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The Counselling Approach to Careers Guidance

by Lynda Ali Barbara Graham

Through detailed case material the authors show how to use counselling strategies with clients seeking careers guidance to enable them to change unhelpful patterns of thought and to move towards achievable goals. This book: * offers a series of tasks for structuring interviews and assesses materials available to careers counsellors * discusses important issues affecting their training and development within the public sector. This is a useful handbook for experienced advisers and trainees in the careers service and a range of professional settings.

Counselling, Class And Politics: Undeclared Influences In Therapy (PDF)

by Anne Kearney

It is sobering to think that this book, ground-breaking in 1996, still stands practically alone in looking at class, politics and counselling. This book has received unequivocally enthusiastic reviews in a wide range of journals. Many counsellor-educators have put it on their 'essential reading' list. Put it on yours now.

The Couple And Family In Managed Care: Assessment, Evaluation And Treatment

by Dennis Bagarozzi

Published in 1996, The Couple And Family In Managed Care is a valuable contribution to the field of Familey Therapy.

The Couple And Family In Managed Care: Assessment, Evaluation And Treatment

by Dennis Bagarozzi

Published in 1996, The Couple And Family In Managed Care is a valuable contribution to the field of Familey Therapy.

Couple Burnout: Causes and Cures

by Ayala Pines

InCouple Burnout, Ayala Pines offers a unique model to combat relationship burnout by describing the phenomenon of couples burnout; its causes, danger signs and symptoms; and the most effective strategies therapists can use. Distinguishing burnout from problems caused by clinical depression or other pathologies, Pines combines three major clinical perspectives that are used by couple therapists--psychodynamic, systems and behavioral--with additional approaches that focus attention on the social- psychological perspective and existential perspective to couples' problems.

Couple Burnout: Causes and Cures

by Ayala Pines

InCouple Burnout, Ayala Pines offers a unique model to combat relationship burnout by describing the phenomenon of couples burnout; its causes, danger signs and symptoms; and the most effective strategies therapists can use. Distinguishing burnout from problems caused by clinical depression or other pathologies, Pines combines three major clinical perspectives that are used by couple therapists--psychodynamic, systems and behavioral--with additional approaches that focus attention on the social- psychological perspective and existential perspective to couples' problems.

Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives To Violence

by Douglas P. Fry Kaj Björkqvist

This volume's central purpose is to provide a clearly written, scholarly exploration of cultural variation regarding conflict resolution and in so doing, highlight certain alternatives to violence. It presents an interdisciplinary examination of how conflicts are perceived and handled in a variety of cultural settings. Drawing on data and models from anthropology, psychology, and political science, the chapters analyze conflict resolution across the societal spectrum, including cases from Western and non-Western traditions, complex and tribal societies, and violent and non-violent cultures. While demonstrating the extremely important impact of culture on conflict resolution processes, the book does not solely emphasize cultural specificity. Rather--through introductory chapters, section introductions, and a concluding chapter--the volume editors draw attention to cross-cultural patterns in an attempt to further the search for more general conflict principles. An explicit message throughout the book is that alternatives to violence exist. The volume demonstrates that at various levels--from the interpersonal to the international-- conflicts can be handled in ways that cause far less pain and destruction than violence. Chapters by psychologists discuss social and cognitive processes for facilitating the learning of alternatives to violence among children and youth. Anthropology contributors explore mechanisms for dealing with social conflict which allow some cultures to remain relatively peaceful and consider implications of their work for reducing violence in other societies. Chapters by former President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, and by political scientists examine how non-violent political solutions can be employed as alternatives to warfare and violent resistence.

Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives To Violence

by Douglas P. Fry Kaj Bjorkqvist Kaj Bj" Rkqvist

This volume's central purpose is to provide a clearly written, scholarly exploration of cultural variation regarding conflict resolution and in so doing, highlight certain alternatives to violence. It presents an interdisciplinary examination of how conflicts are perceived and handled in a variety of cultural settings. Drawing on data and models from anthropology, psychology, and political science, the chapters analyze conflict resolution across the societal spectrum, including cases from Western and non-Western traditions, complex and tribal societies, and violent and non-violent cultures. While demonstrating the extremely important impact of culture on conflict resolution processes, the book does not solely emphasize cultural specificity. Rather--through introductory chapters, section introductions, and a concluding chapter--the volume editors draw attention to cross-cultural patterns in an attempt to further the search for more general conflict principles. An explicit message throughout the book is that alternatives to violence exist. The volume demonstrates that at various levels--from the interpersonal to the international-- conflicts can be handled in ways that cause far less pain and destruction than violence. Chapters by psychologists discuss social and cognitive processes for facilitating the learning of alternatives to violence among children and youth. Anthropology contributors explore mechanisms for dealing with social conflict which allow some cultures to remain relatively peaceful and consider implications of their work for reducing violence in other societies. Chapters by former President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, and by political scientists examine how non-violent political solutions can be employed as alternatives to warfare and violent resistence.

Culturally Affirmative Psychotherapy With Deaf Persons

by Neil S. Glickman Michael A. Harvey

The impetus for this volume is the growing awareness within the mental health and larger community of a culturally affirmative model for understanding and assisting deaf people. In contrast to the "medical-pathological" model which treats deafness as a disability, the "cultural" model guides us to view deaf persons in relation to the deaf community--a group of people with a common language, culture, and collective identity. A primary tenant of culturally affirmative psychotherapy is to understand and respect such differences, not to eradicate them. The contributors to this volume present a practical and realistic model of providing culturally affirmative counseling and psychotherapy for deaf people. The three dimensions of this model have been delineated by the multicultural counseling literature. These dimensions assert that culturally affirmative psychotherapy with deaf persons requires therapist self-awareness, knowledge of the deaf community/culture, and understanding of culturally-syntonic therapeutic interventions. The first to exhaustively delineate the implications of the cultural model of deafness for counseling deaf people, this book is essential reading for anyone who works in an educational or counseling capacity with the deaf. This audience includes not only psychotherapists, but also vocational, guidance and residence counselors, teachers, independent living skills specialists, interpreters, and administrators of programs for the deaf.

Culturally Affirmative Psychotherapy With Deaf Persons

by Neil S. Glickman Michael A. Harvey

The impetus for this volume is the growing awareness within the mental health and larger community of a culturally affirmative model for understanding and assisting deaf people. In contrast to the "medical-pathological" model which treats deafness as a disability, the "cultural" model guides us to view deaf persons in relation to the deaf community--a group of people with a common language, culture, and collective identity. A primary tenant of culturally affirmative psychotherapy is to understand and respect such differences, not to eradicate them. The contributors to this volume present a practical and realistic model of providing culturally affirmative counseling and psychotherapy for deaf people. The three dimensions of this model have been delineated by the multicultural counseling literature. These dimensions assert that culturally affirmative psychotherapy with deaf persons requires therapist self-awareness, knowledge of the deaf community/culture, and understanding of culturally-syntonic therapeutic interventions. The first to exhaustively delineate the implications of the cultural model of deafness for counseling deaf people, this book is essential reading for anyone who works in an educational or counseling capacity with the deaf. This audience includes not only psychotherapists, but also vocational, guidance and residence counselors, teachers, independent living skills specialists, interpreters, and administrators of programs for the deaf.

Current Societal Concerns about Justice (Critical Issues in Social Justice)

by Leo Montada and Melvin J. Lerner

What role does justice play in the formation of public opinion and the scholarly debates about social problems? Does the perception of injustice force problems to appear on the political agenda? Does the perception of an injustice give momentum to social change? Or are violations of self-interest or threats to one's material welfare the more important factors? Or are empathy-driven concerns for the needy and the disadvan­ taged motivations to solve societal problems? What is known about the role justice concerns play in leadership? In several chapters of this volume, justice concerns and justice motives are viewed in relation to other concerns and motivations; welfare, self-interest, altruism. It is argued that the consensus of political theorists converges on mutual advantage as the main criterion of acceptable solutions to solving socie­ tal problems. In economics, self-interest is considered the driving force and provides the criterion of acceptable solutions. Sociological and social psychological exchange theories share these basic assumptions. Thus, questions are raised and answered concerning how justice and these other important motives appear in the analyses of societal prob­ lems and the search for solutions. Moreover, in addition to the issue of conflicting motives-self­ interest, altruism, justice-it is commonly recognized that the definition of what is just and what is unjust is open to question. In public as well as in scientific dialogues, diverging views about justice have to be integrated or decided upon.

The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research Based Solutions & Applications

by Barry Bricklin

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research Based Solutions & Applications

by Barry Bricklin

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

D.W. Winnicott: A Biographical Portrait

by Brett Kahr

A distillation of painstaking research into the life of Donald Winnicott, tracing his life from his childhood in Plymouth, through his career in paediatrics, to his election as President of the British Psycho-Analytic Society. The author makes many interesting links between Winnicott's life and the development of his theories.

D.W. Winnicott: A Biographical Portrait

by Brett Kahr

A distillation of painstaking research into the life of Donald Winnicott, tracing his life from his childhood in Plymouth, through his career in paediatrics, to his election as President of the British Psycho-Analytic Society. The author makes many interesting links between Winnicott's life and the development of his theories.

Damaged Life: The Crisis of the Modern Psyche (Psychology Revivals)

by Tod Sloan

What are the psychological problems caused by modernization? How can we minimize its negative effects? Modernization has brought many material benefits to us, yet we are constantly told how unhappy we are: crime, divorce, suicide, depression and anxiety are rampant. How can this contradiction be reconciled? Damaged Life, originally published in 1996, presents a powerful and progressive analysis of modernity’s impact on the psyche. Tod Sloan develops an integrated theory of the self in society by combining perspectives on personality development and socio-historical processes to explore our complex response to modernization. He discusses the implications of postmodern theory for psychology and proposes concrete responses to address the issue of mass emotional suffering. His book should be read not only by those working within psychology and related disciplines such as sociology and social policy, but also by anyone seeking enlightenment about the predicament of the self in contemporary society.

Damaged Life: The Crisis of the Modern Psyche (Psychology Revivals)

by Tod Sloan

What are the psychological problems caused by modernization? How can we minimize its negative effects? Modernization has brought many material benefits to us, yet we are constantly told how unhappy we are: crime, divorce, suicide, depression and anxiety are rampant. How can this contradiction be reconciled? Damaged Life, originally published in 1996, presents a powerful and progressive analysis of modernity’s impact on the psyche. Tod Sloan develops an integrated theory of the self in society by combining perspectives on personality development and socio-historical processes to explore our complex response to modernization. He discusses the implications of postmodern theory for psychology and proposes concrete responses to address the issue of mass emotional suffering. His book should be read not only by those working within psychology and related disciplines such as sociology and social policy, but also by anyone seeking enlightenment about the predicament of the self in contemporary society.

Dance and Other Expressive Art Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough

by Fran J. Levy Judith Pines Fried Fern Leventhal

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dance and Other Expressive Art Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough

by Fran J. Levy

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Das Geheimnis des Samenkorns: Positive Streßbewältigung

by Nossrat Peseschkian

Autorenportrait: Dr. med. Nossrat Peseschkian wurde 1933 im Iran geboren und lebt seit 1954 in Deutschland. Medizinstudium in Freiburg, Mainz und Frankfurt, psychotherapeutische Ausbildung in Deutschland, der Schweiz und den USA. Seit 1969 führt er eine psychotherapeutische Praxis und Tagesklinik in Wiesbaden und leitet den Wiesbadener Weiterbildungskreis für Psychotherapie und Familientherapie. Er ist Begründer der Positiven Psychotherapie und Autor zahlreicher Bücher, darunter des ebenfalls im Springer-Verlag erschienen Buches "Psychosomatik und positive Psychotherapie".

Decision Making in the Workplace: A Unified Perspective

by Lee Roy Beach

Many, if not most, of one's important decisions are made in the context of one's work. However, because workplace decisions cover such a broad range of issues, it often is difficult to detect underlying commonalities in how they are made, and in how things go wrong when they do go wrong. As a result, there are nearly as many different descriptions of workplace decisions as there are decisions themselves. In this volume, the best features of these diverse descriptions are unified in a new, intuitively compelling view of decision making called "Image Theory." The result is a clear picture of real-life, day-to-day workplace decision making that allows us to think constructively about how such decisions are made and about how to improve them when improvement is necessary.

Decision Making in the Workplace: A Unified Perspective

by Lee Roy Beach

Many, if not most, of one's important decisions are made in the context of one's work. However, because workplace decisions cover such a broad range of issues, it often is difficult to detect underlying commonalities in how they are made, and in how things go wrong when they do go wrong. As a result, there are nearly as many different descriptions of workplace decisions as there are decisions themselves. In this volume, the best features of these diverse descriptions are unified in a new, intuitively compelling view of decision making called "Image Theory." The result is a clear picture of real-life, day-to-day workplace decision making that allows us to think constructively about how such decisions are made and about how to improve them when improvement is necessary.

Deconstructing Psychopathology

by Dr David Harper Dr Eugenie Georgaca Dr Mark Stowell-Smith Mr Terence Mclaughlin Professor Ian Patrick

`Fast becoming a contemporary classic... this book tries both to be critical and engender critical thinking in a number of ways. It offers an overview of a number of theories that address human distress as well as particular forms of "pathology". This book effectively highlights the way that western society has taken "normal"; and "abnormal" emotional states to be factual entities rather than the constructed understandings of human phenomena that they are.... should be on the reading list of every course/module that attends to human distress' - Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis This practical and accessible critique of the institutions, practices and presuppositions that underlie the study of `psychopathology' will be invaluable for students and practitioners who are working to understand mental health and distress. The authors - who come from backgrounds in clinical psychology, psychiatric social work, psychoanalysis, psychology teaching and action research - challenge the traditions of the field. They analyze the notion of `psychopathology' as a conventional term in psychology and psychiatry through the language and institutions that hold it in place; and explore the implications of deconstructive ideas for the theories and practices that sustain clinical treatments; and offer an alternative way of seeing `psychopathology', with accounts of critical professional work and good practice. Deconstructing Psychopathology is invaluable reading for students, academics and practitioners across a range of disciplines who are working to understand mental health and distress, including clinical and counselling psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric social work, counselling and psychotherapy.

Deconstructing Psychopathology (PDF)

by Dr David Harper Dr Eugenie Georgaca Dr Mark Stowell-Smith Mr Terence Mclaughlin Professor Ian Patrick

`Fast becoming a contemporary classic... this book tries both to be critical and engender critical thinking in a number of ways. It offers an overview of a number of theories that address human distress as well as particular forms of "pathology". This book effectively highlights the way that western society has taken "normal"; and "abnormal" emotional states to be factual entities rather than the constructed understandings of human phenomena that they are.... should be on the reading list of every course/module that attends to human distress' - Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis This practical and accessible critique of the institutions, practices and presuppositions that underlie the study of `psychopathology' will be invaluable for students and practitioners who are working to understand mental health and distress. The authors - who come from backgrounds in clinical psychology, psychiatric social work, psychoanalysis, psychology teaching and action research - challenge the traditions of the field. They analyze the notion of `psychopathology' as a conventional term in psychology and psychiatry through the language and institutions that hold it in place; and explore the implications of deconstructive ideas for the theories and practices that sustain clinical treatments; and offer an alternative way of seeing `psychopathology', with accounts of critical professional work and good practice. Deconstructing Psychopathology is invaluable reading for students, academics and practitioners across a range of disciplines who are working to understand mental health and distress, including clinical and counselling psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric social work, counselling and psychotherapy.

Deprenyl — Past and Future (Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementa #48)

by W. Kuhn, P. Kraus and H. Przuntek

Expert clinicians and basic scientists with a special interest in Parkinson's disease review the current state of science and clinical therapeutics of the disease. Therefore these articles represent an authorative review of the current state of knowledge regarding preclinical course and symptomatology, subtypes with their impact on the pathology, genetic alterations, novel mechanisms of neuronal cell death, diagnostic tools and old and novel therapeutic approaches with respect to neuroprotection and neuroregeneration in Parkinson's disease. Particular emphasis has been placed on a novel antiparkinsonian drug called budipine with various modes of action also influencing altered non dopaminergic systems in Parkinson's disease. It is evident, that many questions on the cause, course and treatment of Parkinson's disease are still unanswered and therefore the ideal way to treat a parkinsonian patient remains to be defined.

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