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Democratic Education: Revised Edition

by Amy Gutmann

A groundbreaking classic that lays out and defends a democratic theory of educationWho should have the authority to shape the education of citizens in a democracy? This is the central question posed by Amy Gutmann in the first book-length study of the democratic theory of education. The author tackles a wide range of issues, from the democratic case against book banning to the role of teachers' unions in education, as well as the vexed questions of public support for private schools and affirmative action in college admissions.

Democratic Education (PDF)

by Amy Gutmann

Who should have the authority to shape the education of citizens in a democracy? This is the central question posed by Amy Gutmann in the first book-length study of the democratic theory of education. The author tackles a wide range of issues, from the democratic case against book banning to the role of teachers' unions in education, as well as the vexed questions of public support for private schools and affirmative action in college admissions.

Democratisation in Taiwan: Implications for China (St Antony's Series)

by Steve Tsang

Democratization in Taiwan in the last decade raises the question whether a similar process can happen in China, and dispels the old conception that democratization is incompatible with the Chinese/Confucian tradition. This volume examines the nature of and the dynamics in the democratization of a Leninist style party-state in Taiwan and its implications for China - still governed under a Leninist system. It also assesses the process of democratic consolidation and the political, military and diplomatic reality which constrains democratization in Taiwan.

Democratization in Russia under Gorbachev, 1985–91: The Birth of a Voluntary Sector

by Anne White

Self-help organizations and charities were the most numerous, but least-studied of pressure groups to emerge during perestroika . This book examines the social exclusion experienced before 1985 by non-working citizens, studies the pre-1985 disabled people's movement and its numerous unofficial, but non-dissident organizations, discusses why the Gorbachev leadership adopted the non-Soviet concept of 'charity', analyses the failure of local authorities after 1985 to stave off pluralism and defeat the voluntary organizations, and assesses how successfully the latter built the foundations of a civil society.

Demokratie und Politik in Deutschland (Uni-Taschenbücher)

by Gert-Joachim Glaeßner

Von der oktroyierten Demokratie zur demokratischen Bürgergesellschaft - so ließe sich der Weg der Bundesrepublik beschreiben. Mit dem Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik im Jahre 1990 ist die Bundesrepublik vor die historische Aufgabe gestellt, die Integration einerTeilgesellschaft ohne demokratische Traditionen unter wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Krisenbedingungen zu vollziehen. Die politischen und institutionellen Bedingungen für Stabilität, politische Kontinuität und die Entwicklung einer demokratischen Bürgergesellschaft in der Bundesrepublik stehen im Zentrum der Betrachtung. Im Kontrast dazu werden die krisenhafte Entwicklung und gescheiterte Modernisierung des politischen Systems der DDR und der Umbruch des Jahres 1989 dargestellt. Breiten Raum nehmen die verfassungspolitischenund politisch-institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen des Vereinigungsprozesses und die politischen Verwerfungen nach der deutschen Einheit ein.

Der Fall der Mauer: Die unbeabsichtigte Selbstauflösung des SED-Staates

by Hans-Hermann Hertle

Der Fall der Berliner Mauer in der Nacht vom 9. auf den 10. November 1989 leitete das Ende der DDR ein und bildete den Ausgangspunkt für die staatliche Einheit Deutschlands. Zugleich wirkte er als Fanal für die Revolutionen in Mittel- und Osteuropa und beschleunigte den Zerfall des sowjetischen Imperiums und der Sowjetunion. War der Fall der Mauer ein Zufall? Weder die Führung der SED noch das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit hatte diese Grenzöffnung jedenfalls gewollt noch gar geplant; die Regierungen in Ost und West waren fassungslos. Eingebettet in den historischen Kontext untersucht der Autor die Ereignisse des 9. November 1989. Gestützt auf zahlreiche Interviews mit Zeitzeugen und unmittelbar Beteiligten sowie auf die Auswertung umfangreichen Dokumentenmaterials rekonstruiert der Autor den Fall der Mauer in allen Einzelheiten. Er untersucht die Entscheidungsprozesse im Partei- und Staatsapparat der DDR und entschlüsselt das Durcheinander der Einzelhandlungen am 9. November 1989. Dabei wird deutlich, daß die Mauer gegen alle Absichten und Planungen der politischen Akteure fiel. Die spannende Darstellung und der umfangreiche Dokumenten- und erweiterte Interviewteil lassen den Leser teilhaben am Fall der Mauer als einem zentralen, symbolträchtigen Ereignis deutscher Geschichte von welthistorischer Bedeutung. "(...) Mit der überzeugenden Erklärung für den Mauerfall und der Auswahl interessanter, z. T. noch nicht edierter Quellen, ist das vorliegende Buch für all diejenigen 'Pflichtlektüre', die sich mit der deutschen Geschichte befassen." Annotierte Bibliographie für die politische Bildung, 25.02.97 "(...) Hertles Studie fasziniert durch die Fülle und die Qualität seiner Quellen. Neben Akten aus den heute erreichbaren Archiven der SED, des Innenministeriums und der Staatssicherheit wertete der Autor das einschlägige Schrifttum aus, Monographien, Memoiren, Dokumentationen, Zeitungsartikel, ferner Hörfunk-

Der Jugoslawien-Krieg: Handbuch zu Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Konsequenzen

by (Kultur- und Palais Jalta

Miloševics Kriege haben während der neunziger Jahre fast alle Teile des sich auflösenden und schon zerfallenen Jugoslawien überzogen. Nach der Aufhebung der Autonomie des Kosovo und der Vojvodina war der erste Schauplatz Slowenien, es folgten Kroatien, Bosnien-Herzegowina und schließlich wiederum das Kosovo. Das im Auftrag des Frankfurter Ost-Westeuropäischen Kultur- und Studienzentrums "Palais Jalta" herausgegebene Handbuch ist Nachschlagewerk und zugleich informatives Lesebuch zu allen Aspekten der Kriege in Jugoslawien. Durch seine historisch gründlich recherchierten Kapitel über alle Völker des ehemaligen Jugoslawien deckt das Werk in enzyklopädischen Essays die lange Vorgeschichte (von der Geschichte der Völker und Staaten bis zur Gründung des ersten Jugoslawien 1918 über den Untergang im Zweiten Weltkrieg zur titoistschen Neugründung) sowie politische, religiöse und kulturelle Zusammenhänge dieser Katastrophe auf. Schließlich werden die tiefgreifenden Konsequenzen, z.B. für die Staatenwelt und das Völkerrecht, formuliert. Abgerundet wird das Handbuch durch eine Chronologie, ein Glossar und ausführliche bibliographische Anhänge. Diese Konzeption macht das Handbuch zu einem unverzichtbaren Standardwerk für alle politisch Interessierten, die eine gründliche, seriöse wie umfassende Information zu den Hintergründen des Konfliktes suchen. Das Buch ist darüber hinaus zuverlässiges Nachschlagewerk für Wissenschaftler, Studenten, Journalisten und all jene, die - in Schule, Sozialarbeit oder Rechtsprechung - mit Flüchtlingen und anderen Kriegsbetroffenen arbeiten. Die Herausgabe des Bandes durch die Frankfurter Philosophin und Publizistin Dunja Melcic wurde von einem Beirat mit Dozenten für südosteuropäische Geschichte verschiedener europäischer Hochschulen begleitet. Die Autoren sind Fachleute aus allen Ländern des ehemaligen Jugoslawien, aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz sowie den USA.

Der Umbau des Sozialstaates: Ansichten von Parteien und Wohlfahrtsverbänden zur Modernisierung des Staates

by Rainer Berger

Im Übergang zum 21. Jahrhundert wandelt sich die Gesellschaft zu einer dienstleistenden Informationsgesellschaft. Die Ökonomie sprengt mit Hilfe der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung und digitalisierten Kommunikation die Grenzen des Nationalstaates. Angesichts dessen muß sich der Staat modernisieren. Der Sozialstaat, die institutionelle Befriedung des Konflikts zwischen Kapital und Arbeit in der Industriegesellschaft, bedarf der Anpassung an die Bedingungen der Globalisierung. Allerdings ist sein "Umbau" in Gesellschaft und Politik heftig umstritten. Der Autor gibt hierzu eine theoretische Einführung und läßt über 1000 kommunale Fraktionen der Bundestagsparteien und Geschäftsführungen von vier großen Wohlfahrtsverbänden mit ihren Ansichten zur Modernisierung von Gesellschaft, Staat und Sozialstaat zu Wort kommen.

Desert Problems and Desertification in Central Asia: The Researchers of the Desert Institute

by Agajan G. Babaev

Since 1962 the Desert Institute of the former Academy of Science of the USSR has been conducting research work in the arid and semi-arid zones of central Asia. This outstanding experience in desert and desertification problems, and the possibilities of sustainable land use under difficult environmental conditions is summarized here. The book also gives an overview of the Institute's consulting work within the framework of international projects. This is the first publication allowing readers outside the Russian-speaking world to obtain concise information about the specific constraints and development possibilities of central Asian drylands.

Desert Regions: Population, Migration and Environment

by Boris A. Portnov A. Paul Hare

Despite the common understanding of the importance of desert development in the contemporary world, there are relatively few books published to date on this sub­ ject. The books and collective volumes published in this field deal primarily with environmental and physical aspects of desert development such as soil, agricul­ ture, vegetation, water resources, etc. In contrast, this book addresses the issues of regional and urban development in desert areas, which have not been given sufficient attention. The present book is socially oriented. It considers physical development of desert regions not as an end in itself, but rather as an essential precondition for creating socially attractive and desirable environments for human settlement. The book addresses the issues of desert development at three distinctive conceptual levels - region, urban envi­ ronment, and building -and deals with both cold and hot deserts. Approximately half of the chapters in this book are original contributions that have not been published elsewhere. The remaining chapters fall into two groups: 1) chapters which have been reprinted from various refereed journals, and 2) chapters initially printed elsewhere and revised by their respective authors specifi­ cally for this collective volume. In the former case, permission to reproduce the material has been obtained from the respective copyright holders, and the details of original publication and names of copyright holders are indicated in footnotes.

Designing the City: Towards a More Sustainable Urban Form

by Hildebrand Frey

Designing the City looks at current urban problems in cities and demonstrates how effective urban design can address social, economic and environmental issues as well as the physical planning at local level. The book is highly visual and illustrates the topic with a variety of sketches, line drawings, axonometrics and models. The author draws upon the valuable experience gained by the City of Glasgow and compares its solutions - successful and less successful - with projects in a variety of European countries.

Designing the City: Towards a More Sustainable Urban Form

by Hildebrand Frey

Designing the City looks at current urban problems in cities and demonstrates how effective urban design can address social, economic and environmental issues as well as the physical planning at local level. The book is highly visual and illustrates the topic with a variety of sketches, line drawings, axonometrics and models. The author draws upon the valuable experience gained by the City of Glasgow and compares its solutions - successful and less successful - with projects in a variety of European countries.

The Destruction of the Soviet Economic System: An Insider's History

by Michael Ellman Vladimir Kontorovich

The inside story of the political collpase of the Soviet Union is far better understood than the course of economic and social disintegration. In order to capture the story, the editors compiled a list of questions which they addressed to former top Soviet officials and economic and other policy advisors (both Soviet and foreign) who were privy not only to data on the functioning of the Soviet economy but also to the internal policy debate during the 1980s. This volume assembles the Informants' analyses of key issues and the turning points, and weaves them into a compelling history of systemic collapse. Among the topics investigated are: economic policies in the 1980s; the standard of living: the reliability of Soviet statistics; Gosplan's projections for the economy to the year 2000; was the arms race starving the civilian economy? the role of ideology in supporting the functioning of an economic system; the party's participating in economic management; the influence of foreign advisors; the struggle over a transition program; the functioning and collapse of the supply system, the CMEA, and the foreign trade system.

The Destruction of the Soviet Economic System: An Insider's History

by Michael Ellman Vladimir Kontorovich

The inside story of the political collpase of the Soviet Union is far better understood than the course of economic and social disintegration. In order to capture the story, the editors compiled a list of questions which they addressed to former top Soviet officials and economic and other policy advisors (both Soviet and foreign) who were privy not only to data on the functioning of the Soviet economy but also to the internal policy debate during the 1980s. This volume assembles the Informants' analyses of key issues and the turning points, and weaves them into a compelling history of systemic collapse. Among the topics investigated are: economic policies in the 1980s; the standard of living: the reliability of Soviet statistics; Gosplan's projections for the economy to the year 2000; was the arms race starving the civilian economy? the role of ideology in supporting the functioning of an economic system; the party's participating in economic management; the influence of foreign advisors; the struggle over a transition program; the functioning and collapse of the supply system, the CMEA, and the foreign trade system.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development Financing and Changes in Circumstances: The Case for Adaptation Clauses

by Bolivar Moura Rocha

First published in 1999. This study starts with the reasons underlying that apparent bias of loan agreements to which developing country borrowers were parties and then develops to look at the issue of the potential benefits of having documentation evidencing developing country indebtedness provide for contractual relief for borrowers in case of adverse changes in circumstances.

Development Financing and Changes in Circumstances: The Case for Adaptation Clauses

by Bolivar Moura Rocha

First published in 1999. This study starts with the reasons underlying that apparent bias of loan agreements to which developing country borrowers were parties and then develops to look at the issue of the potential benefits of having documentation evidencing developing country indebtedness provide for contractual relief for borrowers in case of adverse changes in circumstances.

The Development of Equity Capital Markets in Transition Economies: Privatisation and Shareholder Rights (Contributions to Economics)

by Dirk Willer

This book addresses two different but related topics that can arise during the development of equity capital markets and which could possibly hinder their development: partial privatisation and shareholder rights. Both issues are developed in the context of transition economies in general and Russia in particular. Chapter 2 puts forward a theory of partial privatisation, i. e. a model that aims to explain why the state keeps some residual shares. Several recent surveys for Russia have shown that the state does often not actively use the voting rights of its residual shares. If this was true, partial privati­ sation could entrench management and hinder restructuring. It would also limit the supply of shares, which could lead to low liquidity. This would be likely to slow down the development of the equity capital market. However, the model in chapter 2 shows that it can be rational to hold back shares from sale in order to maximise privatisation receipts. Another issue which holds back the development of this market is the fact that shareholder rights can­ not be guaranteed by the state due to weak institutions. Chapter 3 contains an empirical examination of which firms honour shareholder rights and also provides a direct link between this problem and partial privatisation. Maybe surprisingly, some weak evidence is presented that shows that the residual state holding does not exert a negative influence with respect to the introduc­ tion of shareholder rights, but might even be a weak positive force.

The Development of Secularism in Turkey

by Niyazi Berkes

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Development of Secularism in Turkey

by Niyazi Berkes

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Developments in the European Union (Developments in Politics)

Developments in the European Union brings together specially-commissioned chapters by leading authorities, rigorously edited into an accessible student text to provide an up-to-date introduction to the EU after ratification of the Amsterdam Treaty. The book ranges broadly over policy areas and provides extensive coverage of the economic, social and legal dimensions of the EU and its changing composition and place in the world.

Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy

by R. Albritton

Robert Albritton offers the most authoritative reassessment of Marxist political economy since Althusser. Original reinterpretations of thinkers including Hegel, Weber, Althusser, Derrida and Adorno cast new light on heated battles between Hegelian dialectics and deconstructivist criticism. The book makes accessible the sometimes daunting thought associated with both dialectics and deconstruction drawing upon insights from philosophy, sociology, political science and critical theory. Finding a non-essentialist way of using the immense cognitive power of dialectics - accepting a limited deconstruction but challenging further deconstructionist directions - represents a major breakthrough for political economy.

Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the GDR

by Konrad H. Jarausch

A decade after the collapse of communism, this volume presents a historical reflection on the perplexing nature of the East German dictatorship. In contrast to most political rhetoric, it seeks to establish a middle ground between totalitarianism theory, stressing the repressive features of the SED-regime, and apologetics of the socialist experiment, emphasizing the normality of daily lives. The book transcends the polarization of public debate by stressing the tensions and contradictions within the East German system that combined both aspects by using dictatorial means to achieve its emancipatory aims. By analyzing a range of political, social, cultural, and chronological topics, the contributors sketch a differentiated picture of the GDR which emphasizes both its repressive and its welfare features. The sixteen original essays, especially written for this volume by historians from both east and west Germany, represent the cutting edge of current research and suggest new theoretical perspectives. They explore political, social, and cultural mechanisms of control as well as analyze their limits and discuss the mixture of dynamism and stagnation that was typical of the GDR.

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