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Agnosia and Apraxia: Selected Papers of Liepmann, Lange, and P”tzl (Institute for Research in Behavioral Neuroscience Series)

by Jason W. Brown

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Agnosia and Apraxia: Selected Papers of Liepmann, Lange, and P”tzl (Institute for Research in Behavioral Neuroscience Series)

by Jason W. Brown

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Agoraphobie: Eine Anleitung zur Durchführung einer Exposition in vivo unter Einsatz eines Selbsthilfemanuals (Springer-Manuale zur Verhaltenstherapie)

by Andrew Mathews Michael Gelder Derek Johnston

In der Bundesrepublik leiden rund 3,5 % der Bevölkerung unter Platzangst, zu zwei Dritteln handelt es sich dabei um Frauen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Informations- und Selbsthilfe-Büchern über den Umgang mit Angst wendet sich dieses Buch spezifisch an Personen mit Platzangst, an deren Partner und Familienangehörige. Im Sinne eines gestuften Übungs-Kurses und in allgemeinverständlicher Form vermittelt das Buch einerseits das Grundverständnis für diese Erkrankung, zum anderen bietet es gezielte Maßnahmen an zur Überwindung der Angst und zum Abbau von Fehlverhalten. Das Therapeutenmanual setzt sich zusammen aus einer Anleitung für den Therapeuten und dem Selbsthilfemanual für den Patienten. Zu Beginn der Behandlung legt der Berater mit dem Patienten fest, wie dieser mit den Unterweisungen arbeiten soll. In bestimmten zeitlichen Abständen überprüft der Therapeut, ob sein Patient das Konzept verstanden hat und richtig anwenden kann. Dieses in Oxford entwickelte und später in Hamburg ins Deutsche übersetzte und überarbeitete Konzept berücksichtigt den jüngsten Kenntnisstand in der Angstforschung.

The AIDS Health Crisis: Psychological and Social Interventions (Nato Science Series B:)

by Jeffrey A. Kelly Janet S. St. Lawrence

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) poses a health threat unparalleled in modem times. Identified just a few years ago, AIDS and the human inunlmodeficiency virus (IDV) responsible for it affect millions of persons worldwide. AIDS has already become the leading cause of death among persons under 40 in some large American cities. From the beginning. it has been evident that AIDS carries unique psychological and social ramifications. In spite of its lethality, new cases of HIV infection are preventable if individuals can be assisted to make behavior changes to lessen or eliminate viral transmission. To the extent that we can develop effective primary prevention interventions, it will be possible to keep larger numbers of people from becoming infected with the mv virus. Psychological and social risk­ behavior change interventions, whether at the level of individual clients, groups, or entire communities, can playa key role-in fact, the only available role-in disease prevention. Patients with any life-threatening illness have psychological, social, and support needs. However, these needs are more pronounced and, often, less easily addressed for persons affected by AIDS. People in good clinical health but with HIV infection face years of worry concerning whether they will develop AIDS. Nearly 2 million Americans are currently in this precarious position; by 1991, 50 to 100 million persons worldwide are expected to share the same uncertainty.

Aktuelle Kernfragen in der Psychiatrie

by Felix Böcker Wolfgang Weig

Die Grundfragen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Körper und Psyche, zur Forschungssituation in der Psychiatrie und zu Fragen hinsichtlich der Ätiologie, insbesondere bei endogenen Psychosen, werden in diesem Buch dargestellt. Die Rehabilitation psychisch Kranker und Behinderter ist noch immer unbefriedigend. Die Beiträge zu diesem Thema stellen den aktuellen Wissensstand dar. Erstmalig diskutieren Architekten und Psychiater gemeinsam über die bauliche Gestaltung von psychiatrischen Kliniken. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen zukünftige Entwicklungen. Ein umfassender Teil der Beiträge dieses Buches befaßt sich mit der spezifischen Einbindung der Psychiatrie in die Rechtsordnung. Der Dialog mit Strafrechtlern gerade in diesem Problembereich ist für die klinische Psychiatrie von erheblicher Bedeutung.

Aktuelle Themen der Psychoanalyse

by Rudolf Klußmann Wolfgang Mertens Frank Schwarz

Das Buch enthält die Vorträge der Mitglieder der "Akademie für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie e.V. München", die anläßlich ihrer Vierzigjahrfeier gehalten wurden. Die Beiträge umfassen aktuelle Themen aus Praxis und Forschung und widmen sich auch gesellschaftlichen Problemstellungen. Das Buch bietet einen breiten Einblick in die "Werkstattarbeit" einer der größten psychoanalytischen Ausbildungsstätten.

Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the College Student

by Leighton Whitaker Timothy Rivinus

Professionals who work with college students--and college students themselves--address the current epidemic of drug use on college campuses in this timely book. In acknowledging that substance abuse problems proliferate during college and on into adult life when they then affect the next generation, the outstanding group of contributors offers forthright and clear descriptions, explanations, and suggestions for helping students, including examples of university services that have proven successful in dealing with student substance abuse. This helpful book aims to reverse the trend of ambivalence and confusion of administrators and college counselors regarding the area of substance use disorder by providing practical intervention strategies.

Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the College Student

by Leighton Whitaker Timothy Rivinus

Professionals who work with college students--and college students themselves--address the current epidemic of drug use on college campuses in this timely book. In acknowledging that substance abuse problems proliferate during college and on into adult life when they then affect the next generation, the outstanding group of contributors offers forthright and clear descriptions, explanations, and suggestions for helping students, including examples of university services that have proven successful in dealing with student substance abuse. This helpful book aims to reverse the trend of ambivalence and confusion of administrators and college counselors regarding the area of substance use disorder by providing practical intervention strategies.

Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment: Issues for Theory and Practice (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Segal

First published in 1988, Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment provides a stimulating discussion concerning an understanding of the etiology and treatment of alcoholism. Divided into five chapters, it brings themes like the disease concept of alcoholism; interdisciplinary biobehavioral research on alcohol problems; sociocultural and organizational bases of support for alcohol treatment; genetic predisposition to alcoholism; and anthropological perspectives on prevention and intervention, to provide a forum for discussion of some of the issues that prevail in the field of alcoholism. This book is an essential read for students and scholars of addiction studies, psychology, sociology, and behavioural studies.

Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment: Issues for Theory and Practice (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Segal

First published in 1988, Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment provides a stimulating discussion concerning an understanding of the etiology and treatment of alcoholism. Divided into five chapters, it brings themes like the disease concept of alcoholism; interdisciplinary biobehavioral research on alcohol problems; sociocultural and organizational bases of support for alcohol treatment; genetic predisposition to alcoholism; and anthropological perspectives on prevention and intervention, to provide a forum for discussion of some of the issues that prevail in the field of alcoholism. This book is an essential read for students and scholars of addiction studies, psychology, sociology, and behavioural studies.

The Alphabet and the Brain: The Lateralization of Writing

by Derrick De Kerckhove Charles J. Lumsden

This book is a consequence of the suggestion that a major key to­ ward understanding cognition in any advanced culture is to be found in the relationships between processing orthographies, lan­ guage, and thought. In this book, the contributors attempt to take only the first step, namely to ascertain that there are reliable con­ stancies among the interactions between a given type of writing and specific brain processes. And, among the possible brain processes that could be investigated, only one apparently simple issue is being explored: namely, whether the lateralization of reading and writing to the right in fully phonemic alphabets is the result of formalized but essentially random occurrences, or whether some physiological determinants are at play. The original project was much more complicated. It began with Derrick de Kerckhove's attempt to establish a connection between the rise of the alphabetic culture in Athens and the development of a theatrical tradition in that city from around the end of the 6th century B. c. to the Roman conquest. The underlying assumption, first proposed in a conversation with Marshall McLuhan, was that the Greek alphabet was responsible for a fundamental change in the psychology of the Athenians and that the creation of the great tragedies of Greek theatre was a kind of cultural response to a con­ dition of deep psychological crisis.

Alzheimer Demenz

by Michael Allard Jean-Louis Signoret Dirk Stalleicken

The American Jury On Trial: Psychological Perspectives

by Saul M. Kassin Lawrence S. Wrightsman

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The American Jury On Trial: Psychological Perspectives

by Saul M. Kassin Lawrence S. Wrightsman

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Anatomy of Psychotherapy

by Lawrence Friedman

Over the past decades, Lawrence Friedman has emerged as one of the most erudite and provocative theoriss in contemporary psychotherapy. The Anatomy of Psychotherapy interweaves Friedman's major contributions to the analytic and psychiatric literature with extensive new material in arriving at an extraordinarily rich and nuanced appreciation of psychotherapy. The Anatomy of Psychotherapy describes how the therapist makes use of theories and styles in order to achieve equilibrium under stress. This stress, according to Friedman, is related to the "absolute ambiguity" that is essential to psychotherapy. To cope with this ambiguity, the therapist alternates among three different roles, those of reader, historian, and pragmatic operator. Friedman examines these "disambiguating postures" in detail, paying special attention to their bearing on the therapist's narrative prejudice, the relativity of his knowledge, and the relationship of his work to natural science and hermeneutics. Brilliantly constructed and masterfully written, The Anatomy of Psychotherapy traverses the same basic themes in each of its six sections. Readers who are interested in theory can hone in on relevant topics or the work of particular theorists. Readers seeking insight into the demands of daily clinical work, on the other hand, can bypass the systematic studies and immerse themselves in Friedman's engrossing reflections on the experience of psychotherapy. Best served will be those who ponder Friedman's writings and therapy as complementary meditations issuing from a single, unifying vision, one in which psychotherapy, in both its promise and frustrations, becomes a subtle interplay among theories about psychotherapy, the personal styles of psychotherapists, and the practical exigencies of aiding those in distress.

The Anatomy of Psychotherapy

by Lawrence Friedman

Over the past decades, Lawrence Friedman has emerged as one of the most erudite and provocative theoriss in contemporary psychotherapy. The Anatomy of Psychotherapy interweaves Friedman's major contributions to the analytic and psychiatric literature with extensive new material in arriving at an extraordinarily rich and nuanced appreciation of psychotherapy. The Anatomy of Psychotherapy describes how the therapist makes use of theories and styles in order to achieve equilibrium under stress. This stress, according to Friedman, is related to the "absolute ambiguity" that is essential to psychotherapy. To cope with this ambiguity, the therapist alternates among three different roles, those of reader, historian, and pragmatic operator. Friedman examines these "disambiguating postures" in detail, paying special attention to their bearing on the therapist's narrative prejudice, the relativity of his knowledge, and the relationship of his work to natural science and hermeneutics. Brilliantly constructed and masterfully written, The Anatomy of Psychotherapy traverses the same basic themes in each of its six sections. Readers who are interested in theory can hone in on relevant topics or the work of particular theorists. Readers seeking insight into the demands of daily clinical work, on the other hand, can bypass the systematic studies and immerse themselves in Friedman's engrossing reflections on the experience of psychotherapy. Best served will be those who ponder Friedman's writings and therapy as complementary meditations issuing from a single, unifying vision, one in which psychotherapy, in both its promise and frustrations, becomes a subtle interplay among theories about psychotherapy, the personal styles of psychotherapists, and the practical exigencies of aiding those in distress.

Angst: Leitsymptom psychiatrischer Erkrankungen

by Hanns Hippius Manfred Ackenheil Rolf R. Engel

Angst ist ein natürlicher Bestandteil unseres Lebens und dient in dieser Funktion als Schutz, um entwicklungsgeschichtlich das Überleben der Art zu gewährleisten. Von dieser natürlichen Angst muß eine pathologische Angst, die im Rahmen psychiatrischer Erkrankungen auftritt, bzw. auch als Eigenerkrankung vorkommen kann, unterschieden werden. Übergänge von der normalen zur pathologischen Angst sind fließend. Das Buch behandelt verschiedene Aspekte der Angst, wobei im Vordergrund die Beziehung der Angst zu anderen psychiatrischen Erkrankungen steht. Theoretische biologische Grundlagen, Psychopathologie und Therapie der Angst als Symptom werden von Spezialisten aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen beschrieben. Die Zuordnung der Angst zu anderen psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern wird besonders hervorgehoben, bzw. von den spezifischen Angstkrankheiten abgegrenzt.

Angst — Depression — Schmerz und ihre Behandlung in der ärztlichen Praxis

by V. Beck E. Bönisch M. Daunderer P. Götze R. Grohmann H. Hippius W. Kissling R. Kocher W. Maier I. Meller B. Pflug E. Rüther M. Schmauss R. Wörz

Die erhebliche Zunahme von psychischen Erkrankungen und die begrenzte Zahl niedergelassener Psychiater unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, daß ein großer Teil psychisch kranker Patienten durch den Hausarzt versorgt wird. Das Buch vermittelt dem niedergelassenen Allgemeinarzt und Internisten praktikable Handlungsanweisungen zur Erkenntnis und Differenzierung von psychischen Erkrankungen bei seinen Patienten und zum differenzierten Einsatz von Antidepressiva bei Patienten, bei denen er eine entsprechende Behandlung bisher noch nicht erwogen hat. Darüber hinaus werden auch die Grenzen hausärztlichen Handelns aufgezeigt und Empfehlungen ausgesprochen, wann der Rat eines Nervenarztes eingeholt bzw. eine entsprechende Überweisung vorgenommen werden sollte.

Anxiety and Neurosis

by Charles Rycroft

Anxiety may be debilitating or stimulating; it can result in neurotic symptoms or in improved, heightened performance in an actor or athlete. It is something every human being has experienced. As Professor G. M. Carstairs points out in his Foreword: 'During the course of the twentieth century we have found it progressively easier to concede that we are all to often swayed by emotion rather than reason. We have come to recognize the symptoms of neurotically ill patients are only an exaggeration of experiences common to us all, and hence that the unraveling of the psychodynamics of neurosis can teach us more about ourselves'. Although Charles Rycroft is also a psychoanalyst, it is as a biologist that he has made this study of anxiety, the three basic responses to it - attack, flight or submission - and the obsessional, phobic and schizoid and hysterical defenses. Written in precise but everyday language, Anxiety and Neurosis is based on adult experiences rather than the speculative theories of infantile instinctual development. Its clarity and authority can only add to Dr Rycroft's established international reputation.

Anxiety and Neurosis

by Charles Rycroft

Anxiety may be debilitating or stimulating; it can result in neurotic symptoms or in improved, heightened performance in an actor or athlete. It is something every human being has experienced. As Professor G. M. Carstairs points out in his Foreword: 'During the course of the twentieth century we have found it progressively easier to concede that we are all to often swayed by emotion rather than reason. We have come to recognize the symptoms of neurotically ill patients are only an exaggeration of experiences common to us all, and hence that the unraveling of the psychodynamics of neurosis can teach us more about ourselves'. Although Charles Rycroft is also a psychoanalyst, it is as a biologist that he has made this study of anxiety, the three basic responses to it - attack, flight or submission - and the obsessional, phobic and schizoid and hysterical defenses. Written in precise but everyday language, Anxiety and Neurosis is based on adult experiences rather than the speculative theories of infantile instinctual development. Its clarity and authority can only add to Dr Rycroft's established international reputation.

Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Encouraging Self-Help Through Relaxation Training (Routledge Library Editions: Anxiety #1)

by Frank Carter Peter Cheesman

Many counter-productive behaviours in children may be anxiety-related and in this book, originally published in 1988, the authors proposed that a disabling level of tension and stress experienced by many children frequently goes unrecognised. This often leads to failure to analyse psychological and educational problems and inappropriate ways of dealing with them. This book was aimed at all professional staff working with children, particularly educational and clinical psychologists and teachers. The book is however written in a jargon-free manner and should have wide appeal. The authors show how tension reduction therapy can help children overcome many problems which may manifest themselves as disturbed behaviour, poor sleep patterns, anorexia, school phobia, or poor relationship-making skills. As an extreme example it is shown how significant gains can be made by cerebral palsied children using these approaches. The book, however, is not just a manual of relaxation training; it advocates a less stress-inducing approach generally to working with children, and gives many case studies.

Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Encouraging Self-Help Through Relaxation Training (Routledge Library Editions: Anxiety #1)

by Frank Carter Peter Cheesman

Many counter-productive behaviours in children may be anxiety-related and in this book, originally published in 1988, the authors proposed that a disabling level of tension and stress experienced by many children frequently goes unrecognised. This often leads to failure to analyse psychological and educational problems and inappropriate ways of dealing with them. This book was aimed at all professional staff working with children, particularly educational and clinical psychologists and teachers. The book is however written in a jargon-free manner and should have wide appeal. The authors show how tension reduction therapy can help children overcome many problems which may manifest themselves as disturbed behaviour, poor sleep patterns, anorexia, school phobia, or poor relationship-making skills. As an extreme example it is shown how significant gains can be made by cerebral palsied children using these approaches. The book, however, is not just a manual of relaxation training; it advocates a less stress-inducing approach generally to working with children, and gives many case studies.

Applications of interactionist Psychology: Essays in Honor of Saul B. Sells

by Steven G. Cole Robert Demaree William Curtis

This work, honoring Saul B. Sells, adds to the understanding of the science of psychology and the application of that knowledge to meaningful human endeavors. Covers topics including: the interactionist approach and the importance of multivariate design, accuracy of measurement in order to move toward the understanding of human behavior, and the necessity of understanding personality characteristics and environmental affect. Important reading for researchers, students, and professionals in all subdisciplines of psychology, including personality development, social psychology, research methods, evaluation and measurement.

Applications of interactionist Psychology: Essays in Honor of Saul B. Sells

by Steven G. Cole and Robert G. Demaree

This work, honoring Saul B. Sells, adds to the understanding of the science of psychology and the application of that knowledge to meaningful human endeavors. Covers topics including: the interactionist approach and the importance of multivariate design, accuracy of measurement in order to move toward the understanding of human behavior, and the necessity of understanding personality characteristics and environmental affect. Important reading for researchers, students, and professionals in all subdisciplines of psychology, including personality development, social psychology, research methods, evaluation and measurement.

Applied Cognitive Psychology: An Information-Processing Framework (Psychology Revivals)

by Paul Barber

Originally published in 1988 Applied Cognitive Psychology draws on the psychology of perception, attention, and cognition to give an understanding of some everyday activities and skills. Paul Barber focuses on processes involved in selecting simple actions, face perception, reading, and tasks requiring attention skills. He uses practical problems as starting points for discussion, including mental overloading in air-traffic controllers, cooker-hob design, the use of Photokit/identikit, and reading from computer screens. The book also examines the strengths and limitations of the basic analytical approach of ‘information-processing’ in psychology. As well as providing a textbook for students of psychology and ergonomics, Applied Cognitive Psychology will still be welcomed by those from other disciplines – management studies, education, sports science – who need to understand skilled behaviour in applied settings.

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