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Showing 15,826 through 15,850 of 100,000 results

How Communities Build Stronger Schools: Stories, Strategies, and Promising Practices for Educating Every Child

by A. Dodd J. Konzal

If it takes a village to raise a child, Anne Wescott Dodd and Jean L. Konzal feel that it takes a community to make a school. Not content with the idea of a school being contained within four walls and existing only for a few hours every day, Dodd and Konzal know that a school which looks after the complete child exists far beyond its four walls and for the whole 24 hours in each day. They present a radical democratic vision of the public school where everyone not just students, teachers and parents plays a part in shaping our children and, consequently, our future.

When Was Latin America Modern? (Studies of the Americas)

by N. Miller S. Hart

Stemming from an interdisciplinary convention in 2005 at the Institute for the Studies of the Americas in London, this collection has a strong thematic integrity, but also illustrates the dramatic variety of approaches to the question of modernity. This volume fills the gaps in prior literature on Latin America's experience of modernity.

Pragmatic Liberalism: Constructing a Civil Society

by A. Hunter C. Milofsky

This book analyzes the problems of U.S. politics and public policy and proposes a solution rooted in a deep American consensus that often goes unrecognized. The authors critique three dominant ideological perspectives - conservative, radical, and liberal - and propose a fourth eclectic 'outcomes' perspective rooted in American pragmatism.

Reconfiguring Institutions Across Time and Space: Syncretic Responses to Challenges of Political and Economic Transformation (Political Evolution and Institutional Change)

by D. Galvan R. Sil

This book examines how novel institutional forms emerge when actors creatively reinterpret and reconfigure imported or imposed institutional models, using case studies from East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

The Unipolar World: An Unbalanced Future

by T. Mowle D. Sacko

This is the first book-length treatment of international politics in a unipolar world that adopts a structural realist perspective. It applies Waltz's microeconomic analogy to a market with a price leader. It concludes that unipolarity is sustainable as long as the unipole distributes rewards to other states.

Gender and Educational Philanthropy: New Perspectives on Funding, Collaboration, and Assessment

by A. Ginsberg M. Gasman

This book explores the complex questions facing funding agencies and foundations as they grapple to understand and define gender equity in education. It covers different approaches funders use to define gender equity, target limited resources, and create collaborative relationships that will ultimately make schools equitable and engaging for all.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Conflict Resolution to Conflict Management

by Y. Bar-Siman-Tov

This book focuses on the September 2000 confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians, examining the characteristics of a confrontation that developed into a protracted low-intensity conflict. Topics addressed include the strategies adopted by both sides, the reasons for the failure of moderation, and the phenomenon of unilateral disengagement.

Civic Life in the Information Age: Politics, Technology, And Generation X

by S. Sanford

Defying the general belief that American citizenship is in decline, Sanford claims that Generation X is actually taking positions of civic leadership and authority as Baby Boomers retire. By exploring traditional instruments of social capital, civic culture and political science, she attempts to make us understand this maligned generation better.

Identity and Change in East Asian Conflicts: The Cases of China, Taiwan, and the Koreas

by S. Horowitz U. Heo A. Tan

This book examines the changing national identities that are transforming East Asia - pushing China and Taiwan apart and toward a showdown, while propping up a weakened North Korea. Accomplished contributors analyze the dynamics and the U.S.'s policy response.

Challenges and Paths to Global Justice

by H. Friman

This volume draws on insights from a diverse group of scholars and practitioners on issues of justice and law and integration, identity and economic development, cultures and community building, and power and peace. The authors reveal the complexity of global justice as a contested ideal.

Japanese Strategic Thought toward Asia (Strategic Thought in Northeast Asia)

by G. Rozman K. Togo J. Ferguson

Japanese leaders and often the media too have substituted symbols for strategy in dealing with Asia. This comprehensive review of four periods over twenty years exposes the strategic gap in viewing individually and collectively China, Taiwan, the Korean peninsula, Russia, Central Asia, and regionalism.

Race, Performance, and Approval of Mayors

by S. Howell

Please note this is a 'Palgrave to Order' title (PTO). Stock of this book requires shipment from an overseas supplier. It will be delivered to you within 12 weeks. This book is a study of why people approve and disapprove of the mayor in four cities with long histories of racial conflict: New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago and Charlotte NC. It examines the relative influence of race, racial factors, racial environment, and perceptions of the quality of life in determining mayoral approval.

Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics

by M. Moaddel

Addressing values and politics in the Muslim world, this pioneering volume examines attitudes towards democracy and politics, self-expression and traditional values, convergence and divergence of values between the elite and the publics of Islamic and European countries.

Cities in Contemporary Africa

by M. Murray G. Myers

This book explains how and why cities on the African continent have grown at such a rapid pace, how municipal authorities have tried to cope with this massive influx of people, and how long-time urban residents and newcomers interact, negotiate, and struggle over access to limited resources.

Regime Hegemony in Museveni’s Uganda: Pax Musevenica

by J. Rubongoya

This is a study of the struggle for the restoration of legitimate power in Uganda following the 1986 National Resistance Army/Movement (NRA/M) liberation battle led by President Yoweri Museveni. It addresses the empirical consequences of legitimacy on power relations and how this affects democratization and economic progress.

HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia: Volume I

by J. Twigg

Russia and a few other Eurasian countries have been home to the fastest growing epidemics of HIV in the world over the last several years. This volume offers country-specific accounts, authored by the leading players in the analysis of the situation and the fight against the virus.

HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia, Volume II

by J. Twigg

Russia and a few other Eurasian countries have been home to the fastest growing epidemics of HIV in the world over the last several years. This volume offers country-specific accounts, authored by the leading players in the analysis of the situation and the fight against the virus.

The Psychopolitics of Liberation: Political Consciousness From a Jungian Perspective

by L. Alschuler

Explaining changes in the political consciousness of the oppressed using the ideas of Paulo Freire, Albert Memmi, and Jungian psychology, this original book explores how psychological bonds of oppression are broken and offers a psychopolitical theory for the analysis of the autobiographies of four Native people in Guatemala and Canada.

Kingship and Colonialism in India’s Deccan 1850–1948

by B. Cohen

Rejecting simplified notions of 'civilizational clashes', this book argues for a new perspective on Hindu, Muslim, and colonial power relations in India. Using archival sources from London, Delhi, and Hyderabad, the book makes use of interviews, private family records and princely-colonial records uncovered outside of the archival repositories.

The Regime Change of Kwame Nkrumah: Epic Heroism in Africa and the Diaspora

by A. Rahman

This book tells the story of Kwame Nkrumah, the first post-colonial president of an independent African country. The book utilizes previously unpublished and recently declassified IS State Department documents to give an analysis and a chronology of Nkrumah's fall. The book is written for a general audience and for academic historians and students.

The Political Culture of Leadership in the United Arab Emirates

by A. Rugh

The book describes the impact of cultural perceptions on rulers' behaviors in the United Arab Emirates, once the Trucial States. Despite differences in size, economic resources, and external political pressures, the seven emirates' rulers utilized very similar cultural expectations to gain the support of others.

Women, Universities, and Change: Gender Equality in the European Union and the United States (Issues in Higher Education)

by M. Sagaria

This volume analyzes how higher education responses to sociopolitical and economic influences affect gender equality at the nation-state and university levels in the European Union and the United States.

Knowledge Society vs. Knowledge Economy: Knowledge, Power, and Politics (Issues in Higher Education)

by S. Sörlin H. Vessuri

A new collection in the IAU Issues in Higher Education Series that deals with the major tensions between education and science. Drawing on experiences from a range of countries and regions, the book demonstrates the need to find new avenues for the management of knowledge production to ensure that it can meet increasingly global goals and demands.

The Uses of Institutions: The U.S., Japan, and Governance in East Asia

by G. Ikenberry T. Inoguchi

This book explores the ways that institutions play a role - or fail to - in Japanese and American approaches to regional governance in East Asia. It uses recent studies on the logic and dynamics of institutions to determine the logic of order within the East Asia region. The central focus is on bilateral and multilateral regional institutions.

Globalization and Uncertainty in Latin America

by F. López-Alves D Johnson

This balanced and innovative collection uses different methodologies to approach the common theme of a region transformed in recent years by neoliberalism. Most of the contributors suggest that Latin America is experiencing rapid and unexpected change: its future looks much different than ever predicted, with high levels of uncertainty resulting in counterintuitive and, at times, innovative political outcomes.

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