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Assessing Family Relationships: A Family Life Space Drawing Manual

by Theresa A. Beeton Ronald A. Clark

Assessing Family Relationships shows mental health professionals how to utilize the Family Life Space Drawing (the FLSD), a family assessment tool that incorporates information from multiple family members while building connections between the clinician and the client. In this manual, Theresa A. Beeton and Ronald A. Clark demonstrate the usefulness of the FLSD in both family and couple counseling. As a task-centered assessment tool, the FLSD enables an interactive and personalized process of counseling, which helps individuals to express concerns and information about themselves in an indirect and nonthreatening manner. Chapters are illustrated throughout with case studies and drawings adapted from the authors’ own clinical experience, and the manual offers an overview of the history of the FLSD, as well as where future research is headed. Providing a practical explanation of how to complete the FLSD process, Assessing Family Relationships will be highly relevant to couple and family therapists, as well as clinical social workers, who are interested in updating their practice with innovative family assessment research and techniques.

Assessing Family Relationships: A Family Life Space Drawing Manual

by Theresa A. Beeton Ronald A. Clark

Assessing Family Relationships shows mental health professionals how to utilize the Family Life Space Drawing (the FLSD), a family assessment tool that incorporates information from multiple family members while building connections between the clinician and the client. In this manual, Theresa A. Beeton and Ronald A. Clark demonstrate the usefulness of the FLSD in both family and couple counseling. As a task-centered assessment tool, the FLSD enables an interactive and personalized process of counseling, which helps individuals to express concerns and information about themselves in an indirect and nonthreatening manner. Chapters are illustrated throughout with case studies and drawings adapted from the authors’ own clinical experience, and the manual offers an overview of the history of the FLSD, as well as where future research is headed. Providing a practical explanation of how to complete the FLSD process, Assessing Family Relationships will be highly relevant to couple and family therapists, as well as clinical social workers, who are interested in updating their practice with innovative family assessment research and techniques.

Youth Participation and Learning: Critical Perspectives on Citizenship Practices in Europe (Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life #7)

by Zulmir Bečević Björn Andersson

This book contributes to the studies on learning processes occurring outside “traditional” socialization settings such as family and school, by analysing civic and political participation and learning experiences. In this perspective, the book delves into the connections between the concepts of learning and participation and, in various ways and from different perspectives, critically interrogates learning and participation as interrelated phenomena, with the aim of revealing complexities implicated in pathways to adulthood. Being interdisciplinary in its nature (contributors come from disciplinary backgrounds such as educational sciences, child and youth studies, social work, sociology and political science), the volume provides an up-to date analysis of contemporary issues connected to youth participation and learning. The work taps into central areas of everyday life of young people and youth meaning-making and generates and presents qualitative knowledge about what it means to be young in Europe today.

Transformaties in de jeugdzorg: 35 jaar wetenschap

by Sander Begeer Leonieke Boendermaker Hilde Colpin Marca Geeraets Helma Koomen Nanda Lambregts-Rommelse Karla Van Leeuwen Ramon Lindauer Geertjan Overbeek Peter Prinzie Gerda Smid Bart Soenens Gonneke Stevens

Het boek bestaat uit een verzameling van 9 artikelen, eerder verschenen in het themanummer van Kind en Adolescent in 2015, die vanuit verschillend perspectief 35 jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek behandelen die relevant is voor de pedagogische, psychiatrische en psychologische praktijk. Wat weten we nu eigenlijk over de effecten van bepaalde behandelingen, waarom worden effectief bewezen behandelingen niet meer ingezet, hoe kunnen foutieve ideeen hierover weerlegt worden en vervangen door nieuwe kennis? Het boek geeft antwoord op hoe het denken van professionals in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie is veranderd, getransformeerd door wat wetenschappelijk onderzoek de afgelopen 35 jaar heeft opgeleverd. En ook wat de implicaties hiervan zijn voor het handelen in de klinische praktijk. De insteek is breed omdat vanuit meerdere perspectieven naar de (bedreigde) ontwikkeling van kinderen gekeken kan worden. Vanuit de invloed van de school, de rol van de ouders, maar ook vanuit neurobiologische factoren.

Klassenzusammenhalt und schulisches Problemverhalten: Eine netzwerkanalytische Untersuchung auf der Sekundarstufe I

by Thomas Begert

Thomas Begert untersucht, basierend auf einem netzwerktheoretischen Ansatz, der die Bedeutung der sozialen Einbettung von Individuen in Gruppen für individuelles Verhalten betont, den Klassenzusammenhalt als ein wichtiges strukturelles Merkmal von Schulklassen und dessen Einfluss auf schulisches Problemverhalten. Dadurch werden die in der Literatur vorherrschenden individuums- und lehrpersonenzentrierten Ursachenfelder zu schulischem Problemverhalten um eine peerkontextuelle Sichtweise erweitert. Es zeigt sich, dass schulisches Problemverhalten auch durch soziale Prozesse zwischen den Peers erklärt werden kann. Deshalb wird auf die Beachtung von Klassenzusammenhalt und -normen durch die Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich von Unterrichtsgestaltung verwiesen.

The Phone Fix: The Brain-Focused Guide to Building Healthy Digital Habits and Breaking Bad Ones

by Dr Faye Begeti

What is really happening in your brain when you use your phone, and how to harness it.We pick up our phones on average 80 times a day, and approximately a quarter of our waking hours are spent in front of a screen. We self-interrupt our work and social lives, forgo sleep, procrastinate important tasks and opt for digital distraction when we're bored or feel uncomfortable. Worst-case scenario, we're told phone use is melting our brains, creating a mental health epidemic and machines are taking over the world.But how much of this is true and what can we do about it?NHS neurology doctor and neuroscientist Faye Begeti explains the science behind why we have formed so many fixed and negative habits around our devices. She reflects on both deliberate choices and automatic behaviours, whilst also challenging myths around digital 'addiction', the harmfulness of blue light and how dopamine functions in the brain.Rather than recommending a quick-fix digital diet or abstinence – unviable for most people and pointless given the way our brain works – The Phone Fix offers a practical guide, based on neuroscientific techniques, on building supportive digital habits. Begeti shows that technology is not inherently bad or frightening and that by better understanding what is happening in our brains, we can replenish our willpower and improve our focus, forming a healthier relationship with our phones – and therefore the people around us.

Management for Child Health Services

by Norman T. Begg Michael Rigby Euan M. Ross

The provision of health care services for children is central to improving the nation's health and remains a key feature of every government's policy. This concept has been recognised in the United Kingdom since nineteenth century visionaries prompted increasing interest in the welfare of the country's school children. Successive generations have built upon these foundations and have been diligent in promoting effective service development. It is right that we follow their example, for the young have only one chance of a healthy upbringing. They are totally dependent on others to provide the right services, which are sensitive enough to address individual needs, yet sufficiently comprehensive to enable as many children as possible to reach adulthood with their potential uncom­ promised by illness. Our objective must be to enable today's children to enjoy a healthy childhood and to equip them to maximise the benefits of a healthy lifestyle in the years to come. We are making an essential investment in the future and must appreciate the challenges which come with that commitment. We need a multi-professional approach, positive management skills and the adoption of good management practice. I therefore welcome this book on managing child health services and commend the initiative of its editors in bringing together such an impressive team of contributors from different disciplines.

Leadership and Sexuality: Power, Principles and Processes (Jepson Studies in Leadership series)

by James K. Beggan Scott T. Allison

Although both leadership and sexuality are important and heavily researched topics, there is little work that addresses the interaction of the two areas. Leadership and Sexuality: Power, Principles, and Processes is a scholarly synthesis of leadership principles with issues related to sexuality and sexual policy-making. The authors’ multi-disciplinary analysis of the topic examines sexuality in the context of many different kinds of leadership, exploring both the good and the bad aspects of leadership and sexuality. These integrated topics are examined through three broad areas of study. The first involves individuals who become leaders in sexual domains by advancing new views of human sexuality. The second involves problems that leaders of businesses and other institutions must address as a result of issues related to human sexuality, including sexual harassment and sexually-based discrimination in the workplace. The third area involves understanding how being a leader influences sexual desire and sexual attraction, and may impact the course of workplace romance and the expression of sexuality. Written to be accessible to both laypeople and scholars, this book will appeal to academics and scientists interested in human sexuality as well as many related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, leadership studies, heroism science, political science, religion, and economics.

Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education (Creativity Theory and Action in Education #4)

by Ronald A. Beghetto Giovanni Emanuele Corazza

This edited volume provides a venue for scholars whose work challenges the typical, static conceptions, and methods of studying creativity. More specifically, the book will serve as an effort to introduce more dynamic definitions, conceptions, and approaches for studying creativity in the context of educational practice. By doing so, it feeds the strong contemporary need for more dynamic conceptions of creativity in educational settings. This is particularly important given the fast evolution of modern society and the widespread consensus that efforts to develop creative potential should be democratized -- extending well beyond the boundaries of the gifted subset and the walls of the classroom. This work recognizes that more dynamic perspectives on creativity are necessary for understanding its complexity, value, and meaning in educational contexts.

Uncertainty: A Catalyst for Creativity, Learning and Development (Creativity Theory and Action in Education #6)

by Ronald A. Beghetto Garrett J. Jaeger

This edited volume brings together a group of international researchers and theorists from various intellectual and analytic traditions to explore the role uncertainty plays in creativity, learning, and development. Contributors to this volume draw on existing programs of research as well as introduce new and even speculative directions for research, theory and practice.Learning and life are filled with uncertainty. Although the experience of uncertainty can cause emotional discomfort or cognitive rigidity, uncertainty serves as a catalyst and condition for change. In this way, uncertainty represents a core facet in the interrelationship among creativity, learning, and development. Considerations for both the benefits and potential costs of uncertainty will be addressed in this volume with an aim of understanding how uncertainty can be better understood in light of creativity, learning, and development. Taken together this volume stands to contribute to our collective understanding of the role that uncertainty plays in learning and life and highlights how conceptualizing and studying uncertainty in new ways can promote positive and lasting change.

Creative Contradictions in Education: Cross Disciplinary Paradoxes and Perspectives (Creativity Theory and Action in Education #1)

by Ronald A. Beghetto Bharath Sriraman

Creative Contradictions in Education is a provocative collection of essays by international experts who tackle difficult questions about creativity in education from a cross-disciplinary perspective. The contributors to this volume examine and provide fresh insights into the tensions and contradictions that researchers and educators face when attempting to understand and apply creativity in educational contexts. Creativity in education is surrounded by many contradictions. Teachers generally value creativity, but question the role it can and should play in their classroom. Many educators find themselves feeling caught between the push to promote students’ creative thinking skills and the pull to meet external curricular mandates, increased performance monitoring, and various other curricular constraints. This book brings together leading experts who provide fresh, cross-disciplinary insights into how creative contradictions in education might be addressed. Contributors will draw from existing empirical and theoretical work, but push beyond “what currently is” and comment on future possibilities. This includes challenging the orthodoxy of traditional conceptions of creativity in education or making a case for maintaining particular orthodoxies.

Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcohol and Violence - Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, Family Issues (Recent Developments in Alcoholism #13)

by Henri Begleiter Deirdre Winczewski Richard Deitrich Richard Fuller Donald Gallant Donald W. Goodwin Edward Gottheil Alfonso Paredes Marcus Rothschild David H. van Thiel

From the President of the Research Society on Alcoholism On behalf of the Research Society on Alcoholism, I am pleased to introduce this thirteenth volume of Recent Developments in Alcoholism about alcohol and violence. Current concepts are presented in well-organized sections that - cus on epidemiology, neurobiology, psychology, and family issues. It is - coming increasingly clear that age, gender, socioeconomic circumstances, and genetics affect aggressive behavior and vulnerability to alcoholism. This v- ume contains up-to-date discussions of these issues. Indeed, the information presented here will help all alcohol researchers to identify biological and social factors that contribute to the comorbidity of alcoholism and aggression. The editors and associate editors should be congratulated for bringing toge- er such important information. This volume will be a valuable resource for investigators and therapists alike. Ivan Diamond M. D. , Ph. D. President, Research Society on Alcoholism From the President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine The American Society of Addiction Medicine is honored to continue its - sponsorship with the Research Society on Alcoholism of Recent Developmen ts in Alcoholism. The topic of alcohol and violence is a particularly timely one, given the growing number of studies that are examining the relationship between the two. These studies are consistent with the hypothesis that al- hol can increase aggression and contribute to both domestic and criminal violence. Intoxicating blood levels of alcohol have been found to be especially prevalent in those injured in fights and assaults.

Can't Just Stop: An Investigation of Compulsions

by Sharon Begley

HIGHLY COMMENDED for the British Medical Awards book prize for Popular Medicine'Filled with emotionally resonant stories, Can't Just Stop helps us understand not only the underpinnings of some forms of mental illness, but also the everyday worries that drive so much of our behaviour. A fascinating peek into the human mind in our age of anxiety.'David Kessler, author of Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering Do you check your smartphone continuously for messages? Or perhaps do the weekly shop with military precision? Maybe you always ensure the cutlery is perfectly lined up on the table?Compulsion is something most of us have witnessed in daily life. But compulsions exist along a broad continuum, and at the opposite end of these mild forms are life-altering disorders.Sharon Begley's meticulously researched book is the first of its kind to examine the science behind both mild and extreme compulsive behaviour; using fascinating case studies to understand their deeper meaning and reveal the truth about human compulsion - that it is a coping response to varying degrees of anxiety.Through the personal stories of dozens of interviewees exhibiting behaviours such as OCD, hoarding, compulsive acquiring, exercise or even altruism, Begley employs genuine compassion and gives meaningful context to their plight. Along the way she explores the role of compulsion in our fast paced culture, the neuroscience behind it, and strange manifestations of the behaviour throughout history. Can't Just Stop makes compulsion comprehensible and accessible, exploring how we can realistically grapple with it in ourselves and in those we love.

The Psychology of Good and Evil

by Laurent Bègue

In the 21st century, the concept of ethics may seem outdated or obsolete. But in reality, ethics is the omnipresent, ongoing discussion going on in our global communities today. Systematically, people condemn, sanction, demonize, and freely judge one another. As a result, by addressing the simplest of questions ("How do we act?" and "What do we think of others?"), laws are legislated and the moral code is created. But what is morality, exactly? And how does the moral code shape the story of our lives? Written from the perspective of a social psychologist, The Psychology of Good and Evil explores the answers to these big questions in fascinating detail, all while illuminating the inner workings of the human mind, human nature, and the foundations of our beliefs.

The Psychology of Good and Evil

by Laurent Bègue

In the 21st century, the concept of ethics may seem outdated or obsolete. But in reality, ethics is the omnipresent, ongoing discussion going on in our global communities today. Systematically, people condemn, sanction, demonize, and freely judge one another. As a result, by addressing the simplest of questions ("How do we act?" and "What do we think of others?"), laws are legislated and the moral code is created. But what is morality, exactly? And how does the moral code shape the story of our lives? Written from the perspective of a social psychologist, The Psychology of Good and Evil explores the answers to these big questions in fascinating detail, all while illuminating the inner workings of the human mind, human nature, and the foundations of our beliefs.

Risky Work Environments: Reappraising Human Work Within Fallible Systems

by Pascal Béguin

Risky Work Environments provides new insights into the multiple and dynamic trajectories of both near misses and mistakes in complex work environments, based on actual case examples. It also studies the interactions between various activity systems or work practices (design, maintenance, incident investigation, regulation, operation) and their consequences for operational performance. The role of rules and regulations is explored, considering the consequences of deviations and the limitations of enforced compliance. Further, the book explains how to search for, think about and act on information about vulnerability, near misses and mistakes in a way that emphasizes accountability in ways that are not punitive but instead responsible, innovative and provide opportunities for learning. Writing from different disciplines and theoretical perspectives, the contributors analyse working in risky environments which include air traffic control, offshore mining, chemical plants, neo-natal intensive care units, ship piloting and emergency call dispatch centres. In each chapter the authors present rich empirical data and their analyses illustrate a variety of ways in which, despite imperfect systems, safety and resilience is created in human action. In the chapters where the focus is on error or mistakes, the analysis undertaken reveals the logic of actions undertaken at the time as well as their constraints. The contributors are all active researchers within their disciplines and come from Australia, Finland, France, Norway and the Netherlands. The book will be of direct interest to safety scientists, researchers and scientists, as well as human factors practitioners working in complex technological systems.

Risky Work Environments: Reappraising Human Work Within Fallible Systems

by Pascal Béguin

Risky Work Environments provides new insights into the multiple and dynamic trajectories of both near misses and mistakes in complex work environments, based on actual case examples. It also studies the interactions between various activity systems or work practices (design, maintenance, incident investigation, regulation, operation) and their consequences for operational performance. The role of rules and regulations is explored, considering the consequences of deviations and the limitations of enforced compliance. Further, the book explains how to search for, think about and act on information about vulnerability, near misses and mistakes in a way that emphasizes accountability in ways that are not punitive but instead responsible, innovative and provide opportunities for learning. Writing from different disciplines and theoretical perspectives, the contributors analyse working in risky environments which include air traffic control, offshore mining, chemical plants, neo-natal intensive care units, ship piloting and emergency call dispatch centres. In each chapter the authors present rich empirical data and their analyses illustrate a variety of ways in which, despite imperfect systems, safety and resilience is created in human action. In the chapters where the focus is on error or mistakes, the analysis undertaken reveals the logic of actions undertaken at the time as well as their constraints. The contributors are all active researchers within their disciplines and come from Australia, Finland, France, Norway and the Netherlands. The book will be of direct interest to safety scientists, researchers and scientists, as well as human factors practitioners working in complex technological systems.

Analysis of Categorical Data from Historical Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Shizuhiko Nishisato (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior #17)

by Eric J. Beh Rosaria Lombardo Jose G. Clavel

This collection of essays is in honor of Shizuhiko Nishisato on his 88th birthday and consists of invited contributions only. The book contains essays on the analysis of categorical data, which includes quantification theory, cluster analysis, and other areas of multidimensional data analysis, covering more than half a century of research by the 41 interdisciplinary and international researchers who are contributors. Thus, it offers the wisdom and experience of work past and present and attracts a new generation of researchers to this field. Central to this wisdom and experience is that of Prof. Nishisato, who has spent much of the past 60 years mentoring and providing leadership in the research of quantification theory, especially that of “dual scaling”. The book includes contributions by leading researchers who have worked alongside Prof. Nishisato, published with him, been mentored by him, or whose work has been influenced by the research he has undertaken over his illustrious career. This book inspires researchers young and old as it highlights the significant contributions, past and present, that Prof. Nishisato has made in his field.

Clinical Psychopharmacology: An Update

by Prakash B. Behere Anweshak Das Aniruddh P. Behere

This book provides practical information on how to use various psychotropic drugs in clinical practice, focusing on their mechanisms of action on receptors and enzymes in the brain. Divided into 11 chapters, it covers all main drug classes, with a dedicated chapter each on special populations and upcoming drugs. All the drugs discussed are presented in the same design format in order to facilitate rapid access to information. Specifically, each drug is individually divided into sections - its history and introduction, classification, pharmacological action, doses, drug interactions, indications, side effects and special populations. Only the essential facts about each drug have been included, so as to make the content concise and to avoid dilution of important information. To aid with review, key points are summarized at the end of each chapter.

Alzheimer’s Disease Research: What Has Guided Research So Far and Why It Is High Time for a Paradigm Shift

by Christian Behl

This book highlights the key phases and central findings of Alzheimer’s Disease research since the introduction of the label ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’ in 1910. The author, Christian Behl, puts dementia research in the context of the respective zeitgeist and summarizes the paths that have led to the currently available Alzheimer’s drugs. As the reader is taken through the major developments in Alzheimer's Disease research, particularly over the past thirty years, Behl poses critical questions: Why are the exact causes of Alzheimer's Disease still in the dark, despite all the immense, worldwide research efforts in academia as well as in the pharmaceutical industry? Why has the majority of an entire research field kept focusing on a single hypothesis that establishes the deposition of the amyloid beta peptide in the brain as the key trigger of Alzheimer's pathology, even though this concept has still not been convincingly proven in the clinics? Are there other hypotheses that might explain the pathogenesis of this complex brain disease, and if so, why were these perspectives not adequately followed?In this book, Behl tries to answer these questions. Starting with the historical background, the author illustrates the long and arduous research journey, its numerous setbacks, and the many alternative explanations for the disease, which have started gaining increasing attention and acceptance in the Alzheimer’s research community only more recently. With his deep dive into the history and progression of this research, including the most recent developments, Behl explains why he believes that it is high time to promote a paradigm shift in Alzheimer’s Disease research.The book is written for all researchers in the fields of neurobiology and neurodegeneration, as well as other biomedical fields, who would like to gain a broad and beyond the surface insight into (the key developments of) one of the most promoted research fields of our time. With its extensive literature references and over 100 illustrations, the book is also attractive for students and interested lay persons. Elaborating on all the different aspects and research approaches of this research field, the author aims to convince the reader that the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s Disease may be much more complex than previously thought and that this must be considered for future research directions. While he hopes that the Alzheimer’s research community is finally ready to shed its ‘amyloid-straitjacket’ that has hampered progress for too long, he is also convinced that a much-needed paradigm shift can guide future Alzheimer’s Disease research and provide a new and broader perspective on this age-dependent brain disease.

Alibis and Corroborators: Psychological, Criminological, and Legal Perspectives

by Joshua D. Behl Megan R. Kienzle

This book aims to increase understanding of alibis and corroborators, examining the role alibis play – or fail to play – in innocence cases. It analyses the factors that can influence the suspect, the defense team, the alibi corroborator, and ultimately the alibi statement itself. Recognition of and reactions to wrongful convictions have been on the rise as researchers and society take a closer, more critical look at America’s criminal justice system. In addition to serving as a complete review of the science, this volume discusses issues such as alibi generation; alibi believability; a proposed theory of alibis; international comparisons of issues in alibi corroboration; age and gender differences in alibi corroboration; attorney perceptions and use of alibi evidence; and erroneous alibis. Offering an in-depth, empirical view, this book will appeal to students and researchers interested in Criminology, Legal Psychology, Social Psychology, Law, and practitioners in our legal and criminal justice systems who are making tough decisions about this distinctive witness type.

Lehrbuch der Multifamilientherapie: Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungsfelder

by Ulrike Behme-Matthiessen Thomas Pletsch

Die Multifamilientherapie (MFT) hat viele Vorteile: Menschen solidarisieren sich, indem sie erleben, nicht allein betroffen zu sein. Sie überwinden eher die schambedingte Isolation, wenn sie bei anderen ähnliche Schwierigkeiten sehen und finden schnell eine sie verbindende gemeinsame Sprache.In diesem Lehrbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in Systemischer Therapie werden theoretische Grundlagen, Arbeitsmethoden und Interventionstechniken sowie die Praxis multifamilientherapeutischen Handelns kompakt und anschaulich dargestellt. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele, Definitionen, Verständnisfragen und einem Online-Karteikartensatz zum Lernen und Wiederholen geben Expertinnen und Experten einen Einblick in die Arbeit der Multifamilientherapie in unterschiedlichen Kontexten und Einsatzbereichen.

Umgang mit Feedback im Kontext Schule: Erkenntnisse aus Analysen der externen Evaluation und des Referendariats (Psychologie in Bildung und Erziehung: Vom Wissen zum Handeln)

by Kristin Behnke

Das Erteilen und Empfangen von Feedback stellt einen zentralen Bereich des schulischen Arbeitens dar und übt darüber hinaus diverse wichtige Funktionen aus. Doch wie gehen Menschen, deren Beruf es ist, Rückmeldungen zu geben, selbst mit Feedback um? Welche universellen Schwierigkeiten ergeben sich im Umgang mit Rückmeldungen? Wann wird Feedback angenommen, wann wird es abgelehnt und aus welchen Gründen geschieht dies? Dieser Band betrachtet exemplarisch den Umgang zweier schulischer Personengruppen, der Referendar/-innen und Schulleitungen, mit Feedback und beleuchtet aus einer sozialpsychologischen und auf die Interaktionsgestaltung fokussierenden Perspektive die Chancen und Risiken, die sich innerhalb von Feedbackinteraktionen ergeben können.

Group-Analytic Psychotherapy: A Meeting of Minds

by Harold Behr Liesel Hearst

This book offers practitioners, teachers and students of psychotherapy a detailed and comprehensive account of group analysis. It demystifies the workings of analytic groups and looks at the great stretch of issues and tasks confronting the therapist in the practice of group analytic psychotherapy. Each stage in the process is fully discussed: the assessment and preparation of patients for groups, dynamic administration, beginning and ending a group, and the introduction of new members into an established group. A chapter on psychopathology gives a picture of the main psychiatric conditions which the group therapist is likely to encounter, and offers clear guidelines on how to manage them in a group context. An exposition on the group in full flow provides an unusual insight into the processes which constitute the analytic culture, including the analysis of dreams, the art of interpreting, use of the transference and countertransference, and the place of play, humour and metaphor. Difficult and challenging scenarios, such as dropping out, scapegoating, the silent group member, and monopolisation of the group are treated in depth, as are Large Groups, homogeneous groups, groups for children and adolescents, family therapy, groups in non-clinical settings, and the supervision of group therapy. The impingement of the therapist' s own personal issues is also given attention. The authors have flanked their narrative with accounts of the historical, social and cultural origins of group analysis, and a vision of the future provided by the newer strands of thinking in the field. The text is enlivened by colourful vignettes drawn from the authors' own experiences, and by sharply focused dialogues between the two authors, designed to illustrate their contrasting and complementary perspectives. The book represents a distillation of the authors' long experience in the field of group analytic practice and training in the United Kingdom and internationally.

The Self and Memory (Studies in Self and Identity)

by Douglas A. Behrend Denise R. Beike James M. Lampinen

Noted scholars from a broad range of sub-disciplines in psychology discuss the ways in which the memories of our lives come to influence who we are, our personalities, and our emotional functioning. Other topics covered include how our personalities and self-concepts influence what we remember from our lives, and the notion of memory and the self as interdependent psychological phenomena.

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