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Helpers In Childbirth: Midwifery Today

by Ann Oakley Susanne Houd

First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Helpers In Childbirth: Midwifery Today

by Ann Oakley Susanne Houd

First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Hermeneutics in Psychology and Psychoanalysis (Recent Research in Psychology)

by Sybe J.S. Terwee

In the chapters which follow, I will discuss various subjects from a theoretical-psychological perspective. Though the discussion will not be restricted to a single discipline, but ranges from experimental psychology to psychoanalysis, in each case the focus of attention is the scientific status of the theories scrutinized. Earlier versions of four of the chapters have been published elsewhere. Chapter 1, "Psychology and Philosophy of Science", is an expanded version of a Dutch paper written for Van Strien and Van Rappard's volume on the foundations of psychology, Grondvragen van de Psychologie. Chapter 2, "The Early Reception of Psychoanalysis", has appeared in an almost identical form in Bem and Rappard's (1988) volume, Studies in the History of the Social Sciences 5. Chapter 3, "The Case of Johannes Linschoten's Apostasy: Phenomenological versus Empiri­ cal-Analytical Psychology", is an elaboration of the Dutch article, "Het essentialisme van Johannes Linschoten", published in Psychologie en Maatschappij in 1987. The substance of this chapter is considerably different from the earlier paper. Chapter 4, "Rhetorical Analysis and the Question of Relativism", was published in essentially the same form in a volume edited by W. Baker et aI, Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology (1988). It is based on an exchange of arguments with Kenneth J. Gergen at the 1987 meeting of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology in Banff, Canada.

The Hidden Games of Organizations

by Mara Selvini Palazzoli Luigi Anolli Paola Di Blasio Lucia Giossi Innocenzo Pisano Carlo Ricci Marica Sacchi Valeria Ugazio

This book describes conflicts inside four organizations: a corporation, a hospital unit, a training institute, and a school. It explains what solutions were recommended and stresses the importance of communication to create good working conditions in the organizations.

The Hidden Games of Organizations

by Mara Selvini Palazzoli Luigi Anolli Paola Di Blasio Lucia Giossi Innocenzo Pisano Carlo Ricci Marica Sacchi Valeria Ugazio

This book describes conflicts inside four organizations: a corporation, a hospital unit, a training institute, and a school. It explains what solutions were recommended and stresses the importance of communication to create good working conditions in the organizations.

History and Precedent in Environmental Design

by Anatol Rapoport

This book is about a new and different way of approaching and studying the history of the built environment and the use of historical precedents in design. However, although what I am proposing is new for what is currently called architectural history, both my approach and even my conclusions are not that new in other fields, as I discovered when I attempted to find supporting evidence. * In fact, of all the disciplines dealing with various aspects of the study of the past, architectural history seems to have changed least in the ways I am advocating. There is currently a revival of interest in the history of architecture and urban form; a similar interest applies to theory, vernacular design, and culture-environment relations. After years of neglect, the study of history and the use of historical precedent are again becoming important. However, that interest has not led to new approaches to the subject, nor have its bases been examined. This I try to do. In so doing, I discuss a more rigorous and, I would argue, a more valid way of looking at historical data and hence of using such data in a theory of the built environment and as precedent in environmental design. Underlying this is my view of Environment-Behavior Studies CEBS) as an emerging theory rather than as data to help design based on current "theory. " Although this will be the subject of another book, a summary statement of this position may be useful.

A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology (ISSN #Volume 66)

by T.E. Weckowicz H. Liebel-Weckowicz

As indicated by its title A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology, this book is not just concerned with the chronology of events or with biographical details of great psychiatrists and psychopathologists. It has as its main interest, a study of the ideas underlying theories about mental illness and mental health in the Western world. These are studied according to their historical development from ancient times to the twentieth century. The book discusses the history of ideas about the nature of mental illness, its causation, its treatment and also social attitudes towards mental illness. The conceptions of mental illness are discussed in the context of philosophical ideas about the human mind and the medical theories prevailing in different periods of history. Certain perennial controversies are presented such as those between the psychological and organic approaches to the treatment of mental illness, and those between the focus on disease entities (nosology) versus the focus on individual personalities. The beliefs of primitive societies are discussed, and the development of early scientific ideas about mental illness in Greek and Roman times. The study continues through the medieval age to the Renaissance. More emphasis is then placed on the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, the enlightenment of the eighteenth, and the emergence of modern psychological and psychiatric ideas concerning psychopathology in the twentieth century.

The History of Sexuality: The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Michel Foucault

Why has there been such an explosion of discussion about sex in the west since the 17th century? Here, one of France's greatest intellectuals explores the evolving social, economic and political forces that have shaped our attitudes to sex. In a book that is at once controversial and seductive, Foucault describes how we are in the process of making a science of sex which is devoted to the analysis of desire rather than the increase of pleasure.

Hitlers Parkinson-Krankheit: Zur Frage eines hirnorganischen Psychosyndroms

by Ellen Gibbels

Dieses Buch bietet erstmals eine systematische Analyse der psychischen Partialfunktionen Hitlers im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit seiner Parkinson-Krankheit. Die Untersuchungen beruhen auf umfangreichen Quellen und einer Befragung von Personen seiner engsten Umgebung. Die jeweiligen Zeugnisse über die Zeit vor Ausbruch der Erkrankung wurden mit denen über die letzten Lebensjahre verglichen. Ziel der Studie war die Beantwortung der Frage, inwieweit die Hirnerkrankung Hitlers seine psychischen Funktionen, damit aber auch seine militärischen und politischen Entscheidungen beeinflußt haben könnte. Selbst dem medizinisch nicht vorgebildeten Leser ermöglichen die ausführlichen Zitate von Zeitzeugen, einschließlich der Ärzte Hitlers, der psychiatrischen Analyse zu folgen.

HNO Praxis Heute: Mit Gesamtregister der Bände 1-10 (HNO Praxis heute #10)

by R. Chilla H. Ganz A. Krisch T. Lenarz W. Pirsig J. Schäfer W. Schätzle M. Schedler H. J. Strott H. Weidauer

Die jährlich erscheinende Reihe bietet eine praxisbezogene Fort- und Weiterbildung speziell für den niedergelassenen HNO-Arzt und den Klinikassistenten. Die Themen werden so gewählt, daß in regelmäßigem Turnus alle für die HNO-Praxis wichtigen Bereiche je nach Aktualität abgehandelt werden. Der HNO-Arzt kann sich mit dieser Reihe eine komprimierte und ständig aktuelle Bibliothek der praktischen HNO-Heilkunde aufbauen, die ihm modernes Fachwissen und das nötige "know-how" vermittelt. Die Reihe begeht mit dem 10. Band ein kleines Jubiläum. In diesem Band werden besonders aktuelle Themen abgehandelt. Ein Beitrag über AIDS-Manifestationen im HNO-Bereich beantwortet alle wichtigen Fragen zu diesem Gebiet. In einem weiteren Beitrag wird über die B-Bild-Sonographie berichtet. Das Schnarchen und die Schlafapnoe werden vorgestellt. Über weitere Themen werden lehrbuchartige Darstellungen gegeben. Hierzu gehören der Tinnitus, die Rhinoplastik, maligne Tumoren der Mundhöhle und des Mundrachens, Schilddrüse und HNO-Arzt, sowie die Parodontopathien. Mit dem letztgenannten Thema wird die Behandlung von Grenzproblemen zur Stomatologie fortgesetzt.

Home Is Where We Start From: Essays By A Psychoanalyst (pdf)

by D. W. Winnicott Clare Winnicott Ray Shepherd Madeleine Davis

This collection brings together some of psychoanalyst D.W. Winnicott's most important work contributing to our understanding of the minds of children. The essays range in topic from "The Concept of a Healthy Individual" and "The Value of Depression" to "Delinquancy as a sign of Hope". All reveal Winnicott's vision of the ways in which the developing self interacts with the family and the larger society

How Children Discover New Strategies (Distinguished Lecture Series)

by Robert Siegler Eric A. Jenkins

This well-documented book divides the process of constructing new problem-solving strategies into two parts: discovery of the new strategy, and its generalization to new contexts. By using a trial-by-trial analysis, the authors are able to identify the exact trial on which the new strategy is first used, the circumstances that lead to the discovery, and the generalization of the strategy beyond its initial use. These observations disconfirm popular stereotypes of the discovery process and provide important insights into the nature of long-term learning and strategy discovery.

How Children Discover New Strategies (Distinguished Lecture Series)

by Robert Siegler Eric A. Jenkins

This well-documented book divides the process of constructing new problem-solving strategies into two parts: discovery of the new strategy, and its generalization to new contexts. By using a trial-by-trial analysis, the authors are able to identify the exact trial on which the new strategy is first used, the circumstances that lead to the discovery, and the generalization of the strategy beyond its initial use. These observations disconfirm popular stereotypes of the discovery process and provide important insights into the nature of long-term learning and strategy discovery.

Human Resource Strategies for Organizations in Transition

by Karl F. Price Richard J. Niehaus

This volume is the proceedings of a symposium entitled "Human Resource Strategies for Organizations in Transition" which was held at Salve Regina College, Newport, Rhode Island on May 30 - June 2, 1989. The meeting was sponsored by the Research Committee of the Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS). In developing the agenda, the Research Committee built upon the format of the previous HRPS research symposia. The intent in these meetings is on the linkage of the state-of-practice with the state-of-the-art. Particular attention was placed on research studies which were application oriented so that member organizations can see examples of ways to extend current practices with the knowledge presented by the applications. The meeting has sessions on: (1) Reshaping the Organization for the Twenty-first Century, (2) Coping with Major Organizational Change, (3) Organization Downsizing, (4) Evaluating the Human Resource Function and (5) The Impact of Corporate Culture on Future Human Resource Practices. Thirty papers were presented with discussion sessions at appropriate points in the meeting. This volume contains twenty one of these papers along with an introductory paper. A short summary is also provided at the beginning of each major subdivision into which the papers are arranged.

Identity and Intimacy in Marriage: A Study of Couples

by Susan Krauss Whitbourne Joyce B. Ebmeyer

Through the research on which this book reports, we have been given the unique opportunity to explore the complex nature of two of the most important issues in the lives of adults: identity and intimacy. It is with deep gratitude that we give credit to the 80 individuals in our sample who allowed us to explore these processes in their lives. Our purpose in writing this book was, in some ways, a modest one. Both of us believed that research on the Eriksonian concept of intimacy was deficient in that it was limited to the reports of individuals about them­ selves. We maintained that this kind of research could provide only a narrow, and probably biased, view of the intimacy development of individ­ uals. By obtaining complementary responses to the intimacy interview from both partners in a marital relationship, we hope to pave a new path that fu ture researchers in this area will follow. Beyond this methodological advance, we intended that this book's theoretical focus could put a new perspective on the well-trodden path of research on marriage. This more ambitious gaal is one that we faced with some trepidation. The literature on marital adjustment and satisfaction is vast and potentially overwhelming.

Imagery and Visual Expression in Therapy (Emotions, Personality, and Psychotherapy)

by Vija Bergs Lusebrink

Images as means of expression have fascinated and spoken to me for a long time. Yet it has been a far-reaching and circuitous journey to syn­ thesize imagery and visual expression in the present form. Early in my life my interest in images expressed itself in art, first as a young child drawing, then responding to works of art and enjoying the life conveyed through colors, forms, and lines that created recognizable images and suggested different moods. The centering, transformative, and spir­ itual aspects of art emerged as I sought out art in times of personal turmoil. I returned to the expressive aspects of art through my training as a painter. Later I discovered in my own art, as well as in others' expressions, as a teacher and an art therapist, that many times we ex­ press more through visual means than we are consciously aware of doing. The writings of art therapy pioneers Naumburg (1950, 1953, 1966) and Ulman (1961, 1965) and Rhyne's (1973) gestalt art therapy provided a framework for my own observations. Workshops and literature on guided imagery opened another door to the inner experience through images. The discovery of Jung's concept of archetypes helped me to integrate images into a mind/body frame bridging from the biological roots of the archetypal images to the spiritual aspects of our existence.

Impact of Cardiac Surgery on the Quality of Life: Neurological and Psychological Aspects

by G. Rodewald A. E. Willner

Georg Rodewald University of Hamburg Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany Allen E. Willner Hillside Hospital Glen Oaks, NY In contrast to the initial years of cardiac surgery (37 years ago), there is now increasing interest in cerebral protection. Rodewald [1] in 1978 was among the first to point out the surgeon's concern with "psychopathological problems" and Taylor [2] in 1989 stressed that" ••• the awareness of the cerebral consequences of open heart surgery has risen considerably in recent years • • • " This book reviews the evidence for neurological, psychological, and neuropsycho­ logical reactions to cardiac surgery. In previous studies one problem is that small samples of patients were studied with different measuring instruments so that it was difficult to ma~e sense of inconsistent findings. Considerable controversy resulted with little ability to sort out discrepant findings. It appeared that a large multi­ center study using uniform measures might help clarify the picture.

Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues

by Stephan Lewandowsky John C. Dunn Kim Kirsner

The first to focus exclusively on implicit memory research, this book documents the proceedings of a meeting held in Perth, Australia where leading researchers in the field exchanged ideas, data, and predictions about theoretical issues. In addition to reporting new information on a variety of topics, integrating previous findings, and proposing new theoretical approaches to implicit memory, the book also contains critical commentaries by highly regarded area specialists.

Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues

by Stephan Lewandowsky John C. Dunn Kim Kirsner

The first to focus exclusively on implicit memory research, this book documents the proceedings of a meeting held in Perth, Australia where leading researchers in the field exchanged ideas, data, and predictions about theoretical issues. In addition to reporting new information on a variety of topics, integrating previous findings, and proposing new theoretical approaches to implicit memory, the book also contains critical commentaries by highly regarded area specialists.

Impression Management in the Organization

by Robert A. Giacalone Paul Rosenfeld

Impression management theory has been popular in sociology and social psychology for many years. This volume offers the first comprehensive application of impression management theory to organizational settings. Researchers and practitioners in organizational settings have recently been using this theory as an explanatory model to focus on the roles and identities that "social actors" utilize in interpersonal situations. The theory of impression management provides a framework for the techniques and strategies people use in order to look good as well as the excuses and justifications they employ to avoid looking bad.

Impression Management in the Organization

by Robert A. Giacalone Paul Rosenfeld

Impression management theory has been popular in sociology and social psychology for many years. This volume offers the first comprehensive application of impression management theory to organizational settings. Researchers and practitioners in organizational settings have recently been using this theory as an explanatory model to focus on the roles and identities that "social actors" utilize in interpersonal situations. The theory of impression management provides a framework for the techniques and strategies people use in order to look good as well as the excuses and justifications they employ to avoid looking bad.

Improving Inquiry in Social Science: A Volume in Honor of Lee J. Cronbach

by Richard E. Snow David E. Wiley

This volume celebrates Lee J. Cronbach's considerable contributions to the methodology of social and behavioral science. Comprised of chapters written by colleagues and contemporaries of the highly influential scholar, it offers a range of ideas, perspectives, and new approaches to improving social science inquiry.

Improving Inquiry in Social Science: A Volume in Honor of Lee J. Cronbach

by Lee J. Cronbach

This volume celebrates Lee J. Cronbach's considerable contributions to the methodology of social and behavioral science. Comprised of chapters written by colleagues and contemporaries of the highly influential scholar, it offers a range of ideas, perspectives, and new approaches to improving social science inquiry.

individual Differences in infancy: Reliability, Stability, and Prediction

by John Colombo Jeffrey Fagen

The papers presented in this volume, written by active and well- known researchers, discuss experimental research that has validated the importance of infancy in individual development over the age continuum. In addition, a diverse overview section contains informative chapters on conceptual models for individual differences during infancy including: individual differences from the perspective of dynamical systems theory the logic of behavioral genetic designs and their use in the delineation of genetic contributions to individual differences coverage of basic statistical treatments for individual difference data focussing on cluster analytic techniques

individual Differences in infancy: Reliability, Stability, and Prediction

by John Colombo Jeffrey Fagen

The papers presented in this volume, written by active and well- known researchers, discuss experimental research that has validated the importance of infancy in individual development over the age continuum. In addition, a diverse overview section contains informative chapters on conceptual models for individual differences during infancy including: individual differences from the perspective of dynamical systems theory the logic of behavioral genetic designs and their use in the delineation of genetic contributions to individual differences coverage of basic statistical treatments for individual difference data focussing on cluster analytic techniques

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