is still scope for the great powers to better manage their relations, and equally important, much space for multilateralism and regionalism to play their increasingly important roles in stabilizing world order. Distinctive in bringing the themes of pluralism and world order together in both theoretical exposition and policy discussion, this book offers a stimulating reading for scholars and practitioners of world politics.

Schools as Community Hubs: Building ‘More than a School’ for Community Benefit

by Benjamin Cleveland Sarah Backhouse Philippa Chandler Ian McShane Janet M. Clinton Clare Newton

This open access book brings together research on the planning, design, governance and management of schools as community hubs—places that support the development of better-connected, more highly integrated, and more resilient communities with education at the centre. It explores opportunities and difficulties associated with bringing schools and communities closer together, with a focus on the facilities needed to accommodate shared experiences that generate social capital and deliver reciprocal benefits.This book discusses the expanded roles of schools, and investigates how schools may offer more to their communities—historically, currently and into the future—with respect to the role of the built environment in situating community activities and services.Organised around four sections, it showcases important areas of development in the field via an interdisciplinary approach, which weaves together empirical research with theoretical insights and practical examples. This book not only highlights the challenges associated with the development of schools as community hubs but offers evidence-based insights into how to overcome such hurdles to develop community-facing schools into the future.

Trophy Hunting

by Nikolaj Bichel Adam Hart

This book gets to the heart of trophy hunting, unpacking and explaining its multiple facets and controversies, and exploring why it divides environmentalists, the hunting community, and the public. Bichel and Hart provide the first interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the study of trophy hunting, investigating the history of trophy hunting, and delving into the background, identity and motivation of trophy hunters. They also explore the role of social media and anthropomorphism in shaping trophy hunting discourse, as well as the viability of trophy hunting as a wildlife management tool, the ideals of fair chase and sportsmanship, and what hunting trophies are, both literally and in terms of their symbolic value to hunters and non-hunters. The analyses and discussions are underpinned by a consideration of the complex moral and practical conflicts between animal rights and conservation paradigms. This book appeals to scholars in environmental philosophy, conservation and environmental studies, as well as hunters, hunting opponents, wildlife management practitioners, and policymakers, and anyone with a broad interest in human–wildlife relations.

Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Insights, Implications and Recommendations (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Poulomee Datta

This book investigates the self-concept of the students with intellectual disabilities who were placed in specialist and mainstream educational settings in South Australia. It gains insights into what students with intellectual disabilities felt about themselves and their achievements across the different dimensions of self-concept. It is divided into two stages of execution. In Stage 1, the Tennessee Self-Concept questionnaire was administered to students with intellectual disabilities. In Stage 2, interviews were conducted with students with intellectual disabilities, their parents and teachers. These data reflected a range of viewpoints from which to examine the research questions. These findings have implications for teachers, special educators, policy makers and a range of professionals in the education and special education sector in enabling greater understanding of the problems experienced by these students and pointing to modifications and improvements in the services for these students.

Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity

by Lung-Hsiang Wong Marcelo Milrad Marcus Specht

The book departs from the approach of related titles by focusing on describing and reflecting upon the notion of seamless learning with regard to salient characteristics of learner mobility and bridging of learning experiences across learning spaces. It is the first such work that is solely dedicated to research on and the practice of seamless learning, uniquely combining interpretations, visions, and past research on and practices in seamless learning from diversified perspectives. The book also strikes a good balance between theoretical and practical perspectivess, going beyond a collection of reports on specific research projects. Instead of thick descriptions of research processes and findings, readers will find significant insights and food for thought intended to inspire further advances in the research on and practice of seamless learning.

Shifts in the Field of Mathematics Education: Stephen Lerman and the turn to the social

by Peter Gates Robyn Jorgensen

Professor Stephen Lerman has been a leader in the field of mathematics education for thirty years. His work is extensive, making many significant contributions to a number of key areas of research. Stephen retired from South Bank University in 2012, where he had worked for over 20 years, though he continues to work at Loughborough University. In this book several of his long standing colleagues and collaborators reflect on his contribution to mathematics education, and in so doing illustrate how some of Steve’s ideas and interventions have resulted in significant shifts in the domain.

Islamist Terrorism and Militancy in Indonesia: The Power of the Manichean Mindset

by Kumar Ramakrishna

Drawing upon insights from the natural and social sciences, this book puts forth a provocative new argument that the violent Islamist threat in Indonesia today derives its stubborn resilience from being in essence a complex, adaptive and self-organizing system – or what some specialists might even call a super-organism. The book challenges the popular assumption that ideology is the root cause that explains why Indonesian Islamists radicalize into violent extremism. In addition it addresses why despite years of intense security force pressure, seemingly disparate militant cells keep ‘popping up’ like the proverbial hydra - and in the apparent absence of a centralized coordinating body, nevertheless appear to display an organic interconnectivity with one another. Going beyond standard ideological mantras the book argues that fresh inter-disciplinary thinking is needed to cope with the constantly mutating violent Islamist challenge in Indonesia, and puts forth a comprehensive strategy for doing so. It will be of interest to academics and students of terrorism, religion and violence in the Southeast Asian region.

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