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97,196 Words: Essays

by Emmanuel Carrère

*The first collection of essays in English from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Adversary*Over the course of his career, Emmanuel Carrère has reinvented non-fiction writing. In a search for truth in all its guises, he dispenses with the rules of genre. For him, no form is out of reach: theology, historiography, reportage and memoir – among many others – are fused under the pressure of an inimitable combination of passion, curiosity and intellect that has made Carrère one of our most distinctive and important literary voices today.97,196 Words introduces Carrère's shorter work to an English-language audience. Featuring more than thirty extraordinary texts written over an illustrious twenty-five-year period of Carrère's creative life, the book shows a remarkable mind at work. Spanning continents, histories, and personal relationships, 97,196 Words considers the divides between truth, reality and our shared humanity, exploring remarkable events and eccentric lives, including Carrère's own.

A. J. Appasamy and his Reading of Rāmānuja: A Comparative Study in Divine Embodiment (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs)

by Brian Philip Dunn

In this work, Brian Philip Dunn focuses on the embodiment theology of the South Indian theologian, A. J. Appasamy (1891-1975). Appasamy developed what he called a 'bhakti' (devotional) approach to Christian theology, bringing his own primary text, the Gospel of John, into comparative interaction with the writings of the Hindu philosopher and theologian, Rāmānuja. Dunn's exposition here is of Appasamy's distinctive adaptation of Rāmānuja's 'Body of God' analogy and its application to a bhakti reading of John's Gospel. He argues throughout for the need to locate and understand theological language as embedded and embodied within the narrative and praxis of tradition and, for Appasamy and Rāmānuja, in their respective Anglican and Śrivaiṣṇava settings. Responding to Appasamy, Dunn proposes that the primary Johannine referent for divine embodiment is the temple and considers recent scholarship on Johannine 'temple Christology' in light of Śrivaiṣṇava conceptions of the temple and the temple deity. He then offers a constructive reading of the text as a temple procession, a heuristic device that can be newly considered in both comparative and devotional contexts today.

An A-Z of Feminist Theology (Religious Studies: Bloomsbury Academic Collections)

by Lisa Isherwood Dorothea McEwan

This exciting volume brings together a wide range of perspectives on one of the most important and challenging areas of modern theology. There are entries on all the major themes of Christian feminist theology, including models of God and of the Church, ethics and spirituality, sexuality and liberation. Many of the entries push their respective discussions beyond the rigid boundaries of previous theological discourse. Together they present the far-reaching concerns of feminist theology in an accessible and stimulating way. The compendium is both a resource and an inspiration for scholars and students of feminist theology and for all those who are interested in this field of reflection and activity.

ABCs of Christianity: An Outline for Living in the "Now" and Relating to God

by Terdema Ussery

THE ABCs OF CHRISTIANITY is a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the religion of Jesus, presented so today's generation will understand the Bible and experience the gift of knowing God. Yes, this is Grandma's religion. The underpinnings are the same rock solid concepts taught for 2,000 years. But this book is what texting is to ancient scrolls with each concept presented in concise, almost outline, form. Every doctrine is further referenced by Scripture, allowing readers to use the Bible translation of their choice-whether it be a leather-bound King James Version on onion-skin paper, a Biblical translation app, (on phone or tablet), or favorite spirituality Internet site. Stripped of anecdotes, wordsmithing, and other mechanics used to communicate biblical truth, this handbook is meant to serve all who wish to live in the now and experience the gift of actively knowing God.

Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics

by James Hitchcock

Throughout its history the Catholic Church has taken positions on many subjects that are in one sense political, but in another sense are primarily moral, such as contraception, homosexuality, and divorce. One such issue, abortion, has split not only the United States, but Catholics as well. Catholics had to confront these issues within the framework of a democratic society that had no official religion. Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics is a study of opposing American Catholic approaches to abortion, especially in terms of laws and government policies. After the ruling of Roe vs. Wade, many pro-life advocates no longer felt their sentiments and moral code aligned with Democrats. For the first time, Catholics, as an entire group, became involved in U.S. politics. Abortion became one of the principal points of division in American Catholicism: a widening split between liberal Catholic Democrats who sought to minimize the issue and other Catholics, many of them politically liberal, whose pro-life commitments caused them to support Republicans. James Hitchcock discusses the 2016 presidential campaign and how it altered an already changed political landscape. He also examines the Affordable Care Act, LGBT rights, and the questions they raise about religious liberty.

Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics

by James Hitchcock

Throughout its history the Catholic Church has taken positions on many subjects that are in one sense political, but in another sense are primarily moral, such as contraception, homosexuality, and divorce. One such issue, abortion, has split not only the United States, but Catholics as well. Catholics had to confront these issues within the framework of a democratic society that had no official religion. Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics is a study of opposing American Catholic approaches to abortion, especially in terms of laws and government policies. After the ruling of Roe vs. Wade, many pro-life advocates no longer felt their sentiments and moral code aligned with Democrats. For the first time, Catholics, as an entire group, became involved in U.S. politics. Abortion became one of the principal points of division in American Catholicism: a widening split between liberal Catholic Democrats who sought to minimize the issue and other Catholics, many of them politically liberal, whose pro-life commitments caused them to support Republicans. James Hitchcock discusses the 2016 presidential campaign and how it altered an already changed political landscape. He also examines the Affordable Care Act, LGBT rights, and the questions they raise about religious liberty.

Absolute Reality in the Qur'an (Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History)

by Masudul Alam Choudhury

This book studies the absolute reality of the Qur’an, which is signified by the struggle of truth against falsehood in the framework of monotheistic unity of knowledge and the unified world-system induced by the consilience of knowledge. In such a framework the absolute reality reveals itself not by religious dogmatism. Rather, the methodology precisely comprises its distinctive parts. These are namely the ‘primal ontology’ as the foundational explained axiom of monotheistic unity; the ‘secondary ontologies’ as explanatory replications of the law of unity in the particulars of the world-system; ‘epistemology’ as the operational model; and ‘phenomenology’ as the structural nature of events induced by the monotheistic law, that is by knowledge emanating from the law. The imminent methodology remains the unique explanatory reference of all events that take place, advance, and change in continuity across continuums of knowledge, space, and time.

Academic Vocation in the Church and Academy Today: 'And With All Of Your Mind'

by Shaun C. Henson Michael J. Lakey

This book explores the vital, common, yet surprisingly often misunderstood and neglected vocation of people gifted to combine academic and priestly roles in church, church-related, and secular academic contexts. The works of those who unite priestly and academic functions into one vocation have been vital to the Church since its first-century foundations. The Church would have no practically informed theology or liturgy, and arguably no New Testament, if not for individuals who have been as gifted at researching, writing, and teaching as at conventional ministry skills like preaching and pastoral care. With a specific focus on Anglicanism as one useful lens, prominent voices from around the Anglican Communion reflect here on their experiences and expertise in academic-priestly vocation. Including contributions from the UK, USA, and Australia, this book makes a distinctive and timely offering to discussions that must surely continue.

Academic Vocation in the Church and Academy Today: 'And With All Of Your Mind'

by Shaun C. Henson Michael J. Lakey

This book explores the vital, common, yet surprisingly often misunderstood and neglected vocation of people gifted to combine academic and priestly roles in church, church-related, and secular academic contexts. The works of those who unite priestly and academic functions into one vocation have been vital to the Church since its first-century foundations. The Church would have no practically informed theology or liturgy, and arguably no New Testament, if not for individuals who have been as gifted at researching, writing, and teaching as at conventional ministry skills like preaching and pastoral care. With a specific focus on Anglicanism as one useful lens, prominent voices from around the Anglican Communion reflect here on their experiences and expertise in academic-priestly vocation. Including contributions from the UK, USA, and Australia, this book makes a distinctive and timely offering to discussions that must surely continue.

Acedia-Menschen: Todsünde Trägheit – Gefährdeter Lebenssinn (essentials)

by Alfred Bellebaum

Alfred Bellebaum beleuchtet die unterschiedlichen Bedeutungen sowie soziale Ursachen und manifeste soziale und individuelle Folgen von Acedia. Die gängige Übersetzung von Acedia, griech. Wortursprung, lautet Trägheit. Sie zählt zu den Sieben Todsünden – neben Hochmut, Geiz, sexueller Zügellosigkeit, Neid, Völlerei und Zorn. Unangesehen der überlieferten moralalthologischen Deutung im Sinne eines Verlustes der ewigen Seligkeit und des paradiesischen Glücks sind die gemeinten Verhaltensweisen nach wie vor hochaktuell. Durch Übertreibungen gefährden Menschen sich selbst und ihre sozialen Beziehungen. Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall.

Across Legal Lines: Jews and Muslims in Modern Morocco

by Jessica M. Marglin

A previously untold story of Jewish-Muslim relations in modern Morocco, showing how law facilitated Jews’ integration into the broader Moroccan society in which they lived Morocco went through immense upheaval in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Through the experiences of a single Jewish family, Jessica Marglin charts how the law helped Jews to integrate into Muslim society—until colonial reforms abruptly curtailed their legal mobility. Drawing on a broad range of archival documents, Marglin expands our understanding of contemporary relations between Jews and Muslims and changes the way we think about Jewish history, the Middle East, and the nature of legal pluralism.

The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries (Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries)

by Heidi J. Hornik Mikeal C. Parsons

Charting the theological and cultural potency of Acts across the timespan of Christian history, this work of profound scholarship reveals the full extent of the New Testament book’s religious, artistic, literary, and political influence. Reveals the influence of Acts at key turning points in the history of the Christian church Traces the rich and varied artistic and cultural heritage rooted in Acts, from music to literature Analyzes the political significance of the book as a touchstone in the church’s external relations Provides detailed commentary on the exegesis of Acts down the centuries

The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries (Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries)

by Heidi J. Hornik Mikeal C. Parsons

Charting the theological and cultural potency of Acts across the timespan of Christian history, this work of profound scholarship reveals the full extent of the New Testament book’s religious, artistic, literary, and political influence. Reveals the influence of Acts at key turning points in the history of the Christian church Traces the rich and varied artistic and cultural heritage rooted in Acts, from music to literature Analyzes the political significance of the book as a touchstone in the church’s external relations Provides detailed commentary on the exegesis of Acts down the centuries

Acts of the Assassins

by Richard Beard

SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZEA charismatic cult leader is dead. One by one his followers are being assassinated. Enter Gallio.Gallio does counter-insurgency. But the theft of a body he’s supposed to be guarding ruins his career. Years later, the file is reopened when a second body appears. Gallio is called back by headquarters and ordered to track down everyone involved the first time round. The only problem is they keep dying, in ever more grotesque and violent ways. How can Gallio stay ahead of the game when the game keeps changing?

Affect Theory, Shame, and Christian Formation

by Stephanie N. Arel

This book addresses the eclipse of shame in Christian theology by showing how shame emerges in Christian texts and practice in ways that can be neither assimilated into a discourses of guilt nor dissociated from embodiment. Stephanie N. Arel argues that the traditional focus on guilt obscures shame by perpetuating the image of the lonely sinner in guilt. Drawing on recent studies in affect and attachment theories to frame the theological analysis, the text examines the theological anthropological writings of Augustine and Reinhold Niebuhr, the interpretation of empathy by Edith Stein, and moments of touch in Christian praxis. Bringing the affective dynamics of shame to the forefront enables theologians and religious leaders to identify where shame emerges in language and human behavior. The text expands work in trauma theory, providing a multi-layered theological lens for engaging shame and accompanying suffering.

African Pentecostals in Catholic Europe: The Politics Of Presence In The Twenty-first Century

by Annalisa Butticci

Catholic Italy is a destination for migrants from Nigeria and Ghana, who bring their own form of Christianity—Pentecostalism, the most Protestant of Christian faiths. At the heart of Annalisa Butticci’s ethnography is a paradox. Believers on both sides are driven by a desire to find sensuous, material ways to make the divine visible and tangible.

After One-Hundred-and-Twenty: Reflecting on Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition

by Hillel Halkin

After One-Hundred-and-Twenty provides a richly nuanced and deeply personal look at Jewish attitudes and practices regarding death, mourning, and the afterlife as they have existed and evolved from biblical times to today. Taking its title from the Hebrew and Yiddish blessing to live to a ripe old age—Moses is said to have been 120 years old when he died—the book explores how the Bible's original reticence about an afterlife gave way to views about personal judgment and reward after death, the resurrection of the body, and even reincarnation. It examines Talmudic perspectives on grief, burial, and the afterlife, shows how Jewish approaches to death changed in the Middle Ages with thinkers like Maimonides and in the mystical writings of the Zohar, and delves into such things as the origins of the custom of reciting Kaddish for the deceased and beliefs about encountering the dead in visions and dreams.After One-Hundred-and-Twenty is also Hillel Halkin's eloquent and disarmingly candid reflection on his own mortality, the deaths of those he has known and loved, and the comfort he has and has not derived from Jewish tradition.

After One-Hundred-and-Twenty: Reflecting on Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition (PDF)

by Hillel Halkin

After One-Hundred-and-Twenty provides a richly nuanced and deeply personal look at Jewish attitudes and practices regarding death, mourning, and the afterlife as they have existed and evolved from biblical times to today. Taking its title from the Hebrew and Yiddish blessing to live to a ripe old age—Moses is said to have been 120 years old when he died—the book explores how the Bible's original reticence about an afterlife gave way to views about personal judgment and reward after death, the resurrection of the body, and even reincarnation. It examines Talmudic perspectives on grief, burial, and the afterlife, shows how Jewish approaches to death changed in the Middle Ages with thinkers like Maimonides and in the mystical writings of the Zohar, and delves into such things as the origins of the custom of reciting Kaddish for the deceased and beliefs about encountering the dead in visions and dreams.After One-Hundred-and-Twenty is also Hillel Halkin's eloquent and disarmingly candid reflection on his own mortality, the deaths of those he has known and loved, and the comfort he has and has not derived from Jewish tradition.

After World Religions: Reconstructing Religious Studies (Religion in Culture)

by Christopher R Cotter David G. Robertson

The World Religions Paradigm has been the subject of critique and controversy in Religious Studies for many years. After World Religions provides a rationale for overhauling the World Religions curriculum, as well as a roadmap for doing so. The volume offers concise and practical introductions to cutting-edge Religious Studies method and theory, introducing a wide range of pedagogical situations and innovative solutions. An international team of scholars addresses the challenges presented in their different departmental, institutional, and geographical contexts. Instructors developing syllabi will find supplementary reading lists and specific suggestions to help guide their teaching. Students at all levels will find the book an invaluable entry point into an area of ongoing scholarly debate.

After World Religions: Reconstructing Religious Studies (Religion in Culture)

by Christopher R Cotter David G. Robertson

The World Religions Paradigm has been the subject of critique and controversy in Religious Studies for many years. After World Religions provides a rationale for overhauling the World Religions curriculum, as well as a roadmap for doing so. The volume offers concise and practical introductions to cutting-edge Religious Studies method and theory, introducing a wide range of pedagogical situations and innovative solutions. An international team of scholars addresses the challenges presented in their different departmental, institutional, and geographical contexts. Instructors developing syllabi will find supplementary reading lists and specific suggestions to help guide their teaching. Students at all levels will find the book an invaluable entry point into an area of ongoing scholarly debate.

Afterlife: A History of Life after Death

by Philip C. Almond

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come? The end of life has never meant the extinction of hope. People perpetually have yearned for, and often been terrified by, continuance beyond the horizon of mortality. Ranging across time and space, Philip Almond here takes his readers on a remarkable journey to worlds both of torment and delight. He travels to the banks of the Styx, where Charon the grizzled boatman ferries a departing spirit across the river only if a gold obol is first placed for payment on the tongue of its corpse. He transports us to the legendary Isles of the Blessed, walks the hallowed ground of the Elysian Fields and plumbs the murky depths of Tartarus, primordial dungeon of the Titans. The pitiable souls of the damned are seen to clog the soot-filled caverns of Lucifer even as the elect ascend to Paradise. Including medieval fears for the fate of those consumed by cannibals, early modern ideas about the Last Day and modern scientific explorations of the domains of the dead, this first full treatment of the afterlife in Western thought evokes many rich imaginings of Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Limb

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