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Emotions of Conflict, Israel 1949-1967

by Orit Rozin

In its early decades, Israel's citizens had to cope not only with security challenges, but also with the emotional burden that accompanied them. The book unpacks the history of citizens' emotions-an analysis of the reports about how they felt and of the emotional regime-the emotional repertoire designed by political leaders and cultural agents wishing to mold the feelings of Israeli citizens. Policymakers-Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion first and foremost-sought to fortify the spirits of Israelis and to inculcate an emotional regime that would rise to the challenges of the new frontier state. This emotional regime imbued Israelis with a sense of moral rectitude and equipped them with tools to manage their fears. Most significantly, it met the human need for existential meaning in times of crisis, meaning that is essential for overcoming the fear of impending death. However, the effort to inculcate the emotional norms was Sisyphean and failed at times. The perspective of the history of emotions leads to hitherto untapped and nuanced insights about the weaknesses and strengths of Israelis, and reveals new connections between identity, morality, state-sanctioned violence, politics, and law, along with a new understanding of the motivations behind policymakers' decisions.

A Life Reimagined: My Journey of Hope in the Midst of Loss

by Jill Halfpenny

Heartfelt and honest, A Life Reimagined is a touching memoir of love, loss and life after tragedy from beloved actress Jill Halfpenny.When Jill was four, her father died. He went to play his weekly game of five-a-side football, had a heart attack and never came home. In 2017, in cruelly similar circumstances, Jill’s partner Matt went to a gym class, suffered a cardiac arrest and never came home.These two tragic events frame Jill’s story in Life Reimagined as she explores how she dealt with profound grief as a child and teenager and then later in life as a partner and mother. When Matt died, Jill committed to processing her grief in ways she hadn’t attempted before: she had to rebuild her father, recreate that grief and lose him all over again. She explored the physiology of grief, attended grief retreats, read every book out there and underwent extensive therapy.A Life Reimagined is Jill's space to share what she has learnt – both about herself and about how we view grief as a society – in the hope that she can help readers feel like they can start to put one foot in front of the other and feel hopeful about life again.

Liberal Bullies: Inside the Mind of the Authoritarian Left

by Luke Conway

The political left has an urgent and rising problem with authoritarianism. An alarmingly high percentage of self-identified progressives are punitive, bullying, and intolerant of disagreement – and the problem is getting worse. Using his own cutting-edge research, leading psychologist Luke Conway shows that it's not just right-wing extremists who long for an authority figure to crush their enemies, silence opponents and restore order; it' s also those who preach 'be kind' and celebrate their 'inclusivity.' A persistent proportion of left-wingers demonstrate authoritarian tendencies, and they're becoming more emboldened as they gain cultural and political power. On a range of scientific and social issues, they are increasingly advocating censorship over free debate, disregarding the rule of law, and dehumanising their opponents. These tendencies are part of an accelerating 'threat circle' of mutual hatred and fear between left and right that could tear apart our basic democratic norms. Concluding with an eloquent call for firm but rational resistance to this rising tide of liberal bullying, Conway presents a way forward for our hyper-partisan era.

Emotions of Conflict, Israel 1949-1967

by Orit Rozin

In its early decades, Israel's citizens had to cope not only with security challenges, but also with the emotional burden that accompanied them. The book unpacks the history of citizens' emotions-an analysis of the reports about how they felt and of the emotional regime-the emotional repertoire designed by political leaders and cultural agents wishing to mold the feelings of Israeli citizens. Policymakers-Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion first and foremost-sought to fortify the spirits of Israelis and to inculcate an emotional regime that would rise to the challenges of the new frontier state. This emotional regime imbued Israelis with a sense of moral rectitude and equipped them with tools to manage their fears. Most significantly, it met the human need for existential meaning in times of crisis, meaning that is essential for overcoming the fear of impending death. However, the effort to inculcate the emotional norms was Sisyphean and failed at times. The perspective of the history of emotions leads to hitherto untapped and nuanced insights about the weaknesses and strengths of Israelis, and reveals new connections between identity, morality, state-sanctioned violence, politics, and law, along with a new understanding of the motivations behind policymakers' decisions.

Zufrieden in den Ruhestand: Manual für ein ressourcenorientiertes Gruppencoaching

by Alexandra Michel Nadine Seiferling

In diesem Buch wird die breit angelegte und wissenschaftlich evaluierte ressourcenorientierte Gruppen-Intervention ‚Zufrieden in den Ruhestand‘ zur Vorbereitung auf den Ruhestand vorgestellt. Das Manual enthält eine detaillierte Anleitung zur Durchführung inklusive aller Trainingsmaterialien. Im Rahmen des Gruppencoachings werden verschiedene Aspekte und Themen der Verrentung, wie z.B. sich verändernde Rollen, soziale Netzwerke, aber auch die persönliche Ruhestandsvision und Übergangsrituale adressiert. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der individuellen Gestaltung des Übergangs und der neuen Lebensphase sowie der Ressourcenstärkung. Im Verlauf des Coachings sollen die Teilnehmer:innen im Sinne der Ressourcenperspektive individuelle Ressourcen erkennen und aktivieren, um sich so auf die anstehenden Veränderungen und Anpassungserfordernisse vorzubereiten. Potenziellen negativen Folgen des Eintritts in den Ruhestand soll dadurch präventiv begegnet werden. Zudemist der Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Coachings, durch den zugleich soziale Ressourcen und die Bildung sozialer Netzwerke angeregt werden. Theoretische Hintergründe der Trainingsentwicklung und Evaluationsergebnisse zur Wirksamkeit des Trainings werden zusätzlich im Überblick dargestellt.

Studieren kann man lernen: Mit weniger Mühe zu mehr Erfolg

by Kira Klenke

Leichter, selbstbewusster und stressfreier lernen mit deutlich besseren NotenSind Sie lustlos und unmotiviert in Ihrem Studium? Oder gehören Sie zu den Arbeitstieren, die unter der Workload vergessen zu leben?Dieser Ratgeber entlarvt irreführende Lernmythen und vermittelt Motivationshilfen, Lerntechniken und mentale Tricks, die Sie so an der Uni nicht lernen. In jedem Kapitel finden Sie auf einen Blick eine Übersicht der Lernziele am Anfang und eine Checkliste mit Tipps für die praktische Umsetzung am Ende.Erfahren Sie, wie Sie• leichter lernen als bisher, motiviert und effektiv,• Glaubenssätze, die Ihr Lernen behindern, aufdecken und upgraden,• Selbstzweifel und Ängste überwinden,• sich motivierend kraftvolle Ziele fürs Studium setzen - und sie auch erreichen,• Schreibhemmungen überwinden und mühelos gute Texte verfassen.Nach dem Erfolg der früheren fünf Auflagen wurde die aktuelle, überarbeitete sechste Auflagedurch Lern-Meditationen ergänzt, abrufbar mit der App SN More Media. Diese Audios führen Sie schnell in einen entspannten Zustand, in dem das Gedankenkarussell im Kopf zur Ruhe kommt, und helfen Ihnen, selbstbewusst, motiviert und leichter zu studieren.

Die Effektivität von Online-Reviews in Hersteller-Online-Shops (Applied Marketing Science / Angewandte Marketingforschung)

by Katharina Elisabeth Kessing

Online-Bewertungen können Einzelhändlern helfen, die Unsicherheit der Kunden vor dem Kauf zu verringern, die Conversion-Rate zu erhöhen und den Umsatz zu steigern. Aber gelten diese Vorteile auch für Hersteller und ihre eigenen Online-Shops? Auf der Grundlage sozialpsychologischer Theorien und sechs experimenteller Studien untersucht Katharina Kessing die unterschiedliche Effektivität von Online-Reviews in Hersteller- und Händler-Online-Shops und identifiziert dabei zwei gegensätzliche Effekte: Online-Reviews, die in Hersteller-Online-Shops veröffentlicht werden, werden tendenziell als manipuliert wahrgenommen, sodass Kunden dem Hersteller ein größeres kommerzielles Interesse unterstellen. Dies wirkt sich wiederum negativ auf die Kaufabsicht aus. Zweitens können Online-Reviews das Gefühl der Dankbarkeit der Kunden gegenüber dem Online-Shop verstärken, was ihre Kaufabsichten steigert. Abschließend werden zwei effektive Strategien zur Reduktion der schädlichen Auswirkungen von Online-Reviews im Hersteller-Online-Shop vorgestellt: unabhängige Quellen und multidimensionale Ratings. Die Ergebnisse können Herstellern bei der Entscheidung helfen, ob und wie sie Online-Reviews in ihren eigenen Online-Shops veröffentlichen sollten.

Practice Leadership in Challenging Behaviour Services for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Practical Strategies for Supporting People

by Tony Osgood

Practice Leadership refers to individuals who have direct front-line responsibility for leading the practice of staff on a day-to-day basis, such as operational leaders and managers in services for people with autism and intellectual disabilities. A good practice leader creates cultures and puts values into action. They deliver great support. A practice leader implements our best endeavours. A good leader makes all the difference. This book lays out the steps to achieving great practice leadership in services for people with autism and intellectual disabilities, such as care homes or supported living. It explains how practice leadership delivers support and care using the principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). The book outlines what practice leadership should look like in context, how to do it and why it matters. It draws from real-life case studies throughout and each section encourages discussion and reflection. Refreshingly warm, humorous and jargon free, this is an indispensable guide for professionals in services working with people with intellectual disability or autism at any level.

Being Twice Exceptional

by Melanie Hayes

Twice exceptionality (2e) is not well understood. While many parents, educators, and professionals are working to bridge the knowledge gap and help 2e children, there is still a great deal we do not know about how life turns out for those children once they grow up.How do 2e adults deal with the complex aspects of being an adult? What are your prospects if you are brilliant, but can't get into college? What if you fail at work because you don't know how to fit in socially? This book provides first-hand stories about the experiences of 2e adults, offering compassionate coping strategies for overcoming and rethinking the tough parts. It champions radical acceptance of 2e people and celebrates their unique outlook on the world.

DBT and Art for Youth Suicide Prevention: When Art Saves Lives

by Marney Schorr

Using art therapy and DBT skills in combination, this book offers insight into how, together, these methods can enhance youth suicide prevention work. For therapists, practical advice on how to integrate DBT into their creative work will result in increased confidence in using DBT in their practice with young people . In this helpful and empowering book, readers are guided through the background, theory, and use of art therapy with DBT as a positive intervention.

The CWP and EMHP Handbook: CBT Essentials with Children and Young People

by Hugh Miller

As an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) or Children's Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP), you have to think on your feet, manage a caseload, deal with emotional distress and try and not get indigestion as you cram down a sandwich on your way to your next session.This down-to-earth survival guide helps trainees and newly qualified practitioners cope with the stressful demands of these new and challenging roles. Full of case examples and practical tools and strategies, this book will give you the confidence to assess, set goals, and deliver effective interventions for anxiety and depression. It also provides invaluable support on tricky topics such as disclosures of risk and safeguarding issues, working effectively with parents, dealing with resistance and conflict, caring for yourself, and signposting when a situation is outside the remit of your role.

Art Psychotherapy and Innovation: New Territories, Techniques and Technologies

by Debra Kalmanowitz Helen Hawthorne Erin Partridge Nick Barnes Alex Burr Ella Bryant Neil Winter Natalia Higginson Tsun-wei Lily Hsu Wei-Wen Chan Chia-Yu Liu Trupti Magecha Anastasia Ostrowski Hae Won Park Cynthia Breazeal Daisy Rubinstein Megan Tjasink Poppy Stevens Mira Yoon Daphna Arbell Kehila Hwee Hwee Loo Sara Powell Natalia Carlier Gomez Abby Dougherty Natalie Rae Carlton

Art psychotherapists worldwide collaborate in this volume of clinical practice examples of innovation, featuring work with diverse client groups, locations and new technologies. The chapters integrate theory, ethical considerations and the global contemporary landscape, to expand our thinking on the growing potential of art psychotherapy.

The Trans Guide to Mental Health and Well-Being

by Katy Lees

'The resource trans people need right now' MEG-JOHN BARKER'An excellent book' JOS TWIST'Straightforward and accessible' JENNIE KERMODEThis empowering self-help guide provides advice and strategies for trans and/or non-binary people on a range of common mental health issues including anxiety, depression, body image, trauma, suicidal thoughts and dissociation. It provides advice on neutralising negative thoughts, coping with transphobia, coming out, dealing with imposter syndrome, and implementing achievable self-care strategies and mindfulness techniques.Whether you are in a crisis or just looking for ways to improve your life, this reassuring guide is there for you to use in the way that helps you the most, regardless of where you are in your transition, or if you decide not to transition in conventional ways. Combining therapeutic expertise alongside first-hand experience, the book also highlights the importance of understanding and being proud of who you are, to help you live life to the fullest.

Creative Counselling: Creative Tools and Interventions to Nurture Therapeutic Relationships

by Tanja Sharpe

A practical guide showing therapists how to incorporate creative interventions into counselling to help clients through art, sound, movement, symbols and poetry. It includes activities and example scripts to incorporate creativity into every step of the therapeutic journey.

The Revealing Image: Analytical Art Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice

by Joy Schaverien

Schaverien painstakingly describes and defines "processes which have so far only been intuitively known to art therapists" (p6) by introducing and elaborating the psychoanalytical concepts of transference and countertransference in relation to the use of visual art objects. The authors stated intention in this book is "to attempt to bridge the perceived gap between the practice of art therapy and analytical forms of psychotherapy..."(p 229) The epistemological base of this venture includes the fields of philosophy, anthropology, and aesthetics, as well as psychoanalysis.Schaverien suggests that analytical art psychotherapy is a way of working analytically with patients who are unsuitable, or unready, for psychotherapy, giving examples of psychotic and borderline patients, children, and patients in psychiatric settings.This is primarily a book about an analytical approach within art therapy, which may be of interest in itself. The material also raises issues of interest to analysts and psychotherapists, whether or not they work with art in the clinical setting. The book clarifies areas of similarity between the disciplines, and also makes areas of difference apparent. For example, most analysts would agree that visual art, like dream material, and other non-verbal representations of the inner world, can at times articulate and communicate meanings which for one reason or another cannot be verbally articulated at the time, and that this can be pertinent to the aim of analysis. However, I think few analysts would include facilities in their consulting rooms for the kind of art processes described in the book.When the analyst is working with materials in this form, the book will be extremely helpful in sorting out the complexity of the transference situation and the role of interpretation. The book is so strongly grounded in experiences emerging in the presence of actual art processes and objects that I think it will be of most interest to those who are interested in the specific clinical issues involved in relating to the making and use of actual art objects within the setting. Schaverien not only describes the processes involved in detail, but also presents technical approaches to the making and handling of art objects within the setting which will inform the capacity of those who are not trained as art therapists to relate to this kind of material in the consulting room.'

Transforming Ethnic and Race-Based Traumatic Stress with Yoga

by Gail Parker

Building on the foundations of Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Stress and Trauma by Gail Parker, this workbook offers a range of self-care practices that strengthen the psychological immune system, increase resilience, and support post-traumatic growth.Ethnic and race-based traumatic stress is a worldwide phenomenon. Regardless of race and ethnicity we are all impacted by its damaging effects, from those who are wounded to those who do the wounding. We are witnessing health care disparities based on race and ethnicity that are causing great suffering, and also witnessing a global awakening to the pandemic of racial violence and its pernicious effects on all of us.Transforming Ethnic and Race-Based Traumatic Stress with Yoga is a self-care study guide where each chapter includes a reading for contemplation on an area of ethnic and/or race related traumatic stress, an illustration of a Restorative Yoga pose with instructions on how to get into it and accompanied by positive affirmations to repeat while in the pose. This is followed by a therapeutic journal writing instruction with blank pages for journal entries to reinforce the affirmations and to identify the psychological, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of the posture presented.

How to Be Angry: Strategies to Help Kids Express Anger Constructively

by Signe Whitson

Children and teenagers often struggle to cope with anger, and angry feelings can boil over into aggression and destructive behaviour. This updated and extended resource takes a different approach to anger, teaching children how to be angry effectively, rather than telling them not to be angry at all.Encouraging appropriate anger management through group work and tailored lessons, the book is also accompanied by downloadable additional resources demonstrating the activities and offering adaptations for parents. Suitable for use with children and teenagers aged 5 - 18, this engaging resource will help children to overcome self-destructive patterns of passive, aggressive, and passive aggressive behaviour.

Supporting Trans People of Colour: How to Make Your Practice Inclusive

by Sabah Choudrey

'Essential reading' DIVA MAGAZINE'Highly accessible and important' EUGENCE ELLIS'A deeply helpful and engaging read' MEG-JOHN BARKERProviding an accessible and authoritative introduction to issues around People of Colour (POC) trans inclusion, this book uses case studies, tips, checklists and anonymous survey results to set out best practice for any professionals working with trans people to create safer spaces, support and awareness.Trans people of colour are often excluded because gender and race are treated as separate issues. They are therefore left out from movements and services and in trans and non-binary spaces, their POC identities are overlooked. Choudrey's guide introduces the theory of intersectionality from the start, giving practical tips and steps to ensure that the community as a whole may be represented and creates a safer space for trans people of colour to thrive.An empowering and self-preserving tool, Supporting Trans People of Colour is an invaluable resource for therapists, counsellors, healthcare professionals, and those working in education and charities, as well as those wanting to make their approach and service more inclusive.

The Monster Book of Feelings: Creative Activities and Stories to Explore Emotions and Mental Health

by Amie Taylor

This book is designed to help children to understand and articulate the emotions they might experience - feelings of anxiety and worry, pride, joy and excitement, sadness, anger and jealousy - and provides simple strategies for managing their mental health.Full of monster-themed stories, activities and downloadable worksheets, it is ideal to use individually or in group settings with ages 5-9. Children will meet characters like Thomas, the big purple monster who has a heavy backpack full of his worries, and Geronimo, who inconveniently creates small floods with his tears all around Icicle Island. The second part of the book is a detailed guide for adults with explanations of key concepts, support for delivering the activities, suggested discussion points and drama activities to consolidate learning.

I'm Not Upside Down, I'm Downside Up: Not a Boring Book About PDA

by Harry Thompson Danielle Jata-Hall

Welcome to my downside up life! My name is Ariana and I have something called Pathological Demand Avoidance which is a form of autism. Most people just think I'm naughty and misbehaved, but I want to show you why that's not true by telling you about what my life is like from inside my head. Come join me in understanding why I feel like I have to be in control all the time and why it's just not as simple as doing as I am told.

Free from Panic: A Teen’s Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks and Panic Symptoms

by Monika Parkinson Lucy Willetts Kerstin Thirlwall

Panic symptoms and panic attacks can feel overwhelming and frightening. This book guides teens through the isolation and worry of living with panic symptoms or panic disorder. Through interactive exercises, this book shows that the key to unlocking freedom from panic is learning to understand our feelings, fears and bodies. Demonstrating that panic is a natural emotion that many people experience, it provides useful strategies drawn from a range of approaches including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) to help teens to get on top of their fears and panic. Co-written by respected clinicians in the field, the strategies in this book are tried and tested in helping teens and young people in their journey through panic.

The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy: Step-by-Step Advice on How to Ally and Speak Up with Autistic People and the Autism Community

by Jenna Gensic Jennifer Brunton

The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy takes an in-depth look at the key elements of effective, respectful, inclusive advocacy and allyship. Every topic was chosen, shaped, and informed by #ActuallyAutistic perspectives. The step-by-step guide discusses various aspects of how autism is perceived, explores how best to speak up for individual needs, and introduces advocacy for the wider autistic community. Each step outlines one vital aspect of advocacy and allyship, such as emphasizing acceptance, avoiding assumptions and assuming competence. The advice and strategies laid out in this guide center the wisdom and experiences of Autistic people and enable the reader to confidently speak up with insight and understanding.

A Parent's Guide to Autism Diagnosis: What to Expect and How to Support Your Child

by Adele Devine Sophia Mooncey

Autism diagnosis can be an overwhelming time for many families. This is an accessible, easy to navigate guide for parents, answering the questions they may have before, during and after diagnosis. Written by a highly experienced author team, this book will support parents from the moment somebody mentions autism, through the diagnosis process and beyond. It provides reliable advice on every stage, with guidance on what to do during the long wait for assessment and diagnosis. Working from a pro-neurodiversity perspective it encourages parents to see beyond the diagnosis and to celebrate each child's unique personality and strengths. Combining information on medical diagnosis, educational needs and more, the book shares case studies and direct quotes from families to help parents to give their children the best start following an autism diagnosis, and help them to achieve their full potential. There is also a bonus downloadable chapter with information from the key professionals involved in the diagnostic process, so you know who you can turn to for the support and help you need.

Autistic Logistics, Second Edition: A Parent's Guide to Tackling Bedtime, Toilet Training, Meltdowns, Hitting, and Other Everyday Challenges

by Kate Wilde

Have you ever wished there was a manual for parenting children on the autism spectrum? This book provides just that, offering clear, precise, step-by-step advice on everything you want to know, including: - How to toilet train your child without pushing or pressuring- How to get your child to sleep in their own bed and through the night- What to do when your child misbehaves/ lashes out, hits or bites- How to introduce new foods without a fightThis updated edition is based on Kate Wilde's decades of experience and the latest autism research. Tackling a wide range of common parenting milestones, the book offers tried-and-tested techniques to help you transform the challenges of home life and create harmony. Catering to all age ranges and points on the spectrum, this book will be invaluable to parents, caregivers, teachers and teaching assistants.

Free Yourself from Emetophobia: A CBT Self-Help Guide for a Fear of Vomiting (Free Yourself)

by David Veale Alexandra Keyes

Emetophobia can have a huge impact on daily life, from avoiding certain foods and alcohol to worrying about travel, pregnancy, hygiene and caring for loved ones when they are ill. This self-help guide will help you to better understand emetophobia and give you the tools to overcome it.Using proven cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) including exposure and response prevention (ERP) techniques, this book will support you to:· Understand what emetophobia is and what keeps it going· Identify your problems and goals· Set out a step-by-step plan to challenge and defeat your emetophobia· Overcome common challenges and setbacks.The book also includes guidance on medical treatment and advice for friends, partners and family of adults and young people with emetophobia.

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