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Showing 6,801 through 6,825 of 62,355 results

Zur Aktualität von Bruno Latour: Einführung in sein Werk (Aktuelle und klassische Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaftler innen)

by Lars Gertenbach Henning Laux

Bruno Latour gehört zu den schillerndsten Theoretikern der zeitgenössischen Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. In seinen Büchern wie "Die Hoffnung der Pandora", "Wir sind nie modern gewesen" oder "Das Parlament der Dinge" erarbeitet er einen Ansatz, der eine radikal neue Sicht auf Gesellschaft erzwingt und den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs nachhaltig irritiert hat. Seine zuletzt erschienene "Einführung in die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie" öffnet den Blick für eine »neue Soziologie«, in der das sozialtheoretische Standardvokabular (Akteur, Handlung, Gesellschaft, Konstruktion) eine fundamentale Verwandlung erfährt.

Pierre Bourdieu: Pädagogische Lektüren

by Markus Rieger-Ladich Christian Grabau

Innerhalb der Bildungsforschung ist Pierre Bourdieu noch immer eine der zentralen Referenzen. Nicht allein die Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Analysen der Verstrickungen des Bildungssystems in die Erzeugung und Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit hält an, auch seine Forschungspraxis provoziert immer wieder. Die enge Verknüpfung empirischer Forschung mit theoretischer Arbeit wird gegenwärtig intensiv diskutiert und insbesondere von praxistheoretischen Zugriffen weitergeführt. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet das Buch Beiträge, die sich um die Entwicklung einer machtkritisch informierten, interdisziplinär angelegten Bildungsforschung bemühen. Im Zentrum steht hier die vor allem die radikale Kritik Bourdieus an bestehenden Bildungssituationen, die in der jüngeren Rezeption vielfach ausgeblendet wird.

Das politische System Südafrikas

by Dana de la Fontaine Franziska Müller Claudia Hofmann Bernhard Leubolt

Der Kern des vorliegenden Buches widmet sich der Frage, wie sich Südafrikas politisches System in den letzten 20 Jahren seit der Transition ab Mitte der 1990er Jahre entfaltet hat. Dabei soll der Fokus zum einen auf die grundlegenden institutionellen und rechtlichen Strukturen gerichtet sein. Zum anderen ist zu hinterfragen, inwiefern der Föderalismus das Land in arme und reiche Teile aufteilt, was durch fehlende Ausgleichsmechanismen mittelfristig für Konflikte sorgt. Ein weiterer Themenblock setzt sich mit der Frage der politischen Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten der Bevölkerung auseinander. In einzelnen Abschnitten werden die zentralen Institutionen der politischen Repräsentation und Artikulation untersucht, d.h. Parteien, Gewerkschaften, Interessenverbände, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und soziale Bewegungen, aber auch die Rolle der Print- und TV-Medien. Schließlich sollen die Hoffnungen und Ängste der unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen einzelnen Politikbereichen gegenübergestellt werden. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt zum einen auf ökonomischen Fragen mit der Analyse der Wirtschafts-, der Steuer-, der Finanz- und der Landwirtschaftspolitik. Dann folgt ein Komplex, der sich mit der menschlichen Entwicklung auseinandersetzt und die Sozial-, Bildungs-, Gesundheits- und Gleichstellungspolitik unter die Lupe nimmt. Schließlich wird die Entwicklung der Außenpolitik und der regionalen Integration untersucht, die für die Dynamik der südafrikanischen Ökonomie von zentraler Bedeutung sind.

Das politische System Bosnien und Herzegowinas: Herausforderungen zwischen Dayton-Friedensabkommen und EU-Annäherung

by Tobias Flessenkemper Nicolas Moll

Das politische System Bosnien und Herzegowinas spiegelt das Ergebnis des Krieges von 1992 bis 1995 wider. Die Verfassungspraxis seit den 1990er Jahren hat Konflikte und Institutionen verfestigt. Ansätze für eine Verfassungsreform sind mehrfach gescheitert. Auf dem Weg zur EU-Mitgliedschaft muss Bosnien und Herzegowina individuelle Bürgerrechte und die Gruppenrechte der drei konstituierenden Völker (Bosniaken, Kroaten, Serben) den europäischen Normen anpassen. Inwieweit dies im engen Rahmen des Friedensabkommens von Dayton-Paris gelingen kann, wird anhand der Verfassung, den Institutionen, Parteien, der Rolle der Internationalen Gemeinschaft und der Medien und Zivilgesellschaft von den AutorInnen diskutiert.

Handbuch Rechtsextremismus (Edition Rechtsextremismus)

by Fabian Virchow Martin Langebach Alexander Häusler

Dieses Handbuch bietet den umfassenden und systematischen Wissensstand zum Rechtsextremismus. Im ersten Band werden alle Aspekte des Rechtsextremismus verständlich und auf dem neuesten Forschungsstand analysiert. Der zweite Band beschäftigt sich mit den praktischen Fragen im Umgang mit rechtsextremistischen Gruppen, Parteien und Einstellungen.

Handbuch Bildungsforschung (Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften)

by Rudolf Tippelt Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha

Das Handbuch Bildungsforschung repräsentiert Stand und Entwicklung der Bildungsforschung - ein national wie international stark gewachsener Forschungsbereich. Unter Berücksichtigung des interdisziplinären Charakters der Bildungsforschung wird ein systematischer Überblick über die wesentlichen Perspektiven, theoretischen Zugänge und Forschungsergebnisse gegeben, der auch aktuelle Entwicklungen und Themen berücksichtigt. Das Handbuch integriert aktuelle und grundlegende Erkenntnisse der beteiligten Disziplinen Psychologie, Soziologie, Fachdidaktik, Politikwissenschaft, Ökonomie, Philosophie und Geschichte, wobei die Erziehungswissenschaft/Pädagogik als zentrale Bezugsdisziplin verstanden wird. In die überarbeitete Auflage wurden die Aspekte der Grundbildung, des informellen Lernens, der Professions- und Übergangsforschung sowie die Perspektive einer organisationspädagogischen Lehr-Lernforschung einbezogen.

Zur Aktualität von Michel de Certeau: Einführung in sein Werk (Aktuelle und klassische Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaftler innen)

by Marian Füssel

Michel de Certeau (1925-1986) war Zeit seines Lebens ein Grenzgänger zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen: Von der Theologie über die Historische Anthropologie bis zur Psychoanalyse durchstreifte er verschiedenste Felder der Wissenschaften vom Anderen. Figuren der Alterität können als einigendes Band von de Certeaus Studien begriffen werden, die er anhand der frühneuzeitlichen Mystik ebenso entwickelte wie anhand der Geschichtstheorie oder der Kulturgeschichte der Stadt und des Konsums.

Das politische System der Philippinen: Eine Einführung

by Howard Loewen

Diese Einführung behandelt die Grundlagen der Politik auf den Philippinen, ihre Institutionen und die politische Kultur des Landes.

Logic of the Digital

by Aden Evens

Building a foundational understanding of the digital, Logic of the Digital reveals a unique digital ontology. Beginning from formal and technical characteristics, especially the binary code at the core of all digital technologies, Aden Evens traces the pathways along which the digital domain of abstract logic encounters the material, human world. How does a code using only 0s and 1s give rise to the vast range of applications and information that constitutes a great and growing portion of our world?Evens' analysis shows how any encounter between the actual and the digital must cross an ontological divide, a gap between the productive materiality of the human world and the reductive abstraction of the binary code. Logic of the Digital examines the distortions of this ontological crossing, considering the formal abstraction that persists in exemplary digital technologies and techniques such as the mouse, the Web, the graphical user interface, and the development of software. One crucial motive for this research lies in the paradoxical issue of creativity in relation to digital technologies: the ontology of abstraction leaves little room for the unpredictable or accidental that is essential to creativity, but digital technologies are nevertheless patently creative. Evens inquires into the mechanisms by which the ostensibly sterile binary code can lend itself to such fecund cultural production. Through clarification of the digital's ontological foundation, Evens points to a significant threat to creativity lurking in the nature of the digital and so generates a basis for an ethics of digital practice. Examining the bits that give the digital its ontology, exploring the potentials and limitations of programming, and using gaming as an ideal test of digital possibility, Logic of the Digital guides future practices and shapes academic research in the digital.

Mathematical Statistics: Essays on History and Methodology (Springer Series in Statistics)

by Johann Pfanzagl

This book presents a detailed description of the development of statistical theory. In the mid twentieth century, the development of mathematical statistics underwent an enduring change, due to the advent of more refined mathematical tools. New concepts like sufficiency, superefficiency, adaptivity etc. motivated scholars to reflect upon the interpretation of mathematical concepts in terms of their real-world relevance. Questions concerning the optimality of estimators, for instance, had remained unanswered for decades, because a meaningful concept of optimality (based on the regularity of the estimators, the representation of their limit distribution and assertions about their concentration by means of Anderson’s Theorem) was not yet available. The rapidly developing asymptotic theory provided approximate answers to questions for which non-asymptotic theory had found no satisfying solutions. In four engaging essays, this book presents a detailed description of how the use of mathematical methods stimulated the development of a statistical theory. Primarily focused on methodology, questionable proofs and neglected questions of priority, the book offers an intriguing resource for researchers in theoretical statistics, and can also serve as a textbook for advanced courses in statisticc.

A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Time (Bloomsbury Critical Introductions to Contemporary Metaphysics)

by Benjamin Curtis Jon Robson

What is the nature of time? Does it flow? Do the past and future exist? Drawing connections between historical and present-day questions, A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Time provides an up-to-date guide to one of the most central and debated topics in contemporary metaphysics.Introducing the views and arguments of Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Newton and Leibniz, this accessible introduction covers the history of the philosophy of time from the Pre-Socratics to the beginning of the 20th Century. The historical survey presents the necessary background to understanding more recent developments, including McTaggart's 1908 argument for the unreality of time, the open future, the perdurance/endurance debate, the possibility of time travel, and the relevance of current physics to the philosophy of time.Informed by cutting-edge philosophical research, A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Time evaluates influential historical arguments in the context of contemporary developments. For students looking to gain insights into how ideas within the philosophy of time have developed and better understand recent arguments, this is the ideal starting point.

Architecture in Black: Theory, Space and Appearance

by Darell Wayne Fields

Based on analysis of historical, philosophical, and semiotic texts, Architecture in Black presents a systematic examination of the theoretical relationship between architecture and blackness. Now updated, this original study draws on a wider range of case studies, highlighting the racial techniques that can legitimize modern historicity, philosophy and architectural theory.Arguing that architecture, as an aesthetic practice, and blackness, as a linguistic practice, operate within the same semiotic paradigm, Darell Fields employs a technique whereby works are related through the repetition and revision of their semiotic structures. Fields reconstructs the genealogy of a black racial subject, represented by the simultaneous reading of a range of canonical texts from Hegel to Saussure to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.Combining an historical survey of racial discourse with new readings resulting from advanced semiotic techniques doubling as spatial arrangements, Architecture in Black is an important contribution to studies of the racial in Western thought and its impact on architecture, space and time.

The United States and the Nazi Holocaust: Race, Refuge, and Remembrance (Perspectives on the Holocaust)

by Barry Trachtenberg

The United States and the Nazi Holocaust is an invaluable synthesis of United States policies and attitudes towards the Nazi persecution of European Jewry from 1933 right up to the modern day. The book, which includes 20 illustrations, weaves together a vast body of scholarly literature to bring students of the Holocaust a balanced, readable overview of this complex and often controversial topic. It demonstrates that the United States' response to the rise of Nazism, the refugee crisis it provoked, the Holocaust itself, and its aftermath were-and remain to this day-intricately linked to the ever-shifting racial, economic, and social status of American Jewry. Using a broad chronological framework, Barry Trachtenberg navigates us through the major themes and events of this period. He discusses the complicated history of the Roosevelt administration's response to the worsening situation of European Jewry in the context of the ambiguous racial status of Jews in Depression and World War II-era America. He examines the post-war decades in America, and discusses, over a series of chapters, how the Holocaust, like American Jewry itself, came to move from the margins to the very center of American awareness. The United States and the Nazi Holocaust considers the reception of Holocaust survivors, post-war trials, film, memoirs, memorials, and the growing field of Holocaust Studies. The reactions of the United States government, the general public, and the Jewish communities of America are all accounted for in this integrated, detailed survey.

Deep Thought: 42 Fantastic Quotes That Define Philosophy

by Gary Cox

As Douglas Adams points out, if there is no final answer to question, 'What is the meaning of life?', '42' is as good or bad an answer as any other. Indeed, 42 quotes might be even better! Gary Cox guides us through 42 of the most misunderstood, misquoted, provocative and significant quotes in the history of philosophy providing a witty and compelling commentary along the way. This entertaining and illuminating collection of quotes doesn't merely list who said what and when. Gary Cox claims that each quote is a philosophical thesis in itself. By exploring who a particular philosopher is and what he or she really meant when they said what they said, this book looks for the philosophy within the quote.Using the writings of everyone from Douglas Adams to A.J. Ayer and Thomas Aquinas to Karl Marx, Gary Cox takes us on a philosophical journey through history, culture and writing to bring us to a deeper understanding of why we think the way we do.

The Bloomsbury Companion to Ethics (Bloomsbury Companions)

by Christian Miller

The Bloomsbury Companion to Ethics offers the definitive guide to this key area of contemporary philosophy. Covering all the fundamental questions asked by meta-ethics and normative ethical theory, thirteen specially commissioned chapters from an international team of experts explore the central ideas, terms and case studies in the field, and new directions in ethics as a whole. Now available in paperback, the Companion to Ethics covers issues such as moral methodology, moral realism, ethical expressivism, constructivism and the error theory, morality and practical reason, moral psychology, morality and religion, consequentialism, Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, feminist ethics, moral particularism, experimental ethics, and biology, evolution and ethics. Featuring a series of indispensable research tools, including key technical terms, a historical chronology, a detailed list of internet resources for research in ethics, and a thorough list of recommended works for further study, this is the essential resource for anyone studying, researching and writing in contemporary philosophical ethics.

The Bloomsbury Companion to Existentialism (Bloomsbury Companions)

by Felicity Joseph Jack Reynolds Ashley Woodward

The Bloomsbury Companion to Existentialism is the definitive guide to this key area of modern European philosophy. Now available in paperback, the book covers the fundamental questions asked by existentialism, providing valuable guidance for students and researchers to some of the many important and enduring contributions of existentialist thinkers. Chapters from an international team of experts explore existentialism's relationship to philosophical method; ontology; politics; psychoanalysis; ethics; religion; literature; emotion; feminism and sexuality; emotions; authenticity and the self; its significance in Latin American culture; and its contribution to the development of post-structuralism and cognitive science. In addition, five short chapters summarize the status of canonical figures Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre and de Beauvoir, delineating the historical approach to their work, while pointing to new directions contemporary research is now taking. Featuring a series of indispensable research tools such as an A to Z glossary, a timeline of key events, texts and thinkers in existentialism, a list of resources, and an annotated guide to further reading, this Companion is an essential resource to help the new reader navigate through the heart of Existentialism and modern European philosophy.

Naturwissenschaft - Rüstung - Frieden: Basiswissen für die Friedensforschung (Friedens- und Konfliktforschung)

by Jürgen Altmann Ute Bernhardt Kathryn Nixdorff Ingo Ruhmann Dieter Wöhrle

Diese Einführung stellt die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung einleitend und verständlich dar. Damit wird Studierenden die Möglichkeit geboten, wichtiges Hintergrundwissen in den Bereichen Physik, Chemie, Biologie und Informatik zu erlangen und Konflikte, Krisensituationen und Kriege auch von den naturwissenschaftlichen Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen her einzuschätzen.

Playful Intelligence: Digitizing Tradition

by Henry Sussman

This is a guide, in theory and in practice, to how current technological changes have impacted our interaction with texts and with each other. Henry Sussman rereads pivotal moments in literary, philosophical and cultural modernity as anticipating the cybernetic discourse that has increasingly defined theory since the computer revolution. Cognitive science, psychoanalysis and systems theory are paralleled to current trends in literary and philosophical theory.Chapters alternate between theory and readings of literary texts, resulting in a broad but rigorously grounded framework for the relation between literature and computer science. This book is a refreshing perspective on the analog-orientated tradition of theory in the humanities – and offers the first literary-textual genealogy of the digital.

Aesthetics of Ugliness: A Critical Edition

by Karl Rosenkranz Andrei Pop Mechtild Widrich

In this key text in the history of art and aesthetics, Karl Rosenkranz shows ugliness to be the negation of beauty without being reducible to evil, materiality, or other negative terms used it's conventional condemnation. This insistence on the specificity of ugliness, and on its dynamic status as a process afflicting aesthetic canons, reflects Rosenkranz's interest in the metropolis - like Walter Benjamin, he wrote on Paris and Berlin - and his voracious collecting of caricature and popular prints. Rosenkranz, living and teaching, like Kant, in remote Königsberg, reflects on phenomena of modern urban life from a distance that results in critical illumination. The struggle with modernization and idealist aesthetics makes Aesthetics of Ugliness, published four years before Baudelaire's Fleurs du Mal, hugely relevant to modernist experiment as well as to the twenty-first century theoretical revival of beauty.Translated into English for the first time, Aesthetics of Ugliness is an indispensable work for scholars and students of modern aesthetics and modernist art, literary studies and cultural theory, which fundamentally reworks conceptual understandings of what it means for a thing to be ugly.

Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie (Staat – Souveränität – Nation)

by Oliver Eberl David Salomon

Der Band untersucht die Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie anhand zweier Leitfragen: Stellt Postdemokratie wirklich eine stabile Ordnung dar oder doch nur einen Zwischenzustand zu einer autoritären Überwindung der politischen Demokratie? Welche demokratischen Formen der Überwindung von Postdemokratie können zugleich als Verwirklichung sozialer Demokratie begriffen werden? Untersucht werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl Modelle, die helfen, das Postdemokratietheorem zu spezifizieren als auch die Bedeutung von Formen der Transnationalisierung für die postdemokratische Tendenz und Varianten einer sozialen Demokratie (globale soziale Rechte, Europäische Integration).

The Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy

by Oliver Leaman

Philosophy flourished in the Islamic world for many centuries, and continues to be a significant feature of cultural life today. Now available in paperback, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy covers all the major and many minor philosophers, theologians, and mystics who contributed to its development. With entries on over 300 thinkers and key concepts in Islamic philosophy, this updated landmark work also includes a timeline, glossary and detailed bibliography. It goes beyond philosophy to reference all kinds of theoretical inquiry which were often linked with philosophy, such as the Islamic sciences, grammar, theology, law, and traditions. Every major school of thought, from classical Peripatetic philosophy to Sufi mysticism, is represented, and entries range across time from the early years of the faith to the modern period.Featuring an international group of authors from South East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and North America, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy provides access to the ideas and people comprising almost 1400 years of Islamic philosophical tradition.

Die Leistungssteigerung des menschlichen Gehirns: Neuro-Enhancement im interdisziplinären Diskurs

by Nicola Erny Matthias Herrgen Jan C. Schmidt

Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes analysieren in kritischer Weise die Breite und Tiefe des Diskurses zu Neuro-Enhancement, der sich aber nicht nur durch ethische Fragen auszeichnet. Sie zeigen, dass es darüber hinaus grundlegende philosophische, anthropologische und gesellschaftstheoretische Aspekte sind, die im Steigerungsbedürfnis spätmoderner Leistungs(steigerungs)gesellschaften zu Tage treten. So scheint eine neue Wunschwelt vor der Tür zu stehen: Doping fürs Gehirn! Der rasante Fortschritt der Neurowissenschaften hat das menschliche Gehirn erreicht. Die Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung könnten bald auch das „Innerste“ des Menschen essentiell betreffen: sein Denken und Fühlen, Entscheiden und Handeln.Die Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Nicola Erny ist Professorin für Philosophie an der Hochschule Darmstadt. Dr. Matthias Herrgen lehrte am Philosophischen Seminar der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. Prof. Dr. Jan Cornelius Schmidt unterrichtet Philosophie, Ethik und Technikfolgenabschätzung an der Hochschule Darmstadt.

The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender (Bloomsbury Research Handbooks in Asian Philosophy)

by Ann A. Pang-White

Covering the historical, social, political, and cultural contexts, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender presents a comprehensive overview of the complexity of gender disparity in Chinese thought and culture.Divided into four main sections, an international group of experts in Chinese Studies write on Confucian, Daoist and Buddhist approaches to gender relations. Each section includes a general introduction, a set of authoritative articles written by leading scholars and comprehensive bibliographies, designed to provide the non-specialist with a practical and broad overview. Beginning with the Ancient and Medieval period before moving on to Modern and Contemporary approaches, specially commissioned chapters include Pre-Qin canonical texts, women in early Chinese ethics, the yin-yang gender dynamic and the Buddhist understanding of the conception of gender. Considering why the philosophy of women and gender dynamics in Chinese thought is rarely confronted, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender is a pioneering cross-disciplinary introduction to Chinese philosophy's intersection with gender studies.By bridging the fields of Chinese philosophy, religion, intellectual history, feminism, and gender studies, this cutting-edge volume fills a great need in the current literature on Chinese philosophy and provides student and scholars with an invaluable research resource to a growing field.

A Critical Introduction to Testimony

by Axel Gelfert

The epistemology of testimony is a rapidly developing area in contemporary analytic philosophy. In this first thorough survey of the recent debate on the subject, Axel Gelfert provides an in-depth introduction to what has become one of the liveliest debates in contemporary epistemology. Covering existing literature and major debates, A Critical Introduction to Testimony discusses the epistemic status of testimony-based beliefs, relates changes to relevant developments in other areas and offers a critical perspective on current and future research trends. Devoting space to both the applications of social epistemology and the larger conceptual issues of knowledge, Gelfert not only introduces the epistemology of testimony; he offers an up-to-date introduction to epistemology. Equipped with a mix of study questions, examples, and suggestions for further reading, students of contemporary epistemology will find this a reliable guide to studying testimony as a source of knowledge.

The Universal Exception (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Slavoj Žižek Rex Butler Scott Stephens

Slavoj Žižek is one of the world's foremost cultural commentators: a prolific writer and thinker, whose adventurous, unorthodox and wide-ranging writings have won him a unique place as one of the most high profile thinkers of our time. The Universal Exception brings together some of Žižek's most vivid writings on politics. Bringing together high theory, popular culture and passionate engagement with politics, Žižek here brings us startlingly new perspectives on such topics as multiculturalism, capitalism and Bill Gates, the revolutionary potential of Stalinism, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.Including a glossary of key terms, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition also includes a new preface by the author.

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