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Showing 2,201 through 2,225 of 40,631 results

The Law of Karma: A Philosophical Study (Library of Philosophy and Religion)

by Bruce Reichenbach

An examination of the law of karma approached as a philosophical thesis important in its own right and as a unifying concept within certain religious-philosophical systems. The author includes ideas expressed in the 20th century as well as those found in classical Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

The Life And Death Of Krishnamurti

by Mary Lutyens

J Krishnamurti (1896-1986) was one of the most important spiritual leaders of his time. Discovered by the Theosophist as a boy in India, he was groomed by them as the new Messiah, a role he rejected when he set out independently on his own spiritual quest. Travelling the world, lecturing and teaching, he acquired an enormous following, including many eminent statesmen and intellectuals.As one of Krishnamurti’s closest friends and devotees, Mary Lutyens is uniquely qualified to write his biography. Indeed, she has written three previous volumes on him, but only after his death in 1986 did she feel able to produce this book, bringing the life and philosophy of this fascinating and complex man into true perspective.

Markets and Ideology in the City of London

by David Lazar

Markets and Ideology in the City of London is the first fieldwork-based sociological study of how participants in City of London financial markets view the markets in which they work and the market mechanism in general. But it is more than a narrow study of financial market participants because it is also an empirical investigation into how ideologies function and it develops a critique of pro-market ideologies such as 'Thatcherism'. Finally, it is one of a small number of sociological studies into the privileged world of high earners and the wealthy - sociologists too frequently study the powerless and the 'deviant' or 'marginal' groups.

Mastering Philosophy

by Anthony Harrison-Barbet

A complete, self-contained course for individual study or classroom use at an accessible price. Mastering Philosophy is suitable for A level and International Baccalaureate courses, as well as for the general interest reader. The book looks at the themes and problems through the writings of major philosophers and provides guided answers and a glossary of terms. An ideal introduction to this fascinating subject.

Matthew's Inclusive Story: A Study in the Narrative Rhetoric of the First Gospel (The Library of New Testament Studies #42)

by David B. Howell

Matthew has been described as an 'inclusive story', in which the experiences of the evangelist's post-Easter church are inscribed in the story of Jesus' earthly ministry. This book explores the inclusive nature of the Gospel by means of reader-response literary criticism. Some recent redaction studies of Matthew are reviewed from the perspective of reader-response criticism. Then, in an attempt to understand the interpretative moves readers make, Matthew's story, story-teller and audience are examined.

Matthew's Missionary Discourse: A Literary-Critical Analysis (The Library of New Testament Studies #38)

by Dorothy Jean Weaver

This book offers a distinctive solution to the interpretative difficulties surrounding Matthew's Missionary Discourse. While the discourse proper lies within a narrative framework designating the setting of its delivery, the outlined mission does not at all points agree with the designated setting. Weaver shifts attention from historical-critical to literary-critical concerns. Rather than focusing on the historical setting(s) of the disciples' mission(s), she analyses the role of Mt. 9.35-11.1 within its literary setting in the Gospel and assesses the impact of this text on the reader of the Gospel.

My Dear Child: Listening to God's Heart

by Colin Urquhart

These inspired meditations reveal the true heart of God's love for us, and will help us understand some of the deeper mysteries of his nature.Says Colin Urquhart: 'The Lord wanted to open his heart to me about himself, revealing several aspects of his nature - not only about love, grace and mercy, but also about wrath, justice and judgement. I now have a greater understanding of who God is and the nature of his love for each of his children. Through this book I believe many will experience God speaking to their hearts concerning issues which are of deep and immediate concern to them.'

The Nathan Narratives (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Gwilym H. Jones

The three Nathan narratives in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings, are given detailed consideration in this fascinating study. A persuasive attempt is made to reconstruct the original form of the traditions and to trace the modifications made to them before they were finally accepted into the Succession Narrative. The original Nathan, a court official and chief spokesman for the Jebusite group, sought a working compromise between the original Jebusite inhabitants of Jerusalem and its new Israelite settlers. After accepting service under King David, Nathan tried to secure the best he could for the Jebusites in this new situation. When this tradition was expanded, modified and theologized, the consistent Nathan of early tradition became a complex character, and almost appears as a dual personality: the diplomatic court prophet of the original narrative became an outspoken prophet of Yahweh in the 'theological' accounts of his activities.

The New Testament In Scots: The New Testament In Scots (Canongate Classics #103)

by William L. Lorimer

Edited by Robin Lorimer, and with a new introduction by James Robertson. The Greek scholar William Lorimer spent the last ten years of his life working on this project. Each Gospel has a different form of Scots to match the different forms of Greek used by the various apostles and scribes, and the vigour and immediacy of the language is everywhere apparent. Transcribed, edited and published by his son Robin Lorimer, this scholarly and dramatically fresh reading of an already familiar text caused a sensation when it first appeared in 1983. Beyond the poetry of the King James version, here are the voices of the disciples themselves, speaking, as they undoubtedly did, in 'plain braid Galilee'.

The Noble Death: Graeco-Roman Martyrology and Paul's Concept of Salvation (The Library of New Testament Studies #28)

by David Seeley

For Paul, Jesus' death is vicarious. But in what way, precisely? The author critically reviews the various possibilities, offering evidence that in Paul's thought Jesus is understood as fulfilling a martyr's role rather than as a cultic sacrifice or as patterned after biblical models such as the Suffering Servant or the Isaac figure. The essential aspects of the concept of the Noble Death, found in the martyr stories of 2 and 4 Maccabees and in Graeco-Roman literature, are clearly discernible also in Paul's interpretation of the death of Jesus. Paul was very much a man of his time, and the concept was a natural one for him to use in relation to Jesus' death.

The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth

by Neil Forsyth

The description for this book, The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth, will be forthcoming.

The Old Man and Mr. Smith

by Peter Ustinov

From the late and great Peter Ustinov comes a story full of wit, satire and insight.An increasingly decrepit God and a merely ill-tempered Satan are reconciled and attempt a mission to Earth, where their misadventures point up the comedy and tragedy of modern life, as they travel to a variety of countries in the guise of the Old Man (God) and Mr. Smith (Satan), with the FBI and Interpol in hot pursuit.

On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Athalya Brenner-Idan Yehuda T. Radday

In comparison with other literary aspects of the Old Testament, humour has suffered much scholarly neglect. The present collection of essays (by the editors and ten other authors) argues that humour is plentiful in biblical literature and that many passages, indeed even whole books, can be properly understood only when the humorous intention of the author is acknowledged. This collection is a particularly interesting, innovative and provocative one.

The Penguin History of the Church: The Church in an Age of Revolution (Church In An Age Of Revolution Ser. #Vol. 7)

by Alec Vidler

The French Revolution dealt a fatal blow to the alliance of Church and State. The Christian church had to adapt to great changes - from the social upheavals of the Industrial Revolution to the philosophical speculations of Kant's 'Copernican revolution', to Darwin's evolutionary theories. Some Christians were driven to panic and blind reaction, others were inspired to re-interpret their faith; the results of this conflict within the fabric of the Church are still reverberating today. In this masterly appraisal of a doubt-ridden and turbulent period in Christianity Alec Vidler concludes with a discussion of the position of the Church in modern times and expertly answers the question: 'Has the Church stood up to the Age of Revolution?'

The Penguin History of the Church: The Reformation (Hist Of The Church Ser. #3)

by Owen Chadwick

The beginning the sixteenth century brought growing pressure within the Western Church for Reformation. The popes could not hold Western Christendom together and there was confusion about Church reform. What some believed to be abuses, others found acceptable. Nevertheless over the years three aims emerged: to reform the exactions of churchmen, to correct errors of doctrines and to improve the moral awareness of society. As a result, Western Europe divided into a Catholic South and Protestant North. Across the no man's land between them were fought the bitterest wars of religion in Christian historyThis third volume of ‘The Penguin History of the Church’ deals with the formative work of Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin, and analyses the special circumstances of the English Reformation as well as the Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation

The Penguin History of the Church: Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (Penguin History Of The Church Ser. #Vol. 2)

by R. Southern

The history of the Western church in the Middle Ages is the history of the most elaborate and thoroughly integrated system of religious thought and practice the world has ever known. It is also the history of European society during eight hundred years of sometimes rapid change. This authoritative history shows how the concept of an organized human society, both religious and secular, as an expression of a divinely ordered universe, was central to medieval thought. Professor R. W. Southern’s book covers the period from the eighth to the sixteenth century, highlighting the main features of each medieval age and studying the Papacy, the relations between Rome and her rival Constantinople, the bishops and archbishops and the various religious orders in detail, providing a superb study of the period.

The Persuasive Appeal of the Chronicler: A Rhetorical Analysis (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Rodney K. Duke

Drawing on ancient rhetorical principles, this work brings a novel approach to the exploration of the literary dynamics of the books of Chronicles. Contrary to those who have viewed the Chronicler as ploddy and dull, Duke maintains that the Chronicler understood the historiographical demands of his day. Utilizing traditions, genealogical material, speeches of authoritative characters and paradigmatic portrayal of events and characters, and moving from a cautious inductive presentation of his thesis to a more propositional form of argumentation, the Chronicler retold the story of Israel with skill and artistry.

The Proverbs of Jesus: Issues of History and Rhetoric (The Library of New Testament Studies #35)

by Alan Winton

Was Jesus a prophet of the eschatological Kingdom or a teacher of wisdom? These two characterizations of Jesus appear to be incompatible and, since the last century, the former has dominated our understanding of the Gospels at the expense of the latter. Proverbial sayings in the Synoptics have either been pressed into the service of eschatology-and have thus lost their character as wisdom-or have been disregarded as 'inauthentic', representing a later stage in the tradition. This book offers a critique of the method of historical reconstruction which leads to such conclusions. It also suggests an approach to the rhetoric or function of proverbial sayings, based on pragmatics, which develops the distinction between sense and force and offers some account of the rhetorical strategies involved in the use of proverbs in speech. A final chapter attempts to show how proverbial sayings might be given more significance in our understanding of Jesus' message through a reconsideration of the relationship between wisdom, eschatology and the Kingdom of God.

Psalm Structures: A Study of Psalms with Refrains (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Paul R. Raabe

This study identifies and describes the basic building blocks of a biblical psalm: the levels of colon, verse, strophe and stanza. In this study eleven psalms have been chosen with stanzas that are clearly demarcated by the presence of refrains. Seven of these are analysed thoroughly (Psalms 42-43, 46, 49, 56, 57, 59) and another four more briefly (Psalms 39, 67, 80, 99). This is a timely and closely argued statement of the importance of integrating structure and content in one's interpretation of a psalm.

The Realist Image in Social Science

by D. Layder

A constructive critique and development of the new realist philosophy of social science as it is specifically applied to sociology and social psychology. Dr Layder argues that while the realist project is a move in the right direction (i.e. to provide a viable alternative to positivism), there are certain problems and ambiguities in the realist programme as it now stands. The book confronts these problems and ambiguities in an innovative and controversial way while remaining committed to the general objectives of realism. In so doing the book attempts to go beyond current realist ideas and thereby expand its explanatory base and power.

Reclaiming the High Ground: A Christian Response to Secularism

by Hugh Montefiore

Christianity has been marginalised, no longer considered a serious option for the high ground of contemporary debate. This book seeks to reclaim that high ground by showing the inadequacy of secularism. What is the standing of religious experience? Can love and marriage be adequately explained in secular terms? What values are needed in a technological society? Where can an adequate environmental ethic be found? In facing these vital questions the Christian religion makes an essential contribution.

Religious Aesthetics: A Theological Study of Making and Meaning (Studies in Literature and Religion)

by Frank Burch Brown

This study provides one indication that as aesthetics begins to be reconcieved, which is starting to happen on many fronts, it can play a more significant role both in philosophy and in religious reflection.

The Rhetoric of Romans: Argumentative Constraint and Strategy and Paul's Dialogue with Judaism (The Library of New Testament Studies #45)

by Neil Elliott

The purpose of Romans is addressed here by applying insights from the 'new rhetoric'. Elliott holds that Romans is a paraenetic letter, written to secure the 'obedience of faith' among Gentile Christians. It is within the constraints of that 'rhetorical situation' that the letter's theological argument must be understood. Insights of the new rhetoric are applied to the vexing problem of how to integrate Paul's remarks on Torah and his dialogue with a Jewish interlocutor in chs. 1-4 with the letter's Gentile-Christian audience. Careful attention to rhetorical movement shows that Paul addresses 'the Jew' not in order to challenge his covenantal status, but to present a paradigm by which the righteousness manifest 'in Christ' may be understood under the rubric of the integrity of God.

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