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Showing 5,751 through 5,775 of 67,060 results

Therapieziel: Gesundheit

by Bernhard Geue

Thioxanthene: in der neuroleptischen Behandlung

by B. Müller-Oerlinghausen H. J. Möller E. Rüther

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Problemen der Neuroleptika-Behandlung. Dabei wird insbesondere auf den Stellenwert der Thioxanthene eingegangen.

Too Scared To Cry: Psychic Trauma In Childhood

by Lenore Terr

In 1976 twenty-six California children were kidnapped from their school bus and buried alive for motives never explained. All the children survived. This bizarre event signaled the beginning of Lenore Terr's landmark study on the effect of trauma on children. In this book Terr shows how trauma has affected not only the children she's treated but all of us.

Toward a Scientific Practice of Science Education

by Marjorie Gardner James G. Greeno Frederick Reif Alan H. Schoenfeld Andrea Disessa Elizabeth Stage

This volume supports the belief that a revised and advanced science education can emerge from the convergence and synthesis of several current scientific and technological activities including examples of research from cognitive science, social science, and other discipline-based educational studies. The anticipated result: the formation of science education as an integrated discipline.

Toward a Scientific Practice of Science Education

by Marjorie Gardner Andrea A. DiSessa James G. Greeno Frederick Reif Alan H. Schoenfeld

This volume supports the belief that a revised and advanced science education can emerge from the convergence and synthesis of several current scientific and technological activities including examples of research from cognitive science, social science, and other discipline-based educational studies. The anticipated result: the formation of science education as an integrated discipline.

Tradition and innovation in Psychoanalytic Education: Clark Conference on Psychoanalytic Training for Psychologists

by Murray Meisels Ester R. Shapiro

This book, a record of the Clark Conference sponsored by the APA, consists of a series of papers on psychoanalytic education. The book is dedicated to the memory of Helen Block Lewis, who realized the necessity for detailed re-examination and further development of all ideas in psychoanalysis.

Tradition and innovation in Psychoanalytic Education: Clark Conference on Psychoanalytic Training for Psychologists

by Murray Meisels Ester R. Shapiro

This book, a record of the Clark Conference sponsored by the APA, consists of a series of papers on psychoanalytic education. The book is dedicated to the memory of Helen Block Lewis, who realized the necessity for detailed re-examination and further development of all ideas in psychoanalysis.

A Transformation Theory of Aesthetics

by Michael Stephan

This book develops a theory of picture perception and aesthetic response, arguing that images can generate in us a complex pattern of mental changes, or transformations. It is essential reading to those seriously involved in linking the arts and cognitive sciences.

A Transformation Theory of Aesthetics

by Michael Stephan

This book develops a theory of picture perception and aesthetic response, arguing that images can generate in us a complex pattern of mental changes, or transformations. It is essential reading to those seriously involved in linking the arts and cognitive sciences.

Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuropsychological Impairment: Sensorimotor, Cognitive, Emotional, and Adaptive Problems of Children and Adults

by Rolland S. Parker

The brain is a delicate, complex, and easily disrupted organ. Unfortunately, the frequency of brain injury and the impairing effects of even seemingly minor injury is generally unknown to the public, the media, and, surprisingly, even many health professionals. It is hoped that this book will make a contribution to the welfare of brain-damaged people through a comprehensive and detailed state­ ment concerning their impairment and how to recognize it. Increased under­ standing of impairment, and the significant symptoms that reveal it, will enhance treatment planning, and aid in avoiding the error of assuming that symptoms are emotional, malingering, or exaggerations. In writing this book I have drawn on my experience in assessing individuals of all ages who have undergone traumatic brain injury, in order to alert the public, their families, concerned professionals, teaching physicians, psychologists, and attorneys to the clinical and technical issues that will aid in understanding and serving these people. Experience as a psychotherapist and career counselor offered a clinical perspective from which to document the conclusion that trau­ matic brain damage frequently impairs adaptive capacity of children and adults after even relatively "minor" injury.

Treatment Strategies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

by Jovan G. Simeon and H. Bruce Ferguson

It is clear that child and adolescent psychiatric disorders impose a heavy burden of suffering. Recent large-scale community epidemiological studies suggest that as many as 20% of children and adolescents in the general population may have clinically important mental disorders. These disorders are accompanied by associated impairments in various domains of the child's life, resulting in lowered life quality for the child and his or her family. In addition, for some conditions, the onset of the disorder in childhood heralds a lifetime of serious psychosocial disturbance for a significant subgroup of affected children. For instance, about 40% of children seen in clinic settings with conduct disorder in late childhood and early adolescence will have serious psychiatric disorders in adult life. Finally, the heavy burden of suffering of these conditions is indicated by the large amounts of both human and financial resources devoted to their assessment and treatment. There is a pressing need in the field for effective treatments (that is, those that have been shown to do more good than harm) that will result in a significant reduction in the burden of suffering resulting from these disorders. Further, these effective interventions must be readily available and acceptable to clini­ cians in the settings in which children with mental disorders (and their families) seek care. This book addresses an important need in the treatment field.

Unterschiedliche Perspektiven in der allgemeinen und in der forensischen Psychiatrie: Eine kleine Methodenlehre für Juristen, psychologisch-psychiatrische Sachverständige und interessierte Laien

by Hermann Witter

Einführend werden die Sonderstellung der Psychiatrie im Rahmen der Medizin und die grundlegenden Unterschiede zwischen allgemeiner und forensischer Psychiatrie geschildert. Anhand einer einfachen psychiatriegeschichtlichen Übersicht werden Fehlentwicklungen und Problemlösungen in der forensischen Psychiatrie so dargestellt, daß jeder Interessierte, - sei er Jurist, Nervenarzt, Psychologe oder Kriminologe -, sich mit der Bedeutung der unterschiedlichen methodologischen Perspektiven vertraut machen kann. Mit dieser Kenntnis wird die kritische, eigenständige Urteilsbildung in dem umstrittenen Gebiet der psychologisch-psychiatrischen Beurteilung der strafrechtlichen Schuldfähigkeit erleichtert. Es war ein Anliegen des Autors, mit einer leicht verständlichen Darstellung in die Grundprobleme dieser Methodologie einzuführen und dadurch das Verständnis für die Notwendigkeit ihrer Beachtung bei der Tätigkeit des psychologisch-psychiatrischen Sachverständigen in der Gerichtspraxis zu fördern.

Verläufe: Seelische Gesundheit und psychogene Erkrankungen heute

by H. Schepank R. Manz H. Parekh W. Tress N. Schiessl G. Reister M. Ehl W. Benn S. Eckert D. Merscher T. Schwen-Harant

Klinische Erfahrungen geben nur ein unvollständiges Bild über den wahren Verlauf von psychogenen Erkrankungen, weil jede Inanspruchnahmeklientel, jegliches Patientengut aller Institutionen und Therapeuten hochgradig selektiert ist. Über Verläufe bei Gesunden - und das sind nach den Untersuchungen der Verfasser etwa 3/4 der Bevölkerung - bekommt man nur Aufschluß durch aktive Befragung. Die hier vorgelegte Untersuchung stellt hinsichtlich psychogener Erkrankungen und entsprechender Gesundheit die erste deutschsprachige prospektive Verlaufsstudie an einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsstichprobe dar. 600 erwachsene Deutsche aus einer Großstadt wurden im Abstand von drei Jahren mehrmals ausführlich untersucht. Im Zentrum dieser Untersuchung stand die Frage des individuellen Verlaufs von seelischer Gesundheit und psychogener Symptomatik, sowie die darauf Einfluß nehmenden Persönlichkeits-, Kindheits-, Entwicklungs- und Umweltfaktoren. Das Buch bietet grundlegende wissenschaftliche Daten über das Gebiet der psychogenen Erkrankungen. Die umfangreiche illustrierende Kasuistik von Lebensentwicklungen psychisch Gesunder wie auch von psychogenen Erkrankten macht die Lektüre weit über den wissenschaftlichen Bereich hinaus eindrucksvoll.

Violence And Suicidality: Clinical And Experimental Psychiatry

by Herman M. Van Praag Robert Plutchik Alan Apter

First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Violence And Suicidality: Clinical And Experimental Psychiatry

by Herman M. Van Praag Robert Plutchik Alan Apter

First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Visual Cognition: Computational, Experimental and Neuropsychological Perspectives

by Glyn W. Humphreys Vicki Bruce

Vision allows us to do many things. It enables us to perceive a world composed of meaningful objects and events. It enables us to track those events as they take place in front of our eyes. It enables us to read. It provides accurate spatial information for actions such as reaching for or avoiding objects. It provides colour and texture that can help us to separate objects from their background, and so forth. This book is concerned with understanding the processes that allow us to carry out these various visually driven behaviours. In the past ten years our understanding of visual processing has undergone a rapid change, primarily fostered by the convergence of computational, experimental and neuropsychological work on the topic. Visual Cognition provides the first major attempt to cover all aspects of this work within a single text. It provides a summary of research on visual information processing, relevant to advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and research workers. It covers: seeing static forms, object recognition, dynamic vision (motion perception and visual masking), visual attention, visual memory, visual aspects of reading. For each topic, the relevant computational, experimental and neuropsychological work is integrated to provide a broader coverage than that of other texts.

Visual Cognition: Computational, Experimental and Neuropsychological Perspectives

by Glyn W. Humphreys Vicki Bruce

Vision allows us to do many things. It enables us to perceive a world composed of meaningful objects and events. It enables us to track those events as they take place in front of our eyes. It enables us to read. It provides accurate spatial information for actions such as reaching for or avoiding objects. It provides colour and texture that can help us to separate objects from their background, and so forth. This book is concerned with understanding the processes that allow us to carry out these various visually driven behaviours. In the past ten years our understanding of visual processing has undergone a rapid change, primarily fostered by the convergence of computational, experimental and neuropsychological work on the topic. Visual Cognition provides the first major attempt to cover all aspects of this work within a single text. It provides a summary of research on visual information processing, relevant to advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and research workers. It covers: seeing static forms, object recognition, dynamic vision (motion perception and visual masking), visual attention, visual memory, visual aspects of reading. For each topic, the relevant computational, experimental and neuropsychological work is integrated to provide a broader coverage than that of other texts.

Von Chaos und Ordnung der Seele: Ein interdisziplinärer Dialog über Psychiatrie und moderne Kunst

by Hartmut Kraft Stefanie Poley Katharina Sobota Wolfgang Welsch

Das künstlerische Werk ist eine der greifbarsten Manifestationen der menschlichen Seele und mag auch Aufschluß geben über die Prozesse, durch die psychische Phänomene zustande kommen. Daher braucht die Psychiatrie die (moderne) Kunst, um psychisches Geschehen differenzierter erkennen zu können. Der Dialog zwischen Kunst und Psychiatrie dauert schon länger an, wobei der entscheidende Impuls sicher von Prinzhorn (1922) mit seiner "Bildnerei der Geisteskranken" kam. Das vorliegende Buch ist bewußt interdisziplinär aufgebaut, um das Verhältnis von Kunst und Psychiatrie aus möglichst verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu beleuchten.

Wirkfaktoren der Psychotherapie

by Hermann Lang

Wissenserwerb und Handlungsregulation

by Stefan Strohschneider

Witnessing Psychoanalysis: From Vienna back to Vienna via Buchenwald and the USA

by Ernst Federn

This book contains a collection of articles on social psychology, the psychology of terror and violence, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and the history of psychoanalysis. It also includes Federn's moving memoir of his encounter with Bruno Bettelheim in Buchenwald.

Witnessing Psychoanalysis: From Vienna back to Vienna via Buchenwald and the USA

by Ernst Federn

This book contains a collection of articles on social psychology, the psychology of terror and violence, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and the history of psychoanalysis. It also includes Federn's moving memoir of his encounter with Bruno Bettelheim in Buchenwald.

Women’s Progress: Promises and Problems (Women in Context)

by Jeanne Spurlock and Carolyn B. Robinowitz

Now, 25 years into our country's most recent "women's movement" for equality, it is appropriate to reexamine the social and cultural experiences of women. Thanks to the media, researchers, clinicians, and the general public, all are aware that women have been unable to realize many of their goals. At times, distress rather than satisfaction and rejection and disap­ pointment rather than contentment have been the result of the ongoing struggle of women to achieve change-the change in attitudes, behavior, and values necessary to broaden the personal choices and work options open to women. Nationally recognized authorities on several of the sociocultural issues addressed in this volume, the editors invited noted scholars and clinicians to study some of those issues particularly relevant to women. These include frequently neglected topics, such as the multiplicity of responsibilities of single women and the spectrum of mothering roles, and those more commonly discussed, such as the various roles and patterns in the family, work options and burdens, and interpersonal relationships. The volume provides insightful detail on two prominent and poignant problems of the 1980s-the causes and repercussions of homelessness and sexual life-styles. Such material may facilitate under­ standing and serve as a catalyst for positive action.

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