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Showing 32,701 through 32,725 of 40,440 results

Inclusive Judaism: The Changing Face of an Ancient Faith

by David Mitchell Jonathan Romain

One of the best-kept religious secrets has been the revolution that has been quietly taking place within Judaism over the last two decades, as it has sought to grapple with contemporary issues. These include mixed-faith marriages, gay relationships, women's empowerment, declining numbers, atheism and being trans. It has involved a willingness to abandon biblical laws that conflict with modern values. Most ground-breaking of all, it has meant re-defining what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.Inclusive Judaism not only uncovers this religion revolution, but presents a challenge to all people of faith on how best to marry tradition and modernity. The book also reflects the soul-searching that has prompted rabbis to chart a new course, both out of principle and as a practical way of rescuing British Jewry from possible collapse if it did not adapt to the new social trends that affect us all.

Indonesians and Their Arab World: Guided Mobility among Labor Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims

by Mirjam Lücking

Indonesians and Their Arab World explores the ways contemporary Indonesians understand their relationship to the Arab world. Despite being home to the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia exists on the periphery of an Islamic world centered around the Arabian Peninsula. Mirjam Lücking approaches the problem of interpreting the current conservative turn in Indonesian Islam by considering the ways personal relationships, public discourse, and matters of religious self-understanding guide two groups of Indonesians who actually travel to the Arabian Peninsula—labor migrants and Mecca pilgrims—in becoming physically mobile and making their mobility meaningful. This concept, which Lücking calls "guided mobility," reveals that changes in Indonesian Islamic traditions are grounded in domestic social constellations and calls claims of outward Arab influence in Indonesia into question. With three levels of comparison (urban and rural areas, Madura and Central Java, and migrants and pilgrims), this ethnographic case study foregrounds how different regional and socioeconomic contexts determine Indonesians' various engagements with the Arab world.

Inexcusabiles: Salvation and the Virtues of the Pagans in the Early Modern Period (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #229)

by Alberto Frigo

This thought provoking book deals with religious scholarship and important controversies of the early modern period, specifically those relating to the question of the salvation of the pagans and the afterlife. From the Reformation, through the Renaissance and on to the seventeenth and eighteenth century, this was a time when religious scholarship was updated with the discoveries of the New World and colonial expansion. These chapters present new work, shedding light on the interplay of philosophy and theology in key thinkers such as Montaigne, Leibniz, Bayle and Spinoza, but also in less known authors such as Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and Sebastian Castellio.Readers will discover analysis of the reshaping of specific theological issues, focussing on the reception of ancient philosophical traditions such as Platonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, and scepticism. The authors investigate the relationship between the ethical models inspired by the heroes and philosophers of antiquity and the ‘new philosophy’. Above all, this book enables exploration of the ways in which discussions of the salvation and virtues of pagans intersected with the early modern reception of ancient philosophy, including a reassessment of the question of the moral status of unbelievers in the early modern period.Students and faculty working on early modern intellectual history will find that this book both inspires and enriches their knowledge. Those with an interest in Renaissance humanism, the history of early modern philosophy and science, in theology, or the history of religion will also appreciate the new contributions that it makes.

Inhaling Spirit: Harmonialism, Orientalism, and the Western Roots of Modern Yoga

by Anya P. Foxen

Recent scholarship has shown that modern postural yoga is the outcome of a complex process of transcultural exchange and syncretism. This book doubles down on those claims and digs even deeper, looking to uncover the disparate but entangled roots of modern yoga practice. Anya Foxen shows that some of what we call yoga, especially in North America and Europe, is genealogically only slightly related to pre-modern Indian yoga traditions. Rather, it is equally, if not more so, grounded in Hellenistic theories of the subtle body, Western esotericism and magic, pre-modern European medicine, and late-nineteenth-century women's wellness programs. The book begins by examining concepts arising out of Greek philosophy and religion, including Pythagoreanism, Stoicism, Neo-Platonism, Galenic medicine, theurgy, and other cultural currents that have traditionally been categorized as "Western esotericism," as well as the more recent examples which scholars of American traditions have labeled "metaphysical religion." Marshaling these under the umbrella category of "harmonialism," Foxen argues that they represent a history of practices that were gradually subsumed into the language of yoga. Orientalism and gender become important categories of analysis as this narrative moves into the nineteenth century. Women considerably outnumber men in all studies of yoga except those conducted in India, and modern anglophone yoga exhibits important continuities with women's physical culture, feminist reform, and white women's engagement with Orientalism. Foxen's study allows us to recontextualize the peculiarities of American yoga--its focus on aesthetic representation, its privileging of bodily posture and unsystematic incorporation of breathwork, and above all its overwhelmingly white female demographic. In this context it addresses the ongoing conversation about cultural appropriation within the yoga community.

The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions

by Cara L. Murphy

Know Jesus more deeply by exploring twelve questions He used to bring us closer to Him.There is an incredible truth about the nature of Christ: the Son of God is a curious God who asks. And His questions are life changing. The answer to your need for connection, to your spiritual doubt and restlessness, can be found by examining God's questions.Scripture reveals that Jesus asked over 300 questions to teach, engage, and invite us closer. Now, experience an intimate and transformative conversation with the Son of God by exploring twelve of the most powerful questions from the Gospels. Through Christ's questions, you'll be captivated by the truth of His love and desire to walk in union with you, His Kingdom preparations for you, and the relevance of His promises in your life. Let Jesus ask and He'll ignite your imagination, intellect, heart, and soul.

The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions

by Cara L. Murphy

In this inspiring book, learn to know Jesus more deeply by exploring twelve questions He uses to bring us closer to Him.​There is an incredible truth about the nature of Christ: the Son of God is a curious God who asks. And His questions are life changing. The answer to your need for connection, to your spiritual doubt and restlessness, can be found by examining God's questions.Scripture reveals that Jesus asked over 300 questions to teach, engage, and invite us closer. Now, experience an intimate and transformative conversation with the Son of God by exploring twelve of the most powerful questions from the Gospels. Through Christ's questions, you'll be captivated by the truth of His love and desire to walk in union with you, His Kingdom preparations for you, and the relevance of His promises in your life. Let Jesus ask and He'll ignite your imagination, intellect, heart, and soul.

Inseln der Ökonomie: Zum Inselmythos der klassischen Ökonomik (Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft)

by Lukas Helbich

Der Band bietet eine kritische kulturhistorische Perspektive auf die Entstehung der ökonomischen Theorie. Es wird gezeigt, dass Vorstellungen und Darstellungen von kleinen, natürlichen, abgelegenen Inseln die Wirtschaftswissenschaften von Anbeginn geprägt haben. Die analysierten Inselvorstellungen werden als kulturell konstruierter Mythos im Sinne Roland Barthes’ behandelt. Diese Vorstellungen hatten und haben bedeutende Konsequenzen für Denken und Handeln in Ökonomie und Politik. Das Buch demonstriert dies exemplarisch anhand des Romans Robinson Crusoe und dessen Rezeption durch Rousseau sowie anhand der klassischen Wirtschaftstheorien von Joseph Townsend, Thomas Robert Malthus und Johann Heinrich von Thünen.

Inside The Church of Almighty God: The Most Persecuted Religious Movement in China

by Massimo Introvigne

Branded as "the new Falun Gong" by local authorities, The Church of Almighty God is the most persecuted religious movement in China today. Thousands of police officers are deployed full time to identify and arrest its members. Hundreds of thousands of its devotees are in jail. Authorities claim, perhaps hyperbolically, that it has some four million members and accuse the group of serious crimes. Yet, the movement continues to grow. In this ground-breaking study, Massimo Introvigne offers an inside look at this once-elusive movement, sharing interviews with hundreds of members and the Chinese police officers who hunt them down. The story of The Church of Almighty God is one of rapid growth, dramatic persecution, and the struggle of believers to seek asylum in countries around the world. In his telling of the story, Introvigne reconstructs the Church's idiosyncratic theology, centered in the belief that Jesus Christ has returned in our time in the shape of a Chinese woman, worshipped as Almighty God, to eradicate the sinful nature of humans, and that we have entered the third and final time period in the history of humanity: the Age of Kingdom. A major book from one of the world's leading scholars of new religious movements, Inside The Church of Almighty God is a critical addition to the scholarship of Chinese religion.

Insurgency, Counter-insurgency and Policing in Centre-West Mexico, 1926-1929: Fighting Cristeros

by Mark Lawrence

Waged between 1926 and 1929, The Cristero War (also known as The Cristero Rebellion or La Cristiada) resulted from a religious insurrectionary movement, which formed in protest of the Mexican Revolution's anticlerical constitution of 1917. It was arguably the most violent and divisive episode in Mexican history between the 1910 Revolution itself and the ongoing 'Narco Wars'. Filling in major gaps in our understanding of the conflict, Mark Lawrence explores both combatant and civilian experiences in the centre-west Mexican state of Zacatecas and its borderlands. Lawrence shows that, despite the centrality of this key region, it has received little scholarly attention compared with other states, such as Jalisco or Michoacán, which saw similar levels of conflict.In providing a greater understanding of Zacatecas during The Cristero War, Lawrence not only works to even out a major historiographical bias, but he also sheds greater light on the contours of religious conflict and political dissent in early 20th-century Mexican history. In particular, he illustrates how the dynamics of local politics had fundamentally affected the way that a broader movement was embraced (and rejected) at a sub-national level. As such, he offers all historians, irrespective of geographic or temporal specialization, a reminder not to make sweeping assumptions about the everyday nature of compliance and resistance at the local level.

Integration von religiöser Vielfalt durch Religion?: Der Einfluss und Stellenwert religiöser Orientierungen bei der Wahrnehmung von religiöser Vielfalt und Muslimen (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Nils Friedrichs

Das Buch untersucht die Strukturen hinter den Einstellungen zu religiöser Vielfalt und zu Muslimen in Deutschland und geht der Frage nach, wie Religiosität diese Einstellungen beeinflusst. Es zeigt sich, dass Toleranz als eigenständige Haltung lediglich existiert, wenn es um Religionsvielfalt im Allgemeinen geht, nicht jedoch in Bezug auf Muslime. Religiosität wirkt dabei äußerst ambivalent. Hochreligiöse neigen zur Betonung des Wahrheitsanspruchs ihrer Religion, Atheisten sind tendenziell religionskritisch, weshalb beide Gruppen Muslime und religiöse Vielfalt eher negativ bewerten. Ist die Religiosität nicht dogmatisch, sind andere Faktoren wie z. B. Deprivation, politische Einstellungen oder Intergruppenkontakt wichtiger.

Integrationsthema Offenheit und Toleranz: Einstellungen von Jugendlichen aus Drittländern in soziologischen Zusammenhängen

by Zoltan Peter Ina Wilczewska

Zoltan Peter und Ina Wilczewska untersuchen in ihrer empirischen Studie 1000 Jugendliche quantitativ und qualitativ in Hinblick auf ihre Offenheit und Toleranz. Befragt werden Jugendliche, die in einem Drittstaat geboren wurden und in Österreich leben. 80% der befragten Jugendlichen zeigen sich als proeuropäisch eingestellt, 60 Prozent sind es in besonders starkem Ausmaß. Bei 20-30% besteht hingegen leichter bis stärkerer Nachhol- und Unterstützungsbedarf. Ihnen mangelt es an Offenheit gegenüber liberalen Werten und Grundrechten. Sie neigen beträchtlich zu Vorurteilen, 5% erweisen sich – besonders in Religionsfragen – als sehr intolerant. Im Kern zeigt die Studie, dass der Anteil der jungen eingewanderten Bevölkerung, der demokratiefeindliche Einstellungen erkennen lässt, bei weitem nicht so hoch ist, wie die öffentliche Meinung vermuten lassen würde.

International Empirical Studies on Religion and Socioeconomic Human Rights (Religion and Human Rights #5)

by Hans-Georg Ziebertz

Socioeconomic rights include rights with regard to social security, labour and employment, as well as cultural rights which may be regarded as a shield for the protection of human dignity, especially of specific groups, such as women, children and refugees. The enforceability of socioeconomic rights clearly distinguishes them from other rights. These rights need, perhaps more than others, the support of civil society. Because states have leeway in how resources are distributed, civil society has a major impact on what resources are used to fulfil socio-economic rights. One of the actors in the public arena are religious traditions, respective Churches. Most of them have developed ethical standards for individual conduct and rules for living together in society based on their basic scriptures. All three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are marked by a caring engagement for the poor, the sick, the old and the foreign. From an empirical perspective, the general research question of this volume is how young people understand and evaluate socioeconomic rights and to which degree religious convictions and practices are connected with attitudes towards these human rights. Can religion be identified as a force supporting the human rights regime and which additional concepts strengthen or weaken the consent to these rights? The richness of empirical data contributes to a better understanding how socioeconomic rights are legitimated in the opinion of more than 10.000 respondents in 14 countries.

International Toleration: A Theory (Ethics, Human Rights and Global Political Thought)

by Pietro Maffettone

This book proposes a theory of toleration wherein liberal democracies peacefully co-exist with non-democratic societies. It conceptualises international toleration in a way that is both faithful to the liberal tradition and at the same time explains why we should accept some nonliberal and non-democratic political communities as members in good standing in international society. The volume delves into different theoretical understandings of the idea of toleration and what it has come to mean in today’s highly polarised world. It argues that classifying states as liberal and nonliberal is important but cannot explain how they should relate to one another. Putting forward a new reconstruction of Rawls’s theory of political liberalism, Maffettone makes a compelling case for the claim that the separation between domestic and international political domains can enable a liberal state to have equal respect and recognition for at least some nonliberal ones. A major intervention in political and legal philosophy, this book will be indispensable to students and teachers of political theory, international relations, peace and conflict studies, international law, and human rights. It will also be of interest to government think tanks and civil servants.

International Toleration: A Theory (Ethics, Human Rights and Global Political Thought)

by Pietro Maffettone

This book proposes a theory of toleration wherein liberal democracies peacefully co-exist with non-democratic societies. It conceptualises international toleration in a way that is both faithful to the liberal tradition and at the same time explains why we should accept some nonliberal and non-democratic political communities as members in good standing in international society. The volume delves into different theoretical understandings of the idea of toleration and what it has come to mean in today’s highly polarised world. It argues that classifying states as liberal and nonliberal is important but cannot explain how they should relate to one another. Putting forward a new reconstruction of Rawls’s theory of political liberalism, Maffettone makes a compelling case for the claim that the separation between domestic and international political domains can enable a liberal state to have equal respect and recognition for at least some nonliberal ones. A major intervention in political and legal philosophy, this book will be indispensable to students and teachers of political theory, international relations, peace and conflict studies, international law, and human rights. It will also be of interest to government think tanks and civil servants.

Interrogating Modernity: Debates with Hans Blumenberg (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)

by Agata Bielik-Robson Daniel Whistler

Interrogating Modernity returns to Hans Blumenberg's epochal The Legitimacy of the Modern Age as a springboard to interrogate questions of modernity, secularisation, technology and political legitimacy in the fields of political theology, history of ideas, political theory, art theory, history of philosophy, theology and sociology. That is, the twelve essays in this volume return to Blumenberg's work to think once more about how and why we should value the modern. Written by a group of leading international and interdisciplinary researchers, this series of responses to the question of the modern put Blumenberg into dialogue with other twentieth, and twenty-first century theorists, such as Arendt, Bloch, Derrida, Husserl, Jonas, Latour, Voegelin, Weber and many more. The result is a repositioning of his work at the heart of contemporary attempts to make sense of who we are and how we’ve got here.

Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO (Spiritual Phenomena)

by David J. Halperin

A voyage of exploration to the outer reaches of our inner lives. UFOs are a myth, says David J. Halperin—but myths are real. The power and fascination of the UFO has nothing to do with space travel or life on other planets. It's about us, our longings and terrors, and especially the greatest terror of all: the end of our existence. This is a book about UFOs that goes beyond believing in them or debunking them and to a fresh understanding of what they tell us about ourselves as individuals, as a culture, and as a species. In the 1960s, Halperin was a teenage UFOlogist, convinced that flying saucers were real and that it was his life's mission to solve their mystery. He would become a professor of religious studies, with traditions of heavenly journeys his specialty. With Intimate Alien, he looks back to explore what UFOs once meant to him as a boy growing up in a home haunted by death and what they still mean for millions, believers and deniers alike. From the prehistoric Balkans to the deserts of New Mexico, from the biblical visions of Ezekiel to modern abduction encounters, Intimate Alien traces the hidden story of the UFO. It's a human story from beginning to end, no less mysterious and fantastic for its earthliness. A collective cultural dream, UFOs transport us to the outer limits of that most alien yet intimate frontier, our own inner space.

Intimate Assemblages: The Politics of Queer Identities and Sexualities in Indonesia

by Hendri Yulius Wijaya

Written in the aftermath of Indonesia's anti-queer panic in 2016, this book tells the story of local queer movements in challenging the heteronormative society and resisting the homophobic hostility from religious conservative groups and the state. The year 2016 was a touchstone moment for queer issues in Indonesia, marked by the ubiquity of anti-queer campaigns, along with the pervasive use of the term 'LGBT' in public. Drawing on historical archives and his engagements with local queer activisms, Hendri Yulius Wijaya traces the historical shifts of gender and sexual identities in Indonesia, from gay and lesbian, to LGBT, to SOGIE minorities, while exploring their connections with the country's socio-political circumstances and the globalization of queer rights. Using a strategic blend of queer theory and assemblage framework, Wijaya demonstrates how activists refashion transnational sexuality discourses to balance international developments of queer rights against the contingencies of daily life in Indonesia. Equally importantly, he sheds light on emerging practices in activist landscapes, including the emergence of sexuality experts and the professionalization of activisms. In analyzing the rising tide of homophobic paranoia, Wijaya further shows how the current anti-queer campaigns have branched out into a broader assault on feminism and promoted a form of 'aversion therapy' that positions same-sex attraction as a divine ordeal. Intimate Assemblages follows the travails of queer activists in defining what it means to be queer in contemporary Indonesia.

Introducing Religion: Religious Studies for the Twenty-First Century

by Robert S. Ellwood

Introducing Religion explores different ways of looking at religion in the twenty-first century. Providing a broad overview to the discipline of religious studies, this textbook introduces students to engaging and contemporary topics such as: sociology of religion psychology of religion history of religion religion and art religious ethics popular religion religion and violence Thoroughly updated throughout, this fifth edition includes images, further reading, a detailed glossary, case studies, and key terms for revision. This is the essential textbook for students approaching this subject area for the first time.

Introducing Religion: Religious Studies for the Twenty-First Century

by Robert S. Ellwood

Introducing Religion explores different ways of looking at religion in the twenty-first century. Providing a broad overview to the discipline of religious studies, this textbook introduces students to engaging and contemporary topics such as: sociology of religion psychology of religion history of religion religion and art religious ethics popular religion religion and violence Thoroughly updated throughout, this fifth edition includes images, further reading, a detailed glossary, case studies, and key terms for revision. This is the essential textbook for students approaching this subject area for the first time.

An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Religion: (PDF)

by Brian Davies

"A deep and precise introduction to the philosophy of religion that is also remarkably clear and insightful. The author has a conversation with the student and uses concrete examples to explain often abstract concepts and issues".

Inward Baptism: The Theological Origins of Evangelicalism

by Baird Tipson

Inward Baptism analyses the theological developments that led to the great evangelical revivals of the mid-eighteenth century. Baird Tipson here demonstrates how the rationale for the "new birth," the characteristic and indispensable evangelical experience, developed slowly but inevitably from Luther's critique of late medieval Christianity. Addressing the great indulgence campaigns of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, Luther's perspective on sacramental baptism, as well as the confrontation between Lutheran and Reformed theologians who fastened on to different aspects of Luther's teaching, Tipson sheds light on how these disparate historical moments collectively created space for evangelicalism. This leads to an exploration of the theology of the leaders of the Evangelical awakening in the British Isles, George Whitefield and John Wesley, who insisted that by preaching the immediate revelation of the Holy Spirit during the "new birth," they were recovering an essential element of primitive Christianity that had been forgotten over the centuries. Ultimately, Inward Baptism examines how these shifts in religious thought made possible a commitment to an inward baptism and consequently, the evangelical experience.

Iran, Revolution, and Proxy Wars (Middle East Today)

by Ofira Seliktar Farhad Rezaei

This book analyzes the historical quest of the Islamic Republic of Iran to export its revolution to the Muslim countries in the Middle East and beyond. The authors argue that Iran exported its revolution by using proxies such as Hezbollah, the Iraqi Shite militias, and the Houthis. The study unravels the casual chain behind less-known cases of Iranian sponsorship of al Qaeda (Central) and al Qaida in Iraq. It combines rigorous theory with detailed empirical analysis which can add to the current debate about ways to roll back Iran’s revolutionary export.

Irenaeus and Paul (Pauline and Patristic Scholars in Debate)

by Todd D. Still David E. Wilhite

Building on the work of Tertullian and Paul and The Apostolic Fathers and Paul this volume continues a series of specially commissioned studies by leading voices in New Testament/early Christianity and patristics studies to consider how Paul was read, interpreted and received by the Church Fathers. In this volume the use of Paul's writings is examined within the writings of Irenaeus of Lyon. Issues of influence, reception, theology and history are examined to show how Paul's work influenced the developing theology of the early Church. The literary style of Paul's output is also examined. The contributors to the volume represent leading lights in the study of Irenaeus, as well as respected names from the field of New Testament studies.

The Irish Buddhist: The Forgotten Monk who Faced Down the British Empire

by Brian Bocking Laurence Cox Alicia Turner

The Irish Buddhist is the biography of an extraordinary Irish emigrant, sailor, and migrant worker who became a Buddhist monk and anti-colonial activist in early twentieth-century Asia. Born in Dublin in the 1850s, U Dhammaloka energetically challenged the values and power of the British Empire and scandalized the colonial establishment of the 1900s. He rallied Buddhists across Asia, set up schools, and argued down Christian missionaries--often using western atheist arguments. He was tried for sedition, tracked by police and intelligence services, and died at least twice. His story illuminates the forgotten margins and interstices of imperial power, the complexities of class, ethnicity and religious belonging in colonial Asia, and the fluidity of identity in the high Victorian period. Too often, the story of the pan-Asian Buddhist revival movement and Buddhism's remaking as a world religion has been told 'from above,' highlighting scholarly writers, middle-class reformers and ecclesiastical hierarchies. By turns fraught, hilarious, pioneering, and improbable, Dhammaloka's adventures 'from below' highlight the changing and contested meanings of Buddhism in colonial Asia. Through his story, authors Alicia Turner, Brian Bocking, and Laurence Cox offer a window into the worlds of ethnic minorities and diasporas, transnational networks, poor whites, and social movements. Dhammaloka's dramatic life rewrites the previously accepted story of how Buddhism became a modern global religion.

Islam – Meinungsfreiheit – Internet: Staatsrechtliche Aspekte der Religions-, Meinungs- und Medienfreiheit

by Lothar Häberle

Das Themenspektrum dieses Buches erscheint weit gespannt. Meinungsfreiheit bildet das Scharnier zwischen Islam und Internet, hat mit beiden gemeinsame Konfliktfelder. In diesem Spannungsfeld erläutern Staatsrechtslehrer wie Udo Steiner, Michael Sachs und Klaus F. Gärditz Aspekte der Meinungsfreiheit wie auch der Religions-, Kunst- und Pressefreiheit. Aber gibt es auch Schnittmengen zwischen Islam und Internet? Die geistige, publizistische und politische Auseinandersetzung um den Islam in Deutschland und Europa findet zu guten Teilen im Internet statt. Dabei wirkt das Internet als Konfliktverstärker: Dessen anonyme Nutzung bewirkt mangelnde Zurechenbarkeit und Verantwortlichkeit für Duktus und Inhalt des eigenen Beitrags. Unsichtbar bleibt auch der Kritisierte. So wirkt das Internet enthemmend. Wie Islamgegner oder -feinde das Internet nutzen, so gleichermaßen Islamisten: zu Propaganda, zur Anwerbung von IS-Sympathisanten oder -Kämpfern, zur Vorbereitung von Anschlägen und anderen Straftaten. Spannen beide Seiten das Internet für ihre gegenläufigen Zwecke ein, verstärken sich die Konflikte erheblich. Das Internet-Phänomen „Echokammer“ (Abkapselung Gleichgesinnter) trägt erheblich bei zu wachsender Sprachlosigkeit zwischen verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen. Hate Speech, massive Beleidigungen, Drohungen verschärfen die Gegnerschaft. Zentrifugale Kräfte der Gesellschaft werden verstärkt, nicht nur sichtbarer. In mehreren Beiträgen wird hierbei die Rolle des Internets untersucht, werden Ansatzpunkte möglicher Regulierungen sowie problemgerechte Lösungen aufgezeigt.

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