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Life-Span Development and Behavior: Volume 10 (Life-Span Development and Behavior Series #Vol. 12)

by Paul B. Baltes David L. Featherman Richard M. Lerner

This serial publication continues to review life-span research and theory in the behavioral and social sciences, particularly work done by psychologists and sociologists conducting programmatic research on current problems and refining theoretical positions. Each volume introduces excellent peer-reviewed empirical research into the field of life-span development while presenting interdisciplinary viewpoints on the topic. Often challenging accepted theories, this series is of great interest to developmental, personality, and social psychologists.

Lithium and Cell Physiology

by Ricardo O. Bach Vincent S. Gallicchio

Lithium and Cell Physiology explores the role of lithium in a wide range of physiologic contexts. The contributions reflect the most recent advances in our understanding of the biochemical, pharmacological, and clinical applications of this metal ion. The book discusses how lithium modulates cells of the immune system, stimulates granulopoiesis, and influences the course of viral infections. The effect of lithium on the skin, as well as on inositol phosphate metabolism, cell growth, magnesium-dependent enzymes, and essential fatty acids and prostaglandins is discussed.

The Logic of Social Control

by A.V. Horwitz

Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud

by Thomas Laqueur

This is a book about the making and unmaking of sex over the centuries. It tells the astonishing story of sex in the West from the ancients to the moderns in a precise account of developments in reproductive anatomy and physiology. We cannot fail to recognize the players in Thomas Laqueur’s story—the human sexual organs and pleasures, food, blood, semen, egg, sperm—but we will be amazed at the plots into which they have been woven by scientists, political activists, literary figures, and theorists of every stripe. Laqueur begins with the question of why, in the late eighteenth century, woman’s orgasm came to be regarded as irrelevant to conception, and he then proceeds to retrace the dramatic changes in Western views of sexual characteristics over two millennia. Along the way, two “masterplots” emerge. In the one-sex story, woman is an imperfect version of man, and her anatomy and physiology are construed accordingly: the vagina is seen as an interior penis, the womb as a scrotum, the ovaries as testicles. The body is thus a representation, not the foundation, of social gender. The second plot tends to dominate post-Enlightenment thinking while the one-sex model is firmly rooted in classical learning. The two-sex story says that the body determines gender differences, that woman is the opposite of man with incommensurably different organs, functions, and feelings. The two plots overlap; neither ever holds a monopoly. Science may establish many new facts, but even so, Laqueur argues, science was only providing a new way of speaking, a rhetoric and not a key to female liberation or to social progress. Making Sex ends with Freud, who denied the neurological evidence to insist that, as a girl becomes a woman, the locus of her sexual pleasure shifts from the clitoris to the vagina; she becomes what culture demands despite, not because of, the body. Turning Freud’s famous dictum around, Laqueur posits that destiny is anatomy. Sex, in other words, is an artifice. This is a powerful story, written with verve and a keen sense of telling detail (be it technically rigorous or scabrously fanciful). Making Sex will stimulate thought, whether argument or surprised agreement, in a wide range of readers.

The Management of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (Psychology Revivals)

by Ved P. Varma

The management of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties has always been a source of worry and concern to those who have to deal with them. Many such children are unpredictable, sometimes embarrassing, and can often make us feel helpless. We need to know more about them, and why they think, feel, and behave as they do. Originally published in 1990, the contributors to this volume bring a wide-ranging professional, practical approach to the problem, looking at it from the perspectives of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, education, and social work. They underline the fact that such behaviour cannot be assessed in isolation from the context in which it occurs, and go beyond a mere description of maladjusted children to ask, ‘Maladjusted to what? And under what conditions?’ The social and family context is continually borne in mind. The book will still be of great interest to psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, teachers and social workers, as well as to students in those disciplines, who will find it an invaluable source to help them in their first encounters with child patients, clients and pupils.

The Management of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (Psychology Revivals)

by Ved P. Varma

The management of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties has always been a source of worry and concern to those who have to deal with them. Many such children are unpredictable, sometimes embarrassing, and can often make us feel helpless. We need to know more about them, and why they think, feel, and behave as they do. Originally published in 1990, the contributors to this volume bring a wide-ranging professional, practical approach to the problem, looking at it from the perspectives of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, education, and social work. They underline the fact that such behaviour cannot be assessed in isolation from the context in which it occurs, and go beyond a mere description of maladjusted children to ask, ‘Maladjusted to what? And under what conditions?’ The social and family context is continually borne in mind. The book will still be of great interest to psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, teachers and social workers, as well as to students in those disciplines, who will find it an invaluable source to help them in their first encounters with child patients, clients and pupils.

The Manipulators: Personality and Politics in Multiple Perspectives (Psychology Revivals)

by Allan W. Lerner

Originally published in 1990, this volume had two purposes. One was to shed some light on the impact that manipulativeness has on modern institutional processes. The other was to illustrate the importance of attempting militantly interdisciplinary work on themes that run through a variety of social sciences and related disciplines, as a way of breaking down excessively stifling disciplinary barriers. Manipulativeness is a connotation-laden notion with shifting meanings across the variety of action contexts, levels of analysis, and disciplinary orientations. It absorbs the idea of strategic-mindedness, rule exploitation, situational advantage seeking, tampering with structure and context, and control of the action climate. In a way, it is a very contemporary interpretation of the theme of power, melding images of control with the experience of pervasive social ambiguity.

The Manipulators: Personality and Politics in Multiple Perspectives (Psychology Revivals)

by Allan W. Lerner

Originally published in 1990, this volume had two purposes. One was to shed some light on the impact that manipulativeness has on modern institutional processes. The other was to illustrate the importance of attempting militantly interdisciplinary work on themes that run through a variety of social sciences and related disciplines, as a way of breaking down excessively stifling disciplinary barriers. Manipulativeness is a connotation-laden notion with shifting meanings across the variety of action contexts, levels of analysis, and disciplinary orientations. It absorbs the idea of strategic-mindedness, rule exploitation, situational advantage seeking, tampering with structure and context, and control of the action climate. In a way, it is a very contemporary interpretation of the theme of power, melding images of control with the experience of pervasive social ambiguity.

The Meanings of Menopause: Historical, Medical, and Cultural Perspectives

by Ruth Formanek

In this scholarly compilation of a major event in the life of every woman, editor Ruth Formanek has adopted an avowedly multidisciplinary mandate: to illuminate menopause as both an event and a stage of life by gathering together a variety of discipline-specific meanings and research perspectives. The result is an admirably comprehensive study that not only charts the premodern meanings of menopause, but proceeds to examine menopause from current biomedical, endocrinological, culutral, and psychological perspectives. Ample attention is give to the psychosocial influences on menopause and to cross-cultural variations in the experience of, and life adjustments that follow, menopause. Societal and familial attitudes toward menopausal women are also explored through an examination of women in classical and modern literature. Clinical contributions review psychoanalytic perspectives on menopause, elucidate the individual meanings of the menopausal experience uncovered in therapy, and consider male views of menopausal women. Collectively, the contributors to this volume remedy the scant attention menopause has heretofore received in the psychological and psychotherapeutic literature. They not only explore the range of issues associated with menopause, but address these issues in the context of the various myths and superstitions about menopause that have endured over the centuries. Essential reading for students of human development, gender issues, and women's studies, The Meanings of Menopause is, for helping professionals, an invaluable source book on a life event fraught with psychological significance.

The Meanings of Menopause: Historical, Medical, and Cultural Perspectives

by Ruth Formanek

In this scholarly compilation of a major event in the life of every woman, editor Ruth Formanek has adopted an avowedly multidisciplinary mandate: to illuminate menopause as both an event and a stage of life by gathering together a variety of discipline-specific meanings and research perspectives. The result is an admirably comprehensive study that not only charts the premodern meanings of menopause, but proceeds to examine menopause from current biomedical, endocrinological, culutral, and psychological perspectives. Ample attention is give to the psychosocial influences on menopause and to cross-cultural variations in the experience of, and life adjustments that follow, menopause. Societal and familial attitudes toward menopausal women are also explored through an examination of women in classical and modern literature. Clinical contributions review psychoanalytic perspectives on menopause, elucidate the individual meanings of the menopausal experience uncovered in therapy, and consider male views of menopausal women. Collectively, the contributors to this volume remedy the scant attention menopause has heretofore received in the psychological and psychotherapeutic literature. They not only explore the range of issues associated with menopause, but address these issues in the context of the various myths and superstitions about menopause that have endured over the centuries. Essential reading for students of human development, gender issues, and women's studies, The Meanings of Menopause is, for helping professionals, an invaluable source book on a life event fraught with psychological significance.

Measurement Issues in Criminology

by Kimberly L. Kempf

Measurement Issues in Criminology examines the techniques and procedures crucial to successful research. Topics appropriate for specific research designs, data sources, and analytic techniques are identified, as well as topics for which such measurement methods are inappropriate. Subjects explored include ethical obligations and social research, the offender's perspective, longitudinal research design, advantages of time series studies over other procedures when investigating important ques- tions of process and change, and the strength and weakness of studies utilizing secondary data sources.

Mechanik — Aufgaben 1: Statik starrer Körper (VDI-Buch)

by Heinz Rittinghaus Heinz D. Motz

Einteilung der Mechanik 1. Welche Einteilung des Gesamtgebietes der Mechanik ergibt sich, wenn man den Aggregatzustand des betrachteten Körpers zugrunde legt? 2. Welche Einteilung der Mechanik erhält man aus dem Verhalten der Körper gegenüber Formänderungen? 3. Welche Gesichtspunkte ergeben sich für die Einteilung bei statischer und dynamischer Betrachtungsweise? Maßeinheiten, Maßsysteme 4. Was versteht man unter einer physikalischen oder technischen Größe? 5. Was versteht man unter der Einheit einer physikalischen oder technischen Größe? 6. Was versteht man unter einem Maßsystem? 7. Welche Grundeinheiten verwendet das "Internationale Einheitensystem SI"? 8. Wie heißt die Einheit der Länge im SI-System, und wie ist sie definiert? 9. Wie heißt die Einheit der Masse im SI-System, und wie ist sie definiert? 10. Wie heißt die Einheit der Zeit im SI-System, und wie ist sie definiert? 11. Wie heißt die Einheit der Kraft im SI-System, und wie ist sie definiert? 12. Welche dezimale Vielfache gibt es im SI-System, wie werden sie benannt und welches sind ihre Vorsatzzeichen? 13. Welche dezimale Teile gibt es im SI-System, wie werden sie benannt und welches sind ihre Vorsatzzeichen? 14. Welche Regel ist zu beachten, damit die Einheit "m" (Meter) nicht mit dem Vorsatzzeichen "m" (Milli-) verwechselt wird? Schreibweise physikalisch-technischer Gleichungen 15. Durch welche Angaben sind physikalische Größen festzulegen? 16. Was versteht man unter Größengleichungen? 17. Was versteht man unter Zahlenwertgleichungen? 18.

Medizin für Psychologen und nichtärztliche Psychotherapeuten

by Alfred Pritz Gernot Sonneck

Medizinisches Basiswissen und medizinische Fragestellungen kommen in der Psychotherapieausbildung häufig zu kurz, obwohl sie unerläßlich für die Kooperation zwischen Psychotherapeut und Facharzt anderer Disziplinen sind. In diesem Buch wird dem psychologisch geschulten Leser, der auch gelernt hat, soziale Faktoren von Gesundheit und Krankheit zu erkennen und zuzuordnen, der biologisch-medizinische Teil der Krankheitslehre und Heilkunde nahegebracht. Die wichtigsten Störungen, Syndrome und Krankheiten werden leichtverständlich und übersichtlich anhand auffallender Leitsymptome dargestellt. Die medizinischen Termini sind auch in deutscher Sprache aufgeführt, das Sachverzeichnis - zugleich kurzgefaßtes Lexikon der im Buch vorkommenden Leitsymptome - ist als praxisnahe Überblicksinformation konzipiert. Dieses Buch vermittelt Psychologen und nichtärztlichen Psychotherapeuten die notwendigen Grundkenntnisse, um Differentialdiagnosen zu stellen und gibt Entscheidungshilfen bei der Frage, wann die Überweisung eines Patienten an einen Arzt nötig ist.

Memory Mechanisms: A Tribute To G.v. Goddard

by Michael Corballis K. Geoffrey White

Presenting the work of researchers who are at the forefront of the study of memory mechanisms, this volume addresses a wide range of topics including: physiological and biophysical studies of synaptic plasticity, neural models of information storage and recall, functional and structural considerations of amnesia in brain-damaged patients, and behavioral studies of animal cognition and memory. The book's coverage of diverse approaches to memory mechanisms is intended to help dissolve the borders between behavioral psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, and neurophysiology.

Memory Mechanisms: A Tribute To G.v. Goddard

by Michael Corballis K. Geoffrey White

Presenting the work of researchers who are at the forefront of the study of memory mechanisms, this volume addresses a wide range of topics including: physiological and biophysical studies of synaptic plasticity, neural models of information storage and recall, functional and structural considerations of amnesia in brain-damaged patients, and behavioral studies of animal cognition and memory. The book's coverage of diverse approaches to memory mechanisms is intended to help dissolve the borders between behavioral psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, and neurophysiology.

Methodology of the Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs (Psychopharmacology Series #8)

by KarlRickels WolfgangMaier OttoBenkert

The idea of placebo-controlled drug trials and the advent of test statistics during the first part of this century were the major milestones in the establishment of a convincing methodology for demonstrating the efficacy of treatments. The first tricyclic and neuroleptic drugs were tested for their efficacy in psychiatric disorders along the lines of these methodological developments, but subsequent trials with psychotropic drugs did not adhere to these principles to the same extent because it became difficult to justify placebo-controlled trials once effective treatments had been established. Consequently, the second generation of an­ tidepressants and neuroleptics (since the early 1960s) were mainly tested, in Europe at least, in samples of patients using trials controlled by standard treatment only, and the methodological basis of these second generation trials became fragile, as will be demonstrated by several papers in this book. This development did not provoke much discussion until recently, when scientific and administrative interest in the methodology of the evaluation of psychotropic drugs increased substantially. A series of factors contribute to the growing interest in the standards of psychotropic drug trials: 1. The proportion of psychiatric patients resistant to treatment is growing; the efficacy of well-established forms of treatment therefore seems to be limited. 2. A series of psychotropic drugs were withdrawn from the market, mainly because they caused serious side effects. The efficacy and safety ofthese drugs had previously been demonstrated in drug trials, which raised the question whether the drug trials carried out were well-designed.

Mirrors of Madness: Patrolling the Psychic Border

by Bruce Luske

Mirrors of Madness depicts the social-psychological processes and institutional consequences of psychiatric staffs experience of ""closet insanity"" (private worries about theirown social and psychological competence) and ""reverse role modeling"" (identification with their labeled psychotic clients' public behavior).The book shows how, in attempting to ward off the threat involved in these processes, staffs tend to be more vigilant of their own behavior while redirecting their insecurities toward their clients in the form of derogatory humor in psychiatric evaluations. These and other activities are shown to be inhibiting factors in the rehabilitative function of social control agencies.

Mirrors of Madness: Patrolling the Psychic Border (Social Problems And Social Issues Ser.)

by Bruce Luske

Mirrors of Madness depicts the social-psychological processes and institutional consequences of psychiatric staffs experience of ""closet insanity"" (private worries about theirown social and psychological competence) and ""reverse role modeling"" (identification with their labeled psychotic clients' public behavior).The book shows how, in attempting to ward off the threat involved in these processes, staffs tend to be more vigilant of their own behavior while redirecting their insecurities toward their clients in the form of derogatory humor in psychiatric evaluations. These and other activities are shown to be inhibiting factors in the rehabilitative function of social control agencies.

Modularity and the Motor theory of Speech Perception: Proceedings of A Conference To Honor Alvin M. Liberman

by Michael Studdert-Kennedy Ignatius G. Mattingly

A compilation of the proceedings of a conference held to honor Alvin M. Liberman for his outstanding contributions to research in speech perception, this volume deals with two closely related and controversial proposals for which Liberman and his colleagues at Haskins Laboratories have argued forcefully over the past 35 years. The first is that articulatory gestures are the units not only of speech production but also of speech perception; the second is that speech production and perception are not cognitive processes, but rather functions of a special mechanism. This book explores the implications of these proposals not only for speech production and speech perception, but for the neurophysiology of language, language acquisition, higher-level linguistic processing, the visual perception of phonetic gestures, the production and perception of sign language, the reading process, and learning to read. The contributors to this volume include linguists, psycholinguists, speech scientists, neurophysiologists, and ethologists. Liberman himself responds in the final chapter.

Modularity and the Motor theory of Speech Perception: Proceedings of A Conference To Honor Alvin M. Liberman

by Ignatius G. Mattingly Michael Studdert-Kennedy

A compilation of the proceedings of a conference held to honor Alvin M. Liberman for his outstanding contributions to research in speech perception, this volume deals with two closely related and controversial proposals for which Liberman and his colleagues at Haskins Laboratories have argued forcefully over the past 35 years. The first is that articulatory gestures are the units not only of speech production but also of speech perception; the second is that speech production and perception are not cognitive processes, but rather functions of a special mechanism. This book explores the implications of these proposals not only for speech production and speech perception, but for the neurophysiology of language, language acquisition, higher-level linguistic processing, the visual perception of phonetic gestures, the production and perception of sign language, the reading process, and learning to read. The contributors to this volume include linguists, psycholinguists, speech scientists, neurophysiologists, and ethologists. Liberman himself responds in the final chapter.

A Moment of Transition: Two Neuroscientific Articles by Sigmund Freud

by Mark Solms Michael Saling

Translations of two neuroscientific articles by Freud are presented here for the first time in English. Alongside these, the editors offer convincing arguments for their importance to both psychoanalysis and neuroscience. These articles helped provide the catalyst for the modern activity in the field, and will prove fascinating to anyone interested in the origins of this bold new movement. Between 1877 and 1900, Sigmund Freud published over one hundred neuroscientific works, only seven of which have previously appeared in English translation. Aphasie and Gehirn, the two articles presented in A Moment of Transition, were originally composed in 1888 as dictionary entries for the Handwortebuch der gesamten Medizin edited by Albert Villaret. They therefore date from a pivotal period of Freud's career when a growing interest in psychology had already begun to vie with strictly neurological endeavors; a shift of emphasis reflected in the novel and independent conceptual position adopted in both papers, prefiguring Freud's later work On Aphasia and certain aspects of the Project for a Scientific Psychology.

A Moment of Transition: Two Neuroscientific Articles by Sigmund Freud

by Michael Saling Mark Solms

Translations of two neuroscientific articles by Freud are presented here for the first time in English. Alongside these, the editors offer convincing arguments for their importance to both psychoanalysis and neuroscience. These articles helped provide the catalyst for the modern activity in the field, and will prove fascinating to anyone interested in the origins of this bold new movement. Between 1877 and 1900, Sigmund Freud published over one hundred neuroscientific works, only seven of which have previously appeared in English translation. Aphasie and Gehirn, the two articles presented in A Moment of Transition, were originally composed in 1888 as dictionary entries for the Handwortebuch der gesamten Medizin edited by Albert Villaret. They therefore date from a pivotal period of Freud's career when a growing interest in psychology had already begun to vie with strictly neurological endeavors; a shift of emphasis reflected in the novel and independent conceptual position adopted in both papers, prefiguring Freud's later work On Aphasia and certain aspects of the Project for a Scientific Psychology.

Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia (Springer Series in Neuropsychology)

by PierreVilliard Jean-LucNespoulous

Neuropsycholinguistics - the interaction between linguistics, psycholinguistics, and aphasiology - has, over the past two decades, established itself as a multidisciplinary science worthy of its recent attention in Drs. Nespoulous and Villiard's Morphology, Phonology and Aphasia. In this new volume in the Springer Series in Neuropsychology, the editors have most successfully developed a multidisciplinary team of research through the organization of two symposia - one on "Morphology and Aphasia", the other focused on "Phonology and Aphasia". Toward the goal of better understanding the aphasic patients' verbal behavior, the contributing authors of this important work offer their respective expertise, continuing the recent evolution of developments in the fields of morphology and phonology.

Multi-Systemic Structural-Strategic Interventions for Child and Adolescent Behavior Problems

by Patrick H Tolan

Learn to tackle he very challenging behavior problems of children and adolescents that you commonly see in your family therapy practice. This practical book provides the practicing clinician with an overview of structural-strategic approaches for treating child and adolescent behavior problems. It is unique in specifying successful approaches for a range of behavior problems, with all approaches based on the same concept--the Structural-Strategic model of family therapy.Behavior problems are the most common reason for referral of children and adolescents for therapy. In addition, behavior problems are major impediments to educational progress and full benefit from medical care. Multi-Systemic Structural-Strategic Interventions for Child and Adolescent Behavior Problems focuses on the major types of behavior problems: antisocial and delinquent behavior, drug abuse, eating disorders, sex-related problems, school behavioral problems, and problems with compliance with pediatric medical care. Chapters by Editor Patrick H. Tolan and an impressive group of contributing authors will expand your knowledge and the utility of structural-strategic family therapy by emphasizing the role of responsibility and accountability of family members. This volume is the first to use this view to specifically address the treatment of a variety of behavior problems. Techniques for applying structural-strategic approaches in working with other systems, including schools, are also presented. Aimed at the practicing clinician, especially those who consider themselves primarily family therapists, Multi-Systemic Structural-Strategic Interventions for Child and Adolescent Behavior Problems is of interest to any professional treating children and adolescents. A useful text for trainers of interns and residents and faculty of independent family therapy training programs, this major book is also an important addition to specialized courses in family therapy, child therapy, and SS therapy, and graduate courses in social work, psychology, and nursing programs.

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