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Showing 15,601 through 15,625 of 100,000 results

The Destruction of the Soviet Economic System: An Insider's History

by Michael Ellman Vladimir Kontorovich

The inside story of the political collpase of the Soviet Union is far better understood than the course of economic and social disintegration. In order to capture the story, the editors compiled a list of questions which they addressed to former top Soviet officials and economic and other policy advisors (both Soviet and foreign) who were privy not only to data on the functioning of the Soviet economy but also to the internal policy debate during the 1980s. This volume assembles the Informants' analyses of key issues and the turning points, and weaves them into a compelling history of systemic collapse. Among the topics investigated are: economic policies in the 1980s; the standard of living: the reliability of Soviet statistics; Gosplan's projections for the economy to the year 2000; was the arms race starving the civilian economy? the role of ideology in supporting the functioning of an economic system; the party's participating in economic management; the influence of foreign advisors; the struggle over a transition program; the functioning and collapse of the supply system, the CMEA, and the foreign trade system.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies

by Christian Lund

This collection of essays hand explores a major undercurrent of the debate on rights, namely the question of universalism and cultural relativism. It also explores how rights are claimed and contested, vindicated and politicized and, in different ways, transform social practice.

Development Financing and Changes in Circumstances: The Case for Adaptation Clauses

by Bolivar Moura Rocha

First published in 1999. This study starts with the reasons underlying that apparent bias of loan agreements to which developing country borrowers were parties and then develops to look at the issue of the potential benefits of having documentation evidencing developing country indebtedness provide for contractual relief for borrowers in case of adverse changes in circumstances.

Development Financing and Changes in Circumstances: The Case for Adaptation Clauses

by Bolivar Moura Rocha

First published in 1999. This study starts with the reasons underlying that apparent bias of loan agreements to which developing country borrowers were parties and then develops to look at the issue of the potential benefits of having documentation evidencing developing country indebtedness provide for contractual relief for borrowers in case of adverse changes in circumstances.

The Development of Equity Capital Markets in Transition Economies: Privatisation and Shareholder Rights (Contributions to Economics)

by Dirk Willer

This book addresses two different but related topics that can arise during the development of equity capital markets and which could possibly hinder their development: partial privatisation and shareholder rights. Both issues are developed in the context of transition economies in general and Russia in particular. Chapter 2 puts forward a theory of partial privatisation, i. e. a model that aims to explain why the state keeps some residual shares. Several recent surveys for Russia have shown that the state does often not actively use the voting rights of its residual shares. If this was true, partial privati­ sation could entrench management and hinder restructuring. It would also limit the supply of shares, which could lead to low liquidity. This would be likely to slow down the development of the equity capital market. However, the model in chapter 2 shows that it can be rational to hold back shares from sale in order to maximise privatisation receipts. Another issue which holds back the development of this market is the fact that shareholder rights can­ not be guaranteed by the state due to weak institutions. Chapter 3 contains an empirical examination of which firms honour shareholder rights and also provides a direct link between this problem and partial privatisation. Maybe surprisingly, some weak evidence is presented that shows that the residual state holding does not exert a negative influence with respect to the introduc­ tion of shareholder rights, but might even be a weak positive force.

The Development of Secularism in Turkey

by Niyazi Berkes

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Development of Secularism in Turkey

by Niyazi Berkes

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Developments in the European Union (Developments in Politics)

Developments in the European Union brings together specially-commissioned chapters by leading authorities, rigorously edited into an accessible student text to provide an up-to-date introduction to the EU after ratification of the Amsterdam Treaty. The book ranges broadly over policy areas and provides extensive coverage of the economic, social and legal dimensions of the EU and its changing composition and place in the world.

Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy

by R. Albritton

Robert Albritton offers the most authoritative reassessment of Marxist political economy since Althusser. Original reinterpretations of thinkers including Hegel, Weber, Althusser, Derrida and Adorno cast new light on heated battles between Hegelian dialectics and deconstructivist criticism. The book makes accessible the sometimes daunting thought associated with both dialectics and deconstruction drawing upon insights from philosophy, sociology, political science and critical theory. Finding a non-essentialist way of using the immense cognitive power of dialectics - accepting a limited deconstruction but challenging further deconstructionist directions - represents a major breakthrough for political economy.

Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the GDR

by Konrad H. Jarausch

A decade after the collapse of communism, this volume presents a historical reflection on the perplexing nature of the East German dictatorship. In contrast to most political rhetoric, it seeks to establish a middle ground between totalitarianism theory, stressing the repressive features of the SED-regime, and apologetics of the socialist experiment, emphasizing the normality of daily lives. The book transcends the polarization of public debate by stressing the tensions and contradictions within the East German system that combined both aspects by using dictatorial means to achieve its emancipatory aims. By analyzing a range of political, social, cultural, and chronological topics, the contributors sketch a differentiated picture of the GDR which emphasizes both its repressive and its welfare features. The sixteen original essays, especially written for this volume by historians from both east and west Germany, represent the cutting edge of current research and suggest new theoretical perspectives. They explore political, social, and cultural mechanisms of control as well as analyze their limits and discuss the mixture of dynamism and stagnation that was typical of the GDR.

Dictionary of Contemporary France (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Richard Aplin Joseph Montchamp

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dictionary of Contemporary France (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Richard Aplin Joseph Montchamp

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dictionary of Contemporary Germany (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Tristam Carrington-Windo Katrin Kohl

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dictionary of Contemporary Germany (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Tristam Carrington-Windo Katrin Kohl

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dictionary of Contemporary Spain (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Sandra Truscott Maria Garcia

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dictionary of Contemporary Spain (Contemporary Country Dictionaries)

by Sandra Truscott Maria Garcia

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Die europäische Union: Ein Kompendium aus deutscher Sicht

by Rudolf Strohmeier

Die Skepsis gegenüber der europäischen Integration speist sich aus unterschiedlichen Quellen. Neben manchem Mißverständnis hat diese Haltung häufig eine simple Ursache: die Unkenntnis der Fakten. Die Autoren dieses Bandes haben sich deshalb die Aufgabe gestellt, wichtige Themen der europäischen Integration vor deutschen Hintergrund darzustellen, um so vor allem dem bundesdeutschen Publikum leichteren Zugang zu den damit verbundenen Problemen zu ermöglichen. Anläßlich der Einführung des EURO zum Jahresbeginn 1999, der Diskussion um die Agenda 2000 und des kollektiven Rücktritts der EU-Kommission am frühen Morgen des 16. März 1999 hat sich innerhalb eines kurzen Zeitraumes dreimal eine gesamteuropäische Öffentlichkeit zu EU-Fragen gebildet. Insofern ist eines der vom Bundesverfassungsgericht in seinem Maastricht-Urteil konstatierten Defizite der EU - wenigstens zeitweise - behoben worden. Vor diesem Hintergrund erschien es angebracht, zum Zeitpunkt der 99er-Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament die 1. Auflage zu aktualisieren. Das Konzept, Themenkapitel zu bilden und sich an eine breite Öffentlichkeit zu wenden, wurde deshalb beibehalten.

Die Europäische Union als Akteur der internationalen Handelspolitik: Die Textilverhandlungen der GATT-Uruguay-Runde

by Philip Schöppenthau

Am Beispiel der Textilverhandlungen der GATT-Uruguay-Runde (1986-1994) und des Wandels des Welttextilregimes veranschaulicht der Autor die handelspolitische Entscheidungsfindung der Europäischen Union.

Die Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher Park: Eine Studie zur Steuerungsproblematik komplexer Erneuerungsprozesse in einer alten Industrieregion

by Heiderose Kilper

Die IBA Emscher Park gilt als ambitioniertes Modell zur Erneuerung einer alten Industrieregion. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit den Prinzipien des IBA-Steuerungsmodells und dessen Implementation bis zur IBA-Zwischenpräsentation (1994/95). Sie ist die erste Monographie, die auf der Basis empirischer Untersuchungen der Frage nachgeht, wie es gelingen kann, Innovation in einem nicht-innovativen Milieu zu erzeugen, welche Widersprüche dabei entstehen und welche Grenzen sich zeigen.

Die öffentliche Begründung politischen Handelns: Zur Argumentationsrationalität in der politischen Massenkommunikation

by Christoph Kuhlmann

Wie begründet Politik ihr Handeln vor der Öffentlichkeit, und wie gehen die Massenmedien mit diesen Begründungen um? Ausgehend von Überlegungen zur Rationalität öffentlicher politischer Argumentation entwickelt der Autor ein inhaltsanalytisches Instrument zur empirischen Klärung dieser Forschungsfrage. Anhand von über 10.000 codierten Aussagen aus den Pressemitteilungen der Bonner Ministerien und Fraktionen sowie einer parallel erhobenen Stichprobe aus Fernsehen, Hörfunk und Tageszeitungen wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Chancen politische Argumentationsbemühungen im massenmedialen Filter haben.

Die politische Gesellschaft: Kontingenz und Dezision als Probleme des Regierens und der Demokratie (Studien zur politischen Gesellschaft #2)

by Michael Th. Greven

In der politischen Gesellschaft ist die Politik entgrenzt. Daraus ergibt sich die Ambivalenz von Demokratie und Totalitarismus dieses Jahrhunderts.

Die Praxis in der Präsentation: Ein sequenzanalytisches Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Bundestagsreden (Sozialwissenschaft)

by Timo Borst

Timo Borst entwickelt ein systematisches Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Reden des Deutschen Bundestages, das die Debatte als präsentierten wie auch als praktizierten Modus der Entscheidungsfindung versteht.

Dimensions of Japanese Society: Gender, Margins and Mainstream

by K. Henshall

Japan remains one of the most intriguing yet least understood nations. In a much needed, balanced and comprehensive analysis, among other remarkable revelations, this book presents for the first time a vital key to understanding the organisation of Japan's society and the behaviour of its people. The Japanese are not driven by a universal morality based on Good and Evil, but by broad aesthetic concepts based on Pure and Impure. What they include as 'impure' will surprise many readers.

Directions in Person-Environment Research and Practice (Routledge Revivals)

by Jack Nasar Wolfgang F. E. Preiser

First published in 1999, this book presents a fresh and diverse set of perspectives representing key directions of research and practice in the field of environmental design research. Leading researchers in various areas of person-environment research, such as privacy, children’s environment, post-occupancy evaluation, environmental cognition, environmental aesthetics, crime prevention, housing and environmental protection and environmental design present what they consider their best work. The book argues for the value of a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving and outlines many important directions for methods, research and practice.

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Showing 15,601 through 15,625 of 100,000 results