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Showing 40,401 through 40,406 of 40,406 results

World Religions for Healthcare Professionals

This third edition of a popular text introduces healthcare students and professionals to a wide range of health beliefs and practices in world religions. Chapters on various religions are written to offer an insider’s view on the religion’s historical development, key beliefs and practices, including ideas of health, sickness, death, and dying. The chapters include case studies, advice on what to do and what to avoid when caring for patients. Introductory chapters invite the reader to consider the broad context of patient care in pluralistic society and explore one’s personal orientation to others from different religions. How we care for patients from different backgrounds and cultures insists on professional boundaries that the reader may have not yet examined. A new chapter explores the relationship between religion and public health in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, asking the reader to consider what morally appropriate balance is required if and when personal faith conflict with public health needs. Undoubtedly, the sensitivity with which clinicians communicate with patients and make decisions regarding appropriate medical intervention can be greatly increased by an understanding of religious and cultural diversity. This is a core textbook for students studying healthcare, religion and culture, and an invaluable reference for healthcare professionals.

World Soul: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts)

Many philosophers and scientists over the course of history have held that the world is alive. It has a soul, which governs it and binds it together. This suggestion, once so wide-spread, may strike many of us today as strange and antiquated--in fact, there are few other concepts that, on their face, so capture the sheer distance between us and our philosophical inheritance. But the idea of a world soul has held so strong a grip upon philosophers' imaginations for over 2,000 years, that it continues to underpin and even structure how we conceive of time and space. The concept of the world soul is difficult to understand in large part because over the course of history it has been invoked to very different ends and within the frameworks of very different ontologies and philosophical systems, with varying concepts of the world soul emerging as a result. This volume brings together eleven chapters by leading philosophers in their respective fields that collectively explore the various ways in which this concept has been understood and employed, covering the following philosophical areas: Platonism, Stoicism, Medieval, Indian or Vedântic, Kabbalah, Renaissance, Early Modern, German Romanticism, German Idealism, American Transcendentalism, and contemporary quantum mechanics and panpsychism theories. In addition, short reflections illuminate the impact the concept of the world soul has had on a small selection of areas outside of philosophy, such as harmony, the biological concept of spontaneous generation, Henry Purcell, psychoanalysis, and Gaia theories.

The World's Greatest Religious Leaders [2 volumes]: How Religious Figures Helped Shape World History [2 volumes]

This book provides reliable information about important world religious leaders, correcting the misinformation that can be on the internet.Religious leaders have shaped the course of history and deeply affected the lives of many individuals. This book offers alphabetically arranged profiles of roughly 160 religious leaders from around the world and across time, carefully chosen for their impact and importance and to maximize inclusiveness of faiths from around the world. Scholars from around the world, each one an expert in his or her field and all holding advanced degrees, came together to create an essential resource for students and for those with an interest in religion and its history. Every entry has been carefully edited in a two-stage review process, guaranteeing accuracy and readability throughout the work. Not strictly a biographical reference that recounts the facts of religious figures' lives, the book helps users understand how the selected figures changed history. The entries are accompanied by excerpts of primary source documents and suggestions for further reading, while the book closes with a bibliography of essential print and electronic resources for further research.

The Year 1000: Religious and Social Response to the Turning of the First Millennium

This collection of new essays examines the long-standing question of apocalyptic expectations around the turn of the first millennium. Including works by scholars of medieval history, literature, and religion, this book argues that apocalyptic expectations did exist around the year 1000. It provides a more balanced and nuanced approach to the issue than the traditional views that either identify a time of fear, the 'terrors of the year 1000', or deny that awareness of the millennium existed. This book, instead, recognizes that there were a variety of responses to the eschatological years 1000 and 1033 and that these responses contributed to the broader social and religious developments associated with the birth of European civilization.

"Zeiten des Aufbruchs" - Populäre Musik als Medium gesellschaftlichen Wandels (Auditive Vergesellschaftungen Hörsinn - Audiotechnik - Musikerleben)

Dieser Band fragt nach dem Beitrag der populären Musik zu den gesellschaftlichen Transformationen der 1960er bis 1980er Jahre und verbindet kultursoziologische, musik- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Welchen neuartigen Erlebensweisen, welchen sozialen Akteursgruppen verschafft Musik Geltung? Viele zeitgenössische Akteure, aber auch akademische Arbeiten deuten das Auftreten neuer Musikstile (Beat, Rock, Punk etc.) auf der Bühne der Geschichte als Bestandteil eines befürworteten gesellschaftlichen „Aufbruchs“ (jeweils neuer Generationskohorten). Der Band beobachtet diese Metapher des Aufbruchs indes als eine feldtypische Deutung, anhand derer das Zusammenwirken von Musik und gesellschaftlichen Transformationen bereits kenntlich wird.

Zyklos 5: Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie (Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie)

Das Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie trägt dem Umstand Rechnung, dass die Soziologie eine Wissenschaft ist, die es mit einem sich historisch wandelnden Gegenstand zu tun hat, also eine Wissenschaft ist, die sich stets von Neuem selbst reflektieren muss, und widmet sich der engen Verbindung von soziologischer Theorie- und Disziplingeschichte sowie allgemein der Reflexionsgeschichte der Gesellschaft und ihren verschiedenen Selbstbeschreibungen. Neben Aufsätzen zur Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie enthalten die einzelnen Bände dieses Jahrbuches auch Nachrichten aus der soziologiegeschichtlichen Forschung, Inedita aus den verschiedenen einschlägigen Archiven, Interviews mit Zeitzeugen sowie Besprechungen einschlägiger Buchpublikationen zu diesem Thema. Der Inhalt Editorial • Aufsätze • Diskussion • Nachrichten aus der soziologiegeschichtlichen Forschung • Editionsprojekte • Unveröffentlichtes aus den Archiven • Rezensionen • Anhang Die Zielgruppe SoziologInnen Die Herausgeber Dr. Martin Endreß ist Professor für Allgemeine Soziologie an der Universität Trier. Dr. Stephan Moebius ist Professor für Soziologische Theorie und Ideengeschichte an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.

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