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Russlands Außenpolitik unter Putin 2000–2018: Welchen Einfluss haben russische Think Tanks auf die auswärtige Politikgestaltung des Kremls? (Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen)

by Felix Riefer

Felix Riefer untersucht in diesem Buch russische Denkfabriken, die am wahrscheinlichsten an der auswärtigen Politikgestaltung des Kremls beteiligt sind. Die einzelnen politisch-analytischen Forschungsinstitute und ihre jeweiligen Akteure werden in Fallstudien entlang der Machtvertikale in einem explorativen, qualitativ-induktiven Ansatz für den Zeitraum 2000–2018 analysiert. Die Bereiche der Außenpolitik sind in Russland Präsidialpolitik und werden entsprechend aus der Präsidialadministration bestimmt. Doch auch im Kreml wird vernommen, dass ohne eine moderne forschungsbasierte Analyse-Infrastruktur in der globalisierten, immer komplexeren Welt sich keine Politik mehr gestalten lässt. Moderne Staaten sind heute auf die Analyse-, Beratung-, aber auch Makler-, Advokaten- und Lobbytätigkeiten der Denkfabriken angewiesen. Welche Ideen werden dort produziert? Und was noch viel wichtiger ist: welchen Einfluss haben sie auf die Gestaltung der Politik des Kremls? Der Autor Felix Riefer ist Politikwissenschaftler und beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit Russland, dem postsowjetischen Raum und russlanddeutschen (Spät-)Aussiedlern. Er promovierte am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik und Außenpolitik der Universität zu Köln.

A Bed For The Night: Humanitarianism in an Age of Genocide (A\vintage Original Ser.)

by David Rieff

Timely and controversial, A Bed for the Night reveals how humanitarian organizations trying to bring relief in an ever more violent and dangerous world are often betrayed and misused, and have increasingly lost sight of their purpose. Drawing on first-hand reporting from hot war zones around the world - Bosnia, Rwanda, Congo, Kosovo, Sudan and, most recently, Afghanistan - David Rieff shows us what humanitarian aid workers do in the field and the growing gap between their noble ambitions and their actual capabilities for alleviating suffering. Tracing the origins of major humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, and CARE, he describes how many of them have moved from their founding principle of neutrality, which gave them access to victims, to encouraging the international community to take action to stop civil wars and ethnic cleansing. Rieff demonstrates how this advocacy has come at a high price. By overreaching, the humanitarian movement has allowed itself to be hijacked by the major powers, sometimes to become a fig leaf for actions that major powers take in their own national interests, as in Afghanistan, sometimes for their inaction, as in Bosnia and Rwanda. With the exception of cases of genocide, where the moral imperative to act overrides all other considerations, Rieff contends that if humanitarian organisations are to continue doing what they do best - alleviating suffering - they must remain independent.

Promoting Religious Freedom in an Age of Intolerance (Elgar Studies in Human Rights)

by Barbara A. Rieffer-Flanagan

In an age of intolerance where religious persecution is widespread, Barbara Ann Rieffer-Flanagan explores how societies can promote freedom of religion or belief as a fundamental right of citizensExamining the extent of religious persecution throughout the world, this cutting-edge book explores mechanisms to address religious intolerance and develop religious freedom, outlining the necessary factors to measure progress on the protection of this fundamental human right. Chapters explore how freedom of religion or belief can be institutionalized in dispositions, laws, and policies through efforts which limit negative depictions of the religious (or non-religious) Other in public discourse. Rieffer-Flanagan demonstrates how reforms that enhance the ability of civil society actors to operate can also promote freedom of religion or belief, and how states and IGOs can support these efforts. Ultimately, this innovative book proves that reforms must be continually nurtured for freedom of religion or belief to exist in society.With interview-based research and a diverse range of regional case studies, this will be a vital resource for students and scholars of philosophy, religion, human rights law and political science. Considering the role of leaders in the promotion of religious tolerance, the book will also prove invaluable to policymakers concerned with human rights and freedom of religion or belief.

Die Institutionalisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates

by Elmar Rieger

Die Institutionalisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates

Einwanderung und Gerechtigkeit: Mitgliedschaftspolitik auf dem Prüfstand amerikanischer Gerechtigkeitstheorien der Gegenwart (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft #199)

by Günter Rieger

Einwanderungs-, Staatsbürgerschafts- und Multikulturalismuspolitik sind in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Gegenstand einer ebenso kontrovers wie emotional geführten Debatte. Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Zuwanderungssituation geht es der Untersuchung um die politikphilosophische Erörterung der Grundlagen einer für liberale Demokratien angemessenen Mitgliedschaftspolitik. Sie weist am Beispiel der Gerechtigkeitstheorien der Liberalismus-Kommunitarismus-Kontroverse nach, daß weder einseitig individualistische (Robert Nozick; Bruce A. Ackerman) noch links-utopische Politik der "offenen Grenzen", noch eine national-konservative Politik der "Festung Europa" eine konsistente und plausible Antwort auf das Migrationsproblem formulieren. Aus den komplexen Theorien von Michael Walzer und John Rawls wird eine praxisnahe Mitgliedschaftskonzeption entwickelt, der es gelingt, die Anforderungen kollektiver Selbstbestimmung, gleicher Staatsbürgerschaft und universaler Menschenrechte zu vereinbaren.

Religion, Theology, and Class: Fresh Engagements after Long Silence (New Approaches to Religion and Power)

by Joerg Rieger

This important collection of essays addresses the question of why scholars can no longer do without class in religious studies and theology, and what we can learn from a renewed engagement with the topic. This volume discusses what new discourses regarding notions of gender, ethnicity, and race might add to developments on notions of class.

Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations: Diplomacy and Mediation in Conflict Resolution (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)

by René Rieger

In recent decades, Saudi Arabia has committed itself to playing the part of mediator in intra-national and international conflicts in the greater Middle East region. Examples include the two Saudi-introduced Arab Peace Initiatives of 1982 and 2002, mediation attempts between Algeria and Morocco in the West Sahara conflict, Iraq and Syria during the Iran-Iraq War and Iran and Iraq towards the end of their military conflict. Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations provides a new insight to current studies on Saudi foreign policy and mediation in international relations. The book offers a detailed analysis of Saudi Arabia’s intermediary role in the intra-state conflicts in Yemen, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, and the successes and limitations of each. Additionally, it provides an updated examination of Saudi Arabia’s role towards resolution of the larger Arab-Israeli conflict. Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations contributes to a far deeper understanding of Saudi foreign policy, and therefore will be of great interest to students and scholars of Middle East Politics and International Relations.

Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations: Diplomacy and Mediation in Conflict Resolution (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)

by René Rieger

In recent decades, Saudi Arabia has committed itself to playing the part of mediator in intra-national and international conflicts in the greater Middle East region. Examples include the two Saudi-introduced Arab Peace Initiatives of 1982 and 2002, mediation attempts between Algeria and Morocco in the West Sahara conflict, Iraq and Syria during the Iran-Iraq War and Iran and Iraq towards the end of their military conflict. Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations provides a new insight to current studies on Saudi foreign policy and mediation in international relations. The book offers a detailed analysis of Saudi Arabia’s intermediary role in the intra-state conflicts in Yemen, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, and the successes and limitations of each. Additionally, it provides an updated examination of Saudi Arabia’s role towards resolution of the larger Arab-Israeli conflict. Saudi Arabian Foreign Relations contributes to a far deeper understanding of Saudi foreign policy, and therefore will be of great interest to students and scholars of Middle East Politics and International Relations.

Russia's Entangled Embrace: The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801-1914

by Stephen Badalyan Riegg

Russia's Entangled Embrace traces the relationship between the Romanov state and the Armenian diaspora that populated Russia's territorial fringes and navigated the tsarist empire's metropolitan centers.By engaging the ongoing debates about imperial structures that were simultaneously symbiotic and hierarchically ordered, Stephen Badalyan Riegg helps us to understand how, for Armenians and some other subjects, imperial rule represented not hypothetical, clear-cut alternatives but simultaneous, messy realities. He examines why, and how, Russian architects of empire imagined Armenians as being politically desirable. These circumstances included the familiarity of their faith, perceived degree of social, political, or cultural integration, and their actual or potential contributions to the state's varied priorities.Based on extensive research in the archives of St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Yerevan, Russia's Entangled Embrace reveals that the Russian government relied on Armenians to build its empire in the Caucasus and beyond. Analyzing the complexities of this imperial relationship—beyond the reductive question of whether Russia was a friend or foe to Armenians—allows us to study the methods of tsarist imperialism in the context of diasporic distribution, interimperial conflict and alliance, nationalism, and religious and economic identity.Winner of the Ab Imperio Award of the Ab Imperio Quarterly

Perspectives on Secession: Theory and Case Studies (Frontiers in International Relations)

by Martin Riegl Bohumil Doboš

This book explores the changing nature of secessionist attempts in connection with rapidly evolving geopolitical and technological landscapes. By presenting theoretical chapters as well as case studies on various secessionist movements around the globe, the contributing authors study a range of topics, including: the role of the media in secessionist conflicts; secessionist referenda and the viability of secessionist attempts in terms of their internal dimension; and external support and interference. The book will appeal to political scientists and international relations scholars who are interested in the processes, politics and geopolitical implications of secessionist movements.

Unrecognized States and Secession in the 21st Century

by Martin Riegl Bohumil Doboš

This book presents novel theoretical and empirical findings on the issue of unrecognized states and secession. The first part of the book conceptualizes unrecognized states as entities with a national identity and which have achieved political independence, yet are not internationally recognized as independent states. It also addresses topics such as the role of superpowers in secessionist conflicts, ontological security in post-Soviet states, and factors influencing the legitimacy of secession referenda. In turn, the book’s second part presents selected case studies on various secessionist regions and territories, including Kurdistan, the Caucasus, Kosovo, and Bougainville.

Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa

by M. Rieker K. Ali

The essays in this book critically examine the ways in which gendered subjects negotiate their life-worlds in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African urban landscapes. They raise issues surrounding the city as a representative site of personal autonomy and political possibilities for women and/or men.

External Governance as Security Community Building: The Limits and Potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy (The European Union in International Affairs)

by Pernille Rieker

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was initially intended to create ‘a ring of friends surrounding the Union, from Morocco to Russia and the Black Sea’ (Prodi, 2002). Today, however, the ever-worsening security situation in the region clearly shows that the aim has not been achieved. With wars in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, the Union’s neighbourhood can therefore better be described as ‘a ring of fire’. Does this means that the policy has failed and that an alternative policy towards the EU’s neighbours is needed? Or should these developments be seen as temporary setbacks caused by external factors beyond EU control? By comparing the EU’s approach to its eastern and southern neighbours, this volume seeks to answer such overarching questions. The authors find that the EU still has a potential role to play in providing regional security, but that this role also risks being increasingly undermined if it does not increasingly take into account the broader geostrategic realities in both regions.

French Foreign Policy in a Changing World: Practising Grandeur

by Pernille Rieker

This book investigates how modern French foreign policy is practiced. France finds its traditional power status challenged by internal as well as external developments. Internally, it faces societal challenges related to unemployment, integration, social exclusion, Islamist terrorism and the rise of populism. Externally, its status is challenged by global and regional developments – including the financial crises, competition from emerging states, EU enlargement and a more powerful Germany. While the French recognise that they no longer have great-power economic or military power capacities, the conviction of the universal value of French civilization and culture remains strong. As this book argues, for France to be able to punch above its weight in international politics, it must effectively promote the value of ‘French universalism’ and culture. This study investigates how this is reflected in modern French foreign policy by examining foreign policy practices towards selected regions/countries and in relation to external and internal security. Written by a senior researcher specializing in French and EU foreign and security policy, this book will be an invaluable resource for practitioners of foreign policy and students of French politics, international relations and European studies.

French Foreign Policy in a Changing World: Practising Grandeur

by Pernille Rieker

This book investigates how modern French foreign policy is practiced. France finds its traditional power status challenged by internal as well as external developments. Internally, it faces societal challenges related to unemployment, integration, social exclusion, Islamist terrorism and the rise of populism. Externally, its status is challenged by global and regional developments – including the financial crises, competition from emerging states, EU enlargement and a more powerful Germany. While the French recognise that they no longer have great-power economic or military power capacities, the conviction of the universal value of French civilization and culture remains strong. As this book argues, for France to be able to punch above its weight in international politics, it must effectively promote the value of ‘French universalism’ and culture. This study investigates how this is reflected in modern French foreign policy by examining foreign policy practices towards selected regions/countries and in relation to external and internal security. Written by a senior researcher specializing in French and EU foreign and security policy, this book will be an invaluable resource for practitioners of foreign policy and students of French politics, international relations and European studies.

European Actorness in a Shifting Geopolitical Order: European Strategic Autonomy Through Differentiated Integration (The European Union in International Affairs)

by Pernille Rieker Mathilde T. Giske

This is an open access book. With the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, European security has been put on high alert. The implications of the Russian military invasion are many and difficult to grasp in full. However, the need for greater European strategic autonomy appears increasingly evident. The book argues that strategic autonomy may be reached—also in the short run—if differentiated integration is seen as an asset rather than a challenge. While the EU (together with NATO) remains the core in such a system, there is a multitude sub-regional integration processes that need to be taken into account to get the full idea of how European strategic autonomy can be achieved.

Dialogue and Conflict Resolution: Potential and Limits

by Pernille Rieker Henrik Thune

Dialogue is typically hailed as a progressive force fostering mutual understanding and resolving conflicts. Can it really carry such a burden? Does dialogue really resolve conflicts? In this unique volume international experts critically assess the political role of dialogue, addressing its potential and limitations. Bringing fascinating insights to bear they examine the theoretical underpinnings and conceptual boundaries of dialogue as a tool for conflict resolution. Major recent crises such as the Russo-Georgian war in 2008, the conflict between Western powers and Gaddafi’s Libya, arguments over Iran’s nuclear programme, religious tensions in Egypt after the Arab Spring, the Afghan case, the Sudanese experience and the recent Russo-Ukraine conflict are all considered and the conflict resolution attempts discussed. Using these cases the contributors explore in depth the nature of the dialogue between the actors, the extent to which it worked and what determined its impact.

Dialogue and Conflict Resolution: Potential and Limits

by Pernille Rieker Henrik Thune

Dialogue is typically hailed as a progressive force fostering mutual understanding and resolving conflicts. Can it really carry such a burden? Does dialogue really resolve conflicts? In this unique volume international experts critically assess the political role of dialogue, addressing its potential and limitations. Bringing fascinating insights to bear they examine the theoretical underpinnings and conceptual boundaries of dialogue as a tool for conflict resolution. Major recent crises such as the Russo-Georgian war in 2008, the conflict between Western powers and Gaddafi’s Libya, arguments over Iran’s nuclear programme, religious tensions in Egypt after the Arab Spring, the Afghan case, the Sudanese experience and the recent Russo-Ukraine conflict are all considered and the conflict resolution attempts discussed. Using these cases the contributors explore in depth the nature of the dialogue between the actors, the extent to which it worked and what determined its impact.

Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Formen, Bedingungen sowie Möglichkeiten der Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung in der Schweiz (Kinder, Kindheiten und Kindheitsforschung)

by Peter Rieker Rebecca Mörgen Anna Schnitzer Holger Stroezel

Im Zentrum dieser Studie stehen Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, die Kindern und Jugendlichen in Familie, Schule und Gemeinde zur Verfügung stehen. In den verschiedenen Bereichen sind die Umsetzungen von Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung durch unterschiedliche Spannungsverhältnisse gekennzeichnet und werden von den beteiligten Akteuren unterschiedlich bewertet. Die multimethodisch und multiperspektivisch angelegte Studie geht auf die Bedingungen und die Dynamiken von Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen ein und identifiziert Herausforderungen, die sich in den verschiedenen Kontexten des Aufwachsens in Hinblick auf Beteiligung zeigen.

The Making of a European Constitution: Dynamics and Limits of the Convention Experience

by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann Wolfgang Wessels

The aim of this publication is an analysis of the process of European constitutionalisation and its entanglement with relevant national discourses. Thus, national constitutional traditions in Austria, France, Germany and the United Kingdom are evaluated with regard to the positions of the respective national representatives in the European Convention. Interviews with Members of National Parliaments and of the European Parliament as well as a content analysis of the debate on the future of Europe in print media form the empirical basis of this study.

Praxisbuch: Instrumente - Kampagnen - Lobbying

by Jörg Rieksmeier

Inwiefern ist es legitim oder gar notwendig, sich am politischen Diskurs zu beteiligen? Die Politikberatung etabliert sich allmählich in Deutschland als eigenständiges Berufsbild. Denn, wie in anderen westlichen Demokratien, verschwimmen auch hierzulande zunehmend die Konturen von Parteien und Verbänden. Als Folge treten die Einzelinteressen auf dem politischen Parkett stärker in den Vordergrund. Dieses Buch gewährt Einblicke in das "Handwerk" der politischen Kommunikation. Instrumente und Kampagnen veranschaulichen die professionelle Gestaltung des politischen Umfeldes. Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen von politischen Entscheidern und Lobbyisten geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen der Interessenvermittlung.

Re-imagining Schooling for Education: Socially Just Alternatives (Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education)

by Kitty Te Riele Debra Hayes Glenda Mcgregor Martin Mills Aspa Baroutsis

This book provokes a conversation about what supportive schooling contexts for both students and teachers might look like, and considers how schooling can contribute to a more socially-just society. It takes as its starting point the position of the most marginalised students, many of whom have either been rejected by or have rejected mainstream schooling, and argues that the experiences of these students suggest that it is time for schools to be reimagined for all young people. Utilizing both theory and data, the volume critiques many of the issues in conventional schools that work against education, and presents evidence ‘from the field’ in the form of data from unconventional schooling sites, which demonstrates some of the structural, relational, curricular and pedagogical changes that appear to be enabling schooling for education for their students. It will be essential reading for students and researchers in the fields of education, sociology and social work, and will also be of great interest to practising teachers.

Protection Against Genocide: Mission Impossible?

by Neal Riemer

Without succumbing to utopian fantasies or realistic pessimism, Riemer and his contributors call for strengthening the key institutions of a global human rights regime, developing an effective policy of prudent prevention of genocide, working out a sagacious strategy of keenly targeted sanctions—political, economic, military, judicial—and adopting a guiding philosophy of just humanitarian intervention. They underscore significant changes in the international system—the end of the Cold War, economic globalization, the communications revolution— that hold open the opportunity for significant, if modest, movement toward strengthening key institutions.The essays explore key problems in working toward prevention of genocide. They highlight the existence of considerable early warning of genocide and emphasize that the real problem is a lack of political will in key global institutions. Sanctions, especially economic sanctions may punish a genocidal regime, but at the expense of innocent civilians. Thus, more clearly targeted sanctions are seen as essential. The argument on behalf of a standing police force to deal with the crime of genocide, as they show, is powerful and controversial: powerful because the need is persuasive, controversial because political realists question its cost and political feasibility. Implementing a philosophy of just humanitarian intervention requires an appreciation of the difficulties of interpreting those principles in difficult concrete situations. A permanent international criminal tribunal to deter and punish genocide, they argue, will put into place a much needed component of a global human rights regime. A thoughtful analysis for scholars and students of international politics and law, and human rights in general.

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