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Understanding Your Child's Brain

by Álvaro Bilbao

Understanding Your Child's Brain simplifies the neuroscience behind what is going on in a child’s brain during the first six years of life to help parents develop the full intellectual and emotional potential of their children. The book starts with an accessible explanation of the pillars and principals to understanding the child’s brain. It then provides tools to helps parents communicate more effectively with, nurture empathy in, and enforce rules and positive behaviours for their children. Examining how to develop the emotional intelligence of children as well as their intellect, the chapters examine how to raise children based on trust, assertiveness, and fearlessness, while also providing support and exercises in improving language, memory, creativity, and self-control. This book offers parents and educators practical solutions to parenting problems and realistic advice for ensuring the healthy emotional and intellectual development of their children. It will also be relevant to all mental health professionals who want to be more assertive when talking to parents about their child’s problems and growth.

Understanding Your Child's Brain

by Álvaro Bilbao

Understanding Your Child's Brain simplifies the neuroscience behind what is going on in a child’s brain during the first six years of life to help parents develop the full intellectual and emotional potential of their children. The book starts with an accessible explanation of the pillars and principals to understanding the child’s brain. It then provides tools to helps parents communicate more effectively with, nurture empathy in, and enforce rules and positive behaviours for their children. Examining how to develop the emotional intelligence of children as well as their intellect, the chapters examine how to raise children based on trust, assertiveness, and fearlessness, while also providing support and exercises in improving language, memory, creativity, and self-control. This book offers parents and educators practical solutions to parenting problems and realistic advice for ensuring the healthy emotional and intellectual development of their children. It will also be relevant to all mental health professionals who want to be more assertive when talking to parents about their child’s problems and growth.

Autisme bij kinderen: Signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling

by Annelies De Bildt Iris Servatius-Oosterling Maretha De Jonge

Dit boek helpt professionals bij het in kaart brengen van de ondersteuningsbehoefte van een kind met (een vermoeden van) autisme, en zijn of haar gezin. Het beschrijft daarvoor de meest actuele kennis uit de wetenschap en de praktijk over (vroeg)herkenning, diagnostiek, behandeling en begeleiding. Het boek is daarmee een leidraad voor (aanstaande) kinderpsychiaters, gedragsdeskundigen, en andere behandelaars en begeleiders van kinderen met autisme.Autisme bij kinderen – signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling illustreert de zoektocht van kind en ouder naar goede begeleiding aan de hand van zeven cases van kinderen tussen de 1 en 12 jaar. Er worden veel praktische handvatten en voorbeelden gegeven. Naast algemene informatie  in deel een schetst het tweede deel het (cyclische) proces van herkenning van de eerste symptomen, naar diagnose en vervolgens interventieplan en evaluatie. In het derde deel komen de verschillende onderdelen van behandeling en begeleiding aan de orde, gericht op het stimuleren van ontwikkeling, het aanleren van vaardigheden en het verminderen of voorkomen van problemen die vaak optreden bij autisme. De eindredactie brengt de inbreng van experts op het gebied van de klinische praktijk, wetenschap en onderwijs samen. Annelies de Bildt is psycholoog en wetenschappelijk onderzoeker. Ze doet onderzoek naar diagnostiek en behandeling van autisme, en naar de geestelijke gezondheid van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Iris Servatius-Oosterling is gezondheidszorgpsycholoog in opleiding tot klinisch psycholoog en is initiatiefneemster van het landelijk expertisenetwerk Autisme Jonge Kind. Maretha de Jonge is hoogleraar orthopedagogiek, en specialist op het gebied van diagnostiek, behandeling en begeleiding van kinderen met autisme en hun gezinsleden.

Jahrbuch der Psychoonkologie 1992 (Jahrbuch der Psychoonkologie #1992)

by H. P. Bilek O. Frischenschlager W. König G. Linemayr I. Sokal

Psychoonkologie hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem eigenständigen Wissenschaftszweig entwickelt. Die Erforschung der psychosozialen Dimension der Krebserkrankungen hat die Praxis der Behandlung Krebskranker, aber auch das Selbstverständnis der Behandelnden und der Patienten um eine wesentliche Dimension erweitert und in vielen Bereichen schon konkrete Veränderungen nach sich gezogen. Das Jahrbuch der Psychoonkologie, herausgegeben von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychoonkologie, soll einerseits der Fortbildung dienen, indem es einen Teil der Vorträge der jährlichen Fortbildungstagungen einem größeren Kreis zur Verfügung stellt, andererseits sollen auch wissenschaftliche Beiträge veröffentlicht werden, nachdem sie eine Begutachtung durch den wissenschaftlichen Beirat absolviert haben.

Jahrbuch der Psychoonkologie 1996 (Jahrbuch der Psychoonkologie #1996)

by O. Bilek G. Frischenschlager G. Linemayr

In Zusammenarbeit mit einem wissenschaftlichen Beirat

Eurasian Business Perspectives: Proceedings of the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference (Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics #11/2)

by Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin Hakan Danis Ender Demir Ugur Can

This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Bangkok. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions; yet the main focus is on the latest findings on evolving marketing methods, analytics, communication standards, and their effects on customer value and engagement. The volume also includes related studies that analyze sustainable consumer behavior, and business strategy-related topics such as cross-border restructuring, quality management standards, and the internationalization of SMEs.

Women Prisoners: A Case Study of Central Prison for Women Karachi

by Aliyah Ali Bilgrami Shagufta Nasreen

This book examines the female criminals and the prison conditions and issues they must endure through the lens of a case study in the Karachi women’s prison in Pakistan. With higher events of crime and poverty due to COVID-19, this volume considers the worsening conditions for women inmates as it relates to psychological trauma, access to resources, economic factors, and working against the cultural forces and criminal justice forces that contribute to the unstable state of women’s prisons. This book includes case studies of women prisoners. Addressing a gap in literature about female inmates in South Asia and Pakistan this volume is ideal for researchers in feminist criminology, women’s studies, prisoners psychology, and for law enforcement agencies.

Ageing and Spirituality across Faiths and Cultures

by Purushottama Bilimoria Rosalie Hudson Amy Rayner Ann Harrington Ann Peut Elizabeth Pringle Gabrielle Mary Brian Ikebal Patel Ingrid Seebus James Haire Jeffrey Cohen Mohammad Abdalla Nicholas Stavropoulos Rachael Kohn Robyn Simmonds Subhana Barzaghi Dennis Roy McDermott Tracey McDonald

This book examines ageing in the context of the many faiths and cultures that make up Western society, and provides carers with the knowledge they need to deliver appropriate care to people of all faiths. Chapters are written by authoritative figures from each of the world's major faith groups about the beliefs and practices of their older people.

Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics

by Nikola Biller-Andorno Serife Tekin John Sadler Manuel Trachsel Jens Gaab

Psychotherapy is an indispensable approach in the treatment of mental disorders and, for some mental disorders, it is the most effective treatment. Yet, psychotherapy is abound with ethical issues. In psychotherapy ethics, numerous fundamental ethical issues converge, including self-determination/autonomy, decision-making capacity and freedom of choice, coercion and constraint, medical paternalism, the fine line between healthiness and illness, insight into illness and need of therapy, dignity, under- and overtreatment, and much more. The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics explores a whole range of ethical issues in the heterogenous field of psychotherapy thereby closing a widespread perceived gap between ethical sensitivity, technical language, and knowledge among psychotherapists. The book is intended not only for a clinical audience, but also for a philosophical/ethical audience - linking the two disciplines by fostering a productive dialogue between them, thereby enriching both the psychotherapeutic encounter and the ethical analysis and sensitivity in and outside the clinic. An essential book for psychotherapists in clinical practice, it will also be valuable for those professionals providing mental health services beyond psychology and medicine, including counsellors, social workers, nurses, and ministers.

Integrating Practice-based Experiences into Higher Education (Professional and Practice-based Learning #13)

by Stephen Billett

This book advances understandings about and practices for effectively integrating practice-based (e.g. workplace) experiences in higher education programs. This issue is becoming of increasing salient because higher education programs globally are increasingly focussing on preparing students for specific occupations. Such imperatives are reflected in the cooperative education movement in North America, the foundation degree programs of the United Kingdom, the work integrated learning approach within Australian higher education and initiatives in a range of other countries. There are clear and growing expectations that graduates from such should be able to move smoothly into being effective in their occupational practice. These expectations rise from the imperatives and interest of government, employers, community and students themselves. The book achieves a number of important goals. Firstly, it identifies and delineates the educational worth of students and engagement in practice-based experiences and their integration within their programs of study. Secondly, it advances conceptions of the integration of such experiences that is essential to inform how these programs might be enacted. Thirdly, drawing on the findings of two teaching fellowships, it proposed bases and propositions for how experiences in higher education programs might be organised and augmented to support effective learning. Fourthly pedagogic practices seen to be effective in maximising the learning from those practice experiences and integrating them within the curriculum are identified and discussed. Fifthly, a particular focus is given to students’ personal epistemologies and how these might be developed and directed towards supporting effective learning within practice settings and the integration of that learning in their university programs.

Learning Through Practice: Models, Traditions, Orientations and Approaches (Professional and Practice-based Learning #1)

by Stephen Billett

Practice-based learning—the kind of education that comes from experiencing real work in real situations—has always been a prerequisite to qualification in professions such as medicine. However, there is growing interest in how practice-based models of learning can assist the initial preparation for and further development of skills for a wider range of occupations. Rather than being seen as a tool of first-time training, it is now viewed as a potentially important facet of professional development and life-long learning. This book provides perspectives on practice-based learning from a range of disciplines and fields of work. The collection here draws on a wide spectrum of perspectives to illustrate as well as to critically appraise approaches to practice-based learning. The book’s two sections first explore the conceptual foundations of learning through practice, and then provide detailed examples of its implementation. Long-standing practice-based approaches to learning have been used in many professions and trades. Indeed, admission to the trades and major professions (e.g. medicine, law, accountancy) can only be realised after completing extended periods of practice in authentic practice settings. However, the growing contemporary interest in using practice-based learning in more extensive contexts has arisen from concerns about the direct employability of graduates and the increasing focus on occupation-specific courses in both vocations and higher education. It is an especially urgent issue in an era of critical skill shortages, rapidly transforming work requirements and an aging workforce combined with a looming shortage of new workforce entrants. We must better understand how existing models of practice-based learning are enacted in order to identify how they can be applied to different kinds of employment and workplaces. The contributions to this volume explore ways in which learning through practice can be conceptualised, enacted, and appraised through an analysis of the traditions, purposes, and processes that support this learning—including curriculum models and pedagogic practices.

Mimetic Learning at Work: Learning in the Circumstances of Practice (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Stephen Billett

​The concept of mimetic learning at work is outlined and elaborated in this text. That elaboration consists of an account of how securing occupational capacities has been primary associated with learning processes and an explanation of those processes. Much, and probably most, of the learning and development across individuals working lives occurs outside of circumstances of direct guidance or instruction. Yet, recent considerations of individuals’ epistemologies and developments form anthropology and cognitive science suggest that current explanations about individuals’ contributions to learning at and through work are incomplete. So, there is need for an emphasis on individuals’ processes of learning, both within and outside of situations of guidance by more experienced workers, needs to be more fully understood, and accepted as being person dependent. Contributions from anthropology, developmental studies, and cognitive neuroscience now augment those from sociocultural theory.

Work, Change and Workers

by Stephen Billett

This book provides a fresh account of the changing nature of work and how workers are changing as result of the requirements of contemporary working life. It explores the implications for preparing individuals for work and maintaining their skills throughout working life. This is done by examining the relations between the changing requirements for working life and how individuals engage in work.

Supporting Learning Across Working Life: Models, Processes and Practices (Professional and Practice-based Learning #16)

by Stephen Billett Darryl Dymock Sarojni Choy

This volume considers, rethinks and reorganizes how support for learning across working life can be best conceptualized, organized and enacted. It considers educational and learning support processes that include approaches that fit well within working lives and workplaces, and support work and learning as a co-occurrence. These are the key focuses for individual and collective contributions to this edited volume, which provide discussions about what constitutes learning across working lives and how this differs from lifelong learning and lifelong education. Accounts of learning across the working lives of social workers, doctors working in hospitals and in general practice, teaching, aviation, nursing, mining, aged care and more. These accounts advance a range of ways in which workers’ learning across working lives is being supported and how this support is also linked to other changes, such as to the occupational practice in which they engage.

Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Understanding Learning through Working Life (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #6)

by Stephen Billett Margaret Somerville Tara Fenwick

This book focuses on relations among subjectivity, work and learning that represent a point of convergence for diverse disciplinary traditions and practices. There are contributions from leading scholars in the field. They provide emerging perspectives that are elaborating the complex relations among subjectivity, work and learning, and circumstances in which they are played out.

The Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology: Understanding the Impact of Locke, Shaftesbury and Reid

by Michael Billig

`Billig's is a fascinating work of brilliant scholarship. It is written in an elegant style, spiced with humour, and gives one the feeling that it was a labour of love. It can be recommended without reservation' - Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology `This is a quite extraordinary and original book. Billig has managed seamlessly to interweave History of Philosophy, History of Psychology, Critical Psychology and a deep grasp of the social nature of language and, moreover, do so in a very readable fashion' - Graham Richards, Formerly Professor of History of Psychology, Staffordshire University and Director of the British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, London `I can't quite capture how much I enjoyed this book. In beautiful, witty prose and through exemplary scholarship, Billig has produced an historical work that engages with profoundly important ideas not just for contemporary critical psychology but for psychology in general. Books as good as this are rare' - Alan Collins, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Lancaster University Today new forms of critical psychology are challenging the cognitive revolution that has dominated psychology for the past three decades. This book explores the historical roots of these new psychologies. It demonstrates that their ideas are not quite as new as is often supposed. In the early modern period, thinkers like the Earl of Shaftesbury and Thomas Reid reacted against Locke's cognitive psychology in ways that were surprisingly modern, if not post-modern. However, until now, they have been virtually written out of psychology's history. It is now time to recognize the great originality of their psychological thinking. Writing in a non-technical style, Michael Billig seeks to overturn the dominant views of psychology's history. In so doing, he gives a fascinating account of the times, bringing psychology's hidden past vividly back to life.

The Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology: Understanding the Impact of Locke, Shaftesbury and Reid (PDF)

by Michael Billig

`Billig's is a fascinating work of brilliant scholarship. It is written in an elegant style, spiced with humour, and gives one the feeling that it was a labour of love. It can be recommended without reservation' - Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology `This is a quite extraordinary and original book. Billig has managed seamlessly to interweave History of Philosophy, History of Psychology, Critical Psychology and a deep grasp of the social nature of language and, moreover, do so in a very readable fashion' - Graham Richards, Formerly Professor of History of Psychology, Staffordshire University and Director of the British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, London `I can't quite capture how much I enjoyed this book. In beautiful, witty prose and through exemplary scholarship, Billig has produced an historical work that engages with profoundly important ideas not just for contemporary critical psychology but for psychology in general. Books as good as this are rare' - Alan Collins, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Lancaster University Today new forms of critical psychology are challenging the cognitive revolution that has dominated psychology for the past three decades. This book explores the historical roots of these new psychologies. It demonstrates that their ideas are not quite as new as is often supposed. In the early modern period, thinkers like the Earl of Shaftesbury and Thomas Reid reacted against Locke's cognitive psychology in ways that were surprisingly modern, if not post-modern. However, until now, they have been virtually written out of psychology's history. It is now time to recognize the great originality of their psychological thinking. Writing in a non-technical style, Michael Billig seeks to overturn the dominant views of psychology's history. In so doing, he gives a fascinating account of the times, bringing psychology's hidden past vividly back to life.

The Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology (PDF)

by Michael Billig

Today new forms of critical psychology are challenging the cognitive revolution that has dominated psychology for the past three decades.

Talking of the Royal Family

by Prof Michael Billig Michael Billig

To talk about royalty is to talk of many things: privilege, equality, nationality, morality, family life, parenting, divorce, the media and more. Important themes and issues flow through the seemingly trivial everyday chatter about royalty.Now with a new preface, Talking of the Royal Family was the first serious full-length study of royalty to emerge from this rhetorical perspective and remains relevant today.

Talking of the Royal Family

by Prof Michael Billig Michael Billig

To talk about royalty is to talk of many things: privilege, equality, nationality, morality, family life, parenting, divorce, the media and more. Important themes and issues flow through the seemingly trivial everyday chatter about royalty.Now with a new preface, Talking of the Royal Family was the first serious full-length study of royalty to emerge from this rhetorical perspective and remains relevant today.

My Revision Notes (9-1) Psychology: Ocr Gcse (9-1) Psychology Epub

by Mark Billingham

Exam board: OCRLevel: GCSESubject: Psychology First teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Target success in OCR GCSE Psychology with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; keycontent coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes, every student can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner.- Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage.- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks andanswers.- Improve exam technique through practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical mistakes to avoid.- Get exam ready with extra quick quizzes and answers to the practice questions available online.

OCR GCSE (9-1) Psychology: My Revision Notes

by Mark Billingham

Exam board: OCRLevel: GCSESubject: Psychology First teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Target success in OCR GCSE Psychology with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; keycontent coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes, every student can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner.- Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage.- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks andanswers.- Improve exam technique through practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical mistakes to avoid.- Get exam ready with extra quick quizzes and answers to the practice questions available online.

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