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Showing 13,776 through 13,800 of 14,172 results

Handbook on Tourism, Public Health and Wellbeing (Research Handbooks in Tourism series)

In a time of rapid change for travel-related health interventions, this timely Handbook offers critical insights into the interrelationship between tourism, public health, and the wellbeing of local communities and tourists. Written with a global audience in mind, it features cutting-edge interdisciplinary research conducted by leading academics in tourism, public health, wellbeing, and social welfare. Investigating the nexus between tourism and public health in an era of globalisation, tourism growth and COVID-19, this incisive Handbook rethinks the role of tourism in contemporary society. Chapters explore issues from medical tourism, spiritual health, and sustainability to wellness, social development, and disease outbreaks, providing key insights that will assist diverse stakeholders to better navigate this uniquely challenging time in travel and health promotion. The Handbook addresses the growing risks of international travel and considers how the tourism industry might evolve in the wake of COVID-19 and other crises afflicting modern society. Cross-disciplinary in scope, this dynamic Handbook makes a crucial contribution to the literature on the consequences of tourism for public health. Its novel analyses of topics related to tourism, public health, wellbeing, and social welfare will be of significant benefit to tourism stakeholders, healthcare practitioners and policymakers.

Handbook on Transnationalism

Providing a critical overview of transnationalism as a concept, this Handbook looks at its growing influence in an era of high-speed, globalised interconnectivity. It offers crucial insights on how approaches to transnationalism have altered how we think about social life from the family to the nation-state, whilst also challenging the predominance of methodologically nationalist analyses. Encompassing research from around the world, leading international researchers examine transnational migration, culture, state practices, organisations and institutions. Chapters draw attention to conceptual concerns around the topic, including the spatiality and temporality of transnationalism, connections to the life course, and the articulation of affect and emotion across borders. The Handbook further explains the transnational dimensions of different forms of migration, including labour migrations and student mobilities, and emphasises why and how transnational networks and circulations matter. An engaging foundation for students and scholars seeking to enhance their understanding of transnationalism, this Handbook offers agenda-setting arguments that will be beneficial to researchers of migration and mobilities, human geography, sociology, anthropology, international relations and cultural studies. It will also be an interesting read for practitioners working in migration, migrant rights and transnational organising and activism.

Handbook on Transport and Land Use: A Holistic Approach in an Age of Rapid Technological Change (Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series)

Synthesizing current understandings on the relationship between transport and land use, this timely Handbook proposes an agenda for research and practice that leads toward more human-centered communities within an increasingly urbanized world facing rapid technological change. Leading scholars reframe and expand conventional transport policy holistically with concepts grounded in behavioral, economic, psychological and sociological theories in this fundamental reference work. Chapters explore the role of institutional policies and informal cultural contexts in influencing transport and land use systems, before examining the impacts of transportation and land use decisions across multiple areas, including equity, public health, climate, environment, and lifestyle preferences. The Handbook concludes by emphasizing pathways for human-centered development, planning, and policy in an age of rapid innovation in new mobility technologies. Outlining the fundamental, emerging and developing theories, methods, models and policies across the fields of transportation and land use, this interdisciplinary Handbook will be invaluable to students and scholars of urban planning and transport studies. Setting an agenda for future research and policy initiatives, it will also prove a useful resource to policymakers and practitioners working within transport and land use planning.

Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing (Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series)

Taking a comprehensive approach to two central, closely intertwined themes in the field of transport economics, this illuminating Handbook recognizes the critical socioeconomic importance of transport pricing and financing.The expert contributors provide insights into how pricing goes beyond fulfilling pure financial requirements, and may help pursuing economic efficiency. The Handbook also devotes attention to new technologies such as digital payment channels, information provision, and dynamic pricing techniques. The authors cover the challenges and opportunities caused by the appearance of new modes of transport such as ride-hailing and automated vehicles. Furthermore, this timely Handbook also helps to address ongoing global issues such as climate change and sustainable development, explicitly recognizing challenges faced in regions across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.This immersive Handbook will provide undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics, environmental science, transport, political science and urban planning studies with a useful introduction to the topics and the necessary tools to undertake research in transport pricing and financing. Practitioners wishing to understand the theory behind transport pricing and financing decisions will also find this Handbook a useful resource.

Handbook on Urban Food Security in the Global South

The ways in which rapid urbanization of the Global South are transforming food systems and food supply chains, and the food security of urban populations is an often neglected topic. This international group of authors addresses this profound transformation from a variety of different perspectives and disciplinary lenses, providing an important corrective to the dominant view that food insecurity is a rural problem requiring increases in agricultural production. Starting from the premise that food security in urban areas is primarily a challenge of food access, the chapters explore the various economic, social, and governance policies and structures that constrain and inhibit the access of all to food of sufficient quantity and quality. As the Global South continues to urbanize, the challenge of feeding hungry cities will become even more daunting, and this Handbook explains why the existing food system, although undergoing rapid change, is inadequate for this task and cannot meet the challenge without substantial reform. The Handbook as a whole, and the individual chapters, provide comprehensive overviews of relevant themes mixed with empirical, real-world examples for university readership teaching and taking courses on food systems, migration and urbanization, urban policy and planning, geography, agricultural economics, public health, and international development. It will also introduce practitioners to current debates in the field and provide strong support for the renewed, and growing, focus on the food security of urban populations. The Handbook’s comprehensive overviews of relevant themes mixed with empirical, real-world examples are ideal for university readership. It will also introduce practitioners to current debates in the field and provide strong support for the renewed, and growing, focus on the food security of urban populations.

Handbook on Urban Social Movements (Research Handbooks in Urban Studies series)

Providing an overview of urban social movements from a diverse range of empirical and theoretical perspectives, this Handbook includes not only a critical analysis of the transformations that have occurred in the urban landscape recently, but also sheds light on the strategies implemented by social actors in various socio-political and cultural contexts. It focuses on better understanding how and to what extent collective action around urban issues remains relevant in our modern world.Top international scholars introduce the main features of urban movements from countries and cities around the world, including across Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America, to highlight their diversity as well as the multiple scales through which they are employed. The Handbook first documents the concrete forms of contemporary urban movements, before highlighting new developments in the field, particularly in the face of new forms of communication, and finally examines the specificity of contemporary urban movements in the context of emerging unexpected local and global challenges.With a broad range of case studies and in-depth coverage of key issues, this Handbook is critical reading for urban studies and social movement studies scholars. The practical advice offered throughout also makes this an invigorating read for representatives of international institutions working on urban policies and development, as well as urban activists looking for a more in-depth study of the field.

Handbuch Rechtsphilosophie

Was ist das Recht überhaupt und wie unterscheidet es sich von anderen Regelungssystemen? Wie groß ist der Einfluss der Philosophie auf das Recht und umgekehrt? Und wie grenzt es sich von Moral ab? Das Handbuch gibt einen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Rechtsbegriffe, -bereiche und -theorien. Es widmet sich der Geschichte der Rechtsphilosophie und den Hauptvertretern von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, den Begründungen und der Legitimität von Recht sowie den Methoden der Auslegung des Rechts und der Gesetze. Die enge Verzahnung von Recht und Philosophie wird insbesondere anhand zentraler Konzepte verdeutlicht, wie z.B. dem der Person, der Menschenwürde und der Menschenrechte, von Freiheit, Gleichheit, Schuld und Verantwortung, Zurechnung und Gerechtigkeit. Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Handbuch umfassend aktualisiert und um Kapitel zu den Themen Gewaltenteilung, Institutionen, Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion von Geschlecht sowie Rechtskritik erweitert. Ein Personen- und ein Sachregister ermöglichen eine systematische Beschäftigung mit der komplexen Materie.

Handbuch Sprachphilosophie

Wie hängt Sprache mit dem Denken zusammen? Ermöglicht oder verhindert sie es, die Wahrheit zu erfassen? Welche Rolle spielt sie für die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation? - Dieses Handbuch skizziert die Wurzeln der Sprachphilosophie in Antike und Mittelalter, stellt zentrale Strömungen vor (Strukturalismus, Phänomenologie, Pragmatismus etc.) und beschreibt grundlegende Ausdrücke sowie ihre Funktionen (Proposition, Kennzeichnung, Eigennamen etc.). Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen bedeutungstheoretische Ansätze der analytischen Sprachphilosophie, der heute vorherrschenden Herangehensweise. Weitere Kapitel beschreiben zentrale Merkmale der Sprache (Analytizität, Normativität, Kompositionalität, Konventionalität, Vagheit, Metaphorik etc.).

Handbuch Technikethik

Technischer Fortschritt verlangt Verantwortung. Bei der Energieerzeugung, in der Medizin- und Militärtechnik, der Neurotechnik oder in der Raumfahrt Ethikfragen stellen sich in vielen Bereichen, in denen eine rasante technische Entwicklung stattfindet. Ist diese richtig und gut? Um das entscheiden zu können, müssen Chancen und Risiken, Gefahren und Sicherheit, Fortschritt und Verantwortung bedacht und beurteilt werden. Das Handbuch präsentiert die verschiedenen Technikfelder, klärt die zentralen Begriffe und stellt die ethisch-philosophischen Grundlagen der Technikethik vor. Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Handbuch grundlegend aktualisiert und um 19 neue Kapitel, wie z.B. Autonomisiertes Fahren, Big Data, Additive Verfahren (3D-Druck) und Value Sensitive Design, erweitert.

Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Hans Jonas ist einer der bedeutenden Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Handbuch erklärt die philosophischen, theologischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Kontexte, die sein Denken geprägt haben. Es präsentiert neben Informationen zur Biographie und den zeitgenössischen Bezügen alle wichtigen Werke und gibt Hinweise zu deren internationaler Rezeption in vielen Disziplinen. Zentrale Begriffe und Konzepte im Gesamtwerk von Hans Jonas werden ausführlich erklärt (z.B. Gnosis, Leben, Macht, Freiheit, Verantwortung, Technologie, Gott). Das internationale Autorenteam der über 50 Expertinnen und Experten aus fast 20 Ländern zeigt nicht nur das bis heute weltweite Interesse am Werk von Jonas. Sie eröffnen mit ihren Beiträgen auch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Perspektiven auf sein Denken.

Hermann Schweppenhäuser: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 1 (Gesammelte Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser)

Der erste Band der Gesammelten Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser enthält Studien und Abhandlungen über Sprache, Literatur und Kunst, die zuerst im Zeitraum zwischen 1957 und 2007 publiziert wurden. Dazu gehören Schweppenhäusers Frankfurter Dissertation über Heideggers Theorie der Sprache; ein berühmter, lange nicht mehr erhältlicher Lexikonartikel zur Sprachphilosophie; kürzere Abhandlungen zum Sprachbegriff bei Benjamin, Adorno und Horkheimer; Aufsätze zu ästhetischen Themen (u.a. mit Blick auf Benjamin, Adorno und Aby Warburg) sowie Essays über Johann Gottfried Seume, Friedrich Maximilian Klinger, Hermann Hesse, Stefan George und Botho Strauß. Außerdem wird hier erstmals eine Arbeit über Sprachsoziologie veröffentlicht, die ursprünglich für die Soziologischen Exkurse des Instituts für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt geschrieben worden war, dann aber nicht in den 1956 erschienenen Band aufgenommen wurde.

The History of Cartography, Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment (The History of Cartography #4)

Since its launch in 1987, the History of Cartography series has garnered critical acclaim and sparked a new generation of interdisciplinary scholarship. Cartography in the European Enlightenment, the highly anticipated fourth volume, offers a comprehensive overview of the cartographic practices of Europeans, Russians, and the Ottomans, both at home and in overseas territories, from 1650 to 1800. The social and intellectual changes that swept Enlightenment Europe also transformed many of its mapmaking practices. A new emphasis on geometric principles gave rise to improved tools for measuring and mapping the world, even as large-scale cartographic projects became possible under the aegis of powerful states. Yet older mapping practices persisted: Enlightenment cartography encompassed a wide variety of processes for making, circulating, and using maps of different types. The volume’s more than four hundred encyclopedic articles explore the era’s mapping, covering topics both detailed—such as geodetic surveying, thematic mapping, and map collecting—and broad, such as women and cartography, cartography and the economy, and the art and design of maps. Copious bibliographical references and nearly one thousand full-color illustrations complement the detailed entries.

A History Of Early Television Vol 1

In the 21st Century, broadcast television is an established part of the lives of many millions of people all over the world, bringing information and entertainment directly into our homes. The pieces in this volume date from 1879 to 1934 and consist of a selection of books, articles and news items relating to the first developmental period of television, before it became the ubiquitous medium that we know today. The selection is English language material only.

A History of the U.S. Political System [3 volumes]: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions [3 volumes]

This reference resource combines unique historical analysis, scholarly essays, and primary source documents to explore the evolution of ideas and institutions that have shaped American government and Americans' political behavior.One of the most active and revealing approaches to research into the American political system is one that focuses on political development, an approach that combines the tools of the political scientist and the historian. A History of the U.S. Political System: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions is the first comprehensive resource that uses this approach to explore the evolution of the American political system from the adoption of the Constitution to the present.A History of the U.S. Political System is a three-volume collection of original essays and primary documents that examines the ideas, institutions, and policies that have shaped American government and politics throughout its history. The first volume is issues-oriented, covering governmental and nongovernmental institutions as well as key policy areas. The second volume examines America's political development historically, surveying its dynamic government era by era. Volume three is a collection of documentary materials that supplement and enhance the reader's experience with the other volumes.

Homo technologicus: Menschenbilder in den Technikwissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts (Anthropologie – Technikphilosophie – Gesellschaft)

Das vorliegende Buch zielt darauf ab, die verschiedenen Konzeptionen des „Menschen“, die eng mit der Produktion von anthropologischem Wissen in einem technowissenschaftlichen Umfeld verbunden sind, zu untersuchen. Hierfür sollen historische und philosophische Perspektiven auf die anthropologische Frage, die den Technowissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts innewohnt, zusammen gebracht werden und ein Beitrag zur aktuellen historischen und philosophischen Debatte über die kognitiven, produktiven und anthropologischen Modi geleistet werden. Die unterschiedlichen Problematisierungen, die dabei relevant sind, drehen sich um die Fragen: Ist die technowissenschaftliche Wissensproduktion immer mit einem bestimmten Bild des Menschen verbunden? Inwieweit sind die zugeschriebenen Eigenschaften des Menschen konstitutiv für die Entwicklung der Technowissenschaft? Welche Rolle spielt das (vergeschlechtlichte) Konzept „Mensch“ in den modernen Wissenschaften? Und wie ändert sich das Menschenbild epistemologisch und praktisch?

How to Get Published in the Best Tourism Journals (How To Guides)

Drawing on a wealth of knowledge and experience from leading tourism academics and journal editors, this practical How To guide offers clear-sighted advice on how to craft a high-quality paper in terms of contribution, positioning and submission. Accessible and comprehensive, it demystifies the process of getting published in the top tourism journals.This insightful book begins by mapping out the tourism publishing landscape, before delving into the various methods of building a refereed journal paper and navigating tourism publishers. Chapters dissect contemporary publishing issues, including gender inequality, ethics and integrity, and the dominance of English language publishing. Finally, contributors outline the essential role of publishing in shaping an academic career in tourism, especially in securing jobs, obtaining grant funding and creating pathways for career progression.How to Get Published in the Best Tourism Journals offers an insider perspective and practical advice while posing questions about the future of tourism publishing in the light of developments such as AI and Open Access. It will prove an essential resource to enhance journal publication success for tourism PhD students, as well as tourism academics at all career stages.

The I.B.Tauris Handbook of Sociology and the Middle East (I B Tauris Handbooks)

What we understand by the 'Middle East' has changed over time and across space. While scholars agree that the geographical 'core' of the Middle East is the Arabian Peninsula, the boundaries are less clear. How far back in time should we go to define the Middle East? How far south and east should we move on the African continent? And how do we deal with the minority religions in the region, and those who migrate to the West? Across this handbook's 52 chapters, the leading sociologists writing on the Middle East share their standpoint on these questions. Taking the featured scholars as constitutive of the field, the handbook reshapes studies on the region by piecing together our knowledge on the Middle East from their path-defining contributions. The volume is divided into four parts covering sociologists' perspectives on:· Social transformations and social conflict; from Israel-Palestine and the Iranian Revolution, to the Arab Uprisings and the Syrian War · The region's economic, religious and political activities; including the impact of the spread of Western modernity; the effects of neo-liberalism; and how Islam shapes the region's life and politics · People's everyday practices as they have shaped our understanding of culture, consumption, gender and sexuality · The diasporas from the Middle East in Europe and North America, which put the Middle East in dialogue with other regions of the world.The global approach and wide-ranging topics represent how sociologists enable us to redefine the boundaries and identities of the Middle East today.

i in the sky: Visions of the Information Future

i in the sky is a collection of essays by over 40 experts, including leading writers Charles Handy and Don Tapscott, giving their personal vision of the future of information. Information here is given its widest meaning and includes such subjects as the Internet, electronic commerce, cybernetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and even computers as fashion accessories.Information as a phenomenon pervades all areas of life and its evolution has consequences for everyone. Many of the papers have central themes such as the future of computer intelligence, library and information services, interactive Internet marketing, and networked learning in higher education. One paper links the technology enabling remote and online communication to the deconstruction of the corporation and the rise of flexible working. Professor Kevin Warwick writes about cybernetics and artificial intelligence, and describes an experiment involving a surgically implanted computer chip in his arm. Other papers deal with scholarly communication, smart houses and intelligent appliances. Two of the chapters are written as fiction, one by contemporary fantasy writer, Lise Leroux, who paints a menacing vision of human error in a tale of virtual reality.

Icons of Black America [3 volumes]: Breaking Barriers and Crossing Boundaries [3 volumes] (Greenwood Icons)

This stunning collection of essays illuminates the lives and legacies of the most famous and powerful individuals, groups, and institutions in African American history.The three-volume Icons of Black America: Breaking Barriers and Crossing Boundaries is an exhaustive treatment of 100 African American people, groups, and organizations, viewed from a variety of perspectives. The alphabetically arranged entries illuminate the history of highly successful and influential individuals who have transcended mere celebrity to become representatives of their time. It offers analysis and perspective on some of the most influential black people, organizations, and institutions in American history, from the late 19th century to the present.Each chapter is a detailed exploration of the life and legacy of an individual icon. Through these portraits, readers will discover how these icons have shaped, and been shaped by, the dynamism of American culture, as well as the extent to which modern mass media and popular culture have contributed to the rise, and sometimes fall, of these powerful symbols of individual and group excellence.

Icons of the American Comic Book [2 volumes]: From Captain America to Wonder Woman [2 volumes] (Greenwood Icons)

This book explores how the heroes and villains of popular comic books—and the creators of these icons of our culture—reflect the American experience out of which they sprang, and how they have achieved relevance by adapting to, and perhaps influencing, the evolving American character.Multiple generations have thrilled to the exploits of the heroes and villains of American comic books. These imaginary characters permeate our culture—even Americans who have never read a comic book grasp what the most well-known examples represent. But these comic book characters, and their creators, do more than simply thrill: they make us consider who we are and who we aspire to be.Icons of the American Comic Book: From Captain America to Wonder Woman contains 100 entries that provide historical background, explore the impact of the comic-book character on American culture, and summarize what is iconic about the subject of the entry. Each entry also lists essential works, suggests further readings, and contains at least one sidebar that provides entertaining and often quirky insight not covered in the main entry. This two-volume work examines fascinating subjects, such as how the superhero concept embodied the essence of American culture in the 1930s; and the ways in which comic book icons have evolved to reflect changing circumstances, values, and attitudes regarding cultural diversity. The book's coverage extends beyond just characters, as it also includes entries devoted to creators, publishers, titles, and even comic book related phenomena that have had enduring significance.

Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to his Conceptual Comics (Routledge Advances in Comics Studies)

This book takes an interdisciplinary and diverse critical look at the work of comic artist Ilan Manouach, situating it within the avant-garde movement more broadly. An international team of authors engages with the topic from diverse theoretical approaches, from traditional narratology and aesthetic close readings of some of Manouach's books, engaging with comics' own distinctive history, modes of production, circulation and reception, to perspectives from disability studies, post-colonial studies, technological criticism, media ecology, ontography, posthumanist philosophy, and issues of materiality and media specificity. This innovative and timely volume will interest students and scholars of comic studies, media studies, media ecology, literature, cultural studies, and visual studies.

Implementation von Gerichtsentscheidungen (Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie #11)

Die Frage, wie Gerichtsentscheidungen in die bestehende Struktur des Verhaltens vor Gerichten, Verwaltungen und Bürgern "eingepflanzt" werden, ist noch wenig bearbeitet. Nicht zuletzt bereitet es Probleme, den einzelnen Gerichtszweigen Implementationsstruktur, -akteure und -agenturen zuzuordnen. Die Probleme werden in den Beiträgen des Jahrbuchs anhand exemplarischer Forschungen dargestellt und analysiert.

Inclusion Emergency: Diversity in architecture

Architecture is at a tipping point. Voices of the under-represented have been increasing in volume and are agitated for change. If we don’t collectively listen, re-adjust and change our future outlook, we limit the potential relevance of the profession in today’s society and, ultimately, the places we create. Capturing insight from leading voices in the profession, this book encourages understanding, reflection and addresses critical questions, providing steps towards meaningful change. It will help those who are under-represented to find role models, context and tools & to be confident, supported and valued. Building understanding for those more privileged to acknowledge bias, it will enable mitigation and awareness of the issues to encourage meaningful action. This is a call for change. Now.

Intersectionality in Educational Research

The purpose of this work is to advance understanding of intersectional theory and its application to research in education. The scholars whose work appear in this volume utilize intersectional theory and research methods to work in fields and disciplines such as Education, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Africana Studies, Human Development, Higher Education Administration, Leadership Studies, and Justice Studies. The book illustrates how intersectional theory can be used in both quantitative and qualitative education research on college student access and success, faculty satisfaction and professional development, and K-12 educational issues such as high school dropouts and bullying. This book is unique, as no other book ties intersectionality to the research process.Key Features:* Readers will learn the basic tenets of intersectionality and how it can be useful in education research.* Readers will learn how intersectionality can be used to analyze both quantitative (large scale survey) and qualitative (interview, participant observation, and ethnographic) data.* Lastly, readers will learn how intersectionality can be particularly useful in examining the experiences of diverse groups of students attending elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, and faculty working at post-secondary institutions.Intersectionality is increasingly being used in research and education. This theory holds great promise in exploring students’ experiences in terms of access, success, and outcomes for marginalized groups. In essence, application of the theory promotes critical complex thinking regarding the intersectionality of race, class, and gender and their outcomes.

Islam in the World Today: A Handbook of Politics, Religion, Culture, and Society

Considered the most authoritative single-volume reference work on Islam in the contemporary world, the German-language Der Islam in der Gegenwart, currently in its fifth edition, offers a wealth of authoritative information on the religious, political, social, and cultural life of Islamic nations and of Islamic immigrant communities elsewhere. Now, Cornell University Press is making this invaluable resource accessible to English-language readers. More current than the latest German edition on which it is based, Islam in the World Today covers a comprehensive array of topics in concise essays by some of the world's leading experts on Islam, including:• the history of Islam from the earliest years through the twentieth century, with particular attention to Sunni and Shi'i Islam and Islamic revival movements during the last three centuries;• data on the advance of Islam along with current population statistics;• Muslim ideas on modern economics, on social order, and on attempts to modernize Islamic law (shari'a) and apply it in contemporary Muslim societies;• Islam in diaspora, especially the situation in Europe and America;• secularism, democracy, and human rights; and• women in IslamTwenty-four essays are each devoted to a specific Muslim country or a country with significant Muslim minorities, spanning Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. Additional essays illuminate Islamic culture, exploring local traditions; the languages and dialects of Muslim peoples; and art, architecture, and literature. Detailed bibliographies and indexes ensure the book's usefulness as a reference work.

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