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The Meaning of Life and Other Lectures on Fundamental Issues: And Other Lectures On Fundamental Issues

by Rudolf Steiner

What is the meaning of life? This most fundamental of all questions has challenged human beings for millennia. Rudolf Steiner addresses the eternal enigma with a refreshing directness, giving profound and enlightening answers. In the other lectures which make up this inspiring collection, Steiner addresses themes related to illness and health, reincarnation, destiny, luck and the trials of modern life. The varied subject matter is united by the fact that all the lectures address practical and fundamental issues connected to modern life. The richness and wisdom of their content provides ample stimulation for any individual earnestly seeking a deeper understanding of life. Originally published separately in various booklets, these seven lectures have now been brought together under one cover.

Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Mission Of Christian Rosenkreutz (The\collected Works Of Rudolf Steiner #211)

by Rudolf Steiner

In addition to the outer manifestation of Christianity as we know it from history, there exists a second, hidden stream of Christian thought and development, sometimes referred to as 'esoteric Christianity' or 'Rosicrucian Christianity'. Displaying an intimate knowledge of his subject, Rudolf Steiner throws light on this once secret, spiritual movement. But rather than relying on historical tradition or teaching, he presents wisdom and insight directly from the original metaphysical sources of esoteric Christianity.In these dynamic lectures, Steiner describes the influence of Christ's power throughout history, the workings of karma, the role of the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, as well as the vital work of Christian Rosenkreutz, Jeshu ben Pandira and other key historical figures.This new edition - indispensable for serious students of esotericism - contains all 23 lectures and addresses of the original German collection. It features previously scattered, classic lectures such as 'The Etherisation of the Blood', 'Faith, Love, Hope' and 'Cosmic Ego and Human Ego'.

Guidance in Esoteric Training: From the Esoteric School

by Rudolf Steiner

Selected from material given by Rudolf Steiner to members of his Esoteric School (1904-14), this volume features exercises, meditations and practices for spiritual self-development. In contrast to oriental methods of spiritual training, they derive from the western, Rosicrucian stream and are fully adapted to modern consciousness.Various exercises are given - for morning and evening, for the days of the week and the months of the year. In addition, there is much explanatory material to deepen and enhance meditative work, including several articles on the path of inner development and the obstacles to be faced on the way to attaining true consciousness of the self.This enlarged edition contains further clarification of the exercises, descriptions of the future evolution of the world and humanity, plus later advice given by Steiner on the nature of breathing exercises and ancient and modern methods of initiation.

Manifestations of Karma

by Rudolf Steiner

Why do people have such differing events and circumstances to deal with in their lives? What are the meanings of diseases, illnesses, accidents and natural disasters? From his clairvoyant spiritual research, Rudolf Steiner speaks of karma, or destiny, as a reality - an actual scientific phenomenon which can and should be understood today. We create our own karma in all areas of existence, says Steiner, laying the foundation in one incarnation for the following one. We cannot seek for a complete pattern or meaning in one earthly life, but must begin to take into account many lives on earth. He indicates that although we may not be aware of particular causes, the knowlege that a resolution of our own self-induced karma is in process can help to bring both an acceptance and a sense of purpose into our present lives./

The Book of Revelation: and the Work of the Priest

by Rudolf Steiner

John's Book of Revelation - the Apocalypse - has been subjected to countless interpretations by theologians over the years, mostly based on theory and speculation. In contrast, Rudolf Steiner spoke from his own direct experience and knowledge of the spiritual truths contained in St John's mysterious pictures.Although he had previously presented his insights into the Book of Revelation a number of times, in 1924 Steiner ventured to give a completely new perspective - in response to a request by priests of The Christian Community - by relating the subject closely to the work of the modern priest. 'These priests felt the need to achieve a closer relationship with the Book of Revelation', he wrote later. 'I believed I would be able to contribute to such a closer relationship. The spiritual paths I follow had enabled me to trace the apocalyptist's footsteps. So I felt that with this course of lectures I would be able to achieve a depiction that would convey this priestly book in its true sense as a spiritual guide for the priest.'

Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Anthroposophy as a Path of Knowledge - The Michael Mystery

by Rudolf Steiner

'Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in the human being to the Spiritual in the universe.' (From the first 'Leading Thought'.) This key volume contains Rudolf Steiner's so-called 'Leading thoughts' and 'Letters' written for members of the Anthroposophical Society. In brief paragraphs, they succinctly present Rudolf Steiner's science of the spirit, Anthroposophy, as a modern path of knowledge. Invaluable as clear summaries of Rudolf Steiner's fundamental lines of thought, they are intended not as doctrine, but as a stimulus and focus for study and discussion. Their intention, as Rudolf Steiner states, is to contribute to a 'unity and organic wholeness of the work of the Society without there being any question of constraint'

The Temple Legend: Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements from the Contents of the Esoteric School

by Rudolf Steiner

In these unique lectures, given to members of his Esoteric School (1904-14), Rudolf Steiner's main intention is to throw light on the hidden content of the picture-language of myths, sagas and legends. Pictures, he explains, are the real origin of all things - the primeval spiritual causes. In order to work in a healthy way with pictures or symbols today, however, it is necessary that one should first become acquainted with their esoteric content - to understand them. At the time of these lectures Steiner was planning to inaugurate the second section of the Esoteric School, which was to deal in a direct way with a renewal - out of his own spiritual research - of ritual and symbolism. He gave these lectures as a necessary preparation, to clarify the history and nature of the cultic tradition. He thus discusses principally Freemasonry and its background, but also the Rosicrucians, Manichaeism, the Druids, the Prometheus Saga, the Lost Temple, Cain and Abel - and much else besides.

Christian Rosenkreutz: The Mystery, Teaching and Mission of a Master (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

The Mystery of Christian Rosenkreutz; The Working of Christian Rosenkreutz Today and in the Past; Christian Rosenkreutz as the Guardian of Modern Knowledge; From Ancient to Modern in Rosicrucian Teachings; Christian Rosenkreutz at the "Chymical Wedding"; The Cosmic Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz; The Question of "Rosicrucian" Literature.

How Do I Find the Christ?

by Rudolf Steiner

"Once one has passed through powerlessness and refinds oneself, one also finds Christ. Before we can gain access to the Christ Impulse we must plumb the depths of our own feelings of insignificance, and this can only happen when we view our strengths and capacities without any pride."How does one find the Christ today? Rudolf Steiner emphasizes the importance of striving for self-knowledge, the significance of experiencing powerlessness, and the eventual resurrection from powerlessness. In this important lecture he also speaks about the ancient Academy of Gondishapur, the significance of the year 666, the mission of Islam, as well as the crucial consequences of the Ecumenical Council of 869.

The Druids: Esoteric Wisdom of the Ancient Celtic Priests (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

The Sun Initiation of the Druid Priests and their Moon Science; The Mysteries of Ancient Ireland; Celtic Christianity - the Heritage of the Druids; Teachings of the Mysteries - the Spirit in Nature; The Great Mysteries - the Mystery of Christ; The Function of the Standing Stones; Spiritual Imaginations.

The Foundation Stone Meditation: For The Days Of The Week

by Rudolf Steiner

The Foundation Stone Meditation holds a central place in the inner life of many students of Rudolf Steiner's work. First presented during the refounding of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, it is a powerful and penetrating meditative text which many consider to be a key to the spiritual mysteries of our time. This version features three alternative translations (by George Adams, Pauline Wehrle and Richard Seddon), together with the original German verses and an introduction by Michael Wilson.

The Goddess: From Nature to the Divine Sophia (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

Rediscovering the Goddess Natura; Retracing our Steps - Mediaeval Thought and the School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginning - the Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianity - the Virgin Sophia; the Search for the New Isis; The Renewal of the Mysteries; The Modern Isis, the Divine Sophia.

The Holy Grail: The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

From the Mysteries to Christianity; Death and Resurrection in Ancient Egypt - the Miracle of Initiation; The Mystery of Golgotha; The Mystery of the Higher Ego - the Holy Grail; The Grail and the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity; The Gnostic Crisis and the Loss of the Mysteries; Stages of Evolution - Archaic Clairvoyance; The Role of the Mysteries; The Secret of Evolution - the Holy Grail.

St John's: An Introductory Reader

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts.Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life.Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on the festival of St John's. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes.Chapters: Midsummer Dream, the Earth Breathes Out; Finding the Greater Self; 'He Must Increase, I Must Decrease'; Creating Vision.

Agriculture: An Introductory Reader (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations that are founded directly on his principles.

Alchemy: The Evolution of the Mysteries (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Rudolf Steiner

Alchemy and the Rise of the Modern Mysteries; The Loss of the Divine and the Alchemical Quest; Mysteries of the Metals; The Standpoint of Human Wisdom Today; Alchemy and Consciousness - the Transformation; Alchemy and Archangels; The Alchemy of Nature - Mercury, Sulphur, Salt; Beyond Nature Consciousness - the Spiritual Goal.

The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Body

by Rudolf Steiner

A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved. In this popular lecture Rudolf Steiner reveals that the angels - the spirits closest to human beings - are seeking to create images in human astral bodies. These images are given with the intention of bringing about 'definite conditions in the social life of the future' related to brotherhood, religious freedom, and conscious spirituality. Other spiritual beings, however, are working against the angels. If, as a consequence of their disruption, humanity sleeps though the angels' spiritual revelation, the consequences will be dire, and aberrations connected to sexuality, the misuse of medicine, and the misapplication of mechanical forces will begin to manifest.

Christmas: An Introductory Reader (The\collected Works Of Rudolf Steiner #156)

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Christmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Christmas in a Grevious Age; Christmas and the Earth; Delving to the Core; The Child and the Tree; Towards a New Christmas.

Religion: An Introductory Reader (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom Ser. #No. 284)

by Rudolf Steiner

Mysticism and beyond: the importance of prayer; The meaning of sin and grace; Rediscovering the Bible; What is true communion?; Rediscovering the festivals and the life of the earth; Finding one's destiny: walking with Christ; The significance of religion in life and death; Christ's second coming: the truth for our time; Universal religion: the meaning of love.

Easter: An Introductory Reader (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom Ser.)

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts.Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life.Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Easter. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Can we Celebrate Easter?; The Earth and the Cosmos; Rising Sun: Nature and Resurrection; Golgotha, the Central Deed of Evolution; Easter, a Festival for the Future.

Education: An Introductory Reader (Foundations Of Waldorf Education Ser. #Vol. 12)

by Rudolf Steiner

A social basis for education; The spirit of the Waldorf school; Educational methods based on anthroposophy; The child at play; Teaching from a foundation of spiritual insight and education in the light of spiritual science; The adolescent after the fourteenth year; Science, art, religion and morality; The spiritual grounds of education; The role of caring in education; The roots of education and the kingdom of childhood; Address at a parents' evening; Education in the wider social context.

Michaelmas: An Introductory Reader

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Michaelmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Sinking Earth, Rising Spirit; Michael and the Dragon; Michael, Spirit of Our Age; Towards a Michael Festival.

Science: An Introductory Reader (Chadwick Library Edition Ser.)

by Rudolf Steiner

From pre-science to science; The origin of mathematics; The roots of physics and chemistry, and the urge to experiment; Are there limits to what science can know?; Understanding organisms: Goethe's method; The quest for archetypal phenomena; Light, darkness and colour; The rediscovery of the elements; What is warmth?; The scale of nature; The working of the ethers in the physical; Sub-nature; What are atoms?; Natural science and spiritual science.

Whitsun and Ascension: An Introductory Reader (Pocket Library Of Spiritual Wisdom Ser.)

by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on the festivals of Whitsun and Ascension. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Rising to the Clouds, Tethered to Earth; Suffering's Open Door; All One to Alone to One in All; Human Freedom and the Word.

Nature Spirits: Spirit, Nature And Our Bodies, 11 Lectures, Aug. 28, 1923-aug. 29, 1924 (cw 319) (The\collected Works Of Rudolf Steiner #319)

by Rudolf Steiner

Based on knowledge attained through his highly-trained clairvoyance, Rudolf Steiner contends that folk traditions regarding nature spirits are based on spiritual reality. He describes how people possessed a natural spiritual vision in ancient times, enabling them to commune with nature spirits. These entities - which are also referred to as elemental beings - became immortalised as fairies and gnomes in myth, legend and children's stories. Today, says Steiner, the instinctive understanding that humanity once had for these elemental beings should be transformed into clear scientific knowledge. He even asserts that humanity will not be able to reconnect with the spiritual world if it cannot develop a new relationship to the elementals. The nature spirits themselves want to be of great assistance to us, acting as 'emissaries of higher divine spiritual beings'.

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