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Showing 52,926 through 52,950 of 67,291 results

Love's Creation: A Novel by Marie Stopes, Author of Married Love: A New Contribution to the Solution of Sex Difficulties

by Deryn Rees-Jones

Marie Stopes' work in the area of sexual health and contraception has left a lasting legacy, and she is widely acknowledged as one of the most significant figures of the twentieth century. Her Married Love: A New Contribution to the Solution of Sex Difficulties was first published in 1918, translated into thirteen languages and sold over a million copies. Stopes also ardently pursued her enthusiasm for literature throughout her life, writing novels, plays and poetry. Her novel Love's Creation, published in 1928, the year women obtained the vote, is a working through of the debates which she addressed both in her personal and public life: sexual relations, the relationship between the arts and sciences, the quest for female sexual fulfillment. Marie Stopes' campaigning on behalf of a more open attitude to women's sexuality, equality in marriage, and sexual health and contraception, and her opening of the first free birth control clinic in the British Empire in 1921, saw her at the centre of political controversy, not least in her battle with the Roman Catholic church. Love's Creation, republished here for the first time since 1928, offers fascinating insights into early twentieth-century women's writing, most notably Virginia Woolf's theories of female creativity / fulfilled female sexuality which is not under threat from motherhood; female economic and psychic freedom; and the social milieu of the time. It is an engaging and fast moving narrative with lively, well-drawn and unconventional characters. The novel poses important questions about women's choices and aspirations before, during and after marriage. Not surprisingly it also engages in still contemporary and vital debates about the relationship between the sciences and the arts, and theories of evolution.

Decision Making: Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Human Action

by Mauro Maldonato

Since the dawn of time human beings have had to make decisions. Wise or foolish, thoughtful or instinctive, altruistic or selfish, decision-making -- from the most simple to the most complex -- enables people to confront and overcome constant environmental challenges. Yet, despite the momentousness of decision-making in adaptability terms, men and women ignore the actual process that takes place in their minds when, for example, they invest in the stock market, buy a car, trust a person they just met, or simply decide to go to the movies. While some decisions are taken in a few seconds (when we act impulsively without time to evaluate the process), other decisions require considerable cognitive effort and accurate cost-benefit analysis. But is it only the optimal decision that deserves to be called rational? If this is the case, how then can we explain the wisdom of our instincts, of our emotions, of our 'sixth sense'? Moreover, what is the role of subjectivity, free will, desire, culture in the decision-making process? Research on decision-making has had a long and controversial history. The idea of a perfect rationality has more recently given way to the idea of a rationality conscious of its incompleteness -- to a process that cannot be expressed or conceived in logical or rational terms. In this ground-breaking book, Mauro Maldonato reinterprets the secular controversy about the nature of human decision-making in light of recent discoveries in cognitive neurosciences and new research (neuroeconomics and neuroethics). At the end of this literary excursion along a stunning archipelago of rationality, morality, emotion and consciousness, the reader is provided with the means to view and assess personal decision-making and resultant action in a completely different way -- a way that impacts positively on human interaction and psychological wholeness.

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence

by Andrew Linzey

Many philosophers, including Aquinas, Locke, Schopenhauer and Kant, have assumed that there is a link between cruelty to animals and violence to people. During the last 40 years, evidence for this view has steadily accumulated as a result of statistical, psychological, and medical investigations, and there is now a substantial body of supporting empirical evidence. "The Link Between Animal Abuse & Human Violence" brings together international experts from seven countries to examine in detail the relationships between animal abuse and child abuse, the emotional development of the child, family violence, and serial murder. It considers the implications for legal and social policy, and the work of key professionals. Sections include critical overviews of existing research, discussion of ethical issues, and a special focus on the abuse of wild animals. This book is essential reading for all those who have a stake in the debate, either because their academic work relates to the issues involved, or because their professional role involves contact with the abused or the abusers, both human and animal, including child care officers, community carers, law enforcement officers, health visitors, veterinarians, anti-cruelty inspectors, animal protection officers, social scientists, lawyers, psychologists, and criminologists. This is the most up-to-date, authoritative, and comprehensive volume on the link between animal abuse and human violence.

Play in Childhood

by Margaret Lowenfeld

This book is essential reading for all those involved in the Psychology of the Child.

Body Technologies in the Greco-Roman World: Technosôma, gender and sex

A collection of papers that introduces the notion of the technosoma (techno body) into discussions on the representations of the body in classical antiquity. By applying the category of the technosoma to the ‘natural’ body, this volume explicitly narrows down the discussion of the technical and the natural to the physiological body. In doing so, the present collection focuses on body technologies in the specific form of beautification and body enhancement techniques, as well as medical and surgical treatments. The volume elucidates two main points. Firstly, ancient techno bodies show that the categories of gender and sexuality are at the core of the intersection of the natural and the technical, and intersect with notions of race, age, speciesism, class and education, and dis/ability. Secondly, the collection argues that new body technologies have in fact a very ancient history that can help to address the challenges of contemporary technological innovation. To this end, the volume showcases the intersection of ‘natural’ bodies with technology, gender, sexuality and reproduction. On the one hand, techno bodies tend to align with normative ideas about gender, and sexuality. On the other hand, body modification and/or enhancement techniques work hand in hand with economic and political power and knowledge, thus they often produce techno bodies that are shaped according to individual needs, i.e. according to a certain lifestyle. Consequently, techno bodies threaten to alter traditional ideas of masculinity, femininity, male and female sexuality and beauty.

Here Comes the Fun: A Year Of Making Merry

by Ben Aitken

Education Workforce Well-being: Policy, Change and Leadership (Emerald Points)

by Stephen Corbett

Education Workforce Well-being brings together the multitude of perspectives on well-being, placing them in the context of the education workforce across all sectors from primary to higher education. Opening with an acknowledgement of the scale of subject area of well-being, four key areas of workforce well-being are then identified: resilience, emotional labour, work life balance, and work life conflict. Each principle is discussed individually and then holistically, considering the collective influence of all four areas on workforce well-being within the education sector. Drawing upon existing research, policy papers and empirical research examples from across the breadth of education sectors, chapters explore external structural changes in the macro policy environment, and how educational leadership response and policy decisions can impact on workforce well-being. The concluding chapter presents a set of recommendations that could be employed by those leading and working in all education sectors to address poor well-being and enhance staff motivation and retention in the workforce. Corbett widens the discussion on well-being in the education workforce, drawing not only on education but also human resource management and leadership research and providing a critical analysis that highlights not only the challenges but research-informed recommendations for managers, leaders and policy makers working in education.

Education Workforce Well-being: Policy, Change and Leadership (Emerald Points)

by Stephen Corbett

Education Workforce Well-being brings together the multitude of perspectives on well-being, placing them in the context of the education workforce across all sectors from primary to higher education. Opening with an acknowledgement of the scale of subject area of well-being, four key areas of workforce well-being are then identified: resilience, emotional labour, work life balance, and work life conflict. Each principle is discussed individually and then holistically, considering the collective influence of all four areas on workforce well-being within the education sector. Drawing upon existing research, policy papers and empirical research examples from across the breadth of education sectors, chapters explore external structural changes in the macro policy environment, and how educational leadership response and policy decisions can impact on workforce well-being. The concluding chapter presents a set of recommendations that could be employed by those leading and working in all education sectors to address poor well-being and enhance staff motivation and retention in the workforce. Corbett widens the discussion on well-being in the education workforce, drawing not only on education but also human resource management and leadership research and providing a critical analysis that highlights not only the challenges but research-informed recommendations for managers, leaders and policy makers working in education.

Issues Around Violence in Schools (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities #33)

by Lauren W. Collins Timothy J. Landrum Bryan G. Cook

It is challenging to understand the complexity and multiple causes of school violence. Given the apparent rise in many forms of violence in schools, and the dire consequences to those impacted by violence, it is vital to better support children and youth in both preventing violence and responding appropriately. Issues Around Violence in Schools explores a number of topics related to violence that occurs in schools or with school-aged children and youth. Authors address the nature and extent of violence in schools – including mass shootings but also other forms of violence – and the relationships and intersections among mental health, special education, and school violence in general. They consider positive approaches to mental health, behavior, and overall climate in schools, analysing both disciplinary practices and interventions and supports and their relationship to school violence. Key insights are presented regarding bullying, positive approaches to behavioral and social/emotional concerns, and the promise of threat assessment for mitigating violence and connecting students to needed supports. This volume provides an overview of key areas of promise for improved research and practice, such that schools are better positioned to mitigate violence, and to respond in positive, supportive ways to those who may be impacted by violence.

Issues Around Violence in Schools (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities #33)


It is challenging to understand the complexity and multiple causes of school violence. Given the apparent rise in many forms of violence in schools, and the dire consequences to those impacted by violence, it is vital to better support children and youth in both preventing violence and responding appropriately. Issues Around Violence in Schools explores a number of topics related to violence that occurs in schools or with school-aged children and youth. Authors address the nature and extent of violence in schools – including mass shootings but also other forms of violence – and the relationships and intersections among mental health, special education, and school violence in general. They consider positive approaches to mental health, behavior, and overall climate in schools, analysing both disciplinary practices and interventions and supports and their relationship to school violence. Key insights are presented regarding bullying, positive approaches to behavioral and social/emotional concerns, and the promise of threat assessment for mitigating violence and connecting students to needed supports. This volume provides an overview of key areas of promise for improved research and practice, such that schools are better positioned to mitigate violence, and to respond in positive, supportive ways to those who may be impacted by violence.

Release Your Inner Lioness: Empowering Quotes from Kickass Women in Sport: Crush Your Goals, Celebrate Your Strength and Live Life to the Full

by Harriet Dyer

Supercharge your game and claim your victory with this powerful collection of uplifting words from kickass women in sportInside every woman is a lioness just waiting to break free. This feisty feline is independent, brave, strong and agile. She is ready to acknowledge and shout about her power. She wants to crush her goals. She believes she deserves to live her life courageously and to the full. All she needs is for you to open your heart and set her free.This small-but-mighty book is the perfect companion on your journey to attaining the unshakeable confidence of a lioness. Inside you’ll find empowering quotes from sporting legends all the way from Billie Jean King right up to Leah Williamson. Let these bold words from badass women inspire you to find your pride of supportive sisters, reach for your dreams, and celebrate every success along the way.Stay fierce and fearless – unleash your inner lioness and hear her roar!

I Like Being Me: A Child's Guide to Self-Worth

by Poppy O'Neill

An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You're a Star: A Child's Guide to Self-EsteemDoes your child frequently compare themselves to their friends?Perhaps they find it difficult to make decisions because they doubt themselves and their abilities?Do they seem to avoid socializing and participating in hobbies and activities?These could all be signs that your child is struggling with low self-worth.This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child overcome their self-doubt. It's aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child's confidence, not just now but for years to come.Your child will be guided, with the help of Coco - a friendly and supportive character they can identify with - through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.

When I Feel Angry: A Child's Guide to Understanding and Managing Moods

by Poppy O'Neill

An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You're a Star: A Child's Guide to Self-EsteemDoes your child have frequent tantrums and outbursts?Perhaps they find it hard to speak about their emotions?Do they seem to get overwhelmed by stress and anxiety quickly?These could all be signs that your child is struggling with angry moods.This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child manage their anger and express their feelings in healthy ways. It's aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child's emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.Your child will be guided, with the help of Rah - a friendly and supportive character they can identify with - through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.

Be Calm: A Child's Guide to Feeling Relaxed and Happy

by Poppy O'Neill

An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You're a Star: A Child's Guide to Self-EsteemDoes your child appear anxious or stressed a lot of the time?Do they find it difficult to let go of negative thoughts and feelings?Do they seem tense or nervous?These could all be signs that your child is struggling with stress and anxiety.This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child find calm. It's aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child's emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come. Your child will be guided, with the help of Kip - a friendly and supportive character they can identify with - through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.

Be Mindful: A Child's Guide to Being Present

by Poppy O'Neill

An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You're a Star: A Child's Guide to Self-EsteemDoes your child appear worried or stressed?Do they find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time?Do they spend a lot of time on their phone or gadgets?These could all be signs that your child would benefit from practising mindfulness.This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child improve their focus and be more present. It's aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child's emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.Your child will be guided, with the help of Buddy - a friendly and supportive character they can identify with - through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.

Grow Your Confidence: A Child's Guide to Finding Courage

by Poppy O'Neill

A confidence-building companion to help 7+-year-oldsEncourage your child to explore their emotions, overcome their fears and boost their self-confidence with this positive and playful book. Bursting with activities, handy tips and simple exercises, Grow Your Confidence is the go-to guide for empowering children.

Shrink Your Worries: A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

by Poppy O'Neill

A worry-busting guide to help 7+-year-oldsEncourage your child to listen to their feelings, practise positive thinking and overcome their fears with this sensitive and supportive book. Bursting with activities, handy tips and simple exercises, Shrink Your Worries is the self-care companion every stress-prone child needs.

How to Cope When Everything's Gone to Sh*t: A Supportive Guide to Overcoming Life's Many Challenges

by Sam Cooper

Packed with helpful tips and kind words, this book will be your go-to guide to finding calm in a chaotic world. This valuable guide offers coping strategies for a range of anxieties, from work-related stress to concerns about the future of the planet. With the advice inside, you'll start to feel more confident and ready to take on any challenges.

My Amazing ADHD Brain: A Child's Guide to Thriving with ADHD

by Emily Snape

Pip is a confident little monster who has ADHD. In this book, they share what that means for them and how it has some really brilliant benefits.My Amazing ADHD Brain is packed with reassuring words, practical advice and skill-building activity ideas, and has a fun, relatable voice.

The Little Book of Criminology: A Pocket Guide to the Study of Crime and Criminal Minds

by Rasha Barrage

Have you always wanted to know what makes an ordinary person commit a crime? Explore the dark side of human nature with this beginner's guide to criminology. From understanding criminal motivation to how crime is policed and prevented, there has never been a more important moment to grasp how crime affects our lives today and how it might tomorrow.

Enchanted Islands: A Mediterranean Odyssey – A Memoir of Travels through Love, Grief and Mythology

by Laura Coffey

Enchanted Islands tells the true story of Laura Coffey's epic journey around the mystical archipelagos of the Mediterranean. Blending memoir, travel and nature writing with tales from The Odyssey, and infused with sharply comic wit, this is a celebration of the redemptive powers of cold-water swimming and luminous star-lit skies.

How to Understand and Deal with Health Anxiety: Everything You Need to Know to Manage Health Anxiety

by Katy Georgiou

With practical steps and actionable advice, How to Understand and Deal with Health Anxiety is a friendly, accessible guide to help you identify the source of your anxieties. This book will help you work out the best ways to spend less time worrying about your health, and more time living in the present moment.

Grief: A Guided Workbook to Help You Heal

by Christopher Spriggs

With comforting advice and supportive activities, Grief: A Guided Workbook to Help You Heal is a comforting companion to help you make sense of your feelings after experiencing loss. If you're dealing with grief, you may feel isolated and alone, but this book is here to offer you support through each step of this personal journey.

The Little Book of Senior Moments: A Timeless Collection of Comedy Quotes and Quips for Growing Old, Not Up

by Freddie Green

You know you're having a senior moment when...... you decide it's time to pull up your socks, and realise you forgot to put any on.If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether your marbles just need a spring clean or you've well and truly lost them!

Female Sexuality in the Early Medieval Islamic World: Gender and Sex in Arabic Literature (Early and Medieval Islamic World)

by Pernilla Myrne

In the early Islamic world, Arabic erotic compendia and sex manuals were a popular literary genre. Although primarily written by male authors, the erotic publications from this era often emphasised the sexual needs of women and the importance of female romantic fulfilment. Pernilla Myrne here explores this phenomenon, examining a range of Arabic literature to shed fresh light onto the complexities of female sexuality under the Abbasids and the Buyids. Based on an impressive array of neglected medical, religious-legal, literary and entertainment sources, Myrne elucidates the tension between depictions of women's strong sexual agency and their subordinated social role in various contexts. In the process she uncovers a great diversity of approaches from the 9th to the 11th century, including the sexual handbook the Encyclopedia of Pleasure (Jawami' al-ladhdha), which portrayed the diversity of female desires, asserting the importance of mutual satisfaction through lively poems and stories. This is the first in-depth, comprehensive analysis of female sexuality in the early Islamic world and is essential reading for all scholars of Middle Eastern history and Arabic literature.

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