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The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future

by Karen Golden-Biddle

Despite being a game-changer in powering human growth, discovery remains a mystery. How can it produce ahas and insights to meet the challenge of new realities and reimagine organizational management?This book lays out a process of inquiry that drives belief change and leads to discoveries, empowering leaders, groups, and the organization with a powerful tool for navigating an uncertain future. Discovery lights the intellectual spark for every breakthrough in science, technology, pharmaceuticals, and more—but fear and inertia can harden beliefs and practices that no longer fit the new realities. To counter this, discovery can be cultivated rather than suppressed, using a new, three-phase process, a management practice that consistently generates the ahas and insights that underpin all transformation. Based on years of research and real-world observation, this book inspires and equips leaders at all levels to champion this discovery process and fuel genuine, sustained change in their communities and organizations.Accompanied by a website that includes proprietary tools, audio and video clips, and a downloadable workbook, this book is an enriching resource for current and aspiring leaders and managers across industries, as well as management consultants, HR professionals, corporate educators, and business students..

Upper Echelons’ Naturalistic Decision-Making and Top Management Team Macrocognition in a High Reliability Organization

by Leonie Looser

The book analyzes crisis decision-making of a major German airline's operational top management team during the Covid-19 crisis. The operational top manager's relevant decision-making entity, the crisis management team, was faced with substantial time-critical decisions in volatile circumstances as well as the need to balance ambidextrous exigencies with the operation's short-term survival as well as its future viability. The author applies her ethnographic perspective and develops an analysis based on the unique combination of naturalistic decision-making, top management team research, high reliability organizations and ambidexterity as well as team diversity. The work is targeted at both management professionals, as it identifies best pratices and learnings from a polycrisis case, as well as researchers, as it makes a novel contribution to decision-making in the context of high reliability organizations.

The Uptown Local: Joy, Death, and Joan Didion

by Cory Leadbeater

As an aspiring novelist in his early twenties, Cory Leadbeater was presented with an opportunity to work for a well-known writer whose identity was kept confidential. Since the tumultuous days of childhood, Cory had sought refuge from the rougher parts of life in the pages of books. Suddenly, he found himself the personal assistant to a titan of literature: Joan Didion.In the nine years that followed, Cory shared Joan's rarefied world, transformed not only by her blazing intellect but by her generous friendship and mentorship. Together they recited poetry in the mornings, dined with Supreme Court justices, attended art openings, smoked a single cigarette before bed.But secretly, Cory was spiraling. He reeled from the death of a close friend. He spent his weekends at a federal prison, visiting his father as he served time for fraud. He struggled day after day to write the novel that would validate him as a real writer. And meanwhile, the forces of addiction and depression loomed large.In hypnotic prose that pulses with life and longing, The Uptown Local explores the fault lines of class, family, loss, and creativity. It is a love letter to a cultural icon-and a moving testament to the relationships that sustain us in the eternal pursuit of a life worth living.

Verhaltensstörungen bei Demenzerkrankungen: Leitfaden für Diagnostik und Therapie

by Robert Haußmann Susan Ebert

Verhaltensbezogene und psychologische Symptome im Rahmen von Demenzerkrankungen (BPSD) und deren Management sind im gesamten Erkrankungsverlauf von großer Bedeutung und stellen häufig eine größere therapeutische Herausforderung dar als kognitive Symptome. Ihre Entstehung ist komplex, heterogen und steht immer in einer Wechselwirkung zwischen neurobiologischen Phänomenen, patientenbezogenen Faktoren wie prämorbider Persönlichkeitsstruktur und Biografie, angehörigenbezogenen Faktoren wie Stresserleben, Depressivität und ungünstiger Interaktions- und Kommunikationsstile sowie Umgebungsfaktoren. Die diagnostische und therapeutische Annährung bedarf daher eines strukturierten Vorgehens und sollte situative und allgemeine medizinische Auslösefaktoren berücksichtigen. Die Behandlung sollte nach Möglichkeit primär kausal und nicht medikamentös erfolgen und fortlaufend reevaluiert werden. Doch die medikamentöse Therapie ist in unterschiedlichen klinischen Situationen unverzichtbar. Neben den in dieser Indikation häufig eingesetzten Antidementiva, Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva wurden verschiedene Substanzen in klinischen Studien untersucht. Dieses Buch richtet sich an klinisch tätige Geriater, Neurologen, Psychiater und Allgemeinmediziner, die in die Betreuung von Menschen mit Demenz eingebunden sind. Es bietet eine kompakte Übersicht zur diagnostischen Annährung und systematischen Erfassung von BPSD und stellt die Evidenz nicht-medikamentöser und medikamentöser Behandlungsoptionen umfassend dar.

A Very Private School

by Charles Spencer

In this poignant memoir, Charles Spencer recounts the trauma of being sent away from home at age eight to attend a boarding school.

The Vibrant Organisation: The Science of Scaling Enthusiasm to Transform Performance

by Duncan Wardley

The Vibrant Organisation translates the science of human behaviour into a playbook of highly practical interventions that build and scale enthusiasm, transforming organisational culture and performance. The book helps create more joy and fulfilment at work, whilst also steering a path to sustained competitive advantage. Using cutting-edge research in neuroscience and psychology, as well as the author’s considerable practical experience, Duncan Wardley offers a three-part framework for building teams of agile, adaptable, curious, and highly motivated people: Reset shows how to reduce the threat response by creating a safe environment for employees Ignite teaches leaders how to create events or experiences that create flashes of insight and motivation Fuel demonstrates how to sustain people’s motivation through repeatable actions, resulting in an upward spiral of enthusiasm. Packed with fascinating research, on-the-ground stories, and new scientific findings – along with practical tools and exercises – The Vibrant Organisation is a must read for business leaders at all levels looking to get the best out of themselves and their people.

The Vibrant Organisation: The Science of Scaling Enthusiasm to Transform Performance

by Duncan Wardley

The Vibrant Organisation translates the science of human behaviour into a playbook of highly practical interventions that build and scale enthusiasm, transforming organisational culture and performance. The book helps create more joy and fulfilment at work, whilst also steering a path to sustained competitive advantage. Using cutting-edge research in neuroscience and psychology, as well as the author’s considerable practical experience, Duncan Wardley offers a three-part framework for building teams of agile, adaptable, curious, and highly motivated people: Reset shows how to reduce the threat response by creating a safe environment for employees Ignite teaches leaders how to create events or experiences that create flashes of insight and motivation Fuel demonstrates how to sustain people’s motivation through repeatable actions, resulting in an upward spiral of enthusiasm. Packed with fascinating research, on-the-ground stories, and new scientific findings – along with practical tools and exercises – The Vibrant Organisation is a must read for business leaders at all levels looking to get the best out of themselves and their people.

Vice and Psychiatric Diagnosis (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry)

by Dr John Z. Sadler

Vice and Psychiatric Diagnosis begins with the simple question of why some categories of mental disorder include immoral or criminal conduct as diagnostic features, while most mental disorders in the DSM and ICD do not involve such "vice-laden" concepts. While this initial puzzle seems to concern only the limited domain of psychiatric nosology, Sadler's expansive scholarship reveals that this simple question leads inexorably to complex questions about the role of "madness and morality" in intellectual history, and to today's many conflicts and contradictions in the policy and culture of mental health, criminal justice, and related social welfare efforts. The book outlines the implications of vice concepts being incorporated into psychiatric diagnosis and clinical practice, leading to some of the vexing problems in mental health and social care. These issues include the fragmentation of care in social welfare efforts involving mentally ill people, criminal offenders, intellectually disabled individuals, and juvenile offenders. The analysis extends to cultural attitudes and policies as well: the insanity defense, managing the mentally ill criminal offender, the value of punishment in criminal justice, and derivative issues such as the ethics of forensic psychiatry, the growing problem of mass shootings, stigma, health literacy, and the difficulties in pursuing rigorous and consistent approaches to psychiatric diagnostic classification. In the pursuit of untangling these threads of vice and psychiatric diagnosis, Sadler provides a brief history of ideas about madness and morality, beginning in prehistory and extending into the late 20th century. The lessons from this history are applied in subsequent chapters, examining the "vice-mental disorder relationship" from the perspectives of philosophical/conceptual issues, the perspectives of criminal law and the criminal justice system, and the perspectives of public interest and public opinion. The concluding chapters formulate an alternative way of thinking about the vice-mental disorder relationship in clinical practice and public policy, culminating in "Forty Theses" which present the detailed conclusions and social implications for this monumental work.

Victims and Memory After Terrorism (Victims, Culture and Society)

by Ana Milošević

This book contributes to the study of collective memory and the sociology of terrorism by analysing the role of memorialization in relation to terrorism, its victims, and the broader society. While various social scientists have extensively theorized and analysed how trauma and memory interact, grow apart, and reinforce each other, this book puts the rights and needs of the victims centre-stage.Departing from the prescriptive, legal blueprints of memory, this book introduces the concept of ‘memorial needs’ to challenge and complement existing victimological frameworks. It critically assesses the efficacy of public memorialization and its success in assisting those affected by violence by exploring how victims engage with memory and memorialization. It investigates personal and collective responses to urban terrorism in Europe that have taken a wide range of forms including media coverage, spontaneous memorials and public mobilizations, literary and artistic works, trials, and controversial counter-terrorism measures. Making a case against the fetishization of memory as an overarching answer to curing visible and invisible wounds provoked by violence, Victims and Memory After Terrorism sends out a practical invitation to the field to 'repair symbolic reparations' in a way that memorialisation is not just an expression of potential, an aspiration for a more moral and just society and a promise of healing for the victimised.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of victimology, criminology, sociology, politics and those interested in the relationship between collective memory and terrorism.

Victims and Memory After Terrorism (Victims, Culture and Society)

by Ana Milošević

This book contributes to the study of collective memory and the sociology of terrorism by analysing the role of memorialization in relation to terrorism, its victims, and the broader society. While various social scientists have extensively theorized and analysed how trauma and memory interact, grow apart, and reinforce each other, this book puts the rights and needs of the victims centre-stage.Departing from the prescriptive, legal blueprints of memory, this book introduces the concept of ‘memorial needs’ to challenge and complement existing victimological frameworks. It critically assesses the efficacy of public memorialization and its success in assisting those affected by violence by exploring how victims engage with memory and memorialization. It investigates personal and collective responses to urban terrorism in Europe that have taken a wide range of forms including media coverage, spontaneous memorials and public mobilizations, literary and artistic works, trials, and controversial counter-terrorism measures. Making a case against the fetishization of memory as an overarching answer to curing visible and invisible wounds provoked by violence, Victims and Memory After Terrorism sends out a practical invitation to the field to 'repair symbolic reparations' in a way that memorialisation is not just an expression of potential, an aspiration for a more moral and just society and a promise of healing for the victimised.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of victimology, criminology, sociology, politics and those interested in the relationship between collective memory and terrorism.

The Virtual Group Therapy Circle: Advances in Online Group Theory and Practice

This book provides group therapists and counselors with the necessary knowledge and help to develop their skills in effectively conducting online groups. Group therapy represents the most efficient utilization of the scarce resource of mental health interventions. Online settings dramatically increase the dissemination of this approach. This book identifies the diverse challenges and suggests solutions in remote group therapy for specific therapeutic approaches such as psychodynamic, relational, psychodrama, CBT, ACT, and group supervision. The contributing authors explore specific issues that anyone who conducts groups online should be aware of. Using a group therapy lens, this book develops further the ideas and areas explored in the authors’ previous books Theory and Practice of Online Therapy and Advances in Online Therapy.

The Virtual Group Therapy Circle: Advances in Online Group Theory and Practice

by Haim Weinberg Arnon Rolnick Adam Leighton

This book provides group therapists and counselors with the necessary knowledge and help to develop their skills in effectively conducting online groups. Group therapy represents the most efficient utilization of the scarce resource of mental health interventions. Online settings dramatically increase the dissemination of this approach. This book identifies the diverse challenges and suggests solutions in remote group therapy for specific therapeutic approaches such as psychodynamic, relational, psychodrama, CBT, ACT, and group supervision. The contributing authors explore specific issues that anyone who conducts groups online should be aware of. Using a group therapy lens, this book develops further the ideas and areas explored in the authors’ previous books Theory and Practice of Online Therapy and Advances in Online Therapy.

The Virtue of Loyalty (The Virtues)

by Troy Jollimore

Loyalty is a highly contested virtue. One the one hand, some have wondered whether it is really a virtue at all. On the other, we might doubt whether a person who was not loyal to anything could be said to have a defined moral character. Loyalty is so fundamental to so many of our relationships and commitments that it is hard to imagine a world without it. Because it structures our lives by setting horizons and limits within which we make choices and conduct our affairs, it is difficult to appreciate how significant, profound, and pervasive its influence is. That said, loyalty is a particularly salient moral concept in the public sphere, where demands for loyalty of various sorts, not to mention accusations of disloyalty, often inspire fervently passionate responses. Although loyalty invites moral objections and poses philosophical puzzles, it is undeniably held in high regard and viewed with great significance by many people. This volume presents ten new academic essays on the topic of loyalty considered as a virtue, written by scholars in philosophy, law, religious studies, empirical psychology, and child development, and approached from a diverse array of backgrounds and perspectives. The Virtue of Loyalty aims to help readers attain a greater understanding of this complex and multifaceted virtue.

Visual and Motor Cognition in Infants and Children: What Develops and What Stays the Same (International Texts in Developmental Psychology)

by Christiane Lange-Küttner

This insightful book offers an authoritative yet accessible introduction to the development of visual abilities and motor skills in infants and children. Based on theory and cutting-edge up-to-date research about the development of non-verbal intelligence, it provides readers with essential knowledge about the foundations of typical and atypical development.Split into two parts, the book begins by describing the development of components of non-verbal intelligence in typical development. Several studies are presented that document the importance of a transition from an object-place to objects-region encoding for proper spatial categorisation. In the second part, the book discusses which of the visual, spatial, motor, imagery, categorisation, memory and planning processes may be affected in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Lange-Küttner introduces a Spatial Model that integrates object salience, speed and abstraction of spatial patterns of locations, re-occurring at different ages. She also develops a Spatial Freedom Theory that argues that spatial containment, constraints and exploration belong together.The book encourages and stimulates new research ideas by discussing the most important research results to date and identifying new research questions. This text will be of interest to students and instructors as well as researchers in the fields of developmental, clinical, educational and cognitive psychology as well as neuroscience and physical education.

Visual and Motor Cognition in Infants and Children: What Develops and What Stays the Same (International Texts in Developmental Psychology)

by Christiane Lange-Küttner

This insightful book offers an authoritative yet accessible introduction to the development of visual abilities and motor skills in infants and children. Based on theory and cutting-edge up-to-date research about the development of non-verbal intelligence, it provides readers with essential knowledge about the foundations of typical and atypical development.Split into two parts, the book begins by describing the development of components of non-verbal intelligence in typical development. Several studies are presented that document the importance of a transition from an object-place to objects-region encoding for proper spatial categorisation. In the second part, the book discusses which of the visual, spatial, motor, imagery, categorisation, memory and planning processes may be affected in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Lange-Küttner introduces a Spatial Model that integrates object salience, speed and abstraction of spatial patterns of locations, re-occurring at different ages. She also develops a Spatial Freedom Theory that argues that spatial containment, constraints and exploration belong together.The book encourages and stimulates new research ideas by discussing the most important research results to date and identifying new research questions. This text will be of interest to students and instructors as well as researchers in the fields of developmental, clinical, educational and cognitive psychology as well as neuroscience and physical education.

Vocabulary, Corpus and Language Teaching: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview

by Muthyala Udaya Chada Ramamuni Reddy

This book is the result of a collaboration between a human editor and an artificial intelligence algorithm to create a machine-generated literature overview of research articles analyzing the importance of ESL/EFL vocabulary and corpus studies. It is a new publication format in which state-of-the-art computer algorithms are applied to select the most relevant articles published in Springer Nature journals and create machine-generated literature reviews by arranging the selected articles in a topical order and creating short summaries of these articles.This comprehensive book explores ESL/EFL vocabulary and corpus studies from five main perspectives: acquisition, strategies, ICT, corpus, and current practices. The sections delve into topics such as the impact of technology on learning, the power of corpora in language education, and innovative vocabulary-development techniques.This book is an essential resource for researchers, educators, and language facilitators seeking a deeper understanding of vocabulary within ESL/EFL teaching and learning contexts.

The Vygotsky Anthology: A Selection from His Key Writings

by Myra Barrs John Richmond

The Vygotsky Anthology brings together, for the first time, a selection of extracts from the best translations available of Vygotsky’s writings, spanning the entire arc of his career.Vygotsky was arguably one of the greatest educational psychologists of the 20th century. Grounded in his experience as a teacher, an expert in special education, a research psychologist and an outstanding theorist, the editors of this unique anthology chart his enormous influence on professionals working in education and child development around the world. The extracts are introduced by the editors’ commentaries, helpfully setting them in the context of Vygotsky’s life and work, providing a collection of work that adequately represents his writing, and conveying some of the great pleasures of reading him. In the passages selected here, his voice is clearly heard, the intellectual brilliance of his insights is reflected, his line of argument is clear, and his humour and humanity are evident.With its inclusion of recent translations of essential texts, this anthology will help students to understand the full diversity of Vygotsky’s influence on today’s classrooms. Seen as a companion volume to Myra Barrs’ previous work Vygotsky the Teacher (Routledge, 2022), the value of this text to teachers, educational psychologists, and other practitioners working in the field of education and child development will be significant and lasting. It is a key reference book for new generations of Vygotsky students.

The Vygotsky Anthology: A Selection from His Key Writings

The Vygotsky Anthology brings together, for the first time, a selection of extracts from the best translations available of Vygotsky’s writings, spanning the entire arc of his career.Vygotsky was arguably one of the greatest educational psychologists of the 20th century. Grounded in his experience as a teacher, an expert in special education, a research psychologist and an outstanding theorist, the editors of this unique anthology chart his enormous influence on professionals working in education and child development around the world. The extracts are introduced by the editors’ commentaries, helpfully setting them in the context of Vygotsky’s life and work, providing a collection of work that adequately represents his writing, and conveying some of the great pleasures of reading him. In the passages selected here, his voice is clearly heard, the intellectual brilliance of his insights is reflected, his line of argument is clear, and his humour and humanity are evident.With its inclusion of recent translations of essential texts, this anthology will help students to understand the full diversity of Vygotsky’s influence on today’s classrooms. Seen as a companion volume to Myra Barrs’ previous work Vygotsky the Teacher (Routledge, 2022), the value of this text to teachers, educational psychologists, and other practitioners working in the field of education and child development will be significant and lasting. It is a key reference book for new generations of Vygotsky students.

W.R. Bion as Clinician: Steering Between Concept and Practice (New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by R. D. Hinshelwood

Underpinned by rigorous close readings of his oeuvre, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the development, practice and evolution of Wilfred Bion’s clinical psychoanalytic work. Starting with the significance of Kant during Bion’s years as a student, the author traces the key influences on Bion in his psychoanalytic and personal development, progressing through Bion’s particularly productive pre-psychoanalytic work based on social field theory, his well-known elaboration of Klein’s schizoid mechanisms known as the theory of containment, all the while with his deeply thoughtful clinical approach inspired latterly by an understanding of literary creativity. Extending this unique emphasis on Bion’s clinical work, rather than his theory, Hinshelwood also explores how Bion’s early traumatic experiences helped shape his attitudes and approach to effective clinical work. With comprehensive coverage of the key tenets of Bion’s work, this should be essential reading for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in practice and in training who seek a clear guide to the practical applications of his theory.

W.R. Bion as Clinician: Steering Between Concept and Practice (New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by R. D. Hinshelwood

Underpinned by rigorous close readings of his oeuvre, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the development, practice and evolution of Wilfred Bion’s clinical psychoanalytic work. Starting with the significance of Kant during Bion’s years as a student, the author traces the key influences on Bion in his psychoanalytic and personal development, progressing through Bion’s particularly productive pre-psychoanalytic work based on social field theory, his well-known elaboration of Klein’s schizoid mechanisms known as the theory of containment, all the while with his deeply thoughtful clinical approach inspired latterly by an understanding of literary creativity. Extending this unique emphasis on Bion’s clinical work, rather than his theory, Hinshelwood also explores how Bion’s early traumatic experiences helped shape his attitudes and approach to effective clinical work. With comprehensive coverage of the key tenets of Bion’s work, this should be essential reading for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in practice and in training who seek a clear guide to the practical applications of his theory.

WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Biopsychosocial Factors, Volume One

by Joy D. Osofsky Hiram E. Fitzgerald Miri Keren Kaija Puura

This book examines basic knowledge in the field of infant and early childhood mental health. It focuses on cognitive, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers and examines different aspects of neurobiological development, including genes and epigenetics as well as biobehavioral synchrony. In addition, the book addresses parenting and caregiving issues, including attachment, parent-infant relationships, and high-risk factors (e.g., the effects of trauma on the infant-caregiver relationship, adolescent parenting, and parents with substance abuse disorders).Key areas of coverage include:Social-emotional and cognitive development during infancy and early childhood.Temperament in infants and toddlers.Neurobiological influences from infancy through early childhood.Parenting and caregiving of infants and toddlers.Reflective functioning, mentalization, and infant development.The WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Volume One, is a must-have reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and all related therapists and professionals in infancy and early child development, developmental psychology, pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, clinical social work, public health and all related disciplines.

WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Cultural Context, Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment, Volume Two

by Joy D. Osofsky Hiram E. Fitzgerald Miri Keren Kaija Puura

This book focuses on cultural variations and perspectives in infant and early childhood mental health and describes parenting / caregiver-young child relationships across the globe, including countries in Europe, Asia, South America, South Africa, the Middle East, and the United States. It examines infant and early childhood assessment issues, such as infant-parent/caregiver observations that comprise an important component of assessment during the earliest years. In addition, the book presents different clinical interpretations, practices, and treatment approaches in infant mental health (e.g., evidence-based treatments and promising practices). It explores ways to help support and provide clinical interventions and treatment for infants, toddlers, and their families within the home, clinic, and community-based environments.Key areas of coverage include:Systemic assessment of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).Infant and early childhood mental health assessment in indigenous contexts.Psychodynamic approaches in infant mental health.Evidence-based therapeutic interventions for very young children.Community-based interventions in infant mental health. The WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Volume Two, is a must-have reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and all related therapists and professionals in infancy and early child development, developmental psychology, pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, clinical social work, public health and all related disciplines.

We Are the Evidence: A Handbook for Finding Your Way After Sexual Assault

by Cheyenne Wilson

A necessary, reassuring guide for all sexual assault survivors in need of immediate emotional and legal support post assault, and in the months and years after.We Are the Evidence is the first comprehensive resource for survivors of sexual assault. Written with conviction and compassion by Cheyenne Wilson, a registered nurse and survivor of sexual assault, this handbook contains everything victims and advocates need to know to navigate the tumultuous times that follow an assault. Within, there's advice for: The appropriate steps to take immediately after an assault Disclosing your assault how and when you choose How to pursue justice and navigate the legal system Beginning the healing process and reclaiming your power Throughout, you'll find exercises, opportunities to rest, and invaluable guidance from experts like attorneys, detectives and therapists. Voices from other sexual assault survivors also lend their support. Meant to be easily accessible, everything is organized for you to go right to the topic you most need guidance for, no matter where you are on your healing journey. You deserve to be heard, believed, and supported.


by Ruth Allen

Rocks and mountains have withstood aeons of life on our planet - gradually eroding, shifting, solidifying, and weathering. We might spend a little less time on earth, but humans are also weathering: evolving and changing as we're transformed by the shifting climates of our lives and experiences. So, what might these ancient natural forms have to teach us about resilience and change?In a stunning exploration of our own connection to these enduring forms, outdoor psychotherapist and geologist Ruth Allen takes us on a journey through deep time and ancient landscapes, showing how geology - which has formed the bedrock of her own adult life and approach to therapy - can offer us a new way of thinking about our own grief, change and boundaries.In a world shaken by physical, political, and medical disasters, Weathering argues for a deeper understanding of the ground beneath our feet to better serve ourselves and the world we live in.

Weaving the Paths of Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Practice of Human Being

by Helen Carter

Weaving the Paths of Buddhism and Psychotherapy is an empathic guide to integrating Eastern and Western wisdom traditions that share the common goal of easing distress. Following the so-called ‘mindfulness revolution’ there has been a surge in interest as to how Buddhism’s overarching view on suffering may enhance therapeutic practice. This book is not just a clinical text; it is a first-person account of one Buddhist therapist educator’s lived experience of bringing Buddhism into the very personal and relational experience of psychotherapy. Western-trained therapists will recognize key concepts: the existential underpinnings of distress, driver behaviour and scripts, modifications to contact such as projection and introjection, relational conditions for healing, ethical considerations, and working with complex presentations and trauma, among others. Through autobiographical vignettes and case-study material, the book offers an invitation to all therapists to consider their own practice of human being.

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