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Showing 66,851 through 66,875 of 67,051 results

Deviance: Theories on Behaviors That Defy Social Norms

by Duane L. Dobbert & Thomas X. Mackey

Contributors to this unique book explain and compare major theories drawn from several academic fields to uncover the root causes of deviance.In this unparalleled exploration of antisocial and aberrant behavior, criminologists and other experts examine the theoretical perspectives of 15 classical psychological, political science, and economics scholars to shed light on the impetus for deviant behaviors. Murder, mayhem, robbery, sexual assault, and sexual activity with minor children are among the degenerate behaviors cited.Each chapter focuses on the effectiveness of a specific theory, and considers conundrums such as "Does the Darwinian approach explain sexual assault as a drive to procreate?" "Can B.F. Skinner's theoretical perspective explain pedophilia?" and "Can an individual be incompetent at the time of an offense and competent at the time of the trial?" The book reveals how the major psychological, social, and environmental doctrines can explain the behaviors and patterns of a nonconforming mindset. The work addresses the theories of well-known thinkers like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Travis Hirschi, and Sigmund Freud, among others.

Digital Detox: Why Taking a Break from Technology Can Improve Your Well-Being

by Bernadette H. Schell

This book discusses the dangers of too much technology use, explores the benefits of digital detoxing, and outlines the different programs and approaches available to help you unplug. It's an invaluable resource for readers looking to establish a healthier relationship with the digital world.Health professionals and the general public are becoming increasingly aware that addiction to the internet, social media, online games, and other forms of technology has become a real problem with significant negative impacts on physical, psychological, and social health. To combat this issue, some are now undertaking a "digital detox," and many options have emerged to help individuals unplug, whether for a weekend or for longer-term change.Digital Detox: Why Taking a Break from Technology Can Improve Your Well-Being explores both the dark side of technology's ever-present existence in today's world and what individuals can do to find better balance in their digital lives. Part I explores addiction to the internet and other novel technologies. What effect does overindulgence in social media, gaming, online shopping, or even "doomscrolling" through internet news sites have on our self-esteem, relationships with others, and happiness? This section also explores how researchers study and quantify technology addiction. Part II focuses on the digital detox countermovement, examining how various programs, support groups, retreats, and even technology itself can help individuals conquer their digital addictions.

Discrimination against the Mentally Ill (Health and Medical Issues Today)

by Monica A. Joseph

How have individuals with mental illness been treated historically and what are their experiences today? This book investigates the historical and contemporary forms of discrimination faced by those with mental illness.This book provides a broad foundation on the history of mental illness and discrimination as well as the current treatment network and contemporary issues related to mental illness and discrimination. It presents a historical overview of the treatment of mental illness from the pre-asylum movement through the current system, identifying both overt and covert discrimination. It is an ideal resource for high school and college students researching how people with mental illness have experienced discrimination throughout history as well as for social justice advocates or professionals who work with persons with mental illness.Discrimination against the Mentally Ill reviews how persons with mental illness have been treated across time, exploring the impact of various forms of discrimination and how other contemporary issues relate to mental illness, including diversity, homelessness, veteran affairs, and criminal justice. The work includes primary source materials—historical and contemporary, from the United States and other nations—that serve to augment readers' understanding of the topic and foster development of critical thinking and research skills.

Diversity in Couple and Family Therapy: Ethnicities, Sexualities, and Socioeconomics (Race and Ethnicity in Psychology)

by Shalonda Kelly Jean Lau Chin

This unprecedented volume provides a primer on diverse couples and families—one of the most numerous and fastest-growing populations in the United States—illustrating the unique challenges they face to thrive in various cultural and social surroundings.In Diversity in Couple and Family Therapy: Ethnicities, Sexualities, and Socioeconomics, a clinical psychologist and couples and family therapist with nearly two decades' experience leads a team of experts in addressing contemporary elements of diversity as they relate to the American family and covering key topics that all Americans face when establishing their identities, including racial and ethnic identity, gender and sexual orientation identity, religious and spiritual identity, and identity intersections and alternatives. Moreover, it includes chapters on cross-cultural assessment of health and pathology and tailoring treatment to diversity. Every chapter includes vignettes that serve to illustrate the nuances of and solutions to the concerns and issues, as well as the strengths and resilience often inherent in diverse couples or families. Effective methods of coping with stereotypes, intergenerational trauma, discrimination, and social and structural disparities are presented, as are ways to assess and empower couples and families. This text includes experiences and traditions of subgroups that typically receive little attention from being seen as too common, such as white and Christian families, or from being seen as too uncommon, such as couples and families from specific Native American tribes and multiracial couples and families. Thus, it addresses the curricular changes needed to master the diversity found in contemporary American couples and families.The text offers a holistic perspective on diverse couples and families that is consistent with the increasing prominence of models that transcend individual diagnoses and biology to include social factors and context. Theory, policy, prevention, assessment, treatment, and research considerations are included in each chapter. Topics include African American, Asian American, Latino, Native American, white, biracial/multiracial, intercultural, LGBT, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim couples and families as well as diverse family structures. The depth of every chapter includes attention to subgroups within each category, such as African American and Caribbean couples and families, as well as those who represent the intersection between varying oppressed identities, such as an intercultural gay family, or a poor, homeless interracial couple. Additionally, each chapter provides a review section with condensed and easy-to-understand summaries of the key take-away lessons.

Dream Therapy for PTSD: The Proven System for Ending Your Nightmares and Recovering from Trauma

by Bruce M. MD

In this series of clinical vignettes, a board-certified psychiatrist and life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association illustrates the effectiveness of dream therapy in treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be disabling and difficult to treat, often leading to depression, suicide, and homicide in extreme cases. In this clinical-based reference, acclaimed psychiatrist and neuroscience researcher, Bruce Dow, provides a step-by-step approach for implementing dream revision therapy—a treatment proven to eliminate nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, and other debilitating effects of PTSD. Drawing from work with patients in both military and civilian settings, Dow shows how to utilize imagery rehearsal exercises to help mitigate the effects of the illness.The vast majority of the book's 11 chapters focus on clinical case studies of patients who have suffered under the effects of the disease—for example, a hotel employee who witnesses a gory suicide; a female police officer whose career-ending crash in her patrol car brings back traumatic memories from childhood; and Vietnam combat veterans with recurrent posttraumatic nightmares. Each vignette offers details of the dream revision method along with clinical tips for ensuring its success. The final chapter features descriptions of brain mechanisms of PTSD and dream revision.

Dreams [2 volumes]: Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture [2 volumes]

by Katja Valli, Robert J. Hoss and Robert P. Gongloff

This two-volume set examines dreams and dreaming from a variety of angles—biological, psychological, and sociocultural—in order to provide readers with a holistic introduction to this fascinating subject.Whether good or bad and whether we remember them or not, each night every one of us dreams. But what biological or psychological function do dreams serve? What do these vivid images and strange storylines mean? How have psychologists, religions, and society at large interpreted dreams, and how can a closer examination of our dreams provide useful insights?Dreams: Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture presents a holistic view of dreams and the dreaming experience that answers these and many other questions. Divided thematically, this two-volume book examines the complex and often misunderstood subject of dreaming through a variety of lenses. This collection is written by a large and diverse team of experts and edited by leading members of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) but remains an approachable and accessible introduction to this captivating topic for all readers.

Drugging Our Children: How Profiteers Are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our Youngest, and What We Can Do to Stop It (Childhood in America)

by Sharna Olfman Brent Dean Robbins Laura E. Berk Barry L. Duncan Jim Gottstein Adena B. Meyers Gwen Olsen Stuart Shanker Jacqueline A. Sparks Tony Stanton George Stone Robert Whitaker

This book exposes the skyrocketing rate of antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children, identifies grave dangers when children's mental health care is driven by market forces, describes effective therapeutic care for children typically prescribed antipsychotics, and explains how to navigate a drug-fueled mental health system.Since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of antipsychotics to treat children for an ever-expanding list of symptoms. The prescription rate for toddlers, preschoolers, and middle-class children has doubled, while the prescribing rate for low-income children covered by Medicaid has quadrupled. In a majority of cases, these drugs are neither FDA-approved nor justified by research for the children's conditions.This book examines the reasons behind the explosion of antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children, spotlighting the historical and cultural factors as well as the role of the pharmaceutical industry in this trend; and discusses the ethical and legal responsibilities and ramifications for non-MDs—psychologists in particular—who work with children treated with antipsychotics.Contributors explain how the pharmaceutical industry has inserted itself into every step of medical education, rendering objectivity in the scientific understanding, use, and approvals of such drugs impossible. The text describes the relentless marketing behind the drug sales, even going as far as to provide coloring and picture books for children related to the drug at issue. Valuable information about legal recourse that families and therapists can take when their children or patients have been harmed by antipsychotic drugs and alternative approaches to working with children with emotional and behavioral challenges is also provided.

Eating Disorders in America: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by David E. Newton

An indispensable resource for readers interested in eating disorders, this book summarizes their history in human civilization, assesses the current status of eating disorders in American society, and describes efforts for establishing effective prevention and treatment programs.Although eating disorders have existed for centuries, considerable controversy remains as to the basic cause or causes of these disorders and their genetic, biological, and/or psychological factors. Eating Disorders in America: A Reference Handbook investigates these disorders, priming readers on the causes, symptoms, controversies, and treatments available. The two opening chapters of the book provide general background and a historical review of the existence of eating disorders in society. The remaining chapters provide resources the reader can use for further research, such as an extensive annotated bibliography, a glossary, and a chronology. This book differs from others on the topic in that it provides both an expository section that provides information as well as a set of resources for further research. The book also contains a "perspectives" chapter in which writers describe and discuss their personal views on the subject of eating disorders. Together with the author's expertise, these views add to the value of this book as a resource for eating disorder research.

Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

by Justine J. Reel

A timely, relevant work, this encyclopedia provides a comprehensive examination of a full range of topics related to eating disorders and body image.The mortality rate associated with eating disorders is higher than that of any other psychiatric illness. What are the factors that influence abnormal perceptions of body image and trigger the deadly behaviors of food deprivation or uncontrollable gluttony? This indispensable resource thoroughly examines the complex subject of eating disorders, particularly the sociocultural, psychological, and nutritional aspects of eating disorders and body image.Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention explores the definitions, risk factors, symptoms, and health consequences of such illnesses as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. The author discusses the assessment and treatment of these conditions, and imparts health education strategies related to the "Dos and Don'ts" of awareness and prevention efforts. Additionally, she shares tips for recognizing symptoms and discusses where to seek help if a friend or family member is affected. Topics include flight attendants and body weight requirements, the impact of Virtual Reality, and media and sociocultural influences.

Eating Disorders [2 volumes]: Understanding Causes, Controversies, and Treatment [2 volumes]

by Justine J. Reel

This encyclopedia offers a variety of resources for readers interested in learning more about eating disorders, including hundreds of reference entries, interviews, scholarly debates, and case studies.While many people may reflexively imagine an anorexic or bulimia teenage girl upon being asked to think about eating disorders, eating disorders are a form of mental illness that can take many forms and affect individuals of all genders, ages, and ethnic backgrounds. In fact, an estimated eight million people in the United States struggle with an eating disorder, making eating disorders one of the most prevalent forms of mental illness in America. This two-volume encyclopedia comprehensively examines eating disorders as the forms they can take; their causes and potential complications; and how they can best be treated and prevented. It also examines the influence had by cultural factors such as the fashion industry, television and movies, and social media. More than just a simple A-to-Z reference, Eating Disorders: Understanding Causes, Controversies, and Treatment also includes valuable features such as Q&A interviews with those affected by and working to combat eating disorders, case studies, scholarly essays that voice opinions in key debates, and a directory of resources for individuals seeking help.

Eating Disorders: Your Questions Answered (Q&A Health Guides)

by Justine J. Reel

This book is an approachable introduction to eating disorders; one of the most common—and dangerous—forms of mental illness. The information, guidance, and resources offered make it a valuable tool for anyone struggling with issues surrounding food, weight, and body image.In the United States today, an estimated 20 million women and 10 million men meet the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder, and millions more have disordered eating habits and a dysfunctional relationship with food. Whether their disorder is diagnosed or not, individuals struggling with these issues face serious and potentially lifelong physical and emotional consequences as a result of their behaviors. Eating Disorders: Your Questions Answered, a part of Greenwood's Q&A Health Guides series, provides clear, concise information for readers who want to learn more about these often misunderstood psychiatric illnesses. In addition to discussing the most common eating disorders, their consequences, and treatment, this book also explores how eating disorders develop and how they can be prevented.Each book in this series follows a reader-friendly question-and-answer format that anticipates readers' needs and concerns. Prevalent myths and misconceptions are identified and dispelled, and a collection of case studies illustrates key concepts and issues through relatable stories and insightful recommendations. The book also includes a section on health literacy, equipping teens and young adults with practical tools and strategies for finding, evaluating, and using credible sources of health information both on and off the internet—important skills that contribute to a lifetime of healthy decision-making.

Ecopsychology [2 volumes]: Advances from the Intersection of Psychology and Environmental Protection [2 volumes] (Practical and Applied Psychology)

by Darlyne G. Nemeth Robert B. Hamilton Judy Kuriansky

This anthology is a two-volume work that focuses on our relationship with the Earth and our future, examining the crossover between psychology and environmental studies in the emerging fields of ecopsychology and environmental psychology.This set offers the first comprehensive and holistic understanding of how our human activities are very rapidly changing the earth's environment and harming its inhabitants. Since our present path of population growth and use of finite global resources is unsustainable, we must find new ways to protect our environment and our future. Offering unique perspectives and guidance toward holistic new solutions, this reader-friendly anthology serves a vast audience in the fields of psychology and environmental studies as well as scientists, humanitarians, educations, and policymakers.This work presents readers with the latest research on psychology and the environment, gives examples from around the world, applies to programs for youth and adults, and appeals to all stakeholders, including those in public health, policy, environmental studies, and more. The reader will gain the perspective and understanding of policies needed to effect environmental change and holistically manage the direction of that change.

Educational Psychology: History, Practice, Research, and the Future (Essentials of Psychology and Health)

by Jennifer L. Martin Sarah E. Torok-Gerard

A comprehensive introduction to educational psychology, this volume is inclusive of all of the essentials—covering history, profiles, theories, applications, research, case studies, current events, issues, controversies, and more.Focused on human learning and teaching, the field of educational psychology informs a range of educational challenges, including instructional design, curriculum development, organizational learning, special education, student motivation, and classroom management. In this book, two veteran professors in the fields of education and psychology, offer a clear and concise yet comprehensive overview of this growing specialty. This volume will be valuable not only to university students aiming to understand psychology's subfields and to choose a major or a specialty, but also to classroom teachers, school administrators, and school social workers aiming to make teaching more effective and learning more thorough and lasting. Topics include the field's history, primary figures theories, research, theories, applications, issues, and controversies. Authors Martin and Torok-Gerard also explain current issues of social justice and educational equity, citing means that have been used to meet those goals in schools. The text additionally analyzes special education as a civil rights issue as well as equity and fairness for LGBTQ+ students in the context of social justice. The text ends with emerging research and predictions for the future of educational psychology.

The Emotional Life of Money: How Money Changes the Way We Think and Feel

by Mary Cross

This fascinating book illustrates how human behavior regarding money is triggered by emotion and powered by our psychic makeup, empowering readers to better understand their own behavior and decision making with money.Beyond being an essential medium of exchange, money carries deep psychological significance: having enough of it confers power and status and provides the potential to sustain our lifestyle and fulfill our desires. Not having money triggers a breadth of negative emotions. This book explores the psychological payload money carries and the emotional effects it generates, allowing readers to better understand people's behavior with money and its effects on their own lives. The Emotional Life of Money: How Money Changes the Way We Think and Feel identifies common hang-ups and anxieties about money; summarizes current academic research on money behavior and how people make decisions about their money; discusses the newest branch of economics, behavioral economics; and explores the possibility of the disappearance of cash in the digital future. General readers will be able to comprehend why money has often generated intense feelings of desire, greed, envy, elation, and other emotions, as well as sense of status; and undergraduate students in psychology, economics, and sociology courses will benefit from learning about the latest research on behavior economics and the powerful psychological and emotional effects of money.

The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality [2 volumes]: [2 volumes] (Women's Psychology)

by Donna Castañeda

This cutting-edge two-volume set with contributions by distinguished and internationally recognized scholars provides a comprehensive picture of contemporary issues in the field of women's sexuality, emphasizing women's diversity and international perspectives.The multifaceted field of women's sexuality has expanded as a field of inquiry over the last 25 years to encompass a wide range of new perspectives, theories, topics, findings, and controversies. The chapters in this work review and question the utility of standard sexuality frameworks, addressing purely biological models, heteronormative definitions of sexuality, and others; and provide new insights and approaches to understanding women's sexuality. The intersectional and contextual nature of women's sexuality and how it is inextricably connected to women's relational, social, economic, and cultural contexts is highlighted. The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality includes in-depth coverage of a wide range of women's sexuality topics, including sexual desire and satisfaction; sexuality in relationships; development across the lifespan; sexuality concerns in diverse countries; pornography; lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women; women from diverse backgrounds; health and sexuality; reconceptualizations of women's sexual problems; trauma, rape, and intimate partner violence; and mental health and therapy. These volumes can serve as a resource for students, researchers, and anyone seeking a greater understanding of women's sexuality.

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Global Views on Choosing to End Life

by Michael J. Cholbi

This book addresses key historical, scientific, legal, and philosophical issues surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide in the United States as well as in other countries and cultures.Euthanasia was practiced by Greek physicians as early as 500 BC. In the 20th century, legal and ethical controversies surrounding assisted dying exploded. Many religions and medical organizations led the way in opposition, citing the incompatibility of assisted dying with various religious traditions and with the obligations of medical personnel toward their patients. Today, these practices remain highly controversial both in the United States and around the world.Comprising contributions from an international group of experts, this book thoroughly investigates euthanasia and assisted suicide from an interdisciplinary and global perspective. It presents the ethical arguments for and against assisted dying; highlights how assisted dying is perceived in various cultural and philosophical traditions—for example, South and East Asian cultures, Latin American perspectives, and religions including Islam and Christianity; and considers how assisted dying has both shaped and been shaped by the emergence of professionalized bioethics. Readers will also learn about the most controversial issues related to assisted dying, such as pediatric euthanasia, assisted dying for organ transplantation, and "suicide tourism," and examine concerns relating to assisted dying for racial minorities, children, and the disabled.

Evolutionary Psychology: How Our Biology Affects What We Think and Do

by Valerie G. Starratt

This book considers the complexities of human nature from a biological, psychological, and evolutionary standpoint and demonstrates how common modern behaviors can be traced back to early man.From common phobias to our interactions with the opposite sex, the traits and behaviors that helped us to survive and thrive tens of thousands of years ago continue to have an impact on our thought processes, tendencies, and actions today. This fascinating reference examines the history, major themes and findings, and future direction of evolutionary psychology, a theory defined by a human being's ability to adapt and change in confluence with its environment. The work highlights contemporary debates and enduring questions in the field.Filled with fascinating insights into the mind/body connection, the book addresses the evolutionary traits that can answer questions such as "Why do people crave cheeseburgers, chips, and chocolate?", "How do men and women think about problems differently?", and "Why do people cheat?" Each chapter has thematic headings, and topics include survival, mating, parenting, culture, and religion, among others. A list of references and suggested readings after each chapter points readers toward additional sources of information.

Executive Sexism: How Men Treat Women at the Highest Levels, Why Law Does Not Protect Them, and What Should Change

by Elizabeth C. Wolfe

In the long shadow of a presidential election rife with charges of sexist actions, this book explains how very common such behavior is among executives, why law doesn't protect victims, and how female professionals can bring change.Who do you report sexism to when the offender owns the company?"Overt and intentional sexism" against women by powerful men in politics, business, and academia and across the white-collar world in public and private institutions is common, according to author Elizabeth C. Wolfe, a conflict analysis and resolution specialist. Female executives, even at the pinnacle of their careers, remain vulnerable to their male colleagues. In this book, Wolfe details how men treat women at the highest levels and the result of their actions.Women executives from nine countries explain how their career advancement and earning potential are continuously harmed though overt sexism, sexist social behavior, and microaggressions--those damaging behaviors that are in a gray area but are not legally actionable. She further examines why law does not protect these women: sexism, like racism, is a way of thinking and so cannot be legislated. Each "-ism" has legal protections against documentable actions, but ways of thinking, socializing rituals, and microaggressions are not actionable by law. Wolfe details the minds of sexists and describes how sexism is "socialized," and then explains how to name each sexist behavior, address it, and take action to stop it.

Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being

by Erik M. Gregory Pamela B. Rutledge

Looking for an introduction to positive psychology that offers real-life examples? This overview of the science of happiness supplies case studies from some of the world's most successful organizations and describes ways to experience the personal impact of this exciting scientific field.Rather than focusing on treating what is "wrong" with a person, positive psychology seeks to understand and foster the things that drive happiness, creativity, and emotional fulfillment. This is a relatively new area of psychological study, and this reference book presents the research and practice of positive psychology in an informative and accessible format. Readers are given a history of the field, its current applications, and the future implications of this psychological discipline. Case studies from companies such as The Body Shop, Volvo, Zappos, and Google highlight the impact of positive psychology when it's applied in a modern business setting. These case studies, along with biographies of leaders in the field, highlight each chapter and connect the dots between the empirical theory of positive psychology and its practice. Readers also receive tools to apply the practices to their own lives.

Exploring the Essentials of Healthy Personality: What Is Normal?

by Camay Woodall

What are the elements upon which a healthy personality is built? This fascinating book identifies the key components and shares vivid case studies that demonstrate what happens when those elements are missing.What is "normal" when it comes to human personality? And is it possible to achieve emotional health through intended effort, just like physical health? Clinical psychologist Camay Woodall, PhD, addresses these complex questions and many more in this work that cogently discusses the parameters of emotional health. This book covers historical concepts; examines personality at its formative stages and beyond; explains how "normal behavior" varies widely, yet emotional symptoms are definable; and pinpoints the common aspects of normality in human personality, such as the need for social connection, the struggle for realism, and the ability to come to terms with guilt.Covering topics that include anxiety; self-esteem; depression; food (and the abuses of it), sex, love, and intimacy; shame and guilt; and spirituality, this book identifies common sources of dysfunctional personality traits and stresses the importance of individual responsibility in each area. Each chapter is richly illustrated by actual case studies from the author's 30 years of experience. The book will be of interest and highly useful to undergraduate or graduate-level students of psychotherapy, individuals undergoing therapy, parents who are concerned about their own or their family's behavior, and general readers.

Family Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice

by John W. Thoburn Thomas L. Sexton

This significant book explains why family psychology—an entirely different field from family therapy—provides a cutting-edge description of human behavior in context and as such represents the wave of the future in psychology.Family Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice is the definitive introductory text on family psychology, a fast-growing specialty and increasingly dominant voice for the field in the 21st century. Authors John W. Thoburn, PhD, ABPP, and Tom Sexton, PhD, ABPP, have created the first introductory book focused on this specialty, laying the groundwork that students as well as developing therapists can use to understand the basics of family psychology.This single-volume book makes the history and development of family psychology relevant to contemporary research and practice, explaining how the ecosystemic approach of family psychology provides a cutting-edge description of human behavior in context and as such is the most promising field in psychology. It addresses the history, research, theory, treatments, diagnoses, and assessment of family psychology; ethics and supervision along with related areas such as systems sex therapy; family forensic psychology; international family psychology; and systems consultation, providing a comprehensive overview of the career and practice of family psychology. Family Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice also identifies how it differs from the individualistic therapy of traditional psychology and how it differs from the field of marriage and family therapy. Chapters include vignettes from family sessions that effectively illustrate the issues being addressed and examine the significance of gender, culture, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

Feeling Lonesome: The Philosophy and Psychology of Loneliness

by Ben Lazare Mijuskovic

This book presents an intricate, interdisciplinary evaluation of loneliness that examines the relation of consciousness to loneliness. It views loneliness from the inside as a universal human condition rather than attempting to explain it away as an aberration, a mental disorder, or a temporary state to be addressed by superficial therapy and psychiatric medication.Loneliness is much more than just feeling sad or isolated. It is the ultimate ground source of unhappiness—the underlying reality of all negative human behavior that manifests as anxiety, depression, envy, guilt, hostility, or shame. It underlies aggression, domestic violence, murder, PTSD, suicide, and other serious issues. This book explains why the drive to avoid loneliness and secure intimacy is the most powerful psychological need in all human beings; documents how human beings gravitate between two motivational poles: loneliness and intimacy; and advocates for an understanding of loneliness through the principles of idealism, rationalism, and insight.Readers will understand the underlying theory of consciousness that explains why people are lonely, thereby becoming better equipped to recognize sources of loneliness in themselves as well as others. Written by a licensed social worker and former mental health therapist, the book documents why whenever individuals or groups feel lonely, alienated, estranged, disenfranchised, or rejected, they will either withdraw within and shut down, or they will attack others with little thought of consequence to either themselves or others. Perhaps most importantly, the work identifies the antidotes to loneliness as achieving a sense of belonging, togetherness, and intimacy through empathic emotional attachments, which come from a mutual sharing of "lived experiences" such as feelings, meanings, and values; constant positive communication; and equal decision making.

Feminism and Religion: How Faiths View Women and Their Rights (Women's Psychology)

by Michele A. Paludi and J. Harold Ellens, Editors

Renowned subject experts Michele A. Paludi and J. Harold Ellens lead readers through a detailed exploration of the feminist methods, issues, and theoretical frameworks that have made women central, not marginal, to religions around the world.At a conference in 2013, Gloria Steinem noted that religion is the "biggest problem" facing feminism today. In this insightful volume, a team of researchers, psychologists, and religious leaders led by editors Michele A. Paludi and J. Harold Ellens supply their expertise and informed opinions to examine the problems, spur understanding, and pose solutions to the conflicts between religion and women's rights, thereby advocating a global interest in justice and love for women. Examples of subjects addressed include the pro-life/pro-choice debate, feminism in new age thought, and the complex intersections of religion and feminism combined with gender, race, and ethnicity.The contributed work in this unique single-volume book enables a better understanding of how various religions view women—both traditionally and in the modern context—and how feminist thinking has changed the roles of women in some world religions. Readers will come away with clear ideas about how religious cultures can honor feminist values, such as family-friendly workplace policies, reproductive justice, and pay equity, and will be prepared to engage in conversation and constructive debate regarding how faith and feminism are interrelated today.

Feminist Psychology: History, Practice, Research, and the Future (Essentials of Psychology and Health)

by Vera Sonja Maass

Detailing the field of feminist psychology since its origins, this book assesses its early figures, theory, and research as well as current and emerging theory and research and its associations with general feminist beliefs.Feminist psychology developed as a reaction to historical psychological thought initiated by men who controlled the theory and research of the field. By holding all of society to "norms" based in male behavior, this so-called "masculine psychology" effectively assigned women lower societal status than men and had disturbing effects on women's health and self-esteem.Feminist Psychology focuses on gender differences, social structure, and the values and principles of women's rights within the world's individual, social, and political spheres. Contrary to popular notion, feminist psychology does not involve man-hating, but instead focuses on loving the concept that women have equal potential to set and achieve goals and to contribute to society. In this volume, psychologist Vera Maass explains the history, theory, research, and current state of this growing field, which is becoming increasingly popular as colleges offer majors or concentrations in feminist psychology, and argues that women are both different from and equal to men.

Filling Up: The Psychology of Eating (The Psychology of Everyday Life)

by Justine J. Reel

Benefiting readers ranging from students researching topics in food, psychology, and eating disorders to parents and general readers seeking to better understand a variety of issues regarding the psychology of food and eating, this book examines a wide range of complex issues, such as emotional eating, food as a form of social bonding and personal identity, and changes in eating throughout the lifespan.Filling Up: The Psychology of Eating addresses a broad subject area that some may rarely think about but that actually encompasses topics relevant to all individuals, regardless of culture or ethnicity. Eating is often an emotionally charged event, and as such, it involves powerful feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Why are we driven to eat what we do and how we do, what are the current controversies and debates that surround the psychology of eating, and how are eating patterns outside of the United States different than ours—and why?A new addition to the Psychology of Everyday Life series, this book provides a comprehensive examination of issues surrounding food and eating across the lifespan and around the globe. Many of the positive aspects of food, such as social bonding and continuance of ethnic identity and pride through food and family traditions, are highlighted, as are the serious negative aspects of eating, such as food-borne pathogens, unhealthy "trendy" diets, and the various health issues that result from over- or undereating. The book identifies and inspects numerous historical trends related to eating styles over time, including the history of fast food, the advent and booming popularity of food trucks, and food-based traditions like the wedding cake. Readers will benefit from scholarly essays that tackle interesting issues—such as whether or not sugar addiction is real and the merits of a Paleo diet—and that examine both sides of the debate and empower readers to reach their own informed opinions.

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