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Showing 14,126 through 14,150 of 14,221 results

Helping Students Take Control of Everyday Executive Functions: The Attention Fix

by Paula Moraine

This book presents an innovative model for strengthening and developing executive function in any student, including those with attention, memory, organization, planning, inhibition, initiative, and flexibility difficulties. It provides guidance on how to support each student's evolving executive function.

Party Planning for Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum: How to Avoid Meltdowns and Have Fun!

by Kate E Reynolds

This book highlights the aspects of parties that can cause anxiety for those on the autism spectrum and outlines practical solutions to these issues. It covers party invitations, prizes, food and venues, with chapters suggesting activities for age groups 2-8, 9-12 and teenagers and will enable caregivers to plan stress free parties with ease.

Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder: The STAMP Treatment Manual

by Angela Scarpa Anthony Wells Dr Anthony Attwood

The Stress and Anger Management Program (STAMP) uses a cognitive behavioral approach to encourage children who suffer from mood difficulties to explore and control their emotions. This practical manual outlines a dynamic and effective 9-session program designed specifically for young children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome.

Autism and Flexischooling: A Shared Classroom and Homeschooling Approach

by Clare Lawrence

The book explains this successful alternative to full time school or full time home education for students with ASD. It includes evaluating whether the option is right for your child, organising the arrangement effectively with the school and ensuring that curriculum and examination goals are met, with examples from primary and secondary level.

Getting into the Game: Sports Programs for Kids with Autism

by Veronica Smith Stephanie Patterson

This book will help families, clinicians and coaches support children with autism in taking their first steps into sport and recreation. It details six sports: cycling, ice skating, swimming, soccer, taekwondo and tennis and offers all the advice and support needed to help get kids with autism engaged in fun and positive sport environments.

A Friend's and Relative's Guide to Supporting the Family with Autism: How Can I Help?

by Ann Palmer

This book explains the nature of autism and the likely challenges a family will face when their child is diagnosed. It is full of advice on how extended family members and friends can provide the necessary help, including practical ways they can make the family's daily life easier and help to establish a reliable support system for the child.

Asperkids: An Insider's Guide to Loving, Understanding and Teaching Children with Asperger Syndrome

by Jennifer Cook

Asperkids is an insider's guide full of effective and fun methods for engaging with children with Asperger Syndrome. Award-winning Aspie, teacher and parent, Jennifer O'Toole discusses theory of mind, communication, sensory difficulties, and how to use a child's special interests to encourage academic, social, and emotional growth.

What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships

by Maxine Aston

Many Asperger men are confused and bewildered by women, dating and relationships and find it hard to know how to get it right. This practical handbook provides many of the answers to their key questions about women and dating, helping them to understand how to have successful relationships.

Asperger's Syndrome - That Explains Everything: Strategies for Education, Life and Just About Everything Else

by Stephen Bradshaw

This book clearly explains proven and practical approaches in education and care that will enable young people with AS to thrive. The author uses anecdotes from his extensive teaching experience to illustrate potential problems relating to anxiety, communication, social rules, relationships and classroom behaviour, and put forward solutions.

Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Overcoming the Challenges and Celebrating the Gifts

by Eileen Riley-Hall

Each chapter in this book explores a topic of concern for parents of children on the autism spectrum, offering support on issues such as school, friendships, meltdowns, special gifts, therapies and interventions. This book is full of advice and insight on the unique and rewarding challenges presented when you have a daughter on the autism spectrum.

Made for Good Purpose: What Every Parent Needs to Know to Help Their Adolescent with Asperger's, High Functioning Autism or a Learning Difference Become an Independent Adult

by Michael McManmon

Filled with practical advice and useful techniques, this book helps parents support their child with Asperger's Syndrome to make the transition from adolescent to happy, confident, and engaged adult. With this essential guide, young Aspies can achieve independence and learn life-long skills for succeeding in college, work, relationships, and more.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Life Span

by Digby Tantam

This book contains the latest research on assessment, diagnosis, treatment, intervention and support of individuals with ASD, and examines their implications at various stages of life. A wide range of neurological, genetic, psychological, developmental, social, and emotional issues are covered.

Autism, Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: An Altered Perspective

by Anthony Malone Barbara H. Quinn

This book sets out what it means for a child to be diagnosed with ASD, PDD (NOS), autism or Asperger Syndrome, and where parents should go from there. It describes the signs and symptoms, how a child fits the diagnostic terminology and what the diagnostic procedures involve. Associated disorders, treatments, and educational approaches are reviewed.

Raising Martians - from Crash-landing to Leaving Home: How to Help a Child with Asperger Syndrome or High-functioning Autism

by Joshua Muggleton

As a young person with Asperger's Syndrome, Joshua Muggleton has been through his fair share of trials and tribulations: from friendships and social situations, to obsessions and sensory issues. Here he combines his personal experience into what it means to have AS with insights and practical advice to produce an invaluable guide for parents.

Working with Parents of a Newly Diagnosed Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for Professionals


This book sets out the type of support that is most beneficial to families following an ASD diagnosis, and equips professionals with the information and tools they need to provide that support. It is an essential resource for any professional involved in supporting families at the time of, or immediately following, an ASD diagnosis.

Safety Skills for Asperger Women: How to Save a Perfectly Good Female Life

by Liane Holliday Willey

This insightful and inspirational companion for females with Asperger's Syndrome will aid them in negotiating daily struggles and staying safe. It discusses a variety of social situations and issues such as bullying, self-harm, depression, and eating disorders and encourages readers to recognize that they can live happy, full and independent lives.

The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome

by Susan J. Moreno Keelah Parkinson Marci Wheeler

Drawing on interviews with over 100 people in NS/AS relationships, as well as on the authors' own experiences, this supportive book will give NS partners a better understanding of NS/AS relationships, and of what other NS partners have found to be helpful in terms of better understanding themselves and their partners.

Social Enjoyment Groups for Children, Teens and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guiding Toward Growth

by John Merges

Merges' program is based on the concept that there are 10 hurdles that make it challenging for people with ASD to enjoy social interaction. This book guides the reader through planning, running, and assessing group sessions designed to help participants overcome these hurdles, and ultimately enjoy more independent and fulfilling lives.

Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions through Everyday Transitions: Small Changes - Big Challenges

by John Smith Bob Smith Jane Donlan

Facing any type of change can cause confusion and anxiety for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. This book looks at the changes in everyday life that can be a big deal for a child with autism and offers parents simple and effective strategies that make change less of a daily challenge.

Trueman Bradley - Aspie Detective

by Alexei Maxim Russell

Trueman Bradley comes to New York City to fulfil his dream. When he is told a guy with Asperger's Syndrome could never be a successful private detective, he uses his talent for mathematics and, with the help of new friends and some amazing inventions, sets out to prove to everyone that he has the makings of a world class detective.

Business for Aspies: 42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully

by Ashley Stanford

Ashley Stanford addresses all of the issues that can arise once a person with AS secures employment, through the eyes of both employee and employer. Describing what might be expected of any employee, she offers helpful tips and workarounds not only to enable AS individuals achieve their fullest potential, but to take advantage of their strengths.

Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

by Virginia S. Cowen

Massage techniques are widely and effectively used in treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to address sensory issues, motor problems and touch receptivity. This book is the perfect resource to find a therapy - or combination of therapies - to suit the individual needs of each child.

From Anxiety to Meltdown: How Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Deal with Anxiety, Experience Meltdowns, Manifest Tantrums, and How You Can Intervene Effectively

by Deborah Lipsky

Drawing on her own experience and using examples to explain how autistic people think, the author distinguishes between meltdowns and tantrums, showing how each begins, and most importantly, how to identify triggers and prevent outbursts from happening in the first place. Practical and simple solutions to avoiding anxiety are offered throughout.

Learning About Friendship: Stories to Support Social Skills Training in Children with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism

by Kay Al-Ghani

This collection of 10 fully-illustrated stories explores friendship issues encountered by children with ASD aged 4-8 and looks at how they can be overcome successfully. Key areas are addressed, including sharing, taking turns, being a tattletale, obsessions, winning and losing, jealousy, personal space, tact and diplomacy, and defining friendship.

Rising to New Heights of Communication and Learning for Children with Autism: The Definitive Guide to Using Alternative-Augmentative Communication, Visual Strategies, and Learning Supports at Home and School

by Carol Spears Vicki Turner

Exploring the various communication and intervention options available, this book clearly explains everything families, teachers, therapists and other professionals need to know in order to improve a child's communication, behaviour, social and academic skills. Chapters follow a consistent, user-friendly format.

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