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Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme: Zivile Drohnen im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Recht, Sicherheit und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz

by Andreas Del Re Norbert Kämper Andreas Schoch Philipp Scheele

Drohnen sind längst von einer vielversprechenden Zukunftstechnologie zu einer etablierten Größe am Himmel geworden. Durch die zunehmenden Möglichkeiten ziviler Nutzung nimmt ihre Präsenz dabei immer noch zu, wodurch Fragen aufgeworfen werden, die schon heute beantwortet werden müssen. Neben den obligatorischen rechtlichen Fragen geht es dabei auch um den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss, den neue Technologie seit je her mit sich bringen. Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sind nötig, wenn immer mehr Drohnen sich den Luftraum mit anderen Luftverkehrsteilnehmern teilen? Wie ist es um die Sicherheit, auch IT-Sicherheit bestellt, wenn zunehmend Drohnen über der Bevölkerung schweben? Welche ethischen Herausforderungen bringen unbemannte Systeme mit sich, die zunehmend autonom operieren? All jenen Fragen widmen sich die Autoren dieses Sammelbandes und schaffen so neue Zugänge und Perspektiven auf das Zukunftsthema der Unbemannten Luftfahrtsysteme.

Verkannt, verfemt, vergessen: Geschichten aus der europäischen Mathematik der Neuzeit

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Sobald Sie sich eingehender mit der Geschichte der Mathematik beschäftigen, werden Sie auch auf Personen stoßen, deren Namen Ihnen bislang unbekannt waren oder von deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Mathematik Sie bisher nichts wussten. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben und Wirken von 67 besonderen Persönlichkeiten aus dem europäischen Raum – und geht bei der Betrachtung der Einzelschicksale jeweils auch der Frage nach, warum diese Personen vergleichsweise unbekannt sind, warum sie regelrecht „vergessen“ wurden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und meist in den jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen oder individuellen Lebensumständen zu finden – viele wurden diskriminiert und konnten ihre Fähigkeiten gar nicht erst entfalten, andere waren Ihrer Zeit voraus und blieben lange Zeit unverstanden. Über die historische Einordnung hinaus werden einige der mathematischen Beiträge dieser Personen dargestellt – so ausgewählt, dass sie mit denin der gymnasialen Oberstufe üblicherweise vermittelten Kenntnissen nachvollzogen werden können. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Darstellungen beginnen mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert und schließen somit chronologisch an das Buch Geschichten aus der Mathematik desselben Autors an, sind aber unabhängig davon lesbar. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften interessieren und dabei insbesondere ein tieferes Verständnis für die menschlichen Aspekte der Mathematik entwickeln möchten.

Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 (Conspiracy Theories)

by Peter Knight Clare Birchall

Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 provides a wide-ranging analysis of the emergence and development of conspiracy theories during the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on the US and the UK.The book combines digital methods analysis of large datasets assembled from social media with politically and culturally contextualised close readings informed by cultural studies. In contrast to other studies which often have an alarmist take on the "infodemic," it places Covid-19 conspiracy theories in a longer historical perspective. It also argues against the tendency to view conspiracy theories as merely evidence of a fringe or pathological way of thinking. Instead, the starting assumption is that conspiracy theories, including Covid-19 conspiracy theories, often reflect genuine and legitimate concerns, even if their factual claims are wide of the mark. The authors examine the nature and origins of the conspiracy theories that have emerged; the identity and rationale of those drawn to Covid-19 conspiracism; how these conspiracy theories fit within the wider political, economic and technological landscape of the online information environment; and proposed interventions from social media platforms and regulatory agencies.This book will appeal to anyone interested in conspiracy theories, misinformation, culture wars, social media and contemporary society.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Phenomenology in a Co-creative Workplace

by Ichiro Yamaguchi Emiko Tsuyuki

This book introduces phenomenology to reveal how the atmosphere and relationships in the workplace are generated and how this affects creativity. In their daily work, people sometimes feel that "today's meeting was more exciting than expected" or that "everyone's motivation is down”. This unspoken workplace atmosphere has a significant impact on their work. But has enough thought been given to how this workplace atmosphere is created? Phenomenology reveals the basic structure of human relationships in the workplace. Are there any general rules that govern human interaction and the nature of relationships in that workplace? If these unspoken rules can be made explicit – clearly felt and spoken — people can work together to bring about a creative workplace in which individuals can maximize their abilities. The main point of the book is that human relationships are based on a two-layered structure: "emotional communication", which is rooted in human sensitivity and centers on sensation and emotion; and "verbal communication", which is based on shared intelligence and relies upon language and thought. The invisible layer of emotional communication is always at work as the foundation of verbal communication, creating what can be described as the "workplace atmosphere”. This book offers a new perspective on promoting creativity in the workplace by unraveling the principles behind the structure of workplace atmospheres.

Romantischer Realismus: Literarhistorische Kontinuität im 19. Jahrhundert (Abhandlungen zur Literaturwissenschaft)

by Christoph Gardian

Romantik und Realismus werden in der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung vorwiegend als Gegensätze beschrieben. Ihre Rekonstruktion als dichotome Epochen verstellt aber den Blick auf die Kontinuitäten zwischen den beiden großen Literaturbewegungen des 19. Jahrhunderts, auf ihre gemeinsamen Problemfelder und Strategien zur Problembewältigung. Denn weshalb beziehen sich Texte in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts permanent auf eine Literatur, die sie als ›Romantik‹ kennzeichnen und aus der Welt schaffen wollen? Weshalb bearbeiten Texte, die als ›realistische‹ positioniert werden, über einen Zeitraum von immerhin gut 50 Jahren Konzepte und Themenkomplexe, die erkennbar ihren Anfang in der von ihnen abgelehnten und als obsolet konzipierten Romantik nehmen? Weshalb lassen sie fortwährend romantische Figuren auftreten oder romantische Motive handlungsleitend ein? Ganz offenbar handelt es sich beim Romantischen, das der Realismus bestreitet, um einen unerledigten Problemkomplex. Ausgehend vondiesen Beobachtungen stellt sich das Verhältnis von romantischer und realistischer Literatur weniger als epochale Dichotomie, sondern vielmehr als konstitutives Wechselverhältnis dar – als komplementäre Konstellation vor einem gemeinsamen Problemhorizont. Romantische und realistische Literatur lassen sich als alternative und gleichwohl parallele Strategien im Umgang mit historischen Transformationsprozessen auffassen, die ungeachtet ihrer markierten Konkurrenz kaum jemals ungemischt zur Anwendung kommen. Romantische und realistische Tendenzen treten in wechselseitiger Abhängigkeit auf. Dabei geht es sowohl den programmatisch romantisierenden als auch den programmatisch realistischen Texten um nicht weniger als die Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Realität. Auf der Grundlage einer anderen Begründungsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert lassen sich Beschreibungsmodelle für kulturelle Identifikations- und Transformationsprozesse gewinnen. Die untersuchten literarischen Texte formulieren ebenso Konzepte für den Umgang mit kulturellem Wandel wie sie Konstellationen kulturellen Wandels als Positionskämpfe zwischen romantischen und realistischen Akteuren konfigurieren.

Advanced Introduction to Digital Society (Elgar Advanced Introductions series)

by Manuel Castells

Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This essential book documents the current configuration of digital society worldwide and examines its social, economic, political and cultural consequences. Presenting state-of-the-art empirical analysis and academic research, preeminent author Manuel Castells explores the profound impact that technology and digital transformation continues to have on the world as we know it.Chapters present an in-depth examination of how digitalization affects communication, state surveillance and privacy, financial markets, spatial structure, and education. This Advanced Introduction also deftly outlines digital influence on social movements, exploring social media disinformation, digital inequality, geopolitics and war-making technologies. Ultimately, Castells demonstrates how today’s digital society is the socio-technological foundation of the ‘network society’, the social structure of our time.Key Features:Situates digital transformation within Castells’ theory of the ‘network society’.Presents complete empirical evidence of the configuration of digital society.Explores the relationship between digital society, data capitalism, state surveillance and privacy.Highlights the implications of artificial intelligence, social media, teleworking and cryptocurrenciesThis authoritative Advanced Introduction will be a crucial read for students, academics and researchers specializing in sociology, sociological theory, communication, public policy, politics, regulation, education, science and technology studies and business studies. Offering vital analysis of our continually developing digital society, it will also be of interest to global policymakers regulating digital technologies.

Research Handbook on the History of Political Thought (Research Handbooks in Political Thought series)

This insightful Handbook reviews the key frameworks guiding political scientists and historians of political thought. Comprehensive in scope, it covers historical methodology, traditions, epochs, and classic authors and texts, spanning from ancient Greece until the nineteenth century.Elucidating the evolution and current state of the field, the Handbook emphasizes the value of studying the history of political ideas to gain a critical perspective on our own embedded cultural predispositions. Authors analyze various intellectual schools, such as Stoicism, Christianity, Islam, Liberalism, Republicanism, and Libertarianism, and discuss hermeneutical strategies to reading historical texts, including approaches from the Cambridge School and the Straussians. Providing a broad overview of Western political ideas, an international range of contributors also demonstrate cognizance of global theoretical movements and their significance for historical inquiry. They reexamine the standard canon of political thinkers in light of topics such as gender, colonization, and race, exploring the ideas of, amongst others, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Wollstonecraft, and Marx.Accessible to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as established scholars, this Handbook is a crucial resource for academics in political science, philosophy, intellectual history, and economics, as well as scholars who study economic thought, law and politics. It will also appeal to scholars seeking a clear understanding of the key concepts that continue to influence contemporary theory and research across the social sciences.

Values, Institutions and Innovations for Societal Progress: The Moral Pursuit of Autonomy and Rationality

by Udo Pesch

In this thought-provoking book, Udo Pesch examines how values articulated by society are incorporated into institutions and technologies in order to overcome what many consider to be a lack of democratic control over their progress.Providing insights from different disciplinary angles including moral values, deliberative practices, societal institutions and technological innovation, this book pursues the democratisation of innovation and the increase of institutional responsiveness. Pesch demonstrates strategies to cope with the challenges created by digitalisation, privatisation and ecological degradation, and explores how to bridge the gap between normative and descriptive research. Addressing issues such as how digital technologies threaten human autonomy and how the pursuit of economic prosperity can lead to ecological degradation, this timely book seeks to regain control of institutional and technological developments within our society.Scholars of philosophy of technology, engineering ethics, political theory and innovation theory will find that this book offers comprehensive insights into these disciplines. Policymakers who require a broad understanding of societal trends and challenges will also find this book illuminating and insightful.

The Caliphate at War: Operational Realities and Innovations of the Islamic State

by Ahmed S. Hashim

The military victories of the Islamic State have completely overturned the geopolitical map of the Middle East. Media attention has focused almost exclusively on Islamic State's savage treatment of its enemies and its ability to attract foreign fighters. In 2011, the first effort to build an Islamic State in Iraq was defeated by US and Iraqi forces. The second attempt to establish themselves, beginning in 2014, has been considerably more successful and that success calls for deeper investigation. In order to explain the successes of Islamic State, The Caliphate at War brings together a dispassionate and objective account of the significant innovations in insurgency, ideology, and governance. By focusing their ideology first and foremost on extreme anti-Shia sectarianism - rather than on Western "infidels" - the Islamic State's founders are able to present themselves as the saviors of what they see as the embattled Sunni "nation" in Iraq. Its success in taking and holding major cities, including Mosul, demonstrates its innovative tactics and skill at exploiting tribal and sectarian rivalries. By going beyond the often starkly unpleasant current affairs of the Islamic State, The Caliphate at War undertakes an essential investigation into the successes of the group, to better understand how the movement is surviving, thriving, and reshaping the Middle East.

Anglo Nostalgia: The Politics of Emotion in a Fractured West

by Marta Dassù Edoardo Campanella

Nostalgia has become a major force in global politics. While Donald Trump hopes to "make America great again," Xi Jinping calls for a "great rejuvenation of the Chinese people," and a majority of Russians still mourn the Soviet Union. But it is Brexit, with its idealization of a bygone era of full sovereignty, that epitomizes nostalgic nationalism in its purest form. Despite its romantic flavor, nostalgia is a malaise--a combination of paranoia and melancholy that idealizes the past, while denigrating the present. This epidemic of mythicizing national history is shaping politics in risky ways, fueled by ageing populations, shifts in the global order, and technological disruption. When deployed in the political debate, collective nostalgia is used as an emotional weapon, capable of mobilizing a nation towards illusory goals. Drawing on psychology, political science, history and popular culture, Anglo Nostalgia analyses the rapid spread of this global phenomenon, before focusing on Brexit as a case study. With the detachment of informed outsiders, Campanella and Dassù expose nostalgia's great danger: the oversimplification of reality, leading to unprecedented political miscalculations and rising geopolitical tensions.

The Catonsville Nine: A Story of Faith and Resistance in the Vietnam Era

by Shawn Francis Peters

In the spring of 1968, a group of Catholic antiwar activists barged into a draft board in suburban Baltimore, stole hundreds of Selective Service records, and burned the documents in a fire fueled by homemade napalm. The bold actions of the ''Catonsville Nine'' quickly became international news, and they remained in the headlines throughout the summer and fall of 1968, when the activists were tried in federal court. Shawn Francis Peters tells the fascinating story of this singular witness for peace and social justice.

A Brief History of Mathematical Thought

by Luke Heaton

Advertisements for the wildly popular game of Sudoku often feature the reassuring words, "no mathematical knowledge required." In fact, the only skill Sudoku does require is the use of mathematical logic. For many people, anxiety about math is so entrenched, and grade school memories so haunting, that these disclaimers - though misleading - are necessary to avoid intimidating potential buyers. In A Brief History of Mathematical Thought, Luke Heaton provides a compulsively readable history that situates mathematics within the human experience and, in the process, makes it more accessible. Mastering math begins with understanding its history. Heaton's book therefore offers a lively guide into and through the world of numbers and equations-one in which patterns and arguments are traced through logic in the language of concrete experience. Heaton reveals how Greek and Roman mathematicians like Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes helped shaped the early logic of mathematics; how the Fibonacci sequence, the rise of algebra, and the invention of calculus are connected; how clocks, coordinates, and logical padlocks work mathematically; and how, in the twentieth century, Alan Turing's revolutionary work on the concept of computation laid the groundwork for the modern world. A Brief History of Mathematical Thought situates mathematics as part of, and essential to, lived experience. Understanding it does not require the application of various rules or numbing memorization, but rather a historical imagination and a view to its origins. Moving from the origin of numbers, into calculus, and through infinity, Heaton sheds light on the language of math and its significance to human life.

Patriot Presidents: From George Washington to John Quincy Adams

by William E. Leuchtenburg

A nuanced account of the early leaders who shaped the American presidency The founding fathers of the United States created a unique institution, the presidency, as they were determined to authorize an effective chief executive but wary of monarchy. They endowed this office with broad prerogatives and power but hedged it in with limitations. The presidency that developed over the next generation, however, was fashioned less by the clauses in the Constitution than by the way that the first presidents responded to challenges such as sectional enmity and the vexing Napoleonic warfare that jeopardized maritime rights. Patriot Presidents explores how the presidency took shape from the medley of clauses handed down to George Washington, who said, "I walk on untrodden ground," for virtually everything he did created a precedent. It then follows the overwhelming challenges faced by his successors, from the austere John Adams who spoke passionately in favor of a strong executive, to Thomas Jefferson, a zealous advocate of American liberties, to James Madison, the creator of the first political party, and James Monroe, whose Monroe Doctrine protected the sovereignty of the Western Hemisphere. It concludes with John Quincy Adams, who could be called the prophet of the expansive twentieth-century state of the Square Deal, the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Great Society. The esteemed American historian William E. Leuchtenburg invites readers to revisit the years after the birth of the republic, when Americans could take pride in leaders of ideals, high competence, and integrity who headed their government--chief executives who, though not unflawed, had an abiding commitment to the success of the vulnerable government that had emerged from the revolutionary cause to which they had devoted themselves.

Patriot Presidents: From George Washington to John Quincy Adams

by William E. Leuchtenburg

A nuanced account of the early leaders who shaped the American presidency The founding fathers of the United States created a unique institution, the presidency, as they were determined to authorize an effective chief executive but wary of monarchy. They endowed this office with broad prerogatives and power but hedged it in with limitations. The presidency that developed over the next generation, however, was fashioned less by the clauses in the Constitution than by the way that the first presidents responded to challenges such as sectional enmity and the vexing Napoleonic warfare that jeopardized maritime rights. Patriot Presidents explores how the presidency took shape from the medley of clauses handed down to George Washington, who said, "I walk on untrodden ground," for virtually everything he did created a precedent. It then follows the overwhelming challenges faced by his successors, from the austere John Adams who spoke passionately in favor of a strong executive, to Thomas Jefferson, a zealous advocate of American liberties, to James Madison, the creator of the first political party, and James Monroe, whose Monroe Doctrine protected the sovereignty of the Western Hemisphere. It concludes with John Quincy Adams, who could be called the prophet of the expansive twentieth-century state of the Square Deal, the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Great Society. The esteemed American historian William E. Leuchtenburg invites readers to revisit the years after the birth of the republic, when Americans could take pride in leaders of ideals, high competence, and integrity who headed their government--chief executives who, though not unflawed, had an abiding commitment to the success of the vulnerable government that had emerged from the revolutionary cause to which they had devoted themselves.

The Christian Origins of Tolerance

by Jed W. Atkins

Tolerance is usually regarded as a quintessential liberal value. This position is supported by a standard liberal history that views religious toleration as emerging from the post-Reformation wars of religion as the solution to the problem of religious violence. Requiring the separation of church from state, tolerance was secured by giving the state the sole authority to punish religious violence and to protect the individual freedoms of conscience and religion. Commitment to tolerance is independent of judgements about justice and the common good. This standard liberal history exerts a powerful hold on the modern imagination: it undergirds several important recent accounts of liberal tolerance and virtually every major study of tolerance in the ancient world. Nevertheless, this familiar narrative distorts our understanding of tolerance's premodern origins and impoverishes present-day debates when many members of Christianity and Islam, the two largest global religions, have reservations about liberal tolerance. Setting aside the standard liberal history, The Christian Origins of Tolerance recovers tolerance's beginnings in a forgotten tradition forged by North African Christian thinkers of the first five centuries CE in critical conversation with one another, St. Paul, the rival tradition of Stoicism, and the political and legal thought of the wider Roman world. This North African Christian tradition conceives of tolerance as patience within plurality. This tradition does not require the separation of religion and the secular state as a prerequisite for tolerance and embeds individual rights and the freedoms of conscience and religion within a wider theoretical framework that derives accounts of political judgement and patience from theological reflection on God's roles as a patient father and just judge. By recovering this forgotten tradition, we can better understand and assess the choices made by leading theorists of liberal tolerance, and as a result, think better about how to achieve peaceful coexistence within and beyond liberal democracies in a world in which many Christians and Muslims are sceptical of liberalism.

The Roles of Representation in Visual Perception (Synthese Library #486)

by Berit Brogaard Robert French

This volume contains new papers addressing a number of new and traditional issues pertaining to the roles of representations in visual perception.Among these issues is the one concerning the nature of the perceptual state itself – e. g. on the issue of whether the perceptual state, like its distal objects, is structured, for instance by possessing a spatial character. Other issues include those of whether at least aspects of the distal object are presented immediately to us visually, whether representation plays any (interesting) role in disjunctivist and naïve realist accounts of visual experience and the relationship among visual perception, attention and representation.The anthology includes a wide variety of positions on the subject of the roles of representations in visual perception, which would help to close the literature gap and will be of interest to scholars from all schools and trends of philosophy of mind.

Free Elections: An Elementary Textbook (Routledge Revivals)

by W.J.M. Mackenzie

Originally published in 1958 at a time when many African and Asian nations were newly independent or going through the process of independence, this book sets out the facts and arguments which have to be considered in designing and running electoral systems. The book treats the problems of free elections in Africa and Asia objectively and uncontroversially, without pre-supposing any previous training in political science. The discussion of 'free elections' raises large issues about political norms and ideologies and about the working of political systems in different societies, and the book tackles these questions head on. The book gives a balanced account of the whole issue of elections, covering on the one hand qualifications and voting systems, and on the other hand less ‘political’ questions of administration and control, which are of equal importance in the working of an electoral system.

Free Elections: An Elementary Textbook (Routledge Revivals)

by W.J.M. Mackenzie

Originally published in 1958 at a time when many African and Asian nations were newly independent or going through the process of independence, this book sets out the facts and arguments which have to be considered in designing and running electoral systems. The book treats the problems of free elections in Africa and Asia objectively and uncontroversially, without pre-supposing any previous training in political science. The discussion of 'free elections' raises large issues about political norms and ideologies and about the working of political systems in different societies, and the book tackles these questions head on. The book gives a balanced account of the whole issue of elections, covering on the one hand qualifications and voting systems, and on the other hand less ‘political’ questions of administration and control, which are of equal importance in the working of an electoral system.

International Institutions (Routledge Revivals)

by Paul Reuter

Originally published in 1958, this book assesses the continuity and variety of international societies as they have existed in recent history. Although the study of international institutions is firmly based on a foundation of law, this book also encompasses sociology, history and politics. The introduction defines the elements of international society in terms of the accepted principles of group psychology. Part 1 considers the origins of 20th Century international institutions. This historical analysis runs from the ancient civilizations through to the greatly changed relations which followed World War II. The general notions and sources of international law are then examined. Part 2 deals with the structure of day-to-day relations between States and the means of recognizing changes within a State. The United Nations and principal regional organizations are also examined.

International Institutions (Routledge Revivals)

by Paul Reuter

Originally published in 1958, this book assesses the continuity and variety of international societies as they have existed in recent history. Although the study of international institutions is firmly based on a foundation of law, this book also encompasses sociology, history and politics. The introduction defines the elements of international society in terms of the accepted principles of group psychology. Part 1 considers the origins of 20th Century international institutions. This historical analysis runs from the ancient civilizations through to the greatly changed relations which followed World War II. The general notions and sources of international law are then examined. Part 2 deals with the structure of day-to-day relations between States and the means of recognizing changes within a State. The United Nations and principal regional organizations are also examined.

The Semantics of Development in Asia: Exploring ‘Untranslatable’ Ideas Through Japan (The University of Tokyo Studies on Asia)

by Jin Sato Soyeun Kim

This open access book explores Japanese involvement in Asian development through selected development ideas and lexemes that are widely regarded in Japan as 'untranslatable' into other languages. Each chapter traces the genealogy of locally nuanced development ideas and lexemes in Japan and the process by which they have spread across Asia and beyond through Japan's development cooperation. The Semantics of Development in Asia critically examines the diverse (Western and non-Western) roots of Japanese development ideas and lexemes and their shifting semantics, shaped by the ever-changing national/international political economies and dominant development thinking of different eras. The volume contributes to a more pluriversal approach to knowledge production in development studies through its in-depth examination of vernacular Japanese ideas. This book is useful to researchers, students and teachers in the fields of Asian studies, development studies and international relations. It is also of value to policymakers and practitioners whose professional interests include development cooperation by, and with, Asian countries.

Discourses of Globalisation, Active Citizenship and Education (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #43)

by Joseph Zajda Anatoli Rapoport

This book analyses dominant discourses of globalisation, and citizenship in schools. Diverse worldviews and ideologies construct different meanings for globalization, citizenship, and education, resulting in conceptual debates, tensions, competing discourses, and practical challenges for scholars and educators, navigating complex and contested terrain. The chapters in this volume advance further the discussions on the phenomenon of globalisation, and how it impacts on the nature of active citizenship education in schools around the world. In order to help students recognize that they are inherently global citizens, capable of understanding that local actions are globally interdependent, and that communities can be seen as temporal social networks within and beyond physical space, and action for global citizenship in school. The book, by building on intercultural dialogue and active citizenship education in schools, will promote critical appraisal of various views of the world, andoffers different ways to reconstruct and re-imagine social reality.

Wu Ming's Transmedia Activism: Ethical and Political Challenges to Neoliberalism

by Paolo Saporito

This book explores the activism of the Italian collective Wu Ming. Engaging in a dynamic conversation with critical theory, post-workerist philosophy and eco-criticism, Saporito illuminates how Wu Ming’s forms of protest radically challenge neoliberal models of subjectivity through a revived commitment to an ​eco-centric ethics. The book charts how Wu Ming’s interventions, combining embodied, literary and online activism, aim to performatively create life-rhythms, practices and ultimately a political subjectivity alternative to fast-paced anthropocentric models imposed by neoliberal apparatuses. In-depth analyses of Wu Ming’s participation in the 27th Genoa G8 Summit, literary texts and online presence define the trajectory of their interventions, which moved from a traumatic repudiation of neoliberal apparatuses in Genoa to a thorough exploration of how these apparatuses produce and control subjectivity. Wu Ming’s literary texts invite the reader to grasp the complexity of the human-non-human relations these apparatuses exploit, while affirmatively exploring eco-centric ethical relations to the non-human other. Wu Ming open their bodies to these relations via hikes, walks, and performances where they try out slow-paced life rhythms and experiment with the non-human affordances of multiple media. Wu Ming’s transmedia activism links these offline initiatives with online strategies that promote the collective creation of critical content, slow down online users’ fast-paced experience, and mobilise a network of human and non-human agents that re-energise embodied, street actions.

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