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Brain, School, and Society: The Neuropsychosocial Preparation Theory (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Alireza Moula

This book reports on a research program designed to construct the basics of a new type of literacy that teaches pupils social problem-solving at individual and collective levels. It is the first of a series of books about a chain of intervention research subprojects started in 2009 teaching pupils basic skills to make well-balanced decisions; to resolve conflicts in a nonviolent manner; and to develop good social relationships and responsibility, critical thinking, and other abilities which give children and young people the tools needed to pursue their options in life. According to the United Nations, there is no systematic program in schools that develops these capacities in pupils. This volume fills the gap by describing successful classroom interventions and by developing a framework for social problem-solving literacy as mandated by the United Nations Child Convention.

Transports of Delight: How Technology Materializes Human Imagination

by Peter Hancock

This inspiring book shows how the spiritual side of life, with its thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, is intimately bound up with our material technologies. From the wonder of Gothic Cathedrals, to the quiet majesty of lighter than air flight, to the ultimate in luxury of the north Atlantic steamers, Peter Hancock explores how these sequential heights of technology have enabled our dreams of being transported to new and uncharted realms to become reality. Sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively, technology has always been there to make material the visions of our imagination. This book shows how this has essentially been true for all technologies from Stonehenge to space station.But technology is far from perfect. Indeed, the author argues here that some of the most public and tragic of its failures still remain instructive, emblematic, and even inspiring. He reports on examples such as a Cathedral of the Earth (Beauvais), a Cathedral of the Seas (Titanic), and a Cathedral of the Air (Hindenburg) and tells their stories from the viewpoint of material transcendence. By interweaving their stories he reveals how technologies can succeed in elevating human beings and, in taking them to whole new realms of being, he explores and explains why these experiences are ‘Transports of Delight.’

Mental Health Economics: The Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care

by Denise Razzouk

The main objective of this work is to provide a book with high quality content that becomes a reference and support for graduate course (Mental Health, Public Health and Epidemiology) and for research in the domain of health economics applied to mental health. Also this book might be useful for policymakers on formulating mental health policies. Key messages of this book are based on: a) mental illness represent a huge cost for society and for health care; b) health economics applied to mental health could help in the optimization of resource allocation for mental health care and for better decision making in terms of balancing costs and benefits; c) interventions and treatment should be also chosen in general medical practice and in public decision-policy according to cost-effectiveness, burden of disease and equity principles; d) quality of care is related with better outcomes, higher quality of life for clients, and with lower costs for society and health system (best value for money); e) it is possible to decrease the burden of mental disorders with cost-effective treatments.The book is divided in four main topics: 1. Introduction to Health Economics applied to Mental Health – this section is an overview of basic principles, concepts and methods used in Economics and Health Economics to enable students to make critical appraisal of Health Economics texts and also to design research studies in this topic. 2. Health Economics applied to the evaluation of quality and costs of Mental Health Services – this section presents results of Brazilian studies on the costs of mental health care (hospital, outpatient care, residential care, informal care), methods on the measurement of costs and it discusses issues related with public policies decisions and quality of mental health car in the low and middle income countries context. There is also an overview of quality indicators of mental health care and instruments to evaluate mental health services and costs.3. Health Economics applied to evaluate treatment of mental disorders - This section presents a review of cost-effectiveness of pharmacological treatments and other interventions applied for treating the most burdensome mental disorders such as depressive and anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, psychosis, alcohol and drug disorders, dementia, and hyper attention deficit disorders. 4. Health Economics, burden and indirect costs of mental disorders - This section highlights the social and economic burden caused by mental illness under societal perspective focusing on stigma, unemployment, indirect costs in the workplace (absenteeism and presenteeism), the relationship between poverty and mental disorders, global health and social determinants of mental health and on the costs of mental disorders (depression, anxiety, psychosis, alcohol and drug disorders). We present some instruments to measure indirect costs of mental disorders.

Perception, Affectivity, and Volition in Husserl’s Phenomenology (Phaenomenologica #222)

by Roberto Walton Shigeru Taguchi Roberto Rubio

This collection of essays by scholars from Europe, Asia, North America, and Latin America offers new perspectives of the phenomenological investigation of experiential life on the basis of Husserl’s phenomenology. Not only well-known works of Husserl are interpreted from new angles, but also the latest volumes of the Husserliana are closely examined. In a variety of ways, the contributors explore the emergence of reason in experience that is disclosed in the very regions that are traditionally considered to be “irrational” or “pre-rational.” The leading idea of such explorations is Husserl’s view that perception, affectivity, and volition are regarded as the three aspects of reason. Without affectivity, which is supposedly irrational, no rationality can be established in the spheres of representation and volition, whereas volitional and representational acts consistently structure the process of affective experience. In such a framework, it is also shown that theoretical and practical reason are inseparably intertwined. Thus, the papers collected here can be regarded as a collaborative phenomenological investigation into the entanglement and mutual dependency of the supposedly “rational” and the “irrational” as well as that of the “practical” and the “theoretical.”

Parental Stress and Early Child Development: Adaptive and Maladaptive Outcomes

by Kirby Deater-Deckard Robin Panneton

This book examines the complex impact of parenting stress and the effects of its transmission on young children’s development and well-being (e.g., emotion self-regulation; executive functioning; maltreatment; future parenting practices). It analyzes current findings on acute and chronic psychological and socioeconomic stressors affecting parents, including those associated with poverty and cultural disparities, pregnancy and motherhood, and caring for children with developmental disabilities. Contributors explore how parental stress affects cognitive, affective, behavioral, and neurological development in children while pinpointing core adaptation, resilience, and coping skills parents need to reduce abusive and other negative behaviors and promote optimal outcomes in their children. These nuanced bidirectional perspectives on parent/child dynamics aim to inform clinical strategies and future research targeting parental stress and its cyclical impact on subsequent generations. Included in the coverage: Parental stress and child temperament.How social structure and culture shape parental strain and the well-being of parents and children. The stress of parenting children with developmental disabilities.Consequences and mechanisms of child maltreatment and the implications for parenting.How being mothered affects the development of mothering.Prenatal maternal stress and psychobiological development during childhood. Parenting Stress and Early Child Development is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians and related professionals, and graduate students in infancy and early childhood development, developmental psychology, pediatrics, family studies, and developmental neuroscience.

New Dimensions in Community Well-Being (Community Quality-of-Life and Well-Being)

by Patsy Kraeger Scott Cloutier Craig Talmage

This volume addresses new innovations in quality of life and well-being from the perspectives of the individual, society and community. It aggregates the perspectives, research questions, methods and results that consider how quality of life is influenced in our modern society. Chapters in this volume present theoretical and practical examples on different aspects of quality of life and community well-being representing American, European, Native American and African perspectives. This volume is of interest to scholars in sociology, psychology, economy, philosophy, health research as well as practitioners across the social sciences.

The Science of Interest

by Paul A. O'Keefe Judith M. Harackiewicz

This exceptional volume analyzes the intricate roles interest plays in cognition, motivation and learning, and daily living, with a special focus on its development and maintenance across life domains. Leading experts discuss a spectrum of interest ranging from curiosity to obsession, and trace its functions in goal-setting, decision-making, self-regulation, and performance. New research refines the current knowledge on student interest in educational settings and the social contexts of interest, with insights into why interest levels change during engagement and in the long run. From these findings, contributors address ways to foster and nurture interest in the therapy room and the classroom, for optimum benefits throughout life. Among the topics covered: · Embedding interest within self-regulation.· Knowledge acquisition at the intersection of situational and individual interest.· The role of interest in motivation and engagement.· The two faces of passion.· Creative geniuses, polymaths, child prodigies, and autistic savants.· The promotion and development of interest. A robust guide to a fascinating area of study, The Science of Interest synthesizes the field’s current knowledge of interest and indicates future directions. Its chapters contribute depth and rigor to this growing area of research, and will enhance the work of researchers in education, psychologists, social scientists, and public policymakers.

Unconsciousness Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis (Contributions To Phenomenology #88)

by Dorothée Legrand Dylan Trigg

This book contains a series of essays that explore the concept of unconsciousness as it is situated between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. A leading goal of the collection is to carve out phenomenological dimensions within psychoanalysis and, equally, to carve out psychoanalytical dimensions within phenomenology. The book examines the nature of unconsciousness and the role it plays in structuring our sense of self. It also looks at the extent to which the unconscious marks the body as it functions outside of experience as well as manifests itself in experience. In addition, the book explores the relationship between unconsciousness and language, particularly if unconsciousness exists prior to language or if the concept can only be understood through speech. The collection includes contributions from leading scholars, each of whom grounds their investigations in a nuanced mastery of the traditional voices of their fields. These contributors provide diverse viewpoints that challenge both the phenomenological and psychoanalytical traditions in their relation to unconsciousness.

Physician Mental Health and Well-Being: Research and Practice (Integrating Psychiatry and Primary Care)

by Kirk J. Brower Michelle B. Riba

This book explores the important topic of mental health and related problems among physicians, including trainees. The all-too-common human response of “suffering in silence” and refusing to seek help for professional and personal issues has ramifications for physicians who work in safety-sensitive positions, where clear-headed judgment and proper action can save lives. Problems covered include burnout, disruptive and unprofessional behaviors, impaired performance, traumatic stress, addiction, depression and other mood disorders, and suicide. The authors of this work include psychologists, psychiatrists, and other physicians who diagnose and treat a range of patients with stress-related syndromes. Among their patients are physicians who benefit greatly from education, support, coaching, and treatment. The book's content is organized into three parts with interconnecting themes. Part I focuses on symptoms and how physicians’ problems manifest at the workplace. Part II discusses the disorders underlying the manifesting symptoms. Part III focuses on interventions at both the individual and organizational levels. The major themes investigated throughout the book are developmental aspects; mental health and wellbeing as a continuum; and the multifactorial contributions of individual, interpersonal, organizational, and cultural elements to physician health.This book is intended for anyone who works with, provides support to, or professionally treats distressed physicians. It is also intended for healthcare leaders and organizations that are motivated to improve the experience of providing care and to change the culture of silence, such that seeking help and counsel become normal activities while minimizing stigma. By writing this book, the authors aim to outline effective pathways to well-being and a healthy work-life balance among physicians, so that they may provide optimal and safe care to their patients.

Psychosocial Well-being of Children and Adolescents in Latin America: Evidence-based Interventions (Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research #16)

by Jorge Castellá Sarriera Lívia Maria Bedin

This book discusses child well-being, with children and adolescents as key informants, from a Latin American perspective. It explores theoretical and empirical issues related to well-being and associated aspects, in order to understand the well-being of this population. Topics analyzed in this volume address for instance environment and community, rights, leisure time, technologies, interpersonal relationships and spirituality and their implications for changes in the well-being in children and adolescents. Especially relevant for scholars and professionals in the social and health sciences, as well as policy makers, seeking to promote child well-being, regardless of the area in which they operate.

Identity Flexibility During Adulthood: Perspectives in Adult Development

by Jan D. Sinnott

This volume seeks to explore the idea of identity as a flexible center of events around which aspects of the self and events in the outside world are organized. Historically, in much of the literature, identity was conceptualized as a somewhat fixed, unchanging construct. Scholars now have a greater awareness of more nuanced theories about identity and there is a greater willingness to accept that identity is not fixed, concrete, and permanent, but rather evolving and fluid. Although this volume discusses a wide variety of aspects of identity as it flexibly changes during adulthood in the face of numerous experiences, it is really addressing one key question. How adaptive and fluid is identity and how can we know ourselves as both continuing and changing? Exploring these ideas raises the importance of future research on adult identity. With a firm grounding in the historical and theoretical background of identity research, this volume begins by defining identity and the psychological “self” as a center around which the person’s behaviors and self-concepts revolve. The following chapters gather the wisdom of many writers who all accepted the challenge of talking about creating a flexible adult self and identity during adulthood. They come at this challenging question from many different perspectives using different tools. Some survey existing literature and theory, then summarize prior work in a meaningful way. Some discuss their own research; some reflect on personal experiences that have demanded a flexible identity. Also included in the coverage are discussions of methodology and validity issues for studies and scales of identity. With its dual focus on research and applied fields ranging across social and personality psychology, industrial/occupational psychology, cross-cultural psychology, mental health, existential issues, relationships, and demographic categories, Identity Flexibility During Adulthood: Perspectives on Adult Development is a fascinating and complex resource for psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, gerontologists, and all those interested in our changing identities.

Psychological, Emotional, Social and Cognitive Aspects of Implantable Cardiac Devices

by Riccardo Proietti Gian Mauro Manzoni Giada Pietrabissa Gianluca Castelnuovo

Electrical therapy of the heart has rapidly evolved over recent years with the development of the cardiac implantable defibrillator and the application of the cardiac resynchronization therapy to improve performance of the congestive failed heart. There is an impressive amount of literature produced to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of the electrical therapy. New technology is continuously introduced into the market for the treatment of electrical heart disease with optimized performance and implemented design, with approximately 600,000 new pacemakers implanted each year. Attention of the electrophysiology community has mainly focused on the biomedical aspects of electrical therapy, but the psychological, emotional, social and cognitive aspects of the implantable devices has been largely overlooked. Health-related quality of life (QoL) and, to a lesser extent, psychological disorders, i.e. anxiety and depression, have rarely been assessed as outcomes in clinical trials, and results are pointing towards the impact of the implantable devices on QoL and mental health not being direct but moderated and mediated by several biomedical as well as psychosocial variables. Furthermore, the cognitive effects of the implantable devices have rarely been assessed in empirical studies, although cognitive impairment is largely associated with the heart disorders that require implantation of an electrical device and cognitive benefits are strongly expected from the therapy. The aim of this book is to collect, appraise and condense the results of all empirical studies that have investigated, even marginally, the relationships between the implantable devices and any psychological, emotional, social and cognitive dimension. This book is a cornerstone for all involved in device utilization (physicians, nurses, technicians, industry representatives) that need to understand this topic.​

Kant’s Ethics and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - An Introduction

by Christopher Arroyo

This book defends the thesis that Kant’s normative ethics and his practical ethics of sex and marriage can be valuable resources for people engaged in the contemporary debate over same-sex marriage. It does so by first developing a reading of Kant’s normative ethics that explains the way in which Kant’s notions of human moral imperfection unsocial sociability inform his ethical thinking. The book then offers a systematic treatment of Kant’s views of sex and marriage, arguing that Kant’s views are more defensible than some of his critics have made them out to be. Drawing on Kant’s account of marriage and his conception of moral friendship, the book argues that Kant’s ethics can be used to develop a defense of same-sex marriage.

Assessing and Treating Pediatric Obesity in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

by Adelle M. Cadieux

This book reviews strategies for assessing and treating pediatric obesity in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (ND). It synthesizes empirical findings and clinical strategies to offer the latest knowledge in key areas, including risk factors, physical activity, nutrition, treatment planning, goal-setting, and engagement with patients. A four-stage treatment model presents clinical guidance in triaging treatment and tailoring interventions to children’s changing medical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive needs. The book complements current pediatric ND literature by presenting clear guidelines for integrating treatment for obesity into existing treatment of these young patients. Topics featured in this book include: The effect of neurodevelopmental disorders on the assessment of obesity in children.The impact of developmental delays on physical activities and health behaviors.Strategies for promoting weight management goals in pediatric ND.Suggestions on how to engage and support families and caregivers.The role of prevention in weight management within pediatric ND. Assessing and Treating Pediatric Obesity in Neurodevelopmental Disorders is a must-have resource for clinicians, scientist-practitioners, and related professionals as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in clinical child and school psychology, public health, social work, pediatrics, occupational therapy, and nutrition.

Coma and Disorders of Consciousness

by Caroline Schnakers Steven Laureys

This revised and expanded second edition discusses the assessment and treatment of patients recovering from coma and disorders of consciousness. Besides diagnostic, prognostic and ethical issues, this book describes well-established techniques and procedures, and also techniques under development. New chapters include consciousness theories, issues relating to long-term care, and neuromodulation treatments. Coma and Disorders of Consciousness, Second Edition is a comprehensive review of the field for clinicians and researchers, regardless of whether they are already familiar with the difficult but exciting field of disorders of consciousness.

On the Logos: A Naïve View on Ordinary Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #354)

by Enric Trillas

This book offers an inspiring and naïve view on language and reasoning. It presents a new approach to ordinary reasoning that follows the author’s former work on fuzzy logic. Starting from a pragmatic scientific view on meaning as a quantity, and the common sense reasoning from a primitive notion of inference, which is shared by both laypeople and experts, the book shows how this can evolve, through the addition of more and more suppositions, into various formal and specialized modes of precise, imprecise, and approximate reasoning. The logos are intended here as a synonym for rationality, which is usually shown by the processes of questioning, guessing, telling, and computing. Written in a discursive style and without too many technicalities, the book presents a number of reflections on the study of reasoning, together with a new perspective on fuzzy logic and Zadeh’s “computing with words” grounded in both language and reasoning. It also highlights some mathematical developments supporting this view. Lastly, it addresses a series of questions aimed at fostering new discussions and future research into this topic. All in all, this book represents an inspiring read for professors and researchers in computer science, and fuzzy logic in particular, as well as for psychologists, linguists and philosophers.

Derived Embodiment in Abstract Language

by Theresa Schilhab

How does knowledge of phenomena and events we have no direct experiences of emerge? Having a brain that learns from being in the world, how can we conceive of prehistoric dinosaurs, Atlantis, unicorns or even ‘desire’? This book is about how abstract knowledge becomes anchored in direct experiences through well-formed conversations.Within the framework of evolutionary biology and through the lens of contemporary studies in cognitive science, the neurosciences, sociology and anthropology, this book traces topics such as our inborn sensitivity to the environment, bottom-up and top-down processes in knowledge formation and the importance of language when we learn to categorise the world. A major objective of this monograph is to identify the key determinants of the specific interactivity mechanisms that control the cognitive processes while we are linguistically immersed. The emphasis is on real-life interactions in conversations. While the concrete word-object paradigm depends relatively more on direct experiences, the successful acquisition of abstract knowledge depends on the emphatic skills of the interlocutor. He or she must remain sensitive to the level and quality of the imagination of the child while making mental tableaus that are believed to elicit images to which the child associates the concept. Derived embodiment in abstract thought is a landmark synthesis that operationalizes contemporary neuroscience studies of acquisition of knowledge in the real life conversational context. The result is an exciting biology-based contribution to theories of knowledge acquisition and thinking in sociology, cognitive robotics, anthropology and not at least, pedagogy.

The Factors Effecting Student Achievement: Meta-Analysis of Empirical Studies

by Engin Karadağ

This book focuses on the effect of psychological, social and demographic variables on student achievement and summarizes the current research findings in the field. It addresses the need for inclusive and interpretive studies in the field in order to interpret student achievement literature and suggests new pathways for further studies. Appropriately, a meta-analysis approach is used by the contributors to show the big picture to the researchers by analyzing and combining the findings from different independent studies. In particular, the authors compile various studies examining the relationship between student achievement and 21 psychological, social and demographic variables separately. The philosophy behind this book is to direct future research and practices rather than addressing the limits of current studies.

Understanding and Investigating Response Processes in Validation Research (Social Indicators Research Series #69)

by Bruno D. Zumbo Anita M. Hubley

This volume addresses an urgent need across multiple disciplines to broaden our understanding and use of response processes evidence of test validity. It builds on the themes and findings of the volume Validity and Validation in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences (Zumbo & Chan, 2014), with a focus on measurement validity evidence based on response processes. Approximately 1000 studies are published each year examining the validity of inferences made from tests and measures in the social, behavioural, and health sciences. The widely accepted Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999, 2014) present five sources of evidence for validity: content-related, response processes, internal structure, relationships with other variables, and consequences of testing. Many studies focus on internal structure and relationships with other variables sources of evidence, which have a long history in validation research, known methodologies, and numerous exemplars in the literature. Far less is understood by test users and researchers conducting validation work about how to think about and apply new and emerging sources of validity evidence. This groundbreaking volume is the first to present conceptual models of response processes, methodological issues that arise in gathering response processes evidence, as well as applications and exemplars for providing response processes evidence in validation work.

International Perspectives on Psychotherapy

by Stefan G. Hofmann

This clear-sighted resource critically examines the status of clinical psychology practice across the diverse regions of the world. Dispatches from North and Latin America, Eastern and Central Europe, China, South Korea, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere illustrate in depth the universality of mental distress and disorders, and the intersection of local knowledge and established standards in providing effective care. Pathology and its treatment are viewed in light of cultural values, belief systems, ethics, and norms, reflecting the evolution of clinical practice toward personalized care and culturally sensitive intervention. This important information serves a number of immediate and long-term goals, including developing culture-specific diagnoses and treatments, improving professional competencies, and the ongoing exchange of ideas within a global field to benefit all patients worldwide. Coverage compares key areas such as: · Concepts of mental pathology and health. · The sociopolitical aspects of psychology, rooted in the history of the country/region. · Popularly used approaches to intervention. · Types of services and providers. · The state of training and credentialing. · Relationships between clinical psychology and indigenous healing traditions. The audience for Clinical Psychology across the World includes advanced undergraduate and graduate students and trainees/interns in clinical psychology, as well as developers of training programs. It can also serve as a valuable supplementary text for seminars or lectures on clinical psychology.

Learning from Dynamic Visualization: Innovations in Research and Application

by Richard Lowe Rolf Ploetzner

This volume tackles issues arising from today’s high reliance on learning from visualizations in general and dynamic visualizations in particular at all levels of education. It reflects recent changes in educational practice through which text no longer occupies its traditionally dominant role as the prime means of presenting to-be-learned information to learners. Specifically, the book targets the dynamic visual components of multimedia educational resources and singles out how they can influence learning in their own right. It aims to help bridge the increasing gap between pervasive adoption of dynamic visualizations in educational practice and our limited understanding of the role that these representations can play in learning.The volume has recruited international leaders in the field to provide diverse perspectives on the dynamic visualizations and learning. It is the first comprehensive book on the topic that brings together contributions from both renowned researchers and expert practitioners. Rather than aiming to present a broad general overview of the field, it focuses on innovative work that is at the cutting edge.As well as further developing and complementing existing approaches, the contributions emphasize fresh ideas that may challenge existing orthodoxies and point towards future directions for the field. They seek to stimulate further new developments in the design and use of dynamic visualizations for learning as well as the rigorous, systematic investigation of their educational effectiveness.

HIV/AIDS in Rural Communities: Research, Education, and Advocacy

by Fayth M. Parks Gregory S. Felzien Sally Jue

This wide-ranging volume reviews the experience and treatment of HIV/AIDS in rural America at the clinical, care system, community, and individual levels. Rural HIV-related phenomena are explored within healthcare contexts (physician shortages, treatment disparities) and the social environment (stigma, the opioid epidemic), and contrasted with urban frames of reference. Contributors present latest findings on HIV medications, best practices, and innovative opportunities for improving care and care settings, plus invaluable first-person perspective on the intersectionality of patient subpopulations. These chapters offer both seasoned and training practitioners a thorough grounding in the unique challenges of providing appropriate and effective services in the region. Featured topics include: Case study: Georgia’s rural vs. non-rural populations HIV medications: how they work and why they fail Pediatric/adolescent HIV: legal and ethical issues Our experience: HIV-positive African-American women in the Deep South Learning to age successfully with HIV Bringing important detail to an often-marginalized population, HIV/AIDS in Rural Communities will interest and inspire healthcare practitioners including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, case managers, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and family therapists, as well as educators, students, persons living with HIV, advocates, community leaders, and policymakers.

Building Peace Through Knowledge: The Israeli-Palestinian Case

by Alean Al-Krenawi

This groundbreaking volume documents a comprehensive peacebuilding initiative in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reviews the broad theoretical base underlying these efforts. Theory chapters discuss intrinsic peace-related concepts, including the nature of conflict, elements of individual and group identity, the long-term psychological effects of prolonged political hostilities, and the mechanisms of reconciliation and inclusiveness. Central to the coverage is the ambitious Building Peace through Knowledge Project, a four-year multidisciplinary program featuring a diverse palette of professional and community interventions to reduce the occurrence and trauma of political violence. The author reveals powerful insights connecting knowledge to peacebuilding by analyzing: · The relationships between attitudes and ideology in intergroup conflict. · The psychosocial impact of political violence among Israelis and Palestinians. · The literature on people-to-people interventions (P2Ps) in conflict reduction. · The roles of forgiveness, reconciliation, and fairness in conflict resolution. · The methodology and findings of the Building Peace through Knowledge Project. · The potential of knowledge-based interventions in building sustainable peace in other regions. Practitioners, mental health professionals, and scholars with interests in multicultural mental health, cross-cultural psychology, political violence, and peace education will look to Building Peace through Knowledge as an ideabook, a mission statement, and a road map toward a more stable world.

Quantitative Psychology: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Asheville, North Carolina, 2016 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #196)

by L. Andries van der Ark Marie Wiberg Steven A. Culpepper Jeffrey A. Douglas Wen-Chung Wang

This proceedings volume compiles and expands on selected and peer reviewed presentations given at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), organized by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and held in Asheville, North Carolina, July 11th to 17th, 2016.IMPS is one of the largest international meetings focusing on quantitative measurement in psychology, education, and the social sciences, both in terms of participants and number of presentations. The meeting built on the Psychometric Society's mission to share quantitative methods relevant to psychology, addressing a diverse set of psychometric topics including item response theory, factor analysis, structural equation modeling, time series analysis, mediation analysis, cognitive diagnostic models, and multi-level models. Selected presenters were invited to revise and expand their contributions and to have them peer reviewed and published in this proceedings volume.Previous volumes to showcase work from the Psychometric Society’s meetings are New Developments in Quantitative Psychology: Presentations from the 77th Annual Psychometric Society Meeting (Springer, 2013), Quantitative Psychology Research: The 78th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Springer, 2015), Quantitative Psychology Research: The 79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison, Wisconsin, 2014 (Springer, 2015), and Quantitative Psychology Research: The 80th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Beijing, 2015 (Springer, 2016).

STEM and Social Justice: A Global Perspective

by Cheryl B. Leggon Michael S. Gaines

This volume focuses on selected innovative programs designed to augment the science, engineering, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce through increasing and enhancing the participation of under-represented groups. The programs span the STEM career pathway—primary, secondary, and tertiary education—and professional development and socialization—in the United States, South Africa, and New Zealand. Similarities as well as differences between and among programs across nations will be systematically analyzed for lessons learned. The conceptualization for this volume developed over the past several years during various international conferences—starting in Havana, Cuba in 2006, and continuing at meetings in Japan (2014), South Africa (2013 and 2015), and New Zealand (2015).

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