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In digitaler Gesellschaft: Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern (Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft #2)

by Kathrin Braun Cordula Kropp

Wie verändern sich gesellschaftliche Praktiken und die Chancen demokratischer Technikgestaltung, wenn neben Bürger*innen und Öffentlichkeit auch Roboter, Algorithmen, Simulationen oder selbstlernende Systeme einbezogen und als Beteiligte ernstgenommen werden? Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes untersuchen die Neukonfiguration von Verantwortung und Kontrolle, Wissen, Beteiligungsansprüchen und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten im Umgang mit intelligenten Systemen wie smart grids, Servicerobotern, Routenplanern, Finanzmarktalgorithmen und anderen soziodigitalen Arrangements. Aufgezeigt wird, wie die digitalen »Neulinge« dazu beitragen, die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Demokratie, Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit zu verändern und Macht- und Kraftverhältnisse zu verschieben.

In digitaler Gesellschaft: Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern (Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft #2)

by Cordula Kropp Kathrin Braun

Wie verändern sich gesellschaftliche Praktiken und die Chancen demokratischer Technikgestaltung, wenn neben Bürger*innen und Öffentlichkeit auch Roboter, Algorithmen, Simulationen oder selbstlernende Systeme einbezogen und als Beteiligte ernstgenommen werden? Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes untersuchen die Neukonfiguration von Verantwortung und Kontrolle, Wissen, Beteiligungsansprüchen und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten im Umgang mit intelligenten Systemen wie smart grids, Servicerobotern, Routenplanern, Finanzmarktalgorithmen und anderen soziodigitalen Arrangements. Aufgezeigt wird, wie die digitalen »Neulinge« dazu beitragen, die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Demokratie, Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit zu verändern und Macht- und Kraftverhältnisse zu verschieben.

In Pursuit of English: Language and Subjectivity in Neoliberal South Korea (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics)

by Joseph Sung-Yul Park

In Pursuit of English traces how the English language became an object of heated pursuit amid South Korea's rapid neoliberalization, creating the so-called "English fever" of the 1990s and 2000s. Joseph Sung-Yul Park demonstrates that English gained prominence not because of the language's supposed economic value, but because of the anxieties, insecurities, and moral desire instilled by neoliberal Korean society. Park shows how English came to be seen as an index of an ideal neoliberal subject who willingly engages in constant self-management and self-development in response to the changing conditions of the global economy. Bringing together ethnographically-oriented perspectives on subjectivity, critical analysis of conditions of contemporary capitalism, theories of neoliberal governmentality, and sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropological frameworks of metapragmatic analysis, In Pursuit of English develops an innovative new direction for research at the intersection language and political economy, challenging researchers to consider subjectivity as the key for understanding the place of language in neoliberalism.

In the Name of Inclusion: The Redevelopment of Urban Villages and its Implications on Citizenship in China (New Perspectives on Chinese Politics and Society)

by Xiaoqing Zhang

This book follows the citizenship-based approach and interrogates the policies on urban village redevelopment from a perspective of social exclusion and inclusion. It focuses on two questions: how policy makers and urban villagers understand social inclusion differently, and what makes a difference in enhancing social inclusion. Firstly, an examination of citizenship conceptions, as reflected in the Chinese traditional discourses, provides the basis for questioning the political rhetoric of social inclusion in China. Secondly, a comparison between policy makers’ and villages’ interpretations on urban citizenship helps explore the different understandings of citizenship between them. Finally, by studying six redeveloped urban villages in the city of Xi’an, the book identifies what villagers strive for, and discusses how their strivings make a difference in achieving social inclusion during urban village redevelopment.

In the Shadow of the Gods: The Emperor in World History

by Dominic Lieven

From the acclaimed Wolfson Prize-winning author, a dazzling history of the world's emperorsFor millennia much of the world was ruled by emperors: a handful of individuals claimed no limit to the lands they could rule over and no limit to their authority. They operated beyond normal human constraint and indeed often claimed a superhuman or divine authority. In practice they ran the gamut from being some of the most remarkable men who ever lived, to being some of the worst and least remarkable.Dominic Lieven's marvellous new book, In the Shadow of the Gods, is the first to grapple seriously with this extraordinary phenomenon. Across the world peoples, willingly or unwillingly, fell into orbit around figures who reshaped or destroyed entire societies, imposed religions and invaded rivals. Lieven describes the anatomy of imperial monarchy and the principles by which it functioned. He compares the great emperors of antiquity, the caliphs and the warrior-emperors of the steppe before he turns to the Habsburg, Russian, Ottoman, Mughal and Chinese emperors, packing the book with extraordinary stories, astute observations and a sense of both delight and horror at these individuals' antics. The entire breadth of extreme human behaviour is here - from warlords to patrons of the arts, from political genius to feeble incapacity and pathological violence.As one of the great experts both on empires and on Russian history, Lieven is brilliantly qualified to write a book that brings to life a system of rule that dominated most of human history, as well as some of history's grandest and most dismaying figures.

In the Street: Democratic Action, Theatricality, and Political Friendship

by Cigdem Cidam

If there is one thing that people agree about concerning the massive, leaderless, spontaneous protests that have spread across the globe over the past decade, it's that they were failures. The protesters, many claim, simply could not organize; nor could they formulate clear demands. As a result, they failed to bring about long-lasting change. In the Street challenges this seemingly forgone conclusion. It argues that when analyses of such events are confined to a framework of success and failure, they lose sight of the on-the-ground efforts of political actors who demonstrate, if for a fleeting moment, that another way of being together is possible. The conception of democratic action developed here helps us see that events like Occupy Wall Street, the Gezi uprising, or the weeks-long protests that took place all around the US after George Floyd's killing by the police are best understood as democratic enactments created in and through "intermediating practices," which include contestation, deliberation, judging, negotiation, artistic production, and common use. Through these intermediating practices, people become "political friends"; they act in ways other than expected of them to reach out to others unlike themselves, establish relations with strangers, and constitute a common amidst disagreements. These democratic enactments are fleeting, but what remains in their aftermath are new political actors and innovative practices. The book demonstrates that the current obsession with the "failure" of spontaneous protests is the outcome of a commonly accepted way of thinking about democratic action, which casts organization as a technical matter that precedes politics and moments of spontaneous popular action as sudden explosions. The origins of this widely shared understanding lie in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's conception of popular sovereignty, shaped by his rejection of theatricality and idealization of immediacy. Insofar as contemporary thinkers see democratic moments as the unmediated expressions of people's will and/or instantaneous eruptions, they, like Rousseau, reduce spontaneity to immediacy and erase the rich and creative practices of political actors. In the Street counters this Rousseauian influence by appropriating Aristotle's notion of "political friendship," and developing an alternative conceptualization of democratic action through a close reading of Antonio Negri, Jürgen Habermas, and Jacques Rancière and the global protests of 1968 that inspired these thinkers and their work.

In the Thick of It: The Private Diaries Of A Minister

by Alan Duncan

‘Sensational … One of the most explosive political diaries ever to be published … As candid, caustic and colourful as the sensational Alan Clark Diaries of the 1990s’ DAILY MAIL

In Trump's Shadow: The Battle for 2024 and the Future of the GOP

by David M. Drucker

Based on extensive reporting, a Game of Thrones-like telling of what comes next for the factions and families within the Republican Party as they plot for supremacy in the post-Trump era.

Incarceration and Generation, Volume I: Multiple Faces of Confinement (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)

by Sílvia Gomes Maria João Leote de Carvalho Vera Duarte

This two-volume, edited collection lays the groundwork for an international exploration of incarceration and generation. Volume I explores an array of experiences, dynamics, cultures, interventions and impacts (in its different forms) of incarceration in specific generations: childhood, youth and emerging adulthood, adulthood and older age. It covers topics such as: the expansion of the penal landscape; the abolition of measures involving deprivation of liberty regarding children, the problem of unaccompanied migrant children; the incarceration of young adults and adults, exploring its impacts within and beyond incarceration; and the consequences of imprisoning older populations. Volume II examines intergenerational relations issues within different contexts of incarceration. Both volumes cover a range of geographic, judicial, and administrative contexts of incarceration from contributors across a range of subjects. This collection discusses public policies and the role of the state and the citizen, in particular when a citizen is deprived of liberty. It speaks to academics in criminology, sociology, psychology, and law, and to practitioners and policymakers interested in incarceration.

The Incentivised University: Scientific Revolutions, Policies, Consequences (Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives #9)

by Seán Mfundza Muller

The core thesis of this book is that to understand the implications of incentive structures in modern higher education, we require a deeper understanding of associated issues in the philosophy of science. Significant public and philanthropic resources are directed towards various forms of research in the hope of addressing key societal problems. That view, and the associated allocation of resources, relies on the assumption that academic research will tend towards finding truth – or at least selecting the best approximations of it. The present book builds on, and extends, contributions in philosophy and higher education to argue that this assumption is misplaced: with serious implications for modern higher education and its role in informing societal decisions and government policy. The book develops a philosophical foundation for the analysis of the connection between higher education incentives, scientific progress and societal outcomes. That in turn is used to demonstrate how the current approach to incentivising intellectual and scientific progress is likely not only to fail, but in fact to cause harm on the very dimensions it purports to improve. The arguments presented are illustrated with examples from medicine and academic economics, making the book one of the first to examine issues of scientific progress and social consequences across the human and social sciences. In doing so, it develops a novel critique of modern economics that in turn provides a more philosophically substantive foundation for popular critiques of economics than has existed to date.

Inclusive Education in a Post-Soviet Context: A Case of Kazakhstan

by Tsediso Michael Makoelle Michelle Somerton

This book provides the first evidence-based reference about inclusive education in Kazakhstan, one of the post-Soviet Union countries. This nation, as well as many other central Asian countries, is undergoing a radical transformation and change in education which encompasses the implementation of inclusive and special education. This book is composed of chapters synthesized from various studies and captures different aspects of the implementation of inclusive education in Kazakhstan.The implementations of inclusive education in any educational system require a multi-dimensional, multi-level and an integrated approach. It requires collaborative efforts on part of all stakeholders including governance, pedagogical, auxiliary and support structures. This book is a collection of evidence-based studies in a Kazakhstani educational context that demonstrates the multifaceted nature of the process to realize an educational system that is inclusive. The book highlights some of the fundamental requirements and challenges for this process to succeed.Among the main issues addressed in this book are the understanding of inclusive education, the transition towards inclusive education given the soviet legacy, the role of school leadership, teachers, parents and other stakeholders in the process. The findings in each chapter demonstrate some of the milestones and challenges of inclusivity. This work will be of interest to academics, scholars, students and teachers in this field.

Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community

by Andrea Rigon Vanesa Castán Broto

Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South emphasizes the importance of the neighbourhood in urban development planning, with case studies aimed at transforming current intervention practices towards more inclusive and just means of engagement with individuals and communities. The chapters explore how diversity of gender, class, race and ethnicity, citizenship status, age, ability, and sexuality is taken (or not taken) into account and approached in the planning and implementation of development policy and interventions in poor urban areas. The book employs a practical perspective on the deployment of theoretical critiques of intersectionality and diversity in development practice through case studies examining issues such as water and sanitation planning in Dhaka, indigenous rights to the city in Bolivia, post-colonial planning in Hong Kong, land reform in Zimbabwe, and many more. The book focuses on radical alternatives with the potential to foster urban transformations for planning and development communities working around the world.

Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community

by Andrea Rigon

Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South emphasizes the importance of the neighbourhood in urban development planning, with case studies aimed at transforming current intervention practices towards more inclusive and just means of engagement with individuals and communities. The chapters explore how diversity of gender, class, race and ethnicity, citizenship status, age, ability, and sexuality is taken (or not taken) into account and approached in the planning and implementation of development policy and interventions in poor urban areas. The book employs a practical perspective on the deployment of theoretical critiques of intersectionality and diversity in development practice through case studies examining issues such as water and sanitation planning in Dhaka, indigenous rights to the city in Bolivia, post-colonial planning in Hong Kong, land reform in Zimbabwe, and many more. The book focuses on radical alternatives with the potential to foster urban transformations for planning and development communities working around the world.

The Inconvenient Journalist: A Memoir

by Dusko Doder

In The Inconvenient Journalist, Dusko Doder, writing with his spouse and journalistic partner Louise Branson, describes how one February night crystalized the values and personal risks that shaped his life. The frigid Moscow night in question was in 1984, and Washington Post correspondent Doder reported signs that Soviet leader Yuri Andropov had died. The CIA at first dismissed the reporting, saying that "Doder must be smoking pot." When Soviet authorities confirmed Andropov's death, journalists and intelligence officials questioned how a lone reporter could scoop the multibillion-dollar US spy agency. The stage was set for Cold War-style revenge against the star journalist, and that long night at the teletype machine in Moscow became a pivotal moment in Doder's life. After emigrating to the United States from Yugoslavia in 1956, Doder committed himself to the journalist's mission. He knew that reporting the truth could come at a price, something driven home by his years of covering Soviet dissidents and watching his Washington Post colleagues break the Watergate story. Still, he was not prepared for a cloaked act of reprisal from the CIA. Taking aim at Doder, the CIA insinuated a story into Time magazine suggesting that he had been coopted by the KGB. Doder's professional world collapsed and his personal life was shaken as he fought Time in court. In The Inconvenient Journalist, Doder reflects on this attempt to destroy his reputation, his dedication to reporting the truth, and the vital but precarious role of the free press today. The Inconvenient Journalist is a powerful human story and a must-read for all concerned about freedom of the press and truthful reporting.

Indentured Students: How Government-Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning in College Debt

by Elizabeth Tandy Shermer

The untold history of how America’s student-loan program turned the pursuit of higher education into a pathway to poverty. It didn’t always take thirty years to pay off the cost of a bachelor’s degree. Elizabeth Tandy Shermer untangles the history that brought us here and discovers that the story of skyrocketing college debt is not merely one of good intentions gone wrong. In fact, the federal student loan program was never supposed to make college affordable. The earliest federal proposals for college affordability sought to replace tuition with taxpayer funding of institutions. But Southern whites feared that lower costs would undermine segregation, Catholic colleges objected to state support of secular institutions, professors worried that federal dollars would come with regulations hindering academic freedom, and elite-university presidents recoiled at the idea of mass higher education. Cold War congressional fights eventually made access more important than affordability. Rather than freeing colleges from their dependence on tuition, the government created a loan instrument that made college accessible in the short term but even costlier in the long term by charging an interest penalty only to needy students. In the mid-1960s, as bankers wavered over the prospect of uncollected debt, Congress backstopped the loans, provoking runaway inflation in college tuition and resulting in immense lender profits. Today 45 million Americans owe more than $1.5 trillion in college debt, with the burdens falling disproportionately on borrowers of color, particularly women. Reformers, meanwhile, have been frustrated by colleges and lenders too rich and powerful to contain. Indentured Students makes clear that these are not unforeseen consequences. The federal student loan system is working as designed.

Independent Kashmir: An incomplete aspiration

by Christopher Snedden

Many disenchanted Kashmiris continue to demand independence or freedom from India. Written by a leading authority on Kashmir’s troubled past, this book revisits the topic of independence for the region (also known as Jammu and Kashmir, or J&K), and explores exactly why this aspiration has never been fulfilled. In a rare India-Pakistan agreement, they concur that neither J&K, nor any part of it, can be independent. Charting a complex history and intense geo-political rivalry from Maharaja Hari Singh’s leadership in the mid-1920s to the present, this book offers an essential insight into the disputes that have shaped the region. As tensions continue to rise following government-imposed COVID-19 lockdowns, Snedden asks a vital question: what might independence look like and just how realistic is this aspiration?

Independent Kashmir: An incomplete aspiration

by Christopher Snedden

Many disenchanted Kashmiris continue to demand independence or freedom from India. Written by a leading authority on Kashmir’s troubled past, this book revisits the topic of independence for the region (also known as Jammu and Kashmir, or J&K), and explores exactly why this aspiration has never been fulfilled. In a rare India-Pakistan agreement, they concur that neither J&K, nor any part of it, can be independent. Charting a complex history and intense geo-political rivalry from Maharaja Hari Singh’s leadership in the mid-1920s to the present, this book offers an essential insight into the disputes that have shaped the region. As tensions continue to rise following government-imposed COVID-19 lockdowns, Snedden asks a vital question: what might independence look like and just how realistic is this aspiration?

India and Central Europe: Perceptions, Perspectives, Prospects

by Rajendra K. Jain

This book explores the transformation of India’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe from being a subset of Indo-Soviet relations during the Cold War to the rediscovery and rebuilding of relations with the region almost from scratch in the post-Cold War era. It examines how the combination of Brexit, the rise of China and India’s expanding geo-economic interests in Europe has led the Narendra Modi government to contemplate relations with Central Europe through a more strategic lens and treat the region as an autonomous element within India’s foreign policy rather than a footnote of its relations with other great powers. Fulfilling a long-felt gap in existing literature, this volume examines India’s political, economic, investment, defence and cultural relations with the Visegrad Four (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). It analyzes Indian perceptions of Central Europe and explores prospects of New Delhi’s political and economic engagement with the region. The painstakingly compiled appendices on the exchange of bilateral visits and agreements between India and the Visegrad Four would be of immense use as a handy reference to scholars, policy-makers, and other interested persons and institutions.

India, Europe and Asia: Convergence and Divergence

by Rajendra K. Jain

This book examines the economic, political and security interests of India, Europe and the European Union towards Asia. It analyses their participation in major Asian multilateral organizations, responses to connectivity and Brussels’ differential engagement of China and India. It evaluates Indian and European/EU policy towards West Asia, the Iran Imbroglio, the Indo-Pacific and South Asia (Afghanistan, Myanmar and Kashmir). It highlights the elements of convergence/divergence and assesses the challenges and prospects of India-European cooperation in the context of a more assertive China and growing European engagement with Asia.

India in the G20: Rule-taker to Rule-maker (The Gateway House Guide to India in the 2020s)

by Manjeet Kripalani

This book analyses the importance of the G20 to India, its role so far, and how it can leverage its presidency year to be an influential author of new global rules. In 2023, India will be the President of the G20 Summit, the world’s most influential multilateral economic forum. For countries like India, the G20 is a unique global institution, where developed and developing countries have equal stature. This creates opportunities to showcase their global political, economic and intellectual leadership, have a significant impact on the global economic governance agenda and make it more inclusive. This volume discusses how the Presidency year gives India the opportunity to ‘… hold the pen, write the rules’ and lead the G20 year intellectually, financially, managerially and administratively. It provides a ringside view of India’s path to the G20 Presidency and examines issues such as the core agenda of the G20; explains the significance of forums like T20, B20, and their proliferations; India’s journey as a marginal player in the G20 to its current status; issue of dedicated leadership and management; and India’s Agenda for 2023. Topical, timely, important and lucidly written, this book in The Gateway House Guide to India in the 2020s series will be key reading for scholars and researchers of economics, multilaterals, global governance, strategic studies, defence studies, SAARC, UN Studies, foreign policy, international relations, international economics and international trade, as well as interest to policymakers, diplomats, career bureaucrats, and professionals working with think tanks, academia and multilateral agencies, and business.

India in the G20: Rule-taker to Rule-maker (The Gateway House Guide to India in the 2020s)

by Manjeet Kripalani

This book analyses the importance of the G20 to India, its role so far, and how it can leverage its presidency year to be an influential author of new global rules. In 2023, India will be the President of the G20 Summit, the world’s most influential multilateral economic forum. For countries like India, the G20 is a unique global institution, where developed and developing countries have equal stature. This creates opportunities to showcase their global political, economic and intellectual leadership, have a significant impact on the global economic governance agenda and make it more inclusive. This volume discusses how the Presidency year gives India the opportunity to ‘… hold the pen, write the rules’ and lead the G20 year intellectually, financially, managerially and administratively. It provides a ringside view of India’s path to the G20 Presidency and examines issues such as the core agenda of the G20; explains the significance of forums like T20, B20, and their proliferations; India’s journey as a marginal player in the G20 to its current status; issue of dedicated leadership and management; and India’s Agenda for 2023. Topical, timely, important and lucidly written, this book in The Gateway House Guide to India in the 2020s series will be key reading for scholars and researchers of economics, multilaterals, global governance, strategic studies, defence studies, SAARC, UN Studies, foreign policy, international relations, international economics and international trade, as well as interest to policymakers, diplomats, career bureaucrats, and professionals working with think tanks, academia and multilateral agencies, and business.

India, that is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, Constitution

by J Sai Deepak

India, That Is Bharat, the first book of a comprehensive trilogy, explores the influence of European 'colonial consciousness' (or 'coloniality'), in particular its religious and racial roots, on Bharat as the successor state to the Indic civilisation and the origins of the Indian Constitution. It lays the foundation for its sequels by covering the period between the Age of Discovery, marked by Christopher Columbus' expedition in 1492, and the reshaping of Bharat through a British-made constitution-the Government of India Act of 1919. This includes international developments leading to the founding of the League of Nations by Western powers that tangibly impacted this journey. Further, this work also traces the origins of seemingly universal constructs such as 'toleration', 'secularism' and 'humanism' to Christian political theology. Their subsequent role in subverting the indigenous Indic consciousness through a secularised and universalised Reformation, that is, constitutionalism, is examined. It also puts forth the concept of Middle Eastern coloniality, which preceded its European variant and allies with it in the context of Bharat to advance their shared antipathy towards the Indic worldview. In order to liberate Bharat's distinctive indigeneity, 'decoloniality' is presented as a civilisational imperative in the spheres of nature, religion, culture, history, education, language and, crucially, in the realm of constitutionalism.

India–Africa Partnerships for Food Security and Capacity Building: South–South Cooperation (International Political Economy Series)

by Renu Modi Meera Venkatachalam

This compendium showcases the ongoing trends and challenges in South-South cooperation between India and select countries in Africa, for achieving food security and poverty reduction. Scholars and practitioners share diverse perspectives on the role of India’s development compact; aid, trade, private sector driven Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), and concessional Lines of Credit (LOCs) to the agricultural and agro-processing sector in Africa. India- Africa cooperation also underscores that the sharing of knowledge and capabilities- technical and financial, along with North- South partnerships- through trilateral and multilateral mechanisms, can upscale agriculture and agro-processing sectors to centre stage the food security agenda and reduce poverty. Arguments made through the volume critically highlight hegemonic neo-liberal economic policies, structural adjustment programmes, import substitution practices, and the denationalization of food production, and illustrate the need for sustainable and cost effective agro-ecological practices, in the face of ongoing global challenges, such as the climate emergency and degradation of biodiversity and habitats. The axial questions addressed are; how does cooperation between countries of the Global South- India and Africa - impact intra-South trading, capacity building, and the investment landscape. Scientists, academics, development professionals, government officials, NGOs and international organizations, offer the readers; empirical case studies, policy perspectives, the limitations and challenges, and the way forward in an analytical manner.

Indian Agriculture Under the Shadows of WTO and FTAs: Issues and Concerns (India Studies in Business and Economics)

by Rajan Sudesh Ratna Sachin Kumar Sharma Radika Kumar Adeet Dobhal

This book examines the various issues and concerns faced by Indian agriculture under the obligations of WTO and the Free Trade Agreements. While the issues discussed pertain mainly to India, the lessons can also be derived for many other similarly placed developing countries. The book delves into various aspects of Indian agricultural trade and evaluates the domestic policies and regulations of government while also looking at external factors like WTO, free trade agreements and non-tariff barriers. Chapters of this book have been contributed by eminent agricultural economists, lawyers and social scientists providing the perspective from their sector. This book highlights the challenges and opportunities for agriculture sector under the rapidly growing regional trade agreements and results of negotiations under the WTO. It also provides critical insights into the ongoing fisheries subsidies negotiations at the WTO and issues relating to non-tariff measures. The findings have broad implications for developing countries in general and India in particular. This book will greatly benefit trade negotiators, policymakers, civil society, farmer groups, researchers, students, and academics interested in issues related to the WTO, FTAs, tariff and non-tariff barriers and other allied issues concerning Indian agriculture. The techniques used in analytical part will mostly benefit the researchers as they can not only use these techniques and methodologies for their future research, but to also carry the research forward. The book is useful for many educational institutes which teach international trade, agricultural economics, and WTO and FTAs studies.

Indian Foreign Policy and Cultural Values

by Kadira Pethiyagoda

As India rises to great power status in the emerging multipolar world order, what influence will its rich and ancient culture have on the country’s foreign policy? This book reveals that cultural values have greater explanatory power than previously thought and describes the nature of their influence. Excavating thousands of years of history, the monograph identifies enduring values that are relevant to contemporary foreign policy. It examines three critical areas of Indian foreign policy – nuclear policy, humanitarian intervention and relations with the Middle East. Major decisions were shaped by cultural values – sometimes at the expense of strategic interests. India’s choice to test nuclear weapons was not purely because of China or Pakistan: hierarchy also played a role. From a hierarchical worldview shaping Delhi’s approach to international law on arms control to pluralism facilitating simultaneous friendships with America and Iran, values thread their way throughout India’s foreign relations. Non-violence underpins Delhi’s soft power in both the West and the Middle East, while having spurred India’s opposition to Western intervention in Iraq. Analyzing state behavior and interviewing diplomats, the book charts culture’s evolving influence from Rajiv Gandhi to Narendra Modi.

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