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Showing 15,701 through 15,725 of 100,000 results

Economic Transition in Hungary and East Germany: Gradualism, Shock Therapy and Catch-Up Development (Studies in Economic Transition)

by J. Stephan

What factors determine the success of economic transition, development and growth? Examining the contrast between East German shock-therapy and Hungary's gradualism, the book generates a set of generalisable conditions for economic development which imply some degree of state intervention and strategy. A stability-oriented incomes policy and a carefully managed integration strategy can enable sustainable export surpluses, a competitive currency and macroeconomic stability, whilst providing sufficient room for economic restructuring, structural transformation and technological catch-up. The dangers of premature integration are examined.

Making Common Cause: German-Soviet Secret Relations, 1919–22

by V. Vourkoutiotis

Using German and previously closed or underutilized Soviet archives, this work brings to date the historiography of one of the most important aspects of twentieth-century international relations: the steps by which Germany and Soviet Russia would find common ground and establish a relationship whose impact would be felt throughout World War II.

Environment and Security: Discourses and Practices (International Political Economy Series)

by M. Lowi B. Shaw

This book is based on a conference addressing the relationship between the environment and security in the post-Cold War world. It brings together scholars and practitioners from a variety of different disciplines and perspectives in an effort to both explore the complexities of the relationship between environmental variables and security conditions, and re-focus the debate within the environmental community. The book combines analytical frameworks and case study material with proposals for addressing environmental challenges and enhancing the security and welfare of peoples, states and regions.

The European Union and Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics)

by P. Lewis Z. Mansfeldová

This book examines the influence of the EU on party politics in the ten 'new' EU countries from a variety of perspectives and using a range of empirical sources. The book thus makes an original and distinctive contribution both to contemporary EU studies and to the literature on CE party systems and party development.

Eisenhower, Macmillan and Allied Unity, 1957–1961

by E. Geelhoed A. Edmonds

Between 1957-1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harold Macmillan restored the 'Special Relationship' between the United States and Great Britain after the Suez Crisis of 1956 threatened to divide these longtime allies. Their diplomatic partnership, designed to keep the peace during one of the most difficult periods of the Cold War, was based on their personal friendship, the system of bilateral consultations which they established, and the program of defence co-operation which they instituted. In this fascinating study, Geelhoed and Edmonds explore the most important diplomatic partnership of the 1950s.

Leadership Accountability in a Globalizing World

by C. Williams

Leadership accountability - for violence, corruption and environmental harm - is a new aspect of globalization and civil society. This innovative forward-looking analysis explains how 'cumulative lock-in' fuels leadership deceit. The lessons are for those learning to be, or learning to question, leaders.

Conservatism in Crisis?: Anglo-American Conservative Ideology After the Cold War

by B. Pilbeam

Conservatism in Crisis? examines the distinctive features of British and American conservative writings on government and society in the post-Cold War era. Despite Conservative's victories over their socialist opponents, this has not led to the uncontested dominance of their ideas. By looking at the challenges Conservatives face from such present day opponents as multiculturalists and environmentalists, Bruce Pilbeam examines the possibility that conservatism is exhausted as an ideology of contemporary relevance.

Justice, Democracy and Reasonable Agreement

by C. Farrelly

Farrelly argues against the principled paradigm of ideal theory and champions instead a virtue-oriented theory of justice entitled 'civic liberalism'. He critically assesses the main contemporary theories of justice and tackles a number of applied topics, ranging from constitutional design and free speech to welfare reform and economic incentives.

The UNSCOM Saga: Chemical and Biological Weapons Non-Proliferation (Global Issues)

by Graham S. Pearson

This authoritative account details the doggedly persistent work of the UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission) on Iraq which has during the past eight years, in the face of continued Iraqi deception, gradually uncovered more and more of the scope of the Iraqi chemical and biological weapons programmes and established an ongoing monitoring and verification regime. Vital lessons are drawn for international security and for the strengthening of the non-proliferation regimes for both chemical and biological weapons.

Rhetoric and Violence in Northern Ireland, 1968-98: Hardened to Death

by P. Grant

During the Northern Irish Troubles of the past thirty years, a war of words has accompanied and interpenetrated with the actual conduct of violence in highly complex ways. This book considers how literature of the period engages and participates in this war of words. It draws on a range of contemporary authors and on a variety of printed sources, including journalists' reports, political speeches, interviews, memoirs, pamphlets and autobiography. The book places the Northern Ireland conflict within a broad European debate about the legitimate use of force, and provides an original analysis of the inter-relationship between language, literature and violence.

A Spatial Approach to Regionalisms in the Global Economy (International Political Economy Series)

by M. Niemann

The author challenges the traditional manner in which regionalization has been approached and suggests that the failure to come to grips with this phenomenon is the result of the modernist regulation of space to margins of analysis. He advances instead a spatially orientated approach which views states as one of multiple layers of a global social space. Regionalization represents the construction of new layers in an effort to search for an institutional fix to the challenges of globalization.

Sanctions as Economic Statecraft: Theory and Practice (International Political Economy Series)

by S. Chan A. Drury

This book approaches economic sanctions as a form of statecraft in order to better study the oft used but not well understood policy. The chapters study a variety of historical and current cases involving the use of economic threats and promises. Their authors come from both academic and policy making fields, as well as different disciplinary backgrounds (political science and economics). They apply different research approaches (case studies, statistical analysis, formal economics) to increase our understanding of the sanction puzzle.

Leadership in the Trenches: Officer-Man Relations, Morale and Discipline in the British Army in the Era of the First World War (Studies in Military and Strategic History)

by G. Sheffield

Why, despite the appalling conditions in the trenches of the Western Front, was the British army almost untouched by major mutiny during the First World War? Drawing upon an extensive range of sources, including much previously unpublished archival material, G. D. Sheffield seeks to answer this question by examining a crucial but previously neglected factor in the maintenance of the British army's morale in the First World War: the relationship between the regimental officer and the ordinary soldier.

Language Policy and Language Planning: From Nationalism to Globalisation

by S. Wright

A comprehensive advanced textbook, covering not only language learning imposed by economic or political agendas but also language choices entered into freely for reasons of social mobility, economic advantage or group identity. The first part of the book reviews the development and role of standard languages in the construction of national communities and identities. The second part examines the linguistic accommodation of groups in contact, major lingua francas and the case of 'International English'. The third section explores reactions to nationalism and globalization, with some attention to language rights. The book further deals with methodological problems of working in this interdisciplinary area, and provides detailed illustrations from a range of countries and communities.

The Culmination of Capital: Essays on Volume III of Marx’s Capital

by M. Campbell G. Reuten

In this collection, four philosophers and four economists consider the Third Volume of Marx's Capital. The essays take up each of the major themes of Volume III - competition, for formation and development of the general rate of profit, the credit system and finance capital, rent, the Trinity formula and the concept of class - and consider them in the light of the two previous volumes. The authors share a focus on the concept of social form in Marx's work and on the method of his argument. The collection is intended both for specialists in Marxian theory and for students of the history of economic thought and of methodology.

The Spanish Economy in the New Europe

by C. Martìn

This book assesses how EU economies have fared in their project of economic and monetary union. Drawing on an entirely new data bank for all fifteen member countries, it takes the Spanish economy as a point of departure to compare their gains and losses. It also considers the implications for the welfare state, enlargement towards Eastern Europe and the political integration of Europe. Combining rigorous analysis and clarity of style, the book is of value to both specialists and the general reader.

Agricultural Policies in Europe and the USA: Farmers Between Subsidies and the Market

by A. Piccinini M. Loseby

The book describes the context within which the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union has been established, the basic mechanisms of the policy for the main sectors of agricultural production and their adaptation over time in line with changes in the broader world economy; the changes in Eastern Europe, the problems of developing countries and the GATT-WTO Agreement in particular. An introduction by Franz Fischler, European Commissioner with responsibility for Agriculture, sets the scene for Community policy beyond 2000.

Nietzsche’s Economy: Modernity, Normativity and Futurity

by P. Sedgwick

This book proposes that Nietzsche should be viewed as an economic thinker to rank alongside Marx. Peter Sedgwick shows how Nietzsche views economy as the basic condition under which the 'human animal' developed. Economy, Nietzsche argues, endowed us with futurity, and is a defining aspect of human behaviour.

The Cultural Construction of International Relations: The Invention of the State of Nature

by B. Jahn

The discipline of international relations deals with the problem of culture by defining world politics as a state of nature, yet it ignores the fact that the concept of the state is itself a cultural product. This book uncovers the history of this idea, revealing its origins in the European conquest of America, its crucial role in the emergence of the Enlightenment world view, and its continuing negative consequences for our attempts to understand world politics.

Nationalist Politics in Europe: The Constitutional and Electoral Dimensions

by J. Kellas

Nationalism in Europe is often studied in historical, sociological and philosophical ways. The constitutional and electoral dimensions have been comparatively neglected, yet these are very necessary to an understanding of what nationalism means in contemporary Europe. Focusing on electoral support for nationalist parties and for nationalist demands, James G. Kellas provides a detailed and up-to-date survey of nationalist politics in practice.

Politics in the Russian Regions (Studies in Central and Eastern Europe)

by G. Gill

This volume analyzes the changing power relations in the Russian regions and in their relationship with the centre. It considers Russian federalism and the changes that Putin has introduced, and the distribution of power at the regional level. The result is a rich survey of the state of federal relations in Russia.

Planning Japan’s Economic Future

by K. Sheridan

In 2004 the Japanese economy was in a gravely depressed state, with little growth for nearly a decade. However, it would be wrong to call this period 'the lost decade' as many do. A better approach is to examine how a dynamic society, progressive in ways different from those which only generate growth in the GNP, has been built. This new economy pursues a new objective through new approaches, pursuing quality of life rather than raising the material standards of living.

Awaiting Apocalypse

by P. Corcoran

The current obsession with the 'end of the millennium' illustrates the enduring power of the idea of endings. This fascination cannot be simply dismissed as faulty logic, a form of madness, or a primitive survival of childish thinking. Opening a path of understanding between ancient conceptions of meaning and the sceptical predicates of modern science, Awaiting Apocalypse shows how ordinary and extraordinary endings are inherent in the narrative structure of human experience and the sedimentation of that experience as historical meaning.

Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99

by E. O'Ballance

Sudan, the largest country in Africa, became independent in 1956, to find it had a foot in both the Arab Muslim and the Black African camps. Almost immediately a sixteen year civil war began, ending with autonomy for the South, which devolved into chaos. A second southern revolution broke out in 1983 when the government introduced the Sharia law, which is still in progress, the impasse halted only by an uneasy cease-fire. Central governments have been mainly military dictatorships, plagued by plots, quarrels with adjacent countries, and involvement in international terrorism.

Collaborative Development in Northeast Asia

by M. Morishima

In Collaborative Development in Northeast Asia , Michio Morishima is concerned with an imaginary world as Joseph A. Schumpter was in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy . Unlike his model, Morishima's explicitly assumes that both 'politicians' and 'entrepreneurs' are active in making innovations in the political and business worlds respectively. Only then would an Asian Community made up of China, Japan, two Koreas and Taiwan be possible. He examines how the Community would work and argues that it is the only hope for Asia's revival.

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