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Kopftuch (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung)

by Ranja Ebrahim Ulvi Karagedik

Der Konferenzband diskutiert aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven das Kopftuch im Kontext von Verbotsdebatten im deutschsprachigen Raum und möglichen Konsequenzen für das gesellschaftliche Miteinander. Der Mehrwert dieser Publikation ergibt sich aus der Auseinandersetzung mit dem sonst populistisch und politisch ausgeschlachteten Thema des muslimischen Kopftuches und bietet anstelle dessen eine differenzierte und vor allem differenzierende Elaboration sowohl für die im Feld stehenden Lehrenden als auch für die interessierte Allgemeinheit.

The Korean War in Turkish Culture and Society

by Nadav Solomonovich

This book explores the important role that the Korean War played in Turkish culture and society in the 1950s. Despite the fact that fewer than 15,000 Turkish soldiers served in Korea, this study shows that the Turkish public was exposed to the war in an unprecedented manner, considering the relatively small size of the country’s military contribution. It examines how the Turkish people understood the war and its causes, how propaganda was used to ‘sell’ the war to the public, and the impact of these messages on the Turkish public. Drawing on literary and visual sources, including archival documents, newspapers, protocols of parliamentary sessions, books, poems, plays, memoirs, cartoons and films, the book shows how the propaganda employed by the state and other influential civic groups in Turkey aimed to shape public opinion regarding the Korean War. It explores why this mattered to Turkish politicians, viewing this as instrumental in achieving the country’s admission to NATO, and why it mattered to Turkish people more widely, seeing instead a war in the name of universal ideas of freedom, humanity and justice, and comparing the Turkish case to other states that participated in the war.

Kosovo and Transitional Justice: The Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict (Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding)

by Aidan Hehir

This book analyses efforts to achieve justice in Kosovo for victims of crimes committed during the conflict in the 1990s, relating this to broader debates on transitional justice. The war in Kosovo has come under the jurisdiction of a number of mechanisms which fit within the broader framework of transitional justice. These include international tribunals (the ICTY), international organisations with judicial mandates within Kosovo (UNMIK and EULEX), ad-hoc hybrid tribunals (the Kosovo Specialist Chambers) and truth-seeking mechanisms (RECOM and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission). Collectively, these developments make Kosovo a profoundly important case study on the contemporary efficacy of transitional justice. This volume analyses the nature and impact of the various mechanisms employed to date in Kosovo to determine their effects within the country, and their broader international significance. Various critical issues are examined through an exploration of the institutional mechanisms employed in each case, their coherence with existing theories on "best practice" principles, and the broader implications of their efficacy in Kosovo. This book will be of much interest to students of transitional justice, statebuilding, Balkan politics, and International Relations in general.

Kosovo and Transitional Justice: The Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict (Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding)

by Aidan Hehir Furtuna Sheremeti

This book analyses efforts to achieve justice in Kosovo for victims of crimes committed during the conflict in the 1990s, relating this to broader debates on transitional justice. The war in Kosovo has come under the jurisdiction of a number of mechanisms which fit within the broader framework of transitional justice. These include international tribunals (the ICTY), international organisations with judicial mandates within Kosovo (UNMIK and EULEX), ad-hoc hybrid tribunals (the Kosovo Specialist Chambers) and truth-seeking mechanisms (RECOM and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission). Collectively, these developments make Kosovo a profoundly important case study on the contemporary efficacy of transitional justice. This volume analyses the nature and impact of the various mechanisms employed to date in Kosovo to determine their effects within the country, and their broader international significance. Various critical issues are examined through an exploration of the institutional mechanisms employed in each case, their coherence with existing theories on "best practice" principles, and the broader implications of their efficacy in Kosovo. This book will be of much interest to students of transitional justice, statebuilding, Balkan politics, and International Relations in general.

Krisen sichtbar machen: Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design

Krisen sichtbar machen führt unterschiedliche Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design fort, welche die Grundlage des interdisziplinären Ausstellungsprojektes Making Crises Visible im Senckenberg Naturmuseum waren. Den Reflexionen dieser Ausstellung wird nun ein zusätzlicher, das Spektrum in Theorie und Praxis weiter aufspannender Rahmen gegeben. Der Band nimmt damit die in allen Disziplinen wichtiger werdende Debatte über neue Formen der Wissensgenerierung, der Wissens- sowie Wissenschaftskommunikation auf - und fragt nach dem Beitrag, den diese zur Bewältigung politischer, ökonomischer und ökologischer Krisen leisten können. Die produktive Vielfalt der Ansätze und Erkenntnisformen spiegelt sich in den unterschiedlichen Formaten und Perspektiven, die er vereint.

Krisengeprüftes Europa: Wie wir die Solidarität in der EU stärken können

by Heinz Handler

Das Integrationsprojekt der Europäischen Union ist über seine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge noch nicht weit hinausgekommen, die ursprüngliche Idee einer politischen Union ist nach den Krisen des vergangenen Jahrzehnts in weite Ferne gerückt. Globalisierung, Migration, Nationalismus und Populismus machen der noch wenig verfestigten europäischen Identität zu schaffen. Bürgerschaft und Politik stehen vor der Wahl, die EU durch massive Reformen nicht nur wirtschaftlich, sondern auch politisch zu einer Weltmacht zu entwickeln oder sie zu einem Kerneuropa mit differenzierter Peripherie abschmelzen zu lassen. Für eine Weichenstellung bietet sich die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas an.

Kritik der Gegenwart - Politische Theorie als kritische Zeitdiagnose (X-Texte zu Kultur und Gesellschaft)

by Oliver Flügel-Martinsen

Eine kritisch befragende Politische Theorie behandelt aktuelle Fragen auf augenöffnende Weise. Oliver Flügel-Martinsen stellt eine solche kritische Zeitdiagnose, die angesichts der globalen Coronakrise besondere Bedeutung hat. Dabei geht es um das Verhältnis von Wahrheitsskepsis und Politik, die neoliberale Hegemonie und ihre Krise, Ausgrenzung und Rechtspopulismus sowie den in den politischen Gegenwartsdiskursen oft verdrängten Aspekt der globalen Ungerechtigkeit. Die kritische Fruchtbarkeit dieses Ansatzes liegt nicht nur in der Gegenwartsdiagnose selbst, sondern in der Möglichkeit, zu zeigen, dass wir in dieser Gegenwart keineswegs gefangen bleiben, sondern über sie hinausgehen können.

Künstliche Intelligenz im Militär: Chancen und Risiken für die Sicherheitspolitik (essentials)

by Ulf von Krause

KI-Anwendungen drängen auf breiter Front in das Militär hinein, wodurch sich vielfältige Chancen ergeben (in der Administration, der Krisenfrüherkennung, im militärischen Führungsvorgang, beim Waffeneinsatz, .im „Drohnenkrieg“, in hybriden Konflikten). Die Entwicklung von Letalen Autonomen Waffensystemen bringt geopolitische, ethische und (völker-)rechtliche Risiken, deren Lösung derzeit nicht absehbar ist. Bisher scheuen die Mächte, die KI entwickeln, allerdings als „letzten Schritt“ die Übertragung der Entscheidungsgewalt über das Töten von Menschen an Maschinen. Dieses käme einer Öffnung der „Büchse der Pandora“ gleich.

Kurdish Women's Stories

by Houzan Mahmoud

Kurdistan has had a tumultuous history, and the women who lived there have experienced a life like no other. From Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror beginning in the 1960s, to the fight against ISIS today, violence, revolution and questions around identity, agency, survival and resistance have been at the forefront of women’s lives for decades. This book is a collection of these women’s stories written in their own words. Each story reveals a tapestry of experiences, including political activism under Saddam and armed resistance in Rojava’s PKK and YPG and Komala in Rojhalat. This is in addition to experiences of FGM and overcoming victimhood, life under extreme conservatism, as well as a look into the work of artists, poets, novelists and performers whose work represents a complicated relationship with Kurdistan. These rich and nuanced insights come from a group of women from a nation without a state, who are now scattered across the world. Collectively, they take the reader on a journey that will inspire feminist, anti-fascist and anti-racist people across the world.

Kurds and Yezidis in the Middle East: Shifting Identities, Borders, and the Experience of Minority Communities (Kurdish Studies)

by Güneş Murat Tezcür

The diversity of Kurdish communities across the Middle East is now recognized as central to understanding both the challenges and opportunities for their representation and politics. Yet little scholarship has focused on the complexities within these different groups and the range of their experiences. This book diversifies the literature on Kurdish Studies by offering close analyses of subjects which have not been adequately researched, and in particular, by highlighting the Kurds' relationship to the Yazidis. Case studies include: the political ideas of Ehmede Xani, “the father of Kurdish nationalism”; the Kurds of the Caucasus; Kurdish refugees in camps in Iraq; the perception of the Kurds by Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire and the Turks in modern Western Turkey; and the important connections and shared heritage of the Kurds and the Yazidis, especially in the aftermath of the 2014 ISIS attacks. The book comprises the leading voices in Kurdish Studies and combines in-depth empirical work with theoretical and conceptual discussions to take the debates in the field in new directions. The study is divided into three thematic sections to capture new insights into the heterogeneous aspects of Kurdish history and identity. In doing so, contributors explain why we need to pay close attention to the shifting identities and the diversity of the Kurds, and what implications this has for Middle East Studies and Minority Studies more generally.

Labor Contestation at Walmart Brazil: Limits of Global Diffusion in Latin America (Governance, Development, and Social Inclusion in Latin America)

by Scott B. Martin João Paulo Veiga Katiuscia Moreno Galhera

This book explores how and why the labor practices of the world’s largest employer, supermarket giant Walmart, were contested by unions and government regulators as it expanded to Latin America starting in the 1990s. With an in-depth case study of Brazil, and a comparative chapter examining Argentina, Chile, and Mexico, this book analyzes the problematic encounter between diffusion of home-office anti-labor practices and evolving national institutional contexts that are quite varied and in some cases enable considerable resistance by unions and/or regulators. Walmart’s “repressive familial” and “anti-union” model is found to generate costs and conflicts that contributed to its unprofitability and ultimate exit from Brazil in 2018. This experience, contrasted with country situations where Walmart’s overall competitive and labor and human resource practices “fit” better with national markets and institutions, underlines the brittle, problematic nature of diffusionist corporate models lacking adaptive capacity to significant cross-national variations across host countries.

Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank

by Sanford M. Jacoby

From award-winning economic historian Sanford M. Jacoby, a fascinating and important study of the labor movement and shareholder capitalismSince the 1970s, American unions have shrunk dramatically, as has their economic clout. Labor in the Age of Finance traces the search for new sources of power, showing how unions turned financialization to their advantage.Sanford Jacoby catalogs the array of allies and finance-based tactics labor deployed to stanch membership losses in the private sector. By leveraging pension capital, unions restructured corporate governance around issues like executive pay and accountability. In Congress, they drew on their political influence to press for corporate reforms in the wake of business scandals and the financial crisis. The effort restrained imperial CEOs but could not bridge the divide between workers and owners. Wages lagged behind investor returns, feeding the inequality identified by Occupy Wall Street. And labor’s slide continued.A compelling blend of history, economics, and politics, Labor in the Age of Finance explores the paradox of capital bestowing power to labor in the tumultuous era of Enron, Lehman Brothers, and Dodd-Frank.

Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank

by Sanford M. Jacoby

From award-winning economic historian Sanford M. Jacoby, a fascinating and important study of the labor movement and shareholder capitalismSince the 1970s, American unions have shrunk dramatically, as has their economic clout. Labor in the Age of Finance traces the search for new sources of power, showing how unions turned financialization to their advantage.Sanford Jacoby catalogs the array of allies and finance-based tactics labor deployed to stanch membership losses in the private sector. By leveraging pension capital, unions restructured corporate governance around issues like executive pay and accountability. In Congress, they drew on their political influence to press for corporate reforms in the wake of business scandals and the financial crisis. The effort restrained imperial CEOs but could not bridge the divide between workers and owners. Wages lagged behind investor returns, feeding the inequality identified by Occupy Wall Street. And labor’s slide continued.A compelling blend of history, economics, and politics, Labor in the Age of Finance explores the paradox of capital bestowing power to labor in the tumultuous era of Enron, Lehman Brothers, and Dodd-Frank.

Labor Markets, Migration, and Mobility: Essays in Honor of Jacques Poot (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives #45)

by William Cochrane Michael P. Cameron Omoniyi Alimi

This volume is devoted to three key themes central to studies in regional science: the sub-national labor market, migration, and mobility, and their analysis. The book brings together essays that cover a wide range of topics including the development of uncertainty in national and subnational population projections; the impacts of widening and deepening human capital; the relationship between migration, neighborhood change, and area-based urban policy; the facilitating role played by outmigration and remittances in economic transition; and the contrasting importance of quality of life and quality of business for domestic and international migrants. All of the contributions here are by leading figures in their fields and employ state-of-the art methodologies. Given the variety of topics and themes covered this book, it will appeal to a broad range of readers interested in both regional science and related disciplines such as demography, population economics, and public policy.

Labour Power: Virtual and Actual in Digital Production (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)

by Roberto Ciccarelli

This book offers a critical account of Karl Marx’s dazzling theory of labour power which is also one of the most influential concepts in the history of contemporary philosophy. Labour power is the dark side of the digital revolution. Working men and women are invisible and treated like human service, flesh and blood automatons or organic extensions of a machine that produces data on its own. Automation is viewed as something magic made possible by algorithms whose life is independent of human beings.Labour power, however, has not disappeared. Without drivers, Uber cannot connect customers on its platform; without searches on its browser, Google grinds to a halt; without us, Facebook or Instagram is desert. Labour power is the dwarf hidden inside the puppet of technology that allows algorithms to be intelligent and make the biggest profits in the history of capitalism.The invisible centrality of labour power is the political enigma of our times. Today a new account of the theory of labour power is needed more than ever in order to understand the political economy of digital capitalism on new grounds. Unlike a long tradition in the history of work, labour power is not only the work or the data it produces, but a potency that does not coincide with its current commodification. The actuality of labour power does not exhaust the virtuality that can be actualised by its faculty. Even when reduced to a commodity, labour power does not exhaust the potency of its being otherwise.Immersed in the constant propaganda that boosts the latest technological inventions, we neglect the fact that this wealth is produced by us and that it could be ours precisely because it is a part of our potential to be other than what we are at present. This book is a vibrant invitation to consider the fact that we are always connected with the potency that is constantly at work in our life. If this were not the case, we would not be alive. If we do not strive to become consciously and collectively active, we will never know.

Labour Questions in the Global South

by Praveen Jha Walter Chambati Lyn Ossome

This book provides a focus on some of the main markers and challenges that are at the core of the study of structural transformations in contemporary capitalism and their implications for labour in the Global South. It examines the diverse perspectives and regional and social variations that characterise labour relations as a result of the uneven development which is an important facet of the intensification of capitalist accumulation.. The book provides important insights into the impact of the crises of capitalism on the wellbeing of labour at different historical junctures. Some of the issues covered by it include the conditions of work, and the changing composition of laboring classes and/or working people. The chapters also throw light on the multiple trajectories in the development of labour relations and employment in the Global South, especially after the ascendancy and domination of neoliberal finance capitalism. Some of the major aspects considered by the essays include the decentering of production and development of global value systems, crisis of social reproduction, and the rising informalisation of work.

Labour Rights and the Catholic Church: The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching (Law and Religion)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the extent of parallelism and cross-influence between Catholic Social Teaching and the work of the world’s oldest human rights institution, the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Sometimes there is a mutual attraction between seeming opposites who in fact share a common goal. This book is about just such an attraction between a secular organisation born of the political desire for peace and justice, and a metaphysical institution much older founded to bring peace and justice on earth. It examines the principles evident in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in the secular philosophy of the ILO; together with the theological basis of the relevant provisions of Catholic Social Teaching and of the socio-political origins and basis of the ILO. The spectrum of labour rights covered in the book extends from the right to press for rights, i.e., collective bargaining, to rights themselves – conditions in work – and on to post-employment rights in the form of social security and pensions. The extent of the parallelism and cross-influence is reviewed from the issue of the Papal Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum (1891) and from the founding of the ILO in 1919. This book is intended to appeal to lay, professional and academic alike, and will be of interest to researchers and academics working in the areas of international human rights, theology, comparative philosophy, history and social and political studies. On 4 January 2021 it was granted an Imprimatur by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm P. McMahon O.P., meaning that the Catholic Church is satisfied that the book is free of doctrinal or moral error.

Labour Rights and the Catholic Church: The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching (Law and Religion)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the extent of parallelism and cross-influence between Catholic Social Teaching and the work of the world’s oldest human rights institution, the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Sometimes there is a mutual attraction between seeming opposites who in fact share a common goal. This book is about just such an attraction between a secular organisation born of the political desire for peace and justice, and a metaphysical institution much older founded to bring peace and justice on earth. It examines the principles evident in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in the secular philosophy of the ILO; together with the theological basis of the relevant provisions of Catholic Social Teaching and of the socio-political origins and basis of the ILO. The spectrum of labour rights covered in the book extends from the right to press for rights, i.e., collective bargaining, to rights themselves – conditions in work – and on to post-employment rights in the form of social security and pensions. The extent of the parallelism and cross-influence is reviewed from the issue of the Papal Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum (1891) and from the founding of the ILO in 1919. This book is intended to appeal to lay, professional and academic alike, and will be of interest to researchers and academics working in the areas of international human rights, theology, comparative philosophy, history and social and political studies. On 4 January 2021 it was granted an Imprimatur by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm P. McMahon O.P., meaning that the Catholic Church is satisfied that the book is free of doctrinal or moral error.

Labour Under Corbyn: Constraints on Radical Politics in the UK

by Prapimphan Chiengkul

This book provides an accessible yet critical analysis of the Labour Party under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn (‪2015-2020) in the context of the contemporary British political economy. It analyses structural constraints on left-wing politics and evaluates the transformative potential of Labour’s economic and social policies under Corbyn. Drawing from a neo-Marxist and neo-Gramscian framework, the book argues that the material, institutional and ideological conditions before 2015 opened political space for a left-wing Labour Party, although the dominant historical structures severely limited its chance of coming to power. In addition, the book argues that Labour under Corbyn should not be dismissed as ‘populist’, and that its policies aimed to redress structural economic problems, promote economic democracy and tackle contemporary challenges. The book also highlights the importance of adopting a long-term approach to counter-hegemonic political struggle so as not to shrink the space for progressive politics.

Laizität und Sozialdemokratie: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Religions- und Weltanschauungspolitik in Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland

by Jonas May

Die Öffnung sozialdemokratischer und sozialistischer Parteien gegenüber Religions- und Weltanschauungsgemeinschaften hat zu uneinheitlichen Situationen in den ursprünglich religionskritischen, laizistischen Parteien geführt. Bei allen gemeinsam geteilten Werten der europäischen Schwesterparteien existieren divergierende laizistische Grundhaltungen und Auslegungsarten des Konzeptes der Laizität. Diese bilden den Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit: Die laizistischen Grundhaltungen verschiedener sozialdemokratischer Parteien in Europa werden herausgestellt, verglichen und analysiert. Dies geschieht durch eine Inhaltsanalyse von Parteipublikationen, die ergänzt wird durch Experteninterviews mit prominenten Vertretern der Parteien – so u.a. mit dem früheren spanischen Ministerpräsidenten José Luis Zapatero, mit dem ehemaligen Bundestagspräsidenten Wolfgang Thierse oder mit dem früheren Nationalen Sekretär für Laizität in Frankreich Jean Glavany. Anschließend werden auf Grundlage einer vergleichend ausgerichteten Analyse laizistischer Deutungsmuster der Parteien perspektivisch mehrere Erklärungsansätze und Einflussfaktoren auf die unterschiedlichen laizistischen Ausprägungen formuliert.

Lakefront: Public Trust and Private Rights in Chicago

by Joseph D. Kearney Thomas W. Merrill

How did Chicago, a city known for commerce, come to have such a splendid public waterfront—its most treasured asset? Lakefront reveals a story of social, political, and legal conflict in which private and public rights have clashed repeatedly over time, only to produce, as a kind of miracle, a generally happy ending. Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill study the lakefront's evolution from the middle of the nineteenth century to the twenty-first. Their findings have significance for understanding not only Chicago's history but also the law's part in determining the future of significant urban resources such as waterfronts. The Chicago lakefront is where the American public trust doctrine, holding certain public resources off limits to private development, was born. This book describes the circumstances that gave rise to the doctrine and its fluctuating importance over time, and reveals how it was resurrected in the later twentieth century to become the primary principle for mediating clashes between public and private lakefront rights. Lakefront compares the effectiveness of the public trust idea to other property doctrines, and assesses the role of the law as compared to more institutional developments, such as the emergence of sanitary commissions and park districts, in securing the protection of the lakefront for public uses. By charting its history, Kearney and Merrill demonstrate that the lakefront's current status is in part a product of individuals and events unique to Chicago. But technological changes, and a transformation in social values in favor of recreational and preservationist uses, also have been critical. Throughout, the law, while also in a state of continual change, has played at least a supporting role.

Land Fictions: The Commodification of Land in City and Country (Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment)

Land Fictions explores the common storylines, narratives, and tales of social betterment that justify and enact land as commodity. It interrogates global patterns of property formation, the dispossessions property markets enact, and the popular movements to halt the growing waves of evictions and land grabs.This collection brings together original research on urban, rural, and peri-urban India; rapidly urbanizing China and Southeast Asia; resource expropriation in Africa and Latin America; and the neoliberal urban landscapes of North America and Europe. Through a variety of perspectives, Land Fictions finds resonances between local stories of land's fictional powers and global visions of landed property's imagined power to automatically create value and advance national development. Editors D. Asher Ghertner and Robert W. Lake unpack the dynamics of land commodification across a broad range of political, spatial, and temporal settings, exposing its simultaneously contingent and collective nature. The essays advance understanding of the politics of land while also contributing to current debates on the intersections of local and global, urban and rural, and general and particular.Contributors Erik Harms, Michael Watts, Sai Balakrishnan, Brett Christophers, David Ferring, Sarah Knuth, Meghan Morris, Benjamin Teresa, Mi Shih, Michael Levien, Michael L. Dwyer, Heather Whiteside

Land Issues for Urban Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa (Local and Urban Governance)

by Robert Home

Sub-Saharan Africa faces many development challenges, such as its size and diversity, rapid urban population growth, history of colonial exploitation, fragile states and conflicts over land and natural resources. This collection, contributed from different academic disciplines and professions, seeks to support the UN Habitat New Urban Agenda passed at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in 2016. It will attract readers from urban specialisms in law, geography and other social sciences, and from professionals and policy-makers concerned with land use planning, surveying and governance.Among the topics addressed by the book are challenges to governance institutions: how international development is delivered, building land management capacity, funding for urban infrastructure, land-based finance, ineffective planning regulation, and the role of alternatives to courts in resolving boundary and other land disputes. Issues of rights and land titling are explored from perspectives of human rights law (the right to development, and women's rights of access to land), and land tenure regularization. Particular challenges of housing, planning and informality are addressed through contributions on international real estate investment, community participation in urban settlement upgrading, housing delivery as a partly failing project to remedy apartheid's legacy, and complex interactions between political power, money and land. Infrastructure challenges are approached in studies of food security and food systems, urban resilience against natural and man-made disasters, and informal public transport.

Land Law and Disputes in Asia: In Search of an Alternative for Development (Routledge Studies in Asian Law)

by Yuka Kaneko Narufumi Kadomatsu Brian Z. Tamanaha

Through an in-depth legal analysis by leading scholars, this book searches for the exact legal causes of land-related disputes in Asia within the histories, legal systems and social realities of the respective countries. It consists of four main parts: examining the relationship between law and development; land-taking in developmental stages; common ownership; and proposals for new approaches to land law and dispute resolution. With a combination of orthodox legal interpretations and the empirical approach of legal sociology, the contributors undertake an extensive comparative legal analysis across common and civil law traditions. Most importantly, they propose pathways forward for legal transformations in the pursuit of sustainable development in Asia. This book is vital contribution to the study of comparative law, and especially property law, in East and Southeast Asia.

Land Law and Disputes in Asia: In Search of an Alternative for Development (Routledge Studies in Asian Law)

by Yuka Kaneko Narufumi Kadomatsu Brian Z. Tamanaha

Through an in-depth legal analysis by leading scholars, this book searches for the exact legal causes of land-related disputes in Asia within the histories, legal systems and social realities of the respective countries. It consists of four main parts: examining the relationship between law and development; land-taking in developmental stages; common ownership; and proposals for new approaches to land law and dispute resolution. With a combination of orthodox legal interpretations and the empirical approach of legal sociology, the contributors undertake an extensive comparative legal analysis across common and civil law traditions. Most importantly, they propose pathways forward for legal transformations in the pursuit of sustainable development in Asia. This book is vital contribution to the study of comparative law, and especially property law, in East and Southeast Asia.

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