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Das politische System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Einführung

by Florian Grotz Wolfgang Schroeder

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine systematische, theoriegeleitete und empirisch basierte Einführung in das politische System Deutschlands. Es wendet sich vornehmlich an Studierende der Politikwissenschaft, aber auch an alle Interessierten, die einen theoretisch und empirisch fundierten Überblick über die politischen Institutionen und Prozesse in der Bundesrepublik gewinnen wollen. Die einzelnen Dimensionen des politischen Systems werden aus einer einheitlichen Perspektive analysiert, die auf der Unterscheidung zwischen Mehrheits- und Konsensdemokratie basiert. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Darstellung liegt auf der politischen Willensbildung und Entscheidungsfindung im Mehrebenensystem, das von der kommunalen bis zur europäischen Ebene reicht. So ergibt sich ein umfassendes und übersichtliches Bild, wie die bundesdeutsche Demokratie aufgebaut ist und wie sie funktioniert.

Das politische System Ungarns: Nationale Demokratieentwicklung, Orbán und die EU

by Ellen Bos Astrid Lorenz

Seit dem Regierungsantritt von Viktor Orbán im Jahr 2010 steht Ungarn aufgrund seiner innenpolitischen Entwicklung und EU-kritischen Haltung im Zentrum kritischer Beobachtung und Berichterstattung. Das Buch hilft durch die Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen bei der Analyse und Bewertung der Entwicklungen. Es gibt einen fundierten Einblick in das Regierungssystem Ungarns, die Gesellschaft, Parteien und Medien sowie ausgewählte Politikfelder. Dabei konzentriert es sich auf zentrale Merkmale und ihren Zusammenhang mit der EU, zeichnet wichtige Entwicklungslinien der vergangenen Jahrzehnte nach und ordnet die Befunde im Vergleich mit anderen Staaten ein. Die Autoren bringen ein hohes Maß an fachlicher und regionaler Expertise mit.

Das Recht der erneuerbaren Energien zur Wärmeversorgung des Gebäudesektors: Rechtliche Prüfung der Rahmenbedingungen des Einsatzes von Wärme aus erneuerbaren Energien in Gebäuden sowie der Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten zur Erfüllung der Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität)

by Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky

Der Doktorarbeit liegt die Arbeitshypothese zugrunde, dass es für das Erreichen der Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands im Gebäudesektor der erfolgreichen Integration erneuerbarer Energien in die Wärmeversorgung von Gebäuden bedarf und hierfür die EE-Wärme-Quote als eines der wesentlichen rechtlichen Instrumente weiterentwickelt werden muss. Der Fokus der vorliegenden rechtlichen Betrachtung liegt dabei auf den Regelungen im GEG zum Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien in Gebäuden.

Data: New Trajectories in Law (New Trajectories in Law)

by Robert Herian

This book explores the phenomenon of data – big and small – in the contemporary digital, informatic and legal-bureaucratic context. Challenging the way in which legal interest in data has focused on rights and privacy concerns, this book examines the contestable, multivocal and multifaceted figure of the contemporary data subject. The book analyses "data" and "personal data" as contemporary phenomena, addressing the data realms, such as stores, institutions, systems and networks, out of which they emerge. It interrogates the role of law, regulation and governance in structuring both formal and informal definitions of the data subject, and disciplining data subjects through compliance with normative standards of conduct. Focusing on the ‘personal’ in and of data, the book pursues a re-evaluation of the nature, role and place of the data subject qua legal subject in on and offline societies: one that does not begin and end with the inviolability of individual rights but returns to more fundamental legal principles suited to considerations of personhood, such as stewardship, trust, property and contract. The book’s concern with the production, use, abuse and alienation of personal data within the context of contemporary communicative capitalism will appeal to scholars and students of law, science and technology studies, and sociology; as well as those with broader political interests in this area.

Data: New Trajectories in Law (New Trajectories in Law)

by Robert Herian

This book explores the phenomenon of data – big and small – in the contemporary digital, informatic and legal-bureaucratic context. Challenging the way in which legal interest in data has focused on rights and privacy concerns, this book examines the contestable, multivocal and multifaceted figure of the contemporary data subject. The book analyses "data" and "personal data" as contemporary phenomena, addressing the data realms, such as stores, institutions, systems and networks, out of which they emerge. It interrogates the role of law, regulation and governance in structuring both formal and informal definitions of the data subject, and disciplining data subjects through compliance with normative standards of conduct. Focusing on the ‘personal’ in and of data, the book pursues a re-evaluation of the nature, role and place of the data subject qua legal subject in on and offline societies: one that does not begin and end with the inviolability of individual rights but returns to more fundamental legal principles suited to considerations of personhood, such as stewardship, trust, property and contract. The book’s concern with the production, use, abuse and alienation of personal data within the context of contemporary communicative capitalism will appeal to scholars and students of law, science and technology studies, and sociology; as well as those with broader political interests in this area.

Data Capital: How Data is Reinventing Capital for Globalization

by Chunlei Tang

This book defines and develops the concept of data capital. Using an interdisciplinary perspective, this book focuses on the key features of the data economy, systematically presenting the economic aspects of data science. The book (1) introduces an alternative interpretation on economists’ observation of which capital has changed radically since the twentieth century; (2) elaborates on the composition of data capital and it as a factor of production; (3) describes morphological changes in data capital that influence its accumulation and circulation; (4) explains the rise of data capital as an underappreciated cause of phenomena from data sovereign, economic inequality, to stagnating productivity; (5) discusses hopes and challenges for industrial circles, the government and academia when an intangible wealth brought by data (and information or knowledge as well); (6) proposes the development of criteria for measuring regulating data capital in the twenty-first century for regulatory purposes by looking at the prospects for data capital and possible impact on future society. Providing the first a thorough introduction to the theory of data as capital, this book will be useful for those studying economics, data science, and business, as well as those in the financial industry who own, control, or wish to work with data resources.

Data-Driven Mining, Learning and Analytics for Secured Smart Cities: Trends and Advances (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Chinmay Chakraborty Jerry Chun-Wei Lin Mamoun Alazab

This book provides information on data-driven infrastructure design, analytical approaches, and technological solutions with case studies for smart cities. This book aims to attract works on multidisciplinary research spanning across the computer science and engineering, environmental studies, services, urban planning and development, social sciences and industrial engineering on technologies, case studies, novel approaches, and visionary ideas related to data-driven innovative solutions and big data-powered applications to cope with the real world challenges for building smart cities.

The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Grazia Concilio Paola Pucci Lieven Raes Geert Mareels

This open access book represents one of the key milestones of PoliVisu, an H2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Commission under the call “Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation”. It investigates the operative and organizational implications related to the use of the growing amount of available data on policy making processes, highlighting the experimental dimension of policy making that, thanks to data, proves to be more and more exploitable towards more effective and sustainable decisions. The first section of the book introduces the key questions highlighted by the PoliVisu project, which still represent operational and strategic challenges in the exploitation of data potentials in urban policy making. The second section explores how data and data visualisations can assume different roles in the different stages of a policy cycle and profoundly transform policy making.

Datensouveränität: Governance-Ansätze für den Gesundheitsbereich (essentials)

by Patrik Hummel Matthias Braun Steffen Augsberg Ulrich von Ulmenstein Peter Dabrock

In diesem Open-Access-Buch untersuchen wir, was Datensouveränität aus ethischer und rechtlicher Perspektive bedeuten kann und entwickeln mittels des Modells der dynamischen Einwilligung konkrete Governance-Ansätze für den Gesundheitsbereich. Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung stellt uns der verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit Daten vor eine Herausforderung: Mögliche Fortschritte in Forschung, Versorgung und öffentlicher Gesundheit rufen Fragen von Datenschutz und Kontrollansprüchen auf. Ein normatives Leitkonzept, das in den vergangenen Jahren beim Umgang mit Daten in den Vordergrund tritt, ist Datensouveränität.

The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, And Harrimans: A Story Of Love And War

by Catherine Grace Katz

The brilliant untold story of three daughters of diplomacy: Anna Roosevelt, Sarah Churchill, and Kathleen Harriman, glamorous, fascinating young women who accompanied their famous fathers to the Yalta Conference with Stalin in the waning days of World War II.

The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa: Anthropology, Literature, and History

by E. Paul Durrenberger

In The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa E. Paul Durrenberger recounts the transformation of Iowa’s family farms into today’s agricultural industry through the lens of the lives and writings of Iowa novelist Paul Corey and poet Ruth Lechlitner. This anthropological biography analyzes Corey’s fiction, Lechlitner’s poetry, and their professional and personal correspondence to offer a new perspective on an era (1925–1947) that saw the collapse and remaking of capitalism in the United States, the rise of communism in the Soviet Union, the rise and defeat of fascism around the world, and the creation of a continuous warfare state in America. Durrenberger tells the story that Corey aimed to record and preserve of the industrialization of Iowa’s agriculture and the death of its family farms. He analyzes Corey’s regionalist focus on Iowa farming and regionalism’s contemporaneous association in Europe with rising fascism. He explores Corey’s adoption of naturalism, evident in his resistance to heroes and villains, to plot structure and resolution, and to moral judgment, as well as his ethnographic tendency to focus on groups rather than individuals. An unusual and wide-ranging study, The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa offers important insight into the relationships among fiction, individual lives, and anthropological practice, as well as into a pivotal period in American history.

Day of the Assassins: A History of Political Murder

by Michael Burleigh

The traditional image of a political assassin is a lone wolf with a rifle, aimed squarely at the head of those they wish to kill. But while there has been enormous speculation on what lay behind notorious individual political assassinations – from Julius Caesar to John F. Kennedy – the phenomenon itself has scarcely been examined as a special category of political violence, one not motivated by personal gain or vengeance.Now, in Day of the Assassins, acclaimed historian Michael Burleigh explores the many facets of political assassination, explaining why it is more frequent in certain types of society than others and asking if assassination can either bring about change or prevent it, and whether, like a contagious disease, political murder can be catching. Focusing chiefly on the last century and a half, Burleigh takes readers around the world, from Europe, Russia, Israel and the United States to the Congo, India, Iran, Laos, Rwanda, South Africa and Vietnam. And, as we travel, we revisit notable assassinations, among them Leon Trotsky, Hendrik Verwoerd, Juvénal Habyarimana, Indira Gandhi, Yitzhak Rabin and Jamal Khashoggi.Throughout, the assassins themselves are at the centre of the narrative, whether they were cool, well-trained professional killers, like the agents of the NKVD or the KGB – or, indeed, the CIA – or men motivated by the politicization of their private miseries, like Gavrilo Princip or Lee Harvey Oswald. Even some of those who were demonstrably mad had method in their madness and acted for comprehensible political motives.Combining human drama, questions of political morality and the sheer randomness of events, Day of the Assassins is a riveting insight into the politics of violence.

De-centering queer theory: Communist sexuality in the flow during and after the Cold War (Theory for a Global Age)

by Bogdan Popa

De-centering queer theory seeks to reorient queer theory to a different conception of bodies and sexuality derived from Eastern European Marxism. The book articulates a contrast between the concept of the productive body, which draws its epistemology from Soviet and avant-garde theorists, and Cold War gender, which is defined as the social construction of the body. The first part of the book concentrates on the theoretical and visual production of Eastern European Marxism, which proposed an alternative version of sexuality to that of western liberalism. In doing so it offers a historical angle to understand the emergence not only of an alternative epistemology, but also of queer theory’s vocabulary. The second part of the book provides a Marxist, anti-capitalist archive for queer studies, which often neglects to engage critically with its liberal and Cold War underpinnings.

De-centering queer theory: Communist sexuality in the flow during and after the Cold War (Theory for a Global Age)

by Bogdan Popa

De-centering queer theory seeks to reorient queer theory to a different conception of bodies and sexuality derived from Eastern European Marxism. The book articulates a contrast between the concept of the productive body, which draws its epistemology from Soviet and avant-garde theorists, and Cold War gender, which is defined as the social construction of the body. The first part of the book concentrates on the theoretical and visual production of Eastern European Marxism, which proposed an alternative version of sexuality to that of western liberalism. In doing so it offers a historical angle to understand the emergence not only of an alternative epistemology, but also of queer theory’s vocabulary. The second part of the book provides a Marxist, anti-capitalist archive for queer studies, which often neglects to engage critically with its liberal and Cold War underpinnings.

The (De)Legitimization of Violence in Sacred and Human Contexts

by Muhammad Shafiq Thomas Donlin-Smith

This book provides a multidisciplinary commentary on a wide range of religious traditions and their relationship to acts of violence. Hate and violence occur at every level of human interaction, as do peace and compassion. Scholars of religion have a particular obligation to make sense out of this situation, tracing its history and variables, and drawing lessons for the future. From the formative periods of the religious traditions to their application in the contemporary world, the essays in this volume interrogate the views on violence found within the traditions and provide examples of religious practices that exacerbate or ameliorate situations of conflict.

Deadly Lesson: A twisting and unflinching thriller

by S. J. Butler

'Class warfare in all its glory or goriness' TONY MILLINGTONThe latest unflinching and heart-racing thriller from S. J. Butler, the author of Between the Lines. perfect for fans of M. W. Craven and Robert Bryndza.When a dead body is discovered in a house near the university, Detective Chief Inspector Jack Hogan and his team are left baffled by the viciousness of the assault. And with very little to go on, the questions quickly mount up. But, when another victim turns up with the same distinguishing mark etched on their skin - one that links the victims to an anarchist group - it becomes clear that a depraved and calculating serial killer is at large. With the murderer always one step ahead, time is of the essence and DCI Hogan must act fast before another life is taken.Readers LOVE S. J. Butler's BETWEEN THE LINES:'This story gets hold of you and makes you shudder. Five stars' 5* reader review'An extraordinarily fantastic literary thriller. A huge five star read for me' 5* reader review'Plenty of twists to keep you guessing! Just brilliant' 5* reader review'Gritty, well written, a real page turner' 5* reader review'Makes the reader think more deeply about the themes of identity, loss, perception and self-perception. Highly recommended' 5* reader review'Gem of a debut' 5* reader review'Great twists and turns . . . Can't wait to read more of S. J Butlers books!!' 5* reader review

Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives from Eco-Cosmologies (Palgrave Studies in Disaster Anthropology)

by Diana Riboli Pamela J. Stewart Andrew J. Strathern Davide Torri

Providing a fresh look at some of the pressing issues of our world today, this collection focuses on experiential and ritualized coping practices in response to a multitude of environmental challenges—cyclones, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, warfare and displacements of peoples and environmental resource exploitation. Eco-cosmological practices conducted by skilled healing practitioners utilize knowledge embedded in the cosmological grounding of place and experiences of place and the landscapes in which such experience is encapsulated. A range of geographic case studies are presented in this volume, exploring Asia, Europe, the Pacific, and South America. With special reference throughout to ritual as a mode of seeking the stabilization, renewal, and continuity of life processes, this volume will be of particular interest to readers working in shamanic and healing practices, environmental concerns surrounding sustainability and conservation, ethnomedical systems, and religious and ritual studies.

Dear America: Live Like It's 9/12

by Graham Allen

A U.S. Army veteran and rising star in the conservative movement makes the case that the United States should look to the country as it was on September 12th, 2001 for lessons about our future.On the day after the World Trade Center was attacked, Americans came together regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. We were united. On that day, nearly every store in the country sold out of American flags.After the events of the last eighteen months, from the Covid-19 pandemic to the constant attempts to divide us by race, Graham Allen believes that we should all look back on the events of 9/12 and remember what unites us. He believes that we do not all have to be the same, that it's okay not to agree on everything, but that we share a common history and a set of values.Just as the year 1776 serves as a reminder of our beginning, 9/12 will serve as a reminder of our present and future.

Debating Anarchism: A History of Action, Ideas and Movements (Debates in World History)

by Mike Finn

This timely book introduces readers to anarchism's relationship to broader history, offering not only a history of anarchism in the modern period, but a critical introduction to debates on anarchist history. Attention thus far has been biased towards intellectual history and key thinkers such as Proudhon, Bakunin and Kropotkin, but these studies have neglected the social movements and spaces which have seen 'anarchy in action' and marginalised the role of women and voices beyond Europe and the United States. Debating Anarchism offers a different perspective, engaging with women's anarchist experiences and grounding recent historical work on anarchism in a global perspective. Interrogating anarchism as a concept, a movement and a social reality the author guides the reader through the origins of anarchism in the age of revolutions, assessing experiences of anarchy in Russia, Spain, India and beyond. Tracing the development of 'the beautiful idea' through the 20th century, Finn explores anarchism in the Cold War world through to postmodernity and the 21st century. This volume situates anarchism in the broader historiographies of the modern world, offering a unique starting point for students of history, politics and philosophy seeking to understand the abiding power of 'the beautiful idea' – a society without government.

Debating Democracy: Do We Need More or Less? (Debating Ethics)

by Jason Brennan Hélène Landemore

Around the world, faith in democracy is falling. Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela have moved from flawed democracies to authoritarian regimes. Brexit and the rise of far-right parties show that even stable Western democracies are struggling. Partisanship and mutual distrust are increasing. What, if anything, should we do about these problems? In this accessible work, leading philosophers Jason Brennan and Hélène Landemore debate whether the solution lies in having less democracy or more. Brennan argues that democracy has systematic flaws, and that democracy does not and cannot work the way most of us commonly assume. He argues the best solution is to limit democracy's scope and to experiment with certain voting systems that can overcome democracy's problems. Landemore argues that democracy, defined as a regime that distributes power equally and inclusively, is a better way to generate good governance than oligarchies of knowledge. To her, the crisis of "representative democracy" comes in large part from its glaring democratic deficits. The solution is not just more democracy, but a better kind, which Landemore theorizes as "open democracy."

Debordering Europe: Migration and Control Across the Ventimiglia Region (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship)

by Livio Amigoni Silvia Aru Ivan Bonnin Gabriele Proglio Cecilia Vergnano

This contributed volume analyzes in depth how a border area is constantly reshaped as migration policies harden, and what kind of social, political and economic impacts are produced at local and international level. The study is focused on Ventimiglia, an Italian town located 6 km away from the French-Italian border on the gulf of Genoa with a long story of commerce, custom and smuggling activities related to its proximity to the frontier. While several projects have analyzed other symbolic places of the EU migration crisis such as Lampedusa, Calais and Lesvos, there is a severe empirical gap regarding Ventimiglia, a border town at the very geographic core of the Schengen area. This case study may provide emblematic insights into what European migratory movements are currently revealing in terms of the lack of shared responsibility between EU Member States, the EU common asylum system and respect for human rights, with increasing claims for national sovereignty by some Member States.

Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics (ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society)

by Andre Python

What is terrorism? What can we learn and what cannot we learn from terrorism data? What are the perspectives and limitations of the analysis of terrorism data? Over the last decade, scholars have generated unprecedented insight from the statistical analysis of ever-growing databases on terrorism. Yet their findings have not reached the public. This book translates the current state of knowledge on global patterns of terrorism free of unnecessary jargon. Readers will be gradually introduced to statistical reasoning and tools applied to critically analyze terrorism data within a rigorous framework. Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics communicates evidence-based research work on terrorism to a general audience. It describes key statistics that provide an overview of the extent and magnitude of terrorist events perpetrated by actors independent of state governments across the world. The books brings a coherent and rigorous methodological framework to address issues stemming from the statistical analysis of terrorism data and its interpretations. Features Uses statistical reasoning to identify and address seven major misconceptions about terrorism. Discusses the implications of major issues about terrorism data on the interpretation of its statistical analysis. Gradually introduces the complexity of statistical methods to familiarize the non-statistician reader with important statistical concepts to analyze data. Use illustrated examples to help the reader develop a critical approach applied to the quantitative analysis of terrorism data. Includes chapters focusing on major aspects of terrorism: definitional issues, lethality, geography, temporal and spatial patterns, and the predictive ability of models.

Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics (ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society)

by Andre Python

What is terrorism? What can we learn and what cannot we learn from terrorism data? What are the perspectives and limitations of the analysis of terrorism data? Over the last decade, scholars have generated unprecedented insight from the statistical analysis of ever-growing databases on terrorism. Yet their findings have not reached the public. This book translates the current state of knowledge on global patterns of terrorism free of unnecessary jargon. Readers will be gradually introduced to statistical reasoning and tools applied to critically analyze terrorism data within a rigorous framework. Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics communicates evidence-based research work on terrorism to a general audience. It describes key statistics that provide an overview of the extent and magnitude of terrorist events perpetrated by actors independent of state governments across the world. The books brings a coherent and rigorous methodological framework to address issues stemming from the statistical analysis of terrorism data and its interpretations. Features Uses statistical reasoning to identify and address seven major misconceptions about terrorism. Discusses the implications of major issues about terrorism data on the interpretation of its statistical analysis. Gradually introduces the complexity of statistical methods to familiarize the non-statistician reader with important statistical concepts to analyze data. Use illustrated examples to help the reader develop a critical approach applied to the quantitative analysis of terrorism data. Includes chapters focusing on major aspects of terrorism: definitional issues, lethality, geography, temporal and spatial patterns, and the predictive ability of models.

A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China (Princeton Studies in Contemporary China #12)

by Dong Guoqiang Andrew G. Walder

A revealing exploration of political disruption and violence in a rural Chinese county during the Cultural RevolutionA Decade of Upheaval chronicles the surprising and dramatic political conflicts of a rural Chinese county over the course of the Cultural Revolution. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources—including work diaries, interviews, internal party documents, and military directives—Dong Guoqiang and Andrew Walder uncover a previously unimagined level of strife in the countryside that began with the Red Guard Movement in 1966 and continued unabated until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976.Showing how the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution were not limited to urban areas, but reached far into isolated rural regions, Dong and Walder reveal that the intervention of military forces in 1967 encouraged factional divisions in Feng County because different branches of China’s armed forces took various sides in local disputes. The authors also lay bare how the fortunes of local political groups were closely tethered to unpredictable shifts in the decisions of government authorities in Beijing. Eventually, a backlash against suppression and victimization grew in the early 1970s and resulted in active protests, which presaged the settling of scores against radical Maoism.A meticulous look at how one overlooked region experienced the Cultural Revolution, A Decade of Upheaval illuminates the all-encompassing nature of one of the most unstable periods in modern Chinese history.

A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China (Princeton Studies in Contemporary China #12)

by Dong Guoqiang Andrew G. Walder

A revealing exploration of political disruption and violence in a rural Chinese county during the Cultural RevolutionA Decade of Upheaval chronicles the surprising and dramatic political conflicts of a rural Chinese county over the course of the Cultural Revolution. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources—including work diaries, interviews, internal party documents, and military directives—Dong Guoqiang and Andrew Walder uncover a previously unimagined level of strife in the countryside that began with the Red Guard Movement in 1966 and continued unabated until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976.Showing how the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution were not limited to urban areas, but reached far into isolated rural regions, Dong and Walder reveal that the intervention of military forces in 1967 encouraged factional divisions in Feng County because different branches of China’s armed forces took various sides in local disputes. The authors also lay bare how the fortunes of local political groups were closely tethered to unpredictable shifts in the decisions of government authorities in Beijing. Eventually, a backlash against suppression and victimization grew in the early 1970s and resulted in active protests, which presaged the settling of scores against radical Maoism.A meticulous look at how one overlooked region experienced the Cultural Revolution, A Decade of Upheaval illuminates the all-encompassing nature of one of the most unstable periods in modern Chinese history.

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